Vaxivf democrat. Agents WASTEDonSaJarYan'l Commission or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED , Bioe of JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, hit literary executor, with the co-op-ration of his family, and for Mr, blame's Complete Work, "Twhmti Yeah, or Congress," aod hi later book, 4,Folitiial DiiiccjwiOMfl." Ooe prospectus for these 3 but skixino books io the mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from tint HOcalU; ageot's profit $195 50 Mr Ballard cfO. took 15 orders. 13 Seal KuiKia, io 1 day; profit 26.25. E N Rice of Mill, took 27 orders in 2 davt; pro tit $47.1? . J I'atrid'e of Me. took '43 orders from call; profit $75.25. E A Pa'mer of N. Dak. tool 53 oiders in 3daya; prolit J'Jb.25. Eh li 'Ve Tei.kitoby K.ven. If you with to make LAKoE MOV V write immediattly for terms to lieHcnr' Dill Pub. Co.,.or,vicIi.Coim Are You I iyonrtTrinot!iipt, low fpiiiti'illmi.v.i-loiiilv.orhili-mi J smlVrinx Pcili,rv!'.' li'i.n't ail! from the ex-1 Your KIDNEYS mo cr.-ses oilboinsr riiini'ii. Use youth? If so, I Sulphur Hitters. hulphur lilt- One botllu of Suitor.-, will cure ;inur litters will do yo't- I you more good than all tin) Latin pri's crtptium of tlrut,'4anl mineral poi bom which v ill riMnain in your sys-t'.-in, destroy your bones, aiui i. .'l:o you a poor, w.-ak, and broLrii dow n Inviiliil. No jier.nn can remain long ftif.-k who uses Sulphur Hitters. If YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE is rovor'-il with ui.'lv sores, and fest- crlns l'imples, uivi! lier Mulphitr Hitter. J.ildies ill liolii-.HO Jl.-alth. wiio are alt run down, should n.. IV C..I. .... ', .. r- ouiMiiu- julcis. Iiouo Oeller. Trv Sululiur Hil-Btw tors to-n icht.E Are You and vou will tilei'uB nervous and well and fee! better si fretty. or in J) for it. I DELICATE n-upnur jiittcrsn Health Y fMU W'ill makeyourblooil !i nliur Hitler I l.iin- i i h an.l f t rout-d will Tnnt-.. nnii your ll.-sli liard. Inctr jwrsou Got a bottle now. K of you. i-on-i ,s -.mi-iu stumps io A. I . tinfwnve: i n llosiou. Maas.,turtiVbtiiuKhuU workiiublialicd WEAK MEN Mane fto oy too close aiillcuttuu to buslnuat so Tore mental Mraln, Srxual Kxcewet la mbl Olo life, or vicious hubtts contracted tn youth. BAdXV an)vl.ilm-.tOl-vona lit-hill I y or Y.xhuuatlnit, Wn.Uinr IVci.k coa, Jnvola-,ti-y !,( wilU jKurly lie. cay tn Young- and Middle Aged, luck of vittor ana utrorxth, with aoximl otkiuis Imputrod and won kf nod itn'matimil In npiiruodhliiR old auo. WHEN iVK UATt CCUK wo Bjrenk from knnwlodiio of results (n motif thouMind caaea treated il nd ciin-d In t!io pnat nftOvo y"iirf. OurmiMlKNluf Introdnclim l'toi'. liABItlS ROl.Ull.Li; Mi:ilU ATi:il PAS I 1 1. 1. R trout men t la onu which comnicnda Htwlt to ull acimkblo personn tor tdo reoM.n Uint wo supply it. utHin their JudKDK'iiior Its value. Nothing ia thu War ! ejjiern'O beyond a postit Cnrd and a two Cent ptiMaKOnLimp iNn-Mtcd. 