laai-arVeta tyctilrt democrat. Aokn't WANTEDonSuJar'anJComuii&)ioii or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biopjliy of JAMES G. BLAINE, By Gail Hamilton, hit literary lecutor, with the co-opTitioo of hta family, and for Mr, iiiaine'a Complete Work-, Twenty Yeakj or CoNOittH-s" and t.U later book, 'Political lI;c customs " One proa peel u for tiieie .3 best scllino books in the mar ket. A K 1' .larrlsn of Me. .took ll2nrdra from first 110 call; agent's profit $19'J 50. Mr Ballard of 0. took 5 order. 13 -eal Kuatia, in 1 day; profit $20.25. K Kice of Mm. took -7 orders io 2 da-.t; profit $47.J5- J pAtudt'o of Me. took 43 r.rders from tUt call; profit $73. 23. E A Palmer of K. Lsk. Inoh 33 omIits io 3da; profit c'f'b.Eo. t!xt'Lri"VE Tkkkitohy Given. If you wish tur.iko I.AKuE MOV Y write immediately for termi to Iicllenrv Dill Pub. Co.,ornic!i.tonn ARE YCUI I yonr Trine thick, low .spirited r;iy,r!ou'lv.orhL'h- front the ex-fi Vmir KIDNEYS are cesses of Etiidnff ruined. L'to yomiv Ji so. Kul(dmr Litter. iMilplmr Hit-1 One Lottie of Sui tor will curt I j.lmr Jiitt.-rs w ill do yu- Bynumure trood than uniwmBPwatJ all tlto L;:tin pro, criptionsof drills and mineral poi sons which w ill remain in your sys tem, destroy your bone, '. make you a poor, wl-ak, and broken down Invalid. No person cm rniiain lng tb-k who uses Sulphur lHitere, If YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE is covered with uJv sores, an criiitf l'imjdi-s pvo h Litters. Ladies in tlelu who are all run d.wnf Sulphur Bitters. Nona I Try SnMmr Til! ters TO-NIGHT and you will hire; well aud fevl VeUe; for tt. Sulphur r.ktur wiil m.ikyour bluoi! purcriea ttiKi.str.jiii and your flesh hard, ml f.-st. C lid U-.B fc BARE You K IS II TVulU Ulll C, rgirv'.iy, cr in f 8 DELICATE b hpf.lth? Kill, 8, ;i v, ill jii;1;:,i a KJ , A n etv i..r!oa P got you. & .rml :t 'Jw-ent stamps to A. I'. nriwil- v itou.iI;uifl.. uLliLcu BBtffB if VmWAI Wane bo tj ton close npiiiciuit'n to buMneaa ao Tore menial strain, flfina! Kicritw in tuld Jio liro, or Ticiiiiit h.tinia oontracU'd in youth. "WMAK, nXXJXV DrovirilnmoNe' vau Debility or Kxlmuallan, WuUiib; Wcuk mvmm, ln7otn-.Iary l..oaee wnti Jlnrly lie cay tn Youoicnixl Mldtllo Aged, lac of vigor and sue'jan, with sexual orniuia ltnutrtd and wenkftied prf maturely In apiiroa(4iin old atio. WHEN V K CTHK vo senk fmm kndwlcdfre ol resulla In ninnr tliouwnd oaaoa Ui'aied (inrt cured in ibo ptvit HttccQ yan. DurrurMh'Hlor lntr.Hl;itinK VvoC. ll.lKRtR BOltULE UEIIICATKD PJHTILLK treatment 1 Ono which cnniniends 1lm-K to nil acntitilo erBon fur tl.o rvav. .. mat we supply it ih n thf irjudcnicntof IutaIuo. NfHbJiitc in lli- y .