4 a A. Jr. . .A. A A. Ay B" JL NO 2'.i LBAKY. OREGON MONDAY MARCH 12, ISM. t r ; " : ir. ri Mill lltllT : CUArI 0 LONG ! SKIN UlFE !mi fel'M iRT7 lUBENTALH fini j sTRONflljgj jUSiy- NERVES AVFRS! II ( OARSAFARI LLA p S. I. Smith, uf Towandn. F;i , whose (-'.institution was completely i broken down, is cured by Ayor'a Sarsnptiriila. II writea: f "For i -'it yrnr-s I most of time, n -:U KufTfi'. r from const ipa- ' tlon, kidney trouble, r.ml imlifjes- i Hon, fio that my rniiMitution H'l'imd t0 bo eemnlctely brnkni down. I was $uluccil trt try Ayer's r-'tu'jiHpnrilla, ami (bok n- riy ovn betili-s with mk-Ii eacclU'u. rtsnl'w ti;-:t my Ktom.ich, bowels i'r.l !;ilnr" rr in perfect coi- ', ditior, uml, in iiJ il 'r function, as regular iis clock-work. At the t'nio .' I began taking Ayr's J arsaparillH, my . weight wan only Y:- j mnls; I no-.vran Jrag of por-'lsf ?n:.I was never in sc good hcnlth. If you ro.iM sen mo bc- i (ore and after usin.'. von would want jno for a traveling advertisement. ! I believe this prep:ir.M inn of r'ovapnrilla to bo the 1h?hI in i!-e market u, way." j Ayer's SarnparHIa v Prepared t.Ilr. J. C.. Cures cthiv,' K Vt J p- - y 'i'.i i' LLBAKK 8rTtPFinrt-R0PirrKt?r , -:- DKAI.EB IN -:- A flaw -and -Saddler j, 0- : Display fe? ii the Coot .1 for Infants HYRTY yea.- otricrTOtlpnfttorja with the patronnga. ot alllloM of poneTOiiTiaJnjpekoil?ltl'nt It la Mnneajjonanly h Tf medy for Infant, and Children the woria ha. nver fcnovtm. It is harmle.. Children lit. K. U I kItm them health. It wnTvo hrlr lire.. In Mothr.haT I othing whtchj aMlely afo nail practically perfet. s ' child', m.dicliie. Caitorla d.ntroTT Worm. Caatarla aUay.j!csrerlhne.S; Casterla prevents Tomitlnt Sonr CnrJ. Caatorla wa Piarrhaia nn;l Wind Cnlto. CartorU r.llere. Teething Tronhles. Cartorla er Con.Upatlon and riatnleney? gMfrta nntnllai tlw gT. ef carhonle acid gas or polsonone If. CartorU doae not eontala morphine, oplnm. or other n.reotle preparty. tWoria .rimllat. the food, regnlates i. .tomch itnd howal., ' giving healthy and natnral loep. CaitarU 1. pnt nr J- It 1 not sold In hnlh. ConH allow any one to sell yon anything elo on tho plan or proml.o " jliat It l7"Jn. t a. good" and" wUl ansrr OTTy pnrpo.e. goo that yon .t C-A-S-T-O-R-IA. Thm fkol ill trUmaiw cf ' Children Cry for M 'VW -T -WIT 'lJbi?CJ L '.ho iTiBti'od mid results when of Figs is takeaj It is plceainl ;.- I rifrcshiug to i.ho tato, rud acts . ':..!)' yet promptly on the Kidneys, !.':-iV and Bonds, clea"srs the sys ' " jfiectun'ly, dispols colds, Iiend- i.f-s rr fevers and circs habitual station. Srrup of Fi9 is the ti..-y remedy of' its kii'd ever pro I'r.ned, jiloiiiiug to f.lio tusto and ac ('"j liu.la i.o tlio stomncli, prompt In . action and 'riiiy bpiioficial m its . prepared only from the most '.f..!tby ami ngrecablo eabstauccs, its , . oxjclleiit qualities commend it to I'll, tiul have rcadi it the most J j'Uiiif icniedy known. t'iiip of F'gs is for 8hla iu COc i:;;;d i t bottles by all lead:.;g Ojug !.'!'& Any reliable druggist vo iiui not have it on band will pn i ;.! o it p:omptly for any one who -visiles to ry it. l)o not accept ar.y ii..iittite. CALIFORNIA Fir, SYRUP CO. san mAucisco, at. OF IPS CrownMills JOHN PROPRIETOR. 1 rttnniMH r .omr MrEHioa ron rAiui AND B AKKRA TRffa REST STORAGE FAfilMfIRS and Children. l. Pitcher's Castoria. mum W Ul Wl W. 3 htV E&d U .euro you s)&!fx?i .' mjs, Jl f 'AV r (;lvcHloo(riy(-rLOi;iti:l OBECM, MMS 1 Vi'I I h ( Vi s.