OMII 0 ABROAD OIROTJIT OOT7HT 0ubl islied wery day io the week exoept Sunday. ,rrrKS i JdiTTHC, EiMton aod Frup'r tutted tlh Pout Offl va it lbany Or?u;oD, " awona omwinaii waller. ooon xrvrxixii'XBa'c I)r W II Roland has reached Eugene with his catarrh cure anJ dentifrice. Mr Eugene Proti nan was on yesterday appointed postmaster of Portland. Mr Trotzmsn is a son-in-law of Mrs Margaret Lyle. of this city. The appointment Is a good one. The university f jMhall team appeared on Willamette street last Saturday after noon In full uniform. They make a hoe appearance. They are being drilled reg ularly I'-ow for the game with the Albany on the 24'h tnst. liuard. Mrs l'rof litissell came down from lla'sey this noun. Mr Kt'llcjrif, nephew of Mr Frank Wood, is in the city. Hon K 1! Skipwnrth, of Eugene, was in the city today, and went to lbanon. I)r M H Kllis smiles in tlio possession of n lmx contiumuir Marshall fttul, im r ranee, ;nd otlier roses, violetn, etc, fresh from Cal ifornia gardens, Rent liy his sister Miss Eertha, who is visiting in that common wealth. fino Will, music dealer of this citv re coiveil a letter from his brothor Alfred, of St Helens, that John Will, their brother, was there and lying at the point of death. llo is not expected to livo troni Hour io nour. His complaint is quick consumption, (ieo Will went to Corvallis tcilay to arrange the business of his brother and also to notify ihcfiiniily a wife und six children. Salem Independent. Last evening quito nunilier of the friends assembled at the home of Mr Frank Pnrilmn and Mr Homer Phillips and sur prised them completely. Cards were the feature of the cvenmg.and alsoother games. Thnen iwsfMit wnnv Mr and Mrs Purdom, Mr and Mrs Phillips, Mr and Mrs Claud Mansneiii, .Mrs win runups, airs imjssic Swan, Misses Maggio and .lennie Stewart, Mvrtle and Edna Miller. Ella nnd Martha Ki'sler, 1-ena and Bertha Kieffer, Emma . Nf.liin Soihrwick. lna Hobert. llcrtha' Wallace. Stella Rankin, llachcl licakins. Mvra Westbrook, Minnie Fuller, Tni.iv Lorn anil Pearl Purdom. t..or Will Nolan. Charlie Huelow, Will Hawkins, Ed and Homer Mitchell, Wren and Fred lioss, Frank Walsch. Harry Salt marsh. Orlando Norland, Arthur Purdoin, .rim Hunter and Jack Warner. Big rows, almost covering a penon are the latest style. G A Cable wis yesterday appointed post mister at Rowland, Linn county Oregon. James Wellington Brown, of Michigan, has hroked the recoid by having twenty six wives. Sheriff Jackson and Cal Burkhart went to Salem this noon with Ur Sponogle and t f L.ewis; who will spend several years in uic pco. The game of foot ball announced lobe p ayed next Saturday between the un knowns and the Corvallis team has been declared off. QAt the democratic county convention tn Salem today, the following were nomi nated: Sheriff, A B Hudelson; clerk, Wm cgan; recorder, Mr rotter; county com misbloner, lieury walling. Lecture at the Viavl rooms Thursday afternoon 2:30 o,clock Monday 22nd sud- ject, Pregnancy " Misa Hall will be in the olhce on Wednesday atternoon also, In his notice to taxpayers Sheriff Geo A Landis of Lincoln states that he "will not receive checks or drafts on any bank," Lantm Is a populist and is serv ing in the sphere of a sheriff through the appointing power of Governor Pennoyer. Mrs Thos llolman took the 11:17 local today for Albany, where she will join Mr and Mrs John Molman and in company with them ho to Calilornia over the Ya- quina routs. Quite a number of people trom lbany and corvallis will also go over the same route. This steamship ser vice is becoming very popular through the efforts ot 1 s gentlemanly managcrt Wr w r Crosby. alem Independent. Dr Heine Marks, superintendent of -the city hospital, of St Louis, claims that chol era and typhoid fever can be cured qulc's- lv and snrelyby a surgical opera'lon. An incision is made in tne aooomen just aoove the ileocaecal valve, then insert a tube in the Intestines at a point where the bacilli of these diseases work, and flood them with an antiseptic solution, killing me bacilli. Assignment of A F Hamilton. Assign