-t cxpenw) bvynnd - catd nnd a lw. cent pttaKiiLntiip l.akod. The xiital rird fiir tifo In sending us ttwlr lull nddrvss d-mJ the pi-t-auo ma mp tor tlio li-tier returniiw; he iLilcnint ir tbflr citscfur wbi-h wo aupplrtbcm with quf tion t'lrnk, tube Dllrd OuUtinrta 5clf-ftUlrt.od env lopoloruwtn rvtuming Itwbcn flliit!. "TT va i Vt'tit'n e recvivo tbe ai3terr.ent IfV VW00 blank we prpparo eittht dars, TpiAl trwituifiitand turward ILi.frinll m fr 3 pr.-in.Titm pi.tno.Alonwitbilio trciun';:itwoendluildirwiiuttt.f'ir usinir. Tlie treatment cums no pmn or Inonnrealeuoe aud di.os nob prevf nt attention to btiniueM. Wo leavo the mnttur of aeiMlliiK ordero entirety with tlx -aeusltux tho froetrinl treituunt. Hnv liijt eat li Bed tliopo at' nd l m fur trlnl pneknen vl our nbtdtr to Len'tit tiicm wo feel turn thtiy are mnro litwiy liiifrestd than oanrlvea In eontitiuinff tLe vvt the 1'iutUles. We make tho prig's ns l.n,- n puMi)t.o, ami the lamo to nil. 1'Uvj are tn follows: :r.(M for ono monUij liJW lor two munthn; (7.00 fur '.hree months. WoaMt all pencils noedlnK treatiuent (9 vend their nrhlrenn nn iHtnltr by letter. Allconimu nlenit'tiirotitldenilRl nnd ahrtuld be addretuMt) to THfc HARRIS REMEDVCOm Mf R.ChnltS N EXEC. ICRS NOTICE T 01 ICK I i IIKCEIW (.1 VKS tli -t the 12 '1 l.v ' t'rnci tlcl w nil t. v . -l.-i . i i i liltit. Ulll' . i ...', " thi- lit. n. lMH llm lii ur i ( 1 i' ivtt i IllllW It) Ml J K' Ul" r-ial.l I- tnl .. IS, ..I tho .1.1 .In- :iitl:tt, i: miv. will ;. h i r. I t , nrui :.rch. n.l U ; hi Til! J K U : MIM.MV'lilt .1 SllKl'! Kttrutor vy t-ir Kx. si y ,'. inillH liot!" .-..0 . i'!t isiii ii lliii mi.-crv i;i tlio stuimvli the rRtvcrnicri ana cube 13 0 ,V' '.nl or JMWlUT, wuivu giVo3 !'. iH'tinn t tlio liver mid : cill'tliol'ilo 1'V n miU mo-.x- it oftl vo r !;: v. ... j:,. 0 l'inwl nil li e r. . 1 1 1.- tin JDr-mi-ilioino, 1'iit I.ii.v i.H'!o t i!:o tfhn'.Eons ..ilnr for i. ri'iiieili. IT tllll.'.l l.n -.'It .j i:-.:!-.v l ! Kai:- , our 7 Stump In ml nn irpprr. i. 2t.n i.. k to, i':....JoPi.i f. SHERIFF'S SALE. n A CirrMif Court of tU State oj Oregon for iAe County of Linn. D M Unborn & Co, Plaintiff v S P Barger and and Sarah Harder Id wife, DelenJsn Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an extcution and order ot tale iiuir issu-rt out ot the hb"vs named court In the above entitled suit t-i me directed and de livered, 1 wl!i on Saturday the 7th day of April. i4. at the front door of the court house in the city of Albany Linn County, Oregon, at the hour cf 1 o'clock p m ot said day sell at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder, the real prop erty decribed In kald execution a.nd order of ale 10-wit; Beginning at the north west corner of H L Brown's donaaon land claim notification number 20:S in tp 14, South Range 3, west of the Willam ette meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, thence east 35 chains, thence south 9 chains, north 500 west 7 chains, thencs snuth cu, et 16. 