Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 22, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    pntUj .Democrat
CT -
,ibl'ulieJ every day in the week
except Sunday.
m i XUTTMO, Editor anil r.'op'r
frtrrd st Die Boat Ofllcj t Albany
retf"", " "" mailer.
fool Ball. The Albany collece foot
tU team will go to Eugene tomorrow
ght to play the university team on
jtunlay afternoon. The (iuard says
I the approaching game: Jlurh inter
it ia anticipated in the football game
iliicli is to tako placo on the university
mnpiia next Saturday. The Albany
)ot brtll team will try their ability with
,e team recently organized at tiie uui
ereity of Oregon.
A Uuard reporter witnessed the latter
tain in their practice yesterday after
oon and to judge from appearances the
rmnizalion is a good one for this same.
onie ol the members were rather averse
o a contest so soon for scarcely one
new anything of practical foot ball ten
ava airo. The team is exorcising under
to ;re(ul direction of Air Weatherbee
f the (lepartment.of physical culture in
he university. The instruction in the
rts of the game is given by Cal M
ioung and the boys are proving apt
As Old ISuiLniNd. The Corvallia
s'ews says that the building wLich hail!
nst been torn down, on the lot south of
:reiKhteu & Quivey'a implement estab
isliment, was an oM laud mark to
JorvalH". A "ear as we can learn it
s-as built in 1851 and was known for a
number of years as the Shakespeare
laloon, and was opened by John Ihoinas,
ivhodied as its owner. Others conducted
i saloon in the building, a .id in the year
lS58a bowling alley was built on. In
later vears ti'.e business of the town
moved farther north and the old build
ing was vacated and afterwards converted
into a dwelling house. Still later, it was
occupied by Chinese. The old timers
can look back and recall many a "gay"
time in the old Shakespeare saloon. In
those davs money was scarce, compara
tively, but gold dust and $50 slugs were
plentiful, and many a dollar changed
hands on the green clotn and the bar in
this old stiucture now oi tne past.
A Git:nY Woman MiBS Ollie Rey
nold, whose home is on the mhldle fork
ot the John (Jay river, arrived in t en
.1 elon Monday evenine. iter lourney
of 75 miles to the citv was one which
could be taken by but few ladies, for tb
reason that it involved tiie enduring of
bitterly cold weather and tli passing
along some trails that were dangerous
in the extreme, but a small party made
the trip, riding a fraction ol the distance
In a hack. The greater portion of the
road was covered on horseback. The
animals were comnelled to nlougli
through large diifts ofsnow, which
lay all over the ground from two to five
feet deen. Sometimes the horses went
urged along trails that seemed impossible
of oassage. But Miss Reynolds was
supplied with both fortitude and exper
ience in handling hones, so that slit
came through all right. l'endle'on
E O.
coxaxa and
At the YMCA annlveriary on the
Joth one ol the features will be a series of
The S P pay car went over the road
this noon circulating considerable gold
and stiver.
The Pioneer Stone Quarry of Tol-do
ha just cljd a contract with the Build
ers Exchange ol San Francisco fur 10,000
tons of stone.
The Homer left Vaqulna at 6 o'clock
tlili morning for San Francisco, with 650
torn of freight and 21 passengers. It It
iccoming a popiuur Doat.
Mr Casper Vandran Is continually add
ing to his pheasant rookery. He now
hai eight celestials and a couple o( nun
pigeons. Other birds will be added, until
the place will be one of great attractive
ncsa to travelers.
A letter received by C H Stewait today
from Boston announced that the Rchool
t-onds would be Kued as soon as possible.
The bonus will be engraved and sent to
Albany for signatures at an early date.
Ar.angemt'nls will be made for receiving
bids for the new school building In a few
Three ihonsand men went to work Mon
day morning in South Chicago, for the
first time in six months, a, the starting of
the Illinois Steel Works. The new plate
mill will be completed by beptembei ana
will give employment to nearly 2000
more. The shipyards which opened up
o weeks ago cave steady work to 400
others, so that times have suddenly bright-
ned for the laboring man.
