.gU;tly democrat uhli,liel every day in the week except Sunday. '.rf'UFTM9i(l, Eirilo.-und ProVr ri .r.. ..vie- Oftjc at AUny ftreunn. M aeonnd nUu.ni.il ' "n,,J "' uiauer. A Pbad Aijiant Ciiixaman. The fol- Inwinir strange item is from the Corvnlli, News: A few tluys afro a Clmmniun from Albany came to C'orvnllis and hiul been neniliinr cnuira about town. II,. il :,.i. I'iml histiiveninif, nboiit B o'clock, h0 nxxa aVil into the llowerv kiiicrdoin whlln Jon a box rrnr bin bunk in the building lortli or ureiKliton end Quivcy's imple lent establishment. The iVill, nt i'lestinl w.ia reported unci tutor nn itizwis wont to tlie liouse to nee him. They umid lliin in just the iMwif inn In ..!.:.. I. lie died, which wai accounted lor bv th.i uperstitious of the Chincso race, as they .ppear afraid of the dead, and would no t .null linn. By request, a couple of the itizeni laul the body on a Utile ulii.h it the room, and then left. (Itbor white Arsons noon went to see the dead China- nan, anil after viewmir the hn.lv il,.. (returned down stairs. Ono o' them, who I somowhat of a ventr iloijuist. made a Ivciiliar noise that sounded as if it came from upstairs, and the Chinamen below here led to believe that their dead coun- ryraan nau come to life again, which aused a stampede umone them. One nf llie prominent physician of the city was fct once summoned and rustled to the scene, nit he cwild not raise the ilra.l Th. 1.1,. If the dead man was buried today at the Ispense of the Chinese of this city, thouph 1117 111..UU .iu u'-iempi 10 nave me county tund the cost. Tiieatkd Likb a ltoiiiiKn. A Salem Iiaper tells the followinjr, which whether roe or not is rather lively: One day last reek, just after a heavy fall of snow, and ain. a collector for a well Irnnwn firm nf louse, Ins countenance showino- flo.nrf.nn in the extreme. When he ?ot to where a small party of taxpayers were, who had j'wt emptied their pockets to jolin Knight, Jiml who were not in a very pood mood, titlwr. he broke out. in the following mel- ainclioly strain: 'I will tell you what's Ilie matter, l believe 1 11 jump the job. I filS Out nil (hlV VPKtpri.UV nml til nntnnxia- ion on what I collected amounted to just uij iriito uiiu iu uiai i nau 10 Bpenu foity-live cents :for beer. And it would irtt lu l,,, If iVJU - ......, II VniW. . W IIV. Tnr IL tnrr. tnma nf (ha nni. 1 have ca led unnn nchnillv vm in Hink tliafc 1 mil a Iilfrliwnv rnlilmr find tiev treat mn an mini (tno mnn uhnm T a a Slim lull ntminuf. whan 1 nrnnnnfm t bail tllfi nfrvn tt wnnt tn liArriu n Ink troin.R tn nnv hin ). with Knttr MllV. 1 nimlfl tliirtv.fiini 1 i leported if it didn't mstmn fiftv eer oesuies losing my umbrella. Lkbason. -David Fry will Itavo today "'iBcdford. where ho and C A Zabn will ; en a confectionery store. Wo wish the eniicmenn the best of success. Charley nderson takes Mr Kry's pluce on the Ks- iess. A party of eiirht nersons biivp ntrivixl wrc from Illinois witii the intention nf In. !';"" Vn0 ot ,he genUeinen is a brother i iv in i imeaot tins city. A young man ram Nebraska also arrived hre this week. lany eistern people are eomina to Oremm. 1 M builth has concluded th.it. be dona sot want the olhee of assessor, nnd the mocr.its of this vicinity will work for the minauan or s u Wallace tor that Dlaeo ,i ucuiiicrais cou'd not make a lietter ounnaiion than Mr Wallace: indeed lere is not a more honorable man or a more wmng man in the county. Advance. A Moi ntaix of Enow. We have had veral little storms this winter resuUinir "ou 1. 111 ot several incnes. now tame wipared witli tho following from the llllOWor,. "T'hp nvnrd of the full of now kept by Mr Hutchison for the last iiny years foots un the enormous depth of 1 feet nnd 11 ;n.l, in the, l..f ni J larch enough to make the most expe.