fP.ffillT democrat. Aoevts WASiEDonSaJaryandCommuiioii or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Btolu of JAMES G.BUD.E, By Oail Hamiitoh, bit literary executor, with the co-oporettoD of hie entity, end for Mr. Weioe'e foment Work., "Twrsn Vuhs ov Comobqw," end hi leter book, Toutical DiACcastoKS " One proepecloM for theee 3 ET sklliso books in the mar ket. A K P J .rdeo of Me.,took 112 oHm from tint 110 cells; agent's profit $195 50. Mrs Baliaid of 0. took 15 orders. 13 eaJ Kaasia, in 1 day: proKt $ii).25. E N Rice of Maee. took 27 ordere in 2 da;.e: profit 4;. 25 J Patridse of Me took 43 orders from 3 calls; i.rnrit $75.25. E A i'e'mer of N. Dak. too -53 oidvrs in 3deyr; profit 95.13. KxvLru'Vi Terkitoky given. If yon wiih tinv.ke I.AKliE MO' Y writ immediately for tcrme to hcHcnrv Dill Pul. Co..orwuh.oiin EXEC j FURS NOTICE 1 UQi!reij) ocl i stcutitr of the lut will acd taatamtu. f tank SiiriM, dfceac1, his PUd wi;h ti c clerk vt he ('noutv Court for Lian IJfUnt. , O.eop, bi tin I account, and the cowl i.aa tW J the 5ih .lay cf March. IS'Jl it Me ur t.f 1 o'clock m, for her IDolji.' i :.i io fl'tl i ' vomit, i! any, and to 8ttIJ fre-lli fc.t?' . Tlint Jr.'.ilii y o, lI'-l. I'KMi JK U KAiiii;;.; A in, i t-y I 3 ARE YouS IsyourrrinctMrk, J M'ii't'-'Jiropv.riou.Iv.rliiL'li-H ainlsuii'crin,',' Jcolurr.: lWtv:ti! from Hi; ex-Q Your KIDNEYS .ire oiRtjcmtf niiiieil. Lao TO 1 11 AO. n Suit. hni Sulnlmr Hit-1 One botilo of'.Sui- ..-in ... . run jumr jMiiors win do 1 VAN. R a-,-,. 1 .1 1 1"U1'IV1U iiihju lllllll I all th J.utin tires- vriininiii m iinij-s ann mineral 1.0 1- sons hi"h v. iil rt iu:iin iu yottr y J ten., destroy vour bone, ami mn'ko you a poor, weak, and broken down invalid, iso jurrfon can remain long sick who ujcs Sulphur Kittirj. Jf YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE Is covered villi u'Iy sen, and fit-eriii-4 1'iinpli s, pvo Ji r Nil; h it lfitUTi. J.adies in deHt-aio jVuliI,, who arc ftll run .lmvi. rhouM ns.i biilpJiur liiitir-s. Iiono le:u-i Trv S-iIt hnr Itii-.--. tow to-night.!. Are You and you v , t,It ep 1 in -rvoiu a.wl well and feel butter lirctty, or in fori!. S DELICATE u..i..l...r. health? N:! phttr l'iMe.-j Will make vour hlimil ?l pure.richandfitron'j and vour iiesn 1i.t-i1. j ucviiuuiiirjuun. 01 you n Srnrt 3 r-rent ftamp to A. 1. 4rilwnv A- v., BlBtle m rf tt cU:o ft,ijliiutlitn to biifinusii ut oro meni: I ttniln, Brxubl Kict'tici la mid die life, r vk-h'tiM hniiita contructvtl In yoiitii. WKAK 2xriZXV arovictttiiHtoXi" von lrlillltv or j:x:otnatlun, Wnotlnrr Venk , lnvnlu-tiiry I.o.sefi vitb Karly Jle cuv In YuuuirniKl M liltlle AKfd: luck or lt.if aoJ otrcr(li, with Btxunl on-'iina impaired anj wpfikent'd jr.malnrtlT In ntirua4ini( old into. WHtX VC bAY tl Ki: wo pek fn.iu knowledge ot result In aianr UioosjukJ cmj troated and cured In the ttnat 0 ftwo yoBrn. Ourmoilitrtlvl t unxluoiitt Prof ItAKR f ft hulviilc mkiuca r.;i pahhu.,: trt'iUnient Is civo v.