Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 10, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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NO '.)
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II. ,
"As cM m
W n.l 'Tnnd
-' i
atSsa--y f millions.
. : :n m o n s
L.vyr Ri'gu-t-v
, l;i..r !i llie
- 3" only Liver
Iff t'ei 5
d JT cl. "Trie
"When I was a Boy,"
Writes Vnstinastrr J. C. Woodson-,
Forest Hill, V. Va., "I liatl a bron
ohial trouble of such a persistent
and stubborn character, that tlio
doctor pronounced it inenrablc with
ordinary medicines, and advised
mo to try Ayer's Cherry I'eetoral.
1 did so, and one bottle cured me.
For tho last fifteen years, I have
used this preparation with jood
effect vlienver 1 take
A Bad Cold,
and I know of numbers of people
who keep it in the house all the time,
not considering it safe to be with
out it."
"I liave lecn usiii" Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral Ik my family for 30 years, with
the most satisfactory results, and can
tiheerfiilly recommend it as being cspe
sially athipti'il to all pulmonary com
plaints. 1 Pave, for many years, made
pulmonary and other medicines a special
study, and I have come to the conclusion
tat Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a
position pre-eminent over other luedi
eines of '.ho class." Clias. Davenport.
Dover, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Arcr&Co.. Lowell, Mar.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
'c t.uici) cry w
Tl :n i'f Uv
: a
i .sa
nl V..K-
i.i ', i:k'-'l:i7
o:i t':a Livar
a n d Kill
. Try it
Soi.) hy iill
!.;'; in I'.iAve.-
r 31
:l .1 ,
,. ..II h
. II.
til in:, r llr'ju
..!:' II liio
, .. I ii,;;-l.l- i' II R
-OKo. V. J.C;-
duN. i'a' oltiu. V tixiiiiitrlou.
ej-Evmre rACKAt caa
tl:e S Ktan.j, In red on vtMpr
J F ICED, Evariaelisi,
01 DesJjMoinea, Ir,w, writi uude
lato of
I, scema to be conceded tat the Income
tax will remain a part of the Wilson bill, j
opponents have done their worst against
it and have failed. Even were sugar re
stored to the durable list It Is unlikely
that It would supersede the income tax.
though this It the primary object of many
uho hive been urging a restored tax on su
While litis is bo The World does cot hetl-
tale to say that the income tax provided for
in th Wilson bill is the most objectionable
form in which it could be presented. To
tax Incomes of $5 000 at the same rate at
Incomes of $50,000 will have the effect, If U
was not intended, of making the tax
odious. Trie limit U tolov. No Income
of tess than $5 000 pur annum should be
taxed at a'l. Incomes Let ween $5,000 and
$t 0.000 should not be taxed'more than I per
cent. Any tkficency this would produce
In ihe retried revenue shoid b made up
by a higher tax on the larger Incomes. Any
considerable amount taken from incotn;s'of
Its thm Si 0.000 per annum is a levy upon
the necessities and comfort of the people.
For it must bs borne in mind that 'the nrc.
aiies of life" Is a relative term. t'odtr
modern condition of living it can hardly be
said that in taxing incomes between $4
000 and $10,000 per annum we are taxing
only the surp!us above what is required for
necessaries and comforts.
Thd Wojld hap long and coiiglstentl od
voca'eo a graded Income tux, exempting all
incomes of less tlan $5,000, bearing very
lightly upon incomes of less than 8 10, 000
and taxing only the trnneeded surplus It
believes that such an Income tax would be
one of the fairest and least objection ib'.e
tixes that could be Imposed by government.
It would be a popular tax, for it vunld be
ot jected to by but fow end would Interfere
wi;h the comfort of none. It would dial
!cnge buta small part of the hostility evoked
by the tax u U a'. U in the Wilson bill.
It would strengtl pr i ry party intro
duced it inU o..ttuciiUjsTeui.
