0 WASHINGTON LETTER. From cor regular Comspondtot. Washlaglon, March 12, 1894 Democrat, even those who are personally opposed to tome of the changes maJe, ire glid that the Senate Finance committee hat at laat got the tariff bill In ahape to mike iti passage by the Senate certain. It Is really surprising, in flew of the radical change made by taking sugar, iron ore, coal ana lead ore, from the tree lis, and putting a doty upon them, that the democrats ot the house are not louder in thtlr objectlnos. Butthev rezard the mat er from a common sense oolnt of view, knowing that the demo:ratsof the Senate Finance comrr.itte yielded nothing that it was nit absolute y necessary to yield In order to get the yote necessary to p;si the bill, and also that they will have another chance at the change" when the bill goes to coherence alter its passage by the Senate. The republicans of the Finance commit tee would like to waste a month or so by keeping the tariff till in committee, but the democrats will .lot allow any such rime. If they will agree lo have the bill reported In a week, the democrats will allow them that much time; if not, tht.bill will be re ported sooner without their consent. Secretary Herbert's answer to the house resolution asking by whatauthority he ordtr ed Admiral Skerrett to obey Mr Blount when he wer.t to Hawaii as Special Com missioner's in short,thst it ca ne from the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy the President of the United States; and ht cited seven precedents for the action, dating from iS2jio 18S1. Senator Blauchard assumed his new du'.i es today and Justice White, his predecessor, was sworn in as a member of the Supreme Court. If Mr Blancbard makes as cood a 'imputation In the Senate as he leaves behind him U the house, the people of Louisiana will doubtless .ratify the selection of the governor by keeping him there. Representative Kilgoro, of Texas, was no1 altogether wrong, although rather to gener al, when h: said In the course of .the debate on the District of Columbia appropriation bill, concerning the newspapers of Wash ington: "The newspapers of Washington have never failed to advocate lny scheme, I don't care how Infamous it was, that looked to the expenditure of the public money In the interest of speculators in and around the city. 1 never knew of an instance in which they did not advocate such scheme." In reply to protest from Represen'ative Blair of N h, Mr Kilgore continued: "Well, I make the distinct charge that the newspaper are corrupt and that they advocate every corrupt scheme that has been introduced into Congress to plunicr the Treasury In the Interest of private Interests. Democrats in congre's are In thorough sympathy lth the departmental congress ion commission which has been engaged for many months looking into the business methods of the government departments, with a vie to recommending changes look Ing to a reduction of unnecessary rel tape and ol unnecessary oflicials. tvery re commendation of the commission ha beer, promptly acted upon by congress, the last one for aboli.hlng the bureau of customs of the treasury department having been passed by the house without an hour's dis cussion. Slowly but surely the leaven of eform Is working. The rse"Us of thirty years of extravagance and favoritism can not be overthrown in a day, or a year, hut they will be overthrown In the end. This, the democrats are determined upon. Senator Mcl'iterson has this to say about the charge that the sugar clause ol the re vised tariff bill gives the sugar trust an undue advantage: "Ai I drew the stigir schedule, I ought to know whit it means . anJ I certainly know what it was intended to mean. The entire discriminating duty, according to my calculations, that refined sugar as a:crided by tbo bill is