'I'ho piAtal ird Tor une In rcudtimuMhi-tr full nddrt'!wu".u Uio fnx-M-nttcMnnipfitrtbo l.'tter returning lio atatCDftit ot thoircase for which wonupplr thom wiih quM linn blank, to bo tilled ot.t,nnl a aL-f-allnuMd cnTPlpe Xor uwi In rvtnmhiK It when tUlitL "T7I v i A W'n wo rocplro the MatenKnt Si Vkywn blank wo pro pare ciitbt day t diivt. TP I AIL treflll"'nnn' forward itL.Tiiinlt pn-parliiK postntto. Alonit with trc.itfi")ntwoioird full dirurtlotu fur UHlnn. Thi trnatai;nt cant8 tin pain or IncnnvOQluuce aud duMN not prevent attoniloii to biiMlnraa. ve luavu thomattorol mmkIIiik ordononllrolr With tluiao usitiH tlio frootrUU trfMiuoiit. Hav tn aatlsMod tluMio iomllnc for trial pnrkiiKfe of our abtiitr to boni'ilt Miom wo fool that th f aro ruoro larttcir Intowntod than our-dves In continuing thu uxor.f (ho l'luMUh-n. Wo niako thopri' t'ins itT.-nNporiihlo.nua the -lame to nil. I'lity ore na f-.llnws; f;r.(w for ono mouUit fU) lurtwo luontht; 9;.ii0 for three months. Wo a 4k nil Mnuiiti m-odlnu trenUumt to iwnd thelrmldrt'Mion txHtnior by lotto r. iMIcommu lilcafl tTiflfTinnlM(lnl nndnhould needdrpwd tn TMB. HARRIS REMEDVCOM Mfff .Chmlet m RKKKMAW RTKFTT. KF.W TOrnt. am7Tr..ii.vjTm.uii itJinia i-h.t.?. EXECulHRS NOTICE NOIICK IS IIKUKUY (ilVKN th.t the unitirj( n. tl (Xtrcntnr ..f lh laM will and tentaincn: Kinnl Sh .)'. 'h wwtl. has (ltd with t 1m- . i it t-f 'In1 i 'ttt-nM I'of.r. f r I.ttttl uitt , l . ;;.n , hi' lio I .1 i. U'it, and thf i-onit In riii-. IS.' I i.t I., ur inu oltjfoMo'K r V f, p in, foi he if it .tnv, tn ,1 a.x pttlu Maul u t i Thin J.ltin n I i. lSt J m:ll Knvtitor J K W i:nn nv.iKit Atit nt y !..r V.x . AVliolnts r,-t ,ui1iiim1 this misery I'lmsol I'V 1'ile m tlio fttuiuai'L wli'ua i'ti inactive r sluirL;i.-iU liver failvtl t van v nil. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS iiitii( or powtlor, whiilt gives quick nvtiim t't tlio livor and rarriiv olVtlio lilo ly n miM movr nu'iit cf tlio l uwol.s It is no jur pitive (r r.'1'ii'int, mrdii-ino, lut o;rc!y Vf;;o(al'.'. Many jvojo t.!:o I'ilU mi iv taUo inr.noua ,.1T l!i 'lll.i!.-. '1 lull e I .''!! ail -tieito Pili.unii, . f,if t.r. liint .'tit. r I'.iiit' tmei:-. re!!U"II'S lix 1 1 1 Mil I. .v i,. t, ,. u,. f.t. I n. i l.i Lii;1ier. w li,,-h ii v. r failed t nii. ve In.'. I ml ;ik lint .it Il . l-iit in t; . J. M. i ii. : ::k p.u k vi.k- fla our t:iTnp In red on nriinnr. SHERIFF'S SALE. in the Circuit Court 0 tte State oj Oregon or in Lonnty oj Linn, D M Osborn & Co, v S P Carger and and Sarah E Barker hi wife. Plaintiff Defendant 4 rvniir? is nerfov vr i ven inii nv vinue a an execution and order of sale July Uaued out ot the above named court In the above entitled u!t to me directed and de livered, I will on baturday the 7th