5. B
Med. Mfg. Co.,
Oufur, Oregon.
as. ! i;iFFF!' norciKTO
fted CrownMills
Gentlemrn :
On arriving home last wock, I found all
well and anxiously avaitp. Our little
irl, ff.uht and one-iu li years old, w ho had
wa ted away to .S pmi-.da, in nnw well,
cioiig and vigurcu.', and wll 3t he(tap.
s. II, tough cur hnrl re it rcii
('..all ot tho child Ltt mv it. Vojt S h
vngh Cure liif tuied and kt pt wsy aM
hoateeDesa tn tn me. give it to every
r.e, wih jiT-hics for all. Wishing you
.rostf.ii y, wo
Your-, .Mr & Mus J F Ford.
Jfytm wish to ftulit-n nitj cheerful, mud ready
'r tlieS-riii,'s work, cleans; y'.ir ftjntem wjth the
Ikatlucliuand Livar Cure, by taking tvo or three
'lorn.1 t-a;h week.
60 cctits pr bottla by all Jnii:t.
BCovr rnor Fiow(r;5as Tctet! be may
or or Troy to sift ti ticn frauda and
riot of Tuesday tot,, baiom, ro matter
who it hits, Robert Kat who was killed
In the fight, waa burled today. The
Domi was rno largest In Troy In years
BusineMt wai generally anapende-J, The
rnmain iay Jn atate and wero viewed by
inousan' 8.
Over Ihe TurlU IIUI.
Wasuinoton, Slarch 9- Tomorrow
morning' tha republican and democratic
members of the finance committee will
have their first bout over the tariff bill . A
prominent member of the majority said
this ln.rning ihat he was confident that if
mere is a contest me democracy woum
come oil triumphant. The republicans
have said that they proposed to insist that
the men who have framed the bill made
public yesterday should nssign the reasons
for the changes they have made in the ex
isting: law. If this course is pursued the
attitude of the democrats is known. They
will say to their colleagues that the bill
be 'ore tbem has been agreed upon by (he
majority as a wise and judicious tariff
bill; that they are responsible to the coun
try tor it.
After Ihe itiiMrttln.
Aijiany, X Y, March 9. Governor
Fower has directed the mayor of Troy to
sift the election frauds and riot of Tuesday matter whom It hi'.
KoU'rt Hoys, who wis killed in the fight,
wti buried today. The funeral was the
Largest in Troy in years, liusiness wag
generally suspended. The remains lay in
state nn.t were viewed, uy thoasunus. j
A Serious Areltlt-nt.
The Daixks, March 9. Ernest Jensen,
an employe of 1'ease & Mays, met with a
very serious accident this forenoon lie
was work'nc in the warehouse, fixing a
block and tuckle to the rafters, when he
fell lo the iloor, a distance of 25 feet,
fctriclcincr on his head, lie was rendered
unconscious bv the fall, and it is consta-
erca uuuuttui as to whether nu win recover
Tbe Week's f ailures.
San FitAxnsco. March 9. The Ilrad-
street Mercantile Agency reports 2D fail
urea in the Pact He coast states and territo
ries for the week ended today. n com
pared witu 20 for tho previous wek and
io iur me curreponuing ween, in
AHer Ihe A P A.
Mii.wAi'KEn, Wis, March 9. The Co
lumbian League lias raised $50,00i to
fight the A P A in Milwaukee. Chair
man liichard liurkc says the money win ue
spent in holding mass meeting and cir
culating and publishing litera'ure. Mas
meetings nave e n nrranueu uy tuo op
posing bodies for March lo.
A Ills Aftnetiiment
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I Baking
S So. 1 uii.ier poeHiva.' guarantee ,y
for infants and Children,
THIRTY yr' oTiaorvation of Caatoria rtth tue patronag of
Uxlllions of parsons, porndt tia tn aponlc of It withont gneaelg. '
It Im paqneatloimBlr rrmdy fr Infanta an Children
tho world fcaa over Imnxna. It la liarmleni. Children like It. It
' gfw thorn health. It will mrwm ihmir Uvea. In i Mothors.haTO '
1 aomothing which fa ahaolwtoly aafe and practically porfact aa a J
ohil61a nvdletno.
Caitorfa rtoatroyi Worm,
Caatoriaallaya FarerlkhneKa.
Caatoria proronia vomiting Snnr CnrA. .
