uUy gcmocrai "ablialiei every liy iu the week except Sunday. '.TPIMt XliTTIKC, Editor aoiirruVr Entarvit t llio Peat Office at Albany Oregon, us second eiasa mall waller. THAT OPTION Tbe optiun agreement referred to liorj tofore, lias excited general interest iu Albany, as it means a good deal to tlie many creditors here, and elsewhere. There is a difference of opinion among creditors as to whether it should he signed. We eive the option, substantially, and our readers may form their own con clusions ' la consideration of (1 and other Rood and valuable considerations, the under signed creditors of the Oregon l'acilic and oi either ol ihe former or present re- fmvera. I Kirertoo llojir. t v lladiev. Charle-i Clurk, hereby sells and assigns in T Kucrton Hone, of Uenton county. Oregon, or his assignees, the right and ontion to purchase at any time belore the expiration of one day after the s.lc of the Oreuon l'acilic railroad and Wil lamette Valley and Coast railroad coin- names, their nronertles and Irancmses which sale is fixed for on or about June 2nd. the debts respectively due to each on the followiim terms : Sti net cent in cash on the day of the completion of the Durchasa of the said nronertv bv the said I Egerton ilogg, under said sale, and VI percent in first mortgage interest bearing Donas oi ine new company which is in tended to be formed bv the said I Hoes aud his associates or assitsnB. the aid bonds to lie a nart of and equal in rank and priority with ihe other first mortgage uonus oi ine sum imeuueu ucn company. The agreement to purchase the said debts shall become binding on him or his assigns it and as soon as be or they shall cause to be mailed to each one respectively of the signers hereof their accep'ance of the option. In reference to the 4 per cent two or more trustees res idents of Oretron are to be aocointed by said T E Hogg with the approval of the judge of the Circuit Court for Benton conntv.to whom the asffresate amount of tuch bonds shall be issued and who shall be charged with the duty of realizing the same tn the best advantage, anu dis tributing the proceeds prorata, without distinction, among the parties entitled tnereto. There have been 132 conversions in a revival at Dallas. The Idaho building at the world's fair has been sold for 4UO0; it originally cost $-J5'0lX. It will be taken tn New York state, for a country residence. The school election waft In progress this afternoon. Hon J K Wealherford and John Foshay were the candidates for di rector director. C H Stewart and F E Allen wer; being run for clerk. James C Scott, the harness maker, was arrested this morning by Deputy U S Marshal George Humphrey on the charge of sending an obscene letter to Mrs Jans Compton. T)r Pearsons, of Chicago, offers to give sl'JO.QUO to the l'acilic University, ot Forest throve, provided us menus give ?iuu,uuu moiu. Ills f iuj,wi is eviucui ly safe. The populists of Linn county are modest fellows. They have four candi dates for state ofheers, Ur J L Mil. lor governor, B F Kauip, for congressman, C U Montague, for secretary of State, and Cieorge Alexander, lor Btate printer. The recent convention enuoraeu tne first two named. The Press Times of Seattle says that Governor Sylvester l'ennoyer.of Oregon, is a sqnare-shouldereil, weii-uuui man 01 eometiO odd years. He might bo mis taken in a crowd for either a Methodist camp-meeting exhorter, a Texas cattle man or prosperous lugger, no n puuuc speaker he will never rank with Patrick Henry. Frank J Darbv. ticket agent of the Southern Pacific in East Oakland, Calif, and James 13 J oung, a gateman on tne local train, had some words about 7 o'clock Saturday morning, which ended bv Young striking Darby over the head with a lantern, xne latter rspneu uy drawing his pistol and emptying the live chambers at his assailant, aii nve halls struck Young, but owing to the small caliber of ilia pistol and the fact ihat Young had on a heavy overcoat at the time, only one of the