-iilt-h comiucnda ltclt to ulj enlblo pcrwri!i nr tLo rum .1 UtAt wo supply it nptn tholr Jmlxnit'i,; ot lis value. WMhinit in tho way of cxpun.o tH'jrand bustnl Cnt and t two Cont podtnitoiitr.mp tn?kiMl. Tiio Ktal ,-, rtl fur uooln M'lidiim iistholr full iidi I rosso, tho i!u OKuetniii'tlMrttio .-iter roturnliuc Jio 8tnteiiiMit of tb?lrrniH for ntiii-h wo raupplr tbem wit It .po tlon hlnnk, totto Uilotl tn.,niul tl (wjlf-ojlilnjjtod ooYPlopo for tut- In rutiinilim Itwbon fliJeO. T71 vs (TB a WUen wo recolTo tho Btatemenl ' M VitvU "n blink wo propnrti elwut d tj-t b f ! tmtl motit nnd f rwnnl 1L . tun ll m J- I; - inv)op.rtttnjio.AIuni witlittio trcatu-mtHtjpetT'jriilldinvUoiv fi'r uin. TUo irvalnifni mo ro ima ct Inrnnrciilouc Void dt?i n"t rc vt t ji lontii in to biinlmvvt. Wo learn the mnt ten if iu'ihIIiib orders entlrelr wlttitho(-rtt3irir the fuo trml lrc-tru-.it. Jli. n 8Uit1'.l ltit-m t"Hp!"tf ft,r lri:ll pick..". 5 til tnir lib., ty ti t,0! in thorn r t tw tbil lh y pro r.mro Inr,-. iy h'U-a t-u d -n ou. -tvoa In C'ntituitii(r tl .) r.oi.f i: i'v -...h'!. Wo m.itt. Oie i rii-e n l.n tn poi-itilc.-tirJ tame n I . Ttioy nrt n- fcllo-.-: fiJ f.r ono mnntfi; 1.1.0 Inr two iimiitli! 7. cO for hrro nmnilia. We JA-k rM er. usi tt'KNllnB troiitoioiit tj Bfn4 tholrn:dro' . .hi ,.M.ilor hy letit-r. cniitTu-iiicnti.in-ir'.i:! i.-rf il nnd fi:iruld hooililr.-i .l ti THE fIAK rflO ItViErHr COM Mfr.Chcita ci in i r- f j f tw.1 v vnuV V'iirtl.:M not MiiTrivtl thii ml-orv ifiiuscl 1-y liie iti t1" Ktom.-u-l) wbMi ;n inn 'iivo . i fhp-rgitU liwrf .i. It'- t:i. THE PB ".T.Zli A:.D CURE !3 n ti tho liv.-r nnJ qui. c.irru'.-- ('! ' incut i t'tl.i tr iti'.o 1 1- : !.o J.-lnl.y a miMmovr 1 ..v.-.'... It i." no 'ur" .!.:::;, nvilii'ino, lut Mmiv Jcoj'lo ! t.ko l-Ai i. v.l: . SUMMONS. In tfe Circuit Court y the Stat for Linn county. M S'.crniKrg Plaintiff. A 11 Seal and J L Seal hit wife, Geo Chamberlain and S W Cramberlain bl wife, J W CuiicV.E D Cu tick and Cits U. Cualck paitneis doing bunnett un der the firm name and style of J Vf Cu-ick & Co., and Charle. Small ai the ad mininratorolJobCSmilti, deceased. V elendant To A B SeaUnd J L Seal, the wtfof said A B Seal, two of the above name defendant: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Orrgoo, you and each of you are hereby required tu appear and answer the com plaint of the above plainti.l in the above entitled yart, now on file with the clerk of said court, on or before the fir.t day of the next tegular term cf said court, "hich sud term begins on the 12th day of Marc'i, 1894, at the court house in the city of Albany, Iinn County, Oreeon ; and you