day ot April, 1S94, at the front door of the court house in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of saia nay ten at puDiic auction tor cam in hand to the highest bidder, the real prop erty defer. bed In said execution and order of ale to-wlt; Beginning at the north west corner of H L Brown's donation land claim notification number 2028 in tp 14. aouwi Kanye 3, wen ot the Willam ette meridian, in Linn County, Oregon tnence east 35 cnains, thence south 9 chains, thence north 50" w!tt 7 chains, thenct outh S9, west 16 50 chains, thence north (A west zo chains to the place ot beginning, exctit 1 acr on the east side ot the tract, deeded to w K Kirk .No vember 6:h. ib$f, recorded In volume 30 on page 292 of th; records of deeds for Sdii Linn t'onnty. The proceeds arising from said rale to be app ted first to the payment of the costs ot and wjon said exe cution and tiie original costs of said suit taxed at $23 8 . Second, to tr payment to the plaintiff 1) M Osborn & Co, the um of 3iS8.bG with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 23d day of October, ib93, and the fur ther sum of $2? 00 attorneys fees and the overplus if any to be paid to the said ueier.oatu r uarger. Dated this 7th day of M-trch, 1S94. C C Jackson. Sheriff of Linn Couuty Oregon Gladstone has , A clear Head i WHY? Because he follows these rules: ' Keep tpe head cool, tht feet rrarm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same tiling. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Bile Beans. Their cction is so mild that you are not aware of it. AM day your mind will be clear and cool. "N'otagripeica barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S ' Bile Beans!! MUM COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 1892 Irat Term wpenel September 9tfc -A f 1 eorpa of Inatrucuiri.-- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAL COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. V urmn 01 "tudy r.rnn-i? u n----a1.! gruden of ntudeutn v(ii tuattcemettts cftrd to tud- trim abroad. w try. KLRKKT N CON n IT .Illt.S'r NTU.AI. lltNK, or ALBANY, OKKUtlN rotl.lent ...... rice ireetdent . LFI.INN S, E, YOUNG .E. W. LANUUO.N TRANS ACTS A OKNKRALbanlln(( acCODNTS KKI'I' ublevt to clieck. S1UMT KXt'HANUK and tl rphlc transt r(old New York, 8ti r'rauciico, ChtcatfO and Ptitlaod CO LECTION if ilAOEoa rauraM arms. DiascToaa. i. E. Tooaa K, .Laaaaoa L B BbAiM, L. Kmxr Kawaao P . Sox. " -TV Vf -- ' is essential to Good I Digetior;- in pastry 3011 cannot have T ciilierwithoiitBpootlsliort- i cninj. Lnrtl has always had c very ol)jection.ible feature, t causing indigestion and y. many other dietetic tron- i blcA. Science lias come to ? the assistance of the cook, I And of wenk stoninchs.with h the ncwtuiortcmu'ft 1 Cottolcpe It is composed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many rcpect as good aa the finest imported olive cil. Physicians endorse it, cooking experts recom mend it, ami thousand rtrc now using it in prefer ence to anv Mhor shnrtcn iug. Refuse nllsubstilutcs. iVnrt th-ce conti li fmp p K. lairlwuk .t r.v. rlik.w . f..r hand- f ni.r.itto.'