I I 5 1 ytrtlvy gemocrnt. Agents WASTEDooiUrTasjComrniscicii or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED HM of JAMES G. BLAINI By Gail Hamilton, hit I rr iecaor. with tb t-L"rtii c' i - i y. ni f. Mr. titin' Comtil-i W 4 Twixr. Years of io.ctu," ai ta'er rB, 'POLITICAL DlSCCaaJOXS ' Ow for theee 3 rr-r selliso - i tne mar feet. A K N c-i le..l ok U2 oir frMn tm UO ca.I; -eit - i otii llrS 0 Mr-R-Iiard f O. t. k 15 o dfr. 13 Roina, id 1 dat : profit $.3. E X Rc of .M ifi Ux-k. 27 :-rJ-r in 'i Am profit 4T cl'i J l airi-i ' V u. 43 rd-n ot.VU.k. o., 53 ofiU l.w; prrrt r'x -Lr'VE TtKBiTOkY ieo. IM LAh-.E M- " V wr.tt ;rx,m 1 Ardr for terx to LtlI;BrDilIPflb.Cn..THrirh.rona 1 :.- KIDNEYS iro i -.. 5j:,:i;:r .:::..-.. :. I- :i of ;! 7":r I. yvu ji:or : '-I tUa tf in:r tr. ! r...:.-rl i.i- tou a j.-.-. ..ak. a:ij b.-. c i..v. a taA 0!-:r-a c-a r- J..n; : ii in bur li:::-r. If YOUR DAUGHTER'S 1 a::a u.:y cr ar. ' - 1' !.-. all n:a i hci ur to-n icht, Are You ar..! k.l iM 3 Idelicai N-'i:!.- Eistcrsjb'-.ihii? J:.-'-. ri'-Ij :nc sir..-:..- y :a ! . I t;4:... 1 a.i ! :r I.ru liarU. r n e w i-roi: f Gc4 a boiile iiov. B-jJ yc u. cr.t ftA.p to A 1. I'-r'.-rziv t- ft.. FOR Haee f- tr s.rt.,c. J3 to fciisti. & ere nDil Kra:n. Sfinl tefci ta ci--g ''? ' r t:o- :s 1; ir .la cor.vnctcd in Tojtj). WKAK MEN &r fo lbltlir or ihuu(loD n'atlnv Weak I'-TotB-titry Lmk ;tti ll.-irlr lie ey In 1 ottntfBTAl Mlddio Ard. Ucfcc f rwor ar.d r.re-:ti. w in xul cr .r. trrj-pfl 3I4 Mkr.jj.vxaicrtir in ap; nirta.-.a o;j a.o. VMEN V E CTKB wo peax frrj knowirUe of remus la rcaxf tLoo'a;-d cae UcsteJ ird enrwj In UepaM r;ii ysr. Lmrrn'.h'OoI m:r-iuc.ra Vim. h AKRTV BOU HLt MtllH A I l;i PAHTILLE tre&tBieci l one vbMb O'CiitJtnda iiei( to all t ait lo pcraorA i x ILe Tvxm .1 Uuxl C supply It e;-n;i irjcflvc.-entof il Talue. N'Hhtr.tf in thw arc! ?en t-jond a pttl car.1 nd a. twj -nt pi'!Uieitf'i.?liwted. Ttie rtal - ird far tie in ?-r. lrri: 1 ;beir lui! wUrva . the p-.t-ve mrup fj.rt.ie letter returnir; ho BirciTit cf ue r cat( wb u wo ui'!r itx-m wr.h q :t t,- a bir.k. to t-j 01 1! or.L.an'l it ki;llnxMl Crre! lax 0 tn rttun. jig It wbca C;J. i "T w 1 a t-n o r;ctre iie sintctsest fi1 V6w0n blar.k we prcrro i:tt dajn. & TPIAL : -nt find f-rwirt 11 iuvl 1 Z. . a ptv-4mtf n-rttKiK-. Alonv witb ih tTTra " it m;h! fuild!rifc,m f-.r uinff. iri treataiit cau. no pm or InconTeai&acf- ax.4 d-e Dot irui jltetilK-D ObuMQU. We lesTv the mail: cif ndU:g orders votlrclf Willi tb -?c ir.(r the fretruJ tre-Cr::ent. iiiT Ictf atuP'sl lb o aendlrf fur tr.al packafft.w ci our htK.