Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 21, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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    iaii'D fltmornit
; o o
i .
A Racking Cough
Hired by Ayer'a Cherry Foe; oral.
Mrs. V. J). Hall, 1!17 Oncsseo St..
iLocIqiort, X. V., .says :
"Over tMrlv years ago, I remember
eariiif; my fuJ-ur dean-ilm tin wmuler-
iful curative ifectH of Ayer's ( lu rry
Pectoral. Dr.tinga recent attack of La
rippe, wliifli assumed the form of a
Jrutitrrli, soreness of the Itntgfl, aeeom-
4iriii a by nu aggravating cough, I
!'! various remedie and prescriptions.
While sone of these uicdieincK partially
llevinted the coughing during the day,
hioneot themnlTorded mc nny relief from spasmodic action of the luii" whieh
jhvouM M-y.G mc tho moment I attempted
o lie down at night. After tun or twelve
Mich nights, I was
SMssrly in Despair,
Irmd had about decided to Hit up all night
my easy chair, a:id procure- what
fclecp I could in that way. It then oe-
iirrcd to mo that I had. a bottlo of
SAyer's Cherry 1'ectoral. I took a
vpoonful of thin preporation in ? 'ttle
wvater, and was able to lie down without
leoDghing. In a few moments, I fi-U
siUccp, and awoke iu Ilia morn in
treat ly refreshed and feeling much
letter. 1 took a tcaspooi.rul of th Tec-
ral every night for a week, then grud
tally decreased the dose, and In two
iveeks my cougli was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
WparrJ l- Dr. J. C. A j-.r i I '.., Lowell. Hail.
iPrornptoact, sure to euro
Both, ilm tnellmrl wtirl wilta oOioo
Syrup of Figs is tnkcu; U is plemaut
Ulltl rofreflllillO' t.Ck thrt inatn nm oofo
Rcnily yet promptly on tlio Kidnryj,
Liver mid Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem cueciun'iy, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures Laljitnal
r -mctmnti.-tn fl..,.,,. f L't,,, :
only remedy; of its kind ever pre
uuueu, picasing 10 wo tasto ana ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
iis action mul trulv lioiioftr-inl in ;
cllects, prepared only frem the most
jemihy and ngreeable suletcccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all end liavo madi it tfo tuoat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for ealo iti 50c
and 1 bottles by nil lead:;.i? ittua-
I'Uta. Any reliable druggiei, who
taay not have it on hand wiL pro-
i.'iiro it p:omptly lor any cue who
vislics to (ry it. iJo not are'.jt any
LOussvtitF, nr. "v tors. ".r.
r; Scie..titi3 Amcricaa
Aoency for 'Ja
,ta" ' COPVniCHTS. atcJ
Oldr.-l '
Kvcry i
tLfl iiui .
TliA onnntv pnnvAnflnn nl t.- .1
-. j , ,...i.ivu w tun ueuiu-
cratic party qi Linn county, Oregon,
... ivm n uiu VUUH IlOUSe in Al
hanv rn l o.l no.ln a : l i.l i r, .
for county oaicrB ; to elect delegates to
u,iuvnuiiv omio vuuciiviuii, anu to
transact eucli otlier busineEs as maj
properly come before the convention.
Primary meetings will be held at the
iifeual place of voting in the several vot
ing preeineiB 01 b;uu county on Saturday
Mareh Mat. lS'U at tun ri. ... i '
a unanimous vote of the county central
committee it was recommended that the
viva voce By stem of votinglbe adopted by
tin nm eu iar ag n may ai-
lllV In the nnniinntii .t .i:.il1. '
ni .iu4i vi i-nuuiuuiea.
Inn Pi'vurnl nrjfin,.tn .....:..!
delegntes as follows:
Center !!!!!!iJ
CrawfordsviHe 4
t. .nil'; 1 :tiuUixA WI.IO to
.riii y fr-,. )n AniiricJk
1"" 1 1 1. . n (ii-iliy in in ti.-nuirlil tH'fur
i. of ..ic,ucn cvtn iitiuu d-aiFO iu f j
5' " v nvv
I ucnl pirrt-I.H'tti of cny wiMitlflp papir In t
m.u th.VM be ' Ittiuu H. VCHklr, J.O
l'.'Hr;'i. Iu. ai.i.ih.. i.!re MI'-N '
VUHUs jtitJ. a4i 1 H:oHii- - " r Vurk l.l'r.