ment. Assignee ordered to pay 4 per cent of assets, anil continued. E E Parrish agt Farmers nnd Merchants Ins Co. llecnverv inoniv. .Iiidirmaiit for pHT, no execution to issue for six mouths. A V Taiwon agt J W Mcfihee. He- coverv of money. Verdict for defendant. David Swank agt Elizals'th F and F A Landes. Decree for plaintiff. Oregon agt G F Russell. Plea of not MISFIXB O A Baker City man on St Patricks day placed a green streamer on his flag pole un ler the American Hag. This nearly caused 11 mob, mid resulted in the colors being taken down. A merchant in this citv yesterday re ceived the following order from a populist farmer: "mlt. : in Clost 1 send in S1H I r.els Plis send mi von Toan of god whiet for Clyken tied lot it most bi dray. Sup giiiltv withdrawn. Two cases of forgery dismissed. Plead guilty to one case of forgery and obtaining property by false pretences. Wilt be sentenced March 22, 9 a 111. J A MeBride ngt Bank of Oregon. Temporary injunction granted. Oregon agt Jas G Kolin. Suit for selling liquor without license, dismissed by diet attorney. P'ead guilty to selling nor to a minor and on Sunday and II be sentenced Mari-h 21, at 0 a in. Oregon agt Clinton Black, John Ward d telix Hamilton, larceny lu dwell ing. Plea of not giilty withdrawn, nnd illy entered. Defendants Ward and aiuilton were sentenced to the reform school. Black will be sentenced on March 22 a'. I) a m. T net Frank Zininieriniin et nl. breclnsure Lien. Decree for nlff. Atty fees 870. A Vt Pennington vs E X Calahan et al. orcclosnre of nitg. Settled. llnrrisbnrir Water Power Co. nut Ella nnd W F Mcndenhntl. To condemn right of way. Continued. Chns Smith nduir agt J W Cusick et nl. To correct nnd foreclose mtge. Continued. Oregon Mlg Co apt C P Burl hart et al 1 1 it to Astoria an Telephone." Astorian. United states Land O.Bce Oregon City, Oregon, March loth, 1S94. Notice is hereby given that the aproved plat of survey ol township, 13 south, range 10 west, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on April 2. 1894, at 2 o'clock a m of said day said plat will be tiled tn this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. R-JUERT A MILLER PETER l'AQUKT. Register. Receiver. t'mwieuonvll.Li'. Am riintr.otj Day. I R Stiles, of Eu gene In the Madrid, Iowa, News says: "I was told before I came here that they n.v.r had snow, but I find it is a mistake. On the night of the 8lh Inst three Inches nt ftnnw fell and It is not all gone yet, but it does not hurc anytnlng as it does not freeze. I can look out of the window and see flowers pr;lv covered wltti snow. 1 will enclose one In this le'.ler to prove my assertion and you can wear It for a button hole boquet, and also a spear of green glass for you to look at when It Is 20 degiees below ?ro. Today the sun Bhines nice nnd warm as It usually does on an Iowa Mayday." A Lkctc bk. Dr ii F Fuller will deliver his lecture on the Hawaiian (or Sandwich) islands. living a full and accurate account of the natives, their manner of living, the products of the Islands, nnd description of the wonderful Hale Mou Mou or Everlast ing Lake of Fire, nt the W C T U hall. Friday evening, beginning nt 8 o'clock. Admission, z- cents; cniuiren lrum o iu it rears, lo cents - Mrs Robert Class lies been ycry sick for several weeks but has now passed the crisis of her disease and is on tne roan to recovery R W Moses, who has been confined with In i-rinna and its concomitants for!nearly four months, is now convalescing. lie walks nbout the house and yard nnd hopes soon to tie at business ngiun. Miss Swann. also on tho sick list, mains very low, J N Rice, John N Wright ana outers niso sick. Ruins continue, streams swollen, money scarce, business dull, roads bad and nppe- ltes good. Several aspirants ior omce niounu nere, Onn tiling psneeiallv to which legislation should be directed is the necessity of estab lishing lighthouses and buoys on our roam to nmkn navigation of them Bate. As it if a bird can scarcely fly over them. The in- .1 f ..i.. : ; -lo,l lUiUlYC- UIIU R'ICIL-ikiuiu 10 nuub o ............ l?nv Rrvan and wife, both Drenchers nnd good ones nt that, have been engaged in nn iimir a revival meeting it mis imucc mi more than two weeks. They nro zealous workers, have caused a rattling among the drv bonc3 of the old church members nnd warmeu t-neni up reugiousij.iiuu uuu ,11- ly 5(J converts. 1 no meeting cioseu aim 1 believe their good work will tell through time and eternity. So may it be. Mrs Annio Eggleston. of Brownsuille.has lieen spending a few days with the family of 1 S Moses. A few of the saw mills nnd the shingle mills are running, so this section will fur nish lumber as usual. I learn Mr Arthur Hamilton, whose store nt Sweet Home was burned last fall, has bought the storo nt Holly nnd will move his family to that place and 'resume his old pursuit of selling goods. 'Salem is in Danger" veils the Inde pendent. The trouble seems to be that sediment is nccuniulatinp on the Salem side of the Willamette, and the city is lia ble to be cut off from navigation. Harpers Young People asked for lists of tue rortv most popular men 111 tne History of the United State, tieorgo Washington heads the list, with Abraham Lincoln second, nnd U S Grant third. Longfellow, received tho most votes of any literary man. Henry Ward Heecher was the only minister in the forty. Robert Fulton was well to wards the front of the list. Edwin Booth was the only actor iu the list. Then" were 9,000 votes cust. New LmHER Yard. The undersigned is prepared to supply all customers with all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar posts, tlour and feed on the most favor able terms. F U Power 8 hedd. Stuictlt Is It. When it comes to washing the Albany Steam Laundry is strictly in it. It is doing the business of the city: the Celestials are going to the wall, zo cents a dozen tor plain washing is cheap enough for anyliodv in any kind of times. Richards Philips do lirit class work ana siend their money at home. Patronize the Albany Steam i-aundry. Dr. Price' creaui baking Powder Most Perfect Made. fTOBTD roHSIDEBINU Will & Stark. (V ewelr If you wsnt a tins sniokf call for Joseph,s white labor cigars. The bestJrnsM notfee in the nity at Uooiad iriuyer a Hodges St McKansnd, she leading drufc tore. Albany, Oi . Will & Stark's large line of silver wsr has created a grest deal of talk. Pa'.ronixe borne industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, mnnafactured by Ju'ius Joreph. ;Ratha at Viorecks catting parlors. shaving sod haiv See the New Improved Singer sew ing m chine. The htttis always the chea pest. W Siwden, agent. Office at K M French ewelry store Sewing Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thoroughly competent work nan, at F M French's jewelry sore, Albany gon. French has the largest and finest stock of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn County. Prices to suit the times . 1 he following from a London paper about Wm F Cody, is quite spicv: "The cnblegruuis announce that Col- Cody, who will be remembered in London, has been returned as ninyor of Nobraska. No better selection could have been made. Col. Cody was the friend of a man named Boone, who discovered Kentucky in IS . After marrvinor tho iminddaiiL'htcr of a distin guished gentleman known as Sitting Bull rog. Uodv was twice irovernor ot hicago. Order" made restoring J II Burkhart to and t one time was mayor of the Arkansas ii'K isittiuiu. rie iiiau seitcu 111 liio lumi;, nte army under Ben Butler, who so gallant ly defended New Orleans against General Lomrstrect. The province of Detroit re warded him for his military services by sending hiin to congress, where he intro duced a bill for the relief of the citizens of Buffalo. It was in this that he cot his nnme "Buffalo Bill." While Mr Cody hns a large ranch in St. Louts, he hinds tune ior iiieraiurn. auu writes ior me auuiuic Monthly, n newspaper edited by Mark Twain and Uncle Thomns Cabin, a gentle man who made fame by his negro dialect estate in land ledeemed. In assignment of Bank of Oregon. Amended petition for removal of assignee was filed and matter was on trial. 