gaily gcmocrct f "jlilinlieJ every .lay iu the week 5 except Sunday. .TfKS & BTTI.C, EiHtojn and Prop'r 4 Fntwd stlfae Pot Ofll'j at Albany Oregon, 'aa aecoDil olaa' mall matter. j G-OOX HVBIffllffC Bbowm'i Car Covplir. The new car- . eeupler, invented and patented by Meeara tPowera, Kace, lirown & bon, has been much improved since itB first trial, which ; ra.s gmm in Balmn several weeks ago. , When it then required live pieces of um j'ehinerv to perfunu tlie work, one now i dot's tho coupliiiK. The coat, therclore, I la the manufacture lias been reduced AO Vmt cent. Since the test tsiven in Salem (It lias been inspected and tried in i'ort I UaVl by tlio master mechanic of the L Southern l'uciiic comnanr. and was nrn- IDOtinccd a grniul success iu everv detail. The matter is now in the hands ol the Kan Id ol tlie namheru l'aeilic manaL2ra. wbo will soon decide w hat that company will do iv i lh it- He fore this decision is mede, however, the coupler will be sent hrfricrnineiito, where the superintendent oi motor power will make a thorough in vestigation as to its durability and jUt'iiKtli. Tliis investigation will be miplf ted in a lew weeks, and the ewners the invention will then know the valun Igltl'e coupler. Salem Independent- HOME AND ABROAD 1 A SaiJ fisDINU. A A charivari party in tiiias valley last Sunday ninht had a enuinB. it nacl been om ' love (or fun by quite a crowd of iinK men and boys to give the newly Arried counles there a nood "send oft". laid before lliev left the last place visited un the upper end of the valley, it was 2 'lock in tlie morning, ine crowd Had sarated, two young men, Thrush and atpa. coin? borne bv themselves. Aa Liy were crossing tiio bridge near the noper school house nates niaue a mis- sp in me uuranrHs, aim ii-u uiiu me arjllen creek, disappearing from his tsinauion's sight. Thrush gave the iaArui and a thorough search was inBti tuled but at last reports received irom 114 valley the unity had not been re- isereil. r.stes, the nniortunaie tiin, was aged about eighteen years id his parents reside in I lie valley. It I :. l 1 T... a sun auciucu. nuiwuuiij novicn J" Fatal Accioknt. A sad accident furred on Mill creek, a hrancn ol the Ihthawk river, twenty miles from ha gear, Thursday, March 15,about 1 o'clock In) the afternoon. Win Crawford, the unfortunate victim, was engaged helping Wood & Lilly on a drive of 1,500,000 feet Ions for the Itarnsburir mill, the wa in Aim creek was very high and the rent strong, ihe loggers were em- ed breaking a lam at an old drift. logs started, and a long log shot out the bank above a tree- The moving caught the end remaining in the k and swung the other end rapidly the bank.the tree forminir a fulcrum. wlord was standing on tlie bank and as caught by the log and carried along unit anove, where his head was caught Jetween the log and drift, crushing li'.s all and killing him all most instantly. t companion standing near caught his Ms and saved the body from being swept the stream. onard. KEuoN Cmv Boys. A drummer tells inny incident that happened down an r rancisco lust week, where F.'ed rue is playing an engagement at the .twin, tie was on the point of pur- iug hu ticket at tho theater box e, when a party of sheep ranchers i v aaco county came out and de luded the rctutn of their monev. 'What's the matter?" asked Mr 4etseller. 'Well." nniil nnn nf flip rni-tv. "We jdlda't know that man Warde was a Iriij.Ip, or we wouldn't have gone in at Hi We don't want to see no dinned le play king." es," said another, "an' the infernal begun by talking about being dis- uted with tins winter, when it s est winter on sheen we've had the war." Ex. ixo Weather. E 1J Gamble, of i believes in the forecasts of Hev I 'kg, of St Louis, and hence can not n from admonishing sheep men as -s the public in general to be pre for some trying weather between ''til and iilth of this month. Hie nsare these: An equinox of liars red February 2S, hence the cold of r may ue expected to extend to the part ot .March. An auinox of nrv is central March 20: thiB means waive sleet. Full moon and eclipse ie on March 