are hereby further noti fieO ihat if jou fail to appear and answer the eaid complaint a hereby required, the plaintiff will take a decree and judgment ugainbt you foi the reiief demanded in his laid complaint totvit: 1. A judgment and decree aganht A B Sealf'-r the turn of 8400 in United State Sold coin together with interest thereon in like t;o!d coin at 'he rate of 8 per cent per an.,um from the 16th day of Novem ber, 1 Sim un'.il paid and for the futther rum cf 53 attorney's fees for instituting thifc su;l, and for the costs and d'oburse -ments of this suit. j. A ticciee foreclosing thft mortgafre mad?, rx.ecu;cd and delivered by you to G W Smi'.h on the 16'h day cf November, fcoo, and directing the premise described therein, to wit: The so J' h west quarter of b'ock number ont hundred and twelve O12) in ilackleman's addition to the city ot Aihany, Linn County, wrepon; and also dVtCrfU-J in said complaint, to be sold upon execution as required by law and directing the proceed of such gate to b ar plied as follows: First to the payment ot ihc costs and expenses ot making such F2ie and the sum of S50 as attorney's lees for instituting this suit. Second, to the payment to the plaintiff of the sum of too in gold coin of the Unite J States of America and interest thereon in like pold coin from the iGthday of November. 169! until paid, nt the rute ot o per cent per annum, Tnird, That the surplus, if any. he paid out in such sums as the court may direct. 3. That jou, all the defendants above named and each of the in, and any and all person claiming bv, througn or under ou or them or any of them, be forevei barred and forclosed of any and all right title or Interest, right of dower, or equity of redemption in or to ta'.u premises any part thereof; thai u tne proceeas ct the ale of said premises be not sufficient to pav the claim of plaintiff together with all cfts t-nd disbursements and ex penses and a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting this suit, that plain till have personal iueamrnt and decree against said defendant A B Seal for the deficiency 4. Thav the mortgage executed by G W Smi-h and Viola U Smith his wife in favor of .lob C Smith as mentioned in said complaint, be decreed to have created no lien upon it a id premises or anv part there of. 5. Thit the deed, mentioned In said complaint, from A B Seal to the safJ ds. fendnl, Geo E Chamberlain, be decreed to be subsequent In lime to said plaintiff's a:.i mortae, and all rights acquired thereunder by said Chainrerlatn to be sui-jtct to ihe den of plaintiff's said mort Kaii'. l hi summons is punisnea dv nruerot the Hon (iro II Burner, the judge of the ab ic cntlMed court made at Chambers In the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore gon on'thr 2ti'.h day o! January, 1S94. W R BiLYru. Attorney for Piainliff 'F ALBANY, (lltKHON I.FL1NS 8, K.YOt'NO ..t, W. LANG DUN Vk-e FiiraiUoi.'. .Wjli.ff ........ rp.NAlT9 A URNKUAL hanking boat neW AiX'Ot S'l'S KrltT nuhjett Uheck. f'ttUi KXt UANtiK and tel Tapbtc tranf r, sol New l'oik, Kranclico, Cbicago and V utland 'OjLEtrriON? d.VDKon faoraV ann ataacrcita, 4. E. Torra K, w Laaaaoa Kowiao I. Sox. iiic mind thai makes the man" E.iitl Watts, but modem ethics deny til is acd give the credit to the tailor. It is qncttion oMc, however, if cither are rihi. Fi)Gv1 has some claims !1 nil 11 :ii in Uiisrcjpect, therefore Uioc p I R Hi ll !t ll pnrcuts who would build up tliephysiqueoftlicircliildrcn ti pay e.rici aucuiiou 10 ineir diet. Children are all fond of pastry; for this to be health fully prepared, ROTTOLEHE must be uccd as a ahorteniog. It is Recommended by the test Cooks. 5J Consult vonr physician up- cu it heal tli fulness. rj tVnf thrwrrnt in amrtN. K. Wl FBirNink A tv.,tmw. lor band. fl tv inn it ih "xk hook, contain. Irk tinn.lmt m-tiwa. rrrrri! t.y 1 Liie riui'iCiit autbortttra oo cwokuif. Jl "ott :,w n rvltt br all cTOCcrs. 5 :.sutetl:utca. ST. LOUIS and 111 II km Pacific RdiliOdd, CBLft CLABsi, Eeeelver. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. ConneeMni; with i)mr Homer betwtta Ys- qaina and Sia Fnttcitco. rao vh r-ic:iK.o Honwt Sii!s Fcby SOth, M rch 1, 1 iZ, and Slit, PttOM TAQ'trj. Homer ssi:s Ftb JHh, Mtrch 7. IT, t.d The Oompanv ntwrr th rtcnt t 0 unsftKaiUua dntftw w'lhnnt not loo. For freiKbta'd ptea;-ir met pp y fo any agent. Char!J II ndrv. 8.n i C . S ?loS Ua'k-rt St tsn Krsiicisco Calif. Cbas Clrk rtxlw( Cwrval u O-.-g'io. SUIT LIKE, OMAHA. KANSAS CITY CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, Jid TO f)2 UICAG0 UflllDC WICKER TO OMAHA HUUPO AND KANSAS CITY PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE PECLiNHG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. S II H Clark, Oliver W Ml.ik, K El'.cr Anderson, Kecctven. For ra.e and eeneral infoi mation call on or address Curran ll Monleith.Albanv, Oregon, or V II Ht'RLBURT.Asst.Gi-n'l. Pass. Agt, 254 Washington at., follTLAND. UKEGON iLFMT CCLLEOIATE INSTI7TJTK ALBANY, OREOOrM ia91, 1892 li-4t Term u pencil ftepictubrr 9tt A f I corps of inatructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERASf COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. iirnr ot wttjcly crranfieij b nt ftrf grftdes ot atudeuU Sff iat inducements cftrei to tud: from abcad. fit. KI,H:UT !H tOIUIX Skin Eruptions and sirailzr annoytrircj tre CLused by an in-.purs l!nod, wh:ch will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results ot Bad Blood I have for seme time been .1 sarferer from a Utwn M(K1 troable. for which I tirok many remedies that did mo no good. I have now xaxpa tour nouies n UJJ withthemostwandtrfuTrwtiltf l-jrWlj Am enjoying the bwt h?iitn i mt knew, haverainfitwentv pounds and my friend sav they rever saw me aa well. 1 am leelimr quite like a r;ew man. JOHN S. EDELIN, CoTttnmcnt PHniing nfficf . Winns:oa. D. C. Oar Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases I nuiMTa ine to ray uaics. SWUT SPEC! R C CO. ailir'J. Ea. To at J Digestion take one $mafl Bile Beaa fiw CMiiieii. rv.wrlkeiUe. ALBANY COLLEGE. Send for Catalogue Address, REV. K . t'OM'lT, IVKIThjiO'VBD A t'HAJI. ,,m. , wnl pretu- In ell eoiini ol the iST TR lelUe" iee w eutur. l prob-. SSTo iKSLli. oinct-i. m. ra.. block b biii.tep Altormn el U ui S-illdwr lo Cheneery. cn "i2l"oo ell eolnu. Loene nneliewd OB rebl.unne Albenr. Or.oa EO. W. WBIGHT, G euenur .t 1. r.d Soterjr PuMe. Will prl ' Itbeconeol lhuM.1. Specl.l wt.l loa (llKttomawl metunU prebete OIBre. de.r v PjftoiBtfe. AIboy. Oru. I f M . I ' Il le.'i! m.ttcr srlil rcalv prmn tf.ja t.Uil K-Uiw'sTjiopla, Albany, 0 j J Tf II1TXEY Attorney at Law, Albany. )r. AttDmeys at Law, Albany, Oregon. c. 1 r. i'ii tuuEKLtix, n. i). Homeopath 1st. Xr Specialist in disiawi ol the Eye. Office bun.- 7 to 9 a m; 1 o S m, anj 7 tc 8 ni . A . 0r;;. D u. J. KILL, Phyddan nd 3arireon, OFFICE Conir Far 7 atreela, Albny, OrKuti. ; I) It. MtSTOV .t I1VI. rujoivtaiie) in JVer.'rj'Jin, j r r 1 1 . tv . irner cwn'J ami lln-.U'ki., .ist. Ar..nnu nV,. r.t - iHJi t'j i vi'.v euiacwumrv; JL-'.J-f . -7 '.'-slij'i: Vcsi.RV!r a-.i nteTtn. : 't: ' J"? 1M I ' In: t:i t. if t;i clt"rrip : .; . .. t i.i!-:.sil; iMt: trit'.ora : ! .(': :- :. u -t. w.t t s.ir : T'.e. . ,--r l' ' : : ll; !tn i i-.-.;il- I.Wlllljr f.f .i ,-i ..: -.i r : 'rVcnihsp,!.! ttai k---: ( I .' .' i r,t Zovtl'.h I.-...:;... "it f ! . .'.I! : mivd'.h ' t '. v . ". ' l".r.l 1 1rri'-" 'i . t a. tl-'.;. l:::" ITOSIEef cco:a .- .. v. ;.iiw .v. :.:. uirAcr:. it:intj..o- ::1 ,- i'i ' "s f i ' kiii r, thla isn'in . :: 1 i'T ' ; .:':.! ;c ! '..'t J r.; . A Vf:y Mt f'rjrr it.f ?'. ami ! r ?l. r.yi i'r. -Vil:-.m n n;m lrti.eliantl. i :itr.:u ni ;". r - If y..t l-ne a ti;i pnri'tn 1 niv,w:'ti 1 r.':iti, w !il, 'i rnyl eie'ltictM rrlVr. CiCO CsS prirra for ?j;atoi. .-.?r.x.T. JAMES ViCK S SONS. J OF ALBANY, OHKO0N. TRANSACT a jeneral Biayin mlncM. IjKAWSIGHT DRKTS onXew York, San Ft n acoand Portland, Oreynn. LOAN MONEY CD approved aecurity. RECEIVE dersitBurJoct to check. COLLECTIONS made ou facorable torma. INTEREST Dftid cd tlms deoonita Vt .INK OF NI'IO, SOIO, OHKGON. .. 1 Mvsa .A J Joh EAST A3p-SOUTH. THE S HASTA" ROUTE Oi' Tilt Scuthern Pacific Co. Exj rM Trains :?ve r-.rtlitid Daily S-yj-tt 7r.0HJfi.fl, " NfrJi C-l". . i !,r P.rtlvd " Ar" ?:: ft M M ilfM 1 Lv Aii.t;v Lv I 4:-.3 a M l'J:4.'A M I Ar Sau Francivo Lv j 7w r u x-)-7- rriin. Attn a. all aUtlma from n It) v ne!ii"tlve. HlTnn h- '.lltlv.irirriib'irrr. Jnnction lrvtnir, Kugn- an l all stations ooouti! t a till an I inc.uto Bosns'. se utu. paiit S-" a ! L l.':4 e M I :5'.'r Ar Portland Albiny Ar1 Iflr I.t l;;j,i :10 1 I Lr 9 00 a a I Ar 1 :i r a Lr e a 1 Ar l.e-y L.binna Alben Lebeooa Arl IClsa L SO Ar I :1 r Lt rat PULLMAr EUFFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dinin? Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CUSS SLEtPIHS CARS Attached teall Tkreeuh Tralae ai4. BlTl.l.m. BETWF.CX rvetrLAXel A IOKTAILIK Meib neiRBertT (Except Sanesr, enrt'.n4 Corcellla Ar I ! $5 r m e 1 1:00 n liiis r a I aTrau. rtA:s eir.t rExc.-p. Snidsr. i;f.ra Lt I:i4r I Ar tt.Micnril.e t'hroiiprli TiclcctM t. " tW-- i-.v. r,.-."i r-.-ii. s.1 Pa' "n M t:, n-t e: r- lr.,j c & t'reak. A.vn. A.'jvi; . '. Kl'KHLKB R P. it.Xlttl K l O F. r.J I'-jn'sti Orw? PA-RONIZE. HOM W FAHMERS & MERCHANTS IKSUHftNCE CO! &tbor. v .:Kai, Prwldaiit. I L COWAN, Treasurer. . niRgtrroBii I Cowan, Ueo P Simpson, V rM I) B MonKU'i.MSwrn.-w. ' ' "-.ij J K Weaibnrl r,i, UJ Htmit ' WrIUman. AUO DtiTICT enEXTs ros several Solid Eastern and Foreign Comiaiiie HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIND A CrnE FOR RHEUMATISf,!, LUrVIBACO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER -COMPLAIMTS, gYSPEPSEA, LAME'BACKyte, j0P: .-..t;;:.''r i. e!6?? (IP '.NV Cfi&Jt, '-SW I , ' ''' ' '' f fi'v.ui ll. Mllly. &'Fi2 JiJ A J V r I'i fi" i'O-'---'""""". Mw,,!rl..e, mx UMim'H ELtgRiS KIT if- 'i" "J - -V-S'' - 7T.i u,1'i " '""V-' VVJSo?,iy - ; ' ' - VSS-?y ' xi;, -."rrs. ""Sf-- . 1t'.- Oar 'ilHi pne tire 1 mtdillfaaeil -r o'il ! ", as wf hivt' rer- rr1 tii. tiFini'i f h'-wrj J h-ar.iln- : ?.jts '' f wtoni wecrcairit:.-;:: , C2"EK -I- Oi3. Lt TV t ; " . Dr. A. T cr. -. lJ -. u t " i w..1; . - m - - .1 1- 1 i:ioHi:E:.-i: .:.; ,t.--. ' - .... a tr7 t:r-i f-eflti - j t- ; , fo.ir r.t ! T.-isJi'T . lu' t;'-4r u.:ici. i:r;'.! t.. i..a 1- ':-i:a;. l. o - i .f.f w- Tr--7 j:.n. H. A. VN - . RI'.EUMATISM AfJ IT. A. T. $V.. T'.:-r ...r:-!-..: -J' - 1 " 1 t-." tw wf. ti eet;o icr Tr.ia it -.a. f.y. w L. ; ; iC for Mrkl yars. J-or fc : -1 i- i r r.s i!..!n': l"PeQ bl-to ri. .iTli-i:hsi.',,!- c;r. tlc::"t prf-"t haalth ia th wc wu- irr 1 r. r.s -i . 1 -i. efalif c irainrraM j, nn-1 frI l' te n- b h" neru n. M. K. JlLOlffcs, pr iri u r I..isite..;t.nal H. uL NERVOUS OSSiLI Tt'-LOSS VICOtt. - . , "i..-mh H.i.f...O fob.r:i. l-.i Dr. A.T Fan-Ten. !'e-ir.- ir: ' u.--; b-rt. i:iair..ur Electric belf lor limor-l n-rvctit. i.euiatr. iitui t foal better tha:i I Luvc.ft.r :i?o jejr. 1 iu.-o greiuud la Vigor daJJjr, arit am f. nni iti every p-rt. "jurijra.ejiuiJr. Ciiid. LrETHA. THE DR. S'Jce'.Ve0lli,Df pr l0.6-' cuTi-cii which aro tnntantly lelt thrnKirhout nil wlt pirts. o-fi i .t.UUII. lt h.-iao Imprnvrd Kie-rrlc Su-ipcnsarT. te t-Tcatcst fc.toa evr Biven wd . -m t. w warrant it i.i turn any ui Hie ai ve voaknc-ei, ant t.icr.l:in:R oiiruckcu luabv or purt o- .! . B.BB, aid wiil curt) the Wurat cart:n twj or three mua'.lia. Andres 2urfull iul-ji ulzima. " " ' SAN DEM ELECTRI CO'" 3RD r. r-y sv .Oh r-, t .tiMg vfer ; ... YfL tiiicKt'i. i itr ixii.uiu !.. iv n r. iTciiaiii. wiiinii nr. ci trn a. irlvc u written iZi, tW. .Inieei-ti. AK IlT ll. t At itu Lalu. lu p. mu wrapper. Audress FromTerminal or Interior Poii.ts th, i iTnuTtinyin ft nni fin . Tinil ii Is ih line to litko To all Points EAST aid SOUTH :t is Hie I)IM(i 4'Alt itni'TK.I I rnitM l lirnitch V K.S I I HI 1.- ; Kl I'ltllVH KVl:lts lltV lit Hie Yckf to ' ST. PAUL and CHICAGO; 'NO CHANGE Or CAflS ) ComprtsctI f Vm Cars I'lisurjuss -ii Pullman Iiraivinsllciiu Sleep ts Of Lai ext Enninraent TOURIST SLEEPING CS, Bn; ti.a. ciibi -v.:;-i;r ..'(.e I miilhi W'v i t u ni 1 1' i w n brh fre a-i I f i i'iu 1 f r hil lars of Firsl or i.'GJU I oi ih9 UniCrila. aid ELEGANT DAY COACHES. l33ninuiLV.il sonasliii? i:li al lints, affording Direst an 6 Unintarrnptsi Servioa. Pullmai rtaeper resorvatlona can b ecured lu advance through any agent of the road. THRoroa PICKETS lo and from al. po'nia ii. America England an.i turope can t purcbawl at mt ticketnfflce of this courpauvj Fuilinf rmaiiin con-rn'.ng rati-s.titm of trains, routes an.l otaor aeiula ruro label ou ap:icatioa to any agent, or A D CrfARt.TOS. Aerlnsnt Oereral Paeeugar Age-.it No !JI rir.l St, cor. Washington, Pc.rt'anl. oie -on. ' O U i i ; - . :;; ag ia- U I. INSTITUTIONS. Oioo- J O WRrmMAW. Naonfce.' Geo F SIMPSON. Vlco Prad lont. villi FJcftrn Bin iwl lr Siunon. Bui V 'Kill C.1I0 TMIIillllt ".'alitt'illA '4!v iriF4 ur.iliiliMirl'laridfr(iriipt - "' rt c:iir'i Li't .T i"ui in c.nrinc 4 iiiiiicb. stfi"'l. Inii-t'r'TTucpnfife , " ... - i-r v.tl.;.,yfri-ccf-ri:can.l vitnltti V.V' ' -wh J, l elrcr?clf y arnl ihnt 1 ; ' ;-u J"' r.c.iki.e-8' i iaek.it forTa. f" "''. re;-Into your BFytera t.1-. ' it-i,.-n"'jtl..i dih.crd, wlncb uio re trL'i,L':h. vru will CKivtetlic .'im.-i'-int, li(iltii,Etreritirt .'. ! t wi I ii.How at oi.t:i). 'i'htl I.' -i i-.n n-A trcatnenr. und wa ,., ,.,.,,,. e-ird r letuinl nirey. .- i 7 :! i - lie r-inl ?y erurr Tnui'tr . . pV !'.!. it) J 1 - i r is ri crptriaicut "i t'- ,r, an .' t.:i oft.-.T f iir.prl fai!. ns c,i:i W : r.- .-. , t -.. .n ii K'mli.- :"li:r, aUliXID.H ..r- v..' :Lir c;.eijii:rlJ;f t r. Oi: AND ;?ilEJ.'.1AVISM, iii'.m.l f eca'-.,S,p'rrlir2rl,,?2. - . E." .c".t ::.! r VWra "f Miin'irn m - i '! .-.it!i tho ,-.t. in coMini fr'itn iheT C-.Tiai', ST ("JI ie piTcM CtMJ Ol i ini LlteCal Ir. r. . .i-i 1 rtiif. n-d jr J vi.u cr. 1 an -o (jarf t J c. . " t o" ii t.'i icy hurk, ret i.l I doNblM u( ... 1 . I :.i.','-iit nti f:f yo ip hflt.i. It Ih.j d nt - l . .. uj.ma i ccntiit c i to w i'i it fcr fi ut 'jt itiB perf ,.' ciri i. V'li.t Mto .ia"r . o.4.r.-; I leir 2 r.-l 1n-Jr.r I oer w.m n mj !ifi. 1 !- .- i c't -.1. I kit '.r lo'eiof twi la who .. tve V'i-.--n r-iroa by i. Slftiif cthd.-p nu l ;t, rod il tL -j 1 1 i li tL'.T wcuM e'tnd it thS4imaaa .' 'id n mi -r i-i th voi 1 1. I .tn ic.'uted b 'rv p-rri tusth.ao'lM 1 t tlautotaJlKitl. a.onam-ju xuie ir.ri rts u' i. a' 1 . l:u! IKV 't";:::FI4.rn'::nfrTTl-til Ptr'laatt. LOST VITALI7V AND tSTRrKflTJ. , , , i..-.c:t. Wah. Jur. U. D". A. .P.r.'M . 1 f. .- h.r : :iec? i.rtnii voi4 b . I In', ti rrr a j lent Y-f.d . J fi-i n j' 1 en. r'j t )Lrr.n:; .I'd nit. re fn-u.tl.'-. i iof the t'e. J im'i V.-it twuro oi V tcrt,u ( tj,io., JH( ir. nu'Tj 'w t.uw uf.ir.j ; siinut, nnd una. ihfwi f .- tl.e bt-t; r. I f 1 1 much t'fnr-.- t' liror ELEittTRSC BELT , :'Tid IC i rieie ANO WACHIflQTO PJiiTLASD, v.r.' ..: .;ra rv A;:i:Sa;f2i.z-iCcv:i:v..- And cil Uai-'ld Kcctus tfco ."J MANHOOD RSSTOREDI ffiJSfJ;.; KimriiiiU-ecl lucurv ...i m rvi-i. 4Ui-n (. bui Ii ;i .-.ik Mi'innrr. J,oof "train Power, lli'tiil actio. Vakelulmn. I.uitt ManlmiHt. Melitly Kmi'-inii.', Nervoua neon. all drains and i i.r power ' t tieneriHivotTniiurt ot enli'-r rex catirtt liy overexcrtltin, ynul tifnl ito cscpsmvc au m t'linfc mI')i in or all at iirr.nif. which Icailt.i lull mill v. Coiittiitiipiinn or Jn-iiMly. t'-in in cnrrlcd In uiiai-untcelo tnre or refmiii hi mnnrr. fold brail ( t-.i r.ih-r ri'r t..r ir-c Mi.ti-:ii IlimV t..rt n-'al. d lSt(V JKKUlU-t Ma wi.ic 'lemj.io.CmCa.UO. And jet lives in i.torince of the r.ict thai a sinsle eppiica tion of the CUT1CUSA R"ME DIHS, will, in tlie major! Sy cf cases, afford ir.s'.;nt rc'!cf, r,s,'. mit rest and si--:T a:id point to a speedy, pcnna'icnt, and economical cure, w'.cn (he best physicians rind ail cliier rem edies fail. CLTICIKA Works Wonders, end its cures cf tor turing, disfiguring, end humil iating humors are tho most wonderful ever recorded. P..M thronehmit tlie 'rid. PnrTEn Tnrn am. CHR..1 :,,r.,w,i prop. , n,..t,,,i. Abuut the U1amJ mud tfkiu,' muiUiX Irte. . Farlel nirml.hre. fslllne hlr nad lm. pic beby rwoes prevented by Cuticura eoap. Ner-ous Instantly reliered by a I otl mrn fleeter. 1kmt.:w It s i Muscular wiiwi tlie nerve fori-es aau Weakness SSJS. ZZ"' VM. AVIS TNSTniMF'TrM. V 'SIC. M ll:.tlle Warner a Kradi. t of Ihe o-nera:ory connected ivlth Catjs Co' -'eat. Nh, Is prcpa'-d lo giv on ir1 rncM ir., iritrtiir.cnul i,vil singlr rr cia-es. :.i r-M-on . le terms Mi. , arnrr ha h.t.l t tl.orouli vduca. ' '.p J i ex'-e rced f'"..r He' il.- i i ; ir-. pro! il A Sl.nr y. ViniaT. a Tt '-w r.i;, Mr. Jcr,- I. I .re m w Tortus iW ri Ebzeba WfvvT- .. p V. rr.l op irrnpprr. Dr. Price's Ci m: Est t t. V orll s F"' -lit ':,t ma Oi,