WIRE PIXLISG. Scene opens io a double bed room at tie Ross Hotse In this city, lime, the night prior to the da) ol ho'.dlag the popul'i count contention. Two bsds in room, one slne tod one double. A bed rock dirr.Jcrat occupies tSe t'.pglc bed tt half put II o'clock and appar ently acund leep. Ester to populi.t tlelrg&tcs jait in (rem the caucus. Tint delegate: "Vei, e mut hare a secret ballot in ordei to prevent the nominat ion of any of the new political adventurer that have recently corse into the paity.' Second delegate: 'Tl.ai's to. We muit keep Rou Humphrey, Jim Morgan, C B Montague, J B VH ar.d o:bers of recent conversion in the back ground. To tell Ton the trutb I think all the; want i an cfti:e." First delegate: Yes, and the old party hacks that have been hunting cfnce fcr the list nf:een years must be knocked out. Say we will let some of tbem go to the state con vention, That is good enough for them.' S:cond delejite; Vss, wa'll B-nd lock Hendrex, John L)rant II W Parker and some of the o-her worn ont stagers to the lU'.e convention but they must not be put on the county 'Iclcet.'' And later events showed that thi6 prcgram was almost literally fulCUtd. One man who left his old party becauie t.e said tliiDgi went too much by the cut aud d'ied plan and who was a Candidate before tbe pop ulist convention says he never sa any con. vention carried oa so per'ecily after the tut and dried plan as the populist convent ion. Senators who dicker and tinker for local interests while tba tariff bill in under consideration are not) prophetic s'tesmin. Once fix the dcjtrioe that tbs tariff abould ba a distribution of favors and where is protection? Some of ttese Senators evidently have do thought f jr the morrow. If the tariff is a focal question and tbe passage of a bill la a mattsr of selfish and localized maneuvers, free trade can be 'he only outcome - absolute free trade and direct taxation. For the South and West tbera Is no thing whatever in a tariff. Wo racrlfioe a great deal and get no return. We pay taxes to the Government, bounties to Eastern in juatri is and endure a depress lug restriction on our trade. Itiefree trade sentiment of tbe west and Soulh accepted tbe Wilson bill as a eomprorrite betweon tbe bad past and the future. The Soutb and West consent ed to Its liberal concession to Industries long .-inducted un ier a vicious system If tbe East will exhibit none of the spirit of confession; II a gradual teduction sua a supplementary Income tax aro to to be fought bitterly, then tbe I.su9 miy be best made between au Immediate taillT jr revenue and the pets of McKin'eyism This fight against lu a Wilson bill may be the detrjyr of couipioiimc. The hoitile reception given to Mr John Mcrlcyjin I:1andiia very discouraging tigr. of the times with respect to home rule, aij the mote that it was not distinctly t. ex clusively the work ot the (action called I'arncllite," from which nothing would be surprising. The insulting placard which greeted Mr MorlVg in Cork, may betreited as mere ebi hitjon of the na:ionl 'tigli spirits. But H waa Mr John Kerry, who was elected u an amMrneUite, wto made the speech in DiiMin deno-nc Ing Mr Mor ley, and gracefully referring to Mr Glads tone as the Grand Old Humbug. It It as been cviJer.t, everetnee the inticdncti-n of the last Heme Rule Mil, and indeed before, that the chief obstacle In the m ay of grant ing home rul to theIrih lay with the Irish themselves. If they had been united,' and had shown