Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 23, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 271
A Racking Cough
Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Mrs. P. 1). Ham, 217 Onossee .St.,
Lockport, U. Y., says :
"Over thirty years neo, I rememlier
heariiiK my fa.lier id eribe tin. wniuler
ful curative iffi-rls of Ayer's Cli'Try
Pectoral. During a nwnt uitiirk of I.a
iriipi', nhirh nsMiiuiuil tin- form of a
cutnrrli.isureiiessnf the
liy nn acs.avatiiiK coiikIi, I
llseil various remedies ami prcsrriptlons.
While seme of these meilirines partially
alleviated the eoligliinK during the day,
none of me any relief from
tfeit spasmodic action of the lungs which
would s-iy.o me the mniiieiit I attempted
to lie down at night. After ten or twcl'-e
such nights, 1 wns
Nearly in Despair,
and hud about 'icclried to sit up all nlht
in my easy chair, u:id procure what
.sleep I couM in that way. It then oc
curred to mo that I had a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took r,
spoonful of this preparation in a little
uater, and was able to lie down without
coughing. In a few moments, I fell
asJocp. and awoke iu the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took a teaspoon ful of ths Vec
tor al every night for a week, then grad
ually decreased tU6 dose, and in two
weoks my cough wns cured.'
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
HepnrcU by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Muds.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
Sjientiflo American
Agency for
t -
rwimormiui'.i: j-r.u lri-o Handbook wn!i to
ML'NN & CO. ;a iju.muuat. m:w your. :.. --vriir.nii patent-, in AhiltkI
Ktitt Patent tnlc". t it hy us m bmuahi tiTe
the puidic by a nuiivie vtm free of cliargu iu f h
Larrest rircutatlin of -ny pcicutlflc paper In tra
worm. oDieuuiniy iiiusuiku. ino iniuinn
man should be witliou. it. Weekly. Sit.. Ml a
FOK I'KV -1h iper hou-w Btore,
npliMiilbl WK Htion. Cb I nu the
wretRry at flu I.M(.ccat office tor pat
for Infants
THIRTT re-'' oTraeiTtioj cf Caatorim with tne patronage, of
inUllons of stnroi, parmit n to apeak of It without t;
It la Ta-nqoeattonnblr th teat remedy for Infanta an 4 Childfea
th, woglJ Taaa ww known. It la harmless. Children Uho It. It
' gT tham Thaalth. It will saw tholr IIto. In It Mothera hmy
! aomethfaig which la akanlutolr aofo nd pnaetlnally porfeot.aa m
' gild's medicine,
. Caatoria, detrtreri Worms.
Cavatoria. allays Feverfshjesa.
Caatoria pinronts fomltlng gonr Card.
Caurtorla imtsi Dlarrhoini and Win it Collo.
CsMjtorl roUT Teething Trooblea.
Castorla pares Conatlpatlon and Flatulency.
3mtCTt ae-atr-allaea th effects of etrhonlo aeld gaa or polaonooa air.
Caytrl doea not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic proporry.
Co-torl assimilates tho food. TeqnJates tho stomach find Taowolf,
Clrlng heolthy and narnral 1e-tv
Ctotoria la t-nt tip In nno-sUo tottloi only. It Is not .old In talk.
Boat allow any ono to .ell yon anything lo on Iho ploa or promlao
ftat It 1. "Jn. t a. goad w and "will anawor ovory pnrpo.e,"
8 that yen get C-A-S-T-O-K-I-A.
Tho fao-ailllo
gignatpro cf '
Children Cry for
BotL ilio method and rewlts rlicr
Syrup of Figs ia taken; ii is plenauit
and rcfieaLiug to Uie tato, and acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidney?,
.ivcr and Bowels, clcavses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures halitiml,
constipation. Svrup of FiS is the
only remedy of" its kind ever pre
c'ueed, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
lid action and truly lipiiefieinl in it.
eflects, prepared only from the most
i i.i.. i i , i . ..
ucuuuy unit ngrceauie suuftasccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and havo mado it the moet
popular remedy known.