sixteen hundredths ot one cent. .ov, when you take Into account the liounty paid by Ci many for Its exported suar, and the fac that German sugar u shipped In bis wmcli are not dutiable, and which can be use over and over again, It will be seen that the American refiner is given no advantage over his German competitors. In 'truth. IheGjrnnn exporter has one-hundredth of a cent per pound advaniage over the Amer ican renaer altrr he has paid our import duty. Now, If any one disputes these figures of mine, and can show me where the American refiier receives any greater pro tection than I have t'ated, I will see that the bill Is changed." The senile will vote upon the bill for the coinage of the seigniorage next Thursday, It will certainly pasa. Public opinion ia divided as to whether It will be vetoed, the maprity inclining It the belief that it will be. ATTEND THE PRIMARIES. Let every democrat in the county attend tie primary meetings to ba held in the several precinct on Saturday March 31st at 2 o'clock P M. It is important tbat every precinct be represented by fu'.l delega tions, bend the best men, unpledged to the interests of any one candidate. Select men who regard the public interests of their party as paramount to the interests of any candidate. The democrats must put none but good men on their ticket. The fight wil1 be a stubborn one, but if all dem ocrats do their whele duty victory will once again perch upon our banner. . augar schedule in the tariff bill aa reported by the renate finance committee la a follows: "AH augers made cf bottom, syrups of canejuioeor beet Juice melada, ooneentrated melada, concrete and con centrated molasses, testing by polar?scope not above 80 dag shall piy a duty of 1 oent per pound; for every additional de gres or fraction of a dogroo above 8 and not above 9o (leg., shown by ptjlarlscope test, shall psr .ol of a cint per pound ad ditlonalj aiove 93 and not above 93 deg. for every additional degree or fraction o' degree shown by palarsajpe test shall pay a duty of oZ of a cent per pound ad UitioB; upon ail sugars testing above OS dep. by polariscope test or above No. 16 by Dutch standard in color there 8all be levied and collected a duty of one eighth of leant per pound in addition to tbe duty Imposed upon sugars testing above 98deg. "Molasses testing not above 6e deg by po.'ariscope shall pay a duty of cents per gallon. Mo'asses testing sbov6 60 deg shall pay a duty of 4 cents per gallon." Tbe populists of Coo county have com inalad tbe following ticket: Countyjudge, J II Scbroeder; sheriff, W W Cage; olerk D F Dean; commlsioner, B F Ross; treas urer, W W Hayes; school superintendent, James Barklaw; assessor; K H Handon surveyor, William Hamilton; ooroner Dr Join Hodaon; representative, Thomas Buckson; Joint representatives ofUoos and Curry, Frank A Stewart. A sedentary occupation, plenty of sitting down and not much exercise, ought to have Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to go with it. They abso lutely an J permanently cute constipation. Une tiny, sugar- coated Pellet is a corrective, a regulator, a gentle laxative, They rc the smallest, the easi est to take, and the most natural remedy no reaction afterward. Sick Headache, bilious Headache, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all stom ach and bowel derangements are prevented, relieved and cured. MILLER i IRVING Undertakers - - and - - Embalmers. 1 a rp KfcEP ernstrnth cn hand a full lire of tretallc. cloth and xvoed caskets ai W coffin" AUo bu.l,! robe, and suits, in brc.dtlo.h, s.i.p.c.1 ne,e,.ir which will be old at The Lowest Living Profits. EMBALMING na th P"percare of the dead a specialty. 