!io4"ik lU.k. o'litrtl'i- t-ii U liiimlnsl rt'i-. inml ly C liui"t nit, unit iii:itntit-tioH king. l oilokuc U sold ty all svvxr. ( ontv br N. K. FAIRBANK & C0n ? ST. LOUIS and i. CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON.' -.O.W-.S.'s-r-.V-.N , Oregon Pacific Railioi rat CLAKK, Beeelver. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. C.MiiwInjf with tamr Homer be I w mo Yi qnina aud Sn t-nrtvueo. mou ks ru.i-iiCO Hornet sai!s Peby tOtt, M .reh i, 1 12, aod Slst, moil taq irt. Hortcr salts Tih tbth, Mirch 7, 17t and 27 lh. The Company 'vtmtv th ngn fr For froiirhta l ptnr r'tes app'y o any agent Cair'eiJ l".ilrv. 8-n k . No? tod Mark it S i) Fratialaco Calif CU CI irk reaciver, Corrallli 0-,von. PICTCPM SUIT LAKE. KANSAS CITY ST.L I DkYd TO f)2 CHICAGO HOURS HTO" UnilRQ QUICKER TO OMAHA MUUrG 7UDKA.NSAS CITY- PIMIMa'JAun TniltJIlT ciccncni: 1 cdcc .-icni 1 .11 .in n-iaiti nan' rncc t:uli.ii iu innin utna, DINING CARS. S II II Clark, Oliver V Mi.ik, E Eller Anderiion, Kecttvers. For and general Inloi niattun cai on oraddresa Curran .& Montelth;Albane, Oreyon. or W II It U R .BUR T, Aaal.Geo-l. Pass. Agt, 254 Washington St., Portland, Oiirgon Those. I Pimples! Irtithl Aiw f10'""" & i'- ( mwnl all foreign and impure matter, ckansei me f lood thoroughly, and gin a c.'ar ond rest complexion. It u wosl ejj'cct !, ana entirely harmless. Chjs. Ujatpn. 73 Laurel Street, Phila., says: I liavehad lor years a humor in my blood which made me dread to shave, as smallbotbor Eimples would bo cut, thus causing shaving to lagreat annoyance. After takinutlirecliottk-j lf JIJI Iace ' all clear and smooth as iMf-leV! It should be appetite spl ndid. 7 ' ', ,,,MP well and fef I liko running a foot race all for the use of S. S. b. Trea".!S.oni,0' and dlsauei mailed free, i SWltT Sl-EClFiC CO., Atlanta; OaT ! ALU ANY COL1.ERK. Send for Catalogue A.l.ln-M, RKV. k. ::. condit, Alluny. Oregoo T..irre TDinrii. itAvtHio.irmuLMWKs COPYRIGHTS. rtjinnTiij a rtTFNTf rnrs i! .' ''"" have Mil mam nnv Tears' Jtpen.'n.'e In the imtont tanwi. is..ra mnTr. tl...rl, tl.enntl.1enttfl. A llnndbook!. nt ciincnmin I'ntrnt. an, how to ot. lln I hem sent free. A!.o a c.val.luioi awsa k-al and scientific h. t;f rn-e ratents taken throtich ,'Iniin mh. fC.""' nI"ln th cl,,H AmerriS?and Itina are hrtaifht wi,l,T oolcm the rnibhe wrfK mil cut to the Invent. VpVnJi.l le.rml w.l,. elltl, ,linf!r.,oft hi hi (TO. larvesl j.rcul.ti,.n cf n ac.entinc wrS In IB '!ltM.!.r:'"' ati.rV cpios sent rrtl? rxS".'.'."