The Corvallis Times finds consolation in
the defeat of the OA C at Portland, that
Hilly Smith the famous prize nghti-r, Maud
Hoffman, the talented actress, and L A
Hanks, recently prohibition candidate for
governor ot Jlassachunetts once- resided
A sensation will oxnlode in Corvallis in
few davs. snvs rumor. Hint will put to
leap any thing of the kind that has hap-
for years. If Hie guilty parties could be
brought to lustice and too community
spared the dirty uetiuis it would ue a nuu-
r ot congratulation. iews.
Notice la hereby given that on the 31st
day of March. 18U4, between the houra
of 1 o'clock p in and 7 o'clock p rn
said day, a primary election will be beld
in West Albany, Albany, anu casa Al
bany, in Linn county, Oregon, for the
purpose of electing delegates to the Dem
ocratic County convention, beld at
Albany .Oregon, April , !. me poll
ing place in Vest Albany precinct will
be in the circuit court room at the court
house in said west Albany precinct anu
G W Cline, I P Ual'raiih.and Wm Rum
baugh are the judges of such election .
The Dollimr rjlace in Albany nrecint will
be tbe treasurers omce at me court nouse
in said Albany precinct and the judges
of suf-li election will be Mose Sternburg,
Oliver Busbnell and L. H Montanye. 'ibe
polling place in East Albany precinct
will be at the office of the Farmers ware
house in said Kast Albany precinct and
K. L Burkhart, 1 U iJickey ana joun
Isom Sr will be the judges of such elec
tion. The number of delegates to be
elected at such primary election is as
follows: In West Albany precinct 0, in
Albany precinct 0, and in .bast Albany
precinct i.
Dated the 22nd day of March, 18'.4.
Mart Miller.
Gko. W. WmaiiT, Chairman Demo
Sccretnry. cratic County Central
W .1 Bruce & Co, va Wilson & Chase
and W B Thompson. Fore of Lien..
Uerrigan & Humphrey vs Kvang'l Cli
Waterloo. Fore of Lien. Continued.
Bettie C Crow va Lemuel I Crow- Di
vorce. Motion for a new trial, overruled.
lli nry Wutkins agt Albany Milling &
Mining Co. Recovery of money; attach
ment. Judgment for plff.
E 11 Muplc ngt W H Maple, Recovery
money; attachment. Judgment for plain
tiff. Corbett. Failing & Robortson agt F C
Ayers k Co. Recovery money; uttucb-
uient. Judgment.
W S Thompson, assignee agt E S Bur
rows. Recovery money; attachment. Continued.
S II McKlinurrv et at agt Hugh C Cald
well. Foreclosure. Continued.
A A Kelley agt H C and E V Klcpper.
Foreclosure. Decree for plaintiff.
A I Crandall ngt Will k Chase et ux.
Foreclosure. Continued.
D B Zch nut L V and Julia Builev. Re
covery nioney; attachment. Continued
penning seuiemem.
Oregon net (1 F Russell. Forirery.
Sentenced to imprisonment in the peniten
tiary three years, to begin at expiration of
sentence for obtaining property by false
Oregon ngt G F Kussell. Obtaining
property by false pretences. Sentenced to
penitentiary ior one year.
Clinton Black. 14 vears old. was sentenc
ed to the reform school.
Milton Hale agt I) 0 Meeker et ux.
Motion for deed bv present sheriff.
0 C McFarland agt C C Jackson, Man
damus. Demurer to writ overruled and
peremptory writ issued. Under this de
cision the sheriff will issue receipts for
18U4 for Albany city taxes as prayed lor.
W C Meyers agt Eviaa Milhrecht;
judgment on pleaddings.
J A McBrid-i et alagt Bank of Oregon ;
injunction restraining sale ot bank build
in. Delta to answer by April 1st. Plain
tiffs to reply by April 10, 1894.
Adiourned until Mav 7 to hear addi
tional evidence and consider matter of
application for removal ot W S Ihomp
son, aseignnee of Oregon Bank.
"Park- my box witn three dozen
liquor jugs." is the BliorteBt sentence
which contains every letter in the at
No one fits so well on a bicycle as a
bow-legged man. Nature must have seen
the bicye'e in the dim future when she
created him. Salem Journal. Of all
riders theibow-legged man fits on the ma
chine in the worst shape. The Inde
pendent man is no posted.