0 C McFarlnnd agt C C lackson. An or der wns asked for requiring the sheriff to give a receipt for city taxes tor ly4, and not ior 19-j-i us is ueiug iiuiio. 1111s is it test case brought to ascertain for what year taxes are being paid. Grand nnd peiit jurors discharged. RETORT OF OUANO JURY. We the grand inry of the circuit court of sketches. Linn county Ior the March terra would re spectfully submit the following report: We have examined the books of the sheriff, clerk nnd treasurer and found them kept in a neat and business like manner. Also the books of the school superinten dent and found that they had been kept in a very irregular manner. We have also examined the jail, it is kept as neat as the construction ot the building will permit. We recommend that the jail be made se cure, we turtner recommend tnat tne roof of the court house be repaired. 0 Butler, foreman. Tas Bond. ' W Ci.ine. J A McB-mK. A B MoRitt". 1 L Nye. H C Davis. KoncltilEsTlosti. OS THE .lint NBARV March 19th, 1894. Geo Millican of Walteryillo Lane county spent two or three days in this neighbor hood the first of last week. Alex Davis called on friends here last Friday. He was returning to his home on McKenziefrom a trip to Craw'ordsville. Sweet Home and other localities in that direction. Several of the dogs that have neon so Taxi: est, March 19 Editors Democrat: 1. Is this a christian nation, or is it so called i 1. Is it the will of God that the liquor ( tratnc should bo perpetuated in this na tion? 3. How can men pray that the will of u xl be done on earth in it is in heaven, and then rote to perpetuate the liq uor traffic? 4. Does tho saloon keepers fead men into temptation; do they not take tue bread out of the orphans mouths? A. 1. It is, in fact ns well as in name. 2. No; but it seems to be the will of man, who is a free agent. 3. They cannot con sistently. 4. Yes, but mostly from those that are not orphans. 1 he drinker him self, though, is likewise responsible, llie law gives the saloon keeper the right to sell liquor to nny one but minors, women nnd habitual drunkards, regardless of the needs of families and orphans. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews S Wastitarn. SOLE AGENTS Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. appoint 1 Wash- troublesome to sheep owners met their just -r. Washes and dries the dishes in two Another Dividend. The dispatches announce that the Linn County National Hank ol this city has had a dividend of Jo per cent declared. Inquiry at the bank confirms this fact. The divi dend will probably be paid in three weeks, three months alter the first divi dend, This will put 837.000 into circulation Millinery Opening, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Ihia week, the Indies Bazaar will have their grand opening of spring and summer mill' nery. The display of trimmed bats and bonnets, together with all 'he latest novelties will surpass all former efforts All ladies nro cordially invited toattend Mus II J Sower. f-ritiNO Wrap. The Ladies Bazaar drires to nnnotince that they have just re vived nn elegant line of Indies and misses capos rnd jackets for spring wear. These garments minnrise all the latest Parisian stiles and are tailor made. The prices to Miit the times. Call and inspect them. An Ai-bajjy Jewelky Store Wcrth patronizing Is that of Will Stork. They cairy the finest '.ineof silverware, watches, cocks and jewelry generally in the valley, and sat Msrtoiy prices are always given for the unerlor quality of good t'ley keep In stock. Nev.