Aoeits WASTKDonSalaryan'lComraLssion or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BM7 of JAMES G. BLAH: By Gail Hamilton, Mi literary eiecator, with the cooperation of hie family, and for Mr. Hlaiott'a Complu Workt, Twixti Yjlam or '"ONOfcESfl," aid hi later book, "Political Disci ssions " One proepecln. for ILcae 3 tt-T skllinu tooka in the mar ket. A K P J rlan of Me., took 112 order, from tint HOcalU: agent', profit 18$ 50. Mr. B.llatd tfO. took 15 nnlcra. 13 eal Knaaia, in 1 dai'; profit $26.25. E N Rica of Maaa. tor.k 27 erdpe in 2 da, a; profit 17.25 J Patritlire of Mt took 4.1 ..rdere from 36 calls; I n tit $75.23. E A Pa-lnrr offl.Lfak. oo 53 .twin io 3d; profit ?48.25. K.XCLVS'VE TlRKITOKT kiv.n. If yon wiih t'tmak. l.AKI.E MCV V write immediately for ternia to liellcnrv Dill Pub. Co.Joni itli.Conn Isvonr Trine thirl:, roT'y,c!i.u!v,orh;i.'i- f'tlur-? Mnn't v;iUl Vour KIDNE YS aro .j-jl'.hur Luter. One bo'Al'i of Sul phur liiuers will do you more pro-i than all thi Latin nrc. criptio,1 of (initrsaii.l minoral poi sons m hlrli v ill remain, ia yr :ir sy tom, d-)troy your bons nr.-i . ;:e you .1 jHJor, Ttvak, and b.-ok-n down invalid. jtcrron can r'-m:.:n Jong sick who uses Sulphur liitt.-n. Jf YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE J Is covered with utfy son s, and foot- fc! 1 erinic l'unAv:it pivo h r M.ljiljtir jp umers, j.a:ji-s in uncaio j:-aJInf who arc nil run down. fcliouM uo oui;tiiur iiittcrs. Jsou-a bitter. Trv Sulphur Bit ters "TO-N ICHT, and you will fcht p well and fuel belter for it. Sulphur Kilters Are You mroii3 u..d fr'it'v or l.i DELICATE In-alth? Mil- Will inkyoi:r blood J nlmr l'.it; pun,ruuHii(iLroiii;Mu-i:i i.i:j.!:o a 'Hl jwui a., .-i.i IMlUihlll'n p'-TSUH 3 -utuauuiuoiiow. H of you. hcml a '2-ffnt jetamyn to A. r. (mlwav tv- r. Mono eo by (no etoso ajilitutiun to bu&inuan no vere tucnua ptrnin, Heni! I'.xccMei In mM olo Hfo, r tIcIoiib h:ttits -oontnicitd in youth. TVltJiVjlt, MK1V nro -Ic Unm to No veins ltelilllly rr Kk.httn.notl, Wnatlnir IVrnk bcii, Jiivolnrtiiry lia-nc with J.tirly Jje. cur In YounirniKl JMlddlo Azt tl. l'tt k .? vlt-ur and utrei iti, with ci-xuni orcrtnri Inttnitrf-d und utt-nkt iira pn-Tuait-.r-ly ,i nciTtjadliiiix old dio. "WIIKV VK tA Y Ct ICC wo hak froiu luiowlodfio c( rcknlla tn man? tlionsnnd rmi Ircitud iindruri il In ttro pftM llltc?j "nr-. OiirniclhiHJuf hitriHliicinrf . It A II HIS M01,VI1.L,I3 Al l lIO 11 l P..NTII.L.H treatment Is otiu v.-htt-b cimtucnrlii I tot-If to ull pcnBlblo pontniitt fii. tl.o n,'a.H,.i LUitt wo Mipt-ly it rtixm tl.t'lrJiiUKiiifiit 01 1U value. l-Khint In I ho ay o( t'Xtiu U ji'iid .. poai-il car and n two Cont iM-tni:i fUimn Hr.