Owing to the hizb staireof water it was
impossible for the steamer Eugen-i to get
bebw the Albany bridge Saturday, so
she spent the day here and put in the
time giving lu cent excursions down tbe
river a couple of miles. A great many
children and voung lolks enioyed
steamer ride. Register. There haB not
been any water so hijth this year that the
Eugene could not pass under the bridge
Character is the noblest treasure a
nerson can possess, sa'sthe Salem In
dependent. It is the crown and glory of
lite, it dignities every station and
exalts every position. Its power is greater
man mat 01 goisi ; us mnuence is strong
er than that of position. The lounda
tion of society rests upon character
Napoleon once said that the moral to
to the physical is as ten to one. Charac
ter commands ; iulluence gains respect
and admiration.
Rev and Mrs J B Starkev. of Minne
apolis. cama down from Seattle Monday
Deed and remained over night In Pendleton.
Mr Starkey, while a gentleman ot tbe
sacred callins. has managed during tne
vears to amaBS a fair sized fortune, and
has wide exDerience in observing tl
development of various localities. He
has traveled throngh the west before,
and now believes that a tidal wave 01
prosperity is coming to this section.
United states Land O.Tice Oregon Citv.
Oregon, March loth, 1894.
.Notice is hereby given that the a Droved
plat of survey ol township, 13 south,
range 10 west, has been received from
the surveyor general ol Oregon, and on
April 23. 1894, at o'clock a m of said
dav said plat will be filed in this office
and the land therein embraced will be
subject to entry on and nfter said date.
RoiiRHT A Miller Peter Paqukt.
Register. Receiver.
STitic-Ti.r In It When it conies to
washing the Albany Steam Laundry is
strictly in it. It is doing the business of
the city; tbe Celestials are going to the
wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain woshinir
is cheap enough for unylmly in any kind
of times. Richards & Philips do first class
worK ana spend lueir money at borne.
l atromze the Albany btearn Laundry.
Gauukn Seeds. Every body should
have u garden. Are vou one who will
Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co
and make your selection irom a fresh supply
of all the seeds in the market, the largest
stock 111 the city.
Will at Hurt, leveler.
If vou want a line smoke call for Joaephts
white labor cigars,
The beAt'rnast raitfee in the oity at Onniad
irfnyer a.
Hodges & MoKanand, :h lea line druf.
tore, Albany, Oi ,
Will & Stark's large line of kilver war
has created a great deal of talk.
Patronize home industry bv smoking the
celebrated white labor oigara, manufactured
by JuHus Joteph.
r Baths at Vierecks
cutting parlors.
shaving and bair
Seo the New Imp roved Singer sewing an
chine. The bt is always the cheapest.
W Sawden, agent. Othce at F M rrench
ewelry store
Sew.xo Machines neatly repaired and
warranted hy a thoroughly competent work
man, at K M French'sjjewelry sore, Albany
Dr. Price's Cream Bcking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
French has the largest and finest stock
of spectacles and eye glasses in Linn
County. Prices to suit the times .'
Jewel Stoves
and Ranges
Best On
Kentucky editors cannot be. too care
ful about what they print. The citizens
of the blue grass commonwealth are
touchv. and statements published with
the most amiaoie intentions are iikciy
to cause trouble. . Here is the editor of
thu Mount Sterling Times, for example;
who printed what fie thought was a
in-Aceftil uhituarv notice, winding up
with the pertunctory statement mat
"the deceased had gone to a happier
home.'' He is now the defendant in a
libel anit brought bv the widow of the
corpse, and when lie goes home after
Miss Vesta MaBon went to Salem this
uueu 10 visit iiieiiue. I : .1.- 1,. i.Iiai the
Dr J L Hill wtnt to Corvallis this noon Ljf,, o( tjlo'.n-eet amI carries his Bhot-
The notice was gratis,
Matthews & Washburn.
gun at full cock.
The- difference between
Living well and living
Poorly is very Braall
If you buy light even
In hard times. Trade
With those who do
Business on the equare,
Giving quality as well
As quantity. Tarser
Bros, are such a firm.
Their groceries are always
First class and (heir
baked goods are nil
surpassed any where.