-r buy without calling cn 'hem. Ciariien Seeds. F.very body ahonld l ave 11 iranl. Are vou one who will. Then go to Stewart ic Sox Hardware Co and make your selection Horn a iresn supply of all the seeds in the market, the largest stis-k in the city. C E Biowneils grocery store is Incrcas njin popularity. He carries a fine stock In a light room, easily accessible and sires bargains. Next door to the P O. La.;iei,'ry the Eclantlne .Masp,e Cream 'e list preparation ever made for the eomplectlon. to I e had of Mrs Kowell. at Rus House Albany Ore. Clean towels to every cnsiomer at Viere-jf 'hsvibg parlors. Or. Price's Cream RaK..ig Powd?f Fortjr Years tu Stt:. ." Visiting politlr'ans cf a!I color have to e medicine. Buy i' from Fred Diw tr at the drug store 03 ird st. The nolilical nnestions are discussed hero every day and there is no placo where the neonlc are better informed, there is no one man in Oregon ns well informed po litically as our wist master. Ho has heard the saiiio argument tisi-d over nnd over so often that lie can repeal everything iiivur able to "free coinage of silver," "protec tion," gold stendard" nnd "free trade." Mr John Hal ior of Shedil called on ns last week. He was on official business. Mr B is a staunch populist nnd feels confident that this county will go pop by a big ma jority. Our precinct has more than doubled in yoling population in two years, in '92 we nolleil 103 votes, and this year the popu lists have 50 and tho republicans ll-'. the -0 or 25 nnd the prohibitionists 20: '.here is probably some mistake pome where. Sylvester Peni.nyer has appointed A Y Smith notary public. Asnctrs. At the U P Ciii rcii Inst night Iter Little nreached a strong sermon, of which the following is n synopsis: It is not nat ural for n person to confess sin, but the re sults of sin makes it necessary for ns to do so. r irst, we are nil sinners, ami win -ways have more or less of sin in our virtues, our characters am confession on the part nf th ise nut of Christ. Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners, to repent- mn. The tinner must realize that he tall: fur short of perfectness. 10 be a sinner does not irenn the mm who outrages public nrnrwtv. hut one who has outraged God's law. Contrition, sorrow forsin, unless this contrition if felt, the man will not come to lons. The man who leels contrition mil for a few hours at a time is like a muber ball. Confession, if we cherish sin in our hearts God will not hear us, wo must have .mrmw for sin. nnd rontess tliem humbly. then we may be pardon, nnd we must not cherish sin in our hearts. Christians must nnfes. Wp are surrounded by sin, and sometimes fall, so we must confes-. If we say that we have not sinned, we make God a liar. Confession frees ns from sin, le- canseGcd is always willing to forgive our transgressions. I here are m silent pane son in the firm of which Cl:ri;t'is the head Confess with the month. O. how fnoli-h to be dctercd from doing so by a light Ian or n mo king word. The nil day jiayerniettir-g In'iy t great success. The troub'e with n-o-t cough medicines ; Hiat thev vjil the annettt-. weaken di etien. and create bile. Acer's ( herr Pecloiial. on the contrary, while It give immedla'e relief, assist ra'her lir oalrs the as''mi ative process. deserts last week and others may follow. Miu Relle Lincoln has been engaged to teach the spring term of school in district. 00. l.ane county, ana win ueg.u me msi Monday in April. Ine new scnooi nouse will be ready by that time. Miss Lizzie Dunn is stopping nt Mrs Lockes nt present nnd will begin teaching school in this district in about two weeks. E J Willoughbv was called to Eugene ast wee's to see his mother who was slightly ill. Air Macy spent last week in Eugene taking care 01 111s mouierwno was reirted quite seriously ill with the grip. Miss Junnitn Wilkins has quite recent y taken nn her residence with Mr and kin Amos Wi sins, and will probably accent of the guardianship for the next eighteen years. Just for a change we are having a snow storm today, rather hard on stock. New Advertisemepis. See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. MANAGER WANTED to lllsa1emen to soil the Rapid Dis'i minutes without welting the fingers. 975 a wteii and nil rxpenses, Eay portion , no capital ; no hsrd work ; can make $tor a week. Address W P Harrlww & Co. No 14 Columbus, Ohio. ror Sale or Tra(i, a limine nnd lot in I1 irnn.l InoAtion ill AlbfttlT W'll sell cheap for cafch nr wiil trade for land part ly or wnoiiy iuprove i not very mr lruiu HIOR S LE uhatei "f A Ihany elfic ' triclu'hr atocx ine D3h uivuien-l pa Vine stojk this olilce thia uiti. Enquire at .n't SwKjiR. Of course vcu (ee like it some times; but there is nothing in it. implv learn a lesion, and the next tlire go to Par1 er Bros for vour erocer les, product and baked goods. No one ever ejaculates profanely alter leaving their store, tor not oniv are ine uesi rto cerles in the .norket o!d; but everybody from a child to an old gentleman, Is treat ed courteous!'