.Syrup of Figs is for sale iu POc
and 81 bottles hy all leading drug
gists. Anir rnlinliln 1riim.iat btI.a
n ... -j .
n.ay not havo it on Lund will pro
cure it promptly for any oca who
witues to try iu xjm not uoo.j. any
J F ICED, Evangelist,
Of Det-MtOnes, eve i, -vi ttus utnler dale of
Miroh 23. 18W:
S. B Mini, Mru Co.,
Djfur, (Oregon,
Od brriviiiK borne last veelc, 1 found all
well mnd ui.xiously vaiting. Our little
irl, e.iht and nne-hfif old, wh.ti.d
wa ted ay to 3Sn is r.ior welt,
strelig U'l vn;nr..ll , ,u,l w i ll Heshed op.
B. Cough i u re h ti d ice it work weli.
rtotn of the vhililieii like it. Your S B.
Couh Cure ha. cored aoit kept away all
I'Oiwiieiii Irom me. Si give it to every
one, with gre-tiuui, for all. YV lulling you
trontieil y, we are
Youri-, Mh & Miw J F Ford.
If you wi.h to fuulii.Hit and cheerful, anil really
lor IticSeriiiirN work, clumiiss ymlr ymeia with the
Itttulathe anil I.irir Cure, by taking t or three
luseaeanh wicli,
W. ct M. -ir bottle by all dntevt.
H So. l uinlefa pnitlvitiruarautee Lr
and Children.
it on wi-t
Pitcher's Castoria.
The county convention ot the demo
cratic party of Linn county, Oregon,
will be held at the Conrt Houi inlAl
bany, on Wednesday, April 4th, 1 194,
at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candid tea
for county officers; to elect delegate to
tbe democratic state convention, an to
transact such other business as t isj
properly come before the convent i in.
1'rlmary meetings will be held at lie
usual place of voting in the several ot
ing precincts of said county on Saturt y,
March 31st, 1S!M, at two o'clock p m.i Sy
a unanimous vote of tbe county ceni al
committee it was recommended that le
viva voce system of votingllie adopted jby
the next convention so far as it may ap
ply to the nomination of candidate.
The several precincts are entitled jo
delegates as follows : Tj
Albany n.
center 3
( Jrawfordsvtlle '. .... '4
Kns Albany q
rranuun liutte 14
fox v alley g
North Brownsville
North ilarrisburg
North Lebanon
Hock Creek
Sodaville 3
South Brownsville 4
South Ilarrisburg 4
South Lebauon 6
Sweet Home 5'
Syracuse 3
Tangent 5
Waterloo 3
West Albany 6
Total 123
All voters in sail Linn county with
out .egard to former political affiliations,
who favor an honest economical, admin
istration of county, state and national
governments, so as to conserve tbe in
terests of tire masses ns against trustB
and monopolies, are cordially '.nvited to
join in taking part in these conventions.
Gko W WiuoiiT, Maht Miller.
Secretary. Chairman Tro Tem.
Tbe Beat oriteasoaa.
The reason why Allcock's Porous Tlas
tera arc popular is that they may be relied
on to cure.
1. Lame back, sciatica, or
ttvltuilng ot the mucreV
3. Chest (roubles, such a peur:- ". pneu
monia, consumption.
. 3. Indigestion, dyspepsio, .isncss.
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of the plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's Porous Plaster has
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
have sprung up on every hand. The only
sure cure Is to get the genuine Allcock's
i-orous Plasters.
Brandrcth's Pills Improve the digestion.
Portland, Scramento. Los Angeles
aiocaton and batem nave tnc same insur
ance rates. Albany, Or, Butte and Helena,
Montana, Salt Lake Citv. Taco.ns. and
Walla Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have
tne same rates.
To preserve a youthful appearance as
long as possible. It Is indispensable that the
hair should retain IS natural coTor and
iMUr.css, There is no preparation
ct-'jetive as Avre's Hair Vizor.
lc pievents baldness, and keeps the sca'p
cican, cooi, anu neauny.
Elderly people reinemler their sprin
bitters with a Bhudder. The present gen
eration have much to be thankful for, not
tne least ot tneir oicssings oeing such a
pleasant and thoroughly effective spring
medicine as Ayer's Sarsaparilia. It is a
A ( Llld Knjoys.
ple.1s.1nt flavor, gentle acti'm anu
soothing effect o Siuj ol Figs when in
need 01 a iaaltve, and It the lattu-r or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that it
Is the nest lamtlv remedv known and
everv f nl!v should liavsa bottle.
