atly Qcmocmxt. SENATOR HILL'S "CAVE." When a member of the House of Com mon! become dissatisfied with bit part; and procewls to "flock by himself, be is said to "bo into the Cave.1' Thereference Is to tbe Cave of Adullam, whither David of old repaired with bis few followers to give vent to bis discontent. A Washington correspondence which supposes itself to be friendly to Senator Hill represents him as having retired to "tbe cave" on the tariff question. Tbe chronicler reports that the large number of men in Washington "whose business. is aboutthe tariff" have, "as a rule, eiiially of late, sought tbe New York Senator for conversation about the Wilson bill.concern Ing which, for one reason or another, they have come." In hiin, it is said, "tbey ap pear to believe that they have a friend," and tbe Sena1 or is represented as encourag ing the belief. Of course everybody knows that the vls- iiors at Washington "whose business 18 about the tariff" are the principals or the j agents of over protected industries who are seeking to save their bounties by defeating or minimizing that tariff reform which tbe people have demanded and which the dem ocratic party has promised to effect. In other words, it is tbe McKinley lobby that is represented as flocking to Senator Hill's "cave" and receiving encouragement there1 The World must regard this as tbe report of Senator Hill's false friends or secret enemies. David B Hill has too often and too earnestly advocated the wiping out of McKinleyism to be now engaged in seek ing to preserve fragments of it in the in terest of favored industries. He has been too tenaciously proud of his record as a consistent and "reliable" democrat, and is too honorable an antagonist to be now en gaged in a conspiracy to defeat or to mu tilate a democratic reform measure- in order to prevent the administration of Grover Cleveland from gaining the glory that will result from a fulfilment of the democratic pledges. No ScnatoriHill has been misunder stood or misrepresented. He has not re tired to the Cave of Adullam. He has not made himself the agent or tbe confidant of the McKinley lobby. It is outrageous to so depict a man with the character and record of David U Hill. World. This is the time for democrats to stand firm, to hold and pull together, in order to carry the party over tbeso trying times, after which the democratic party will cer tainly be the one of the future. While it is known by all fair ' and thinking men that the democracy is in no way responsi ble for these panicky times, yet because the party happens to be in power unit there is great financial depression many connect the two facts nnd unjustly blame the former for tbe existencetof the hitler. It is a sorry spectacle to see a man desert his friend when misfortune overtakes him; nnd so it is to see a man desert his party when danger faces if, especially when it is no way responsible for the existing slate of affairs. -Jacksonville Times. The IVi's Washington special says political sta'lsticlan, who has been examin ing she ficlJ sslih great cate and absolute Impartiality, reaches the conclusion that granting the republicans every seat which cin nrobahly e.o to them, in the next senate they and the democrats will be practically tied, the balance of power being held bv the prpulltts. In case the democrats succeed in every contest for legislative majoract n;xt fall the) lll s'1'l retain a slight major Ity over all. Ii case the populist obtain the balance of power It will bring 'Senator Al len, ot Nebraska, to ttie front as a dictator, after the Mahone fashion of 1 - years ngo. JoeyjWaldrop, tho populist candidate for congress, is somewhat on the political order of Dennis Kearney. Ho can best be described as the latter was some years ngo by nn admirer. "And who is this man Kenrney, Jlikivof whom you arc nlway talking?" "Faith, if you