-- Mm uuuuiiiieiT wonoer iiu nmnze- r,' in i ue great quantity he nas wn,ve( If'.rough in the last llilrty vears 'n.i. Wiifer's fall, I understand, is 1M inches of .111111111, anil more commit, and that tint a l,.l . . e iuii, jusi now. Cavk n,:vutPMKST. -U 0 McCullocli "in tins week from the caves, lie -Mi, or tnow. but two substantial ""iim?s are now in readiness for the ..,,i.r party wnohave been telegraphed ml niiii." i i , " ' .. , I'i'tlting 11,11 V f UUI" irom " iniiinis to the " ui mo caves, but tho party from ' ininnsco will have to foot it through snow fr several mies, The promotOTJ enterprise are in a hurry to have raves come into prominence during the Png fair nt Sunset City.-Cirants ll1'"' Hazaab. The ladies of St ,.tl! i, mscoPl Church will open an iip.u. 7. .. " vv u uiiu on Mil u- 1 , " ".nii 1,1 unuconiinue ' , lnesdny noon. They will have e many useful and ornamental arti- also a large assortment of Japanese - "ii nurew ivans ot fortlnnd. Sup- ' lll 1 nn.o.l C.'-l 1. r.;'. 1 ria 1 ii " nll 11 t tl'H.R. iniC Jii are cordially invited. 1 1, ,. ' Estertaismext. On the ",ng nf Marih rik tUm T 1 h.:, " ' UUW order ill give I " ""inment at their hall to which ,,J0,k'nen and their families are In i A literary and musical program - . nucrcu, TlKr X"TirB.lo not ride vonr 1,1 c','n ""''falk on First street. Raker A vi ii.i;AH - t 11.:. i :i. . . , -. ivii i'i mi? uruiT Will "Test of the offenders, "of the Chief of Police. liy . C'T Eelantine Massire Crea -nvJ... P'P;",tion eer made for the i -uiin. In ha I.. A - xt rj II " ou Albany Ore. -i" toeyery cottomer at Virrcck Price' cream Ba(:Ing Po-vder moit Perfect Made. ahd ABROAD I - I L Josephine county owes (,50.000. .hThf V"vlent how Djlla't to be head oi ird pendence. k,in0 0n ,elePho"e exchange ha. The populUi candidate, were In town " rAe?;,ed " hv been .c th. bottom ot Z program will be presented, and there wl 1 be taster eggs for sale. Several cltin h,..- . .j ' . of the ordinance on the subject; K Py One of the bet looking' prisoner, brought tb the nen fnr . i .... V embezzling county .chon superintendent peoden". """V' Rl'.-Ile- There are 1 17 cases on ih ,i..ii . calendir for Yamhill county according to th. docket puhlUhel in ,ne Teiephonc i.?i ,1 Irvlne antl Coshow, formerly ot thi. clt , are attorney, in 39 jcases. A Mr Johnson fiom Nebraska went up 10 the front on the O p ...i.i,. .i purchased the W H Maine, farm on the Marlon County side and will iiw.., bilng In a colony of immigrants from K.ansa. and Nebraska. Rev Little preached another f,,rn,l sermon ut the U P churcn Ian evening ronlght the evangelistic services which" have been held for four weeks, will close Considerable interest has h.-n m,n...i and much good done. ' The remain, of J W Will i...i.. to Albany this morninrr t,nm u.u.i.r. California, where Mr Will dled.and taken iu v."rv" lor burial. E U Will and tamlly and Mr Frank Wilt attended the luneral from this ciiv. The klnderpartrn mn.ma.. 1 , Cnlcago and St Louis .imultaneou.lv. In the former city these have grown from one to one hundred; in the Utter, in the same propartion, with the excepdon that eighty public Bchool kindrrg.rten. take . jmucc ui me wr.icago mission and free iiiucignricns. torn isutorii. an old resident of this city, wa here last week ruatltno il, vm. , F c " ,n lne interest ot ""t-""J "r stcretary 01 state. And still some people believe that th. m.i.iio.n "l!1,0''!11! ' not in ""king order, McMIn Finv ciciuune Register. ' The Portland Merrurv mm.uiii i,. Populist county convention 'in' this rit u.n nt It,. .1-1 ... . . . J .... w...G ucjcguLc went 10 me Ire- mom nonse to spend the night, and upon "'s live me seven Diew out the gas, One of the five had Ins hnn,lnm r-r.. hides on -the other shore' when the nlght- waicnman broke ntn h a ru. u..i,i mm 10 me window and gave nlm a breath uiju can air. A correspondent In thp Prlnoviiu M.,.,. In mentioning the candidates for county judge, pay. an Albany man the following """i .viii. mi- m c urina, lace aDout, please; I want to te'l you somethlni!. You are no slouch. JJut every time you take a case for a client you try to win it. ow, that's no way for an attorney to do. in unuiu, 11 you Docome county judge, that you will declda everything accoi ding Toe place to get your quinine Is at Fred DawFons cur and and Broadalbin street. mimiiv ijr. A )ood Turxo. An Albany man says the following is the beat artical on the Buiijeci ne nae ever reau. mere was once a Long Headed Man who invented a Household Uetosil ot such general Utility that instead of giving liaXame setting forth an Intelligible 7. . 