Sliiluh's Vita: zrr what, von need for
dyspepsia, tcrpid II v -r, yellow skin or kid
ney troaMe. It la euarant-ied to give yon
suii'action. Price Toe. S Foahay &
There i no claim made for Aver'a which cannot be endorsed by
scores ot testimonials. 1 nis tact plainly
proves that the blnod is the source of most
disorjers and that Ayer's Sarsaparilia Is
the best of blojj purifiers. Try li this
By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray,
fadeo or discolored hair assumes the natu
ral calor of youth, and glows luxuriant
anJ strong, pleasing everybody.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, tioldei."
Common every Hay.
Alnanr slarkel.
Vtin.i !
Out. "'
f ni:r. t3.Hl.
' utler. 'an
Ke-. lo.
!,ir I, 12 In li-.
P.rk hfiis 12 to 15 : ..oiild-rs.'' I.IO
1 .Ilt'illJ
Hi?, tne I
I'l". 4 1 '
p''i. . 4
H ii Iti
ir:s I ' oil o 1. n;. r ;i
''ii'elv'.'is. I &i 1 ; :
B.f on f. IV
Moo;., dr .11 ft,'
Trouble Feared.
Wasiiinoion, March 22. It is believed
in well informed naval and diplomatic
circles that ine Uebring sea matter ia as
suming an aspect of grave and serious Im
portance, and that recent sudden CBanges
in the assignment of naval officers arc
ascribable to this cause.
The department of slate has nt last call
ed upon the navy dep ininent lo supply n
fleot of police for the seal waters, and
every effort is being made to get the ves
sels together. Thev will number 10, if so
many cun be assembled.
An Even Game.
San Kuancisco, March 22. The first
game of the liugby football tournament
was played at the midwinter lair grounds
today, the contesting clubs being the Oie
goniuns and Californiuns, and the game
resulted in a tie. 1'or an hour and a half
the athletes twisted each other's necks and
struggled for supremacy to the de ight of
the cheering crowd in the grand stand,
but neither side scored.
A t aia.1 ICoiub.
Pahis. March 22 A bomb exploded
yoterduy afiernoon in the church of tialieu
near Grenoble, as the congregation 'ns
departing. The explosion was just inside
the main entrance. Twenty wee injured,
three probably fatally. A panic ensued,
during which n number wore trampled
under foot and injured. No arrests.
. A Commander for Hawaii
CniCAOO. March 22. The Post's Wash-
ington special says:
"Naval circles are excited over the or
der recalling Commander Kirkland. en
route for Hawaii, and instructing Admiral
Walker to take command of our naval
forces at that station. Admiral Walker
has iut hoisted n term of sea dutv nnd
expected to have a long spell of shore
A Brulal Meboul Teacher
CiiF.WEi.AH. Starch 22 After a sensa
tional trial, las'inir two davs. before a
justice, Mr and Mrs J 11 Barnes, teachers
in tue public schools here, were lined ?ou
and cosls for brutal'y beatintr a son of
"liiiam liutty. Ine evidence Bhowed
that Mrs Barnes woro out switch after
switch, and wlnls waiting for more from
the adjacent woods attacked the child with
her lists.
'Some Aiiaulnliueiil
Wasiiixhtox, March 22. Tho presi
dent has nominated tho following Jesse
Murphy, Washington, register of the
land Otlice. Olvinnia. Wash: Willinm Tf
jOunphy, Washington, receiver of public
Hawkins, Washington, receiver of' public
moneys at uiympia, wasn. .
Commend itself to the well formed, to do
p eananiiv and eltctuaily what wai form
er'y done in the crudest manner and dis
agreeably as well. To cleanse the avstein
and break upcolds, headaches and fevers
wiihaut unplfaait nfter effcrtR. use ihe
delightfui Mquiu laxative remedy, Wyrup of
New Loiiikr Yard. The undersigned
ia npAnnrOil tn (nnnlv all uneinnani -!lt.
ft'l ki mis of lumber, drain tiling, cdar
posts, nour anu leeu on me most lavor
able terms.
