ull 1 every l:ty in the week cxcupt .Sunday. '.TFKi MT WO, Editon and Fruj'r Fn:il ! Hie Port Ofllce t Albtny Oregon, hh m-enml claa mail matter. ontourr ootriia FROBI G- "W HIUa COOI HVBHTITfO Who Did It Asvway. Tlio Lebanon Kxpnwj nys: Tlio gnuul jury has again ivlufil to indict John Mark for ImriMriz injtlie lion of his lirotlier.Wm Marks. Uy this action tun grana jury retusc to ueueve to be tnie tlio ciiariftH that have been twice made iy Mr Murk' family anil by himself. This Hocoml retinal to helieve tlmir story sliouM xatisfy them that in the Iwliuf of the jrr.mil jury it wan not Jno. Mark who lilaccu uio.su urucicx ill junn 8 ueu uuu mi l,r lohn'a smokehouse. From expressions lot lni bv the irnuul jury anil bv the pros iH:iitinif ollieera, it may be possible that the next (fraud jury will bo called upon to en- mire who tint put titose articles on jonn 8 iirotinses. lliat is the ouestion that inter ests Il'O iaxpajt;rs oi mis coiuiiy, who miu nanl iilrftiulv hOveral hmdreti dollars to as sist this farce. If John is innocont, as the uratm jury believes, then some onj has put up this iob. Who is this man, or these men? Th ingenuity shown to convict John may . julleil into play to save them selvesfrom the placo wliero they tried to put John in the penitentiary. Ax Ouikxtai. Lkctit.f.r. Prof R B Xargarkar, of Uonibay, has lectured in sev eral places in Oregon. Here is the cream f i, L dissertation: The Occident looks upon lifo as a stmsa'le for existence; man d rkl all iriHl tn striiLrile. not only with the elements in nature, but with those auionirst ,..v,nm Im is born. Tho Orient, nnon Hie other hand, looks upon lifo as nothing but the preparation of the life that is to nrt.ntv the waitinir-room in a irreat station, whero tho arrival of the train that is to carry us all is awaited. Thus the eastern Minn in contemnlative. meditative and emo tional, while the western man relics upon tl,n Iniunl. the scientific, baskinc in the ..nnnaliine of ilnv. huskv loyica utranirpr to tho warmth and depth of emotion. The I east and the west must meet again and ox-1 change the good that each possesses. Let mo designate the Occident by reason and the Orient by faith. 1 most humbly invite you to study into cur literature, our history ..,,,1 nur institutions, that Olir OWD llVCS . may harmonize with the great movement to mute these two currents or nuinim civm tion that have so long run each by itself. S 11 Xothinger ct al Til T A Morris, lamages. Settled. J W Urown vs J II Wirt et al. Fore closeure of l.ien. Continued. Kred A Urown vs J B Wirf ct al. Fore- closure of Lien. Ccntinued. R W Fisher vs IV II Moore. Recovery of money; attachment. Nonsuit by plain tiff. Francis Bellinger vs Watkins &' Price. Recovery of money. Judgment by default ugt Watkins. L .1 Crow act H M Stone. Parcuges. Verdict for defendant. W H Templetnn ngt Xancy A Temple- ton, Divorce. Default of deft entered, i Margaret I Powell et al agt Louis Ross. To reform deed. Default and decree. Assisnuient F C Ayers & Co. Continued. KlizaWth Simons agt Mary A and R F. Curran. Foreclosure. Nonsuit on motion of plaintiff. M Sternlerg agt A 11 Seal et al . ore- closure. Default of deft Seal and decree. W B Donaca vs fl B Whitcomb. Re covery of money; attachment. Settled, W 11 Donaca vs fiiis Kmger. Recovery of money; attachment, bottled. Peter Bilyeu agt A H and Agnes Logan recovery money; attacnnient. Default and Wateiiloo Hiimmkks. A Waterloo man jvuw.inonilinn' for the Lebanon Kxpress presents some very ingenu's thoughts over tile signature j nun, nuie is u o....ii. vi,..n nh when will the sun come forth anil disperse the bums from our P OV This is the worst town on the Pacific slope for cranks and men who think, or act as if thev think, that at some past time in their iife they had swallowed an cncyclo irli,! Tulle, tiilk. all tho time, but work, work, never. 