-iivK'iliii 11 1 1" in" ' " WHrllE ItKFEXSE IS NEKDKI) Oca BlackU defense of commlsaloner of Penaions Locbern in tbo llouie cn Bat uiday vaa alcquent and convincing, but It wai superfluous. Judge Loebera needa no detente. He bailtnply done hia duty aa an honest man and trusted official in try Ing to purge the pen stun roll cf tbecbeata and frauds tbat dishonor It. Wbat needs de fense is the re-nut act o' Congress deilga ed to binder the Commissioner m his good work by ouiopelllui; I lis payment of pen slons after fraud has tiron proved and wbon the f erfeon ccnv.'cted of fraud may bo actuallv ssrvl TUIs Inw bas n t own tb poor txcuse of ieno ranee. It was enacted as a sop lo the clam orous pension sharks and Hie Ir cliont iby Senators and Conreusmun who have been for years lo. ting the Treasury under pretense of patriotism, but really for the demagogie purpose ot 1 1 "the sol dier vote" fjr trelr own benf ft'.. Cummls sloner Loshern is Ml rijiht. it is Collarets that needs ait the eloquence that Gen Blacker any other apologi.t can innster In Us defense. PBOIIiBITIOS PBT COIXTV It.MION. The County Convention ol the Prohi bition parly for Linn county will convene at the Court House on Sa'urday, April 14th, 1894, at 1 o'clock p m, for' the pur pose of nominating a county ticket and transaction ot buch other business as may propetlv be brought before theconventiwn. AH prohibitionists of I. Inn county who vot?d the prohibition partv ticket in 1892 and who intend I support the same in the ensuing election will ue entitled to seats as. delegates in the convention. Everv prohibitionist in Linn county is carneitly and cordially invited to attend. T f tJAC'KLEMAN, chairman 01 l.inn County Cei.tial Committee. Expensive Kronomj. Some people beErudKtt tht little money that an Allcock's Porrs t-r co&tf, ard then when they pre racked win pain fiom tie soreness arising from cold, they will saend anv amount cf money to relieve the pain. If they only had one of these wrrkl rinowncil masters on nana tney woum De unvcd a vast amount oE suffering and be considerably richer. At the rini. sign of stiffness of the jointt applv one af these plasters wtil.ov.t any delay, me .oreness will be greatly relieved at once and goon disappear entirely. It will be money saved to have them on hand, to sa noth ing of the comfort Ihcy bringJ--WUl--.t---- For all ileranscnitnfs 0! the throat and lung, Ayer's Chsrry Pectoral is the speed lest and "most reliabla remedy. Even ii the advanced stages of Consumption, this wonderful preparation at fords great relief, checks coughing, and induces sleep. To preserve a youthful appearance as lonty as possible, it Is Indispensable thai the hair should retain Ps natural color and f'.'Hness, There is no preparation ec ffjclive a Ayre's Mnir VIor, It pi events baldness, and keep 1 the scalp clean, cool, ana healthy. Kt.iloh's Cure, the great conh ml croup nr, is foe sle by us. Foctiet siza contain wentv-'ive dti3e8,outy 23o. Childron li7o it othay & Mason. 0 Thoucandsof lives are saved annually by the use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whoopinir co'igh, the Pectoral has a most marvel-U effect. It allays in ammatioti, frees the obstructed air oasane and contro s the desire to cough Elderly people remember their sprin hitters with a ahudder. The present ien- tratton have much to be thankful for, not the least of their blessings beint; nucha pteasantand thoroug.ry tlh-riive sprint; medicine as Ave s Sarsapanlia. It 1 a A (I I liJ-M- Tofp!eaant fl.iv-ir. i"ntle acti'n anu soothi"C etfecto fcyrui ot r i , when in need of a laxative, rntl if the father mother h c'lv? or bilious, the most zratifvina1 rtbulis fo low its use; so that it is the best family ieinedv known and every family shaulJ i. -vp a bottle. Shiloh'n Vitthifr : r,it you nted for lyapjpi,, torpid liver. v l'ow skin or kid uoy frou'M. It in irnar.nt.ien to fj vn you -iti Caution. Prioe 75j. SjH Konhay & Mwft: ,.HMif'.i:tH..n.