'i? """"icier, ne ca.lea it simply So Proud was he of his Good Thinir that lie would not make its Existence known in Prers. "If People will not come in and ask for the Good Thinir." he would say, ' I don't Propose, to go to uvuumui lemng mem auiut it. it people don't know It when they see It, they must Buffer the Consequences ol uei. unuuueSB. tthena Mortgage was Foreclosed on him a Little Later, the Successful Bidder Advertised the Good Thing in Several rupen, ana ne liail 1) lticultv tn emn ny. ing a sutlicient number of Men to till he Ked Wagons that lsackcd up at the Track-? up a (Iiant. Hob r.-jin.lll was up the river himtinir cattle tliia w.t,- and on the divido between Simpson creek nnd tho creeps running into the Olalla he run across the track of a man, which true mposurcd I'J'i inches in length and was proportions accordingly. Not only one out several tracks were found and they were all of the same size. Hob vouches for the truth of tins story nnd cites as wit nesses uiiiiiey nml t,haiincey Irapp, who nen; wnii uiiu ui iiie nine. iuieuo Louder. OX Tltr BIJl'ARIt. The ditTerence between Living . hell nnd living Poorly in very small 1 1 yon buy light even In hard times. Trade With those who do Business on( the square, tiiving quality as well As quantity. Parker Bros, are such a firm. Their groceries are always First class and their baked goods are un surpassed any where. Miiluie-rt Opening, On Thursday, Friday and Saturdav, this week, the Ladies Bazaar will hare their grand opeiiiua- 01 epring ana summer milli nery. The display of trimmed hata and bonnets, together with all the latest novelties win surpass an former efforts. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. WHS 11 J t-OW'EK. Srntso raps. The LadiM Bazaar deires to announce that they have jut re ceived an elegant line of ladies and minn capes rnd jm-keta for ar ring wear. Th?je ir.irments compripe all the latest Parisian st les and are tailor made. The prtres to suit the times. Call and inpect them. Fresh Cabbage. Canlitlower. Celerv. Oniona. A Turnips. At C Brownlia N M Newport wentto Salem this noon M. T .... t-ii'c v uL-nrnue oi uomlburn.waa urn vny uillliy. .Mr C L Rack retnrned this noon from a trip to Portland. M. Senders went to Corvalls this noon on insurance business. Dr Hossiter. who has been attending t.ie medical cjllege in Portland several months u in the city. Mr UeoE Fish is opening a plombing establishment in the Schlosser building opposite the old postoflice. Ignntus Donnelly. Henry Wntumnn fin ernor McMnley, Jerry Simpson, Senator Stewart and Chairman Taubencck will lie in Oregon ubout the Biune time. Will the public recover from so much oratory. mock anil Harry Summerville.nnd Misses Nannie ruckles and Lnln lwn ,.t u.,. risbiirg, came up on yestesday'setrain. The Messrs Suinmcrville intend moving here in a few days, and are now furnishing the old h It Luckey residence, which they have leased. Lugene Guard. Miss Vesta Mason, of Albany, arrived in Salein yesterday and is the guest of Miss (.enevievo Hughes on South High street. .j. una uiiu oi tno guests at the party given last night for Mr and Mrs J Frank Hughes, it being the anniversary of their wedding. Salem Statesman. Mr L J Bailey, who is now running as conductor on the Santa Fe, Prescott tc Phoenix railroad, is in the city on busi mss. Ho will return to Prescott next week. He IlkeS that COUlltrV. nml thn IH.iini.niT is glad to inow has a good position with a company that liuuidates nrnmntlv. Willi. S Duniwny who was born nt Needy in this county is nrnminnntlv t,.nn- tioned in connection with the office of state printer which he is thoroughly