bulletB took effect, penetrating the left shoulder a shoit distance, from which it was ex tracted by the surgeon. aiRoirn court Probate IIecord. In estate of Carter & Zeigler report of sale of personal prop erty connrmeu. t nai acci bi ior t 7: In estate of E L Knox, testimony of witnesses of will ordered taken. In estate of R Fox,appraisers appoint ed. Inventory filed, real estate $2750; personal, Personal property ordered sow. In estate of Geo C Henderson, Annie Henderson appointed adm.nistratri Bonds, $1000. Appraisers appointed. In estate of A Dodge, final account set (or April . In estate of Xancy Biirsiers, inventory filed, real property 81100; personal, property, $2:33.(j.'t. In estate of Z B Moss, bond of $5000 filed. Eveline and W M Mos, ndmrs. In estate of B F Zsigler, final account set for April 7. In estate of Martha tliinler.sale of per sonal property approved. In estate ol lien Sertling, 1st annual account tiled. Sale of personal property confirmed. Dairying. Great progress haa been made in dairying in Oregon in the last few years. Anything on the subject of . cows is always of interest and the Dem ocrat will be glad to receive some figures from its subscribers. The Register of feugene giveB the lollowing : e recent ly published an item elating the amount a man iu Coos county had made off his thorong :bred cows. The amount was something leas than $10 per cow. Mr A Harlow furnishes us a statement of what his cows have vielded the nasi two years. His are common cows but . Ihey have paid better than the Coo county thoroughbreds. In ISU2 he had 8 cows, and front their milk made 1 1 pounds of butter, an average of ii075n pounds per cow. He sold his butter tor 1427, au average of $u.l.40 rer cow. In 1803 he kept U cows, made 1872 pounds of butter, the average price received for it was one cent per pound less, and the average amount ouuniied troin encn cow was 41UI2. MISFITS A motor line from Corvallis to Eugene is being talked of. Principally talk. If the neonle had their sav the railroad ommission would be abolished, indebt- ness would be taken out in assessments and the mortgage tax law -would be re- anacted, and several other tnings wouiu be done emphiticlly. Marion county has two county candi dates for governor, Ford and Gear. Ford in Aiil tn have an income ol over stu.uuu a vear from his lecal business. It would be ;a great) uecenl to come uown 10 me office of governor on a salary of 81500 a year. Will Astoria get her railroad. When ever she has a bright prospect, as recent ly, some incubus appearB to nave oeen a Jack-o-'lantern. Even now there is trouble in camp. Once out wun tne world the city at the mouth of the Col umbia will be heard from. Yale college has over 100 specimens of ancient animals taken from the John Hay country in this Btate, which cannot hi duplicated in any other country in Ihe world. Several specimens running at large in the Willamette valley would .id il to the collection. The funny man of the Tacoma West f :mt Lumberman has brauuht trouble on his paper by stating that Corbett and Jackson are looking for a "will site'on the sound, tvery man is onnging letters from real estate men all over the state describing their shingle and saw mill locations, and requesting the ad dress of MesBrs Corbett, Jackson & Co. At the June election the intelligent voter of the county will proceed to set dowon one,as well as many othere.of the the populist ticket. This particular one is the candidate for feature who promises not to keep the county funds in any bank ; but will provide some other safe means. This man is a fossil who would keep public money in a hole in the ground al ter the old style, or perhaps hide it in the stove over night, certainly not in the rickety old sale at the court house, or in a private Bate. The following grand gury was drawn : O Butler, foreman : Jas lioinl. Go W Cline, Jacob Nye, A B Morris, J A Mc - isnue ar.a ti Davis. W C Tweedale and f.utlier Klkins were appointed bailiffs, and A B Wood in given charge of the grandjury. Stn'e of Oregon vs James Bannon, burglary. Continued. State of Oregon vs C Baker F S TLelps larceny. Coniinued. State of Oregon vs Ci Baker & F S Phelps, larceny. Continued. Staie of Oregon vs C Baker & F S Phelps, Larceny. Continued. State of Oiegon vs I I Brannin. Ob mon under false pretenses. Continued P J Porter et al vs John C Elder. Par tition. Continuid, pendiug reference, Tonliz&Co vs Mary Cougill. Rec of money. Continued, pending garnish ment. Geo J Branaer vs Mary Cougill.Rec of money, bame as aoove. Mooncy Valentine & Co vs MaryCougill Recovery of money. Same as above. Capital National Bank vs W F Crosby. Rec of money. Cor. by consent. T P Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith and Runkle. Rec of money, attachment. In the matUr of the assignment of L T Henness. Assignment. Continued. In the matter of the assignment of Geo W Smith. Assignment. Continued. J C Goodale vs Serepta M Hansard et al. Fore ot Lien. i;onnnueu uy con sent pending reference JM Brown vs A F Gooch. Foreol chat mtg. Continued by consent. T L Cowan (trustee! vs Serepta M Hansard. Fore of lien. Senders & Sternberg va L Houston. Rec of money. Continued for service. Sarah M Shields vs P C Harper & Co. Leave to issue Ex. Same ns above. L J Houck et al vs V J Vernon et al. Partition. Continued pending sale ol Hens. Tn the matter of the assignment of Vlbertina Kriesel. Assignment. Con tinued. Jessie Wilhelm va Henry Wilhelm. Divorce. Dismissal for want of prose cution . Enoch Cyrus et al ve Warren B Cyrus et al. Partition. Continued pending sale. Allie A McPherson vs M S McPherson. Divorce. Continued pending reference. In the matter of the assignment of the Ore Met Paint Co. Assignment. Continued. John K Herren VB G Renfro 4 Af Talent. Rec money; Attachment. Con tinued for service. In the matter of the assignment of W R Graham. Assignment. Continued. W J VanSchuy ver & Co vs Huston & Miller. Rec of money. Continued for service. Sarah J Elder et al vs J A McBride et al. Partition. Continued pending reference. E J Wiloughby vs J M McCully & O P Danals. Motion for execution. Con for service. Harford W Smith vs Minnie E Smith. Divorce. Nonsuit on motion of pin. The Alliance Trust Co vs J L Holida etal. Fore of mtg. Continued by consent. W SDenham vs L A Woodle et a1. Fore of mtg. Same as above. Devoe & Kobson vs Frank Wood. Rec of money; Attachment. Continued pending reference. N S Brown vs Blex At G F Harold. Rec of money; attachment. In the matter of the assignment of Isaac Beam. Assignment. Continued. Frank Zimmerman v John Rometsch To set aside attachment and (or dam ages. Continued. Inntpa Knnnv el nl vs Louisa D Settle- mire etal. Partition. Continued pend ing reference. Cruson & Menzies vs Harry Wilson. Rec of nionev: attachment. Same as above. Onsinn A Menzies va WilBon & Chase Rec money attachment. Same as above W E Hardin vs Wilson & Chase. Rec money, Continued pending reference, Assignment I'ropst & Butler. Continued T A Morris & Co net W I, Moore. Re covery of money. Judgment for plaintiff. The case of Linn County Xa'ional Bank aizt Geo W and Job C Smith was on trial this afternoon, with a etrong ar ray of attorneys on tacli Blue. M E I'oirue. the stenographer, of Salem is in the cily. S A Tucker, the Parker irun man. is in the city on his annual trip to the coast. Mrslluelland Miss Hitchens returned from San Francisco yesterday, r llr Whitney will be buried at or near Newport und not in this x'ity. Mrs Paddock of Independence, siiter to Mrs 0 0 Lee is visiting the latter iu this city. The regular meeting of the W C T U will be held to-morrow afternoon at their hall. Mrs X L Galloway, of Salem is in the city visiitng her parents Mr and Mrs A 1) Darker. Mrs L Bilyeu, of Eugene, ia in the city on a visit. Louis Barzee has been elected princi pal of tin letferson schools for the com ing year, also of the Seminary at Soda- vuie. T .1 Mri'learv received a few votes as a nominee on lite representative ticket of the Populists Sonie merunent waB created when Don Smith informed the convention that McCleary was a resident of Linn county. Statesman, Til Fold, of Salem, a prominent can didate for governor, Judge R S Stranan, ot fortland, Judge mcraauen, oi uor valds. are among the outside lawyers attending court EvAXfiEi.isric services will be continued dnrinfr the ensiiimr week at the United Presbyterian church, and a bible reading will lie held each afternoon at 3 o'clock. fin veatnrdnv mormiiz President Condit preachad to a good audience, from the parable of the ten virgins. Ho presented (Iia truth most clearly, but cave a some what different rendition of the parable from what we usually near. He stirreu up the minds of many christians by way of rmnemberanco ot tne things they are nowlpetinr. A lartre andience greetau nev -nue m the evening; his sermon was most forcibli and convincing. ne suojeel "ine tilTEI. Gates, Ore, Mar. 12, '04. ft seems that Mne one has got a spite against this partlcu'ar part of the ui.lreise or the last week has been so wet that our ebs wt-re slippery. irs Taylor roster has been quite III b-'t now around. Horn: To Mr and Mrs Arthur Smiths ten pound girl. Motherand child doing ell. Also to Mr and Mrs EC Kcal an eleven pound boy, Alfred Heath me', with an accident at the mill last Friday. Getting too close to the circular saw he lost part of Ms thumb nd tirst and second finger bv condne In contact with said saw. Ihe omcers ot the literary society were elected the last meeting A J Gates Pres v rut smiin; Sec F 1 Uevier; S A Wm Lewis; Janitor. Otts Dike. An Albany Jewelry Store Worth patrontzlne Is that of Will & Stark. They carry the finest llneof silverware, watches, cocks and jewelry generally In the valley, and sat Isfactoiy price are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep in stocK. :sevcr buy without calling cn them. STOK-IB rOKBIDEBIXti Will t Htark, (V leweler. If you want a Hoe smoke call for Joseph a- white labor cigars. The bestjrnsjit ootfee in the nity at Coniad' Mtiysr a. Hodges & Mor'Ariand, the leading draft. tors, Albany, Ci . Will & Stark's large line of silver war has created a great deal of talk. Patronize home industry bv amoUinft the celebrated white labor cigars, maoatactared by fatias Joseph. Baths at Yierecks shaving and hair cutting parlors. See the New Improved Singer sewiag m chine. The btt is always the cheapest. W Sawden, agent. Office at F M French ewelry atoro Sewing Machines neatly repaired and warranted by a thoroaehly competent work man, at F M Freuch'a jewelry sore, Albany gon. By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of vouih, and gtows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On pardonable sin," this sin was clearly do fined as being the continuous, scornful wilful rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to con vince men of sin, to teach them of right eousness. He leads them by natural ways, but if they will not listen to his promptings nmi rnrn a. near ear ro tneui. Lima uuu wiire again rejecting the truth, they grieve away li.ir splf chosen fate. The burning words of warning and earnest entreaty uttered by Mr Little last evening cannot Ian in leav ing their impress upon the hearts and minus ui uia ueiueio. A rrdinl invitation is extended to all I persons to come to these meetings,' particu-1 Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS lorly those who have not found the are urged to attend light Gaiiuex Seeds. Every body should have a garden. Are you one who will. Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co dn,i mftlrA vnnr selection from a fresh supply of nil the seeds in the market, the largest siock in uie ciij. Call On READ. PEACOCK & CO. Lsdie'.try the Eelantine Massage Cream the b'st preparation ever maue ior mc compaction, to be had of Mrs Rowel!, at Russ House Albany ure. $100 Reward, $ 100. niftTfyidomof tht3 paper will be pleased to learn thut there is at ltast oni dreaded dweaM that science has been able to cure in au Its .i.n ,a r.mprh. ffnh'a fatarrb Cure Is tho only positwe cure now known to the medical f rateruit?. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon uiu uiuuu u..u cous surfaces ot the system, thereby destroying the foundation or ine uiwsk.shu Ki,,..is ... patient strength by bullilim up tho constitution andasslitiiut nnluro in doing its work. I be propr.elors nave so imn-u "",;v - powers, that they otlc-r One Hundred Dollars f..r any case that it fails to cure, gundlol list of testimonials. ... Address, J-'.J.CIIENEYoiCO., ToledO,0. "Sold by Druacials. 'Ju. AND Liss Cof.vrY Men. -The Oregonian -mentions Hon Geo E Chamberlain Albany ns a candidate for Secretary of Ptate, Hon Jeff Meyers and Hon J K Wealherford. of this county for state treasurer; I R Whitney, of Albany for sate printer, i; k vtolverton.ot Albany, for congress; C B Montague, for secre tary of state. It fails to meDtion several other popn ist candidstes. of the above ' men the Man about Town predicts that not more than one will receive a nomina tion for the office mentioned. Special Meeting: There will be a special meeting of Albany Lodge Jo 4 - I O O F tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Matters of special interest will be considered. All members are re quested to attend, liy order of N G. 6THUTI.T is It. When it comes to washing the AHanr Steam Laundry smctiy in it. It is doing the business of the city: the Celestials are going to the wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain w ishins i cneap euntign tor nnyimtiv m any kini! of times, llklnnls A-I'iiii'ips dotir 1 1 lass work anf spend their money nt home. Patronize the Albany j'team Laundry. j Dr. Price' Cream Bckfng Powder . World s Fair HlR-hest Award. j , IMting politicians (,f a. I color hav to Llase medicine. Buy it from Fred I- t son at the !lf..e drug store o-; jr.d t . 1 Presbvtkkv. The Oregon and Wil lamette Tresbyteries of the Cumberland Preebyterian church convened at the C P church in the city at 2 o'clock this after noon. Both Presbyteries adjourned at once and went into joint session to dis cuss the matter of entertaining the dele gates and visitors of the general assembly which meets nt F.ugene in this state in May. The attendance at the two sessions is good and the people of the local church are manifesting their interest in thi meeting by giving large attendance. There w ill be services at the church this p in at 7 :30 o'clock by the Moderator of the Willamette Presbytery, Rev J C Tetnpleton, of Salem. The people of the city are invited 10 attend All sessions open. m m The Kabo Corset Most ladles have been troubled with bones breaking in their corsets, especially at the waist line and over he hips, making the cors et uncomfortable and hurting them to wear the same. If ladies, desiring to avoid this great faul in corBets, will try our new KAUO Corset they wi'l nnd that this Corset wi.t neither break down nor roll up. Chicago Corset Company, S K Vcung, so'e agent for Albany. DoN'r Swear. Of course vou fee like It some times; but there Is nothing In It. Simply learn a lesson, and the next time go to Par' er Bros for your grocer ies, produce and baked goods. No one ever ejaculates profanely after leaving their store, for not onlv are the best gro ceries In the market sold; but everybody from a child to an old gentleman, Is treat ed courteously. Tl.elr baked goods. In large variety, are superior and popular, If vou wonld keepfn uood humor will the world always try Parker Bios. Sew Lumber Yard. The undersigned ia prepared to Bipply all customers with all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar posts, flour and feed on the most lavor- able terms. , , F G Powers, Sliedd Asxovscemext We are authorized to announce the name of John Mdihee as a candidate for county treasurer, subject to the action ct the democratic county con vention. t lean towels to every enston 9: atj Viererk thiTir-g pailora. A cotton carjiet soon looks faded nnd ftjie-j. wun- a iroo.i unen warp malting will remain hrigiit. and sweepi easier, von ,- m t.'iy the tst of the Albany I nnrtcr Co. Ti:ey have a new lot. French has ihe largest and finest stock of spectacles and eye classes In Linn County. Prices to suit the times. r! F. Biownells orocery store i Increas ing in popularity. He carries a fine slock In a Iteht room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O, Or. Price's Cream Basting Powder Forty Years the Stealar. New Advertisemenis. T)URK HHKI) Silver Laced Wyandotte Jl eggs for sale by UU ooilwortli. Timt Hif.NT. -Tha ronn rooenli v oom I" uied LiJ W Bently hs boot and shoe shop. Ca 1 on L Viereck. CCS, runs, r.OOS. 1'Ure oreu Oliver Laced Wvandoits. Ivri; lor settineyit ih. Alhanv I'on try Yards, rrom pen i and 2. 81.23 or p fto. 3 ?l per i.i. B Flvmonlh Uivks, 75 ct- per i:l. lonn Brush. Alli.nv. Or. Uor 4:h and II It sts innRPfiNI'.ius opera nousn storo I anlonitld bmilion. Ca I on the .eetelary nt the l'KMtcBAT office lor pal tieularH. See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. Dress Patterns Also Their La- At Perry Conn's. Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds, Alway3 keep on liandja choice line of all staple groceries a-, well as a superior stock of crockery. O ON SurceMor to I A Morr'ii. .IOR SliR 2) share "f Albany elon Mcllrht onk die In t.iv.t.ainj in thi vit- Kiq'iire at lliis ollicn C f V yw ATtl A.tfTO-Bjiia-ht and sold by Ii; F Merrill. NOTICE CF APPOINTMENT OF EXE UUIKIA Notice is be.-eby given that ths tinder signed has been "by the County Court o' Linn C'ounlv. 'irevon. duly appointed as fxeeutrix of the last will and Instamen of Nf ncy ftlgs-er, deceased, and all pe son. havinfc claims against mid estate will present the same, duiy verlflwl as required hr law, to the unaernenl at the 'w olDie of Wacknarn A Mat in Allisny, Oregon, wnnin aix months Irom the'date hereof. Albany, (ir, Ken l!b, I3I. Blackburn A Watson Mi'.iMa J King Ally's for Executrix. Kxecutrix, 1or Sale or Trade, a house and lot In good location In Albany Will sell cheap for cash or wld tiade for land part ly or wholly Itoproveil not vers far from town Can or rile to this efllce. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will ply bptween San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and Sonthern l'acifc railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about tho fol lowingdates:From San Fran cisco on March 0. From Ya quina: on March 11. Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cab n. 12; Stecragp, 9. Hound trip tickets, includ ing meals and bertl3, good ::',:! fr .7) days, 18. i'h.k I Hrvnnv, Sox k C-s AtcdIi. No 2 to S MArnt ftrcf'. Sin F.arsci ro, Flour and Feed Store. Oppotite Rtifi House. Hai on hand f till mock cf Ch' j ppd Feed, CoiTkllit Floor, Dran, Shorn, (Jeim Me Or 1 cm, HockftlifM, II c "! ur. Ha), Oatr, 8. raw, Potatoes, Aplt etc. The Bwtt fhtjc 4 V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 6ENTLEHEH. 85, 84 and 83.50 Dress Shoes 83.60 Police Shoe, 3 So (el S2.E0, 82 for Workingmel 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSEt S3, S2.S0 $2, $1.71 CACTIOX.-If any dralff nr 70a w. 1.. iorfa horfl mt m redurMl irlre or Kara he ha Ihrm with out in Dime sinnirmi oa tbtf rMiiom, put iiim W. L DOUCLAS Shoe are stvlish, fitting and pive better tat Uuctioii at tlie prket aiivcrtlid than an r other make. Tr one pair and be err. vinccd. The atamping of W. L. Umrjlas name and price on the bottom, tMch puarnni.-T their value, mvm thmifamU of dollars aniiiiallf to tlWe vho wear hcm. Dealers who pmh the pale nt V. al iHm-'ln Shoes gain customer, which hr; s la incrcane the xnles on their ful) line of r;no U. Th-y mn sfi-H t nt n it-m 1 nl w ftls"" mo Ptr mttiry l rnln nil vrri" f'-rrr rf t -TrBT'-r : . Wed btw. L-Lil-o frc bjion fcpiaicaticu. 1. HWJl I.A.S, Jtroi l-lcu, F .r s'9 i.jr t!. L7E BLAIN CLOTHI NG CO s inr the 1 asr if une.