- 1 t-c..:.i:;... . i II v . ui.:i: .e rue jO'in'!.; . 'c pain; f.rriisih i ilon sia avals'. I r.ji Vvj p-i-.-rit-'Iori have ,v pmfn. that t!:e for anr r"e t.-t t rt tctimoniils. o car.-. ..Bit" i-- AliN)i vlotrkft. Vhm.R9:. Catn, I onr, T3 tt "uttor. 'iili FUR' Irtr.l, Vi to 15- (Virk hnm- Ut i 15; -.nntii.jrr .:, l! . i . . 11 to I'tc Hy. ' Hl.'mi, A ' App'fi, , 4r K,p li irt;il f. in , i , ' "' ". h'eKni. t p ly.t on i i, l? t O I r i r- t TBioiaxiAFHia. Uuand to Die Spokane, March 11. Edwin K Sturgls committed suicide today in a most deter mined manner. Descending to to the Spo kane river, he leaped into the stream from a rocky shelf, firing a revolver as he made ine leaD. me water was too shallow, nnu be waded out till it reached his chin. Then he sent a bullet through his brain. The tody was recovered an hour later. Sturgis was a money-loaner. Just beforo he killed himself lie T.nde a will, leaving 10,U00 to bis brother in (juincy. 111. IJespondency over bis harelip, superin duced by heavy drinking, was the fa'nl in fluence. ArierChlnauieu Los Am:ei,es, Cul. Much 11. Five Chinese anil four Italian orange-pickers and packers working at the ranch of Frank Uoucbard tit Los Nietos, acruss the Los An geles river from Itivera, were driven off the ranch and out of the locality last nigbt by a mob of men nnd boys hrarily crmed with guns and clubs. The rioters are sup posed to be Mexicans, who have objected to the U3U':h.r.'is hiring Chinese. Afirr an Infidel Taper Indianapolis, March 11. An attempt was made to blow up the ollico of the ironclad, an intidel paper published in this city, Saturday night. Tho miscreants en tered the ollico through tho cellar, nnd. after turning on the na'ural gns in two stoves, lighted a lamp. Tho expee'ed ex plosion was preven'ed, however, by the urrival of the editor of tho paper, who turned out the gas. AWInilr tlrru VVashingtox, March 10. A Buffalo, X Y. man will succeed Stagge as receiver of the Oregon National bank. When Kckels determined to go outside of Oregon to find a man for the place, be asked Cleveland if he bad anyone lie would like appointed. Of course he had a Buttido friend, an nli- snaoner and nronottneed enemy of Hill This receivership was just what would suit und Eckels will gladly name him. He will also be referee in Oregon appoint meets where the democrats cannot agree, fpllllinalp Cincinnati, March 11 A ramor pre vails here in Kniuh's of Labor cire'es, and it has be?n semi-officially corroborated in Quebec, Montreal and parts of Ontario. f......t. ii.nt mivui itn;,.i,ia nf i.,iLi. n.;n secede trom the order because cf dissatis faction with Grand Master Sovereign, and start an independent branch of the order. A rrlvale affair New Yoiik. March 10. Senator Oil' was asked tonight if there wad any truth in the renort that he is enaugea to no marnea ft-tas-Atty fwott, niece ot vice-rresiaent Stevenson. He smiled and said: Tbat's something of which 1 am not talking. THE .M"II-KN 1VAV Commend? itself t. the well formed, to do p'easantly and effectual.' what was fo-.m-er'v done in the crudest manner and dit- recably as well. To cleanse the svstem and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleasant alter eiiictt, use the delightfui iiquiu laxative remedy, (Syrup of Wehuinq nvjtavioss. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden, Common every clay. The nuioinel, pro pri-.