'J'hey tell us of tho labor II,. !,, . a Anna mill tlw ilitch HieV Will dig, but rustle liko furv to borrow saleratus in ..nl,.r tl.oir l.ro ul in nlaCO of butter. tient?. give us a rest; we are worn out with your big talk; but when you hive nn op portunity jou will do nil you con 10 run the town morally, mentally and financially You aro punk. Iet up and Hunt worK. IlKi.Kirocs Seuvicks. The special- rev val services as conducted by the Kvangeli cal church at Clovcnlale continue with un abated interest, services tomorrow at 3 and 7:S0p ni. Rev I, S Fisher will preach at the F.van gelical church tomorrow at 11 a in and Wilson Ulain will conduct the services in the evening. Services at the Uabiist church to-morrow in the morning. In the evening ihe annual exercises of the young peoples Bociuiy will be held. There will be a praise service at the Congregational church Sunday evening at which only the hymns of Isaac Waits ihe "Father of English Hymnody" will be sung The pastor lil speak of the life and writings of this great singer. Other cervices as usual. All ari welcome. Rev J T Abbett will speak for vho Y M C A tomorrow at their usual 4 o'clack ser vice. Inspiring music Is an attractive feature of ibis meeting. II you appreciate good Insirumentol music you mut hear the orchestra. The play every Sunday udgmcut. Milton Hale vs J A Townscnd et al Foreclosure. Continued. Milton Hale agt J T Tate et al. lore' closure. Continued. J M Walters vs K D and V Vashti John- ion. bale continued. Oregon agt Jas G Holin, three indict ments. selling linuor without license, to a minor and on Sunday. Plead! not guilty. Oreeon act Clinton Black. Jonn ard anil Felix Hamilton, larceny in dwell ing. Arraigned and will pleadMonday U F Russell arraigned and will plead Monday, Oregon agt G F Russell. Indicted for obtaining property by false pretences, Mart Miller et al agt the Bank of Ore nn. Jav W Ulain. Milton Hall, W i Thompson, assignee and C C Jackson sLerilT. Injunction and suit to set aBjde decree and mortgage. Temporary in junction granted. I Adjourned until Monday. XEOlaCXI AD ABROAD St Patiick't day. Basket ball In the Y MCA tonight. You can bo to Chicago Iron Albany and stop off at the Midwinter fair, for 3'.5a. Silas White and Aivln Kiggs, ot Brownsville, were fined S? a piece tor dlstuibing a religious meeting. Th Scientific American under the hpiinn An Oregon Diamond" tells of a genuine diamond found at Oregon. Wis. Edward Cox of SweetHome,anu ueorge Pugh of Holly, were fined f 5 a piece tor stealing some sardines from a store in Urownsvflle. The virtue of the klndergaitcn 1 In the fart ihtt It jsts nature and natural forces to bring out and develop the natural.in herent poweis ot child. Thn contract for the Astoria railroad was lobe 6laned todav. There have been several hitches; but the cloi.ds are passing away. Under an arrangement made several moTiths ago all the college presidents In Omuon are to deliver Itctures before all the colleges In the 6tate. A good idea. ..vprfll men have been selling Browns villunnlen mill coeds on the sound and In I'orilan,: for Imported goods, getting an ext-a price for them. 1 his is quite a com, plimem to the products ot the tagie mi.is, l.ee Tvler has purchased a half Interest I., the hadware store of O P Hyde. The s-nck is beini Invoiced and Lee will take control in a few days. HarrlsOurg cour ier. Considerable difficulty was experienced n obtaining a jury to trv Ihe Black mur der case. Only seven jurymen were se lected from Ihe original venire and bherut Shattuckmade a trip to Williams creek Monday aftcnoon for a numael 01 ia paveis to select from. J M Somers, an attorney from Lebanon, assists Mr Benson in the prosecution. Urania Pats Courier. The Usitkd I'kesiivtkbias church was filled to overflowing last evening. Christians fr.,U ,lAnnniin!iltnna were nresent. 1 he Al- Kn..;l lnli nttende-l in a body, which was" a great gratification to tho ladies who invite.1, them- Kvangelisticscrvices wih Is? continued throughout the coming weck.nnd nn Tuesday an all dav prayer meeting will 11 lmi.i 'n sM.ntli. services at 11 am will be conducted by llcv T J llson. his subject, "The Timo to Decide. In the evening, Rev Mr Little will conduct the meeting. All are invited, and will be cor dially welcomed. Waiteh a Day. The Lebanon Express lmmllr com to nreas Thursday evening. This niouk it ii Kr'ulav evening when the forms were locked up. Just ueiore this was done the editor panned the fol lowing item. "Born to the wife of H Y Kirkpatrick, a boy; weight, 10 pounds." thus getting a sconp on the very impor tant item. It is not o'ten an edi'or holds his paper back a day for a born item. !aiuex Seeds. Kvery body should li:ive n cmrdpn. Are von one who will. Then co to Stewart k Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from a fresh supply of all the seeds in the