-'kn-i. 1'itn ,-rUil ipt tir U'aJ In ik' ml mi! us Mm tr full iwlilnsmu tt;o Kyt mioitaniplitrtiio It iter ruturniiu; Btntoniflnt of tbctrciiL fur wlii. Ii wonu.pty ttiom wlih qn- r Hon bl.itilt, totx) til li'd oi. nml n aclf-ntliltv. ynvtjiuyo jor usu m rtHunitrifi it worn inn-a. T71 Vrt Wt"n wo rut-Plvo tho Walemont n Wvwyuu oiniiK wo jtrvpnro oikli tl-iy TPlAI tri'ntiiii titaiid forwnni It i Ti.inll 1. . -Iffis U' iii ltiKm"UiKO. Alonnwltii l tin 3 tlt'.atirnt wuw.iKltuiltlirtK-UoiiLf()r uclnir. Tln trt?atiuent caiiActi iiu imIu or IncnnTonlouua aud dutta not prvri-titatfuiUoQ tn bunlm-Mi. vo Icavo thu nintttTdf iHtKlliiK ortlni enMrelf vltb tli'90 nttiri: tlic fn-otruxl Ue-tiiK-iit. litiv ing sntlsflM those wnrthif fur trial pnckitt:1 of our atx.UT i U'l't iil tlicra we fc) ibiU iti y aro moro laivt-ly luteraMtnl Minn ooiwlvca in Continuing the uonf tde laMUIiH. o lnnko tlioprioi'fins .-itripoollttO.ntKl the 'tome t nil. They are n.i fioTx: WO for one mouth ( &JM lur two imuitli; f r.fO l r '.hreo month. Wo nk nil porxii m-ctllnu treotiuunt t) wnd t)ClrmlilPpKn.iii HtnI or by letter. All comniu Hr.itlnnnn.ntltlotitlnt nrnlpliould be aillroMHil ( THE- KARRIS REMFrV.'CO.. MfK.Cho-lat EXEC -VH5 i-OT!C IIE'-.EBV i.lVhN' h.t th.- I . x.-rtl I t'l.' u.t will I - , !.'. ' 1--I.C..1. I,a I'd fil. 1.1. III. 1 ! I ' ttl Tin. J r It ... -I. I (CIMlllf. if Stl.) t -utor J K W i:ni;;i.i i:ii ca'isi.' ! l'V l'i'o i.i the i-'l .: i.uli wliii-'a i'li "iiifftivo . r fltigjjjii'h liwrfailfil 1 1 cany o!V. THE PS3VLriTI0N AND CURE IS liqtiiil qui'1!; tal'fic moiit LMtlVO I'uiv:-.- or 'v,lor, wliieli tivc3 iH'tinn f tho liwr nuJ olVilu- Ml'' l'V a l.iiM iiiovr f tho 1 .v.v'..-. It is 1..1 i ur lilt v.;!. ..Ii:.'. ::..!. :!'. i.i ro t i!o Mi i;. Are Yoti lo.v fpiritidr ar.d sutfi rin-.' E 1 from the ex- jj ri cesses ofl TOUtli? If H. I A 8ul;l:iir l;it- n - tors w ill cure U you. I era irrjiaasv - - ii SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stall oj Oregon for tut c o"fy oj Linn. D M (Jiborn Si Co. v, S P Barger and and Sarah E Barger hit wife, Plaintiff DttenJanti Notice U hereby civen that by virtue of an execution and order oi sale tiuiy tuerf out ot the above named court In the above entitled tuit to me directed and de livered. I will on Saturcav the 7th day of April, iS4, at the front door of the court house in uie city of Albany. Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of I o'clock p m of .aid day seiPat puoue auction tor cam in hand to the highett bidder, the real prop erty dweribed in .aid execution and order of a!; lO-wlr; iJinnlng at the north west corner of li L Brown's donation land c.aitu no iti cation number 36:$ in tp 14, South Kane 3, west of the Willatn et'.e meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, thence east 35 chains, thence south 9 chains, ther.o? north o0 west 7 chains. thencs nutti