Franklin Uiitto
Kox Viillfv . .
North Urownpville
North ilnrrieliurj;
North Lebanon
Hock Creek
Knlltll ltrnwnsvil'n
fiouth llarri&burg
nouln J.euanou
Sweet Home
West Albany
I0H !!!: v -Ti. ...
fl;.llll; t- JUL1'.!..
JbrelHrv ' in. I i;
c I n H e
.1 ..(i'.rl lor j i
J F ICED, Eraselist,
;'.lir;li 23. 1803:
1. B Med. Mro Co.,
D.lf'ir, OrPROD.
Qentlemcn t
On arriving hotnp list wt-jlt, 1 fciuird ill
well and a-iiiui-ly a'Mitinv,. Our little
iirl, e ulit uurl (ipo-hi lf y. ;.rr ol'l, wii.iri il
VA ted Hvzy to 3S ... 1 .li, n:w w!l,
rrt.iii vl;'.rc"i , .;.d i ;l 3t!ah,-'l 0.
i. IS. IJimgli uru h..l n.i : - Work well.
J thofthe cklldcvn ti:. it. Yiiiir S B.
'.ouii Cure hu cii:..i ftnU kept awy all
j..E- sj irom nif. o it to avery
i t. with r.i-liii-i f.r all. Whirigyoo
,.t.utvii y. Me al :, Nth ft 'iy J F KoitD.
!l .oil 10 (c.-l it. anil vheerful, and rem'ly
l.r tln;djiriii' work, diic your y'eiu with th.
lli-d.ti.cliu ml Livjr Cilru, by ut.a two ur tlire.
'l'VHsi(; h'rei:.
fiU ct tit. per bottle by all dru?ri.ta.
S So. I uinltia p. iHlvfiiruarautee by
Total 123
All voters in said Linn county will:
out .egard to former political ufliliations.
who favor an honest economical, admin
istration of count-, state and national
governments, so as to conserve the in
terests of tiie masses a acainst trusts
and monopolies, are comiully '.nvited to
join in tatini; part in these conventions.
(Jko W Wright, Makt
riecretary. Chairman Pro Tun.
for Infants and Children.
THHtTT T?a' tar7loa of Caatoria with iha patronmga ef
atUlloM of paraona, parmlt n to apk of It wtthont
I la gnqnoaitonaililr -thi 1at remedy for Infanta mni Ch 11 dreg
h world Int. QTor known. It la hurmloaa. Children Ilka iI
' clraa tta taadth. It will awe tholr H. In It Mothera hT
aomottlnr whlea la 1aolnoly aafa and prmotlcUr prfet a
' chUd'a odlelno.
Caatorta deatroT? Warmi. t
Caatorta allaja Fyrerjaanoas.
Cawtoria prevent, vomiting Son? Cnrd,
Caatorla cjf.e Dlarrhma and Wind Colic
Caatorto rolloTQ. Toothing TronMea.
Caatoria enrea Conatlpatlon and riatnloney.
MtTla nontTallaoa tbj offoeta of earbonlo aeld aa or polaonona al.
Cyaorla dota not contain morphlno. opium, or otoor nareotlo pronorty.
C.atorla a.almllatoa tho food, tognlatoa tho atomaeh ftnd 1owV-,
Clvlng hoaithr and natoral alcep.
Ciatorla la tnt np In one-alro hotCoa otiIt. It la not aold la hnlk.
gonH allow any ono to aoll yon anything on tho ploa or promljo
t It 1. "jn. t aa gcod" and " will anawer orory pnrpoao."
8a that yen g C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Thofoe-ai lilt
algna-nro of
a rry
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
The Ural oritrnHDua.
The reason why Allcock's Porous riaB
tera are popular U that they may be retted
on to cure.
I.. Lame back, iclatica, stlfttuss or
twltrhlng of the muscles.
a. Chest troubles, such a pl?ur:---. pneu
monia, consump'tor..