50 chtlns, thence north Co3 wejt 50 chains to the place of begincing, except acres on the east side of the tract, deeded to W R Kirk No vember 6:h. iiy, recorded In volume 30 on page 292 of ths record, of deeds for saii Linn I'onnty, The proceeds arising from said sale to be appied first to the payment of the costs 01 and upon said exe cution and the original costs of said suit taxed at $23.80. Second, to tb payment to the plaintiff D M Osborn & Co, the sum of S1S8.S6 with Interest thereon at ihe rate ot 10 per cent per annum f om the 23d day ot October, 1893, and the fur ther sum of $25 oo attorneys fees and the over pies if any to be paid to the faid defendant S P Barger. Dated thi 7'h day of M-ireh, t34. C C Jackson. Sheriff of Linn Couniy Oregon Oregon Pacific Railiodd, CHI I LARK, Keeetver. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. CnnecMn.'W'tti steam w qama aud Sia Kracioo. Htuar betwasa Ys. Uomet sal s Faby SOtb, M rch S, 1?, S3, and Slit, Uomeraalts Ft 2h, Msrch 7, J7, wl 27th, Tha Camoanv ivmitss th rient U For freight a-?d pavionger rtes app y o any agent- t'hxr'e J HjnJn. S-n A O. So 2 to M'lt -t 3: ta Franciaco Caiu. C'ias Ctirk reaJvar, Crrallil O-.'ipoa. Gladstone has A clear Head WHY? Because he follows ihese rules: "Keep tbc head cool, the feet vrarm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to b? ninety If you do the same thing. When the boweis fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Bile Beans. Their cction i3 so mild that you are not aware of it. A!l day yourmind will be clear and coo!. "Not a gripe ic a barrel of them." Ask for small si2e. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans 11 mm, OMAHA. KANSS.S CUV ST. LOUIS, n 91 HOURS D4Yd TO 1LFA.HY COLLEGIATE INSTI7UTS ALBANY, OREGON 1381, 18Si2 ic Teria opeiie.t Kitembfir ,tl? -AI I corps of lustruotor. GtAjSIGAL, SCIENTiriC, LITERAH' CLASSES. r.l atuilv urrnnired u tr-ti elf grxdea uf studeiitM v.-W lutfntctiirnti cftrtd fotti" frort abroad. vrv. sn:r,aT n coydit OP ALBANY, OBKGON rtfvtilent Vice Preaidaiil .. Cwhler.......... I.FLINN S, E.YOUNU ..t, W. tANUUON IFiANSACTH A OESKKALhnklnalUfiouaf AlX'OfNTS K K IT subject, to aheck. aiOHT fcHitANGK and te rapbie traraf r,so;d New York, Sau Fruuieco, Chkatto and Pr.Uod COLECTIONV HADEoo (aorWe enca. aiascToaa. J. E. Youae t, A Limovo U K B lai if. L. FluiR , ,1 ,.1 . m Good 1 CooKiog is csscnticl to Good j Digsstioi?- in pastry you cannot have C cither without n good sliort y cnitix Lanl has always uad vrrv nliiociionnhlefcaturcn. causing indigestion and many other dietetic trou- b blcs. Science has come to ( . r i nnd of weak stomachs, with the new shortening, Coitoleoe Tt taeomnoredofthachoio est beef suet nnd highly l refined vegetable oil, ta C., manv rcsnccts as cood as the "finest imported olive O oil. rhvsicians endorse it, C cooking experts recom mend it, and thousands are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. KcfuscaUsubstitutcs. Fonl three rmn tn atamr to V. K. 1 at Thank A 'li ,-..-,. f,.r Itartil t-'nie I'l-MoIOTn '..K lkoli . contain. 1; j vi liurKlnl rwip-. pn pnntpf 1 Kuiiefmt.M'iit aJttn'rMict'Ti ovklita. j I'sHtoKuv la sold by aU txrs. Mntte cmlv bv : N. K. FAIRBANK &-C0., ( TT. LO'JIS and ICMlCAGO. NCW ORK, BOSTON. CHICAGO QUICKEST TO CHICACO AND THE EAST QJMCKER TO CWAHA AND KANSAS CITy. FULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, DINING CARS. S H II Clark, Olivet VV Ml.ik. E Eller At.derKin, Kecrtvers. For and i;er.eral Infoi nictlon c?'i on or address Cm ran fc Montelth.Alban--, Oregon, or V H HL'RLBURT. As.i.Gcn l.Pass. Agt, 2U WadhUilon St., FOUTLAN'II. OltEGON WtlfftllHFtfrJD I'HAM BKBI.AIS1. "".t. OK? ICB-lu .h. fan. block B BIII.YEU Those. Pimples Are tell-tale symptoms that your bloodi is not tight full of impurities antsiiuj J ti sluggish and unsigntly complexion. J j ww uouicsoj . a. cf. wm remove all foreign and impure viatter, the Wood thormtghufy and give a char and rosy complexion. His most ejj'tct tial, and entirely harmless. Chas. Heaton. 73 Laurel Ptteet. rhlla saw i have had for years a humor in my blood j which made me dread to shave, as small boils or 1 Disit'hs would be cut thuscausine shivine to! be a great accoyance Alter taking three bottles I fprff J my face is all clear and smooth as jKVol it should be appetite splendid, n n 1 1 sleep well and fei-l like ruanicg 1 foot race all for the use of S. S. S. Treatise on blood and sfeH diwaset rmi!cd free bVVlFX bPClHC CO., Atlanta, Oa ALU ANY COLLM2K.: ?eiul for Catulouuu ulilrr!!, KKV. K. :: coM'ir, Vli.tny, Oregon ..MMT.tUuuiolli-l1,'c,,,"c','J Uo" pEO. w. WBienT. eoiiemona auu iui. uotr to Postolfk-e, Albuy. 0. XV lk A V il Y Jt B ill. II mi!tcr -rill rwlv prjmp fflj. 041 r.Uw" TiU. A. J- WHITNEY. Attorney t Law, Albany. Dr. - ... n ji ht AltDrneysai Albany, Oregon. c l. (HinBERLtlX. " BomwpatbUU J-SpecUIt In ,lij! ol !' 0ce iour7 to a au 1 to 1 " Dl . A . ur.Ki.ii. pli)-i-lclaiinJSiiriocin, OFFICE Cornor Fr7 street., AIImiij, Oregon.! D KS. MATV A tUS( Phyaldana an Sarei. OFFIOE-Corner tnd t'ld Ur.-Kibin atnwu. A'.banv, Or, Calls proaipt.y stttonJo-i i citv anilwuntry; J or ALBANY, OUKGON, TRANSACTS jenentl Bmiklnif uslnesf . DRAW SIGHT DKAFTd ou New York, San Fr n co and Portland, Oreirm. LOAN MONEY on approved aocurlty. KECKIVE .loiroaita aubject to check. COLLECTIONS madu on (avorablo .tcrtus. INTEKESTpali en tima deooslU ANK OP Will, OIO, OHKOON. .. 1 Mv A J JoM EAST AND-SOUTM, THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THE Southern Pacific Co. South Csfrreas Trains leave Portland Daily TROU JCLr 1, C:15?. . 1 L Portland 10:23 f Lf Alh-,ny 1U:-6A at Ar Sou IVanc North "Ar "8:'J0 A Lv I 4:i3 a N Lt 7;(H r c trsins. nt?pa. all atitloiii from n J t ) Mbtny inclusive, also Tan hod i.HaNBy.Harrlsburfr, Junction lrvinif, tijgAns and all sUtfou oieburg to Antilaud inclusitft Hosssraa hail, oailt 8:3'ja Lv Portiand Ar 4:yif l.'Sm I Lt Albsnv Lt 1?;3J m 'JPk Ar Boaeb'ire L 7jOG tassel. :10aLv Mty ArlleAii 9:0 a I Ar Lebanon L SO a lrirnILT Alhanv Ar I ;2r, p :09 a I Ar Lebanon Lv 3 r PULISIIAp BUF"T SLEEPERS. -AD- Diuinar Cars on Offden Route. SEC0ND-CIA3S SLELPIM3 CARS Altarhed t.all Throairh Trln. .Me IVIvl.fnn. H1TWFF. lliafLAMI A.tU t'Oltl At LIK Mail .aamoAiti (Gxcpt Sniuisy, : : i t a I Lr l:M t Ar nrt'.Ti.l Corr.Ubi ArlttSU av I l:ct) Ym sxrats.ra.ia silt. rRxcsptSabday. - PATRONIZEi HOM INSTITUTIONS THt FARMERS & PJCMTS INSURANCE COf AlbasTt Orefom 7 L COWAN. Trerwurer. Geo F KIM rriON, Vloa Pnm.nt, niBBOTOR- rowan, UeoKSI-i.i, IV K K. B """'''""W'lC.JJ W fli, ALllO PISTRICT ARINTIt rOR . several Solid Eastern and Foreign Gcmpuh HAVE YOU TRSEO DRUGS km FAILEl t TO FIND A ClinE FOR S I, RHEUMAT5SM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA,p KIDNEY, LSVER ann HuftDiJl-fi COMPLAJfiTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-ESACK, ,l ntiil , 3S. SihGER'8 EU2YGI3 RUT .Jp; -'T" 'S .. V-T-,.; J "''"''r.'nuin'.butnimltoo,,,..; a.ViB. -wtW'. .Tj".-f- ..jf-i ' ..loi.ii i.tstl.ii3 diuinn.l. whlihiSl I vo;7.iii;t'iI'11iv',l;A;-V :. . .t'. !.-.- i..r viK"ruuniiiriniiili,,Da,l j) Our inn pnsro loolt "'i i.TJi;;: i Rild(l!t!.uc(i4 run', ol.linnn. i ur...;1 Oi wn liarn reetnri-d l!i.mi.aiiii.i ti. rntvi .t hnwn liy hundrcria .if .am t!;r'...:Ii"i.t I of wawm weliavoatruualtttcii1 !;v"i"i( WE HAV2 fc CENTRAL OJ-biur ...j i. .Jr.! 1 1 rip . T !3an4.n. l.-ar T was troabl d with Ion: rl rr. vi. .! 'r. almost a romi.l'.lo lor. of i.o.u-r. v. a .err tired Keliah. I..ii.aciiii a. e f... K.r...,h.n I li.n. I..r I.... . ta. . .... 1 Jim ytmot onafidencp in Jiiur treat n .ai tjii tuh-i-lt thi. tat. ami.t. alo ha.r. p; .)'. or r ill ot. ma. Truly joura. II. A. BO'.ri.:i iid 'Jul u:a St. KIEUMATISM AND :j.MKHeti!l ' CI'REO. Vov lan-l, Urn n, Airil lit Dr. A. T. fianitcu. iJwirHii: i w.t yt.w . (yen-bc.i-two weksBgo forrhf'mmtifra, (:um wlil-h 1 -uni roil , fornevaral ynar. l'ot llm pt.f ' nun tiiii 1 t.wl i o: Leanahltttow rk. Yur tn!t hn- fiart.! inn In ajaioit perfenhonlih In thn two we-ka I lntiili;i l it. 1 Cjinl walk eomioitnhly. uutl foci liko n w nnn. i rnrall. I M. E. Htiaili'.rf, Pr rii:ior iuternutionj.1 JldUl.j NERVOUS DESILITY LOSS OP VIGOR. ' lu.-um-, O. tuber 21. Wli Dr. A.T Pan-!n.lejr Mr: l havo bf u union jour lctnc belt tar jinnenu nt mu noiiiir. nna io-oi feci bet'.or lhn,n 1 buva for live y; in viijOf dolii, oi.ii ua otr-ons "- ercv ij-irmgrutoiuily,, ana it'i'il initio c cure or rcinori riT 51V". Pi.'-mi! in ri'iitl by cverr t1Bj e. S,i(tdenH l.ltcirie lielt Is r-exriiia v n f r, ni . oitier f-iittnentn iai)oii.uci-ll I if ck.V. Ii" !':!, I'l!7tenfy.aiidlrtai -: :ie:r ruf.uvery ..Her u-'ing our licit :V7-W" CAR Clf R2 fCUl SACK nitEUriATlGM, I'f. A . I ''-.fJ-n. I'.'yr MrVir. af 1 -;ilT.-irk VMiiai d niib t:;e .iirilncotiiiiiJfitBjl iiiin.s.sii t-i.i.. i.-, .11 n- .tu i'iiii, inn,; llm. J juI net .ti1 ni fcci. v uiwll doLbk with it. 1 ("Sikl.l out- of jt.i r tvhti t l';J .ti i-l.'oftw (I111..011.I Ict'Dtin-.c 1towM,fhiiJ zie:,tl h. tifiuf! twriWt'T i-.-t That wattto'J a:.o'r7iur bi-'t - II. ni.ei I ku w lom ol prrfJiH -il.nh.ia'. riinic iin ih nml.l I ,n. iu-u. p wl'l t.tUu to talk WiLll wjoagl T JU KHKL. E ngt oeer ITote! IVjJ LtT VITALITY AND OTRFKCT J h It, I hnrtt Lmh firno y lHni'itte-l. J f.-i mV)1- rcr .'a-t riturninit; and fir a rnetitlt'c tturi i 1 luivouainad I tutnor t uow nearly r'srfert. anit 8uc.i iuA- p.-yp;i-t. t.- tlio betlcr. 1 t l nmcb itrnnarr t:-W CliAS. LrFTRA.tut.ini; the. bvU Vdaratiuly, i.KMi.1' bCUlii THS DRa SANDEiXC ELECTRSC BELT at ' i tsaeotnT)ltralTailcbitt;ry,ma4eintoabclt no as to bo oaHr worn doritur work or otrC't.ajiff Cives nootiiiDir. pr-'iunueu ra rfuu wnicn ro iiin.nuLiy ivt iiiniuKiiinJi. mi wh.ik pari. gr veiorw at.t.nilll. IMi.innn lmnniiil I'lort rir pina,nfi.nTr. lkdtm-.-it'it. orprirtT.n nkirt4 wn wiirrnnt itt.t rurp nnj of ihn alM.Te wituknt'iamt. nn( litrnlarira shrunken limhs. or onrl i.t MnA Refauded. Ihcy arc graded In Btrfnuth to meet all MaKea (,t ireaka'ttfi in Tonn--:, nii'tUiattd4;n ni sin. I w.t I onra. ttia r-o.m In , r,s iKro. rnnnSna. . a it4 Ms ,.- in '.irmi I. .r. f SAN DEN ELECTRIC CCV'" 3RD as) ,'iH;;roj, pjhtlandj Had all tb World Koouiat tn. CORH Is CURB, ,4UETISST!llr4 bUOUKUU AUfclli: Vower. ltenilaelio. Wakeiuliifa. Lost MantiiKid. Nijililly Kiii.fsl'His. N'nj I ren,ttiiuramii aim io- or iu,nfraiiTeirjiaiis i vimcr ev.. cart 't1. A-k font. t:iU- t-.x.ilii-r. Write fi.r Iror Mp.Ih-hI li.iok Mffttw tup: Jin wropr. Auart-asft t;i ait:Kit;u., aiuauuic -iuiuji,i nv.hy.. a. it m v " " m.H.i:' 1 by overexertion. youthTal rrmrn, exct'floiTu uko of iibcc'j.uPlainorq -JXwA, ulenta. which If ad t.i Intlrrnltv. ('"null nipt Ion nr Inf-anliy. an carnj ---T vs.t ..rart-l a 1 rw.rlitu A M.I. l.r nir.ll nl..t.l,l. With BS Ortrll .-at.': 3 COPYRIGHTS. 1 OBTAIN A PATCSTV Fort froinnt answer nnd an hinrt opinion, write to Ml N?( A CO.. who have had near.TflftT teart' "Tperit'noe tn the rut Tit bQiine. Ootnrrariiifc. tior.a Mrlrtlf eonrtienns!. A llnndbook of In formation o'tiwrnitj littrnt and tow to on. lain inrin peni irre. A !H a rntalcgue 01 1 Patent taken thn.i-vh Vnnn A- tTW ' THS'ial lwtlre In the irnttfle Amrrirrtn. ard thus ar brooch wi.-iy betorethe puMlcwith. cii isj int. mTciTur. -mm jpjfTwtta papt-r, !ued weekW. elocar.t It illot rate.!, ha. hy far t h liwl c-ri'Ulathin ot a:iT acicrtieo wort tn thtm wiTid. : t,w. t-.-.n e e 'p ent f ree. Buildiriji tctitIiIt. fj ,yiavnr. P'e e-Tiea. re Ftott runiVr etiiairs N-a-.i-tiful plat r. in foler, tnd I'otrn:p of ru houne, w ,th rtvi. f: a. c VutM. r to h.-'W -.c lat"t il.'-u-Ti i:.t -tvai.-e oTj:r.. . A.ldrr MvNN A I. -- .NksV Yukk. a til BaiuAbWA Pot I and McMinnvtl: Ar I A Lv I 6.4) A M l-l'tPM I L 7:26 ri A to all point In the F. litem 9tt, Can via Eart'i" can 9 oh'ainei at oweat ra.oa Irora t V fro It, Arcnt Albany KOEHLKR E P. X041ER Uanacer Vn'tO V. nj i)rt'j.d Oravort - - i-tt : iiw;.;. r.t-i,... N--rj,'TB:.eSeaa r rtaaftr CiUiojiia af Vft UdIm aad riewfrt, (.v:.::m 1:tJvw Itir, with cWHp- 1'ofjsthr.t ivr!S not mUlradt II'ntratlena that ir.trnrt, not rxozrrate. r-v,r Is r'lirm'ri In himmntniw blernllnt: f w n : r i -ii !: rr.v:iv ,1 Ii 'th p ;a Lack .' '.a "'.. I "f i-.n;'y. S i;urn rf NovrltiM . t .'i - '' " rnt r. ! r. AM Irallna n-re:itr .. -..-t .f the i M wri- r.-. i::s !, ml tinrr. -i :i- - I t r:-i a i 'i. T.'Tv HCV'-ST GC03 v ii;!lm-:vfrr.l VUimt. It I n-t pt? tVi (,'- i cr. tr. tl.: I iipi'Tn ' .1 it. r, t.T i ;.'.o I'm: ; ili irv.-t 1 i: ". Arrrv ii f rr :vrf! nf prtv. r' r,. . , . -r '-.' . f f r I1!, lr ; n 1 f a :" ci-'l'T ' , . .. ' - .w.v 'Ji 1 iv.S. .v e .:hictH ' '-f. niikr. 8310 Cth f-ifs for fontcKi. ' R.rr.s.t. JAMES VICK'S SONS, FromTerminal or Interior Poiiits th on: In I lie line to tttk To all Foints EAST anil SOUTH, It lai the IIXIJI 'AU ttlll'TE. It ran. Tliroujcls YKS'l'lItt Kit 1'ltAlNM KVEItl IAV lu the Year to ST.PA'JL and CHICAGO 'MO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed of Dimitf Cars Unxurpasssd riillnun !'rawiii2 llcom Mcfps Of Latest EnuinnKiit TOURIST SLEEPiNS CARS. flu. tt. en hi nuni'.rri-jle 1 nl in sr .113 t t nno 1 uion ure h vh free i I f ir.visbi'l fr h Mra of First or S o n 1 t t tlttkHtA, At. J ELEGANT DAY COACHES. k Bj i'iinnit'ai .jomactidi iili al linis, affording Direct an $ Unintarrnptfld S3rvic3. Pullman tsleeper reservations can b "ocureil In advMtiee tbrougb any apent of tbe road. THROUGH TICKETS to ami from ai: point ,a America Knglnnd an.1 Kurope can t purebajl at mii tlcketetflce of this uotvpaoy Fall information concerning ratw),time f trains, rotitos an1 ot'ter iH;ttifi'uro Uhn-i ou application to any azent. or A I) CHARLTON. A r Stint Paeni;er Aent. No 121 FirM ?t, cfr. Wati:ntont roniaun. iiejon. C 't i ti ir.. 1 ;: a-n. BabyRawasBeefstei Itabvvervalek wltheeiemaT three mon'tlisnld. llaciboiwf tors am I specialists, tiotwor' the time. Whnli' limlv rawiil . KteTk. llairi-oiie. Kiectfd ttnlie. S k mx iiioiilhrTW trieii V Tier UAH. No flltl tliemlmt in two months lir? va: entirely caf JOt A SPOT on 111 III tilHV .'lll.l t-tiMIt I tut Miu.1 l;.i.sK ItAltKKlT, Wii-flelU H. fcTl AX! t.-T IS THE V.or.'.,. 't 7 ---I - taaiifl-,. ea.,njra.. I.r.-l i?ll9 -!. O'.r T t-.rj l,r.. of mi7..-n?r ,- ,. are rons i.rny iir:A'.ry."t;r::;r(jT.r.y. j 3aby Sad with Eczem "'r 1 lutl la (if ;.ia. Oor linr. four montlu It caaU Ot Lt'Zt'tlUl' jLv ami irchiiMi nr A 'JL I Thn-n iim-tiin ili-1 not Mr; v.vt.J Hiintia tli'ii nixteon mciki. teiw on Ms hand to j-revrn' loratrliinT. Crth'riiA K i:i Kl tli:- eureili nuU wo ri-i'ommeii'l tht'iu toothen. U. It. Si J. ilAiillls, Wcbi.tet.t ii.iu o:m t.i!e ff 1 wan a ttoliti mire iy js baillv nilei-rett. i -1 'Hirrc ilia-ton il Is Baby Etched Terribl TTfcv lialiv thrpc numtlt. olil i LrT oitr with Mhttf I'tmi'ltf fitirtaif. lii'inii iiTriinr r.ii liiu.l ami la.. l d' th. lor livo iin.titlis. 1 T...I-..-. i'lin-liti.."! I I Il'' If I- v flu l:a. llH'tn. three weeks Hk-i.- -..aa not u wirit at Mm. OStAil .TAMES, Woolstoa. Baby Suffering Agoi Tx llahT Iwil eei; ma, " ' f Il:tlll. tilt" limit iloeto" ! 1,.'.'.,... iivKeueiiI! I V ttroliiontlialli.'avvruldlw'J ceaaeu it ve.ii:tMii' cmil.l In- km.ii.iu .Lsrllne? cured. J.A.MCol.KS.IiuiiUerHin1- CUTfCURA WORKS WONDEft " Anil lt nirea are 'I "? n.a;kal.leirt.inir...-.--i. . l and akin f.-inniy "'7., tl times, ltrni. mneJJJJ cu nu mailt, i permanent and eioaoon cia .1 i . .... rilee-CrrCl Krb. i;...t,rll. PorIIl aan (Jiiem. llnnr.. Sole rruti... Ba.!0- S-" How to Cure Skin ll'eae, R it D V'O and tlp rarlfled tKlj UHUI U ay tutlfuraooar"-"- "Ir a'OTAL AND lSTBtE"ft "j Mlu 1I.IIU W'a.n.r S OTti" conaervatorr connected aitrt 'f1!,. . v- . . j . ive If iiec,, la prcparu vocai and tnatrumenici ,,lu" ri Mlas Warner has had a ','or''f Hon and la an experienced lescn'' ref encc are. Prof it A Siiorer. Trow and Mrs Icnr.le . ... rrtttlllH ur. I'ricc s tream o-sf a A r nro arape Crtam d Tarur