'greatly UEDUCKD PRICES Let democrats In every precinct iu th county Instruct their delegates to th; county convention to support die vlv Toce method of votlnr in tbe county con Tentlon. It is tbe fairest way and much the! sped let.t way of conducting a cou Tentlon. Fresh Cabbage. Canlillower. Celery. Unions. cV Turnips. At C E Brownalla An Albany Jkwelry Store Worth patronizing is that of Will Stark. They carry the finest Uneof silverware, watches," cocks and jewelry generally In the valley, and sat isfactory prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep In stock. Never buy without calling cn them. C E Biownclls grocery store is Increas nj in popularity. He carries a fine stock in a tight room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Neat door to the P O. A great many medicines "relievo" Catarrh in tlio Head. Tbat means that it's driven from the head into the throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. page s Uatarrh Kem edy perfectly and permanently euro. Star Baker ('orRrnHflnlbln and Flrxt HI CONRAD IVEYtB, FRtfPFIETOR. alalrtl rraila, U'aajasrare, rled Fruit), Tobncco, "agar, "ofteea Et Casnued Men. Qneeaawarv Vegetables, Cigars Nplcea. Tea, etc.. foe ererytfuug that 1 lcrpt In a seaee variety and rsocerr store, Highest market price paid for AJ.L KINDS OP PRODUCE WANTED (100 Beward, f 100. The ffftrtiT of this paper will be pleaed to learn that there is al k-a-( on dread,-,! ditraa that science has been alle to cure in all its Stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only lH,it,.'e euro now knuwn to the Diorifcal fraterml.'. Catarrh beinir a een Stitutional dieae, require s eptititiitinnl treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken inter, nally, sctinr? iireelle up.r the hlpod ami nu rouii surfa"e ol the'realem. therrl.v destroy ius tile foundation of the ii.'je. and Kit in the patient Mrenclli he huil.iir up the constitution imUi;l ns n itiire in ,! nr it work. The trop,etor hue m mm h Lull, in ll ciratire J'.'wit-., licit th.y oil, r One llnn.Iri.l liollar or anr e:i- e ti.-;t t; f.til to cure, heud for lit ol tel!oe,;i!il. .-..hire., ..!.! CK.NKY A CO., ToUdo.O, U-c!d br Vruz'zism. I "SOU SAl.E W share of Albsnv elec 1 t'ioTglr. toct the bc-l dividend l'yine sue In this rltl. E i j'ilte at (bis cilice. "As ol.l ru tlicliills"niil never crxell cl. " Tried anil proven" is the. verdict o f million?. Simmons Liver Kopu-t-) . litor is the ?"'oiil y Liver jLJfUllU im,i Ki.lucy meilicino to which you can pm your faith lor a cure. A in i 1 tl Lxa tivo, n n d 'i:r-!y vig ctiiblo, mi-in-j; ilirociiy on the Liver ii ll d Kid- ncv-t. Try it Sold hy nli ri itit:;.-t in Li.iuid, or in Powder t')l e taken Jrr orinadeintoa tea. The Klnir of Liver Mnlir'ne. "1 :.;.. ued vourslmnion l.iverrteeu- IntO- uiol e;,i (lieiehtioil)V SHV ll I the Kilicof nil liver llledi, llle. I collider It a tiletlli'ineeliet 'n llelf. UKU. W. JACK sus, XiUMnia. Wualuiistoti. -t:vr.nv l-ACKAoK-ia 4tW the S Stamp In red frraprssk At the store Allen Bros., formerly owned EUTTER, EGGS, LiARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, I will pay t'ne best cash pric for which pofsibje. 8 F RAMP? Than Pills Wall Paper, lriiM, X'aintMa Oilw (slits), 5Cte .!. A. ALBAHY. (mi iiiirj: CREC0 K0 EXTRA CHARGE: FOR HEARSE OR SERVICER ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crcr.kerv ware and holiday goods al COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents: lamps, worth 2 00 for $1.00 cups'and saucers H5 to 10 cents a set; pla'e3, 40 cents pei -t-, ,i i . i : set. ii,ver) 'lung mso ui propoi nun. Call on me and you will not be deceived, J. Gradwohl. NEW : FURNITURE, ;y STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURMTUKEJCONSISTING iVl of bed room sets, chairs, lounges, etc., which 1 will aell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tkos. Brink. The Oregon JLand Co tVItn its home office at W Al ,'Hiivr: - - - OEEGO.J- .ne Gray Blocb, corner Liberty and State street, branch effice In Portlano MAKES a specialty of SunnysideTruit tracts near oalenij Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at 850to?60 per cre small cash payment long timo on balance or particulars. ALBANY OICAR FACTORY .1. JOSEPH, Proprietor, Cabinet photo from $1.50 to $4.00 .per dozen. c.nlaiirin2 pictures a JVpcclalty . 