-.'f lo tr.or.t tl.om we fel tfiai ttwy are nnre large'f li)ir-stod ihan oorlTe to CQUnm. e tLo :ecf the lauIfm, We tu&ko theprlr. lt-a pgsjiMc.ai! the in?tonM. Tfcy ar aaf f-.O i'-T 00 tr.r.QUli joAt lr twu ta-.atb; fK-U3 f jr reo nKTtha. Wea- all prro n ncoicj treatment t aeixi their ad lr n p- or by letter. A!! ea-.u-el?l!"r, f- r iil atvl rtroqld t a Idiviuw-J to THE HARRIS RtMEWCO., MfK.CMmw'ata rULKAUlJ EXEC.irrRs XTll' KIS HKKE! NOTICE V GIVKX ih.t lh- .1 if., M .1. :..t will I. hu ' t r. r 1 . .LO ard hi .1: ! 11 -. h.i 'j- : . Tin- J. ! K . , f , ' V r K . BILIOUSNESS :. r.-.tu:;fj : xuu i:i;-c:v THE r3YENTI0'i AN3 CURE IS cr j"AMor. v.i..:i g;ve3 ;. -t'., u to tLo Lv. r aiii c ': ;:.o 1 y a ir.:'..I :r.ovc f tLc l:-tiv!i. It i- -jr- Iiu :.' g;.::v P.'M;,':r.., I at y..v..y i.o t.iiitaoa ;-nr.nv i a k,.v. o- 7 t,,ip In r,l or npnrr, I. Zl.ll.l:. to. MU J ARE You'l I;T nrrr:r.:h!-k, jf ;-.:: I -o: v.-:..r..:v...rl:..'i K :! su-!v.-::.i-1 - r : :, t f 1 f.-. ra ta is-1 l :.- KIDNEYS rs fc V tr !n of 5 ! rj I'.. 1 cr.:t: FACE i I -MMSBasQ ! I W i I v. cr .nT. 1 E ki SHERIFFS SALE. In (A Cirtuit Court of Uu Stat oj OrtfO for tk Cot$ of Li. D M O.born & Co, Pontiff v S P Barger and and Sarah BargerU wife, Delen Jan's N.-tiee i herebv eiven that bT virtue of I an execution a-d order oi tale Ju'v Utuerf out oi tne ac named court in the above entitled ut to me directed and de livered, I on Satarcay the 7th daj of April, 1 V4. at the liont door of the court hcu in tne citr of Albany, L!nn Countv, Oregon, at the hour cf I o'clock p ra of a:d day eil at public auction for cath in hind to the h:ghet btdder, the real prop erty c?cri:ed In aid execution aad order of io-it; Beginning at the north- we,t CJfner cfH L Brown' donation land ciairn no-.lricaiion r.umbrr :(.:!s in to I 14, outh Rmge 2. et cf the Willam I tfe Teridian. in Linn County. Oregon, jt:. tr.ee can cra:n, thence o-th 9 chairi.thtr.ce r.or-.h to wt r Chun. ! ti.er.c? tnu'.ii S.5, ett I6.50 chtins, thence zorf:i O'j (.' jj cain to the p ace of hcrti?, excrp: 3.ij arre on the ea cf ti r trac decced to W R Kirk No ' vember fy.h. iWj, reccr-ed In volume 50 Onpa- 2js ot ths rcordt of deed for ; wii Linn orn:v, Tne procecf aritr.g I from ;a;d s!i :o fce app ted r: to the ' pavcrt cf tr.e co 01 ar.d upon ?d eie : tu'ion ar ! t:.e origal co: of taid ait taxed at Second, to payment ' to the p aim::7 D M Ufcborn Co, the j ium of siZ'i.yj ih intereM hereon a: 'hz rae cf 10 per cent per annum f cm t:?e :5 - dav c j (vto'er, iy3, and te I Jr , .v.r jtj of i oj aHorp-ji$ fee and j :he overp;i-fc f any to be paid to the S2;d defe-.dint P Barker ! Ui'.ed tt.u 7'h C2y of M.rch, 1 5 C C Jackcn. 