Ciiilijren Lost. A Brownsville dis
patch is to the effect that late Saturday
night word was brought to that city that
two children ot v iinam u iiiggs, agen
respectively 4 and 0 years, who lire
about l!-2 miles east of the town, wtre
lost in the brush . Early auntiay morn
ing some 75 men and boys started out
to sconr the brushy hills. The rain had
iallen nearly all night, and it waB cold
anu stormy, anu grave '.eara were enter
tained for their safety. That had gone
aith them, returned home a'one about
8 o'clock in the morning. The search
was diligently prosecuted, however, and
about 11 o'clock Hie two little ones were
found safe under a largo fir tree, about
2J miles from home, over on the slope
ol McDowell creek. They were not
hurt, but cold and hungry. They were
soon re'urned to their home, after an
absence of about 1(1 hours. Guns, were
tired over the cent. .
Shot at A M.M.-Ducsmuir, .News :
"Tom C Young, who nsed to brake on
the freight train out here, passed down
the road Thursday night In the custody
ol Sberiff Walker on bis way to San
Cjuentin for one year. lie shot at a
man named TIiob Frazier in Montague,
who was too familiar wtih his wife
When arrniunrd before the superior court
he plesd guilty and got one year
He was very foolish for not making a
light for his liberty." Young was form
erly a brakeman on the 8 P road here.
A Corvallis Isrl'strv. J P Huffman,
N'eal Xpwhrwsn nnd F P Sheasgreen have
bought the old Fitman planing niills.on
lit street, including tlieground, nuilding
ana machinery, of John Kicaard, paying
S170O therefor. Tbe work of thoroughly
repairing and renovating the entire plant
has already commenced, and quite an ad-
,i i..:t.i:
uin win oe cunt on ana tiie uuuuing
Pat in an attractive shape. New ma
chinery will be added this summer and
eit fall a box factory will be an im
portant addition. News.
Peters Vn-u-nn.1 Phiirrh will open an
faster Bazaar in the W C T U hall on
Tuesday afternoon March 27'' and continne
ui w ednesdny noon. Ibey will nave
or sale many useful and ornamental arti
fle. also a large assortment of Japanese
Hoods from Andrew Kans of Portland. Sup
Ir I, served nfter 6 o'clock. Price
cts. All are cordially invited.
Take Xotice. Do not ride your bi-
on the sidewalk on First street. Baker
'o I alupnoia. or on Second, Lyon to tnla
pdia. A vijlation of this order will re
ult in (hp nmft of the offenders. Hy
"nkr of the Chief of Police.
Lsr.ipe try ih Rolantine Massncc Cieftm
He bit piepnatinn ever made for the
"mr-lectlon. to he hs'1 of Mrs Rowell, at
tusj Home Allnnv Ore.
tln towels to ever customer at Viereck
I'Wing parlors.
Vi:in! politicians of a'l cn'or have to
e medicine. Buy! from Fred Daw
at the iiitle druj store oa Jnd st.
C'ct-.NTVTAXES. Reports from different
counties indicate that taxes are being
paid nt the usual rate. The Eugene
Uuard etya for Lane county : Taiea are
coming in right along at the abend's of
fice. Since the rolls were opened the
sheriff has turned over to the treasurer,
weekly, as required by law, the amounts
below. These amounts include state,
county, school aud city taxes- Three
cities and 22 districts levied taxes. Very
few warrants, comparatively, are being
received, the greater portion of the
amonnta being cah. For the week end
ing Feb 24. $32!U.2S was received ; March
2, .-lS2 21; March 0. iil50.S2; March
10, $t102.30. Total, 20,8l!!.'jl.
Aftkr Bear. The Detroit -correspondent
of the Salem Journal says: Nat
Bowman and Jim iStearns left here last
week fur the lower country to kill what
few heats there are down there. Then
they are coming back and are going to
Kastern Oregon to kill what few there
are left over there. Then they will come
back to the summit of the Cascades and
kill all there are between here and the
summit. Murion county will have to
make an extra appropiialion to pay them
for bear scalps.
Vhs Pollard's frirr.tis deny that she
will kill Brerkingidgo if she loses her suit
for breach of promise, hut, in any event,
they say she will writ"a Imok giving all
the unfortunate events of her life and a
graphic account of her infatuation and re
lations for 10 years with Breckinridge.
Sheriff Jnckson went to Salem this noon
with Prnf Kussell. The democrat is in
formed that Kussell ex-wcted a sentence of
seven years and was quite pleased at the
lowness of the sentence. 1 he sheriff left
young Black at the reform school.