? ii;''V''nth!f. Tear. Sintst tifnl plates. In color, sn.i i.tint.vrai.b. of n--h-iilw?. with plan, em; Iini: Vu!t.Vri V .hliv -t 'V;:' i'2""1 r-o-ntra-ta. A ittea atvNN A lv;, Alw loi.a, a til Buo.uwa rt.,ti ... ,-V, ei IsOltir. A w J-T7.JJ- , .1. ... . ,i . lec-tiuc ainnnvui3 mm ymiT UIOOU A is nol right Jullof impnrttia, canting J r5 A CHAM- w ij r. tt tj - ,. u.. Will prKtlu. lo ll orti .1 tke St) &. OfKlCE-l. th. mm. block u BIII.VE t "kVmii. 00 .11 po'nu. LMns Q,oll.ll on nblaurm. AHnr, 0r.jon riEO, w, WRIOHT, 4lr..r at Uw. uid SoUrr Pub.10. Will pri,l .11 It., ciuru .1 Ihti .Ut. Sp."l "' 1 J"" t?.S raUM.iontMil matter, ia prbta Omr.-e drier toPostofflce. Albany. Oxu. p. a r. 11. il w livcarfi'it v f 1 r i . ti 1-ml miticri will ivcatvM prorop rttentl jo. ton n oh Fellow' Twniplo, Albany, O .1. J- WII1TXEY, Attorney at Law, Albanr. Or. ONTASIVE A H.UKLEH.N, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. IlittBtKLtltt, M. I Homwpatliist. rffSpeclJlit In dlsiaaos at the Eye. Office hour 7 to 9 rat t to 8 m, sod 7 to 8 nt . A t Oregon. J. I.. II I LI., Phyddan.ndSunreon. OFKICE Corner Fer7 atreta, Albany, Oregon. D us. nmov t i7i. PhyiicUni an Sur-ejiit. OFFICE C'irnor ecnd aim Broi-Ulbm screu, Albany, Or, Cull proit.y vwiiuw 1 vibv iuu cunrj'i J W. f'lT-ilC'K ,v t'O..B4WHF.KS OF ALBANY, OHRQON, TRANSACT, seneral Binlcln; ustniaa. PRAWS1011T DRAtTi on New York, San Ft n ecoand Portland, Ore?n. LOAN MONEY on approvod aocurlty . RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS nude on fevorable terms. INTEREST Dald on time deposit! HANK OF sil'IO, OIO, OKKQON. ..... J Hl'M ...A J Jon EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA . THE SHASTA ROUTE OK Tilt Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains leave Portland Daily South C:b-. i. Lt noa jri.T 1, isf-i, P.mlsnd-" Albany Sau Francisco Scrth Arl 8:1 a Lv 4:13 a m Lv 7,00r u 10: r h Lv 1U:5 u Ar 'eivatrtlns stipa, all statloia from ndti lbtn v itn'liiilvB, alao Tan ltmi I.Hnlany.Hitrrisbnrd, Junction lrvliiR, KiiRan Rnd all atations oi9btngto Asulnn l inolustvo R0fli(Bl'R MAIL, DULT 8:30 M 1 Lr 1:45fli I Lv :5Urta Ar Portland AlSiny Kostibur? Ar' 4-30 r Lv 1 12;S a ;iir 7XC :10A if I Hay Lebanon Albany Lebanon 0:00 a a I ill PULLMAr BUFFFT SIEEPERS. AND Dinine Cars on Ogden Route. SEC0ND-CU3S SlEtPNS CARS Attattaetl to all Thenugb Tralna tTear l.le nivlslnii. 8CTTI KF.SI rottl LAMI Ull (ORValLI Uail rsatNDaitl ( Except Sunaay. 7:' a I U:IS r Porr'ad C-jrrallia t;1 r l ov n ai rasas raits siLTrExe3pt Sunday. tttnra 7:r Lt Ar Portland Mcilinnrll :25 a I.Hia Lv TtroiiR-b. Ticketis to all point In th. F.stern ttte. ranvla and Enropecan be ob'sinel at o.eit ratea from C V Frank, Arent Albany. . KOIIILKR K t. (tOOER Manarer ttt'tO T. nj I'ort 1.4 Orevon. ti: T.nttt CiUlcr t Tt(uU aad riewtnt. Cn.:r.:ni:5iairrx10 l-C lnrhr.wl:h dtrrip. lioni that i.rihf. aot tnNlradt IIIantratleB that tatrgrl, not aarirratf, l'. r-TT t cbfrv.i.nt In '.rn:nnl"I 1 Vn.'