competent to conduct. Mr Ihiniway is at present at work on the Oregonian. As a Clackamas county boy we wish him suc cess. Oregon City Enternrise. Mr Dnni- way arrived in Albany last night to meet old friends, this once beinir his noma nml to work up the state printing business; but the Albany delegation on his ticket will ueauiiu ior an Aitany man. Mrs Lischen Maude Miller, of Eugene. who is Studvin? in the Rostnn Pnlloim nf Oratory. Was hiirhlv cnmnlimpntml nmn IVia clever work she did in the pupils' recital uctu at luim instiiuuon rebruary "iKth. Mrs Miller gave a recitation, a selection from one of Cable's stones which mllml in. to use tiilenta of a high order as it alternated frOm natllOS to hlimnr. Sim nlen tnnb- .Via leading part in a three act pantomime with uiKiiiuiic bkiii ana intelligent interpreta tion. Her work was much applauded by a rrpraenuiuve uoston auuience. r lorence "est. x'A-smsrch TAXBS. Taxes are being paid into the sheriff'i office but hardly with the speed desired The following were yesterday's payments: Ut; Maxon $ l.oo TW Hansell 23.00 H Rnwlings 12.85 Unas Scott 8 98 Lizzie N Thompson 37.20 1-rench & Co 11.80 Mrs U Kico 19.11 RALiggett G8.2U Chas Arnold 3.75 Mrs N O linker 118.3S J A Smith 7.98 Mehamn Smith -. 1.23 G P Terrell 1.87 a Ames 8.53 Mary E Ames 2.09 .IT Ames 51.17 Lowell Ame.1 57JJ3 Joseph F Ames 09.80 E Paddock 1 6.811 JLPutinan 1.00 niary fc Putman 3 00 David llanchett 17.09 Lizzie Kuysendall 3.00 taxes will be delinquent after April 10. AT THE FAIR Huff Hiatt writes to the Lebanon Express from San tmnciscoas follows: This is a fast place for OreiTon men anil horses. think we can enure Oregon beauty's eves with a lopr chain, when she starts up Market street; hut he will compare with anything nere in iue nom line, ana ine people also, but the people in this state look at Oreiron people as being back in the brush pretty well. Ttev claim an Oreiron man slmvwl on iiis beam here the other day and taking a stroll through the lair came across a large looking-glass nnd thought ne had met the man before and went to shake hands with lliin and brought his fist a trains t the phi S3. I mn located with one of the Oregon Wonders, in tho '41 mining camp, which is a mining camp from away back. The Trooked, narrow streets, log cabins, old stage ttations.pack horses, mules and every tiling in the Kicking line, framblint? halls and dance halls, were nil there. 1 saw cowboys, miners, nnd women of every na tion in an old Mexican dance saw them make one another dance by shooting at their toes, ihey had a sad accident batur- dny. There wnre i or 40 women and men in an old '49 four-horse Rtage flnd got to making a great fuss, and driving in '49 style and upset. It was a '4'J mvne 14 badly hurt, I helped to turn the staire un off of them nnd pull them out. They were a horrible looking set. Some one turned in the fire alarm instead of the ambulance nnd the firemen came dashine un. and al together it made a '49 scene. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World-a Pair Hlcliert Medai and Dlpton - Albanylnsnraice Agency We have had over seven yeara exper ience In the Home office and local tnvnr- ance buines,and can guarantee Insurance written by u to De properly looked after. The following Is a partial list of companies rrpreseniea by uc ForrI;n No'th British & Mercantile, Norwich Union. Phrrnii, London, Man chester, Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Lon don & Lancashire. American Continental of New York, Westchester of New York. The Conti nental of New York and Manchester of England, w rite farm bu?inea. takinz note for the premium, with ample time for payment. We respectful. solicit any I e-business. Office onrosite old rI ofltce. I SENDER! SENFT. MIBFITB i"?,1'1'". bor" 0n'trO"'un, McKinley Mitchell, who was beaten for a nomina- uon in aiarion eouutv.for nHien hi in year gr.issncpier, is tired. John Huirhes of pounds of sugar by steamer Homer. So eavs the Independent. Salem crura mmi lu. Pfetty well