The trial of Ed Mill charged with the
murder of Summers at Oarfiehl. Washing
ton about two yerns ago is now in progress
at Dayton, W ashmgton.
t A Washington dispatch says that H Q
Huiterhas been appointed postmaster at
Ureswen, miie couniy. vn-n 'r
nointinent nt Salem is promised very soon
Base ball is being agitated in Corvallis.
Millixert Opesiso, On Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, this week, the
Ladies Bazaar -will have their grand
opening of spring and summer mill'
nery. The display of trimmed hats and
bonnets, together with all the latest
novelties will surpass all former efforts
All ladies are cordially inv'ted toattend.
Mas 11 J Sower.
on medical business.
General II B Comoson passed through
Albany this noon on the south; bound
Mr H W McF.lmurry lias returned from
his recent trip to Arkansas, and reports
a pleasant time. He found the people
there contented. They didn't have
much, and didn't want very much, hence
did not teei ttie narn times
Rev arid Mrs D N Mclnturffand family,
arrived home this afternoon from Mon
ran. TIia irentleman reports 107 conver
sions and that 90 joined the church. All
ths populace in that immediate vicinity
were deeply affected. Guard.
Quite a pleasant evening waa spent at
the residence of Mr and Mrs John Rob-
son, on March 20tli, it being the occasion
ol the sixth anniversorv.of their married
life. A number of their friends were in
vited in and the usual pleasantries of
such occasions ruled the hour
Fred Obeier and H L Holgate went to
Albanv today by private conveyance, on
matters pertaining to the foot ball game
to nave been piayeu nere next camruay,
but which baa been declared off on ac
count ot the members of the Albany team
linviiitr chnmred their minds about com
ing osit here. Corvallis News. The
game was given up on account of several
oi me Aiuany men uemg uwn.
Tuesday evening a delightful surprise
party waa tendered miss r.inma rieiuer
at the home of Mr Chas Pfeiffer on i irst
street. The turnrise consisted ol the
fact that Miss l'leiner tiiougiu me party -hej for casu r wiil lle for ind part
was for a friend. Music, cards and danc- )y or wnolly improve 1 not very far from
lug wcira ins . --I-"-- -' town, vail or write w mi umuo.
merit was served in me nevere riuuee
Call On
Price' Cream Bal.lng Powder
Most Perfect Made.
SniiNO WnAPs, The Ladles Ilaraar
desires fo nnnonneo that they have just re
ceived nn elegant line of ladies and nmses
capes end jackets for srringwear. Th?e
garments comprise all the latest Parisian
ft le mi are tailor made. The prices
suit the times. Cull and inqt them.
New Advertisements.
B.QQto8t?ooPEK DAY at home
selling Lightning Plater and plating jew
elry, watches, tableware, etc. Every
nouse has goods neeaing piaung. iio cv
pericnce;no capital; no talking. Some
aennis are mak'nz 2? at'ay. Permanent
poBHton Address ii rv ueiiiu -'
lumbus, Onio.
T3R BARGAINS in real sta'.e aildresi
1 or oil on James W Card well & O-i.,
rin.C.I. nr 'I rutin, a iinllHA and lot in
l oiml location In Albany W'll sell
dining room. The party was declared a
great social success.
Flli Hificinson. now a famous writer,
at present attached to the statt ol tne
Ladies Home Journal, was lom.eny un
wife of a LaOrande druggist, who grew
up there almost from babyhood. Her
talent seems to have lieen hidden while
there and was not a matter of particular
publicity. Some of her first work ap
peared in eastern story papers, and after
ward there were several anicien puu-
lUhed over her name near home.
iHLed one suitable for small Kre or
nffiea. nns for store. 20XBO feet. W 111 be
ready by Jlwch ii'. u on "r v
Maalon for particulars.
riesfira a
home work
Address Clara M R uuld, Albany Ore.
REM. - Two lojms. new,y
"1 7" AN TED. A young Iviy
f T p'aee to no gsnerm
AlbanylnsuraEce Agency
TJUKK lilfKD Silver Laced Wyandotte
X eggs tor sale by Ii u n oodwortn.
FOR Rr.NT.-The roim recstiti.v oc.'U
pied b J W BenMv as a boot and
shoe sbop. Ca.l on I, Vioreck.