-tcr -f the Punier liounr uesiri's to in'orm lite piihiic thiit h" hs reduced the r Hca of binrd wuljoiit loilgiug to pvr we; i, with I'-uwi'-rS ic-'wrek. Single m 25 linnl Tlie iub:ij if t., jred to call a-f I uu Ivtii nrifi u to ?. rlrvti tlrsnol ;or inle. C:rnir of Hroadnptin and Vntr treets. J II AlBltAfDA. Sann-r t-Mn-. ttut tired felinc losnf 'pptite and nervous prostration ate nriv-n awav b Iloods Saraparill, like mi-t brf ire the morning sun. To realiz' the hcicTit of this g. eat medicine, give it a tri.il Sure, efficient, civv -Hood's Pills. '.'.cts'tT'lhlsJ VeoIfcr 0'i Kr.ii.Jr-.-d Dollars Keward fqr .ny cans of Cttrtrtli that cannot bo cured by ("atari li L'.:;;. CI I & CO. , Props., ToleoY., O. ., J,ie known F. 3t i; v-r.-.T". and believe him 'r. :!! t-uhicKiitranRactlont t- t -.r.y f-utfc:iy obligation We t'..P Ui..it.-rs: .; Clioney l'r Cio pr J pcrtec.Iy h--;'-'i.-,.'i1'' ' end t1i,.'in'ii.,! '' i tna-!o lr.'t -".::-, V.'WT&'li:rAr.-.Vi.: ! '.V ALU! vii. i'.'-V.lN '. CIKtl. T lf .1... 1 .'.r nnnrrists.ToTMo.O, H'tir. i'at:. i h i ore Is iaVrn fntfmaHv, act ftiff lirvfil i:in t-hv ittol and munu'i sur f:it tin: Ihfvsteiij. iJ''r o 7"C. pi-r hottlOi tiold b.7 ail UruM;ifttN. ""' "oniaU Ireo. 4 an. - Wear ' Em Out! The ra to do It is t take yo-ir wash ing to the Chinamen, If you want your work well don, at living prices take It io Richard V ? .'IlinV Steam Kaur.drv. Thy know bow without banging- them round a p'fa. Awarded Highest I" 1 HISS Highest' of all in Leavening Power.. Latest (J. S. Gov't Report. ABSGUUeELY PURE While it is over thirty years apo since All cock's Porous plasters were first intro duced to tne medical profession and pub lic, ttvj marked success and unprecedented popularity which they met with not only continues, but steadily Increases. Jso other plasters have been produced which Grain so many testimonials of lilch value as those continuously accorded lo Alcock's rorous riasicrs, anu the only motive tor these exceptional tributes Hei in fact of their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal preparation of superior value. Audi tional proof of the true value ot Alcock s Porous Plasters lies in the tact that they are being largely imitated oy ucscrupu lous ner&ons, who seen to deceive the pub lic by offer ine plasters which they claim to be the 'same,1 'equal,' asgood better,' best porous plasiev etc, while it ts in eencrni apnearpnee only that they resem ble AUcockV Kveiy one of the so-called porous plasters are imitations of Alrock,t f orous 1'lasters. Avoid dealers wh3 attempt ti pil m o Inferior and worthless plasters tint ar purchased by then at low rate for th purpose of substitution. Self rrulse. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the testimony of ethers no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say .that Allcock's Porous Platters are the only genuine ind reliable porous plasters made is not self praise In the slightest degree. They have stood tne test for over thirty years, and tn proof of their merits it ts only necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the - voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Bewait o( imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Altcock's, and let no solicitation or ex pi a nation Induce you to accept a substitute. Tbe llest meastn. The reason why Atlcock's Porous Plag tera are popular is that they may be relied on to cure. i. Lame back, rclatlca, stiffness twitching of the muscles. 3. Chest troubles, such a pleur: monia, consumption. 