Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 22, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 270
mm coi srV DrH0t B4TIC coaie.ticbi
A Racking Cough
Ourccl by Ayor'a Chorry Pectoral.
Loclipurt, N. Y.f says :
"Over thirty years uet j tcuwmil0t
.-arm;. . n.:l,-r describe the wonder.
Jul curative , (I,, t., f Aj-rr'. ,;,.
lo-tornl. IH:ri.1K r. c.,,1 allack..f I.a
tI.n.. which ns.,c.l tl, f,.rm or a
cutarrli,8orci.MSof llio liin;;s...cconi
SK.uvullns cough, I
mod various remedies and rcseri,iions
Vliiln ,..,, of lhcm ,,,,,,11,.,,., ,,..irti
aJlcviat. il tl, ,E,lg ,,lrillJ! ,0 ,,,.
none of then, afforded monnvrclief from
IVat spasmodic artlun of the lung which
would seize )C the moment 1 attempted
to lie.lown at nilit. After ton or twel-o
uch night, 1 wn
Nearly in Despair,
and aliout decided to sit up all ni -lit
mi my cosy oliair, procure what
sloop I could In that way. it then oc
curred to mo that I had a bottle of
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I took 3
spoonful of this preparation in a little,
miter, mid was able to lie down without
roughing. In a few moments, I fell
asleep, and nwoko iu the uiornin"
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took n tenspoonful of th j Iec
lurnl every night for a week, then grnd.
ualiy decreased tlio dose, and Id fro
weeks tny cough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
KVparcd by Dr. J.'c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Muss.
Promptto act, sure to cure
0:vi3 EisrnvM
BotL a,o method and m-tilts when
V""6 w .ue iatc, rind acts
tem odootnn 1 j:...i .. .:
, -v "i"ivis cows, head
aches and fevers n,id ere. 1 . :....t
diced. ;n;:.,xr..","u..ever,p!
r ;s "d iu5to ana ae-
eeptr.Ue to t ,e storancb, prompt in
ns action and truly beneficial fn its
ellects, prepared only from the most
uUy am, agreeable subftacccs its
niany exjellcat qualities coaimend it
i-.t..1 1 I 1 " uo IUQBI
t"-!,""" Il'inctiy KDOWU.
fcJvriln nf Vna - f t- t-r.
i ""luea "7 c" lending drug.
, L.-.o. Jlu rename, druggist nho
I n.ay cot have it on hand will pro
. r r-i'"y any cub woo
wisues to try it. Uo not aect-'t any
J F "FOBD, Evangelist,
Of DekMnines, lowi. -vritM under , lain nl
iMarch 2.1,' I80.1:
uiciitific American
Atjency for
3 .T-SA
S vi m ;Ti!w mrnlboot write tn
?tS?i; .U.'Z"-'"l,.,"t '"'.""' In An'"nra.
. . .,cu ul cuurgc la
Mkd. !fg Co.,
Da'tir, OreijOD.
w -nioyt!u irto 01 cuurgc la u
GaiUrmcn ,
on arriving home Inst week, 1 foandall
... . -.. ,.,, ,s,y a-vaitma. Oar little
.... .iin ana oue-h.-lf Vear o,l, h !, .,
wa ted away to 38 i.i.r .. ,. i. ,.
strons nd vi iron , , fle.hed op'.
f.-th of the cMl.i.eo l,k. it. yoar S H
v-ouhCure ha. cured and kept awjy aM
.uaraenew from n,e. So sive It to ayery
-oe, w,ch sre.liDCS for all. Wiping you
Voiir,, Mr & Sins J F Ford.
If ,nn .....
I r hcSeri,',;-, W!XV IE". "" chcert"1, "' ?
ilvatlnoliB an,! I iv ,r i' il . I lo in
iT!rt r?'',,!r,n o',-H7 wientldc paper In Hit eb - Jek - y
world.. Heleutlidlr Illustrated. N inttii?
tan inniiid ttt without i. w...i o..
v i1 V 'V ,w!r bo,u'' b' " Jrujinita.
V. i...,mx 111, tin na. A.lrtrt; ,Mr
JHUS'ltaa. 3li I llrnauw - VaV Vb
L'OB PrNi lh ..pwra hou. sloro,
SO.! ailai;a pc allivelirturaatM ly
The county convention of u. j.
bnnv. on A'.i" .T..r"u." "oue " Al-
atl6nVWi,.i!r'' P" 1884,
transact .,,..1. --"on, and to
properly come he n-" .ui"ue" .P1
viva voeo uc."ura. "'t tlio
Thy 5 .no"""?t,on f candidate..