21. Equinox of Venus -i. tn is means amltlpii cnanuea heat to cold for two weeks nreced- "d two weeks following; and last ot least is onr own vernal equinox arch 2 J. Let no one who reads this prepared, and look for the first half nl to be but little better than April PLLiXERr Oi-eniso, On Thursday. y and Saturdav, this. week, the Bazaar will have their irrnml g of spring and summer milli- The disnlav of trimmed hata and ts. topethpr with all Ilia laloBf lties will anrna.. all fnrtnpi pnVii-la Mies are cordially invited toattend. SIRS 11 J COWER, lion Lvdell Maker It lecturing on Cae- ar and Hon JRN Bell on llamltt. Secretary ol State Mcliilde ! Ivlne verv ill at hi home at St Helens. Twelve 'nches of snow had fallen at th front on the Oregon Pacific this morning. Ine social by the Enwnrih Leasue an. nounced to be held at Mrs Roscoe's o.i Wednesday evening has been potponed, Mrs Pauline Fullerton, a milliner In Albany a year or two auo. was arretted In Portland lust week for stealing jewelry. About an Inch of snow (today, a rare March occurrence in Oregon: but It la only the tail end of the terrific eastern weather. Mr John Twav. the 1 P conductor is taking a ret for a week or two on account of a lame arm, received while boarding a train. As the name Indicates. Hall's Vccctable Sicilian Hair Renewrr Is a renewer of the hair, Including its growth, health, youth ful color, and beauty. It will please yu The Ladles Aid Soclelv whl meet with Mis W R liilyeu tomorrow at 1 o'clock. Business of importance will come ur for consideration. All members are requested to be present. The Oregonian fays that uipositg In crease more tnan $7,000,000 In the New ork banks and loans only a tritle. the money is probably flowing westward again to restore the Violently dis- tuibed by tnc recent congestion. Port Townsend expects to he reduced from a focond-hand 10 a third-class poit oflice this year uilhout any doubt, and the Leader 6ays untess sjperhuman effort is made to incieasc the oilice receipts the street boxes will be taken out and the letter-carrier dispensed with. 'What's in name?" Ve. that de pends. For Instance, the name of "A ver" fs sufliicent guarantee that Ayer's Sarsa- pariha fs a genuine, sclentthc dlood-purt-fi -r. and not a sham, like so much fiat goes by the name of "sarsaparilla." Ayer e oarsapanua ts tne standard. An ex says that down in Coos county where the populists made sojie little bowing last election, the people are heartily tired of them, and it is said that the enure county, frre?pective ot parly, will combine and vote against the clam orous pops. The kindergarten aims to train all the senses and faculties ot the minu hy sup plying proper ir.aterfit for Its natural ac tivities; the eye, principally through color and form ; the hands by constant exercise in carrying out the ?ueas gained bv tne use 01 gifts, occupations, ana gesture; ine voice by conversation and music, ine expression of emotion through harmoni ous sounds. A man we nerer heard of before writes to the Democrat from San Francisco that if we will forward our credential he will write us Midwinter letters- Rats! The Democrat was bored for nearly a. year from Chicago by these coi respondents without a reputation, and now the malls are being flooded from the Golden Gate city, Recently the Democrat published an item about Jas C Scott being arrested for sendfng an obscene letter to Mrs Jennie Comnton. and fined 8jt. The Portland Mercury has gotten hold of the affair and publishes over a column of letters receiv ed by air Scott from Mrs Compton and other matters, making a very unsavory mess of the whols matter. Capt Uell, whocame up with the steam er Eugene Thursday, came up to Eugene on the first boat that ever made the trip ncrc. That was about 2S veais ajo, in 1S55 or 1S56. Capt Bell says ft took three. Ja'n to make the trip from llarrisburg 10 ihf city. The river was then as nature had made it and snag boats wereunknown bugene iteglster. Here are some of the Incomes of people in England: Annuities to fourteen mem bers of the royal family, 83,000,000 per 1 annum. Miner with