wasn't just from Ihe old soil, Teddy, 1 couldn't excuse your ignorance; why Dennis is the greatest mar. in America." "Hut pbat does ho do? "Do; why he don t do nothing lies a workingman." Dispatch. Mrs W J l'lymale, of Jacksonville, 1ms been appointed a notary public and wll' attend to all sorts of business in the nota rial line at the county seat In Oregon, as well as California, the ladies are Wing recognized In notarial appointments. A scientist claims to have discorded that Ihe eyeot man is lumlous to thecxten. that one csn, in total darkness, see tbe move ment of his arm by the light of his own eyes. ..11 mi s n..irrli tltnt !." .'..'in ' t'.K .. !.' J of .-. 1..? ,.:..; . .y.tra 1:.. t::..ft is -u.'acr. . -- v. r !' tnwl v,,'ft cn Tit. '.' 'j ui.iu:-. the . 1 I r r.-Mii' tl.c- nil lr. t 'i ni. li-.i.'n l :it rrh t tv I . J. 1 luni'y ,v ("... i ?i . n ri'i'.ry . nm t- t.itt 3 ly tho t i i I ami 1 ,:. rti . tn i iiy .in; K i rs yi.. 1 c I lK' ,:-in;i.u'. 1 ia flu. '.1 r-i P"- i-tw .1 , .- i-.i .trr, r.nli J : .1, . tut -rr- ly. r..-:r I'.tlarrri i it- ! Iik-'H !;.!. ia!'y . .. :. In T.v.. o riv V. .1 . 1 h. ti' v A' 1 i. V .tin .'Tna; tr.-.'. U4- SjM Uf iiuai::s. 1 I .r iMllle, no. f.OR SALE shares rf Albany elrr ' t'ic light toc ihe best divnlend iavinffstoi la tuis cits, impure at lilsoltice. The clamor for a new issue of Govern ment bonds of small denominations is prob ably well meant, but it is not wise. The CU upon Congress ehou'.d be for re trenchment, not fs.r greater facilities for In creating the public debt. A "popular loan" Is simply a device to popularize running In debt. Honest newspapers and conscientiuus statesman ought to teach the people that debt is a burden, no! a bles'lng. A deb' m ;ans interest . Interest means tsxcs. A rfebbno matter how popular its (orro.carries the obligation of future payment of the mla elpal , Not even a ' popular" loan can make debt-paying pleasant. Tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury already bst authority to issue bonds to protf cs the credit of the Government, lie has recently sold 950,000,000 in bonds to make good a part of the Republican deficiency. He can el more if necessary. But the duty of Con gress make any further increase of th' pablic debt unnecessary. The Gavernmtnt shculd do precisely what an honest Individ ual wou'd do who found his outgo exceeding h's income, lie would economize. He would seek strenuously to increase bis rev enue. To go about selling his ''notes ol srmll denominations" would scarcely improve his credit. It would asauredly not make the day of final settlement any easier. Retrenchment and reform, not mote debt. is the true policy. The proningknife, net the.printing-press. Is the right recourse. . The production of gold throughout the world of 3150,000,000 for the calenJar years 893 is the latest ettimateof the bureau of lb: mint. The increase of $11,000,000 is mainly furnished by the United States, South Africa and Russsia. Figures for the United Ststcs, alt hough not yet quite complete, in dicate anincreaie of $4,000,000 .Theincrease la South Afrlsa is about $6,000,000; !n Russia and Australia $500,0x0 each. There will be small g.iin In other countries, in cluding China and Japan, but they may be offset by small lossese Isewhere. Report' reaching the tr easury department Indicate the production of gold is being pushed In the maximum: that improved processes were being used to the utmost to increase the output for 4S94. It is not only to the credit of the Demo- cratic newspapers of the country that are quick to denounce the shortcomings of Democratic Senators, but the practice Is in striking contrast with that of Ihe Republi can newspapers. Am Albany Jewelry Store Worth patronizing Is that of Will Stark. They carry the finest llneof silverware, watches," cocks and jewelry generally in the valley, and sat