firmness ami moderation, 'heir caue was secure. While Iarne! j lived and remained hitrgelf he imposed I union and m nlcrailon. After his collapse. and even before hfa death, it oe came evident 1 hat they lacked a leader tf hi qaa.ily. Tltat they i timid now allow ll motive tube dividetljuptn a miner ;iution, such as that of amncfttp to lawbreakers i of ill omen for iLcis caucus. Ip2cial!y li it ominlcu that so large a part of them should have turned against Mr Motley, for. excepting Mr GUditnne hlmwlf, no t.nglieh states man has worked harder in tSeir cause or put his popularity at home more at hazard for their save. Mr llannikcr Heaton has been gathering some very interesting marriage eutitic concerning the customs in vogue in diftVr ont countries, from vrhicb one reads with amusement, and perhaps vith a certain degree ol amveineiit, that throughout Japan a man may get a divorce if his wife talks too iiincli. Ordinary people may suppov thai ibis harsh law will have the effect of curbing IcKpiacity, bul it has not. Japanese laiiies are the met talkative of their s?x, nn.l divorces are coitmiin among them. In Thibet a woman is enlitlo.l to thr? lnisb.in'h. In M-.lb.nirne n man may sivure a divorce if liis wife goN drunk three tiiue. or if slie habitually negvts her hou'i li.ilil duties. Han's llnir Rcnener contains the hatu inl ("cl ai d rolor-maUiT for the i.air. ami nu.iulnii IhiI.s 'nr s.-alo, curing tavnes. taldni, tiandtufT. and calp unci.. Wlialrer may lie the cawse W lilancli Ir g, the lull nr.y be restored to iu oi ini tial ci lor hv the um of that potent renudv Hall's Vegetable Mcllian llalr I'.-necr'. U.V COI1TK CHOtBSTIC COJSIMIOJ The county convention of tbe demo cratic party ot Linn county, uregon, will be tiel'l at the Court House in Al bany, on Wednesday. April 4!h, lMH. at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates lor county officers : to elect delegates to tbe democratic state convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. I'rlmary meetings will be held at the usual place of voting in the several vot ing precincts of said countvon Saturday, March 31st, ISm, at two o'clock p ixi. By a unanimous vote of the county centra! committee it was recommended that the viva voce system o! votinK.be adopted by the next convention so far as itmay ap ply to the nomination of candidates. The several precincts are entitled to delegates as follows: Albany 9 Center 3 LrawfordsviUe 4 Easi Albany 6 Franklin butte 4 Fox Valley 2 liaise ij Jordan 3 North Brownsville 5 North Harrisburg 0 North Lebanon ti Orleans - rnce i liock Creek 3 .Santiam 5 Sc;o 4 Shedl 4 Shelburu 4 Sodaviile U Sonth Brownsville 4 .South Ilamalarg 4 South Lebanon 6 Wweet Home 4 Syracuse S Tangent Waterloo 3 West Alba y C Total 122 All voters In said Linn county with out leirard to former rolitica! affiliations. who favor an honest economical, admin istration of county, Btate and national governments, so as to conserve the in terests of the masses as against trnsts and monopolies, are cordially invited to join In taxing part in these conventions. bJSO IV WRIGHT, MART MILLIER. Secretary, Chairman Pro Tem. The firm stand taken by Secretary of the Kavy Herbert in enforcing the regulations as to the employment of mechanics is high ly to be praised. These regulations prac tically exclude politics from this branch of tbe service and place all men in the yards on an equality. ' Pulls" avail not, and partisanship is of no account. This is not only far