Si3, west I6.50cr.aini, thence north C63 west 50 chains tothe place of beijinnint?, except 3.60 acres on the east side of the tract, decdrd to W R Ktrk No vember 6:h. :Sy. recorded In volume 30 on pae 22 oi ths recordt ot deeds tor sii Linn'i'onnty. The proceeds arising from said ale to be app led first to the payment of the costs of and uon said exe cution and tne original costs of said suit taxed at $23.80. Second, to th payment to the piair.tifi Ji M Usborn Si Co, the t-um of i?iS8.t6 with Interest tnereon at tlit rate cf 10 per cent per annum f om the 23d day ol October, 1S53, and the fur ther (.urn of oo attorneys fees and ;he overplus if any to be paid to the said defendant P IJarger. Iatcd this 7fh day of March, iSi. C C Jackson. Sheriff of Linn County Oregon, Gladstone has A clear Head . WHY? Because he follows these rules: "Keep the head cool, the feet v. arm. and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowel fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Dile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are not oare of it. A'.l day yourmind will be eleir and cool. "Not a gripe ie a barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans 1 ILROT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALSANY, OHEGON 1S91, 1892 lr Ter it upend! Vrpiember 9ct A I- I finrpH of limtruotor.--- CUwilSAL, SGiEKTiriG, LITERAL COtfMnPCIAl AND HOBMAt CLASSES. 1 ...ifM ol -tudy r.rrntiKtd t - rr--ull kA'! of Htudeni.x ?ct;i tutitifctncnti cfltwi to from ab'Mttt. tvv. s.tnruT n coxdit OF Al.BAHT, OKEQOM refMvilt Vice I'reJiucnl Jaabier I. Ft.INX S, K.YOL'NU W. LAaNUlO.N ritANrtACT A 0KNKKAl.t ..n)(lttgbui4nflBV AMiOt'isTN KKIT .ulijvit tu -htck. SlliM r KXl HANdl. ti.l tri rphic tranat r, told Svw Vurk, bu FrancUeo, Chitgo and P -illantl CO JaKCTIONif dAIEnn CatureMe nci, ftiKBCTona. J. E. Yocsa K, LiROMN It K DbAW. L. Klimr Kovaho 1 . Sol. in Si CooHig r -' is essential to IGood 1 1 Digeiior;- in paatrv vou catinot have cither without n good Bhort cning. lard hasalwnvshad very object ion nble features, causinc indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to 3 the assistance of the cook, and of weak tomachs,wiUi the new shortening, Cottolerje It is composed of thechoic tit lf suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many respects as good as the finest imported olive oil. I'hvsicians endorse it, cookiir; experts recom in end it. and thousands me now uing it in prc'cr cucc to nnv other shortpn-siir- Kcfu-c all substitutes. ik-..t-r.u.-i. t-i I !' AUC CTlIj t y 1 h f fl I Hth ' ( b.l I i i ; 1 I M Oregon Pacific ffeiliodd (Bit CLABIi, Keeclier. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. H mer Detwaiii Ya- qamt. aid 9tn lrfii;ieo Hem aal't Fcby ZOtb, U rc'i i, V, it, anl Slit. raoit ti t. Homer sal'.i F.a th, Mtrdi 7, 17, and u. The Compin TrTe tb nent t- -ai76,ltnz dfctnn -thout notire. For friht a-d paoenrer r le app y o any aent. t'kir etJ ll.nilrn. ft.-n & C N 2 to Ma-k ;t Sin Fnnciaco Calif. ChuClirk re:lTtr CralIU O-.-g'.Tt. 4tM. SAI T LUKE, oaiaha. mm CITY CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, EASTERN CFflBS. I D,VT.i TO f)8 CHICAGO HOURS '"SWewP1 HOURS SKKf?..S3ffiHA PULLMAt, AND TOi,.T SLEEPERS, DINING CARS. S 11 1! Clark. Oliver W Mi..k, E Elier Andvreon, Receivers. For and treTietnl Infomiation cs l on or address Curran V Monteith, Albany, urcyon, or W II HUR I.BURT, A--.' Gi-n'l .Vaaa. ArI, 3154 Vahliilun St.. i'tKTL AN II. (JKKGOV Those- -Pimples . ., ,, w Arc teU'tnh fjjmptnms Vint your hfcotii is not right full of impurities, om .';!' atluggmh and unsightly complexion .J A ftto bottles of a. a. iS. xcilt rrnorr J on jnretan ana impure waiter, dense trie rvwu inorougniij, an:u gtve a Ch ar ana rosu completion, it ts most t&'cct (, ana entirely harmless. Chas. Htjaton, 73 Lauir-1 Street. Hilh.. 'I have had for Years a humor In roy blood! nicn made me dread to shave, as small boils or J pimpiea would be cut, thus causing shaving to 1 be a great ancoyMnce- Alter taking three bottles j tf AW. my face is all clear and smooth as gOtVSgC1! it should be aprxtito spl-ndtd.i " sieep wen ana leei iike running ; foot race all for the use cf b. S. S. Treat! w nn blood and Odn diseases mullefl fo. aiMFl SKt.LlMC Lt I- Atlanta ALU ANY COLLKGlk. eiul lot Catalogue, RKV. k. (-omut, Alo.iny. "Jreson COPYRIGHTS. sail a 4t DENVER CX 1 ORTA1M A F.a. TEXT f riri rriinpt answer ar.d an b"riet re nion. wrttt to XX A- I'll., who hare hvl nrariT rtftT tjtr' eirenprji-e in the jmtent bn:rtf-!. t".m mriti- ti. r.ntrll tlTciinftdo'itul. A Handbook of In. formaiioo r-mofrniu" 1'atrnis nnj bow to olv tain thi'in fpnt free. A W a ' 1 1f-4iin-K-a! an.l fcletiflc torik wnt in-.'. rater. t talseo tttMuth M.n;i ft rwHTS fT'T 'V n.t-rvinthe -t ntinr Amrrlrnn. and tluia are bnueht wi-loly ixi re tin rnMicwith rut c t to tiie irtTpnr.T. t:., ortrrvtirt naf-r. Iut1 wfvfcl. eteaartlr illafrtp.!.hi bTffha Utki'st t.rnilati.'a ft ar. went 1 tie w.,rk in tb W'Tiil. 9:1 far. ir;.. c- r"'irr:t free. Haiti! :nv Ktlttioo, tru ntlilf, rtr. S.rrt e i'tcs, Ktitv iiiaii t-T ftihi-t n t:rol r.T.'. ir s.ii r?. i. f ivti of h 'i-M.mtii'.r",i- 1. it- 1 . - t. -K.i t la-r.t .i-w:k-r - .- t,:.-.. a :!.-. -. " tlTEtTHEKFORD A 1'HAM IV it. iti.ti.v. aturaar. at U. will prartie. m all Mum of tk; ana 10 eo.iacuooa. Attorar at La. uxl llclwr In Chancery. lotia maJa all polnu. Loan. o.,.Hi.l'a on rablaurma, ilbaiij, Onion QEO. W. WK1CHT, ...... .H irj V .tarr Puh,te WiU pWlc'in alltb.oban ot ihia rtala Special atleutioa liven , w coIlwtioniaKd matwraia prebaM t)0it:-x doar 10 PjatotBa, Ailaoy. Oeu . Ltl'4d( If S Ii ic'U niitcri sri.l rrfiv. rr3Qp itswtii. toil fv.i.