T":i;s, Fi:ns. Eoos. Pure bred Silver
I V lce l Wvand"tts. Egirs for
ttie Airan7 Poaitiy xards. from pen n.
I and 2. 81.25 per l3; pe No. 3 91 per 13
B Plymouth Rooks, 75otsper 13. on,i
Brush, Alniny, ui, uor 4-.n ana n it sis
ARIANrS-B.iilght and
sold by H; F Merrill.
We have had over seven years exper
ience In the Home office and local insur
ance buslness,and can guaranteelnsurance
written by us to be properly looked after.
The following Is a partial lis: oi companies
represented by ui:
FnrM.mNo-th British & Mercantile,
Norwich Union, Phccnii, London, Man-
hetler, Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Ln-
jon Lancashire,
American Continental of New York,
Westchester of New York. The Conti
nental of New York and Manchester of jji u(tween San Fran
Fnolflnd. write farm business. taking notes I r J .
for the ?re'mum- wl,h "mPle ,,me 'or I Cisco and Willamette valley
payment. e respectfully solicit any
good business
The Steamship HOMER
icit anyi "4 4I,n f irprrnn onr!
tjme opptniie gm jnni- i T ' C 1 1
COnllierii 1 avii c lumuouo,
Dr. Price's Cream Getting T'owder
World's F'-Hlghesl Medai mnt Diatom
Street Railway Time Card'
The car wlU leave corner of First and
Washington streets at follows:
7 40 a m for Lebanon train.
8:1!! " " Orphan's Home.
11 -to " " N001 train going north,
13:15 p m for njon train going south.
I " ' Lebanon train.
I 10 ' Orphans Home.
9 '5 " " Overland train going south.
For O'phan'' Home nn Sunday car will at l:1n. 1::',3 and 3'pm
I The car will also meet all Incoming
trains on the Oregon parlfic rallwd
(J O Di axiiART.
Eailinc with freicht and pas
sengers on or about the fol
lowing dates: From San Fran
cisco on Monday, March 20,
at G p m. rrom Yaiuina: on
Saturday March at o a m
Fare from Albany and
Corvallis to San Francisco
Cabin. $12; Steerage.
Hound trip tickets, includ
ing meals and berths, goctl
for "0 days, .1H.
rwn 1 Hfs'Iip.y ,V CYi. Atcnt
No 2 toS Mirk?'J-l.-ett Sao F.-anci-f O
See Their Nice
and Trimmings,
dies Fine Shoes.
Dress Patterns
Also Their La-
At Perry Conn's.
Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow,
Fine California Honey,
Horse Radish Roots,
Grass and Garden Seeds
Alvay3 keep on liandja choice lino of all staple groceries-a-,
well as a superior stock of crockery.
Successor lo I A Morr'.
Flour and Feed Store
Opposite Russ House.
Has on hand a full siock .f Chipp-d Fest1, Coiv.ilis Fitur, Bran, Nhnrta, Oeim Mia
Graham, Buckwheat, Iije Hodi, Ha), O.t-.S rw, Foiatoes, Applts. te.
Ttie Best She.
85, 84 and 83.50 Dress Shoo.
83.60 Polics Shoe, 3 Solei
82.60, 82 for Worklngmef
82 and 81.75 for Boys.
83, 82.50 82, $1.71
you W. I.. DouRl.
i nt Bi rfdurM Drlir,
or nays he hsm them with
ooi ins Ofm inmpfii
oatns rmimm, par nim
aown mm m irsua
W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes re ntvlUh. car fitting and Rive bccr
a(Isiii:tIon nt Lite pi Uc atlvcrtlscd th.nn any other make. Try one pair and he con
vinced. The stamping of W. L Douglas' name and prlre on the bottom, whifli
puarant'-, their value. Haven (houFfintU of iIo!lnrn unMially to tho-M! who war th ::u.
Dcalcru who push the rale of V. L loti!aj Slioet gain customer. vhirh lr!; , Ij
Inr-rnw the k.iIps on their full line of p"!i. T'y mn nKftA in n-t nt ft ti j-'' '
and w larllrT" rott mnr? hr h !; p Trivt f -h-xt rf IS" T-nl-f n-.
Foran hy the L. E BLAIN CIClHtNGC?
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