isfactory prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep in stock. Never buy without calling cn them. Or. Price's Cream BaKsag Powder Forty Years the Stan Card, "Aa oM tta the hills" and never excell ed. "TrieJ tolTemW.W.iTir is tho verdict Simmons Liver Eegu- y-x . litor is the " o n 1 y Liver JJtLsM Uf ml,i KiaUOy medicine, to which you can pta your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, nnd purely veg etable, act ing divocliy on tho Liver n n d Kid 1 Pills ney. Trv it Sold l.y'nll in Li'i'iid, or iti row.W '.liken dry or made intern tea. Tlic King of l.lvrr Mi .llc'nrs. ;ii' iw-.l y.iursitiiniotm l.lvcrllecu itlil r:m i-.uim-I. !i;niiily mv It j tins fall hvir tiit-ii-.i Iru-s. 1 ruiMcIrr ll rs V-VA ti " 1 1, lalii-t kiriwi jn, hi. .'.: i 1,.- hi ll-i II. lino. W. JACK box. Ijumiiui, asltutifUin. M-KVERY r.CKAOi:- the C Statup In H4 os rapsa U. It. UVUE. W. ll.lJIMIIXC.EU. 1). II. JAMKS ALBANY FDMTDEE GO, IXCOPORATBD Baltimore Dlotl, Albany, Orr. Furniture conipK'tiline of UiOEKTAKI,0 in all its Inmhn. EMBALMING aialty. mm fid l .! ( j ,-ria Str ' .1 V.'ii'ir-a nil svliipst UM He, ll'lnp l"llr. Kveiy family lias rulv. worn knives,, spiMnn et.' IJuick Iv plmed by dipping in uselfil metal. No experience or tiar.l work: a soon sit uitinn. Ail.lrr Wl' lUrris n A i, C'.erk ho II , Olutul'ut, Ohio. THE WEAKEST SPOT in yonr wholo system, perhaps, if the liver. If th'at doesn't do its work of purifying tho blood, more troubles come from it than you can remember. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery acts upon this weak spot as nothing else can. It rouses it up to healthy, natural action. By thoroughly purifying tho blood, it reaches, buiMs up, and invigorates every part of tho system. For all diseases that depend on the liver or the blood Dyspepsia, Indigestic-, Biliousness ; every torm of Scrofulu, even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages ; and the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, the " Discovery " is the only remedy so unfailing and effective that it can bo guar anteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. On these terms, it's an insult to your intelligence to have something else offered as " just as good." Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy by its mild, soothing, cleansing and heal ing properties, perfectly and perma nently cures uatarrn in tne Head. Star Bakerj (.'oi-RrotKlaslltln and Fit-Hi St CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. usittt rrailK, Caauetl Hea W.tutsiwaro, Qaeenawar tried Frail. Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigar Nagar, Splcea, 'olIec, Tea, Etc,, Clc, lac everytlime; that Is kept In a geoer variety and irsocery store, llljrbeet market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the store formerly owned Allen Bros., BUTTER, EGGS, liARD, BAtJON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I IM pay the best cash pner possible. B F RAMP? Wall Paper Oniyis, Paints). Oils dllONr., ICt c ,). A. (lUiiiurg ALBAfiV, CKECO Dr HE Beers. l)r O. K Bee Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to diseases o women. Hon to to is A M, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M. Offices and residence Blum- berst Building, First Street, between Ljon and Klswcrtti. M r. Or. i-tleron Wallace Th K.Med nlrroyMit fd IJr Rtlr, if no hi, rMl 7n b f "uml t h?r rffiirfiw, nexi dnoi i 8 CouciH'. fh tell l-na ll PMes... Iu rrrwnt avn.i futnrt: love lnWeP, bent friMltand biulnew. You obq bear Iran vovr ifd trtLJt. Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of Firt aod ahin)(ton ttreet tffollowf: 7:40 a rn for Lebanon tain. " " Orphan Home. " Noo.l train eong north. 