K O Tower Shedd.
hisiloli's Cum. the (jr-n couuh and croop
dm, i i tr vy w . i v Hiss ooniama
rT.-'tv d i4,!S,oti)y 2.3. Cliilil run ).-roife
oithnv 4 M4(in.
Han's flair Renewer contains the natu
ral food nnd color-matrer for the hair, and
medlcln-l herbs for salp, curinij iayncia.
baldness, dandruff, and ncalp sores.
Whatever may be the cause of blanch
ing, the hair my b- restored to Its origi
nal color by the ua- of that potent remedy
Hail's Veetatile Sicilian II ur Renewer.
Thou'-ands of live arc avc1 annually by
the use of AverV Vcttral, In the treatment
of croup and whooping co igh, the Pectoral
has a :iiost marvel Ubeltcc. UallayH in
amn.alioti, frees theooKtruciedairnai.sAg'e
and contro's the deilre to couf;h
9100 lU-WCri 1C0,
Tl:"rpnclf-nortliifTi''IH?r will be p?ea?d to
Jcaro that tlit-re In i;t ut one ditadtd diseuxe
that ncie-.ic.' h ,4 ln -n ahlo to ctiro in oil ft
itancs, and thijt in t'ututrti. llbD'a Cutarrn
Cure is the only wv.ilivfc cur- know n tn the
ical fraternity. C'Jiat- li !c:nr a
disease, rcuuirr- a ct'-j-titbtioijiil treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure in t ikn Intfrrally, actititf
flircctly up-jn tUo llotl and trmcous mi rfacf of
thetj'Ktcin, therchy detroyint: tho rpiindstion
of the di-as5, and Rivln? the patient utrrrltrth
by buildiniriip tho contUntfon and asuis'ihg
atnre in doinir Its work. The proprietor havo
so much faith In its curat ivte power, that lhy
offer One Hondrrd Dollar for any cae it is
fails to cure. Send for lint of testimonials.
Address, P. J. CHtlVF.Y &CO., ToledO.O.
Sot'Nr DrugTl 'Sc
The wav to Jj it Is t ' Tk5 yo ir wash
ing to the Chinamen, lfyoj wsnt you
work we1! ! n- at llvln prices take It
Richard Sc Pillpa'n Steam Lundr
Th-y know ho.v wltho t banging the
rounds pf 'e.
Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair
Tlie rnly I'uie Cream of Tnrur I''.r. JIo AmuMinia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Wars the Standard.
Highest of all in Leavening
t v acsr
Notice U hereby given that on the SIst
day of March, 1894, between the hours
of 1 o'clock p m and 7 o'clock p m, of
eaid day, a primary election will be held
in West Albany, Albany, and East Al
bany, in Linn county, Oregon, for the
purpose of electing delegates to the Dem
ocratic County convention, to bs held at
Albany.Oregon, April 4, 1894. The poll
ing place in West Albany precinct will
be in the circuit court room at the court
lioupe it said West Albany precinct and
U W Cline, J P Galhraith.and Wm Rum
baugh are the judges of such election.
The polling place in Albany precint will
bejlie treasurers office at the court house
in said Albany precinct and the judges
of such election will be Mose R tern burg,
Oliver Bushnell and L II iM on tan ye. The
polling place in East Albany precinct
will be at the office of the Farmers ware
house in said East Albany precinct and
K L Burkhart, 1 C Dickey and John
Isooq Sr will be the judges of such elec
tion. The number of delegates to be
elected at such primary election is as
follows: In West Albany precinct (i, in
Albany precinct 9, and in East Albany
precinct (i,
P. ted the 22nd day of March, 18f4.
Mart Mii.i.rk.
Gjio. V. Wright, Chairman Demo-
secretary. cratic County Central
K(llllRITIOA IMltTV 1'01'NTr
The County Convention of the Prohl
fill"" av jjiiiu kuuini will vuikciic
bltton party for Linn county will convene
14th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p m. for the pur-
pose of nominating a county ticket and
transaction ot such other builnes as may
properlv be brought before the convention.