situated these hard times to buy --.ui nu$ui- ui, u iiiue An editor is minernllv n tkinVIni He has to think n irrenf Haul ii ' erallv how to nay off hia hnmla nt tl, .i of the week. Salem lndejiendent. The last legislature of Pennsvlvnnin .111 a wise thing. It decided that county news papers hr.ve become vuluablo as mediums of information, social, legal and political, nd has enacted a lawdirecting county com missioners to subscrilw for these weekly papers, have them bound in separate vol umes and keep them in their offices as uooks 01 reference tor the use of the public. Each commissioner is to select one of the three weeklies. One of the human wonders nf f lm Snntli Seas is a Victoria. New South Wnla. youth by the name of McLean. He is now 1 years and a tew months old and weighs in the neighborhood cf 300 pounds, lie is not a "human mountain of fat," a "mon ster of obesity," or anything of the sort, but is a well proportioned young man of surpassing stature and great height. On his 17th birthday he measured 8 feet 3'i inches, and if ho keeps up his regular yearly increase of stature will far surpass m m;igub uil llimiLTIl giants. In a circular issued bv thn r?nl! fnrnin board of health the following in regard to cigarette smoking is addressed to princi pals and teachers in the public schools: "To be an Habitual smoker of manufactured cigarettes is to be an opium smoker, an a habitual opium s-noker cannot be the equal of an aostoiti r, when every thing else was equal. Under no circum stances should a pupil be allowed to smoke them either nt school, on the way to or from hl-uuoi, or at nome, it the teacher, by ad monition, advice, precept, example, or by influence am prevent it. . Dr Hnllock, pastor of the First Conirrem- tionalist church of Tacoma. delivered a !frm.on. .on Sunday last inpart as follows: Good citizenship demands fidelity in reger lstering and voting. Good citizenship demands the honest payment of taxes with out concealment . It is a self-evident truth to him who is willing to see, that to take u, puuu uuuur is us wrong as to Bleat a neighbor's dollar.andto withold Mint which is due the public treasury is as truly theft as to abstract that which is already in. Good imasiiBiiip uemnnus camoncity, liberty, equal rights and perfect toleration. Old Rome at least gained toloration for all re ligions ana scored one in the grand march luwiuus a-ue civilization; let us not go imu,: ccroooy uemnndea it, and traversed Holland nnd thn anna win it Plymouth Rock received it, and America has been its arena. Intolerance would mark a return ot the dark agej. C E Biownelh erocerv store is tncreas, n-; in popularity. He carries a fine slock in a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O, New Advertisements. $5.00 to 815 03 PER DAY at home selling Lightning Plater and plating jew elry, watches, tab'eware, etc. tvery nouse nas goout needing riaung. ?n perlence; no capita); no talking. Some agents are mak'ns f2C acfav. Permanent position Address It K Delno & Co., Co- lusnuus, vjnio. "niOR BARGAINS in real Mate adrtrom I" or o ill on Jamos W Card we It t C., Jrflerson. Ij.or8ale or Trade, a linnae and lot in ' Bond loeatlon in Albany- W'll anil cheap Tor cash ir will tiade for land part ly or wholly Inanroveil not vers far from town. Call or write to tnts ofllce. T3 RKVr.- 't wo ' o.ima. newly flu ial.ed. one auiiable for small store or office, one for store, 20x(H) feet. W 111 Iw reaily by Mainh 2', Call on Dr O W Maaton for pariisulars. 1rANTED. A young lady ftostrm a T T p'aee to 00 eenrHt hotim work Aildros Clara M Kb nold, Albany Ore I JURE nilKI) Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs for sale hy I) 0 Woodivorth. POR RKNT The ro'im rooni'tiy oivu 1. pled by J W Ilnntly as a boot ana ahoe hop. 1'a.l oa I. Viereok. 'cjo. Fiifis, Knu. Pare bred Silver . Licel Wvanuntti. Y.su iorRetltnir.it me ninsny roimry varan, f mm pen o 1 Ana t Vi.'M pr i;t; p iNu. 4 ?t por n Plymouth Rooks, 75otpper i3. fnnn tsruth. AI'jidv, ur. Cor 4th and It K ata riOUNW ARRA.vr--Bu?ht and U ola jy Ii; F Merrill. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will ply bptween San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and Sonthern Pacifc railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on ir about tho fol- lowingdates:Froni San Fran- cisno on Monday, March 20, at G p m. From Yaquina: on Saturday March 31, at 0 a m. Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin, $12; Steerage, .9. Kound trip tickets, includ ing meals ana uerlli3. cood f. - - o, x l - a1h lor ' Ma Hf 'M 1 Hfmrv, Son- C, A;(n'a HXo2 loS M.rtet'i'i.t, Stn F.-anei'O. United ;tatei Land O.lice Oregon Cltv Oregon, March loth, 1894. b Notice is hereby given that the aproved Plat of survey ol township, 13 .oath range 10 west, ha. been received from the aurveyor general of Oregon, and on April 21. 1801. at 1 nVliu-li . i --u day .aid plat will be fil.,1 in !.. and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and alter said date Robert A Miller . Pet- Paouit Rj-ghiter. ' Receiver. StUICTI.Y In It! When ifenn, ( washing the Albany Stenm Laundry is s rictlyin .t I tis doing the busines. of U.e city; the Celes nil. r6 going to the wall. 20 cents n ilnynn f. l..: i. . - "... .v.. .,u, wiisiung it 1 cheap enough for anybody in any kind of times Richards & Pl,ifps llo Uinua .wihi nieir money at horns mironize li.e Albany Steam Laundry. Caiidkx Seeps. -Every bodv should have a carden. A rn Tmi etna l.n Ihen go to Stewart ic Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from a fresh supply of all the seeds in the market, the largest stock in the city. b Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlght.t Award. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews fi Call On READ. PEACOCK 4 CO. See Their Nice Dress Patterns and Trimmings. Also Their La dies Fine Shoes. At Perry Conn's. Barrel ofPickels, Chow Chow, Fine Calif ornia Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds, Always keep on lianda choice lino of all staple groceries ai well as a superior stock of crockery. G. C- MOON. Su;cessor to I A Morr's Flour and Opposite Ruts House. Ha. on hand a full s.ock of CboFp.d Feed, Corvallis Flour, Br.o, Short. Graham, Back. heat, Hje loOI, H.j, O.tr, S raw, Po.alo,,, Appl.s, el0." The nt Sheca 85, L. aalUUfllnn alTl,J-.l.r..--!r ... .J m- i- s rrr Tim t 1 av TTiitWftae. - l. Ttr .VC a in r ti- - inK vnuui, ir Tinced. The aumnin; ol Vv 7L' n" 7;..'i':' -77 ne.Pr piiarant-ir ineir Taiue, savea t!imianil iJcalers who push the sale of w. 1 Increa. the silca on tlieir full line of evvmN. it art. roller. Ton ran r. tnom? hf hnrlr,.. li.od below. weara rensiorBmo Will i Ht.rk, V lewelfr. If yoa w.Dt a tine tmokr call for Joseph s white labor cigara. The bMtjrnut ooHm in the city at Com Ed Hndgea & MoKananC, th IbiJIo druk tore, Albany, Oi. Will 5C Stark'a larce line nf kllviir ha. crtated a great deal of talk Pa'.roniRe home industry hv unnkiiia th celebrated white labor oigara, manufactured by uias Joreph. Baths at Vierecka outting parlora. ahaving and .hair See the New Imp roved Singer suw ing m china. The bt is ' alwsva the cheapest. W Sawden, agent. Office at F M Frenoh ewelry (torn Sewjno Machines neatly repaired and warranted hy a tho ninthly competent work man, at F M French'a jewelry aore, Albany gon. French has ihr largt and finest stock of spectacles and eve glasses in Linn County. Prices to suit the limes Washburn. SOLE AGENTS AND Feed Store flcim Mi. 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 6ENTLEHEI. 84 and 83.60 Dress Shoe. 93.50 Police Shoe, 3 Solet 82.69, 82 for Workingmef 02 and Sl.70 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSE S3, 82.S0 82, $1.71 offrr. yoa W. I.. Don. I a. or nflSWIann will,. ona in. nitm. .tamped vb mm m ir.ua. "V ""'Off. MO CtTC DSttCf )oula, name and price on the bottom, arhich l of dollars ani.nallr to those who wcr.r t'.. ... J'oula Shoes gain customers, which hc!r5 la V'l r."...Z J"' J? 'r T"- For sale h,t!,e t. fE BLAIN ', C IC1 HC Cf