12:15 p m r njon train noinj south. I ' Lebanon train. I.30" " Orphans Himie. t ' i' (ver.anJ train eoing south. For Orphan' II time on tunoay car will loave at 2 :o, $ an J 4 .31 p m '1 i'.e car will a!o mert a'l Inccming triim on the Oregon Taciric rallrotd C G Ul RKHART. FORTMILLER S MING which will be old at The I.owet EMBALMING nd ,,,e proper NO EXTRA CHBCL FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC I MEAN mm "mm Will sell all em'kerv ware and holiday goou3 at COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups'and saucers ?.o to 10 cents'a -set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. jiiVery'iiiiift iu iiiuumuuu. Call on me and you will J. NEW : PQPN1TURE, M Y STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITUREJCONSISTIKO of bed room 'sets, chairs, lonngea, site., which I will aell at BOTTOM PRICES. Titos. Brink. The Oregon JLand Co t tVltn its home office at SA1.EM- - - - OEE&O. T uie Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch In PorUaio Kr- TA.KES a specialty of Sunnyside'.fruit tracts near SalemJ U. win sen 5( io or 20 ere small cash payment or particulars. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSEPH, , OA . HIK I.K IWXG rilOTOGKArnF.KS, eon- Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musica Instruments, Lie. Hodps k McFarlanfl, The; Cornei Drugstore,". Albany.oiJ NOTICE' OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVE THAT THE VS. drnirntvl dminirtrmtTix oi the offlc ol Ihe clerk ol the County Coart of Unn tinted ihe 10th d.y d SUrch, 1,M the hour ol 10 iVt-Wk i m l end Ut. m the tine lor ohjectione. H tay. U ekid final avcount, and lor the eettlemcnt ol imid e . U Hkvitt. lk.Airftl OriiH. Attornej In Adinx. Atltninitirmtrl NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. A'OTICR IS rlEREBT -GIVES THVT THE l deriknd Executor rlthe It -.n vi I t etta nientol, dril. ha filed hr fin MYouitt in the ettate uf Anirew K bb, deoeaped with the omritT clerk ol Li;n c unly, Oretfv-n and that th?o.'untT cwtirt ot ail litnn ciiMy, ha fl,M the Hth day ol Mrh. 1. .tlh . a iii.s'AvV tn fnnon "t aaid -ta. al th- rsioutT urt h un a te fc the hearing ol ..bffrttn H any - Mid final ac cvant and the uttiriuent ol eaui ealate. IHted F'hrwaay Sih, lM H II llFWITT Ally r Etrix. Jami R R.. fce.-utri, ll T'ANTE Tuhira Tanvafer of bpch. dre. I.lrl wltrr and Men. ll0?i H'.,' Nartcrjmen, r.wt'Dt Ore- Duibnlniers. LaTlog Front. care ol the dead specialty. 4 HEARSE OR SERVICE-, TEMPLE, - - OP.EGCI BUSINESS. not be deceived Gradwohl; acre lots at $50 to $60 per Ion? timo on balance lioprictoB Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 per dozen. .nlai trine pictures lVpcclalty. 16x20 crayons framed ol 5x5 and sterescon'c Tiews 01 ur- FOR EXCKAME. We hare 50 acres ot vsry choice aurbur ton land, itiitnl le for plitiug, adjoiniog the city Jimiu ol I'uriiaDrt Mucli we are clTer iDf( at the low price of ooe thousand doltari per acre, object to an iocambraace of $..- 000, tnotst all of which ihaa two yeara to ran, Ihe equity ol f.W.o'jO, we will exchange for improved farm laud id the Willamette val ley. W will ato exchange eqaity in tome ve.-y central prospective but mess property, pavios ?ood rental, for unincumbered farm latid. If yon re on the tre write for fall particulars In Long & Ci'RRiE, 131 31 street f artland l.'regon. ( JIA1HK1, .M.D., PhTtictati and Parpeon, Office VpeUira orer O Bank ol (frir"ii. KcaidsQce. corner 10th and Calapoola it. A T.ENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a "Idar selllnsi the ercatest kitchen titer.. all ever Ins ented. Retails tor thirty-five i mi iun, un k soia in ever? house. Millions solj in this country alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easl'.y and qulcklr. Sample sent, postage prepa'd for five cents. McMakin Ac Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. STfl n1 A WLLK rul to ladie. I'tr and gnls to sell tii. Rapid U1U N ftslier. Wllha mil I'.riM llmm in two minute without wttinir tha hands. Noexpsrient