.lnft rf w ;r r i rint Jr. cr n nnd : iir. ,tU n cm atk- w : :!. -a d.-n-i of I -i -i t . y rf .iTt-:-,n i..- .lj-' ! r-'iit : "tr l. a-'; n v:i:r a : i ' 1 .:' H.ei'M vnt t. . 1 i, :r.i - in-. pi---t ;ir: : 1 ( r:n y i HCHZfT GOOrs .'i KtAfrr-i. iun.-tr,v. I nt .1 .er.vt. JAMES VICK'S SONS. 7EThEFOBD erTSNBV.-" PA-RONIZEi HOM m FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO! AlbD7 dKAO, PmldtHt. i It COWAN, Trmaurar. I Cowan, tio P Simpson, V P Ra.l J E Weatburlord. U J -ALSO DISTRICT several Solid Eastern HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED , to find A rritE roc & RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &e. ySSSiVtM SS'C'. '..If"" 5SSt;sVW7' aH -rV$ MVfe lioi.i'. Drain. I ! Illiuilinoil, I WA. UR. tit;, lit It O ttUulililJ ULM i-3VVi. niKrvH.-tis, I "twi'V, ''Crl--- iT.'. w It "h r.-quirrs but a trtut tocniifliics f MSK- .ai-'H't, ,v,.i'.!,"; -V ti'y.a.'J th'nio?tbl;pp'io,l.lnlin'ritiri'tifif. JTfT 1aev st- 7U' ?lnK"!t;u:ii:H dtttinfrt, which are re. A Onr 200 r7f boob "TLIlEfl Ci'iAi; tfiiddle-asrtl rnr old runn, mi t wul''. 1" . a? wo havu runtriri-d thin.nii''ii t ri'vinf. ii i;t. . r. Shown by hundrcils i-'i i-Hietl:"'-ii;l""'f' " 'Ii Ot whura we bttvuBtruu leittrs Lufurintr ii ;l: WE HAVE CfJfriS.'J ' CENERAL pv:B:L!;rv llfa betlBl-tbia I Iihtb f.trte.. n7tar. 1 li.Wotl.n bm, Truly yunn, li. A. BOv:i'.N 'iffliiridlSiTuiitSt.' RHEUMATISM AND LAMENtriS CUWED. Dr. A. T. Sanrten. I'farSirl rut on n - f jour twit' two week Bfio forrlieujutUntn, f.'Jiti wbi-'h 1 r-uITt t-el forMveral ymarn. i'or (hf ixt- tix tnonibs I i ot teen nhlo to vr rk. Ynur bolt Uah f.ncvtl ni I a ultnof t perfact health ia th tvo e ts I l.avo uk i :t. 1 can wia ctjmiortnlilr.iiud feel liko a m man contra If. M. K. HIIOHKS. Pr 'irt. lot Iu'ernu'..ocul Jioiui. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS OF VICOR. I'ucoma V....b.. U.-tobt-r Ul. JK2. Dr.A.T PBnaen,ltjurbir: I liavfb.en uiotryour Electric belt for Knerul nTToa 'lebiliij-. und to-t) i fuel botlor tlittu 1 bvn fur rife years. 1 huTegainod .a vigor daily, and iita nfontf in ftvurTTrt. j.i (rraieiLuiy, uii a. i,i t.i rta. TKE- DR. SANDER ELECTRIC BELT 9 tsaeompleteiralTanlobittery. made Into a belt no as to bo eaHr worn darin worlt or atrcqt, and M Sivei i 0'iothtnc. pr ioni:ed cutpqih which ar Instantly felt thromthuut ull weak riarts. or we forfeit 5,000. It baa an Iraprovrd hlcctrlc lSi.pcrjiorr t.etrreatrst, boon over siren weak men.anj we warrant it to euro any" o( tbealMTo wcakncs.tcs.aiir' tocnlarire Hbrmiktri limbs, or PHrtn,uriMooer Rrlunili'il. Uiey nropraded Inatrenitth to meet all Manes i.f veaknea9 In Tnun:, mlddlo-aiitiaor olS mun, aud will cure tbo worst castutio two or three moatiu. Addroas for Xull laforaiatlun. SANHEM rt.l?fiTRIf!fi0.r 3RD Red all tb 0 ST. JACOBS OIL Pill 11 Wl ANHOOD RESTORED! 