3. lndinf,,."r,t1. tl y spepsio, .luness.
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of the plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's Pornu li;str has
been ao greot that multitudes of iadtations
have sprung up on evcrv hand. The
sure cure is to get the genuine Allcock's
l-orous blasters.
Hrandreth's 1111. Improve the digestion.
Portland, Scramento, Los Angclc.
Stockton and Salem have the same Insur
ance rates. Albanv, Or. Butie and Helena.
Montana. Salt Lake Citv. Taco na. and
Walla Walla, Wash, and Cpokane, have
tne same rates.
A Noted Mua Dfail-
Ti-ltm, March 20. Louis Kossuth died
at 10:55 o'clock this evening, ilis sjn,
sister and other relatives were pre tent
when he died. Ho pasted away holding
the hand of a Hungarian deputy, Karoiy.
The agony of his lust hours was extremely
harrowing. The body of Kossuth will be
interred in Oenoa near that of his daugh
ter. Kilmond de Ainicia. the Italian aa
thor, will deliver a funeral oration in the
name of Italy. The obsequies wid be im
posing and will be attended by n great
gat hering of il ungariaus.
The Turin Bill
VAsnixoTOS. March 2(1 The demo
cratic members of the finance committee
submitted the reconstructed tariff bill to
the full committee, and it was subsequent
ly reported to the senate, to be called up
for debate Mondav, April 2. In response
to a question. Chairman Voorhees said
there would be no written repoit to accom
pany the bill, but there would be a state
ment when the bill w is called up. .
an Arttunfcns f'yrlone.
Hki.kxa, Ark, March 20 Hlena was
visited yesterday with the heaviest wind
storm in many years. At the time the sky
became overcast with black clouds. Peo
ple became alarmed, many of them leav
ing their houses, thinking a cvclone was
coming. At 4 o'clock the full force of tho
storm was upon the city, uprooting trees,
uprooting houses, blowing down fences,
splintering telephone poles, and doing
otlier damage. A tornado visited Saratoga
and the surrounding neighborhood, killing
five persons and severely Injuring many
oth;rs. The village was almost wrecked.
Merely niimora
Washington, March 20. One report is
that the president hns determined In veto
the seigniorage bill. Another is that he
has signed it. Various others were aflcat
today. All were without apparent founda
tion. The only information obtainable is
mat ue win give it careful consideration.
A Peuaoyer Joke
Salkm, March 20. The Washington
ilisnatch of vesterduv. annonneincr thnr
I'res-ident Cleveland had beemi studying
,..tiitiu questions, inuuecu tjovernor reu
noyer tolay to tend him a copy of his
uoseuurg speech for his enlightenment.
A I'rolrst
tVoSIIINOTON'. Mnrr-h 9ft. TYkpla ho.
b?on receiving protests against appointing
Cleveland's friend as receiver for the Ore
gon National bank. Knch protest is Bcorcd
Hgairrrt"the"man whose backer sends it in.
Highest ntU 4ifjaiynliig Power Latest J. S. Gov't Report
To preserve a youthful appearance as
long as possible, It is Indispensable that the
nair enouid retain ra natural coior and
t'riness, there Is no preparation
-'fy-'Ctlve as Ayre'a Hair Vtjor.
it pi events baldness, and keeps the sca'p
ciean, cooi, ana neaitny.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking ?owdcr
World's Pair Highest Medal and Dlplom -
Thousands)! lives are saved annually bv
the useof Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and whoopins coign, the Pectoral
has a most marvel" useffec. Itallay. in
amn.atioii, trees theobstructtdalroassage
and controls the desire to cough
Klderly people remember their aprin
biMers with a shudder. The present ic:i-
cratlon have much to be thankful for, not
the lest o. ttietr blessings being nuch a
pleasant .nd thoroughly tffective spring
medicine as Aver' Harsapariiia. It is a
Dr. Price' Cream Biking Powder
World'. Fair Highest Award.