16x20 cravon: framed r iui C '.HI J V ls.1 JJC sllUC K of 5xS and stereconlc riew ot Or- OiXCI PnOTOGKtPIIERS, epon 11 1: 1.1: U. H. I1VOK. W. II. l'lMHSHKll. D. II. JAJIla ALBANY F011TIII1E CO, INCOPORATED Callimorf Mod, Albany. Ore. Furniture roiiik'ti?ine vf Dr II E Beers. Dr O K Dee Physicians an? Ssurgecns Special attention given to diseases o women. Iloti's lo to 11 A M, J to 4 ad 7 to S P M Offices and residence lllum bers; Building;, First Street, between Loll andKlswcrth. M r. Dr. laltrrBen-U a 1 1 are The Not1 Cliinoyaiit rd Life Rrnirf, 1 no hie, ind ran futnl t ht-r rfaUtirnc1, liett ui J B Cmrill hhe tlhi il-ut ll eui jcrt re prrMnt atxt futorr: loe irtahl(W, atrnt Irwmlt twd butiune. Tin antritrinn t ur ir.l tMt.J. Stationery, Toilet Artistes, Masi; Instruments, Etc. . Hodtes 4 McFarlanfl, The Cornet Drug store,". Aibany.fjiJ NOTICE, OF FINAL SETTLEMENT -V-OTICE HEREBY C1VF.S THAT THE I S Xl dfrUn?J rulmitiimntrix of tlie ol .lohiiGriha.m, Jecea'tl, hat flletl in that ntte of the clrk of the CoontT Court of Ltnn cftuntr, r,her Tin wcotiot ftmi that tutl eoart hae appttinted the iota nay ot jiarch, ikh. at the hour ol 10 oVlock ft m of taid day, as the'time for hwtrlnc U obtloi.a. if any, t said final account, trd lor the fKttlrmftit ol mid ate. JHtfHltliieStbaa)' Ol reniar. i vm. II 11 licwrrr. KuiAStni GRi-ntv, Allvrntj for Adm. Acmitaittratrt in till it.- Iramhtv. EMBALMING aialty. It t:j ft h'u.:; J Caret, r.d Trade-M irk-. rTlined, -id ll I'at- i ent buriincvscomiucteJ ir VocinaTt ftf. joun Omec 0eKiTt u s. i-tTtNT o'-et j J and we an sfturc i .uer.t m iciiimt liiauUitiM ! 5 remote from W'ah.nj;:on. i 4 ISeod model. dtaw:.;p --fSr9 irfl'.li ierrlp-J J tton, t aJne, if paienrabie or not. ttee oi j Schstrfe. Our (ee no; due tiK ralc-t i ecnred. 1 f A W-i.tT. 'Tlow trtOt:. n rateot,'' with) cot ol vo-f n the L', S. ad Iwrcigs. ctwatnesl vseit (ife. A-re-, i C.A.SNOVV&CO. f O". fTrnT C C. WtMtiorot ft t I NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. "VrOTirK IS HFRKBT C.IVEN THAT THE lS XI demgin-d Kxccutor of the lat will an I t tfi nifnt of Andrew K b, devvwd. h flll hr nn account tn the eetate of Andrew Rh decetMd with the county clerk of Linn county, Oreoo and that the count t court of Linn cnnlv, ha id the VHh dar of Uarvh. l.u".tth h-'ur of 10 oVWk in tlie forno.-n .-f tai l dar. Mid the e'artT enrt h-ue ae :e flav-e, (.n tie hrartii,r ol injection H any to taid dual ac count and the fttlnai.t ol taid et:. Is Iasl Ftriuij S:h, H II HirT Attj- It EeTrix. txt;uiri dref. I.'t-rl lrv oJ ettcn. UKO"1. tO.,' Nurerjmen, IVrt'an t' Ore-port FOB EXCHANGE. Wo hire 50 ecre of very cfcoice lurbar ban land, iaitaU? for pljtitip, adjjiaiDf, the city limita of Purllaod which wo are ctler icp at tbe low price of one thocjacd dollars per acre, tuVject to f.n iocnmbraoce of $lt, 000, most li of whichihaa two vears to run. 1 he equity of 8..,,j0( we will exchange for impioveti tartn una in ino vt Hiamette val ley. We wili alto exchange equity id aome very central prospective dui inet property, paying jroxxi rental, for nninenmbered farm land. If you re on the trade write for full particular! tn Lo.no St Ci RRlE, 131 31 streel i inland Uregon, T. CJIAIKLY, M.D.. Phtjiclan ami Sorsfon. Off ct-If stairs oxer lit Resil;tH-c. currwr 10th and Calapoola it. A r'ENT9 MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a i"l.lay selling the