All prohibitiojiUtB of I-lnn county who
voted the prohibition party ticket In iSoj
and who intend t support the same In
th,: ensuing election w ill be entitled to
seats as delegates In the convention.
bvery prohibitionist in ' L-lnn county is
earnestly and cordially invited to attend.
T P Backlbman, chairman of Unn
County Cer.tral Committee
Ex pens!. etftov 01117.
Some peop'e begrudge the little money
that an Allcork's Pori:s Plaster costi , ai d
then when they pre racked with pain fiom
thetoreness arising from a cold, they will
spend any amount cf money to relieve the
pain. If they onty had one of these wrrld
renowned nlastera on hand they would be
saved a vast amount of suffering and be
considerably Hcher. At the first sign of
sti fines of ihe joint! applv one af these
plasters wltt.out any delay. Ihe soreness
will be greatly relieved it once and soon
-disappear entire y. It will Le money
saved to nave them o-i hand, to sa noth
h.gof the o.-nf irt they bring.
IX.n't Swkr. Of course vou fee
like It some timet.; hut,there Is retiring in
It. Slmplv 'earn a lesion, anil the nxt
tin e go to Par er Bros for yovr lirot er-
, pfoius ht.-l baken good rsu one
ever f iaculate profanely after itaavfng
their store, for rxjt only are the best gro
ceries In the .nrrket .old; but everb.;dy
from a child to mi old gentleman. I treat
ed courteously. Tl.eir baked goods. Ii a
large variety, superior and itopulur,
If you wonld teepln good humor with
the world alwavstry l arker uros.
Thin or grat hair and bald Vads, o
dUpleising to piany people as maiksof
age. may he averted lor a mug tme ny
using flail s nalr Kenewer.
For all (!eran :emen f Ihe throat and
lung, Ayer's Ch.-rry Pectsral is the speed
iest and mont reliable remedy.' Even in
the advanced stagfrs of Consumption, this
wonderful firepfation at ford great relict,
checks coughi,,-,;. and induces sleep.
When Baby was U.-k. t gars her Castoria,
VTaca she was a C ild, she cried for Castoria.
When she became 'lint, ahe clung to CaMor!
When she bad Chi iren, she kto the Castoria
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 Balcing
Taikcr Pros, grocers.
P. M. French keepa railroad time
Buy your groceries of Parker Bros
Pi 38 gr3ries at Conn't.
litiw cream olieens just receive J at Com a J
P J Smiley job printer, Flino Block, docs
Hist class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 6 Oenl
oigar at Julius Joseph's,
Br M H E.H-. physioian and surgeon
Albany, Oran.- CH mala li oitlcr
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with it jtrd
to Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil, in its plain
state, is very apparent. In
colt's Emyisieii
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion . there is no after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
. . d ' P 9
and strength
known to
1 .1 Srntl Kim.. N. T. All ilmeelrts.
Wots., and Q1
(i.wpor uoxuo.
Uue cent a doso
Tma Oreat Cotrnn Cuhb promptly cures
where all others fud. Coughs, Croup. Sore
.ou(ni vroup. oors
hooailng Cou.h and
inroai. Hoarseness, wnoojinc .ouun ana
niuiiim, x "IT wuiiRuaipuau Id una uu ritaij
haa cured thouiandt, and will curb tod If
Asthma, i'nr Connumption It baa no rival:
taken in tlmo. t1 by lnt((gls on a guar
nntee. For a Ijimo llaolc or ChftT use
Tliive yi hi t 'atari h 'l 1'hts rrmeily la R-ttaran
soea to cure you. Arioe.bJ;u. uueeuirire
Red Cix-wnMills
joi;n isgm, proprietor.
I -Xi. .hi "toi k flTLHita POS. a trill's.
an ti eAXaua trur,
. ..... j . r 1. U i.;riKi
Jirtiggistsand Rouksellers,
a Itei.u for John B. AlAer'a publlri Uona
auleh we Mil at pnbllahM'a prieaM wit
a'.bAMf 'JRECH
1 ( 1 I M I I t;nl l Ir.'l!'
if. W. l!cFar!niu1
- t- TiKAl KK IR
Harness - and -Saddlery.
Disp!oy i io ths Ocoi