2Z$E& piiuruntft'.l tot tin i.i iirviu.tUi't'aw.Bucli us W unk Memory. Wisjtnr llraln 1'iiwt' r, Ileailaclio.WnkflBiiKfl. Lost ManhiXHl. Nightly Kuiinsions, Nervoui rn's5,nlldrnliininl Ift-H of pi i wit: itTeniTativeOruun. nf cither Kixcaurtt by ovcreserttuii, ynuthfnl rrrnrt, excp'MTe iifn- nt t"bacc , unl.nn orstltu ulnnt!, wblch lrndl. lnt.rtiilty,('.itBUinpltun or Infinity. Con Im carrlcdln ,Ti-t pocket. 1 pcrb-'X.O fur ., by tunll prpjditil. Willi n?6.X orlir wo fi. : v-1 wrnirn Kiinranire in riirr or rvTimtl me money. roHI lir r.l (Mfc-.tru-'iri-'t. A'K fur It. tnk- ii'i n;br. Wrlic ftirlroc Mi.rtlt-:,! it.iftb mni st.nt. ii lkiiiMMi. liiuiuln wrapiwr. AUdrusaK KBVUEEDC,0.,AluauulcTeuiple,t;uit'a.OO. ny.tirf ,.hy ). A. II w. i v ; FromTerminal or Intarior Puii.ts th Norinern Paciflc 5 Eaiiroai In th Hue to InUe To aR Points EAST anil SOUTH :t is lite nii twit niUTE. It runt. Through VKSI IItl I, Kle !'( JH KVKIl lltV in ili Yenr to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 70 CHANGE OF CARS.) Couiinso'l of Hilling Cars I'nsorpisscd riniiuiiii ranniiE noiraMoi'p'rs Of Latest Eqiiinmcnt TOURIST SLEEPiNS CARS. Bf. tr.t- ci'm t):-. r'! jil a ml In w.ra l t , i u u 1 1 n io is 4r-i o f It ftns ailffti.iil fir tt l tors of Fira; or i 13 tl 1 Ii Is, llMut. an! ELEGANT DAY COACHES. oomaaMd? illi al linss, affordini Direct an d Dnmterruptol Ssrvica. Pullman nlf-eper reservations can b ecurecllu advanes thrntiuli any attest of the road. THKorOh PICKETS to and from si! point 1.. America England anJ Kiirope e.n purehaswl at mi ticket offline of this coirpanv. Fall inf. rtntin conenrnlnn ratt-a.tim. Af trains an 1 oth u-uiirnre ishat 0.1 app.t"ttioti to any agent or A CrURl.TOV. arlstaif U sra! l' A went. So !?! fir i oir Washinginn, P irt'an-l uteton. i a,..,- INSTITUTIONS.- Orvgoni J O WRrinMAIT. Haotuurr Geo P HIM 1NON. Vlo PmaMsnt , D B Montolth.M NternDarK,,i W tL Mtuait 1 O WriUmao. AOKKT8 V0B- and Foreign Compaiiies V.X. HA NOUS'S EI.13CTIMC BELT wllb I'lccfro 3incin'ttr Supi-i Quire-i rr viK'jn.UatBironittli, ynu will rt.n:i)vi!iLior;mmmntl licisllli.Htronitiii nn-. viU'T wid inn at once. TbH r our i i:m and treatment, and ('i-e a cure or rotund Dinney. ' f.!f V." p!n:i.UI he ni.d by fevury yaut.f, Siimien'a Kli rtrlc lllt is r- oiperimaus 'lit' Hid klanly tratlfy, 1 1 f t. and Uvai luua L'iovt:ry uur iaLi giir Belt. i Kt;5S-Ve UAH CURE- TGUl i P ran? jlni- cumuaviefia. i t,,,..,,!.. ou .f vn;r bltn. It l ml W dtyn. lit'l I continue i to wi ur ft for lor tout Muit r'"'" t'v ciifriu. That whi two yoarj amAUrl to-day ufi I nvor wttn ib iry life. I .v nui- lu-'t Wi-ll. ttr.ii I tn T nturf lu ..f.l orii i:nvti iifn curt-u ny it. jtihtit oinoti ntx a it, h tb.