better for the Government high officials say that the excellent and economic work of the Washington Xavy Yard would have been wholly impossible without these regulations but it is fair to the mechanics. So long as tbe secretary is. like Mr Herbert, faithful to the system, all will go well, but it is very desirable that the system be established by law, and be made perman ent. Tbe aena;e has agreed to vote on the Bland seigniorage bill at 2 p m Thursday next. "A3 Oil 'w thcLiH'aiii never cxceil cl. " Tried iiii'l proven" U tba verdict o f millioiw. S i in m o n s Liver Kccu- -r . l v.or is tee f-r p Jfp o ii 1 v Liver 1 t'.or is the ,-er IllC'licillC! to whi.'h you .an pin your f.tit!t fjf a cur-.'. A m i 1 L.x.v tiv. a n .1 ur.;iv wi; t.t.iLl.'.. i.(;t iiu; dir.vtiy on tLe J.iv.'T n n d Kid- Than Pills nov-". Trv it. Sold l.y'tdl jui-l, "r iri lViwiei1 or:iuideii;iii:i t-iv. .:.-t - ;n i : l.iO'll .ii; in,-..t !.!. r M. .11. 'no. I : i:r.- Iinmoti!. l.lv.T Ki'Hil. I .HI.- :. Inii.ll-lv Kt II i. UU IIM.I .-ii ..I ..I! h T til. h. 't 'II lt Wushii.. 1 con-ill. r it a -Oto.. S'. J.vek si-Kvrns r.CKAoi:-a the ft Btatup In red v trru:p KOTICE OFANNUAL SCHOOL ELEC TION Xnticft in beteby given to the legal votern of aehonl .1 1st net No. S. of I. inn eomty, "tale of Oreiton. that the annum school meetlnir, for aald district, will be held at the .vunty treasurer's offlee In Albany, t.j begin at 2 o'clock p m, on the eeonil Mondav. oein t the 12th dv m" March, KM. j his meeting Ii mIih.1 for the purpowof electing one dirs e:nr to aerva for Ihrea years, and one clerk to nerve for one year, and the transaction of busine-" nul at such meetina. Dated thla anh dav of Feb, 1b'.'4 JK 11 KATHKKKfRl, Atte.l: Chairman B r.l of liireetors. C STKSVAKT, IHstrlet Clerk. rj r.ntiHcv.n.D., Phyi.-in sinl Surron, OfToe-fjrtlrf nrtT M. Unk mi i'r. w--n. Uf.uU.utf. c.ruer Knh ui.l Calp.H.Ii it. ( sou KKST.Cott. with five rno-r l.l.-'k and half irom fn, Call a M ri4. Dr. I nllTou-MfIIare I .ire it.- i", vt 1-4:1 V f an. ai t.r v.l :,! l fnwil At (iitijff . ,iif ir.-uM ba.-ii .-w. V 'U v!' Iitr Iri tu 1 DOyT BE FOOLEP bj the dealer who brings out tome thing else, that pays him better, and says that it is " just as good." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is guarantied. If it don't benefit or cure, you have your money back. No other medicine of its kind is so cert am and effective that it can be gold so. Is any other likely to be " just as good " ? As a blood-cleanser, flesh-builder, and strength - restorer, nothing can equal the "Discovery." It's not like the sarfaparillasj or ordinary "spring medicines." At all sea sons, and in all cases, it purifies, in vigorates, and build3 up the whole system. For every blood-taint and disorder, from a common blotch or eruption, to the worst scroful, it is a perfect, permanent, guaranteed rcmedv. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh in the Head H. 11. 1ITDE. VC. H. mXblXGEB. D. It. JAMES ALBANY FUlfflM CO., INTCOFORATIIS Baltimore filotli, Albany, Ore. Furniture complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING arcialty. FeHi'fr.ie cirr fid ndCalispcoia Sir Star Bakerj 4orllrHilHtbIii and Firt Si CGKRAD rV'EYIF, FFCFRIEUR. DLkLIK 17 Ullrtl t'rcili, titaMrvare, 'fled Froitx Tobttt-eo, Nagisr, 4'ollee, Ete I'atoueii lneenwor Vegetables, lu. Hlee, Ten, etc.. fa-. eventl.,.a tL&t (8 kept in a rcier ritlj' tuii tfoctrj- t-.te, llll.iA market prive paid for AJ.L KIIJDS Oi'PKODUCE Stationery, Toilet ArtUUs, Kjsica Instrumen's, Etc. Hod-res h McFarlanfl, The Corret Ui i e S'or ,". Aibanv.Qi WallPaper, lrusM, lttiistw. Oils, (slneiis, ICtc .1. A. fiiiiiiiinp ALBANY, CBEC0 Jiemote from a-n -s:r.. ld mtkicl. draw., g rL.