A TLIld Enjoy!
rutiptrisi'it flavor, gentle action anu
soothing etfect o Syru ot Figs, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying rei'jlts follow it. use; so that il
is the best family remedy known and
every family should h.v a buttle.
tsridoh'. VtUoEer is wrat yuu need for
lynueosii., torpid liver, yellow akin or kiil
u.v trout.te. It ta vnartn'.-erf to.giva yna
. Price 75a. 8 ilrthy Foshay It
I'lttlllltSlTIO.-V lKTV 0INT COM
The County Ocnvention of the Prohl
bition party for Linn county will convene
at the Court House on Saturday, April
14th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur
pose of nominating a county ticket and
transaction of ttuch other business as may
properly be brought before the convention.
All prohibitionists of Linn county who
voted the prohibition party ticket In 1892
and who intend t support the same in
th-s ensuing election will be entitled to
seats as delegate in the convention.
Every prohibitionist in Linn county is
earnestly and cordially invited to attend,
T V Hacklemax, chairman of Linn
County Central Committee.
Rome people begrudne the little money
that an Allcock's Porous Plaster costs, and
then when thev pre racked with pain from
the soreness arising from a cold, they will
s, Tend any amount cf money to relieve the
pain. If they only had one of these wrrld
renowned nlastera on hand thev would be
saved a vast amount of Buffering and be
consldeiably richer. At the lirsl sign of
stiffness of the joint! applv one af these
piasters witt.out any delay. The soreness
will be ereatlv relieved at once and soon
disappear entirely. It will be money
saved to have them 0:1 hand, to sa noth
ing of the Ottfsjrt they bring.
see lit: HP
Paiker Bros, grocers.
F. M. French keeps railroad tttne
Buy your gruccri'is of Parker Bros
Fiaa gn3. lei at Conn's,
vidw oream cheese just teoeived at Conrad
5! oyer.
P J Smiley j,b printer, Flion Block. dirs
Srst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
oigar at Julias Joseph's.
Or M II E.IU. ohysioun aal surgeon
Albsay, Ore'ia. Olli ma la It oiter
00 on try.
THE 110IH lt Y
Commend i itself u the well formed, to do
p'eaKantly and eff.crualiy what was foim
erly dons in the crudest manner and dis-
;jreeab!y a8 wei. lo cleanse the system
and break up colds headaches and fevers
wiihiu-. unplfasait after effects, use the
delightful HquiJ laxa'Ive remedv, rSvrup of
By uslnjj Hall's Hair Renewer, firay,
fndsid or discolored hair assumes the natu
re1 color of youth, and glows luxuriant
and strong, pleasing everybody.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, (ioldt'i.
Common every Hfiy.
S.iloh'a Cure, tun ir-5 coii'i nd croup
ar , n mis by u-". Pnekft nis.3 conUind
w-T-.i il ioH,otily 25 't, Ji:ildrRn lizet
For all derangements of the throat and
lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the speed
iest and most reliable remedy. Even in
the advanced stages of Consumption, this
wonderful preparation alfords great relief,
checks coughing, ano induces sleep.
9100 Iii-tva.;! $101).
Th reaflprn of trd rprr will be pleased to
iourn tlK-re is at icat one dreaded diseuss
that science l't b.:t i able to cure in all 1W
Btanes, and tlnjt if t'atttrrh. Hulls Catarrh
Cure is the orly pos't nv cure tnown to the med
icil (raU-rnitv. (Jutarrh Lrinte a const i tut iQnal
diseue. requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia lnJi-n internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the Syjttem, thereby dMttroyfnjr the foandation
ot the disease, and jrivinjr the patient strength
bv bulirtinirup tho constitution and assisting
'nti.ra in f Inlnrr it wnr It . The nroorieto'rs have
10 much faith in Us curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
talis 10 cure, oena ior us. ui twnuu..i....
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo,.
3- Sol Hv DrugBi"' ''fio-
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with rt-y.nrd
to Scott's Emulsion of t'oJ
Liver Oil. The diffcrc i:cc
between the oil, in its p!.::n
state, is very apparent. l
Scott's Emulsion
you detect no fish-oil tasi.j.
As it is a help to 'diges
tion there is no after effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
in the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to
' -i-rr-l!-y Fr-itt P-wtt. V. All (lrnrfi-ti.