3. Indigestion, dyspepsio, kidney complaint. . pneu asncss. The success, however, will depend upon the genuineness of the plaster usrd. The popu arity of Alcock's Porous Piaster has been so greot that multitudes of imitations have sprung upon every hand. The only sure cure is to get the genuine Allcoctt's Porous Plasters, Ibandreth's Pills Imp-ove il.e digestion. Portland, Scramunto. Ixs Angeles 3tccHtoi-i and Salem have the came insur ar.ee rates. Albany, Or, Butte and Helrna. Montana, Salt Lake City, Taco.ns, and Walla Walla, Wash, and .Spokane, have the same rates ! J.tii tn krn h.iir and b'ld Sfds. o diplessing io inrnty people as mm ol age, may he ave tr.u lot a long Mnu1 ny Uhlng Hall's Walr Renewer. Don't was'e llm money, and lieilth trlng every new medicine you mav se aijvert'sed hi the papers. If the cau of your trouble ( in the blood, livrr, slcmach. or k1liirs, take Ayer's rsa. ptrilla a' once, at:d be sure of a cure. Take no other. There no c!a!-n made f.ir Ayer's Sarsaparl a which ennnot be endorsed by scores of tetimoni iU. This fact plainly proven thai the bl-w-d is the source of mw! dUorJers nd that Ayer's Sarapatilla ts the best of b'ood .irififtrs, .Try U thi month When Baby was sick, - 9 gav her Castorla, When slie was a ChlW . the cried for Castorla, Whrn she tweame 311 . she clung to Castor: Vtben she bad Chikuvt , she gmrotbcoi Csatorta Honors at World's Fair If? 9a Ing ; No Alu- Si-.-.:a.ivd Baking Powder IKR UK HP Paikcr Bi os, grocers, F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Brw Fiafl grojems at Coon's. New cream cheese just received at Ccmft.1 Meyers, P J Smiley job printer, FIiqd Block, doea Srst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 6 cent cigar at Julias Joseph's. Dr M II Etli, physician and surgeon Albany, Om,mi. Culls male In citj'or country. on Scott's Emulsion, because fat fo o d s make fat children. 1 hey arc thin, and remain thin just in proportion to their inability ta assimilate food rich in fat. mulslen of Cod Liver Oil is. especially adaptable to those of wcaiv diges tion it is partly digested ah eady. Astonishing how quickly a thin person gains solid flesh by its ine! Almost as palatable as mil!.: Pr.rTl fcy Sent! 4 Bn-xn.. N. Y. Alt drti-pi.r.. J F ICED, EvauseM, Of Deef.Mo.nen, town, writes uador'date of ; March S3. 1803: 5. B Mrn. Mro Co., Dufur, Oregon. QenUrmen i Op arrivibK h-ime Ust week, I found all well and aDxinut-ly a-vaiting. Our little sirl, ft uhl and on-h. If yeara old, who bad wa ted away to 38prundst is nnw well, stror g and vig rou, and well Hehhed up. . B. Cough 'ur htmd'ne its wurt weii. ttotfiofthe cl.ll lM-u like it. Totir S B. Cough Curo ha enrrd and kepi away al boarw-neks trrm ine. i?o , ivo it to eyery one, with gri- nuts f-.r all. Wishing yon f.rnsueii y, mi ;,r-' Voiin., MhiV Ma J F Fopd. ft vim wirth : r. . i i I'T tlie.Si'riitj'a. H'.irl;, Ht-ivil.'u.l.e R.ii) I,iv .r r iniil.tHpli wt-4k. i mill rheerful, sihI marty ii-ssj your Mjnto-n wit lithe t,t:iktti .Ail ir thre RE' ci mi .' r li.;tl.i t) all nivtiata. o. t ui!ti.a iHwiihft'fnarajloe ty ACUMMING. COctaand n.OQpor BottkV One oontadose Tim Orsat Corrnn Cl-hz Dromotlv curea where all other fail, Couf hs. Croup, Sor Throat, Hoarse neu, WhoO)ilnff Cough an4 Asthma, fur Consumptioa tt nas no livaJ; baa cured thousands, and Trill curb To it If taken In time, BoM by imiirgis'a on a guar, antco. For n I-sme Itm k or Chnt, use BHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTIC R .Sia. QHILOH'SCATARRH llareyfiucaimrri? This remedy Isrusran teed to euro you. Prioe.juU. Jiijoctortreea. FOSHAY A MASON v9LatAia saa asTAib )'ri!jisistsfinfl Bofilfspllrrs- a u'-'i ts for John B. Aider'- yui-'.U i we w.-ll a r.t!'1!' 'Kv -.rf,-. t ctj- rrz j lt a- aa mm am r m mm va wm am mm mm BsAiMaHnl r:,. 1 C.-.-tn f T irl-r 1 cwV-r. "1 i-.t Millions of Homes. 40 ,KP, Mturt. t der