Wm A? 8are ent,llcd t0
Albany . .
Center !l
t'rawfonlsviile . "";
Kasi Albany ....
Franklin liutte ' V
FnvVoll,... 4 1
Halse.- -
Jordan " '
Kortb Rrnil.:i"r'
North Ilarriabuiv.'.'
North Lebanon '"
Orlpflna .
Prico .'''
Hook OapIc
Kotltll Ilrnn,nD..:i,i
South Harrisbtirg. . . . ... '
South Lebanon .
Swept llrttitu
Waterloo" 1
"est Albany c
Total "
All VOlor i IIJ ..I-.J
. ... ullm couir.y with-
who .al rmel P0litiea! miiation.
V """"' economical, n, iiiin-
IStratlon of eniintv 1 .
governments, so aYto conserve the in-
leicaia Ol llie masses as m.amo! .,..
and monopolies, are cordially invited to
;.n w u" " lm" l"eBe convent ons,
Oto W WniGin, M.,htMii,leii.
oevretary. (Jiiairina.i Pro Tem
The Ileal orKrain.
The reason wbw Alirnbi. n ,..
tera are Donular U th. .. 1 .
on tn cure
'? : trf"nr':b3ffTtciai!ca," sllffnrs.' or
v..-.tiii,g 01 me muscles.
2. Chest troubles, such a pi
monia, consumplior,.
3- Ingestion, dispepsio,
kidnev, ,t
The success, however, will depend upon
, .....R..v?s w mc piagier uRed. The
nonUflritirnf All.'-n ,.. . V c
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
,,s up cverv nend The Q 1
sure im Id n . . . -r
tw",. rii . B ",e Sonuine Allcock's
1-orous Flasters.
Krandreth's Pill, Improve the dl-eSHo
sioc. on . c" LO' Ansio.
i- ... V,T ""ve lne ,ame msur- rntrB A -a i ....
m. c , . Y nulle "no Helena,
w ?, ?5,S"lt L''e Cil''- Taco.n,, and
Wall., Wash.ancl Spokane, ' have
the same rates.
4 Bis Bllaiard.
Pllr'VI?..., t L rt n..
of tho L . 0 T 1 "e wors' iorm
- " oeen raijinfr for the tat
t tZ'L thMos-f - cat.; .n
lh ii 1 T """"" arrived from
the6 faft ma fyhna"d,.l fe. f'-H
tomorrow . ThT :.i:Vr "u,,nueu.. .n
verv coin 1 1 "'"""""ns are it will be a
S Minlfl ?K W1"' " c?nti''ation of the
bSSiov.'T. Jf. from
nmnoei;-.. "Mil ieu me
fn it,; " .," .. worst.. wnrds
tZ VVi J U1 Ul" "cciion. it is feared
SccnM r"T Wi" b9 C0Vd wi'h Stile
,u tA,WBua' to me uuzzarU.
rporlA Favorably.
WltlllVnwn.. r t. nt n
fiv ..'.:' .:'iu',rcn. -"cpresenla-
ii,. ui" reP0"eu tavorably from
he couiniit e on war claims, his bill to re
.-- v vi,mia, Oregon anu .Nevada
SZ&J!!!. i-..t op
tioned i,.. " e "ems men
"J". IMlfii
Highest of all in Leavening PoWer.-Latest CJ. S. Gov't Report
, pneu
Tq nrr-cprva n tn..l,..l
r - "ui'i-ui apearanc ait
alr'.!' i,5.'"ii.S.''en"bl; 'a"he
.,:. r. ", "".oral co or and
r.,.ereI7..I,r.":a,i?" -
ic ni event. lT,l.t... VJ a . mr . v'!or-
, , - .u Keeps ine sca n
Clean ntnl on K..I.U.. I
-, , . ..v.,.., .
U.irlou Brnubllmna
n.BSA'J:' ??rch 21. -The county republi-
onM"""" ':e, "ad most bar-
l .enof.i & ?
r )n vrrV"""' """o. senators, 1
1. 1 atterson, of baleni, and W H Hol,Son
or stat'inn. . --.
and rtu' "f'oje lutuyes, u li Aloores
and b Uofc-r. of Salem; David Ctnic of
Macleuy; II CJ Uarelenr of U-,.lK.."fc,-!
ii.c.L.., . n.:r. ", nun
M w. "uuoarii; commissioner, J
WatfOn. of rl -i. :ix
KmVhr f.i" "''. 'in
ii.TriT..ii t-ifrir. l, ibien, of
""; treasurer. K (i Urown. of Tur
ner; recorder, F W Waters, oi Salem
school superintendent, J S Graham.