There is no claim made for Aver's
Sarsaparl la whi;hcannot be endorsed by
scores of testimonials. This fact plainly
proves that the blood I the source of most
disorders and that Ayer's Sarsapaiilla is
the best of blood purifier. Try h this
our, 13 ti
litter, i03
Krt-j r.
Trfir.I, 1- In 1-J
Pttrit hi'TM I -i t' I
. I! to l.i
.y (a I 7
wn atm'T 4
(p', , 4
il'ifM rr
ril f.-'it -p 1) 1
Ciiirkns, 1 1 n
!'nti!ders,rit.. Ifi
Haii's Hilr Rcnc.vjr cn-iiains the natu
ral food and color-matter for the hair, and
mediclm.. hmbt for s;a1p, curing grayness,
baldness, dandruff, and scalp sores.
Whatevei may be t lie cause of blanch
fni, the h.h miy h? restored to Its ordi
nal color bv the us- of that potent remdv
Hall's Vetjetaole Sicilian II iir Renewer.
O. Price's Cream BafC.ns Powder
Forty Years th Stt.axfi.
L'-iIln.-s Reward for
:u;ct bo cured by
' . . s. , Tclcdr., 3,
. :o known F. J,
. ".-tl iKliere him
' !; s'.ransactions
:-r.y obligation
n Ir.t.-rnrtllr, act
t an ! mu"us ntir
txA.ic. bold
ilvU free.
The wav to do It Is t tka your wash,
in if to the Chinamen, If you want you
work we'l time at living prices take it
Richard & PntlllpS. Steam Laundr
Th-y know how without banging the
While it is over thirty years aco since
Allcock's Porous plasters were first Intro
duced to tne medical profession and pub
He, the marked succss and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
continues, but ste-idl'v Increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gain so many tesihnor.lals of hlh value as
those continuously accorded .ct Alcock's
Porou Planters, and the onlv motive for
thce exceptloral tlbucs lies in fict of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof of the true value of A'cork
porouR p!rr r ies in the fact that ti.
rtre iK'lng larj-eiy Imitated by uRruipu
loua persons, vho et-k 10 deceive the pub.
lie by ufferini pIsMcts which tht-v cihn
to jc the 'nam.-,' 'i quat,' 'us good.' 'better,'
b 'st porous plater. etc, while it is in
gtnenil apnenri'nce only that they rosem
b e Allcock'h. Kveiy oneof the so-called
porous plaster are Imitations of Ab ock,s
Porous Plter.
Avoid Jeiet4 w'o a.tfi.t s ;ilm o
i:if :rior and vr ftn.e piasters th it a'
purchased bv t.nvn at low ra'e f;r th
purpose of sub: Htutlon.
Thin or grav hair and bald Vans. k
displeasing to many people as n r.tirot
age. nny be m-frtrd for a long time by
uhlnji Hall's Kenewer.
When Baby wsa i Ick, we her Caatorla.
When sho was t ' tiM, she cried for Castoria,
When she becara Mis, she clung to Castor! ',
When she had (. . iUren, she jaro thf m CMtorls
OK a
fl.OOpor Bottle,
Tmfl Oheat Cotrnti Cchb promptly cures
Throat, Hoarseneas, Whoopinff Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival;
has cured thousands, and will CURS TOO If
tr.kenin time. Ho-i by DnnlBs on a guar
antee. X'or a Lnmo Hack or Cht- use
Inrevim ( ti.irih7 Thin rrmerivisa-uaran-
teed to cure you. 1'ricc.fiJcta. Injector free.
Red CrcwnMills
BW PfutCKKH MJiiK JTriHIlt. VOfc '1MB
ami BAKrita jhF,
1'ruggistsaiKl H;(tletlrrs(
. (.etta for John B. Airier V i t-tllrt :lon
a.lleh w all at pohliahwr'a tirlrw. itk
.. ' 1 . tat. i-.4?
ctl Ilighc-gt Honors at World's Fair
AS, I II l.'M '' t i:l' ihi-i
31. .llcFarlnnd,
irtAi.F:n i -:-
Karness-aDd - Saddlery.
Siot'cv io tha Oaoi
B,f. on ft t, IH
Hogs, Are ei.