5.i.er:3 c! Linn CnUmv Oregon. Gladstone has 1 A clear Head! VHV? Because be felloe ihzsc mltj: " Keep th head odo!. the feet r-ann. azd the bovels open." Yea can have a clear Lead and lire to be titrr if roo do t.e same thirj. Vhen the beweii fiil to rcre d: in g the d.iy take on retiring two Smith's SttsX Bi'.e Beans. Their ection is 0 mild that you are not aware cf it. All clay your mind will be clev and cooL "Nota pnpeira barrel cf them." Ask for small lize. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans 1 HOTH CF APPOINTMENT CF EXE- UUIKIA Notice I borebr ptven that tb under feitcne'l han been by the County Court of Linn Conut , "rnon, duly appointed m executrix cf th lat wii) and t stamen -f Nncy hltf.fr. d wm, and all pe on bavirc cla m agir.t naid estate will preo-nulie same cu.y verified a rfqulrefl by law, to the underignj at the 'aw oJ)(e if B a-knrn A A'aton, ii Albany. OrtKoo, within aix month iroin the dte href. Albany. Or, Feb lV'-h, Blackburn A WatJion Matilda J Kinc At for fcx-cu;r;x. Executrix. Sjutit we';nett thit tired fee'ing lo. of appetite Rid nervous prov.raiion are driven away bv Hood's Saraparilla, like mlt before the morning sun. To realize the beneiit of this g.eat medicine, give it a trial. Sure, eiBcieM. eav !Iood's Pills. rtfldeni . . , Vk trMiJ(i; A-iir .L, W. LANGIMJ.S j A'AOl . Kr.Ki' .ul;nI to htk. HlGUT HA'uK ard tl rapaic trat W r, w.U 'c Vu:k, md rrutcico. Cluaawa ail t nij. - X A.Zr:iOX$ ADEoa tatoraa. aricj MEirrva . K BLAis L. Fuai E f . Sox. i IS &e mind that xaakes the man. said Watts, bm modern cUiif ucy Uiia. and give the credit to the tailor. It is quev.ion aV.c. however, if cither ore Food bas some claims 3i" 5fl 3 ;li 3i u; this respect. therefore thoM parents who would bnild up js thephvsiqueoftheirchildrea I it .irict aacauon 10 tucir d,eu Children are all l.ind of pastry; for this to be hcaiJi fcUy prepared. !I S ROTTOLEHE snust be acd us aahortesifi. It is Recommended Pt jrt ty the best Cooks. 9 J Conu!t your physician cp on its licaialifuiiicss. ja 1 --T- lud fr-T.l...n- Jj Lit . nj jaxt:u;tK nue? waou. ' 4 o-K-itrt H :.! hr a, ffrvrm. Cjj 1 i - a.. . i ru Ira. r.'.;;. ".Rcamu co., e- I Mil.- il if - Oregon Pacific BaihodJ, - Ift CLAKk. Belr. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. HoeiM hi j F.bT :-, II rvb 11, iS, aad Sift, The Com pa n vTf lb ngnt t. r)zilin2 dat 'thont ootir. For freight a"d piv:njer r-te app y 'o any atent. Chv M J Uto irr. S ! i C. So l C- Cik rer::rrr, C-rrl:i Osf-n. SUIT LAKE. DENVER, CHICAGO, ST, LOUIS, EASTERN CITIES. 91 ?)2 DATd TO CHICAGO hours mmr PULLMAH AND TOURIST SLEEPEHS. FREE ?ECLINia CHAIR CARS. DININCCARS. S H H C'ark, Oliver V M: - k, E EUf Andcrton, Receivers. For ra.eand eeneralinftrt mation ca'l onoraddresa Curran & Monteith, Albans. Oregon, cr W H HL'RLBL"RT,A.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt. 254 Wahini(ton St., Portland. Uki6on LPKy IUSTITDT5 ALSANY, OHEOON trt Tern vpeaeJ fteptetaiber fir -AT i oorpa of Instructora, QLA jSiCAL, SCIEKTIFIC, LITERAL COMMERCIAL AND K3RMAL CLASSES. f:r o: tady trranz l- rx if a.i (rade oftudfDt Priu t flr.ivma;f tftrti to tua from air-!. v. S.LI1RKT C DIT Skin Eruptions PaT-d s'ra'ii'.ar by i.YXurc bl'O. which wilij rult in a rr.-re dreaccd cisei;-. Unless rttnoved. slicht ir rarities i i . I r . ' s - - r- a wi i Q-rve:o in:o croiuia, tcze- t ma. Salt fcheumaad other serious J resmu ox Bad I hare fcr scrss tie been a s-r:irtr frf-m a fcrtr- '.- troase. tor w.uca I : iir rrmT rernedies that n-.e no good. I hTe - tt :i5cn four t:ttls of Blood t?rXZ3i w-'h tbe most wt aNJTMl eajcrsff the bet he-Alth I a I TOar.ds ar5 ir.y fnrd mlt iS?t nTer sv me u wed. 1 aa iei:re a "t- 311a- itm . ti'i.L,, Corcnata: t.V afcl-aj-. . i. D. C ' Our Treatise on Blood ani ?k:a Dueaaea I nulled free to an; accreu. j SWIfT SPECIFJG C0...ASW1. Gj. T" aH t tst ctaec-fjauEaoo ALKANY COLLKUK.::::: Catalogue A l '.re, REV. E. ;:. CflNPil, 'ETHERFOBI R BULTEr nunt .iir. Off " WRIGHT, LI j w mi r t: f : L. A" i' .OSHSVE ::.l liLKMiN. A:!3rr.ey5 a. Lw. Albiny, Crtgoa r. inmBERLii:. n. n C. I) K. J. I- HILL. :n-..l f: OF- Hi jir - r J 1-; ia!'. with d-vr:?. :i ixit ett fcitlcaalt Il!ttrat:c tiit iacrsft. aot mr.-Titf. - - j r.r ;c rr--. .' . L.:. a j-'.-i 11: ;'- mi kxatx l: j--:- . . i - .! ti.. i ir.ci - r r r'a-id r-- f r If ."-a 1 Tf a l rr.nii , -.-Li : . -h r:iT r ''.flee:. 1 - -t: f r; J Cul rr.i rr rutei. JAMES VICK S SONS, C?Lcter. 5. T. J OF ALBANY, OKKOO, TRANS A'.T a re-.-r.: Buinj nint RAW SIGHT D?.FTs on 'cv V Tk. San Ft o co ar.d Pr.:ar.i, u.-eja. L 'AS MO.VES" C3 a: ;rcved nr..j RECEIVE d:--t riji u. check. OLLBCTIyNstiakJ t fai. U.-3J. INTEREST oaii co tilts dof4t i; AK OF K'IO. CIO, ORPOO!. .. J Mvja . A J J-H EAST AND-SOUTH. the shas'ta"-route: Or 1 Hi. Southern Pacific Co. Evrei Trur. l:e F:n'i.-d IHi'j -r.riin Jt id ail :ti a frooi n 1 t j ii)Wf n-.'lu'iv.. U 'laa i.'Ji T.Hir'-ibr?, Jarimo's IrviQii. K icn anl mA :tijn lAitru mail, ?a:-T M'. i i ! L P -r-.aA Ar l.-4fiLT A 'wit LT'liJ'H L'.Tk j Ar E.birr ;Lt I T i saAJO. :V?a tr r I ie-ni to I Ar t L j : a 1 .vp I Lt Aim Ar .-C9aalAr Usas-- Lt f PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. -AND Dininz Cirs on Cjden Route. SECOND-CLASS SlEtPINS CARS Altatked Uall Tkramxk Trala ataTftrCV rwKlLSB A (ORlalLia Mall II JittT (Eir Staar, 7 ll Lr litis r j Ar ! ?! r ra 0rrajl :4 'F 1 f r .a- 1 1 t5 if I S ' Thronp-h Ticket - r.v i - - i at FT cai v traaa, A -t .' ; ra- tra t h E P. v.E wt r. j .. Dtrpni7F HQM INSTITUTIONS. A tH.41-1 r" m FARMERS & HUTS HIICT ;. Alksar, CKAi, PranidcaU J L OOTaS. Treaurar. i-owan o FSlnp.o. V P Ki, D B Vunialth.M tiaranotx 4i W cu tt J e W..i4.fljrJ. 0 J !tott Vrluman. - . AL.o t)I-TKT AT. ITT fOK . several Solid Eastern and Foreign Compart HAVE YOU TR1EC DFIUSS AND FAILED i to rixn a cire roa Q RHEUMATICS', LUMSAGO, SCIATICAj KIDNEY, LIViSR and ELADDKR COMPLAIHTS. OYSPEPSIA, LAV.C-SACK, Kr rs sas.ncu nrf.T9'r,riT -': i'-. Oar 500 finr bco;. i 1 bi!ddeneeit rr. '.: ir.r r , nf uvri"r.ji. i T'wr. r r r.jnl- Ct &.Lit C.jTes:r-.L.. i ' SVS !Ir . Dr. A. T '(l L.-..r " tro.;t: J wrh ir-" n a trr tix 1 te-ehc?. p-. to .r t.t in- ta-i a- ! i.f ltr q l t.a !: cj, Ir.'.j jv.rt. H. A. lij ".." RHEUMATISM ANDUVS --LJ- I..iS-.. Dr. A. T. v. . Iw :?;-! tj wk? atro fcrrh'-m.at.i' a. f: -i ATM'tn. jra. l"jr"li"t- - :e r. i h i ro a--; to w . Y ;:! ;;.? -lo.v peri'Zt tJ-t m th -o t I e c d les 4 f m.&r;-. y, &r; ice. a r.- n-i . i-r.(r-.:. M. k-HUGIiLS. Fr ; n t.r lMr-i:oci lw. KERVOUS OE81L;TY-.OS CF V1COP. T.A.T canfT,,.j.a. -ir: -i bttTt) m rifia- -ar t'.'.nc belt for (:;rl n-r.D :oiit? . i.r. 1 . Oet.i-r l ha-. I Lt fr u jar. 1 LaTgiui IB Tuor dalajtacl mu i-dci m jrerr -ixhtti,':7. CEAS.LrTTKA. THE DR. SAMDEKvELECTRSC EEL' a aMnT"iri:Tarr.c cattery. a-sa ir.' & b)t tc tcriuDcird.. Tr.j are " is T--.ir. :. :.i tr ?; c..tf .! - cjuj .a iwior tare n 2 VI t.u bU ibo RflANHCCQ i. yultir FromTerminal or Interior Puihts th I th line to tI:e To all Points EAST anl SOUTH : ri in Ut niMXIJ CAR Knt TF.,; II rnn Thrnnih VKSTIBl l.- y.i ikuvh i vi.ui iitv I iia tbe Year to I ST. PAUL and CHICAGO tiO CHANGE OF CARS." Ciimpiiyl nf Cinim' f ars L"iiurji3.ss-J Pullman I'mirin; ll-i-tm S! p-s Of Latest Equinni'':!! TOURIST SLEEPiNS CARS. .1 ci.: -ic:-; r.l an I ia 1 -i 1 a n 1 r.t 1 1 4 b r( i 1 i ' i 1 a I fr tr of F.m or Soul ? tir a . i ELEGANT DAY COACHES. I jh; an; fj r. )3iii;;ijT al Lima, afsriinj Direct 21 Dnmcerruptei Sarvlca. PcKma-i 'rr rrvaJ?n9 cai b wrare-J Iti a-irtjc tbmcgb any of tb roal. rHROrVfh r'.CKEK t- an1 from tl: Poin3 im Arr.lc - Enz'ani ana Enrof cad r pareA-i at m tketfflo9 of ib:a covpto?; FuMicfrmati-ni coornlns ratw.tini train 'nauaal oihr J:v faro tohl oa applicat-ori Ut any avnt or A D CaARLT-V. i a.?itnt GcrT Penzr A::t 15o 121 Firat Sft, trr. Wah:ni:oo, ' Prt an i. inzon. 7 Hi X . .r . -: AXLE : -T 1 ? rt-. t up - IKl.i.i , l4. l.UVi.1 HbuiL.t t:; l Orfa J O WRri.iMAIT. 8eciMan Geo F HIM WON, Vioo Piwl loob y .. aP-IA'S t-.F.i TT If FF.I.f ': re r . fc:. a ri-: ,: e- ntv, . iifi' I. Jri !tf:i.-r.5fof if. '. r-'.y l-a-e tn a.j drav ' r f "?rv f- rcar. ' v i -'-vf- - i elecricl:y at1 tj. .' . ' C;c : J' At ess- r JacK ! ? r, . - s I ) J ri-t ino yonr ?:mts c.tr.r.. i. drftinr-a, v h:co are rt. i :r..m ,ib, t , i wij K-j.if.'iLef: up jnc ta.:h. itrt: rh r.r.-l .n r wi 1 t- i.w ?t fiiCtf. 'Jin i- ' rr i .-i trtatne; . arl a i-iir-'j. s cire r rtJr.i u -tj i- 't.7"," . t ti-r-at tf er.-y Tai.ft . p it m" cri'' II tit is c himlh ;.t j-:.1 i .nrfiT::; fs'l'-J. a ra ;i-. w - . ,4- : t"'''?. ir.a U i w r-. . .t.; a::-.r .x-j; jj Beit A v-: r. c:je"cu! . ! lACCN P.HE'JMATISM. r-.. : .-.r - l-rjr,- r Y-ir t ? ex;-jt . t:.;'.ut, a- i)ii.r cintl !iL;'.a;l. . l. jir. 1 -o C3 r -'atx. u all d? .bi .r :f Tf r !-.:. It i. A r .u . i -t i ) . J T tdn-t to w- r n feri -qj i. o.a I I iic .i -c t it- I -?r n tay tif. j I K- '. L 't j .d I ko f 1ms c! d- i wha r t i (nra (j i. jlnr ob- n3 i:. T.d if .;v -. it-) .t tbr w-.d ;m4 it '.h u? m I li : b t in 1. I -ta ,ora:l b.Tt t-r:i nrl;.. ir.fr-: 1 ! ci isttikn-Ui aa. ote m K M .:T il 1.M1L. Harlaw Ectal Poraoi LOST V1TAUT r.:IO STRF.NCT.I. TJ-. A. T. P-.r-. Pvr f-ir :-t-itf w-ai..o tcI r. I Lu?i- c.-.-a j 'a3td. 1 ft-l ti :!l ma. 'Tu .3 1 Tsiurri": tii l:.r a c ..(.-- ot lie u.-ra rj i. -t tta-.r ; i'f-ct, ai ( ca h-t f -r : e t V -r. 1 1 -1 tata W t tfof .Mb": aj toMn-i ; ra dorirj w.rk or ttrct. r.ntf tt a a wck r-jt or wf.irf't upfcaorTt t" crtai-: tv.'-a Ter riT-?i weak n '--i.ar.4 If a or i v . or .uunrr aJ' cum f vreAtcos iljbj, a-tvj itr iaU icrufmy,. n. 3BDAi3-.yi?:r.!r3i, P31THH3. 01 8" IA y : I .tH'-n ra - 'i'' Tri v3' K uca V.-;.-;3 Unotua tba CUD fa CUP.E. riSSTOREDi; SERVE PEn. 1 ,n wunJeif ul rcmedV e.nk M.-T..orr.Io5!i.f i;ratn a.-:u:i rrrr. exrire u-- i.f tn'jacr . uplara tir itHn :..,.a!'ili - Jt ::t. i i.r.ton:ptl-n or li:nntiy. (an i" cnrr.'-l in I t ir ! t. II ,t. t-y rusil iir.Mmii". wltti a order wo a nrMlrn iiariintrlnturmr rx-funil th money. t'M trail i-t. A- f, r ::. tar- 1 r-- r. W rl l-rf w Vt ii -k f nt ..uwratix r. At-Or-M EUVE JKtl)ro.(Miv.i.:, T :?A mLiau. T ' - - - !.;'- v, w hi a v I '-u.- mjf Tortures IW ci kMn EOZEi And jet lives in Irr.torahcs of the fact that p. sin-Ie if plica tion of ths clt:;lr reme dies, will, in tlte mrjj.-ity of cases, affuru ir.ytant rc;;;f, per mit rest atiu sleep nr-.j ptint to a rpsedy, r;-rmaner:t, and economical cur;, when the best physicians an j til other rem edies fail. CLTICVRA Works Wcnders, and iu cures of tor turing, disfiguring, ar.d humil iating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. '4. Tcmtr. pnrt .P- : n. a. AJ maj.d frv. .. rar:l BIrail.k-a,;ai:'.c,aa!ratl m. !- t: jr r-i ; r,T34 tj Caticara mm;. Ner 0US Irj;ar.lT r'.;tTM a : atl ..., 1 r Pla.tr, bwau- It tv uscuiar u:. u.. Hnr f..n ma eakness T.eMiaami,at. o.-t. asd lNTmMr?rrAt Mric Hi-'!e Warner a iradutt o the c-nc;-a-orT connfCt(j ,:,h (-,; '"'! -S i-;ruTen'a: tn'usif t Co - n Ir .ici. tit' . Ci J'-. P.- f H s w , r--. s-d Mr. !,--!' 1 -r . Dr. Price's Cream Baking wU i F'- llnt Mrfa. ar tl .