-!?., w!:i defiiT- J A pfttMLtr. ricv:-iv n Pat sots," :lh et of .-iic in the L', i, aJ iwrc:gi.cun C.A.SPiOW&CO. SB XCaveatvand Trde-Markr:aT.ed.i-dll Taut ent bunes conJuctoi 1- r Voc : tc rets, r J Ou Orrtcc t 0etTt u.6. patent 0:f 5 FORTMILLER I llCiel UIHl I WJaXI"6 whleh.Wb. oMat tMt EMBALMING - " rrop' un cvTP.n ruflpri. rnR IZV S urs iirn ALBANY, - - MASONIC I MEAN Will sell all crcckerv ware and holiday goous ai COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, vyortl: 50c for 2o cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 eupsTand saueer3 'Jo to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pel get. ' rJvery'Uing eise la proporuon. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. The Oregon JLand Co tVltn its home office al S.3.E31C- - - - OEi!GO T uie Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch effice In Portlanu X MAKES a specialty of Sunnysidefruit tracts near Salem) Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment long timo on balance or particulars. NEW F QPN1TURE, TV yry sroiiE iSnow fult. of first-class furnititre.jconsistino IV 1 of bed room 'set, choirf. lcnnges, tc, which I will tell at BOTTOM PRICES. as.BAPY OSCAR FACTORY UUWt mi: rKwuxt; rnoTOGKAPHEus, e0n- FOR EXCHAKCE. We have ."0 seres of verv choice surb ban laud, suiutle for pUtiatr, ail join ice the city limit of l'urtlaml huh we aro ctTer idc at the low price of one thonwid dollars per acre, subject to so incumbrance of Sit!,- 000, mot all of whtehihas two years to run. The equity of 13, .VO, we will exchange for improve, farm land io the Willamette val ley. Wq will also exchange equity in some very central prospective burineas property, paying ffood rental, for unincumbered firm land. If yon sre on the trade write for fail particulars in Lmi & Ci'RRlE, 131 3d street Portland Oregon. WANTED. PnshicR Canvaser of good dress. Liberal aalarv and nr.enpwi paid weekW; Permanent position. BHOWN Brt03tO.( Nurserymen, (Portland' Ore goo GENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a idav sel'intr the trreatest kitchen uten- m1 ever Invented. Retails fer thlrty-flve cents. Two toftix can be sold In every hoiif e. Mi'Hons tolJ in this country alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever Known 10 make money, easi .y ana quickly. Sanr. pie sent, postage prepa'd for five cents. McMakix x Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ANNUAL MEETING. XOTICK Is liorcly g-yen that ths an nnal mretic cf the stockholders of thi. Al bsny Hull. lire AfH.ciation will be hti at stre J Grs.lwL.M. in AiLativ. on Mon day. Msrch l;i.h, 1'.I4. at 7 .30 r m for the clwtion t f .lirr.t..r.f an I s.ich other fctui Des as n ?i .ome tl.tre the meeting. P.tJ r'cb 1M. f r XCTT1NV. W C T'vVIH' M K S:cret;r I rt):,Unt. IRVING ,, tMI, .d v.ccd carets .1 .a............. iag rroBtm the diaJ a '"c,,,,y- HEARSE OR SERViCt vt . TEMPLE, - - OP.EGOI BUSINESS. Titos. Wmi. Proprietor, Cabinet photos from $1.5010 $4.00 per uozen. rsniaiBtna mcturei Jpecialt v , 16x20 crayon: tramed 01 5x3 ana fierencop'O news of Ur- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. -V-OTtCE IS I1F.RKRV r.lVES Til VT THE trv X JcrMkiiedExciMit.iT f.t tlia Uu vr:H anl t em nient ol Andrtw K hh, tlev-i h filwl hor fin (x-.uit in the wute ol Andrew K itb, teeaiad the comity Werlt ot Linn eantvt urwin and that thctvmitv uinrt ol i.l t.ina tunty. fta the l.)t)i iUy ol Jhrvh, 104 .t Hi h'.ur o 10 o'clock in t!ie loren.m of uil -Uv. and th K"u."tv c"urt h.ou"o '!.