-a r.a:.:n Aia, it in i'.vi:i .3 Attorney at Law, Albany )r. XMVK A H.tlULr.4N. M Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon , h imiertLaU'. n. n. HomcpaiMft. t2rrtSlt In rfl:cs of (ho Eye. Office boura 7 h9i "1: 1 u m. ami 7 U 8 A . urec'iQ. I)R ' Phvdcianar.(13tir?oon, OFFICE Comer Fi"7 atrctu, AliiL-, Orn. Physician an S'l-'e-Jtii. OF"F.nE-Criier et,rid and Br :U!iiirt airv-ls. Allimv, Or, Calla proi.t.y .ttondedi atvanJcantry. J W. 'l7f 'K V Cf..8 -VKIUtt OF A LB ANT, OKKQOlH. TRANSAfTTa n?ntl BtnVin uilntfls. URAW SIGHT UKr la on ew XOTK, rr n sco and Portland, Oregon. L'A MONEY on approve aeenmy. RECEIVE tletv-lt sublocl to check. COLLECHON5 tuade ou tivorabla torma. INTEREST Daid en tinn deDoalt 1-) 4!VK OF iCIO, I 0IO, OBKOOM. .. J Mi-si .A J Jon EAST AND-SOUTH. VI THE SHASTA ROUTE UV Till. acuthern Pacific Oo. Eitrtsa Trains liv PortUni Dally Aouth I 7051 JttT "' I Ni'tth C:1I.p. -JLr Pirtlind Ar8:20 1M :0.s3r M I Lv AMi .ny Lv 4:23 A tl D.454 H i Af San FcmicUco Lv 7;l r H j'jvfl r al'is stio nil stitio s from n l ti v(bn v tn-ilu-dve. HtoTt.n h1, Jnneiiot) Irving, Kji-nni ni I stll stitioni O'ebaran LsalanJ inclusive aouBiaa haii., pailt 8:3 'jam Lv :SU r k Ar , Portland Ar' 4-SMr Lv 12;30 ;lci 7. pc Albsnv Roaeb'irg :ina v I - no a 1 1 i v Alr4nt I 10?1 AM I Sfl A I tjse ! -jar "ULLMA' EMFFFT SKEPFHS Dininsr Cars on Ogrlt n R jute. SEC0ND-CU3S SI EtPIHS CABS tiiall Thrnugrlt Trnlna aifl. klTt.lon. nt.TtX'FV IOUTIAM1 IMI llllttllll alatb ..atanau'i (ExMrtS-jnaay, 7:-. enrt'and CorTalila r I ! S r lv I 1:00 lilts r a traaas raaia aaiLT tEacsnt Sandar. fctnra 7:25 p a Lt Ar Portland McMian1l.a I a a I .' a a ffcrouprli TicUetu v all point tn the F.tem Sttta. Canada ad Euroa can oa oB-ainei at oweat rates from C H rrwa)k,Arnt Albany. . KORHLKR K P. OfER Manaar m'X O P. aJ I'tn'aci Oreron :;jtf CtUT af T(tblti aa,l Tlawtra. I.'! raj1' ft 1; lnrftr. with dfrrip. . a-, tha: ant faladi illatratlOB lat tntmrt, rift xarrate. ? r. x-r 1 rv.arri:n in him ttvMrcef r r ; r -t ir. prvn:U t,i:e. .th a T"".d bark- ! . . i t rf 1-mt..-. Si i-v-. (.f J..,1: - :t o-' Au t " l.a.!;ri? r'-T:Tir :.'.'- t .ri' 1 t j !- t. -i I t r i r-iv t f m- EOKEST C0CD5 ' - -,--emt KEAsras. Iti-rtrw- PA'RONIZE: HOM m FARMERS & KUAHIS INSURANCE CD! lbD7 r!l".M, rrfHldeal. i I. COWAN, Truanurer. -ritngtyroca ! Cowan, Geo FNImpmn. V K R I, D B Montolth.M MtsratsrK,J V7 Ib.ic J K WeaiUorlirJ. O J Stumt I WrUarnarj. ' ALSO DISTRICT all asm FOR - " several Solid Eastern HAVE YGU TBIEO , to find A cciie ron w RHEUMATISM, LUMDACO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LSVEiR and BLADDER C0MPLAt?5TS; BYGPSP31A, LAIVSE-BACK,&o. jte-J&Uu-&-S-i'W;.M- '" '- N'rv;,.i lli-hlllir. K;- Wjl 57f-. ' ' ff S'.'sTV. . ; sMi '- !.'