neeessarv: seil at iiiht. Term orient rrsition. Aditrss V P Hsrrlsfln A ra..rlk r- bus, Ohio. ' ' K WISH to employ t few srocd ? n.en to nake .vj to ioo a we.k sl . wa onr Home Kieiirlc Motor- Runs n-sv. Inj machines, priming rre"se, ru.nis e!i. Kverybcly buys lliia, sites. v cii L p'.OTment. Easy Itnatinn and " A "' A'Ure.s TV P Harrison ,t Cn Cierk o It. Co:nmbu. Ohio. nil GKEATLV H EDUCED PRICKS JIAUEUY SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR ' ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Franehco $.'30.90 Including; FIVE Gate Tickets To THE FAIR EXCUtlSIOD TRIPS. From San Francisco to oilier poinU in sjatiforr,la will be allowed purchasers of special Mid inter Fair ticket Ihe foU lowitig round trip ratta To etatlon under 150 mites from San Francisco, ore and one-third one way fare. To s'nttona 150 miles or more from Han Francisco, one and one-filth one way fare. For exact date and full particulars, In quire of C K Fronk, agent al Albany. Or. or address the undei signed. Rich'd Gray, T H Goodman. ten Irarhc Man. Gen rsengcr Agt, San Frarcisco, Cal. P Rogers. Asst fl V P nant. Port land Or. ELECTRIC BELT UTESTP;.TEHT3?rlf;SrlTH ElECTnO' BEST Z2kJhS MACKETIS IMPS0VEMEHT3. ijjW. SUSPENSOR Till ttin Wltbnat HtHcliio mi niVtiM rDltioe ftcfc oTfruiiiiiiD of liia,:iTvt tprttt.ftf " or m ttttU n, bokuj,! FiriATsailcni, lrilt, loif. tierfrin dtliilltT. lei n. ii'H-.a. ItOiiior. ki,1 r.rt. Ilisr sv-i.l 'l, Muil UIdH, lurk. lunilu.-, ri.L-?, tDCTa' m Ltslih. C'C.T' clcelrle Lsslt aoulntn. 'Taadtrful lMnitr mania nrrt ll oiht?r.rniilte rt.irtDt i!.t la iDstn-jCr felt b th. "T r we rofU l.(MsU. and wilt etn all of ihe !s dl r w ILousada .art tr-ru r'lu rj h tlilt jr- oi.a If -tilluti asft-r sill cthtr rm. l 1 taiir'' acd f tlr,,di of Uilni..r,tU in ,4 -if niher fati OnriHNrrr4l I H I'll IM K ll I LIIll ll Kl !( I Crrsi(et bos-D tTr rsfft -4 tr.f n.t It F.P HI1 II it l.ttr l 1 HfBltti auJ vlzurrx a irmEtlttl ARVNTI KsMnCDUiUalitTa 83jrr illjnrii J'unpnMi, KailH.tral), frr. AJreM SiaWDBPf BZiKCTXVIO CO., " . PORTLAND. 0E. CISSOLU'ION KPTICE. Ti:e partnership htrrtolom .xistfuir a doing a lilnckimithing biittne-i, nnilir name oit,aiiHir dr. rki-rmsn Is (Unsolved V" mutual coijeent tis clay. AV claims due the lirm nr cwina by it still be a.t:!ed by the old rirm at the siiop nn HeciW str?e"t between rVny and Vathini;ton. Mr Cramer retirea and Air Ut.m.-.i, Co tinaetberbustoess. cbroary 1, 1SII4. C'B.iMtn A: Powjias , An atrreenble Laxative and NraTS Tontcl '".by rruir(risis or sent by mail, gjo-tuo. no 1.00 per package, gnmplea free. IT ft Wft -'n FaroHte IKT8 TCWItl AW llW fortbeTeethanditrealn,iag. CafColn Sweeney, v Agan DleaAfwJ r-5?.!Jsh.iloh'' Catarrh Demedr la the ant medicine I have over sound that would do mo ny good,", 1-rictOcta. Sold by CrugKitU. ,, shiloh's cure; Ira Orsut Oocoh Ctjri nmrjmtlretsrel wbereaUotbersfall. ForConsurnpllonlthaa SK rival; baa cured tbouModa, and will cm a on,ttttmlnUme. trKsUcti.Mctavtl.M. lliKrsH 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want maus- rura, sretpen, boys, and airltK work Soros a U-n hours dal'lr, r'jht InandnrrurJ thelrowa honi-s Tin hgsinen'ls e.tsy. plrasru: tlrirtlr ho;orabt. and rwrs better than anyotl.ei offpr-d aavnts. Yon hare clear BCi aij i roro petition. Errriirice aud pees aHllty ai. neewary. X ranital required. We etl'jlp rii with eefrrthlni.- that roa need, treat you wc:, anu h?lp veil to eirn ten Utres erianarr wap. Vimen do as wen as mm, and bora and ir. m ike good par. Anvone. anrwhrre. eao do r'' wurk. All aucer.1 who follow curplaiaand sin fie diresticis. Ksmrst Tfork will surtlr ii T a rival d il of motor. F.rarjtkina Is nes and in (treat rimn.L Write f.-r our ramp:.:. ' elrealar, and r rrlve fall Icornatloss. ho harr d ii if yoa Mnclude cos ta o OS With 11 ' ti-tit:ess. Ceoce Stin$oh&Cc Box 488, PORTLANl), MAINE: