Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 20, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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I !
to '
,i, tfl
(l rilf-flJ.
A Racking Cough
Cured by Ayer's Caorry Fec'.oral.
Mrs. 1. D. IIai.l, 217 Ouessee ot.t
Lockjiort, Y., wiys :
"Ovrr thirt. v-pum ni;o, I rt?nirnitr
hearing my I;i.!.t d.-s.-rilip i Tic wondi-r
fill curative cK.tIn of Acer's (h rry
ppftoral. Di. riii" ti r.Ttnt nMiicU of La
Orii', whirl- Assumed t'ir form of a
CiUurrh,sor(';!iss of the lunss, nrr om
punird liy an :i';nvatiun cuiiKh I
mod various mncdh'.s and pres.TipTionsi.
Wliih1 homm! of these iniMliiinrs partially
allevintod the coughing during tlie day,
nono of them afford t:d me any relief from spasmodic action of the limps which
would seize mo tho moment I attempted
to lie down at night. After ten or twelve
Hueh nights, I was
Nearly in Despair,
and hud about decided to sit up all night
in my easy chair, a.ul procure what
tdcep I could in that way. It then oc
curred to mo that I hud a bottle of
Ayer'ft Cherry Pectoral. I took c
spoonful of this pre pn rat ion in a little
witter, and was able to lie down without
coughing. In a few moments, I fell
nfllecp, and awoke in the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
batter. I took a teaspoonful of th i Pec
toral every night for a week, then grad
ually decreased tho dose, and lu to
weeks my cough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
ttepArcd b Pr. J.C.Ayt-r fc Co., Lowell, Mites.
Prompt to act, sure to euro
BotL the method and results wten
Syrup of Figs U tnken; it is pleasaut
and refresuiug to the tate, mid acts yet promptly on tho Kidneys,.
Jjivcr and Jiowels, cleanses the sys
tem cjflcctua'ly, dispute colds, Iicail
aches aril fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Fi(s is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
tluccd, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
cflects, prepared only fnra tho most
healthy and ngrccablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil end have niadi it tho moat
popular remedy known.
Kyrup of Figs is for salo iu 50c
. i nd SI bottles by r.!l leading dftig
;;ists. Any reliable druggist who not have it on band will pro
on re it promptly lor any one vmo
w i-.hes to try it, I)o not acctpt any
tOUISIILL', Kt. wv tour-
J F OT, Evangelist,
Of DetJ.Mo.nei-. low i. -vr-tH', undr d-tn i!
!March X 1893:
. B
Med. Mw Co.,
Dufur, Oregon
I . X ficiftntiflo Amcricun t
! Gentlemen t
Tor lnf ormaltou nnd free llnndlioolc wriio to
ML'.NS & CO- ;1 HliiAlWAY, New Your;.
OUl'sl bureau ; ' "ei-urnm iatints in Aniprirn,
Kvi!ry rmlt'iu r.,."n . lit by 11a Id lirouehl 1itr0
tlie public by p. uuuo gren Irco ol cliuigo in tu
titrveei rirciilatton of r tit pcicntlfle paper In th
i.rla- Snleodidlr illuslrmled. o tmeyircut
ILttQ ihonld be wlttiou& It. Weekly. :;.0(
Iciir: ir.nntli A.IRt-l- ?n .
The county convention of the demo
cratic party of Linn county, Oregon,
will do held at the Court Home in Al
bany, on Wednesday, April 4th, 1894,
at 10 o'clock fi in to nominate candidates
for county o3icrs ; to elect delegates to
the democratic state convention, and to
transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
Primary meet'.ngs will be held at the
usual place of voting in the several vot
ing precincts of said county on Saturday,
March 3lBt, ISM, at two o'clock p m. By
a unanimous vote of the county central
committee it was recommended that the
iva voce system of votinu:he adonteil hv
the next convention so far as it may ap
ply to the nomination of candidates.
The several precincts are entitled to
delegates as follows:
Albany fl
Center 3
'rnwfordsville 4
Kasi Albany 6
Kriuitlin liutte 4
Kox alley 2
Jordan :t
Nonh lirownsville 5
Norlh Hnrrisburg 6
North Lebanon ....(
OrlcanB 2
Price 7
Kock Creek.....' 3
Santiam ' 5
Scio 4
Sliedd '. 4
r-lielbiuu 4
Sodaville 3
South Hrownsvil'e 4
South Harfisburg 4
l-outh Lebanon o
Sweet Home 5
Syracuse 3
Tangent 5
Waterloo 3
West Albany C
Total 123
All voters in said Linn county with
out tegard to former political affiliations.
whoiavoran honest economical, admin
istration of cou.-ty, slate and national
governments, so ui to conserve the
terests of the masses ?' atrmnst trusts
and monopolies, are cordially -invited to
loin in tnt'.ing part in these conventions.
secretary. Chairman fro lem,
Terrine 1'yeloae,
NAConDoriiM. Tex, March 1!). Sat
urday's cyclone passed through this county
and yesterday another tornado traversed a
wide scope of country- Kain has fallen in
such sheets that no communication with
the stricken section lias been had, and
only meager details are obtainable- Kvery
house in the Whittakcr negro colony was
blown away, and a number of persons
were seriously hurt. In the (iriiues neigh
borhood, eight miles from here, there U
not a fence or a house left, Dan Grimes
was killed and his wifo received fatal
injuries. This morning a cyclone began
operations two miles east of here, ruining
ail the homes in the Mdiuislon mill
Tlie Itlaad BUI.
Washington, March 19. The llland
seigniorage bill was received at tlie White
House at 12:30, about five minutes after
the president had cone driving with Mrs
Cleveland. Representative IVarson, of
Ohio, went to the trouble of taking tho bill
m person to the Whito House, and wa
much !iaiipoinreu, as be had nopeu to put
a good word tor the measure in deliver
ing it into the hands of tho executive. lie
Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Tlie Bent omeaHoiis.
why i
ar is t
tera are popular is that they may be relied
on to cure
. I. Lim. ha?lr. irlaltf .llftn...i-nr
- . i .I'uVir-'T
Ob aiimng 'rignssrWlrTTTonrnnin twitching ol the muscles.
well and atixinUidy a'VAiting. Our little
jirl. e eht auil one-liidf er& ol.!. li h
wa ted awr-v to 38 D-u .'in. la well,
luong aiil Vigiroii , -nil uvll deviled op.
B. Cough .'urn ii.t;. d .lie IM work w-;li.
'Mil of the clill.lien like tt. S H.
Cough Cure hae cnnil and ki-pt away all
uuarai'neM. from m. So give it to every
n e, with gre-tinyi for all. Wishing yon
oroatieti v. we am
1 our, ,Vk & MJ F Ford.
If mil tvl.h t.i ti.,,1 iit'Hii .lid eheerfill. atld redy
lir thcSprini;'!! w.irk, lI.siiw yimr sy.iem with the
Ht;atai:liu and l.ivai euro, liy tnkinj mo or three
1 WMearlt -VdK.
Ml ci iu rwr bottl.i by all dmetriau.
. pneu-
In r--n
linn- lore.
Ci ! mi :ie
tin ii.r i at
3. ('heat trouble, such a pleu':'
mni.t, consumpiioti.
i. lmligeHlirui. dvspepsio,
kidney complaint.
fhe ruccchr, however, will depend upon
the eenuinjnees ot the plaster used. 1 n
popu arity of Alcock's Por.ius Pltstr has
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
have sprung up on every hand. 1 he oni
sure cure is to get the genuine Allcock
rorous blasters.
ltrandreth's Pills improve the digestion
Portland, Scramento. Los Angeles
Stocalon and Salem have the same Insur. rates. Albany, Or, Rutle and Helena,
Montana, Salt Lake City,
Walla Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have
tne same rates.
felt that his recommendations would
therefore baye weight.
Musi Register
Sas Francisco, March 10. The
Chinese conul has just returned from
Washington, and a new order has been
issued by the Six Companies, ordering nil
Chinese to register at once. It is believed
that this order has been given in order to
inlluence favorable terms being made lu
the new treaty, now in courso ot negotia
tion between the Chinese minister and the
United States authorities ut vt ashlngton.
Bank Dividends
Wasiiisoton, March 10. The control!--
of the currency has declared the follow
ing dividends:
First dividend, lo per cent. Commercial
Kiitional bank of Denver. Colo: first divi
dend, 25 per cent. Citizens' National of
Grand Island, Nrb; second dividend, 20
ner cent. Linn Countv National bunk of
Albany, ur.
Heavy Snow atoini
Roseuuro. March 19. The heaviest
nowftll oi tho season fell hero hint night
and this morning, to the depth of six
inches. It comuienc d raining this niter
noon, and the snow is rapidly disappear
4 High L.llmale
Londos. March 19. The estimated gov
ernment exnendltures for the coming vear.
which will be required to bo met uy the
budget, amounts to 9..GS2.CG. Thts 'is
the highest estimate ever submitted.
S So. 1 iituleifi poeltlveliruaraatee by
imj'lljaMSWlllllrajllFIlHli.,','l J ll ll nlT Irl 1 1 1' II n ll ll ll HI
for Infants and Children.
CalBl HIRTT yav.'s'
oDaenraHoa .rr;!rfiejawjtt'ds patronaga of
)J alllloii. cf peryrmCTtjjaJ?,??" it wlthtnit tnee.L.
It fa aaqneaaonanlr h Treat remedy for Infant, and Children
-.ria ha. OT.r known. It 1. hnrmU... Children Uk. l. .It
MtM them health. It will .. their lire.. In Moth.r..haT.
: !Jn,T.-ir-t.l..t. .l,.ne1y .af anrl praetleallr
' child', medlotne.
Caatorla rleatroy-r Worm a.
Cartoria allayrTrfahn.
CaHorla pratrent. TimtHlng Sonr Cnrrl.
Caatoria euro. PlarrhtBa and Wind Cullc.
Caartoria r.Uerv. Teething TrWhloa.
Catnria enro. Conatlplon and riatnleney.
gloria nwtrnllt.. thw of oarhenlo acid ga. w yoiM
Cy.rla Joe, not contafat morphlna. opinm. or oth er n.rootte proprj;;
Ctoria ..diallat.. th. fod. laeaUtat tha .to.chaidbow.l
giving h!lh and natnral alwf.
CwtoHa la i-nt n in n-U hotU only. i not.old to hnlk.
BmH M.w any one to Mill yon anythjxtgrin r yrmi.:
' ' r... t t."l.. I a. ood" and "will n.wr yry pnrpo.
To preserve a youthful appearance ax
lung as possible, it tt indispensable thatth
ha-r Khoi:ld retain Ub natural co;or
f .Olnest, There i no prenaation
ji7jCtive as Avre Mair Vigor,
it pievnts baldness, and keep tne sea
clean, cool, an 'J neaithv.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair HUhe-t Medai and Diatom
Thouftundsof lives are saved annually bv
tine use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and whooping congh, the Pectoral
has a :ncst marvei"U! euect. uanays in
emn.atioti, frees the obstructed air nassoge
stml contra a the delre to couh
K'urW people remcmr their snn
bitter with a BhuoMer. The present uen
trutloft have much to be thankful for, not
the ln-t of their blessings being huc'i
pleasant nnd ihorrnifthly tfft'Ctiye sprln
medicine as Av. Sarsapanha. It is
Dr. Price's Cream Biking PowJcr
World's Fair Highest Award.
A t'Llid Eujuyte
pl-aanl flvor. uent'e actl'Mi i
soothing elfecto Syru when
neetl of a .restive, and f the father
inoiher he enstive or bilious, the n.ost
gratifying revi'is fo.tow its use; so that
Is the best iamMv temedv known a
everr limtlr should hsv a bottle. Vitaiisur :a wra ou need
lyiw("ih, torpH Hver, yellow akio or kul-
uev .rott'ti. H is t;narsns'n w '
ti-Uattii. "no .5o. Wildly Posnay
8. that yen n-A-S-T-O-R-I-A..
Tha fac-i-lil
arlamatnra ef "
! on BTtry
There i no claim made for yer whlchcannot be endorsed by
of teatimoniila. This fact plalnljr
proves that the bl-xjd Is the aourcs ot moat
diaorJera and that Ayer's Saraapatill. I
the beat ol bload purihers. 1 rj
It this
Albjiii) Market.
11 n
imktv coimtv
The Countv Oenventlon ol the Prohi
bition party for I.ilin county will convene
at the Court House on Saturday, April
14th, 1S94, at 1 o'clock p m, for' the pur
nnaeof nominatlnu a countv ticket and
iur 11 into tue nantis 0 in execuuve. . .e ol ,uch lher business as may
had voted against the tree-coinage bill and " ? ' . . lh.conven,,OIf.
nronerlv be brought before tile convention
All prohibitionists of I.inn county who
voted the prohibition party ticket In 189.J
and who intend 1 1 support the same in
the ensuing election will be entitled to
seats as delegates In the convention.
Evnrv prohibitionist In Linn county is
earnetily and cordially invited to attend.
T 1' Hack lem Ax, chairman 01 l.inn
County Cer.tral Committee.
ii'.C II rat F
I'aiker Bros, f-rocera.
F. M. French keepa railroad titnu.
Ruy your jjrooiTiw of Parker Bros
Fia f(rojtriaa at Conn's.
i4ew oream cheese just leceived at ConraJ
P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, dot.
Srat claaa work.
Smoke the oelehrnt. d Havana Tilled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
Or M II Eili", phyjiolan an I surgeon
Albany, OrejM. Calls male 14 oit'or
Some people begrudge the little money
that an Allcork'i Porcus Plaster costr, and
then when they una racked with pain from
tSn soreness arislnil from a cold, they will
spend any amount cf money to relieve the
pain. If they only had one 01 tnese wrrm
n-nowned nlastcra on hand thev would be
saved a vast amount of suffering and be
consldeiably richer. At the tirsi sign of
stlffnest of the jolntt applv one af these
plasters will. out any delay, ion soreness
will be greatly relieved at once and soon
disappear entirely. It will be money
saved to have them on hand, to sat noth
ing of the oaif jrt they bring.
a M
For ill iVmnvemcnts of the throat and
lunif a. Aver's Chjrrv Pectaral is the speed-
it and most rellablA remedv. Even in
the advanced stages of consumption, mis
wonderful preparation auoros great renei,
cliecks-coughlngv and Induce, sleap. .
"Almost as
Palatable as M
This is a fact with rcg.-ird
to Scott's Emulsion of v od
Liver Oil. The
between the oil, in its pl..:n
state, is very apparent, .a
coifs Ciiilsioo
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to Ques
tion there is r.o after effect
except good effect, 'Keep in
- 1 c i.c t? 1:
is the best promoter of flesh
Commends itself t the well formed, to do
p'easantly and effectually what was form
erly dontf in the crudest manner and dis
agreeably as well. To clennse the ay at cm
and break up cotds, lieadachea and fevers
without unpleaa-u after ehVctR, use tlie
delightfui liquid laxative remedy, Hyrup of
Bv usinc Hall's Hair Renewei. nray.
faded or dUcolored hair asbumea the natu
re color of voulh. and tctows ltixuncnt
and throng, pleasing eveibody.
Wkdoino nvitations.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, (toU1i.:
Common every flay.
hii,!o!j' Cure, tne uri't m .u w croup
for 1 y n, V ok t size contain
sVjat"Wf l not, only 2o. Unililrn Uvn it
ntihav & Mantnn.
Hai.'a Hair Renewer contains the natu
ral food and color-matter for the hair, and
medicinal horh? for sza'p, curing tiayness1
baldness, dandruff, and scalp Bore.
Whatever may bit the canst; of bbnch-
Inn, the hih miy be restored to Its origi
nal color by the uw of that potent remedy
riall Vegetable Mcihan il.itr Knewer.
Thrcndrrpofth!Tr2Tcr will he pleased to
Jearn thHt thi-ro i:i al l.-.t cpu I'-i-ndcd dieao
that science bv allo to euro ia a I 1U
stagL'S.and tJt H ('..larrh. Hall's Catarrh
cure iiiicuinj i't...- v - - --
icll fratcrnilv. cuUiri'h ln n.K a conntltutlonal
.....;ir.. i. c.iitiii;iuiial treatment.
Hull's Catarrh t nro Is I alien inlirnally. actlna;
directly upon tlie bloml und mucous nurfacea or
the System, thereby detroyiill the foundation
bybullflins-up tho constitution and assisting
nature in d.ilnft Its work. Tho proprietor, have
so much failh in its curative powers, that they
otter One Hundred Dollars for any caso tfcat 1.
tails to cure. Bend lor list 01 testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY it CO., ToleflO.O.
f Sol ' Nr DrujBl- 'so-
1. V. Y. All drorirists.
"ilW' llilsl
offer Ouo ltun l.-ed Dollars Reward fr
i.v '-ar. of ra'irrli V.ul cannot bo cured by
Hal:'. v'-itaiTl: me.
. J. r;;:NK .r.- CO., Trop.i., Toledo, O.
A .. tl '......i I. li'ivo known F. J,
' r e ' r .. . y.-ar.and belleyo hlra
; . il -u-itie..stransactIons
. :y out any oblicitioa
- ' :i'l7riJs.Totrdrt.O.
U, ilea.-" D"ig-
' ' 1' er ,al"molly, act-
1 . -1 1:1:1 ni'cua sur-
1 ' . ber hottlu. fiold
.. : 5rt;.
The K.v'todo ft Is t take yo'ar wash.
Ing to the Chinamen. II you want you
work we'l Anne at llvlnir prices take It
Richard Ai PnMllp'H Stra.n l.aurdr,,
Thry know how wlihout han)inr the
While It Is over thirty years ago since
Allcock's l'nrous Plasters were Hrt In'ro
dnrejl In inr medical orolession and pub
lic, ths marked succss and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
continues, bit strait! '' Increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gain so manv testimonial, ol hlj,h value as
those continuously accorded M Alcock's
Porous Plasters, and the only motive lor
these exceplioT ul t'lbulcs lies In fact ol
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof of tlie true value of Alcnr!;'
I'oro'j. planters ic In the fact Hint they
arebelnij largely Imi'alccl by u'ciupu
lous persons, who reck o deceive the pub
lic bv ofterinii plaster, which they lalm
to je the 'same.' equal,' 'as good,' 'hrtter.'
b'st porous plasie',- etc, while it is in
Kciieinl arr"::ir,",re "'y ""J re'"'",
ble Allcock's. l'.vei y one of th. called
porous pla'ters are imitation, of Alrock.a
Porous Plaster.
Avoid d.ili-r' -vh attem it t in m o
lnf vlor .mcl . -tilnas nla-lers tin a
purchated b in n l low ra'e- f r ih
purpose of sub-iitution.
UKia.. and
S1.00 por I3ottlt
Tmfl Oreat Copon Cuhb promptly curca
wnere au oiners mu, s-ougm, viuup.
Throat, Hoarseness, WhooaJinB Cough ana
Asthma. For Consumption It has do rival:
has cured thousands, and will CURB Ton If
taktmln time, tM by PniKgla on a guar
antee For n Lamo Ilm-k or Chost, use
l7nvoyfnn. utarrl.? This rrtDC(lTlS(ruanin
loeuiucurvyuu iiw.'.uvimh tiuwn
V aas, o
mat lt "f
Thin or pray hair ard hud
dUoleasiniz to nunv prople as
sue. mav be av.rt.-il fn a lona Hme by
uMn) llaii s n" Kenewer,
When Baby was sick, wa gmw hr CastoHa.
Vben nho was s ' Iiild. sh crifd for CastorU.
When she becan:- 31-flB. aha clunjt to Ciiator:
'Ghcn she had C . iaron, she gATO Uwin CaatorV
Red CrownMills
A50 BAKKrUI ftt
Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair
AS. I IHKf ' tliol'l if.'l'.i
Children Cry for Pltcher'a Castorla.
V ;
(Hi!.. 5
I our, S VI.
'iinnr. ili3.
h'.jtti. 15
!.r,l, li to 15?
P.trs; - hatna 1J
. 1 1 to I Iks
H117. Iia e-i 7
un atoos, 4 .
A :p' . 4
ilopi In-
ir:e l f. oii -n'u lis.
i.'hicltons. i 0) pr .1
o IS-, .hnill.lnra l.) .10
, iP
The only 1 nr- Cream cf Tart .r PowU-. No A::imonia; No ;.un.
Used ill Millions of Homes 40 Yean the Standard,
m. . lIcFaiiitisd,
-nobaitiM a sit ail
Druggists and Booksellers,
Afiei.tafor John B. Aldor'a punirri'.IOM
nalch aell at pobllaher'. prlosa wltk
I f. KKhlt'
Harness -and -Saddlery.
Display if: tii- M
i !
B3t,r. on r. -ii, w
Hoft s dr: s 5;ii'