family, $390. Arch bishop of Canterbury ,$75,000 ahear. Aver age clerical lncome,$6oo a year. Attorney general, $65,000 a year. Average barrister making anything, 81:00 a yaar, sir Andrew Clark, phvsician, $So,noo to 1 100,000 a year. Average medical man, $uoo a year. Head of great public school, 30,000 to $4o,ooo a yeai . Sub master in small school ?5X. You cannot always tell what is hidden under the ragged garments of a tramp: The Dalles Times Mountaineer says. A fair specimen of art adorns the walls of the city jail. It is a marine view drawn with colored pencils bv a hobe who was arrested on thf. streets for vagrancy. A ship In full sail Is In the foreground, while Hie perspective shows a lighthouse and the outline of the shore For offhand drawing it Is a very creditable piece of work, and anyone possessing such an accomplishment should not be wandering from town to town, following fie life of a tramp. The Leavenworth, Toiekj & South western railroad wis practically ebandond at 7 o'clock last evening, and not a wheel turns on any of the 63 miles. Mall pouches sent to regular trains were re turned to the pmtoftice. The order to abandon the road rame from S II H Clark chairman of the Union Pacific board of receivers, the board refusiug longer to pay operating expenses when receipts amount ed to so liltie. The employes have not oeen paid for two months. The aban donment of the road is in conformity with the recent pollcv laid down by the receivers. OIROTJIT OOTTXIT A Hackleman vs The City of Albany. Injunction. Argued and submitted J II Mulien vs The Citv nf Allianv. In junction. Argued and subletted. J A Thornton vs the Citv of ilbany. Injunction. Argued and submitted. J W lirown vsj R Wirt el 1 Fnrp of Lien. Continued. Rollei'nrs Loan & Trnal Cr. ... W t- s A J Hawk et al. Fore of Mtg. Decree- Annie Vulganiore vs Arthur T Vulga more. Divorce. Default of defendant. C W CiiBhinff vs W S Philin. U of money, attach. Continued. Lizzie Blakely vs Chas A Blakely. Divorce. Continued. J L Berry et nl vs Chas Dotv et al. Injunction. Injunction made perpetual. F I, Dumont ngt Eva Dninont. Divorce. Settled. II Ilryunt ogt Stafford Dickson et ill. I orcclosura. Default and decree. A V Tapson ngt .1 W Jktiliee. Itc- covery of money. On trial. r C Smith nirt J H lb-idios tt al. Fore closure. Continued. C A Elson ngt Foster Mill Co. et ul. Uccovery ; money; attachment. Judgment for plaintiff. W II Donara ajjt T T Furgmon. llfi co very money; attachment. Judgment lor yin. J U Coinley agt .las H Slialian. Fore closure. Judgment for pltT. Oregon gt Clinton Black, John Ward, and Felix Hamilton, larceny from dwell ing, Plead not guilty. Oregon agtG F Russell. 4 indictments. I'le;ul not guilty. Will move for a con tinuance. Albany B & L agt A S McDonald. Nonsuit on motion of pill". J M Waters airS David C Cochran. Settled. Chas J Howe ant F J Esirleton. Fore closure. Settled. J A McBride PKt Bank of Oregon Injunction. Dr J D Sponogle, found guilty of rape was sentenced to years in the peniten tiary. On being asked if he had any thing to say be declared his innocence. EF Lewis, found guil.yof stealing Dacon was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. The trial of the cases against JG lionlln, was Bet for tomorrow at 0 o'clock. MISFITS Next Sunday will be Enater dnv that has been g adnally increasing in popularity. A Salem man sua-treata that John Due should be declared a common drunkard so that it will be immnossible for him to get liquor. In Long Island Citv last Saturday when a verdict of "not guilty" was brouuht against a Drettv Polish irirl. sev eral friends of the girl rushed forward and embraced aid kissed the lawyers who defended her and all the jury but the foreman who escaped. The judge was protected by the officers. It was a wonderful scene. eti r. United states Land O.Tice Oreioa City. Oregon, March loth, 1804. Aottce is hereby niven that the aproved plat of survey ol township, 13 south, range 10 west, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on April 13, 1894, at 3 o'clock a m of said day said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be biect to entry on and after said date. Robert A Miller Peter Paqukt. Register. Receiver. New Li uuer Yard. The undersigned prepared to supply all customers witli all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar posts, flour and feed on the most favor able terms. F G Power Fludd. Salem bubs up on the violin topic and clainiB a StradvariuB that U 204 years old. "This violin was made by btradvariiiB about tlie year 1(190 and was owned end used by a noted musician and chorister at the Cathedral in London, and also at the Royal balls of the realm for about sixty years. Ho was ati inebriate and contracted debts, so that 'he secreted tlie violin (which he called ''ally Come Up') in a lot of old clothes to avoid an attach ment upon it. Teere it remained for over forty years, being discovered after lna death l.y one of his sons. In about 17'JO it came into tho hnnds of an in structor, who presented it toone of his pupils, George Hood, who brought it from I'.ngianuto the united Mates in about 1840,and who transferred it toone James Mee, in 1830, who. in turn presented it to W'm Salisbury in 1859, who transferred to its present owner, n A fcaiisoury, Stkicti.t In It. When it comes to nsbing the Albany Steam Laundrv is strictly in it. it is doing the business of the city: the Celestials are going to the ill. -U cents a dozen tor plain washing cheap enough for anvbodv in any kind tunes, luehnrds A; Philips do first class work and swnd their money nt home. 1'utronize the Albany bte.uu Laundry. To-siorrow. "One day in thy courts is better than a thousand." Program: All day prayermeeting The exercises will open at 10 a in aud Close at 0 p m. 10-11. Confession: "1 said I willcon fess my tranesressions unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquity ol my Bin." tsalm, 32:5. 1 J Wilson 11-12. Thanksgiving: "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Eph. 8 :20. Pres E N Condit, 12-1 . Qualification for Christian Ser vice : 'Create in n e a clean heart u uod renew a right spirit within me; cast me not away frcra thy presence, take not ttiy Holy f-pint from me; up 11 old me with tiiy free Spirit: then will I teach transgressors thy way and sinners sha1 be couvertrd unto thee. ' realm 10-30. Rev W A Trow. 1-1 :30. Practical work of the churc "Go ye into all the world ; preaching tlie gospel to every creature." RevDCMcFarland. 1:30-2 Personal Work ; What shall 1 do Lord?" Acts 22:10. Mr Pollock. 2-3 "And we are witnesses of these tilings" All whose hearts re willing are invited to join in a fast during tlie day. "This knd goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." "One day spent in faBting and prayer to God is worth a thousand days spent in complaint an I lamentation bd fore men." An Albany man considers the follow ing taken from an exchange, cs pretty good on the subject ot failures: Advertising fictitious bargains - is failure. A small business and large expense ib a failure. Poor goods and big advertising is failure. Night trade Is a failure. Two prices is a failure. - A low price in the window and a high price in the etore is a failure. uia styles ana condemned gooaB (.no matter how cheao) are a failure. Cheap and inattentive salesmen (hired on a commission) are a failure. tfargains in the newspaper and apsio giea iu uie store are a raiiure. Kunning down your competitors is failure. Advertising goods at "lees than cost' all the year' round is a failure. fTOBVn roKSIDEBING Will of Stark, v leweler If yon want a tine iiniike call for JosephtB white labor cigars. The bostmast coffee in the eity at Com ad rtfoyar a. Hodges & Mcl'ananG, :h leading drufc tore, Albany, Ol . Will & Stark's large line of silver war has created a great deal of talk. Patroniza home industry by amoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manofaotored by Juhas Jorepb. Baths at Vierecka ahaviog and hair cutting parlors. See the New Improved Singer st-wing m chine. The bitis alwsya the cheapest. W Stwden, agent. Oflice at F M French ewelry atoro Dr. Price' Cream Hading Powder Moat, Perfect Alade. Kewtno Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thorrnchly competent work man, at F M French'a jewolry sore, Albauy gon. French has ihe largest and finest stock of spectactes and eve glasses tn Linn County. Prices to soil the times . Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews fi Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Honest advertising will alwavs bring its reward. The trouble with cfost cough medicines Is that they spoil the appelUe, weaken dl gestien, and create bile. Ayer's Cherry f ectonai, on tne cohtrary, wnue it gives Immediate relief, assists rather than im pairs the assimilative process. Or. Price's Creain BaKtng Powder Forty Years tlie 5tanSarv'. HAItUIF.D WAGSTAFF LAPORTE. On Sun day, March 18. 1804, nt the residence of the bride, by Rev J T Abbett, Mr Elmer Wagstaff and Mrs Rachel Laporte. both of Albany. Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. AND eh: MANAGER WANTED to appoint salesmen to sell the Rapid DisS Wash er, wasnes anu ones uie ursncs 111 iwu minutea without wetting me nngers S75 a week and ail expenses. Easy potliion. no capital; no hard work; can make 5 loo a week, Address W P Harrison & Co. No 14 Columbus, Uhto. Ijor Sale or Trade, a bouse and lot in 1 nood location In Albany W.'ll -fell etieap for cai.h or wfit tinde for land part ly or wholly improved not very far from town. Call or write to this office. "dkx Seeds. Every body should a garden. Are you one who will, go to Stewart k Sox Hardware Co i'ke your selection fiom a fresh supply !"e seeds in the market, the largest "1 the city. r- H'onnells rfroerrv stnri, i. Infreas- ; popularity." He carries a fine itock ''Jot room, easily accessible and ''"gains. ,t door to the P O. M,'ry the Eplanflne .Massnpe Cream preparation ever made for the on, to he had of Mrs Rowell. st llcu.e Al'jiny Ore. -n tows to everv easterner at Viereek "Kpsrlors. tins po'iticljns of : color have euicmc. Huy it from Frfd Da 're lit;:e jrs ,to:e OJ ,,i ,t A Former Albany Man continues to cwt into trouble. The walla Walla Sta'esman says that " 11 ureenwooa was arraigned before Justice Arberry at llloVlor this morrinn and pleaded not guilty to a charge of using abusive lan guage and provoxing an nn.nuit. ine evidence snowea mar, on rrtuuy uroru ing lie called the prosecuting witness a number of vile names and seemed anxious tn create a disturbance He was finer! $22.20 and costs, amounting in all to i30. in default of which he was taken to iru. As Aldasv Jewelry Stork Worth patronizing Is that of Will Stark. They carry the finest lineot silverware, watches, cocks and irlrv utnerallv In the valley, and sat- Wertoiy prices are always given for Ihe ,une-lor quality of gocdi they keep in tock. Nev.T but without calllncj cn them. A eott on carpet sonn looks fad 1 .nilc-J. whiif-a good linen warp ma u-ill remain hriirht. and swept .J oa-ior. you cm btiv tlie liest of tiio Albany Fnmitur A Loxo SkpaP-ATiox. David Warner. of South Hend, Indiana, and More Warner of Pendleton, brothers, met Monday, after n separation of forty-two years, says the East Oregonian. Tho latter is 63 years of age, Ins brother it), though hale and hearty and still engaged extensively in the agri cultural implement nnd grain and Beed bu-iness. Moses wra a young man of 21 when lie loft his South liend home to seek his fortune in tlie far west. The brother David a short time ago started outtosearch for the otnr ab'cnt one. Ho went to San Francisco, came to Op?gon. rnd finally in Corvallis where Moses had lived, got track of his whereabouts. He telegraphed Hiram Krii-kinw-r and came no to Pendleton, lie run in an nccidenbil manner on oloses. but would not have recognized linn unless told it was his brother. Forty-two years had erased the resemblance to the boyish Moses of 18o2. 'Pin no Wraps. Tlie Ladies Bazaur drsires to announce that they have just re ceived an eleirant line of Indies nnd misses caps end jackets for spring wear. I h?.e garments comprise all the latest Pari-ian st les and are tailor made. The prices to suit the tunes. Call and inspect them. NoTicR. Owing to. tlie evangelistic meetings Mai held in the city the Neal )own meeting arranitea ior 10-morrow evening is postponed until Monday evening. Com, Ella Higginson, of Whatcom, has been awarded first prize, by a New York pub lishing house, for the best short story Mrs Higmngoon wrote for the West Shore during its lasiuays a very cmenaiu ing writer. The state printing otfice at Salem should have a ne sr man at tiie head tor tlie enm- inir tenn. The present incumbent has certainly had his share of the public fluids Probablv some eastern mall tomorrow, none for four or five days. Don't Swear. Of course ycu fee like it some times; but there Is nothing tn it. Simplv learn a lesson, and the nex1 tlrrc go to Fa' er Bros for 1 our grocer- ies, produce and baked goods. o one ever ejaculates profanely after leaving their store, for net onlv are the best gro ccrles In the market fold: but everybod; from a child to an old gentleman, is trea- ed courtenuslv. Tl-elr baked goods. In a large variety, are sop-rior and popular, If you wonld keep In t,ood humor isl'.i: the world always try Parker Bros. New Advertisernenis. See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. IOR SALE .21 sbRroa rr Albany ' triclsiht Moot-me onm pftvinir ntosk lb is oflice in tlita oil,. Eiqiiro at TO RKVI'.- Two o.mi, new.y flu Island one niiiuiblft for small store or oil, co, one for tuoie, '20xm feet. III o reaily by Much 2. Uau on ur u w Maston lor pirtiatilars. WANTED.-A young lv!y ilexifs i n1 are to rjo irenbml homo work, Aridrois Clara M ft nold, Allmiir Ore. T)l'KK imi;i) Silver Loml Vy:im1otto X tpgs tor sale by I) ) Woodworm. 7(K RriNT. Tim ro im roenntiy oivu 1 Miob 14 bop, Ca 1 0:1 It Vieiefk. E'u!. E;:. Vato bred Silver Ijice l Wvand'itu. Ex fur tctttniMt tliu Al-n7 rnaitry larua, from pen jo. I ixl 2. ..- PvT 1. 1; nn iso. 3 91 per l i B Fiymonth JRoki, 75 ct per ill, Jonn Bmnh, Albinv. Or. Cor 4'.h and K K iti riOUNTY WARHNM-Ihusfht nnd J sold by HJF Merrill. ' FOR SAM FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will ply bptween San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via tho Oregon and Sontherri Pacifc railroads, sailing with Ireight and pas senpers on or about tho fol lowing dates: From San Fran ciseo on Friday, March 10, at 0 p m. From Yarjuina: on luefday March 20, at 0 a m Fare from Albany and f'orvallis to San Francisco Cabin. $12; Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and bertha, good for :;)dayf 15. Ciia 1 Hfnirv, 5on A Ci,t Artnf iso 2 to 3 Mirstet fireer. ftjo rtuicvt o Dress Patterns Also Their La- At Perry Conn's. . Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine Calif ornia Honey, Horse Radish Roots, G rass and Garden Seeds, Alvay3 keep on hand a choice lino of all staple groceries a well as a superior stock of crockery. G MOON Su;ccsor to I A Morr's. Flour and Feed Store Oppofclte Rubi Iloutr, Has on hand a full stock (f Chfrp-d Fee, Corvallii Flcor, Brrj( Short. (ciitiMrtv Gradam, Buck heat, ltje vl(ur, H, Oiitr, 8. raw. Potatoci, Apple s, t'o The Bwl Shoe for tbe l,cut iAoaej, V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 6ENTLEMEM. 85, 84 and S3.60 Dross Shoe. 83.60 Police Shoe, 3 Solei S2.C0, 82 for Worklngmei 32 and 81.78 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES 83. 82.50 82, $1.71 TACTION. If an? dal OfTrlH JOO W. DoOKlsU. hHa m m roiiirxi prirc. or nay. ne hi tntrn wnn OOI in nnm atimri on in nottum, pnr mm oowa m irauu u 1 h 4 W,'-. .... . arW- " and civc W. L. DOUGLAS ftrlkht cas fitting. tctiei ialisiacllon at the orkca a.l.ertiwtl than any other make. Tr one pair and be cor Vtnced. The ttainplng of W. L. louirI;i name and price on the bottom, ptiaran!-c their value, s.ivvs thousand- of dollnrs ani.nnliy to those ho wrr.r tlu-... UcrJ jrs who push the Mle of W. L 3oula Shoes pain cittttumcrs, which he!;- -, 1c Increase tlie Rales on thefr fnlj line of omi, th-t run r"f:1 tn f nt n If rr"ni nnl w twtlevf Ton mo fntiy hr bnTfn, rll 'yn'ir frfw"r f t l-rl- r r-'.trr- UU below- vS'-ilvgiM Ucm ipoa spillcr.tju:., w. t m;:.r,ASi H.Ti -., j, AIm. For ta'e hv;ti, u E BLAIN CLOTHING CO Co. 'i'iioy have a new lot.