Matt llanc
Drn.!,,., Ill . . .
refund toi. . .TpeTin case
H..1.0'. ""ferer of Carte?
i'r id. v Vh. , 1 " en;4 t0 "anged
JnSlw a!d "'at 'e court Ld
, ;-,"ineu me recor'. abalraet
""If " ful1 tbe case and had con
cluded to deny the application.
An bill Firm ati.i...i
uvA 1 i :; amouritnijr (0
M..V,9!!!''r fe.k of
, ..m ouu rrunctsco creditors.
Xel liuld nnil ash Bnlanre
in th t .;: ;; . "l-rue. n gold
...,U1J U me uiQse or uusiiiPSA l-n-
'KuiimiTio pbt iuixti ro
tKMIU.I. '
The fV.,r.i .1 ...
"i v-Hvenuon 01 toe I'rolil-
a' ' h" F":?, :. y.n.
o uii oauruay, April
Uth. iSoj. at I n'rlnrk '.V.
' - - . - i' , tor tne pur-
nose of nnm 1 . r"'
f inS a county ticket and
transaction ot uc, other business a, may
.T'1.'1; b"ihi before the convention
All prohibitionist, of Lln county who
voted the nroh P.hlo 1.1... .7.
and who , mend I , support the same In
the ensuing election will be entitled to
vl r " dMf?a,e" In ",e convention.
Every prohibitionist In Linn county is
earn5i yand coriilly invited to attend.
I I lllrviputw i - . . .
tnuirman ot hlnn
County Cer.tral Committee.
T1IK vini..T
. AB
Commend lik.lf ... ii ... .
n'.....Vi j c" 'ormed, to do
cVv 1 enx "y "hat wa, foim-
er.y done in the crudest manner and dls
.reeably . We!l. To the system
. . i -. ncr tiirte tss
deiishtf,,; HniJ laxa,Ve remedv.'rivruo f
Xkw Llmiieii Yard. T).r...w.
IS nrPhflrOil In ainnl.. .11 ....
-n I - T 7. D 't'i"y m custowera with
all kind, of lumber, drain tiliJ "d
posts nour and feed o the most favor
able terms. ,ut
F Powen Shedd.
Snn.e neon'. K.....l... ..... ...... .
... ---r-. mc imie money
that an Allcock's Pornus Plaster costs, and
then when Ihev am ..L..l ...l.i
.' -" win. pain itom
fie soreness arising from a cold, they will
s.wnd any amount c( money to relieve the
nain. If thov nnu I..J ...... ... ..
, . j u,..j imuuiicui incse wcrut
renowned piasters on hand thev would be
saved a vast amount ol sufferine; and be
Considerably rleher Al .1.. ri... .. ..
- j K ib sign OI
stiffnesi of the joint! applv one at these
piasters without any delay. Th? soreness
will be greatly rcllevtd at once and soon
disappear entirely. It will be money
saved to have them oi hand, to sat noth
ing of the comfjrt they bring.
i:k iisup
Paiker Bros,-grucors.
F. M. French keeps railroad tima.
Buy your groeerija of Parker firoa
Fiaa groAries at Coau's.
m'!""" cheM0 j" "eeeived at ConraJ
P J Smiley job printer, Dlock, dots
Stat class work.
Smok. th celebrated Havana filled 5 oent
oigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M H" e:i;. ..u...: - .
... . wi.y.iwian aau surceon
Albany, Ora.m. dllsmaljla oitS
country . 3
Ki.lluh'a li.e. i.i. - .. .
. . wi.;.. au.i croup
.... , .
.hsv ft M.,. "
For all derangements of the throat and
lungs, Ayer's Chjrry Pectoral Is the speed
iest and most reliable remedy. Even in
the advanced stages of Consumption, this
wondet-fi.l nmn.Mlln. .if..... .
cliecks coughing, and lnduceB sleep.
81C0 I.i nti J RIOU.
Thn TP.rf.n nllM. nnnn. ...tit .- - .
Icaru that there is at lea'-t one dreaded d jseasa
.w.....v uj euro la all IIH
atanca, and that U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure ia the only positive cure known to the med
ical fratemilr. Catarrh beinir a cn-litlillonal
disease, requires a cmHlitulimi.-il treatment
..... . ......,1 v-u.o vi.i-i. .inercailv. act jna-
directly upon tlio blood ai.U mucous surfaces oi
of the disease, and givlnu the patienf strenath
uy U.UUU.I.K up ine ccnstltullon and asslstlns
ature in doing its work. The proprietors have
SO UlUch faith in its eur..llve rvu... h.i
offer One Hun-lred Dollirs for any case that is
fails to cure. Head for lipt of tcstimoniala.
