- - y 4 f If Ikl'JL L LJ I I Protected bop producers hire lent the 1 asaaaaaaan I 3yUWU WvHJUViW, following dUratch to Voorhess. ch.irm.nl l I IMI'I'I "fir The member, who were se'.t from here to the populiit convention In Albany, were Individually and collectively the superior in point of ability to any delegation from cliewhere in th!i county. The populist, of Lebanon have In their ranks a better class of men than the .'ank and file of the party can elsewhere claim. Men of ability and of property belong to the party in this vicinity. The reason ii obvious to those who know the hl'lory of the party in this precinct. Several years ajo, Mr A. Jack AdamS a man of ability and an original populist, began to pro.nulg.ta the piincl pies of this psrty, lie did tills verv successfully by personal appeal and by newsraper work, fie spent his time, his talents and his rnjncj- In this, the work of bis life, while the present leaders of li Is party were loyal to the old parlies in the delusive hop: of securing a warm nest in their miist, and were ridiculing the prin ciple! he then advocated and to which they Lave now attached tlierqscl.ci, lie animal cules to the bottom of a ship. The work thus begun by Adams has been curried on by Geo Alcxinder, mother old-llnie populi't of Lebanon. Persuaded by the efforts of these two men, in the main, the people of this neighborhood have in considerable number, gone over to this party. The ablest, if not the oldest member of this party in this precinct and even in this county is Hon C 8 Montagus, a dele Kate to the county convention. The other delegates were all men of more or less ability. They all reflected honor upon their cause and were thirteea atrong. Thus Lebanon, represented by thirteen honorable men, with the advantage of being the strongest precinct in the county aid with the prestige of being the cradle of populism of tills county, entered tne con vention. They left It with the sane number, tht same advantage and prestige, but with the most meager and unsatlsiactory representation on the ticket nominated. One place was secured, and that with hardly enough compensation attached to It to defray actual espesne If elected. Ad ams, the father of his party, was turned down for the party's precocious grandson for recorder. Alexander was left to sigh for even one world to cunquer. Montague, the ablest and must eloquent member of the convention, was beaten for a seat in the state convention by a man who cannot hope to command the attention that would have been cheerfully given Ida defeated op ponent. Thus did this convention repay the services of their most worthy party leaders. The Lebanon delegates, believing that they were entitled to recognition, for reason mentioned above, did not attend the mid nlp.lit caucus just preceding the convention. 1 hey were early on the ground the neat day, but the early bird did not catch the worm, f jr the night-owl got in his deadly work and there was no worm to catch. In nocent of wrong themselves, and unsuspici ous of foul play in others, igr.orant of mid nlght'caucuses and .trong in the faith that Popullstvcould do no wrong, they soundly slept on the night of tht ninth only to a wake on the tenth to the kncwlei'ge that the Populist party, like the old parties, can have Its ring, its cliques an t its besses. The awakening is tad indeed; but ssdJcr still will the awakening be, when thesr confiding voters, having placed these boss, es In power, see the fltecc of these lamb; hanging to the bristles of a Tammany tiyep and tnelr losses ' anxiety to serve the dear people forgotten in there frantic etiiirts to make the dear people serve the bosses. Lebanon r.xprerg. Protected hop ptoduccrs have sent the ollowing dispatch to Voorhees, chairman of the senate finance committee: "The proposed reduction in the tariff on sops irom 15 cents per pound specif ic duty to 20 per cent ad valorem, would result in great injury 10 aiarge anugrow iog industry on the Pacific coast. In 1893 25. 000.000 pounds were produced In Caii fornia, Oregon and Washington and the coming crop in expected to yield over 30, ooo.ooo pounds. We respectfully request you to use your best endeavor to resist such reduction. In season of low orlces an d valorem dutyof 20 per cent is equivalent to placing hops on tie free list. Under the circuim'ances, and If a reduction cannot be obviated, the duty of 8 cents per pound rec ommended In the Wilson bill would be no more than just. There is no estimating the cheek and gall oj these protected pets of the govern ment. We have reacted a point where the statement of such men as the above are to be regarded as entirely unworthy of credit. As has been shown hundieds of times be fore, if we can ship hops abroad end sel' hem at a profit in competition with fcr ijn ops, what need of pro!pcion to our hop growen? None whattver. Are we cxpjrting mo-e hops than we impcrt? Yes, much mor?. r or the seven mou'hs ending January 3, 1S94 we imported from foreign countries 493,996 pounds and during the same time we' shipped abroad and tali! n foreign markets 13.S24.804 pounds or about twenty eight times as many pounds as we import. These figures arc taken fioin the 'Summary state ment of imports and exports'' fot January published by the treasury department. The Populists press Is wrecking that party right where the Ureinback party was wreck tvl. on the I hidden reefs of fill money, Satem Journal. A treasury statement shows that since July 1, 1893, the amount involved in sugar bounty claims as8Ii,oio,355,of which $3, 542,001 has already b:en paid. 3 The aerial w . the limit of oar vision Is calculated to hive a diam'ter of 4Z0 000,000,000 miles, and a circumference ofl,329 742,000'00o miles. And this in only a fragm the Immonsity cf space. MAKES ITSELF FELT the great, griping, old-fashioned pill. Not only when you take it, but unpleasant, from first to last, and it only does a little temporary good. 1 he things to take its place are Dr. fierce s rlcasant Pel lets. One of these at a dose will regulate the whole system perfectly. They're tiny, sugar coated granules, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. They pet in Nature's own way. No reaction afterward. Their help lasts and they do permanent good. Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious At tacks, Sick or Bilious Head aches, and all derangements of the 1'ver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, re lieved, and cured. They're the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction or money is re turned. Nothing can be "just as good." FORTMILLER fi IRVING Undertakers and - - Embaimers. I , Tl KtEl. const.n.l, on h.nd a full line of mctallc. cloth and wood W coffins. Also burial robe, and suits, in broadcloth, satln.ml n.ne..t. whlcri will be old at The Lowest losing Profits. EMBALMING nd rpcare tne dead 'i,'uy- KO EXTRA CHARCfc FOR HEARSE OR SERVICtt, ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOf I MEAN ' BUSINESS. Will sell all cwtkerv ware and holiday goods ai COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cupsand saucers V,o to 40 cents a set; pla'e3, -10 cents pei et. JiveryMiing fuse 111 propornou. Call on me and you Will not be deceived. J.' Gradwohl, TUe peoplftj puily does not lack for practical politicians as w linen II19 nom1 noes and procuatlii)K! of the at a to con von lion at Oregon City. It lias mot tlio Mo ofall new parllpn. Disappointed oflloo stjekeis from t'io oUl parties lit whrwo rank y ronlri fain m recognition, .hive flocked to its hUndard. While the greater part of In adharaitt are lio.ient and well mennlngiti their intentions there Is a ooiiMderablo element thrt is therefor p'-efennontand elliili motives. Amotig them are many who have been democrats, republicans, groenbackors, independents, prohibitionist, woman sulTrAKWt, and any o' her bin that might hfcve been a popular fad. It Is a heterogeneous crowd, , Eugete Uuard. Should the Bland aeigtorage hill, which passed bath houses, become a law, h coinage of the $55,000,000 of al ver bullKin have to be done at the mints of Philadelphia. San Francisco, aud New Orleans, the only mints In operation. The Philadelphia iniit could turn out $1,000,000 par month, the San Francisco mint abort t the same, and the New Orleans mint about fSJO.OOO. The Han Francisco mint, however, has only ( U.,000,000 bul ion on hand, and the New Orleans mint only $;y0O00 eo tint after the supply of these minis Is exhausted the remaining f1O,0CO,00O would have to be ied at Philadelphia. The whole time, therefore, necessary to coin the seigniorage Is ap proximately two year and two mouths llcrcU a preilktion: If the Kej -uhlicans run Thompson and the form I tats Pierce, General Conipson will march down the middle ol the phttciI battle tiel a the net governor of Or-cn. Capital Joutn.il If the OrpRon City j '.aiform U .he best result of kping In the inkMIe of the rtt.u1.' tle -tvulMs ought to tike t!v :Jowa!k, j Telegram. $100 Be ward, 1 100, Thereftdersofthl riwMr will be pleased to learn that there in at leaxl on? dreadtd disease that iciunco has been able to cure in all Ha t aires and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh, Cure la the only positwe cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being; a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall'sCaturrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces ot the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, anil Riving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assieting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors nave bo much fuith in its curative J lowers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars r any case that it (ails to cure. Send foe list of testimonials. Address, . J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ot Atf-Bold by DriurKists. IStar Baker 4 orRroiMlalbln and Firm UK CONRAD FVEVIR, FFGFFIEltR, Tub Kabo Corset. Most ladles liava been troubled with bones breaking in ilielr coraete, especially nt the waist line ami over the nips, making the cors et uncomfortable and liurtini; them to car the same. If ladies, desiring to avoid this great fault in corsets, will 'rv our new KABO CorBet they wi'l find that this Corset will neither break down nor roll up. Chicago Corset Company, S K Young, sole agfiit or Albany. "As old tu tlichilhj"aud never excell ed "Tried and proven" h the. verdict o f millions. .Simmons Liver llegu 7) . l;itor is the -only Liver w v - w :in l rri i nan Pills and Kidney medicine, to which you can pin your frith lor a cure. A m i 1 d L.Xit tlvo, and pntviy veg ftililc, act iti! directly on the Liver a n d Kid- iiev. Try it. Sold l.y till Pi ni-is in Limiid.orin Powde. !) I c taken dry orinade intoa tea. The liliir: of Liver Mll, nr,. '1 iionl oiirSiii,Ttiitti!( l.ivi-r li"M- j''1""11'. -l.-nt b..nlv my ,; ,10 kiii'orall hv.-r ini .lli m.-. tMii-i,l,.r tt a in,lvitit'i.i..l 'n Itwlr.-OKU. W. Jai-. aux. l'utMtiia. WuAliiiirun. -i:vKltY r.CK.n:-i tlto S tittup In rrd o m nttiM U. II. 1IYIK. W. II.1!MIN(!KR. 1. II. .1AMF.S ALBANY FORME CO., INCOFORA.TBD Calliniorr) r.lork. Albany, Ore. Furniture coiiiplt'tt' Htio of U0i:itTAKI?: - in all it. ImihIuv. EMBALMING arnh.!h. r'iilriif itiiii ; ;e it'lji!; jtii.i Mr siurd rrails), U'awsj sf arc, tried Frallis, Tobncco, sugar, 4'oHee, Ett Cassuest Men. Queennsrari Vegetable. Clgara Spleen, Tea, tic. fee .verytbiu)T tbt Is kept In s gener v.rlcty .nd irocery store, Highest m&rket price peid tor ftl.L KINDS OP PRODUCE DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Artistes, Musics Instruments, Etc. Hodps 4 McFarlanil, Thc Cornei DrugSore,',. Albany, qi WANTED At the store Allen Bros., formerly owned BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BAUON, and CHOICE for which possible. APPLE 3, I will pay ti.e best ca?li 6 F RAMP pne Wall Paper, OriitfM lnintn, OiIh Cilnxt, ICtc A. f II lit 111 II: ALBANY. CREC0 MM IsArMsaA' IlllTf: t'avit.mn(l Trde-M ark oMafwi. nd ill l'U Oun Ornce it OroiTc U- . ptcnt o", 411.1 we can sf ure ju.ent id Um Utus Usvi lemotefrora Wshireton. tlnn. We dfit?, i( T-atftiiatil or r.'t, tree ol tiiarjre. Our.ee not due til! V4nt t secured. a ui "Flow to Obtain ra'iQi.' with eot ot scjve in the U. S. aad hitCiga ctmotrM sent tree. A-Krcxt, Orp. paTTNTOrvrec. Wsn.ntn f. C NEW : PLIPNITURE, MY STORE IS NOW KULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITUREJCONSISTING of bed room'eetH. chairr, louoges, titc.t which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tlios. Brink. The Oregon JLand Co tVltn its home office at SALEM- - - OBEGO. T trie Gray Block, corner Liberty anil State street, branch effice In Portlaio -7-" MAKES a specialty of Sunnysideruit tracts near oalera) Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per cre small cash payment lorg timo on balance or particulars. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSEPH, ProprlctoB', M m .ST 7M Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 per dozen, hnlaielng pictures iSpcclalty. 16x20 crayon framed tor $10.00. We carrv a large stock 01 5x3 and sierescoD'c Ttews ot jt- 4 HI! I.KMl.ZVU rnOTOGKATHERM, eROn- yppw-Ml 'itiT Win notice: of final settlfmeht NOTICE IS IIEItKBY CIVKX THAT THE VN defWT.nl avlminlrtratrix of the estate iA Jhii Orihii, ike.cd, hat fllrd hi tho otllce of tlie clerk of the CoiinryCi.urt of Mnn eouiitj. Or, her flnl sccotint and that at. ooiirt bm apiMiinteJ the l'ih dity rf Manh, 1!1, at the hour f lOo'eW'k k til of paid day. as tlie tluw fi r hcarinir all oltjcction. if nny, to said final account, and for the wtllainsiiit of wild M at. Dattil thii SllnUy of i'uhniarr. 104. II 11 llfVITT, ELItAJirrB (sRtlEaH, Attorney fur Admt. Adnuatatrutrl NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS IIKREBY OIVEV THAT THE VS derikned Executor of the la will an l tctia ii)ntrf Andrvw lthb, doswod, hi filed her Aa aoeoant In the estate of Andrew Hbht iieffeaed with the eotmtjr i-lerk of Linn county. Ore- and that the count r court of taid l.inn count)-, fla d.nl the l'hh dar of March, 14,tth hrsur of 10 o'clock tn the lorennon f aald dar, and the eountr court hnujw aa the rla."e, lor the hearing of ot-tevtlorw tf any to aaia final count and the fenWment of laid eetate. VtM t-Vhmaar 8th, 1994, H 11 HFWirr Atty for Eaerutrix. "X TANTKD Pushing Csnv-tnur of good V V nress. liberal na.arv and rcn.'n paid weekly; Permanent positron. KHOWX uiiijs. ,J.f urBeryrncn.t'ortlana Ure-goa JSF S Hnvn. KxemU-ix, FOR EXCHANCE. V have 30 acres of verr eboice aurbnr- bsn lD(i saitable for plating, aulj noiofi the city HmiU of Purtlaoil which we are ctTer ing at the low price of one thousand dollars per acre, subject to an incumoracce of Sib.- (JtH, mol all of whichhastwo vearn to ran. The equity of ruX), we will exchauge for improved farm land in the Willamette ral ley. ill also exchange equity in aoms very central prope?ttve butinera property, paying aood trntal, fitr unincurnberM farm laud. If ycu ro vn the tradewritp for full particulars tn I."Nu Ct rbie, VM 31 strte: Portland drcgon. t'ffcc- l'it.irj over tin rhioln ir-f Si", lliiik i-f crttf-'n. lUtiiUnic. ovrtirr 1 'th an.! I'aJavvl it. A RENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a Iday selling the greatest kitchen uter. U ever Invented. Retails for thirty-five i-ciu.. j wo ro six can re sold In every house. Millions sold in this country alone. won r. miss ine greatest opportunity ever Known to make money, easr.y and quickly. omr.iJie sens, postage prepa a lor nve cents. McMakin 4c Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE Is hereby given that the an nual meetres: of the stockholders ef the Al bany Building Arnooiation will be hel.l a. store of J Gradwohl, in Albany, on Mon day, March 19th, 1894, at T:30 p m for th. election of directors, ami snch other bun nes. aa may come hetore the meeting. Dited Fob !ttn, 1S94. , F P NUTTINO " "ALE Secretary Dr HE Beers. DriJ.KBec Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to d!sriM o women, lioii's 10 to 1 1 A M. 2 to a ad 1' SBP ,h, 0!?C" nd rtt,ll" Blum berg Building. 1 lrrt Street, between Lycn and Klssrrrth. ' MADE BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS . Alliiinr lo h'an Francisfo . jdJTD EETTJEN i Inc'uding; FIVE Gate tickets To THE FAIR EXCUBSIOfl TRIPS. From San Francisco lo other points In California will be allowed purchasers of special Mid inter Fair tickets at the fol lowing round trip rates To Btatlons under '50 miles from San Francisco, one and uue-third one way fare. To stations 150 miles or more from San Francisco, one and one-fifth one way fare. For exact dates and full partlculurs, in quire of C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or address the undei signed. Ricii'd Gray, T II Goodman. uen iramc Ainn. lien rsenger Agt. San Frarcico, Cal. E P Rogers. Asst fi F & P acrent'l'orl. land Or. DH. EAJIDEN'S ELEOO BELT s 5 J , life 1ATEST PATENTS BfcSf IMPROVEMEHT& WITH ElECThQ MACNETIC SUSPENSORY r)!rTirii Wlrbfiat Nltnu' ail Wnlsi rnultln frca. :aiat1sn of I rata, iirie fcrre,f een-(r iD 'tirrrttaa. xual rihanilloo, ilmiaa. Isikra uertom drtiiltlj, t'r( iu.ilt;i.l..etntll. luii.i.nnn. tiMirs. urrm ill ln-tlii. I . tit ft lie Im-H OutiUlllr' W.mtlfntil liui ri.irncnU irr llicrt, nisi) citci a rurrt-Lt tl t U lb. tact ij- ftlt hi tht dl-atarrss.a,. 1 bcs.on'fl rvr-s, tMjr.-l l thl 1 iar- hwiiirc?.l U--tltn..tiinlj In (1.1. a'lul rvrrt rthrr state iriiimrno) l'ifllUHP Kl ll ll.ll HI v't NhltlJ V . th traltioi.il trcrntlc d wrak tn. ti.y ItVF Willi tM.rkll ntl for llluatratcl Paii tlcU, m.llcj. aalril" rrrv SrUaJKrDramr sjijxjctilio oo " c" PORTLAND 0Es DISSOLliriOH MfTICE. Ti e p&rtneratiip htretofom v.Htin (lom'f a litackminthing liuaiiie umltr r. nttme oto.nmer & nu-rman H (ti-folvwl t mutotl coQ&rut this day. All c'tsimt 0a the firm ur uwidr y it wi.l le stttltd by me 01a nrm ai ttie ahop cm .Vcnrrd street between eny an1 WauhiiiijtoD. 'Mr Crarror retires and Mr Bowman coo tinaeJtherbusicejB, February I, lS!4. Ckamkr iV lt0WMA. nSTtT?"101 "rativo and Nravz Tama aau tl.00 per packare. Pamplca ireo. KO WO ,TnlF!'TOrlto "ra tmss AV AaWiorthoTcethandilreata,Uo. any good." prlcosocts. PoldbyCiuggiwS. .nwSHIk0H'S CiRE: Jy.u!',?L(?'!!anJym promptly eurfl 5?rtS.i.'t2CT '""i. Conaumptionlt bS top, U taken in time. rlsa5sts,Mctili.0 lT- "r. la(l,r,on-H,iiPe P v","' Ctsln.t r,l uif R,,,!,,. i. . .'L .'.....!,hr .':""' SS" '.uir,rv. V u mnhr lr. . . 1 V1'' and 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. J!v0 .waa mar n"'n w--9,,n' r'"" work tirus froi j ,', . . . r th. i own homoi The by.ini i. oy, pit -SrfU . .. . ..lq my. PfTIPriOlTD B.TOll.1': offvrl a2ont. V h . -..j s ... . , tll-BT lit. mt.y wwnnrtit on. P.-ttAn ... ..I,., -j- .s. sivu l, pIVCIBI Willi J iwwafy. No capital renufml. Wecqcln Tr an., hrlp rci to rrn ten times onUanry war "omen a tp..u . . . ... . fn:ik. gno.i pnv. Anyone, anyirhrrf. can do tV l dirertjrr,... EiniMt VOrfc will nnty r.. '1J 111 rrnt Hrmnrs.t. circular, anil-r eel full iLlbrmatloe. K.. Iiarr - ju iL.aciude muiin Willi tl n'i.fr;....t. CEOCE STINSOKtftCO Box 488, PORTLAND, MAIMS: rrssacaeaai