-wr. nv count anl the settle nwnt ol unl et ate. MM Ft-bruaaj sth, lsy, lLHriV! JXElt Rsn. Atty for t,em?nx. Ext.ulrii. notice: of final settlement yoTicF. )if:Rf.dy givrx rinr iiif t lliewt.tf ot J,.hi.Cri.hsm. dS.i" lia SI. I "f the oltlo. ol th. clerk ..f ik. c'Sf- I? -ta l..r hrin .11 obJ" I, ir i Si J' and l..r Ihe muemmt t .M a """. IHtt tlii. Sth day at rel.rur iaiu HlUU.iTT. Iuii',;..,,.. Attorney f, Admx. Adnunl,,;.,,, Pr HE Beer.. DrO.KBee Physicians and Surgeons Special altcnllon Klvc n In d:crias o womfn. Honrs lotoiiAM i j mil r.iswcrtli. TF. wA.NT YOO WOIIK . . " J'1-. I'a pr.-fw.. I , , . , lurn-.sa a horse ana innl .. r.:a team. ,h0,h, is n ae e v A fw TAcanciesin tr.n.an.l fconrsm.y I. n.-,Hr. enoJ a.lv.0t,'Se"' 11. h aud JIiid rjts, llicbtnoDi V IGKEATLY RKDCCEI) MAUE15Y SODTHflffl PACIFIC GOMPA FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIE ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Ailiiiny Id Kan Francisco JNZ EETUEN .'iG.90 Inc'uding: FIVE Gaie Tickets To THE FAIR EXCU3SI0S TRIPS. From San Francisco to other points Im California w-U be allowed purchasers o' special Mtd inter Fair tlcltet at the fol lowing round trip ratu To siaiions under '50 mile from San Francisco, ore and one-third one way fare. To a'ations 150 mile or more from San FrancUco, one ar.d one-filth one way fare. For cxicl dates and full particulars, in quire of C K Frontc, agent at Albany, Or, or address the undet signed. Riciid Gray, T ii Goodman. uen Iraltic Man. Oen Psienger Agl. San Frarrisco, Ca. E P Rogers. Asst G F & P aeent. "Port land Or. WANTED At the stoie formerly owned Allen Bros., BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which 1 u.l possiblt . pm ti. be ctfl-. pner C F RAMP DISSOLiinON KfTICE. T.-e artnifhip htrpt- fore exit,t(nir a (lom.i a h'acU-n:ithii: .iitnes timlcr name f C-.arp.--r & Po tman U i)ietiv.-d mutual c.QBtn: thu d.iv. AH claimn tint tbe t rm -r owinu l v it win he stthd by the old tinn at the hi.r-p on St curd street betwten Ferry ml Wahintrtn. Mr Cramer retires ccd Mr H..m.u will cod-tiua-Jthcr lunnei t-. February 1, l'U. CramikJC Lowm.in. TT AB0nh,e IJiaiTO and Nebvi Tona ou tl.00 per pacfcnirf. Fnmples trOO. ICO Wfl nawmto MOT twits W al. w for tbe Teeth and Hrea'.!i.iSo. .ri;,.'!,St?''7 r-s-Siari riom-Od EKiV.n.b.'th Crrh Bemedy Is tho Sras rnV" ,1 """ereranund that would noma any good." I'rlcefOcts. Pold by Crumtistt. SHILOH'S CURE.' SfSSJf.'fc'S" ' 0JL.vror coiv.oiptioo It his too, lr taken In time. frla25c'.t. Mctt,tl.C B DOLLARS T0 PER DAY 4U Easily Made. IV- ..j- many rofn. wcmeri, bor,, and arirl-t-work l..ru.a lew hour, duly, ri, ,nirour their orn !,.... Ihe bu.llK I, , p-l inc.iyhOinrabKai.J rviy, fwiurtliaa ariyoll..: T-d ,ger.,. Yoa l...ve 1 clear Icll .d "P. i.lln. E-r-rirnoe a,.d social .Wlilr m. r.'ce,.3ry. s, ,., fei,. w mip v, . wi n .e. rytl.i,,! that y, n?P.i, ,,t Jro J" ""T1 '" ntn -!i erdlnarr srafis r tw'S'?, .'' A"v""-- arr.krre.tand.tV A" '"" "I-" I"1I..t enr plain ami sire ;' , Kirn T.,.rk will sarel r.V "- 1 ' n-'- KntylKnt'tt ee ' , ' V' Fr,':1' Writ r. r .or r-n'r'- d ""' ' I'-'rmalloc. K lure l-ii-i-- " -"" " " o stita ti JCAEK mam WiiOrcp a ess; ,T vill Vc7 VS.V" CSOCESTINS0fi.CP Cox 488, POrm.vja, MAir-tE: