ahliiheJ every day in the week except Sunday. VTP'm SIGfma, EJito?itacd r:un'r rtrg(l siiilm Vtvt Offii-M t Albany uret'nD, ecoun ciaormaii waiter. a-oox Hvuarisro HOME AND ABROAH I ARIZOJTA IiBTTHR An Katter EntertulnmeU will be given at the WCIU hall by he ladle of the union, a. program will Do rendered, and lunch served. Tha ladle will hava a fine variety of Easter eggs for sale . COn F.lday evening, March 30 the Y M U A wlllSholu the first anniversary exer ciaesof the new hall. Arrangement are being made to make this one of the most Interesting evtnts of the season. At ihe annual meeting the Albiny Building Association elected the follow ing directors to manage the opera house the coming year: J Gradwhol, J Joseph, W C Twecd.ile, W F Head, C H Stewart, C Meyer and F P Nutting. Dr Powell Reeves (alias Van Monclscar) and Prof Kork are in California. They should be exhibited In a class case at the Mid-winter ralr, labeled "two nweel run from Oregon." Jacksonville Times. Several petitions to the county commit sioners court, asking that taxes should not Piionsix, Arix, March 17, 1R94. In u numlier of letters I have been asked W hat ure the opportunities for lubor in the southwest and how are wages? Any thing like an adequate discussion of these questions require a knowledge of the causes antecedent to present conditions. But most writers do nothing but rant when this question is broached and I am not going to run the risk of doing any such thing, but stick as nearly as may be, to the narration 01 simple titcu. H T a imnnrtiint in hear in mind several things in studying tho question of work and vrairea here, Hie climate is always favorable, there are perhaps not ten days, in any consecutive li 1110m 11s, during which a man in health may not work in comfort, out of doors, without over coat. llnrln.r llo hi,mmi.e mnntlw tlm "nllilos be declared delinquent until June ist.have ( v f t.iotiles" is answered by a dress that i...n In till, Thnu uir I 1 . .- . . , . , . I . PBRSOK'AIi Mr James Kennie died at Salem Monday evening. flenoral Itussell A Algor rasseJ through Albany a few days ago. Henry Wuttoraon will m in Oregon the last of April on a lecturing tour. Mr liny ItogtMM lefl this noon for Phil omath, where his father is lying dangerous ly HI. 0 B Winn left on last niirlitj overland for California, whero he will do tho Mid winter fair and tako in otther attractions. A disniihli nveiv-pd bv K IT Will l:it evening announced tho death of his brother eminent Bishop is 6ure lobe instructive J W Will, nt St Helens. Calif., of uniek and cntertainine. It is Ir anJ all are consumption. Mr Will was a resident of invited. Albany at 0110 time. Ho was a man of ex- Mr W fiiffonl Nash of Corvallis has einplary habits and leaves many relatives jU8t arrived home from Germany where am: trienus to mourn las ucalli. I he baa been lor some time taking Mr from il.tni-tt sunnv climate. Thov were at San lose and I forte recital at the A O II IV liaK i na (iutna two mnntlia iliirincr wiiirh time Corvallis on Friday eveninz March M were sunshiny davs. Tho Midwinter 1 18n4 at 8 o'clock to a number of fair pleased them very much, thouirh even friendi. H will be a rare treat. now there are a few incomplete buildings. been in circulation this week. They were quite exten&ivety signed. hugene Guard, Rev Win Dillon 1) I) Bishop of the United Brethren Church (O C) will speak next Tuesday evening at the Evangelical church on the subject: "Immortality and endless punlshment. vs Mortality and annihilation." IDIs topic nanaiea oy uiv nllows free evaporation and keens out heat. Then again there are not a few Mexicans of the lower class in tins region, xnese people, for the most part, have no ambition beyond existence. They live in hovels, exist on cn frijoles, (a Mexican bean,) dry bread, cotrco and cigarettes. 1 he rriioie is to the Mexican what rice is to the China man. These people do not find employ ment where lntelliirence is required. I hey answer where brute strength anil endur ance are expected and are well adapted to rprtilin vrnrk in ilift hottest months. Airaill. this is the great cross roads for the army of trouble these sunny days, this balmy and j dry air, are a boon which only he who en-. toys it ami ienliz.es its beneficial und ! tenting influence can fully appreciate. I Some have asked mo directly if I would advise them to come to Arizona. I must decline to advise If I can give only the conditions '.here I shall be satisfied. The responsibility of breaking up a home and moving two thousand miles is too great for me to assume any part of it. And each gathering the facta, must act and be re sponsible for his own movements. Per sonally, 1 shall nover cease to bo grateful to the physician whose advice sent me into thesouthwest. 1 have oftcn'wondercd, when in robust health, what the Creators design was in leaving this great arid region so dry and barren, have found a partial answer to my wonder in a cueck of the ravages or the most insidious and destructive of dis eases and in the hone of acomulcte restor ation to health and activity. And this result lias been brought about without the aid of medicine. I shall not again atlacK the drug stores until I have exhausted the Kiinnlics in the meat markets and baVcries. The thermometer now rises to above 82 in the shade overv dav. Peach, unricot and almond blossoms are out and the Cottonwood tree is nearly leaved out and erj'tlung has appearance of spring. The sons of Erin have their innings here today and St Patrick and the green are the common theme. I remain, yours truly, JAMES J ClIAlU.TON. United states Land O.Tice Oregon City, Oregon, March loth, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the aproved plat of survey ol township, 13 sonth, range 10 west, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on April 3, IB04, at 1 otiock a m 01 saia day said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Robert A Miller Peter Paqukt. Register. Receiver. m New I.UHiiER Yard. The undersigned is prepared to supply all cuBtmers with all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar posts, flour and feed on the most favor able terms. F G Powsr Shedd. ,frnnd Mrs Jason Wheeler havoreturned I thorough course in musical instruction tramps that are forever moving backwards 111 their trip to California, bearing evi- from the most cultured of musical in- and forward north and west in suininer, ico in their facei of a residence in a structore. Mr Nash will give a piano east and south in winter not seeking GXXCOX7XTK1 CJOTTXtTE1 Oregon at .1 ft Iloulin, selling liquor to minor, riucufcou. Oregon agt J (1 Iloulin, selling liquor on Sunday, i ined sou. In the matter of tho assignment of tho Hank of Oreiron. Assignment. Petition in remove assiinee. Tried and submitted to iudge. Decision probably not until May. Isaac Saltmarsh vs M B M iller et nl Action to reform deed. On trial before judge without jury. Straiuhr Froman agt A S Powell and A E Bloom. Recovery money; attachment. bottled. G W Philips agt U G Haync and C L Buck. Con'inued. n UEIL ESTATS SIXER. C H Stewart to E F Sox, undivid ed J.j interest in 40 acres 11 1. 80 acres 11 w a and 4; 72x150 feet, bl 116, H's add Allianv Elizabeth Simons to Mary A Cur- ran, property in Brownsville. . . Elizabeth Simons to Mary A Cur- ran, strip land IS lirownsviue. . R C Miller to M A Miller, 5x159 feet, Lebanon Mary E Curran to Elizabeth Bimons, 52 pieces lanu, urown- Elizabeth Simons to Diantha Ven- ner. 2 nieces land, brownsville. Sugar 1'ine Door Lumber Co to Sugar Pine Mill&FixtureCo.lots An whir-h mil nml warehouse are situated 13,000.80 John Grateto U w Cooper, luu acres, law J E Goins to G W Phillips, 2 pieces land, bcio J F Caples to Ella Hcdnck, 10 acres, u w.i Robert Hedrick to J F Caples, 10 acres. 11 w d Flora H Stewiu-t to Sarah J Uobbins. 5l feet, bl 41, Albany. Harry Wilson to C II Stewart trustie, lot 1, ui), it sauii w:u-anon O k C R K to fiantbrd Cochran, ot4. sec 211th, 14 w 1 Brownsville 1) L A to P I flerow, 3 lots.... work, vnt alwavs bv their pestiferous pres- onnrt iifTpelinn. wnrmn nnfiivonilllv for the in, nalrinns mpn. llivenl v. at lucson. in the territory, a gang of l.iO were herded at the denot and driven bv the city officials niionnl ft nassino' freiirht train for free passage to nowhere. 1 saw one sucn sigut with my own eyes. Men ranging from fifteen to fifty years, some singing, some oitrainnv snmA iln'intf. some munching all seemingly resolved against nonesi worn and avowed enemies of socioty. This rendition of thincs 1 snv affecti unfavor- 950 ably wages, even though the tramp is not Stay at Hq.uk. In several places in Oregon men have tho South Africa fever. T R Brazil!, writing from Johannesburg fiouth Africa, to a Seattlo paper says : 1 im 11 foreman in amine. Mv pay is $7' per month; board g'-'o a month without bed. This is no country for a white man. irroes do all the hammer and drill work Their pay is f2 cents per day. There nre ;.il(K)0 ,f thpin workin" within thirty snuaro miles of hero. There are 1.500 sintnn niilU in one linn of 50 miles. Ea?h mill lvn from in ti 100 stamps. The. rock is low grade assaying from $:i to 115 dollars nt-r ton. It is siiiphurets, and requires the . I...1 , I...-. b, 'r diamond dZnU 200 feet U N.Kice to T J Philpot,100 acres ilnwn. Tnis is a nrairiecountrv. The soil is red sand und very poor. It will not prj- lnnn without water, rho dutch lioers nre a lazv. ignorant people. There nro 70.0JO ,iml Xfl.oilO of them in the Transvaal le public. The negroes are worth nothing hro Yon P:in liilV rt POOll strOHIT buck foi' 8100. I will leave this country as soon as I can earn money cnougu 10 (feiawaj. .uc e ,,ccJacn.sherifr are a irreat ninny nnu'ricun ininer uviv -- ,-r - . . . , , Sf nmlov.n.nt: Africa is no place for a to liovey, Humphrey it Co. 102 . . . . - i ,if-n.. i , r :i tradesman or a laborer. r ' , . T K1 15 E 1 John Lewis to Ratio Lewis, 100 acres, 15 h 1 Wm liassctt to C J 1'itner, 2!0x53O feet 14 w 4 and bl 5, Hulscy R A Stafford to D J nnd C J Pitner. 1G0 acres. 14 w 3 Mary M Luckey to liovey & Hum phrey, so acres, 10 w 3 A S Powell to J as E Foster, 1 lot, B's nd, Albany A S Powe'l to Ella M Foster, 1 lot, B's id 10 300 650 I 4000 coo 1 1 2000 nronnr v ft worKinrr man. lue Kinds oi worK nere ouereu are, mst farm work. The demand is not great, yel bis is an norricultural recrion and des tinrnl to prnv in importance as copulation increases. Include in che term farm work nursery work and irrigation. Ihe wages mid nre about one dollar per day and board. Many of the well-to-do fanners keen men the rear round and their time occupied attending to nenis anu noens. irrigating aitana narvesi anu mo sowing nnd harvesting of the ordinary cereal The fruit industry is not yet oeveiopeu, mnvt of th orchards are vnnnir. Some wors: is being done in railroad anu canal construction. This, however, is an uncertain source of employment. Tho Knntfl V R R is lieinir built from Prescott southward to f hoenix and will reacn lue latter place within the present year perhaps. Seven hundred men are now employed. that number will not be increased matar- ially. Then the San Diego k Phoenix K. IV 18 lJrUJCVW--U, Ulll lb IB mi um-ui Strictly In It. When it cornea to washing the Albany Steam Laundry is strictly in it. It is doing the business of the city: the Celestials ure going to the wall. 20 cents a dozen lor plain washing is cheap enough for anybody in any kind of times. Kichards & Philips do lirit class work and spend their money at home. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. Dr. Price' Cream baking Powder Mo Perfect Made. ttobtii rotniDCBiae Will it Xirk. ieweler If you want a tine imokt coll for Joseph white labor eiear. The twst'.roast entire in the eity sit l oniad tf oyor a. Hodges Si MoKirianc, :he leading drut sore, Aliiany, Ol Will & Stark's large line of silver war has created a great deal of talk. Pa' roniaa home industry by aaiokino the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by lu'iut Joreph. 5 Baths at Yierecks cutting parlors. abaving and hair Seo the New Improved Singer sew ing m chine. The btis always the cheapest. W Sawden, agent. OQ'.ce at F M French ewelry store Hewing Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thnrnu&hly competent work man, at F M French's jewelry lore, Albany sgoa. oim;tii arm: a 'nvr.Tio French has ihe largest and finest tlock of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn I County. Prices to suit the times. The Ninth Annual Convention of the Oregon State Sunday School Association ill be held in tho First M E church, m , opening Wednesday. May a, imh, i in and closing Friday, May 4, nt noon. This is a mass convention, r.very person interested in bunday scnooi wors; is cnrdinll invited. Evorv school in the state is urged to Bend as many delegates as pos sible. J lie presence oi wir uuum itcj- nolds, International Field bnperintenacni, will mid mni h to the value of the meetings None can a (lord to missthem. Attendance will open our cyea.and give us fresh courage for another year s worn. Tho names ot an persons expecting w nrpspnt. nnd desirinor entertainment should be sent to W W Brooks, Salem, not later thnn April 23rd. . i f..n e 4:nl.Aa I CF!1TM mivinir inii-iuiD iinubo w Snlem will receive certificates at convention pntitlinc them to return trip tickets at one- thini tare over sout nern racinc lines, i no llMnnn P,trin. ffiilrniltl Will ftlSO maKO special rate of one and-a-half fares for round trio. F BCook, Sacretary Shite Sunday School Association, quantity, quite as mncn so peruaps as iuu I 0 P. Canal construction is spasmodic and 25 14wl. G Morris to Henry A Davis, 10 acres W U Baltimore to Ephraim Bosler, 42 acres, 1 1 w 2 K bosler to W V Baltimore, 42 acres, llw2 A E Davis to C A Zohn, 1 lot, I:.Kinon . Till' Ai.t. Dav prayer meeting nt the United Presbyterian church yesterday was well attended, rh.istians ot all de nominations were present nnd the inter eat wae great Irom beginning to end. A spirit of unity and christian fellowship prevailed. Such meetings cannot fail in bringing tho people ol God nearer to each other, and bo there is power in united prayer, may we not hope for a great spiritual blessing as the outgrowth of this day o! pravcr. Il.llr i.itiln nraelied to a large aud ience ln't evening from the two fold sub ject: "The wages of sin is death, but the gilt of God ia eternal life thromn jcbus Christ." The wagea of Bin, both phy sical nnd spiritual were faithfully put, making a very dark pic'ure, But the pictures were illuminated when the Rni'ji It mp allowed Llinfc these wages need not be accepted, but instead of death, the gut ot tied, allien ia eternal in imuuKu .lesus Christ, is freely otlercd to all. Ser vice nirain tonielit. All are cordially in vited. Mii.liskkv Opening, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week, the Ladies Bazaar will have their grand opening of spring nnd summer milli nery. The display of trimmed hatg and bonnets, together with all the latest novelties will surpass all former efforts. All ladies are cordially invited toattenu Mas II J Sowei:. 350 230 800 1500 3200 5000 5 100 100 MISFITS A Tttisfhnrcr lndv cot ta.;cn in. A man at Mcdford advertised for agents to loan money. Mrs Elizalieth Snider of the former city answered the advertisement, and was induced to advance 810 to L L Angle, on the strength of the matter; but no money i-aino to lie loaned. Then she had Amrle tirrested and he is now in jail. One needs to keep ones eyes open these days. SritiNO Wrapj. The Ladies Bazaar desires to announce that thev have just re ceived an elegant line of ladies and misses capes p.nil jackets for spring wear. Thwe garments comprise all the latest Parisian Me and ore tailor made. The prices to rait the times. Call and inspect them. Ax Albany Jewelry Stork Worth patronizing Is that "I Will 4 Stark. They cairy the finest line of silverware, watches, cocks and jewelry oenerallv In the valley, and sat- 'slartoiy prices are always given for the tw-lor quality of gocds they keep in "ock. Never buy without calling cn 'titm. Storms ruined crops in she Palouse coun try, Wash., last fall, and many farmers are unable to pay the interest on mcir muri imw '1'hov nsked nn extension of time tilfthe nest crops ore harvested, but some of the loaneonipuniescioseiiuown niejcness-K- Th f.ipmpM have organized a secret nintnid nrotect on society, and tell the ajents of the money loancrs to make fore closures if they dure. Ddbi rain off. The necessity of a spring medicine I nnlversallv admitted. This is the bes time of year in which to purity the blood, to restore the lost apetltc, and to build up the entire system, as the body is now pe culiarly susceptible to benefit from med- :tnA Th crreat nnou'arilv atiainea dt m.'c - b- "r , - , , i. Hood's SarsapsrlllE, ow'r.g ions reai mem r,A li remarirable success, has establhhrd It as the very best medicine to take In the nrlntr It CtirCS acrOIl!B, BVl riiri-m. mnu nlmmnfi hlliniisness. dvsnepsia. head- rb kidnevand ;ivar complalntr, cstarrii. and all affectUns caused or promoted by low state of the system or Impure Dtooa Don't put It off, but take IIoou s barsapa rillanow. it win oo you goou. offers litte inducement to the laboring man for that reason. Wages in these employ ments are usually about 82 per day and board. Skill varies tho rale ot wages sompwiinf. There are more or less mines in this territory, gold, silver and copper. The depression of the silver market has stimu lated activity in gold and copper mining. 1 do not think the laboring man has many ' chances of finding a mine that will make,: him rich, there is an opportunity i earn wages as high as three dollars per day in some of the mining distrkts. This is a surer road to fortune than the often dreamed of but seldom realized "bonanza strike." There are placer fields where fortunes havo been found but the absence of water makes hose dilhcuh of operation. Ihere is very little activity in the silver mine districts, as only the very rich mine can lie worked profitably at current prices. The uncer tainty of the re .ult in legislation nt Wash- . ii ie. i I .... lugton is as pan in us cuui-i, i mum, positively hostile legislation. This whole region is full of invalids and semi invalids who would like light em ployment for even a modicum of igos. I "l...!.. ..nl fpn,n 7?l n month dou-irlo notll The better salesmen got ori"nrse the better wages. Hois fortunate who as a clerk now gets a chance to earn a living. Tho slimmer season is dull in a business sense and the summer Is, at tho 'shortest, four months lonir. licnts ami prices are luga it seems io me. liroceries. urygoons, cinunn mm books all come from ten to twenty-nve per ni.i nlt-A Alliiiuv prices, and not intre. menllv thev nre double price, nomeimng in the shaiie of a hou o rents for 825 per ..nth. Small rooms say bxiii leei rem, fnrSi-'npr month nnd upwards. More rooiiis of the ordinary sizo rent for $150 per month. 1 think, however, that the tnn-,1,-ncv of nriies is down. IairgiT railroad facilities will equalize innttcra very much. v conclusions, lliereioro. nre .inu im; ,ta nni nffnr nnv special advantages to t'ne lalioring man for making mcney, to the man who wants a nome uniier winiiy skies; where ho can live in coinf.-rt f.ir nn honest, elfort: where lie can uvaii nuns mi m the onnortunities of being on the gro.md early nnd growing up with the country, and where no can enjoy ueiwLu, iuiiptt and comfort. Arizona offers many attrac tions. I o the party in delicate neaitn re sulting from throat, lung and bronchial Freeh Cabbage. Canlillower. Celery. Onions. & Turnips. At C E Brownslla tomorrow. Don't Swear. Oi course you fee like It some times; but there is nothing In It. Simply learn a lesion, and the next tlo-e go to Par' er Bros for your grocer ies, produce and baked goods. No one ever ejaculates profanely after leaving their store, tor not only are me ucai ceilcs In the market told; but everyDooy fmm a rhilit-toan old irentleman, is treat ed courteously. Tl.elr baked goods. In a large variety, are superior and popular. If you wonld keep in good humor the world always try Parker Bros. miinnx Seeds. Every body (should Uv o mirilnn. Are VOU Onrt VllO Will. Then go to Stewart k Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from a fresh supply of all the seeds in the market, the largest stock m the city. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. with See Their Nice and Trimmings, dies Fine Shoes. C E Rtownehs irrocerv store is Increas- n ; in popularity. He carries a fine stock ,n a itsht room, easily accessible and S'e bargains. Next door to the P O. Lj iry the Eglantine ilas'nr.e Cream 'lie bt preparation ever made for the ramplection, to be had of Mrs Rowell, at Kuss Home Albany Ore. We.in towels in eerv cmtnier at wrccK ""ingparlcrs. i'tting politicians of ail color have to J medicine. Buy It from Fred Daw p ' ti'-e little dru j store 03 Jad st . Ijeirer Last. r oilowipfi IS the list 01 letters ren atom in the Dtst office at Albany, L:nn county Oregon, March 20 1S84. Persons calling for tieso le-ters most give the date on which they were advertised. Bnckman. Mrs H I! lrkhart. Mrs X C Bnrkhart. Mr A Pavis, Jlr f-.lige Vi.her. Kliler Kli 2 Keifor.Mra Minerva K inner. Mi" Kattie M.-Cnllister, Mr J A v-irilmn. Miss Marv Ifolorson. K M i'h ir-ton. L F Williams, Mr T A Wi'son. Adam Tho. MojJTFnn, P. M, New Advertisements. TPsIR BA.KGAtN3in rn! e'tile a-Uiron or cill on fames W Card well A Co., mrson. or Sale or Trade, a house and lot in ' .rno.l location ill AllmilV Will sell cheap for cash or will tiade for land part ly or wholly iiBiirove l not very Itir irom town, uanor wnm w una H..1..0. polt s J.E -2J sha'e if Albany eleo t'iclli'ht stoef ihe u.hi iitvinon paying stojk in this) uits. E.iquiro l this oillce m i rra i'.- Two moms, newly fi 1 ui.1 nno anitable for small s're or IHm. one fur stole. MlxllO feet. W 111 be readv bv M uch 2'. Call on Dr O W Maiton f ir pr:leulars. itesiros StirASTr.n.-A vonng lady If placn to rin gnnonil homo work Ail iross Clara M U'i no:d, Albany On- T)UKK liUKI) Silver Laced Wyandott X. eggs lor sale by I) u i oouworiu. IMItHKNT. The roum roontly o- B pled by J W Hentlv R b mt and slio-i Bhijp. i'a i 0:1 L Viioik. T?i:ih. Funs, r.ous. l uro bred Mive I l.aced Wvar.dt'ita. Kj.'s f.w so'.tinv, From pen r o 1 the AH any Poultry Yard' 1 and 2. 81.23 o-r i3: P No. 3 81 per B 1-Jvmouth Ko3k, 75otier 13. Jom Brnnh, Albinv, Or. Cor 4th and It It M Sksplrs. J W Pknft. Albany Insurance Agency Wm ham had over seven years exp' i. in the Home office and local Insur ance builness.and can guarantee Insurance written by us to be properly inoneu auer. The folhmlng Is a partial list of companies represented by us: Freln-No-th BritU'i & Mercantile, v- ii. iTninn I'hre lit . London, Man- ches'er. Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Lon don & Lancashire. Amerlcan-'Continental of Ne York tr- .h.u.r of New York. The Conti nent! of New York and Manchester of Fngland, write farm business, taking notes for the premium, with ample time for pivment. We respectfully solicit mv iood business. Otfoc oppuvl'.e old po.t- ctlice, SENDERS ; !:ntt. BOUNTY WARHtSH-lbailil J sold by H'FMnnlll. FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will tjIv bptween San I'ran eisco and Willamette Valley points via tho Oregon and Sontherri 1'aciPc railroads sailing with freicht and pas sengera on or about tho fol lowincdate8:From .San Fran ciseo on Friday, March 1C at C p m. From Yatjuina: on Tuesday March 20. at 0 a m. Faro from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco Cabin, $12; Steerago, 89. Hound trip tickets, inclucl ing meals and berth.;, good f.irP.O days, 18. i iias 1 n: pr.v, Son ft C. No 2 lo 8 Market timet. Si Agen's i Franci- AND Dress Patterns Also Their La- At Perry Conn's, Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine Calif ornia Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds, Always keep on hand.a choice line of all staple groceries ai well as a superior slock of crockery. fVfOON Successor Io I A Morr's, Flour and Feed Stor e Opposite Rum Ilotietu. Haa on hand a full sioclt vf Ch-rptl Fep(f,Corvlli8 Fit or, Gron, Shoru, Gri.!.ni, Kucknhe&t, IUc Unir, l, C)t , S raw, rotator, AjipVi fa Cnm lit? The Hent Rhtjca V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 6ENTLEMEH. and 83.50 Dress Shoe. 50 Police Shoo, 3 Solei 69, 32 for Workingmet 32 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSK , 82.S0 32, $I.7V CAUTtOX. If o7 deats r. I.. iKinriia, Ire. illi. pril W. La DOUCLAS Shoe re slvllrh, ca'J litlinp, and give to'.'.or HtUlaUlun at the prkes mlverliscd than anv oilier make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Doufrlas' name and price on the bottom, wV.icli ciiarant cs their Talue, saves tliousaniN of dollars ani.iialljr to those vho wrar them. IJca'cra who ptiih the sale of W. L. Joii-.;laa Shoes pain customers, which helps lo In -rcase the sales on their full line of (romls. nrnr-1 in nt n ls r"''', nl r-e tH-lterr yon mn sive iwonrT hr litnl,' riM Jonf r-r-r of t?i draw t, Ivt.. titii kaluw. Calalcu Irco Uoa ypilcatl!;;i. 1. IK;;:i;l..a. Hroi.iUju. Umf For fale ly li e I. E BLAIN CLOTHING CO a r. laribifiiiuonn. II St' I Ai i S2 a. "wKE2--a XW. fJ.ra loo V 1 . TrtA. pnr, r.fVoBthabollom.pnt 1,1