.'. Drnlua. I. .1 5lanln.od, p7?ii-VaV!err.-- . -w r ii uno. r-l.,-a SVCTA' t.''.: ..;" , -' r.' -hIV'U 3'Yt'.' w '.' lUTtirtrv, nil rf-i.iulc C'om WffrK'. ;V , 'Ni Ii . r Ininc-. adrarrul 111 henl.b, 'CFlff-jy f-"( , ... ,.., . -a A t.l,uo.. 'Tct-..i'a. worrf fclriSf- r c:PLT""i;;fl PIT .!! I ' Jtt-.' "'' !.ir.aiJ.l:rt.lro' Sifir-: Ufl. tf f-tliil t aitl!i:.tV Lt U ' .. -U I i " !: " If rn.rrelt.ia mttlon V".t i.'t.. Y'' .li t1! t.c-.iroBKutalrlaltf.C'.DTinc. t4 V '-"" Oitr y.DC pre? b.ic!: T I. :' . i. : mlddlriifrel old in::!, f.' ' i. '. " wc Iii:-e ri.'S"r".! tij j-. : i-i r.... -. "-i ., . Shoirn lir huniir-"'! f t ,i. ;' . " .c.,.: CS wliuiu T.ekV03trtjU t;'.L' r l -.' r-' CEWtKAL rc. ' V 01. . . . .-tin h r . I-,-.'., i .. 4 . rr. A. T. Sun"n, i,-r .-it etc", .i t Z nai tmiil.l d witti It. -i or. tu-.l t i . fc'.Ia-.Oait a CUIUI'le-TO l iain i'f t .OA -r. I ''l.-'. , n, I A Very tud inti. ( -. ai-i.l k, . ,:.,.': - i:- i. lour b-lt Ik had i w '.i-.o ol -f . 1 - ; life tvuortti ii. 1 dhvj f rtfia J tt,vi. ) a.v u U'mc't e atidcrti.j In jOtir trr-ut-i t ffcr. i-(.t JUU tl'i liite' o nuiti .1 n' wn .r c 'i p ma. Iru'y r'iw, II. A. i.o - ..u., '..i 'jiaiK a RHEUMATISM J MO. ;.AMEMt:S& CLRCp Dr. A. T. Sanden. htur Sir: T raio-o i .ti iip.t fnr aattm1 iiiura. I Vi-1 hf, ti.. hit ti Lmu abj-to w rii. ur tmlt l;it i ! i t ifiu ahnon perf-rt he.ilih In tho two W- J I-..vf in d J L'.in walk C'lmiortH'ilv.unil fosl I.Li u i:mn irnertllr. M.L.lirain:s. I'r j.r iT.-.oru 'lEinnul llou.1. NERVOUS 0ER1LITV-I.O09 OF V!COW. li.t.oLia V .i.n.. ij.Mjl.rr lf?2. Dr. A.T Pwlen.lJer Mr: - h.i-f b n uiry-ui Eiertric bolt for kit.' i:.-.-rti, . o-jiii r.nm! I -l-i-leel betCT t!iu i 1 t.uv ."ur li-f yvt. 1 bvc gauctj iatiuoi duil.a: 'in "";n-' ' "Vt-rrut. v j - m g.-iu-i -u j, ciiAo . Ln:rn a. THE SR. SAKBEKC ELECTRIC BELT laaeofBTtftaioiIvanicbsttery. nmde lr.?o a b:-;t ro i9 to be ewiry worn darlnjr work or att"CS, and it Sliei.,,.''lt.u? 'r tenaei cif-ai. -vnich ore t.;B!jntlr lelt t...-oti.;boat ail weak purta. or r-e forfeit 5,000. Jr.ban Jruiirovi-d Klectrir n -yeunorr, ta cr:.".te!it boon over jlren weak un-n.and we wiirr:int it to curo-inr vt tiie above wcaVce.'s, art toctilargo hrunk?n llnibs.or pnrti, o- Money Kefunded. TIt .ire ended In P'rnctl. to muet all t.-ke.tof i7eakn3S tn y.un;, rutdtlle-aLCcdorola man, and will cure tbo trora'. ctsea in two or tares muaiua. - Addrwja Icr lull tuiufmatia. SAWSEM ELECT?!OC'" 3RD AM3 VXlrlltTO.I, P3STLAN0, Off ci a;Jili jaii Wnd bU tbo IV 4M r 11 rn irii Biiurnnirc iw -iht nr rviunn me BIOIH V. Io;a UfSH wLln:L'i.'it. A-K for it. mkn f-. r:i -. .Wttt li-rfre' Medunl Hm pent neabd u. 111 i.!i.u wrajjjK r. j,uiin - T.trr..'.r'J. A. Cr' FromTerminal or In'srior Poii.ts h Nortnern Paciflc ' Rallroaflf I iti line lo Inko To all Points EAST ant SOUTH .'I Ik Hip IMXINU I All ItOI Tl:. II rnnta 'I hroueli Vl'.STIIU'l Ku i'KllVH I'.VKItl I'll in Hie Year l ST. PAUL and CHICAGO TuO CHANGE OF CARS ) Composed" of Ilini!i2 Cars I'tis-iriuss -il 1 unman Hrawm? Iiora Slpr;rrs Of Latest Knmwnf TOURIST SLEEPiNS CaKS. rjjt'tr. flaiht )i4rrt..!irt t n I In I'M nia li'-tni aro h it I. fres ial f i'i !n i f n u il i'lrs of Fim or i3i 1 .-j. tittKeLi. At) J ELEGANT DAY COACHES. al linis, afforflin? Directaa d Unintarrnptsi Sarvica. Pallmai (tpr rewrratlona ran b ecureJ In aiivanc, thrntiKli any at'snt of the road. THROUGH rtcREM to and from al: polnta Ir. America Knclnn.1 n1 tnr..p can I, r.ufoh I it try ticketnfce of this courpatij Full inf Tmatlin eonownlm ratoa.tiine Aflraina. ty,utfl. nn i othor tiraiuro lahea on application to any airnnt or A l CHARI.TOS. .rnt Owml Penirtr Airer.t So 121 ririt , cor. Wa.hinEton. Porltan-I. ti en. CO ill r . 1,.,, ti i - . r , : buuniiManuui: IHSTITUTIOMS.- Oregom J O WRriaMAW. RMtstarr Geo F SIM lON. Vlo, Prealdanb and Foreign Coaipa:..e. OEOSS ,l, Anl:N't r.lT.CTIMf! BF.I.T with t.leclra ri-'pntlii' Su.pei. ,l -,;cn"? i. liii'.-nor?.rjcenftf. .i.i nmv ba-o tiii'.ulr dralraJ ;tn:o:rt'rv'f( rcar.dviUiilts j I. is e)eerirtrr and ttulai -,, ' (. i y i:i tTvKriesa' t iticstui lorra, y .a replace into ymr bjstem tbt . ;, i. i-nt-' li.iit Orr-lncl, whsfh ore r. r tir-,'1 t- r Vioruuaatre i, : j. jju wi t,-'h: v ri i -.'iji and l:c ."b. JTenirtli r: 1 r r, 1 fulloiv r.t. OtiW. Tbl - i'ur i ti and trj..rf.-fi.t. and wa .n..n'iti a tjre ir rci :nd nioney. i' r-fcTiy.' no rend by et iy S' . s "..'M? iUeeiric Belt 13 r- experiruori i - -it t '. . ' iidr t counts Ifll !''('. ttfl cim M m,:. t -f tv :-i i itt'liv t.''.:fy, ai.U in. ji tiftj : :: i e' ! "tji v t'.l.t.- ii.- Hi; unr licH iU..r:ti JACK Mi" JO RHEUMATiSM Vnt'Ir.i'-i '1-ppmi. S-tcr-.lCi- 2rt,1ffll - .T. F:.r.r I.-. mi : V.- r cf oxo ur n'l ' - . k C 'fifiL tl . ..!. :nt ln forait-r frtni the i , eit'iui-. a-v,Tcr..ot l-iuiatark. ia. r.i 1 (-i 7 r.l io- jmri, Irn-j baa I eu.1 ' ;. t i' . ir.; bji If. vv. .,n .blad tjt Ji it I -., -..-h- a-.i-a. r'tnir hplfj !t If id i-l- -f :ir (!; n m! I cnj'.iai.ctt' tr- ur it . jr fnyt ,a.:il I ai a-i jtl. ? ti- nr.itlT.a'id 1 1 1 czlail ti ttilk on . onaa-ns wants to (r'jti t-. fn.ti' !, hOl-MlT lii:Ki:r.L.i:uTlno.i"Iioteiror.!aoil, LOST VITALITV ArtO STH'-f.oTH. , -..-rit, Wi-b. Jure JH.IrK4 b -t I hr.v ) L"-u cri a "y lienciltod. 