Address, r. J, CHEN'EY & CO., Toledo, 0.
i- Sol Drusl - '3c
for Infants and Children
THIRTY y?a obserrnUon ef Castoria, width tlln patronagfl of
aiHtoni of persona, perrnltnatospeak of it sHthont gneasldT.
H la unqnoaTlantiMy h hast remedy for Infanta amd Children
h world has a-ror known. It harmlesa. Children Uka It. Tt
,' rlrw hm health, It will ev their Uvea. In It Mother, haw
j aomathlng; which I. aihaolotnly aafe and protlelly porfaot a. at
I eJhild's medicine.
Caiatorla. Jostroy Worms.
0storbiaUara.FaTorlahne.f ,
Caatorla pmrente Tomltlntr Sonr Cnrd.
Caatorla eaws Dtarrhiea and Wind Colie.
Caatorla reUeraa Ttl.ii.g. Trophies.
Caatorla enz-aa Constipation and Flatnloney.
?Mtorla nentraliaea tho effects of carhonlo ateid gaa or polaonona air.
Carttrla does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic proprty.
CwatoHa assimilates the food. Tegnlatea the stomach rtnd howl-.
jtlrlna; hell thy and natnral sleep.
Ctstoria I. pnt np tn one-ilr bottles only. It la not aold In hnlh.
yat allow any one to sell yon anything also on tho plan or promiao
jftatlt ls"jntl as good "and "will answer orery porpow.1
Boa that yen gat C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. j
pi,t,..i.. . . . .
hitters w lit . .1.,..! -n, .
............ 0....,. ,t. present gen
eration have much to be thankful for not
the least of ib.o.1. Kl..r. l... . 1 .
...c.. u.M.,iltjs oeing such a
pleasant and thoroughly tffectlve sprint
medicine ns Aycr's Sarsaparilia. It is J
A riant i:nj,.,;
I'de ....... .
. .. . t 'c action anu
Soothing elf,et r. V.... ... f: ...
i --" i 15s, wnen 111
need of a ,a tlvc, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the mot
CratltVltll TKltrs fnllfata, .Id .. . . . . ..
ij the best fumHv remedv ktmwn nj
1 niir hjiouiu navp a bottle.
M il nh'a Vit.i.... . . .
. . - you neoa lor
, r ' . V jfunuw nniu Or Kill
uo' rou"ie. 1. in u4riita.e(l to civn voa
Tl t. . .
.-v.. (n w timm niaae lor AVer's
(IIBilDarii IB Wtilrh rann..i 1 1
scores of tejtlmanHls. This fact plainly
proves that the blood Is the source of most
-.......,, rtyer .-arsapatiiia
th. h.l nl I. n ..I n. r .
.... v. UIWJU .'....i.Hrs. 1 ry h
, By ub'K Hall's Hair Renewer, gray
fadeo or discolored hair assumes the nsio
rai cjlor of youth, and glows lusuricnt
ana strong, pleasing everybody.
Wkduixq kvitavioks.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Uoldei."
Common every day.
Tho fao-alllla yVf"
algnatnra of - CuayT-CL
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Albaay Market.
"V net'. 89:.
Oats 25-.
I our. t.l. ni.
''tiller. "ifl7 .
Iwb I.i -.
!er,l. VI In I',.
P.-rk hams IJto to-. snonldera.OtoJIOc)
May. h e,f f 7
o atoes, 41.
oj.i, , 4
li'l.M U.,
.-rilf tilr ,,,, . . jr.p , g
"ilinknns. -:,11p.- I ;
"i nnf, i, I f
H ijjs, ilre 1 n !. hyi
lllii'l Hair I? - . ... ....
..1 ij j ,""'-"', "-ooiains tne natu
ral food and en ,..,.. r... ...
medicinal h'l" "a,r. nd
baldness, dandruff, and scalp , ,
" t-
Whatever msv ha n.a i .
Ins, the hair m-.y b restored to its origi
nal color by the us, i ihat potent remedy
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian liar Renewer
Thousands of II,,.. . .. .
. ... ....alc snvvu annually by
the uteof Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
T i"1"" """upmg co-ign, the I'ecloral
has a most inarvel-us eff-ce. It allavs in
sn.n.alioi.. free, .h-,.:.. .. j . . .
.., .. .... WUBi; MLlcUair nats,e
md contro s the desire to cough
Or. Price's Ciea..i RaK;;ig Powder
Forty Year. t,a Stana.-d.