. Their haked goods. In m arge varietv, are uperior ana popular, f yuu wonld keep in ijood humor with he world alwavstrv Parker Bros. r"Vl RR.NT.- Two To.jini, newly flu 1 laLed one attitabl for small More or oifirje. one for Ftote. liOxliO feet. MU be rwly by INWioh 2'. fail on Dr O W Maaton f ir particulars. UfANTICD.-A young Hdy desirpn a f T p'arn to do san era) homo work .iildre4j Clara M Ka nold, Albany Ore. TJUKK IIKKD Silver LaroA Wy.ind.otte A eggs tor sale by l U Wood worth. poit KKNT.-The room recently onu I pied by J W Kent I v a n b xt and hIioo shop, Ca 1 03 L Viereek. 11 l-ac Tecs. F.v.04. Vure bred Silver l.ace-1 Wvacdntts. Kis for settin?,t tins Altan7 Fomlry 1 arils, rrnm pen n I and 2. 8I.S5 tr l.'t: re. No. .1 $1 per 13 B Flymonth Hooks, 75 ct per 13. fonn Brush, Albsnr, Ur, Cor 4'.h and II K st. SPII-LER. JIan-h 10, in.Mhaty. I.i tlie wife of C E Spiller a girl. XEKDY. March Id, in Albany, to the wife of William Needy -a girl. tlOUNTY WAnH.IM-Biuirlit ; sold ty If; F Morrill. and M Sesolrh. J W Pesft. Albany InsaraEce Agency Wr have had over .even tear, exn-r. lence In the Home cflice and local losnr- FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran- I cisco and Willametto Valley points via the Orecon and Sonthern Pacifc railroads sailinz with freight and pas sencers on or about tho fol- ance budness.and can guarantee Insurance lowincdates: From San Fran- wrl.ten by u. to be properly looked after. FrirlflV Marfli 1 fi The following is a partial list of compunies CIStiO Oil r riaaj , luarcil JO, represented by us: at 0 p m. From Yaouina: on For-lgn No'lh British & Mercantile, Norwich Union, Phu-.iis, l.-indon, Man ches'er, Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Lon don A Lancashire. American Continental of New York. WestchestT of New York. The Conti nental of New York and Manchester of Kngl.nJ, write farm buinee, talcing: notes for the ircimum, with .mple time for n.vmtnt. Ve repecifnlly solicit tnr ;,.",d bu-ine... Offi--e oppovl's old pov.. otTice. SENDERS SHNFT. Tuesday March 20, at 0 a m Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco Cabin. $12; Steerage, !) Kouml trip ticket, includ inft and berths good fur Wday. AND Dress Patterns Also Their La- At Perry Conn's,. Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds, Alway3 keep on hand a choice line of all staple groceries ai well as a superior stock of crockery. G.CMOON. Su:csor to I A Morr'n. Flour and Feed Stor e Oppoiille Ru IIoumt. Hm od hand ft (all (lock of CbfjiKd Fee, Cot Villi Firm, Brar, Short Geim Me Grt-amt Kuckwhtat, Hjc Idur, !', Ont, 8. raw, roiatoen, Aj'plft etc The Hil ShOt for tbe l.cati iioney. th:z! tutu T. Tl 7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. $6, $4 and S3.50 Dress Shoe. S3.BO Police Shoe, 3 Sole! S2.E0, 82 for Worklngmel $2 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSK .S3, $2.50 $2, $1.71 rAmoy. if nny drain ofT.-nt you W. i,. iionrltw IhofH nt at riliirffl pnr, ur av lie lia them wit li ons lh Dflm immpwi onto nnttoni.i'tii film down mm a rrauo (h. 1 llr-.vir.v, 5o- St Co, A , '!).. No2toSMrkt it-e San F.arc'iCQ. uateiJ, Snali 5. to tec m.-r tAtt W. L DOUGLAS Shoes are ttvlish, fittlnjr. and give toV.of Utisiactlon nt the prutt adverii.scd thin any other male. TrT one pair ar.d be co: tinccd. The stamping of W. L. JlUlr!as, name and price on the hottomt ii C'.iaran.pci their Tftluet saves thousand of dol'.im am. to thoe ho wrar thrm. Dc.ilcn who push the mle of W. L on!?!.ii Shoes Rain cuotomer, whl.h helpi to increase the nc on their ftil.l line of pn'Ms. TS-y mn nfTorrl to rU nt a pr jtrt't we hr!pT Ton mo tav notify hr hnv'.n rl yoti f -r nf tiirr -lw I or tale b,;tli L E bLAINXLOl HINO CO