greatest kitchen utev sil ever Invented. Retails for thlrty.flve ....... . - t,n dc soia in evert house. Millions sold in this countrr alone Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make nonev.eati'.randqulckl? Sample sent, postage prepa'd for fivecents! ...iiAM to., Cincinnati, Ohio. MADE LY SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR BflMD TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Ailmny to San FriiiKiseo AND RETTJEN $20.90 Ine uding FIVE Gate Tickets To THE FAIR EXCUBSIOa TEIPS. From San Francisco lo oilier points in California will be allowed purchasers o special Midwinter Fair tickets t the fol lowing round trip ratts To stations under 150 miles from San Francisco, ore and one-third one way fare. To stations 150 miles or more from San Francisco, one and one-fifth one way fare. For exact dates and full particulars, In quire nfC K Fronk. auent at Albany. Or. or ae'dress the undei signed. Rich'd Gray, T H Goodman. Gen Traffic Man. Gtn Passenger Agt, San Frarcico, Cat E P Rogers. Asst GFiiH airent. Port land Or. ELECTRIC BELT WTESTPATENTS BEST 4l.?5 MACNETIS IKPR0VEMES13. KV Will par Wlrbujt Mel! .Jill-inn o r n.a, I. :v I6f v. r. il '.inji fwtifimtcti, be. lum1 1. a e.rctrte ' ecutr., jhr, aDil 'irlrf! n run SUSPENSORY H H-atN mn'.fiai frta. fcr-e,tiff sn nr lo HsrrrUou. losjm. Lert.-IL dtt:llT, tlh at, -i'!3't, llrrr ncJ '(,ii.rjJef Ko, i-u.- (.-rnra: ill Ltihl, .nnjrrnl Iitl nitpncnls otsr at that U In.tatillr felt L tin e folfdl fl,HIU. and T.lll riiro all nt or an Thoi-niu'lsi .b mirrJ Lt tl.it inr- -airMi tf 1,1'iniocihla i t) i. an t .ri- cth-r ,it. pa-sri-s,! Ml kllW.II I.tli:ai SI SI is(,-v tt, itbvoiT'r(,rrf -d -itt Birti.1 i:rK ttmi 11 1 'iemS PQ3TLAND. 0E- DISSOL'driOH f-TTICE. TL-e partnership htretnforL- .x:st.,L. oiofi a blackfmtthini; busiritM nn.l.. name nK'.am.r 4 HvTmau i rii-solved mutual content skis dav. Alt claims due the brm r,r r.wirm l y it be Sfttltd bv the old nrm st the simp on Sic, rd street betwreD Frrv and Un.l.ih. , :. Cramer retires and Mr Motvm.in oi',! toa- ticue.theriD.ioeis. brbruarv 1 1S14 t RAiltR A; L'OWMAS CTT, nil AWLtKraid to ladiee n.igonistnseii tisRspid uiu Washer. Wa,hes and dries them in tiro minutes siliho-it wetting th. bands. No experience neeessnrt: soil a' trht, rermxnent rr.ition. Aodrss V T 1Ii,"'on A Co., Cleik So. U, Co 11m nus, Ualo. mpioy c isw ord AVE WISH to f n.en to Bskp Jvi tn ii,.i . -..1 . . !" our . Kimi .0 Motor Kun. i,wl in uic.;in. priniins i,rAt,. ,,- Krer.Tbo.ly buy. tl,.m. steal em! p o, ment. Ka.y situation and g J, ,"ts7 1S0. run a r s'rTT),'.'!?ia..sC nA?KWI5miD Native and NrayE Toma K0H0 Tha TWiHta rvm smmt for tbe Teeth and Ureal h.gio. S33u!r th Cauu7h Bemedy Is thearst aTiVni n iiZ " iX ",una would ao mo auygooU., Price Mets. Sold by Erugglia. e-sSHIiH,s cure; Thtj Oriat Couon Cms eronrnfryeurel ?oV.lk,faJ4uforCo?'n"tnas SSJ?.'." ""Si" nd wlU cms icsj.U tateuintuae. frtj) U cts. K tta, 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. ant maur rorn. w. mn I ... ork fnru a f-whonrs duly, rijlu loar.Jarr.jrrf tVirown hom. The bs-ine I, m, plesarut tricltr honorable, and p.ivs bfttertl-.an anyethrf otn red anu. Yon havs , H,,.r e.n ., .1 eomrtliioD. F.rr-rlrnce a.,d special attlitr awssary. Xo cc.ilal reurd. Weeqzlpyii itith ewrrtliinv th.it r n-r-rt, treat yoa c:. anu Mprc., , parn tcB UnM errtnalTTars " ,'nln as m il si men. and bors sod gir.' m:'' t Per. Antinif. .ncl.n ' Wrk. All QC.el Wl-rt tnnnnr'nn.Vl.lH .nrl :n. le dirrjtlcn.. Emirn irork will mrrlT jlii' roil a yivat dnl cf raun'v. Evr3tl:;iif ! r.cr a:id In crpat drr.inni. Writ f.- Mm,,! eirealw. ail. I r- c, ive full lr.fnrroatloe. ho J'arr "ie If y MKind, ko t xo oa iritb t; CeoceStinsok&Cc ... V--.1..IH....,., vu, . Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE.-