maun B . F J 5 S K i; it 3 1 1 a 11 1 VOL. VI NO .S". ALBANY, OEEGON MONDAY MARCH 19, 1SJU. A Racking Cough Cared by Ayer's Cherry Pocloral. Mrs. P. 1. II all, 217 CtMicssce St., Lockport, N. Y.( ssiys : 'Over tlii vt y years njrn, I remember hearing in.x-In'r ilescrihe llii' wo tide r fill curulTr iVeel of Ayer's Cherry 1'cctornl. During a recent ntiiick of La Grippe, which nssmurd the form of a caturrh, soreness of tlie lungs, iiecom putiUtl by an a?avaliii( cough, I used vnrioits remedies and prescriptions. While acme of these medicine partially alleviated the coughlnE during tho ihiy, none I them afforded me any relief from tifM spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to liudmvu at night. After leu or twelve Mich nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all nlht in my easy chair, a:id procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc curred to mo that I had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took 2 spoonful of this preparation in a little water, nnd was nblo to lie down without coughing. In ft few moments, I fell asleep, nnd awolre in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much batter. I took a teasnoonfnl of th ? Tec toral every night for a week, then grad ually decreased tho dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Eferparcd by Pr. J.C. Ayer .V Co., Lowell, Masa. Promptto act, sure to euro 1111s BotL ilie mrlhod and results uteri Syrup of Fign is taken; it is pleiMnut and refreshing to ,he tato, tunl acta fenlly yet promptly on the Kiilueys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the ays tern effectually, dispvls colds, head aches atd fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is ihe only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tlie tasto and ac ceptable) to the stomach, promj)t in its action and truly beneficial lit its eflijets, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable subttazecs, its many excellent qualities commend it to all end havo niado it the mast popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is fcr sale in EOc and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on nana will pro cure it promptly for any cue who wi&uea iu cry iu ju uu. wtxcpi, uiij substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SHHP CO. Sill FHAMISCO, CL. LOuisiiit'. at. iv tour- .t. LINN rOI KTV UEnOt B4TIC 'OXVEXTIO.V The county convention of the demo cratic party of Linn countv, Oregon, will be held at tlie Court House in Al bany, on Wednesday, April 4th, )8$4, at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates for county o3icrs ; to elect delegates to the democratic state convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. Primary meetings will be held at the usual place of voting in the several vot ing precincts of said county on Saturday, March 31st, ISM, at two o'clock p in. By a unanimous vote of the county centra! committee it was recommended that tile viva voce system of vutingibe adopted by the next convention so far as it may ap ply iu me nomination oi candidates. The several Drerineta are entitled tn delegates as follows: i Albany Center Drawfonlsville Kas Albany Franklin liutte Kox Valley Halsef Jordan Portli J-rownsville North Harrisutirg North Lebanon Orleans Price ltoek Creek Santiam 8cio Shedd Hlielburti Sodaville South Brownsvil'e Soutli Harriaburg South Lebanon Sweet Home. 8 4 6 4 2 71 31 6 n '.'.'.'.'.'.7 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 6 .5 s- .l.ilo of I it ScicntifiB Amcriwitl Ul'-JSJkSlP TRAD6 MARKS, I AValjTLBP DESIOal PATENTS.! Ida. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS). COPYRIGHTS, etcJ For Infrtrmatlon iinil f roo Hnnilboiik wn.ft to MUNN A CO 301 llmiAliWAV, tiKVt OHK. r)lUt bure-m fir swuriui; imlents In America, Fvory PMIi'nt Ir.urn out tr un Is broucht N'fiTO tbp putiuc by a uonc9 given frco oi corgo In tn. J F 'FCED, Svar.?jlist, Of Dr!jMo;n!, Iowa, ritii u ;M.roh 23, 1S03: Med. Mfg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Ortitlnnin ,' Oc arriving hnmo last week, 1 foacilall I well .ind auxiougly a-vaitiug. Oar little yirl, cunt auu ontnif yeflra ol i, vlicn''i wa ted awny to 3S -i UtiiU, ta r.nw well, .iroDg and viitimi , .nil vv:i Jimntn up. S. B. Cuugh k'r h d me it worit well. Uoth oi the cliWilicn ! it. J oar s . IJongh Core ba cured and kept awy all hoaraunua. from tie. li i;ivu it tu every one, with gre-iimn fur all. Wishing yon prouueti y, we are Your., M k ft M J F Ford. Syracuse 3 Taiment & Waterloo J West Albany Total 123 All voters in eai-i Linn county with out .egard to former political affiliations, who favor an honest economical, admin istration of county, stato and national governments, so as to conserve the terests of the masses as against truBts and monopolies, are .-mlially tDvited to join in taking part in these conventions Geo W Wkkiiit, Maut Miller. riecretarv. Chaiiman Pro Tern. TBUHOBAPHIO. A Bedlam. London, March 18. Tlie trades union ists' demonstration in favor of the em ployers' liability bill, and ugainbt the house or lords, was in progress an litis atternoon. It transformed London, between Ihe Thames embankment and tlie further f'cb of Hyde Park, into an indescribable bed lam. The whole district was tilled with workingineu and paupers, brass bands, processions, banners and truekloails of spectators. The weather was discourag ing. A Sertoli. FWport. Skatti.e, March 18. A report was re ceived tonight that the Northern freight train, which left Snohomish Satur day niMit, had been struck by a snowslide near Skokomish and swept bodily over nn embankment 150 feet. Six men nr said to have been killed, while the irain was said to have irone entirely out of sight under the siide in the valley. None of the local oificials of the road know anything of the accident, and they express doubt as to the tru.u of the teport. Troop. WllbilrKWU Dkxvkii. March 18. General McCock today withdrew the federal troons from the city to Fort Logan The proceedings nrr.iinst Mavor Vnnllorn nnd Police Com- uiissioners Rogers, 13arnesnnd Mullins for contempt of court, in having violated the injunction issued hy Judge liranani on behalf of Martin and Orr, will come np before Judge Ulinn tomorrow morning. Seven Kcjxroe. Klllea. LosaviEW, Tex, March IS A cyclone swept over this place at 1 o'clock this morning, accompanied oy nausr.ones oi immense size. The greatest fury was six miles east of here, where it struck the laree country home of John Cain, lately occupied by a large tainily ot negroes. 1 ne House was in an ancient grove of onks, 20 in number, hvery one of thein was uprooted and piled up in terriblo confusion, with dead fowls, dogs and cows, and six dead negroes. . Tlingft Did II; Tacoma. March IS. Louis Marx the German restaurant keeper who was attack ed bv robbers and struck on the head with a sttcK ot stovewood, sttu lives, tnoun tie has never for a moment regained coneious ncss. 'foe doctors have different opinions as to his caances of living Soino say he will live and ethers that he w II die. Highest of aU in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder ABSGOJTELY PURE rK0IIIUITIO.1l p.ktv t'OiXTV cox; I.T11JN. TUe nest oriteasoua. psit drctilatinn of my c I entitle piper in -Id. fi.londidlT lltuatrtlod. No lotelllirent a ilioiild bo wltiiou It, WcpIiJt. M.OO v. l-1.5iiix lnniitli.. A Mre!- MI x -v ' PUjuiAVilid. 3 UroJtiw-- rfw let till. 1.1 OR KKN TtiM ticu!ftr(. ,-f.r hiniHf tore, V l Hie ? ai ..lli-t- lor II you wiiih lo tovl iierri ind cheerful, and romly (or the Surinir' work. uN tiiiu Volir HVitteia With tho Hutvlache ami Mvjt Cure, by takiny to or three lwoi;Rcb week. picf.itft pr botll&by alldruggiit. S SJ.d umlerl positive (niaraatee hy The reason why Al.cock's i'orous ua tera are popular is that they may be relied on to cure. I. Lame back, fctaiica, stlfln'ss twitMng oi the muscles. 2. Chest trouMes, such a pleur-- . pneu- mnnla. consumption. 1. lmMif'Hin, ayspepsio, .tsnet.s, kidney complaint. i he success, however, will depend upon the cenuinjnes ot ins piaster used, m nonu antv o( Alcock s ror-"ut rinstpr ha been so greot that multitudes of imitations have sprung upon everv nana, ine omy sure cure ts to act the genuine Allcock' rorous Piasters. Hrandreth's Pills Improve the digestion. Portland, Scramento. Los Angeles StccKton and Salem have the same insur rates, Albany, Or, Butte nnd Helena. Montana, Halt Lake Ci'y,, and Walla Walla. Wash, and Spokane, have the same rates. The County Convention of the Prohi bition party for Linn county will convene at ihe Court House on Saturday. April 14th, 1S94, at x o'clock p m, for the pur pose of nominating a county ticket and transaction of such other business as may properly be brought before the convention. All prohibitionists of Linn county who voted the prohibition party ticket In 1893 and who intend t support the same In the ensuirg election will be entitled to seats as delegates In the convention. Every prohibitionist in Linn county is earnestly and cordially invited to attend. T I Hackleman, chairmnn of Linn County Cei.tral Committee. BF.K IIERP Paiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. . Buy your groceri of Parkor Bros Pins grodrios at Couu's. New oroam cheese juat received at CcnrnJ Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flian Block, rloee first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M II Klli, uhysioun ami surf con Albany, Orajoa. Cklls mala In oitlor oonntry. ExpennlvoiEcononij-. Some people benrude the little money that nn Allcock's Porous Plaster costt, and then when thev pre racked with pain fiom iSp soreness arislne from ft cold, they will mend anv amount cf money to relieve the pain. If they only had one of these wrrld nnowned nUttera on hand they would be saved a vast amount of suffering1 acid be consideiably richer. At the lirst sljjn of .tlffnes of the jointi applv one nf these plasters witt.out any delay, ilie noreness will be greatly relieved at once and soon disappear entirely. It will be money saved 10 have them 01 hand, t a) noth ing of the cmf jrt they bring. T ACUMMING. T for Infants and Children. HkRTT Tr' c1aTToaon of Uantona, witn mi nimiti aUllena ef EOTOTJJjermi--g,-jaJ'Pal: of U wlth"lt K It la .nnanaannably th Tie.t renwdy for Infant, and Children waria h. vr lrnown. It i. hnri1 .a. Chlldr.n Hh. lt.It kItm thwn nltlt. It will lii-w. In Moth.r..haT. 1 armt.thlng which in .T,lr.talT .afo nnd prottcMy pwfaat.iwj, 1 thlld'. m.dlclne. Caatorla rl eiitToy JWorm Cartorla allaTaFeT.riahnois. Caatorla prgr.nta Tomltlng Sonr Cnrd. Caatorla wtm Ptarrhma and Wind Collo. Caatoria rUT. Teething Trontlga. Caatorla cn.i Con.tlpatlon and Flatnlonoy. gtwta .wtrrilmi thw effect, of oarhonlo aold a. or yolaonon. air. Ca.rla & not contain morphln.. oplnm, or rth.r nareotlo proporty. ,tori naalmll.t.. tho food. T.golathgma.h ..d howal el-rlnff henKhT and natnral .loop. CHi,ria 1. pnt np In on.-tro hottlo. only. It l.notjold tn Wit. lion-t aUow aironJgjUyonjmythln el- on thojloa or prondj; " c.'atm"inlM nond"and"wfflan.r oT-err pnno " B. i,at rm get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. THE H"IUX WA Commends ilarlf to Ihe well formed, to do p'easantlv mid effectually tvh&t was fo:m erlv done in the crudest manner and dis- .ijrecaDly as wen. 10 Cleanse tlie system and break up colds, headachea and fevers I without unpleasant after effects, use the ilglightfur-Hqttto-laKiHYC remedv,-giyrnp-of -Figs. By using Hill's Hair Renewer, Rray, fade. or discolored hair asbuinca the natu ral CJlor of ,outh, and glows luxuriant and strong, pieasing eveiybody. Tho nnde"ii-ue.lf pro priatr nf the Pinnwr House deffirea to inform the public thut bt has reduced the r rice of boird wttliout lod)i:ng tn If J- per wei , with loduinK$ portrait. Siiiirle mjal. 20 Obnts. The puiilie is invited lo call as I keep iiooil bfri anil rut a jrnod table. Have tirwnnrl fur sain. 0mfr of Broidalhin and Vattr treuts J 11 -Mr.r.iA For all derangements of the throat nnd lnni. Aver'a Clurrv Pectoral is the speed- I1..1 and most rellabla remedy. Even in 1 be advanced stages of Consumption, this wonderful preparation alfords great relief, checks cougning. ano inauceb mcep. "Almost as Palatable as Milk" This is a fact with regnrd to Scott's Emulsion of Cud Liver Oil. The di!lerrr,ce between the oil, in its plain stale, is very apparent. In you delect no fish-oil taste., As it is a help to diges tion there is no after ejfca except good effect. Keep in mind that bcott s iimulsion is the best promoter of flesh and strength known to science. ER&arcil.bT Boot A Borpfi..y. Y. A" draaaltta.. . The rcacirr.i uf tV.'.s I'apc-r vi!l he pleased to !Trn that there is wt least one dreaded disease To preserve a youthful appearand aa long as pDrstble. it is Indispensable that the har mould retain ra natural color and f'r.ess. There Is no preparation to iC'jdive a, Ayre's Hair Vigor, It pi events baldness, and keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy. MvU science lr. ii'n aWe to cure iu nil IW sW8es.i.d tli. t is lalarrl, Hall-. Catarrh 5,77. i '.un-.v. . it-.. Piifctnmrn in the nit'd- ical fraternity. Catarrh iK-inn; a coustitutignal j:- -,.,,! -no n. Anstililtiniml trfUtmCIlt. Hall'B Catarrh Cure is liken internally, actiiift directly upon the blood and mucous HUrfuceR ot the system, tnerenyuesiroyjuK Tu . li! ofthediseagfe.nndBiviniTthe patient "renffta by buildine up the constitution and assisting nature tn doing iu work. The proprietors have bo much fflith To its curntivo powen. tnattliey offer One Hundred Dollars for any cae ttat it moniniR. fail- tn u.n. Hnnfl fnr list OI test: Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo ,0. Sol a Nr Draggl.-' n&c- Dr. Price's Cream Baking ?owder World's Fair Hlzhert Medal and Dllom - Thousands of lives arc saved annually by theuteof Avcr's lectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping co'tgh, the Pectoral has a ;not marvelous effect. It allays in amn.atloii, frees the obstructed air oasgnge ind contio s the desire to cough IJldjrlv people remem'jer their sprin bitter with a shudder. The present yen trution have much to be thankful for. not the ''"i of their blessings beinij nucha pk-ai.titnd thoroupitly tffective spring medicine as Aie-'$ Sarsaparilia. Itia Dr. Price's Cream Bckfns Powder World's Fair Highest Award. A s'Llld l.njor Tnt-pleasant fljvr. nent'e act'i'Mi anu soolhinj; effect o Sru ot Fig, when in need of a aatlve, rii1 If the father or mother lie costive ot bilious, the n.ot gratifying .vj'is follow it use; so that it is the hesi iamMy leinedv known and every fi nllv should hv a bottle. I fi'iii -n 4 Viniit-if MPit uu lived f'; l-jpp-i.y tc-pi'l nter, yellow skin or kid ifiv troiif.le. ir- is vnartnUed to ijivn yoo t:i-tAovti. riw 75 Slid by Kshny & Murtc aiynatiire cf i ec trrrry wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. There Is no claim made lor Aver'sJ which cannot be endorsed by scores ol testimonials. This (act plainly nroves that the blTOd is the sourc- ol most disorder, and that Ayer's Sarsapnilla Is the best of blood purifiers. Trv i. this .Yionth AltMaT'arkef. "Vlin1 !) Oiw, 2.1'. I our. j3.'. "utter, 'ilia. IVk !,r., i In l.V Porlc -lum. ijl'ilri1 ahoilldo. l I . II to I to itay. ha el :7 "o Mom. rp'ei , 4 tll IH,. Dried f.-iilt pl i ns'-'r. 3J. f I'hii'kons, . i Oil pe i)-i4u, Batf nil f, (, r Una;., dn .t. b'A". WrUUINO NVITAVIOS8. Wooden, Tin, Ki'.ver, Uoldeu (lon.mon every Hay. iajyHMiLEV. Ki.iloh's Cure, tne itreat ooinih and cruop or, is fur aa'e by if. Pi-ck -t aire contains wea5.-tivi d-MeSfOiily 2j . i..u:.arca l;t'e,lt oahav & Mosi n. llai.'a Hair Renewer contains the natu ral food and color-matler for the hair, and medicinM lieilii lor ;aln, curlna fjiayness. baldness, dandruff, and scalp sores. Whatever may be (tie citise ol blanch ing, the lull miy be restored to its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kinewer. V.ecf!c Cue i 1 t-.: '. ''air.. ' llaa-.C.!-. i. j. me.!' V'e t :. j ti ' . CI; : f'ir'X - ret! 1:": '. v:-.irft Tin' i VALniin. Kr P'.IS. Tol'-ll: IlnM s -!! . ine ilirectl : frti- of I he ' by all Ui ui n'.i a alllSI .. i. ..-d .icl!ar3 XU:warU fr r'i i cr.not be fur?d by . -. O., Tto:.s., loieilii, 0. ........ '..avj i:uoivn r. J, : 1.. .'.-i, and believe blm ..sir.cs transactions : t ..:. ul any obligation TK1BITE. While It Is over thirty years ago Allcock's Porous Plasters were Hrst lnro-r1.i-..d in tne medical profession and pub lie, lbs marked tuccta and unprecedented popularity which thev met with not only conllnues, but seai:hv Increases. No ol her p'aslerh have been produced which jflln so manv tesiiinonlals of.hUh value as tliose continuously accorded'..) Alcock's Porous Pla.'ers, and the onlv motive for these excep'lonal t'ibu'.es lies In fact of their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal prepar.n.m of superior value. Addi tional proof of the true value of Alcock's l'orou Piaster, lies In the fact that Ihey are being largely imitated by ti'acitipu lous perMini.. who teck to deceive the pub. lie bv offerimt plasters which thev rhilm lo je the souie,' 'equal, 'us good." better,' bist potous plane'.' etc, while it is in general appc.irence only that Ihey r.-Hin. hie AllcockV. Kveiy one of th- so calleJ porous plaster, are iinllallor.s of Ah ock.s Porous PlaMrs. Avoid J ;i tt w n a tern . a! m o Inf .-rior and v irtilen plasters t'u' -puichased bv 'he n at (own'-' f -r th purpose of subf titution. "Vvfo 1.00 per Bottle? Oneccutadoae. Tms Ofiat Cotofi . t:. m1. V: I its.Tolcf.o.O. iv I- 'tiVfTi Hternally, act : t;Of.m and m'.t-iu r mu. 7.k". p.T hot lie bold ,. 'i.nnlals ireo. WAR Em Out! The ,av tod.i it 1st take your wash ing to the Chinamen. If you want you. work wf'l done at living prices take It . Richard V PhHIlpV Steam haurdr , Th-y know how without banging the" round pr V. iihb nromotlr cures where all othere fall. Coughs, Croup, Bora Throat. .Hoarseness, wnoopinr wouga sua Asthma. Fur Consumption it one do nvai; Throat. Hoarseness, 1 Astnma. ror consumption it bb uu has cured thousands, nnd wilt CUR TOO If tRken In tircft. Fol't bv lniKffiss on a BUAT- onteo. For n Lnmo ltack or Chwrt, use SHiLOH'3 BELLADONNA PLASTER .250. OH ILOtfS, CATARRH lTftvo y'i Catarrh V Tills rrmedr is onaratt teodtu euro you. rricu.fiJcta, Jnjccturfreo. Thin or gny hair fc.-d bald .ifiplesi.ig n many people as age nav he ucintt Halt's Hvertfd for a long ime air Renewer. SfBOS, fcO mail g of When Baby is sick, ws lfa her Oattorla. Tben she wa. a Child, sho cried for Cjttoria. WThen alio b-f -ne Mlaa, ah. clunir ti Castor: '. Vften she bao :Tilldren, she tliem Cnatorl. fiedCrownMills joi;k isom, proprietor. b rHorr-fi. ei.tMiH hi'7i:kiii.. ro. -fi. Ann akkiu irt, IKS'!' U'!;m Ai:H.: "foshay a mason. VVOLSLAM SMU RSVAII I)rwgibt8aiui Iwuitaellets, r poi.ta for John B. Ainu ' i ill". Jou. airh swll at ptibllk.r'a j ririi MtMaflartdet. REVERE : 'HOUSE- Ub'ANY .P.nci I. Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair AS. ! I r.lrrH l :i.iv ;;ti The only I'ure Crc nf Ttrt ir J'nn-iicr. No Aiumonia; No .I w. 111. .llciarlanda DBA! KR IH - I Harness -and - Saddlery,; Display in Used in Millions cf Homes 40 Years the Standard. a if i I' ' s :1 I' I c .it