;',. "Tit-Til
,:' Jlii-i uxi Ocllsra Reword Kt
' ' ' 1 ' .-anoot bo cured by
, '." ' M ' '--ti'.. Toiedc. 0,
1 -' , - -. ' ,-.- Kt.uwn F. j,
' ' ' ' ' .'- "nd iKlleve him
--.:ie:s transactions
: ut any ohtlgatloa
,- '-. .' :in,rlst.Toledo.o.
' ' .", , ' v' iMwese'c ll.-ig.
-'liU-'l, 0". 1 '""; lV'Yn "ny. act.
, , ,V , . - : -! ar'' mucous sur-
.. . . 1 ,; ..k.-. per Outtle. tiuld
'I - - n onials frea.
While It is over thirty years ago
. riHiiu, i-.asiers were nrst Intro
duced to tne medical profession and pub
lic, the marked success and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
continues, but steadllv Increases. So
Other nlaamn I,..,.. I...... ...... . l , ,
......... Uv ,,u.iutcu wnicn
pain so many lesilinonlal. ol hlh value as
IhrMPHinllnil.ll.lK n-.n..! .1 . , ,
.........u,.., ,i..w,-...u . i ICUCK S
I orous I'la.tprs. and (he nnlv m,..:...
tnese exceptional lies In fact of
tt.ctr oeing a n.edicinal and pharinaceull
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof nf the true value of Alcock's
roroi.s flasters ics In the fact that they
largely imiraictl oy uraciupti
Ions petwins, who seek to deceive the pub.
lie bv offerine nlaslcrs which tl.,... rl,i.
to je the 'ssmt ," ual,' 'as good,' 'better.'
-i.,rwuua .iuat., e.c, Willie it is in
genetnl apnearanre only that Ihcy resem.
b!c Allcock's. Kveiy one of the so-called
porous plasters are hnllallons ol Alrock.s
Porous Plssters,
Avoid d.nler. a'i aitem(iv c p tl in o
Inf.'rfor and wi.i'i'tle.4 nUn...
purchased bv th "n at low ra'e f...- th
purpose of Mib Hlutlon.
"Almost as '
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
10 scott s linnilbion of Cud
Liver, Uii. The difference
between the oil, in its pLin
state, is very apparent. In
you detect no fish-oil taste
u is a Help to diges
tion ihere is no after effect
etcept good, effect. ' Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to
Cucta, and nfyjl
(l.WperBottlcTULl Cl I J "T I
Onecentaduae, tvTjV vl ""il
on... r,,. r
b.-i. 7. w;u? tuna promptly cures
SS: Kl.?':?'"" "as i! : rl?Lh .
Inkenl7l.-"u ' ..Uf':" WI1 TOO If
. . ujr i.ruKxis-s on a sTuar.
antee. For n Iumn Iin. u ,.' ."
' "'"-'"ari'ir 'rata rrmci ylssmaran.
teodtocureyou. i-rico.tuctj. JiiJetCrtVeoT
Red Cr&wnMilTs
""' "" "ITBIllllh SDK esMIMSJ
AXB tlARSRS rtr,
1 I'.V!' K'Mi:;.n.l'' d
by i l Uru ;.
The war tn.l.a 11 i. . . .!.
:nar to the Lhinimaa. tt . .
" , - 7 11 wu nint roil
work tre'l .1 .ne at llvli, prices take "it
Richard Ac PaliMp.. steam Laundr
tn-y kmw ho withoit baaginir the
munrhnla " m
Thin or orir h3lp ...I 1..I.. ..
1. ' "Jam testis, so
displeasing to many people as maiksof
age. may be- averted lor a long lime by
,,fs r..;i( rtcnewer.
When Baby sraatl ':, we rare her Caatorla.
'Vhen she waa a a Id, she cried for Castorla.
When she became "las, she clunc to Castor: -.
Wlen she had Cbi' ' .-en, she gave them Castorla
Awarded Highest llDiiors at Woi-ld'a Fair
R FlFllrFaF1
i'ryggistsand Howkheilers
agoiriafor John B. Aider', poellf 1 Uona
!ileh we sell al pobllsher'a
prlora sith
V&m VrTV SB M IVam
a king
- wm mt-w faa kva 'st-4 U D
TnC Oil - I'u:i- Trrrm r.f T..... . . . .....
Used in aJiKioas of Ho:aCS 40 Years tlic Standard.
. PFr.lFFKI rKOIl.ifti..
. .11. .llcFarland.
- fiKAt irft TN
Display in the fiaoi