market, the largest stock in the city. C E Eiowneim giuccry store is Increas n;in popularity, lie carries a fine stock tn a ilirht rflnm. easllv accessible and giv bargains. Next door to the P O. Whatvr mav be me cause ol blanch Inc, the hair mVy be restored to Its origi nal color bv the ue 01 inai pon-m ic.uj Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rnewer. L lies.lry the E.lantine Mas5Se Cream ihe bst preparation ever made for the rnmnlectlnn. to I e had of Mrs Rowell. at Ruts House Albany Ore. Vl-itlng politicians of a'.l coor have to use medicine. Bur!' from Fred Daw- ot at ti-.e little drug store 0-5 Jnd st, Gates, Ore, Mar. 15, "04 " The tie'iiocmts of Horeh pm intt organ ized a. club at the hall on Wednesday. The chairman is Charles Work, seretary. Mr Newlnnd of Mill City. Delegates to Marion county convention, Chas Work and William Sullivan. The remililican club had Cant Sanderson of Talent address the people of liates and vicinity last aionuay evening on me con dition of the country and its cause and mmodv frmvi n reti'ihlicun standpoint. ' At the closing of his siwech he asked where the populists stood on the taritf question, i? C e.il nroso nnd asked pennission for a populist to answer the gentleman, which was graciously refused. Politics is tho sole topic of conversation at present, although tho past weeks have been politically not, 111c coming nronii.-e to be more so. In the argument of Capt Sanderson he said that the Oregon delegation in congress vna in favor of the white metal as money. That is nothing but a bait to catch votes as Dolpn is a monomeiaiusi, wuiii; ner mann did not attend niw exm nessum w congress which completely knocked the underpinning out of silver for the present, while Kllis did not vote for the tree coin age of silver nnlil the ratio was 22 to I which would make a silver uonar wwi f. a twirenn in r-niTV. AltOCT'ther the captains argument was not very well bcl- r.tered with tacts. The main cry of the republicans is loss of confidence. Ifthepro( financial de pression is caused by a loss of confidence it knocks that assertion in the head which says the majority can rule. President Cleveland and tho demoiTatic party were put into power by a mnjnrity of the s"o ple which gives the lie to the protectionists arguments. An Albany Jewelry Store Worth patronizing. Is that of Will Stark. They cairy the finest llncof silverware, watches, cocks and jewelry generally In the valley, and sat isfjrtorv prices are aiways given tor the snoe-lor quality of gooda they keep In stock Ncv?r but without ca'ling cn them. Following are extracts from a letter re ceivvil this week by II F Merrill from Rev li W Hill. W.U' Sheen, China. Jan 29, 1894. How 1 would like to 'ell yon of all we see ing this great river, traveling through is strange and interesting land. We left Shanghai on the 31st of Dec. We ciime Chinese passage on the Bteamers and we thus and in other ways nave saved me Missionary Union about $500. It was itlier tough getting used to "cnop sucks. le Chinese cooxing and the cramped quarters" but I am sure all the party were glad to do it Knowing now nard the mon ey will come at home this year. Four days brought us to liangaow, uuu nines inland (steamers have to anchor at night on account of the bars) we had to wait there 0 duvs for another steamer. We were pleasant'y entertained by the Adams and drays who have just come out to ojsjn up the Central China .Mission, niiout duvs more brought us t.i icliang which is as far as the Chinese will albw the river earners to go. J here we took house boats und havo lieen out since January Hi. ..;.. . n i- u 1 uu Clin nev n luiuire Ul .ur c uriuiB iiuusc bout in Dr Maoies Itook, ours aro larger, 9 men in one and 6 women myself and Chaster in the other. A M K man and wife are traveling with us. Then there are I'pcraft, 0ienshaw, Malcolm, Bradshaw, eanian. hike, baliiulst. WUing nnd Myers in one boat nnd in the other Miss Inveen (who came down to help us up) Mrs iking. Mrs Myers, Miss Cardelin Miss Bliss. Mrs Hill. Chester and myself. The boats are about 70 feet long and 12 or 14 feet wide and back of tho open deck where the crew live covered with mats at night) we have four rooms where we live very comfortably. Back of us is an open space witli a higher roof for the helm nnd me caniaiit lives muck 01 mat utcr high' sloped .tip stern. We have about JUU souare teot or sa. . one big square ui- fair stretched or bamboo rods. It also has two heavy sweeps to run with when there is no wind. The main dependence for locomotion however is the trackers who walk nlnnrr the shore nnd tow us with a long bamboo rope fastened at the top and nl, the bottom. Thev manage it quite skillfully, so as to avoid the rocks on the shore. A smaller boat accompanies us to cirrv the rones and fret tho coolies back nnd forth. Wn have about 30. and at night they sleep on the open deck right before our front door. Our goods are all in the hold by shelves and nails, we stow nwnv our thinrrs abvo so that we pun hve rerv comtnrtab v. Ihese lunas are oddlv constructed and seem to bo old rattle trap concerns , but the Chinese sail ors manage Ihe tiling first rate. At times they take advantage ot me winu nnu ferrv across the rives mort brilliantly. Our cruet ditticu tv is witli the rapius, which are numerous and strong. Here they get out strong ropes, sometimes two or three and frequently at least a quarter 01 a nine lone so as to get around the sharp paints of rock or the s'aallow bars. Tkey seem to Vnpw Hip river rtArrpptlv nnd have a special wav to get arounu eacu piace, r.xiru coolies are hired at these hard places and we sometimes see as many as a iiunurcu men on the line of some big might bout Nohodv but the Chinese would think of navitr.itintr such a river in this wav. W have pu ed un rapids where m a tew nun- drcd yards von can see a fall of two or three teet. Ihe river is evervwnero swni and Hows over irreat boulders and around sharp points of rock so that huge boiling eddies threaten to engulf us. But with mir bur rudder nnil lonrr how sweep stem the currents and run through tne ed dies. Wrecks are frequently passed; we have seen at least n dozen, nnd it is no wonder, for if a rone breaks at times the boat must certainly be driven onto the rocks and have a holo stove in her bottom. Wo have broken two roiws and gotten some heavy bumps against the rocks but fortu nately no great damage has been done. Sometimes we walk around the rapids, but since they are so frequent we usually stay on the boat. It takes a very practical turn of mind to see till of our worldly possessious and our selves to start up one of these rushing noisy falls at the end of a large ban-boo rope and not feel a little bit uneasy. No hemp rojic would stand the strain or the grinning on the hard rocks as these braided bamboo strands do hut ho have gotten so used to it after two -oeks that wa can serenely study Chinese through lt.l 1 thinksteamers could ccnie un most of the wav if built to draw but little water for the rapids but tne 'Fung Shway" will not allow it so we have to go ilonff at this rate. We have been fa vured with gojd winds and no accidents and have gained several davs on the usual trip. we are now about halt way to 1 nung hing from Ichang and perhnps due third of the wav to Sni Fui. We hone to hear nt tiie next town something aliout our house at Luchau, which at last accounts had not yet been secured, wo aro making some pro gress in Cliinesonnd lind it very tough. furgot to trll you of the wonderful gorges we have passed though. All the way we have come through the mountains from Ichang. There is no val ey anywhere and at places sometimes for half a day we have sailed through perpendicular cliffs from 5U0 or a 1000 to even 1500 feet high and the river in no place over 101) yards wide. In S.Oliuen Provinco we have seen good roads sometimes cut out for miles rrom solid clitt: or graded up with solid masonry, ravines spanned with hne stone arciies. Since coming into this province how ever the mountains have been less ab rupt and there are something like foot hills entirelv under cultivation and just now covered with the tender green of growing wheat, peas and garden truck I'he heights every whete are covered with Temples, Psgodas etc. Sabhath where we stopped we visited a very terestins Temple In a cave in a cliff we saw perhaps a hundred heathen (iods of various ranks some cut out 01 me toiio rock in the cave. Surely this is an idol atrons people. W also see on th hivheat In 1 tons strong fortification relics ot the ancient timta when thewild men were troublesome, "eotten '"in of the old friends at Albany and wonder what thev are doing. We have as yet no news from home and cannot look for nv until we reach LnChan a mont hence. With kind regards to all friends (icokok w him., MXBFITB An exchange says that the woman who takes in sewing to support a laxv hu-diund ought to be indicted for "imiintaing a nui sance. The populist party is like the house built upon the sand, and even now its foundation is being washed out. The few cobble stones in it can not save it from the looseness of its fiat money, two per cent government loans and general wishy-washy character. The Gates correspondent of the Scio Press says: The peoples party gave a dance and supper on the tith, the proceeds $17, being devoted to paying the expenses of the deleiiitei to the county convention. A new way for getting delegates to a political convention. ftorite. United ctatei Land O.fice Oregon Cltv. Oregon, March loth. iSoi. rsotlce U hereby clven that the anroved plat ol survey ol township, 13 south. range 10 west, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on April 23. iSoi, at 1 o'clock a m of said day said plat will be filed In this office d the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. ttOUEKT A MILLER t'ETER 1 AQUET. Kegisier. Receiver. New Lumber Yard The undersigned prepared to supply all customers with all kinds ol lumber, drain .tiling, cedar posts, Hour and teed on the most favor able terms. F G PowBn Shedd. It seems as if we had had an immense amount of nun the past winter, and yet the total fall sinco July 1st has onlv been about 40 inches, and for tlio year ending July 1st will he about 45 inches. That is not heavv: in fact Oregon needs that much. The record though ts not 111 keeping with oar senses. Whatever mav bo the reason, tho local business situation seems to bo steadily im proving, llus is certainly indicated by the sale of articles which are generally regarded as luxuries, which sales are generally in creasing throughout the city. Of course, there is considerable room tor improvement vet, but tlio tact that the tone ot business is steadily increasing is cheering. Salem independent. They arc proposing a game law in Iowa Hiiiiiiur lu Miui ill urcguu uuu u uuricsiiuim- ent denounces it as "grosslv unreasonable, unjust, one-sided and un-American. It conteniDlatcs making unwitting trespass crime, and with its English environments 1: 11.. i.M.ii 'i: 1 . prucucaiiy proiuoiis u ciuzeii 01 jowu num killing tor his own use our game birds 1 season unless he is the owner of the land.' Kx. Stiucti.y Is It. when it comes to ashing the Albany Steam Laundrv strictly in it. It is doing the business of the city; tho Celestials aro going to the wall. 0 cents a dozen tor plain washing is cheap enough for anybody in nnv kind of times. Richards & Philips do first class ork and siiend their money at home. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. Dr. Price' Cream baking Powder Moat, Perfect. Made. WORin COKnlDKBINO Will il Hurk, IV lewtlc- If vou want a fine femokr call for Jia?phS white labor cigars, The bettjrnaat ootfee in the nity at t'nmad .tfuver s. Hodges & MeKariand, th.' leidialf drui tore, Alhanv, Ol Will & Stark's large line of kilver war has created s great deal of talk. Pa.ronize home industry by smoking the celebrated white Isbor eigara, manufactured by iuHq Joreph. SRath. at Vierecka cutting parlors. shaving and hair See the Kew Improved Singer sewing m chine. The bolt is always the cheayeat. W Siwden, agent. Office at F M French ewelry ttoro Sewiso Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thornuehly competent work man, at F M French's' jewelry sore, Albany S;goD. French has the largest and finest stock of spectacles and eve glasses In Linn County. Prices to suit the times , PBttBOlVAX. Miss Clara Davis went to Salem this noon to spend Sunday with Mr U W Davis and family. John Ifnlman went to Salem this noon. and on Monday will leave with his wife and daughter for a months trip to tne Mid winter fair. Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of Mr Elmer Wagstaff and Mrs Kachel liporte, uoin 01 Albany, unu mr Jasper H Keeney and Miss Zctta Ames. Attorney Somers returned today from Grants Pass where he had been to prose cute Black for tho murder of Kice several months ago. The jury brought in the ver dict of guilty of manslaughter. HE L Ank spent a day or two in town stweek. He has been developing tho Albany Co's mining property on Mt Reu ben, but too much wetcr has put a tem porary stop to proceedings. Grants Pass Courier. Mr Collins F.lkins went to Oregon City this coon. Mrs Karl arrived in Albauy this noon from Deer Lodge, Mon., and will take charge of the elocutionary department oi the Albany College on Monday. Mrs Earl comes highly recommended. G W Isham has 'written the central committee of the people's patty 1 hat he ould not accent the nomination ot coun ty aisessor which he received at the coun ty convention last Friday II irrisburg Courier. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. 7or Sale or Trade, a house and lot In ' onnil looatlon In Albanv Will sell cheap for cash or wiil ttade for land part ly or wholly Improve 1 not very lar Irom town, vauor wrnw w ui umw. POJl SALE .2) snare f trie light stoe ihe bj paying stojk In this) oitl . this ofllce. D.'N't Swejir. Of course veil fee like It some limes; hut there Is nothing it. Slmplv learn a lesop, anil the lient tirre an to Par' er Ilros lor your grocer- les. undue? and baked goods. No ever eijculates profanely after leavln their store, fjr not onlv are Ihe best gro cetlei In the market sold; but everybody from a child to an r!d gentleman. Is treat ed courtenuslv. Their baked kooJs, In large variety, are superior and popula If vou wnnl-l keep tn tood humor wi the world alwaystry Parker Bros. See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. New Advertisemenis. Albany elec 1: divider Butlire at TO REM'.- Two lojins. newly flu Ih1.mi1 one aitltjibln for small More or ofllce. one for store. iiOnGO feet. W ill t9 ready by Mitch 2'. Call on Dr O W Maston lor ptriiouiars. TANTHD. A young lady desiroa a ' placo to do general house worl Address Clara M Rs nold, Albany Ore. "PURK IIIIK1) Silver Laced Wyandotte X ryga ut sum uy n j wuvturiii. 3ll ftr-NT. The rmm recot.tiy oem , pied liy J W Iienrlv asn bwt nnd hoa hhop. Ca I on It Vinreck. T7 o.t, F.:fJH, Ki.s. Pure hrct Silver I Lace.1 Wvanrintts, Kaan tor sett.nir.i the Alan7 Poultry lanli. rrom pen n nd 2. 91.23 pr i3: pe iNo. .'f Slper 1.1 B Plymouth Kosltn, 75 ct per i3. Jonn Jruib, AlWsov. l?'" th D1 K K "tR fOK RKN l Tli9 opera bouse utorft. I1 snloodlil location, i'a 1 on the ecretry fct the 1kmocrat oflW ior pat ticnliiTM. COUNTY WAH VV fM-BUirht sold bv H; F Merrill. and PGR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will plv between San Fran cisco and Willamette Vallov points via the Oregon and sonthern Paeirc railroads sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about tho fol lowing dates: From San Fran ciseo on Friday, March 10 at 0 p m. From Yafjuina: on Tuesday March 2D, at a m Fare from Albany and f'orvalli3 to San Francisco Cabin, .$12; Steerage. .9. Hound trip tickets, indud inc meals and henna, gooi for SO days, $18. HA4 1 HpNIRV.I05 ft Co. A MlVd r-lN'o 2 to 8 .Urlte-; l.-oef S.m Frtnci f AND Dress Patterns Also Their La- At Perry Conn's. Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine Calif ornia Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds Alvay3 keep on hand a choice line of all staple groceries ai well as a superior slock of crockery. G. G- MOON. SucceMor to I A Morr'n. Flour and Feed Stor e Opposite Rum 1 louse t Hu on hand a fall tiock c( Ch ped Feed, Coi vail it Flcur, Brio, Short. Graliain, Ruckht, He Monr, Fa, 0r,8.rw, PotatoM, AppUt, etc. 'ieim Mta The Bwt Mi? V. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. 86, $4 and 83.50 Dross Shoe. 83.60 Police Shoe, 3 Solef S2.S0. 82 for Worklngmel 32 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES S3, 82.50 $2, $1.71 CAUTION. If an? da1 ho at m Tfl u prlrr or rsts ha ha I hem Willi- onl thm num a tnninrd on hotitm. put liira down aa a irauu JW lor tM 1-esUl WODCT. W. L DOUGLAS Show are stvlish, cn fittinff, anj rivc tetter Cfttlaclton at Ihe pri c advcriiscil Ihnn any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. J)mii:!.'is name and price on the bottom, wliichi p;iar.!n'.rrc their Talue. saves IhoTinmU of dollars ant. ua!Iy to thoe who wear thorn. iKaicr who push the unle rf W. L J?on;la Shoes pain cuBtomers, wli'ch h, to lr.crase the ncn on their fuljl line of rvis. Th-r n nrf"-! to ph nt n t-n pr!t, ai,i w rtrllrrf rot m J fit mnnf hw hnlnr; tU your f'tt'.'wrnr f t? -.r ')r U A iKla. Catftgno Uom kpun pjilr(l... V. I, 1K;1 ' I. A-, llr V.ca, M- For.Meby;tl L.7E BLAIN1CLOT HI NG CO-