-r wou t: It thvr would .'ind it the u.iib Mnny olhem ntwd It, i Had If 1 id i. r in IhA tan. 1.1 m located h-'te p-rmurinit It, and wl' 1 be glou to ttlk wttb ij ocavao tOST VITALITY AND 3TR-NCT:. . .., r.vritt, Wa-h, June l,t A. T. R.-tB-le-, TJear tiir : Mnrs wt,i;,iB ji4 b it I hHTtbuD (jrfta 'f benlitv. J fttol mjldeo. tur iii-t reiuriiuiu; and hfura montli'i ua ot the I'L'I- I Dad n-.M'lf trice as Rorom a btoi. M incruorj bow noarly rfpet, and macji day jhuwt for thn bet t it. I f el much ttmmtr tVa-' hffrjni u.-itiKthblt. Yourstiulr, lifcMilf tsVUUVtZ M) V H J M 3 T 0 M v PORTLAND, OH aVovld Knouts tb CUtiB is STJUH. IKHKIKS X Mr V Mil jV 'lt. Ilrilk'ttitw. BdbyRawasBC6fStC3k IlahwerVSiokwIthM-yemanVien three tnonthsnlil. Unci liotneiloc tom and apoi-ialists. ( iot worse all the time. Whole raw ns lieef , steak. Hair tionc. KiMrte.lhiin tinlie. Si.-k six months u-forewe . .. 'iTiit KAs. No tniia la them mtt tntw.. tr.o:ithtu'ivas eiitin-lv rurcd. Not a spot on htm now, -mil i.lonit of'lnir -Mils. 1I!A.K ItAliltKrr, Wiinii-lil, Mich. Caby Bad with Eczema XV Our lov, four month i o!i, f7-& l al t aw of civjiiih. Heait M ) nan a ";lil nore. Face ami b;tlv i:ni!y iittccicd. Itcliiiiji ii rnt 'e. Ihup tliH-tors dill not hdi, him. H;i;nU tied i-Ktccn w.fkiv. Mit Xvn iii bin li.imia to iirrent hU i t TI. I III llnit-liHM I.! 1 e iliem m otlicm. ' ti. lt. ii J. IIAIMUS,, Intl. Baby Stchsd Terribly Hal-y thrro inomln old liroko out Willi white l ituj loi on rcil rnrf;ice. Iti-hitii: tcniblo. wait., on hc:itl and fnvv. I Veil everv tht'iir for five iimnth. (ireW wor-c. I'lirchn-cil (' t t It I B A throe works tlivii- not a sure or Vimi'le, not von a near. Mat. ObCAIt JAl.K, Voo.'.jton, Kan. Baby Suffering Agony Haby h;v err-nia, wort form. mil 111 Im IpHII Hit ilirllnr. lutv atu J. A. NR'oLjKS, Bunker Iflll, trnl. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Ami It" cttrcs aro the nioat re markaMr ien"orniel by anv Mood nnd akin remedy of niotlrrn tiinps. Pa rent i retnomlwr that cures made in infancy arenpeedy, perniatient and economical. Sold throunhout the world. rilpe.OiTicnu, oe. l-OAP,'i&c. Kesolvbnt, 1. I'otteh Uawi axD tatjt. Conr., Sole lrope., Doton. aT" Ilow to Cure Skin lieaeet," free. R A DY'C Hk,n ABd ?rIP PJrifipd and Spaatlfiwl UnOI 0 by tuilcumsi.Aliulelypura. OTALAND iNsTRLMPVtAL MlMC- Miw HaMie Warner a ermluste of the conservatory connected nitn :atc- Co' !eife Neb, u prepar--J to !. :.-e le''"t lr vocal a id I- -irumenta! mus( to iiil' puj.i' - r r!itH'. a. reqoni 1 terms Mta iVnrn r h.ia had a tlioroo h ediica tl 'n ami U tn rx:eHenced tesche'' .ir. . Prof tl A N'-nr-'V, Wlli1 fryw anJ tr Jennie I.ce. Dr. Prlce'f Cream kiaking Powder A rare Craw Cream of 1 artar Powder. S3 au a .tn:ci thf ln-t doctor here. 1 - I " In asonv eii.-lit niotiih. lie I ft panwithrt fn i iia ItKMCwtK. In It- two niontlii the aM ful (iiar had 1& reati Its vcnirc:inci. No truce