1 jVM r.oM en. rr ta t; and uft. r a motith'fi rm ot the I..' I rind it. self wit-o r.n con u-, y b(o.'i. Mr nit-aiori h laour iicrlr rsrfect, ani taut!.: tly jbiwt fnf tVn bfti-r. 1 f ! ir.jra ilr'ntrer ti n-' hxfor j.iu :! eit. Xm truly. llii.M.if &UUCJLXjb Wsvl4 K.noaia tbs CUr?H ia EU3. M ANHOOQ RESTORED! ?."Ia5.a,:5SK Kiiaruiiii-i-il to t ur n.i nrrv.iusai-i'ii-ci.eiicii as Weak Mi-tnnr. Lojiof drain Fuwur. llcailaclii'. Wabululiiffs. I.nnt .Mniilmod. Mclitly F-tnlltms. Nervous tu't.n.tillriral;iT.aiitl.ior ituwer! 1 Genoraiiveiir:aiif cif i'it;ur aorcaned by over ex iTtlnn.y on thfiil error, e.ncpHMve a nt tobaci ..ajiiium ur ptHu u.nnt". wtilcli It'mi t.i Itittntilty. (.inau:ii;ilon or liisunltv. i'an lo carried In -t pooki t. C 1 per b"t. f r (., Ij mall im-pald. Vtina.? onltt wn s it jk, r.r.u , u., Jjaoiilu it'UiplC,CUI.AOOa - 1'm.(;K- '.- M. I -Mil .AV',. r.-.iat. BabyRawasBeet steak Baby very sick with crzemawheo three months o). I. Had home doc torsauilspei'falita. .ot woneall the time. AVholboilvrawa.'leef Jl.iir L'.me. KierNilhira to t'.ie. Sii k ix mouth ! elore we tne.l itki iia-i. i;,iih in tnemlmt intuo inonihshe va. retire: v en red. iNot a spo; on huii now :iml 1 ct' Mux. 1 KA.NK ilAIIUKl f , H iuikM, Miih. Csby Bad with L'czcsna I:tr I -.l.v I m- r..-, - ;t old. lleail Iti'.il 1..-..1 cs.; (jl c.Vfl 1 .t. a hore. ? t' 1 a lly ailo.-tfil. Iu-hii-. i.M 1 .cily 5sS "' itl ixi.'a v.',.:,'-'. l.-Ti. 1 h . liriti.l. i-i j i,..,. I nrf tltf .iint tl!il 1 it- arratchin. 11 i. j ir l;: ailll MC rt'.ir.Iii';,. tlfti' in ,'. iia;;iii Baby Etched Terrib!y I'.;t' y three rr.o. tl: 1 1 .ko our v tth v.hfte iiij -4 , mi!." In tiiii:- -is-r-i. i. ou h, ,, and la v. . i tin..,.' l-.r live i. V'T.. 1'iin.batv . Ci t I .: red 1 In 'rf"w I' it A ,1 in 1 ij !e. tnree w-eeka ihtrt.- v,.s not a .jre m Dot n i .. J!a.t. usi.v'n jam::, w.u,m, k Baby Suffering Aony Hahy ef-t"-.!:.!, vtnM forill. it.illh'il the bet liiHMor here. Va. in atrmiv eiuiti ii-tmli-. l(e paiiwithCrTH ritv tlKS':;!Hi. In two months theu-Ai ,1 4U.'3je had cranetl its venpi-,1 No trace couiu ie sen, tiiviiTl r-tm'- vu J. A.MCOlJIS.Bunk TH.ii.Iad. CUTICURA WORKS WQrDERS And lt mrea are the m-wt re- nuixkal If Jierloriiiodaivij.i i.lnotl tad ikin r.'mctly of" n,'.- .era time. Tarenta r'in-iu!ir :bat curvsmade in infa:.- y a-estedy, eniiaiit'Dt and e -ot.i.miul. Sold thronshout the world. Vr .':-riTBA, &ne. Coap, j..c. ;eolvsnt, $1. foTrei. Pbvo AND Che. Corp., Sole Vro n.. f n ataT'Mlow to Cure Skin M- free. BABY'S Sl.ln rtnd St-alp purlC. i ai.f' Ij Cuilt-urtaSuap. . i:i.1l a'ortt. txn KtiTM-tirf. -t Mlaa lla ':c Warner a'r.i.. . i the te? Co' - - onf lr linglr renii. iTei :::iarn enmertatorv conncctpd wi'f Icirf. N.-'' nrcp.ird to.!n- v;)cl a 'tl i '-Vii-Ticntii! ni' !' rn'pt'a.-r, at rei-o:n Ml" "a, . r ha Itld a tl.or . 'I'll .!r,' ; . t'-;-tM t.' i 'ci -vi .. - -1 . i-o! H . rr. t !c-,;- 1 . 0, 11.1 o.;n. LOJTON - JAn-ISVlCKSSONs! 0.-. P. if".-. Crcan ; -.; lire f f.-rc Crci M oi I - i I'J.-.'f.