Caatorla ear TMarrhcoa and Wind CoHo.
Caatorla roliovoa Toothing Tronhloa.
Caatorla enro Conatlpatlon and riatnlonoy.
JaalaTla nontralioaa th ogocta of oarhonlo add gaa or polaonqnt aif.'
Caraoria dooa not contain morphino, optnai, or other nareotlo proporty.
C tori a aaalmllatoa tho food, rognlatoa tho atomach -snd howaja,
giving healthy and natnral aloop.
Cavtorla U pot np in one-aiao hottlea only. It la not sold in .talk.
Onat allow any one to oell yon anything olao on tho ploa or promlap
Dr. Price's Cream tiaking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
For all deraflfeements of the throat ami
lung, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the speed
iest and most reliable remedy. Even in
the advanced stages of Consumption, this
wonderful preparation affords great relief,
checks coughing, and Induces sleep.
To preserve a youthful appearance a
long as possible, it i indispensable that the
hair ehould retain Is natural co!or and
fullness. There is no nrenaratinn sn
oCctlve as Avre's Hair Vlirnr.
it pi events baldness, and keep the scalp
clean, cool, and healthy.
Little Hock, March 9. The controller
of the currency lias made an assessment ot
92 per cent on the stockholders of the
defunct First Xtln vl bunk, of this city,
payable next Monday. The holders of the
new utock in this cftv have en sage '1 law
Commend itself M the wtrll formed, to do
p'easautly and effectual what wa form
erly done in the cmdrst manner anil dis
agreeably a well. To cleanse the svKtem
and break upcold, headaches and fevers
without unplea-ait after eff.ctRf use the
dciightfui liquid Iax,vive remedv, rvrun of
While it is over thirty years ago since
Allcock's Porous plasters were first intro
duced to tne medical profession and pub
lic, thj murked succ -ss and unprecedented
populariry which they met with not only
continues, but steadily increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gain so many testimonials of hlh value as
mose continuously accoraeu :o aicock s
lo roil" I'laoiers, and the onlv motive tor
these exceptional tributes lies in fact of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Add!
ttonal proof 01 the true value 01 Alcock s
rorous 11 aster s Ilea in the fact that they
are being larceiv imitated bv uraciupu
lous persons, who ieek to deceive the pub
lic by ottering plasters wntcn they claim
to be the same,' 'eoual,' 'asgood,' 'better,'
bst porous plaste-," etc, while it is In
general appearpnee only that they resem
ble Allcock'b. Kveiy one of ths so-called
porous plasters are iinltatlons of Alrock,s
Porous Plasters.
Avoid dealers whs attempt t pil mo
Inferior and wrtlile pi aters t'.iat ar
purchased by the n at low rates tor th
purpose of substitution.
Srir lraUe.
Self praise Is no recommendation, but
there are not times wh?n one must permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of ethers no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say that
Allcock's Porous Planters are the only
genuine ind reliable porous plasters made
Is not self praise In the slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
vears, and In proof ot their merits it Is onlv
necessary to call attention to the cures
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of those w ho have used them.
Cewaie ol imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to arcept a substitute,
Paiker hros, groc r.
K. M. French kevpataitroari ttmp
l!uy your grocery's of Parker Br-
Pij j groortei at Conn's.
New cream cheese just received at (Ynra-1
P J Smiley j jb printer, Flidn Bio 'k, dra
Hrst class work.
iSinoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
digar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M If Ellii, physioHn and surgeon
Albany, (han. Cali3 mala l-i oitj'or
country ,
Koilnh'a Cure, the great cou-h and croup
a--, is for sale by ns. Pocket size contain
went-liv e docs,ouiy 2oo. Childreu liit
shay k Masi n.
Thousands of lives are saved annual I v
the useof Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and whoopina cotigh, the Pectoral
nas a niosi marveirufc cttect. It allays in
animation, frees theoustruci&flnirMnfcrra
and controls the desire to cough
I'Mcrly people retm-m'irr th.-ir ,rin
hitter with a Blmdder. ''h pre-.-n" Bt.n.
eratlon have much to be thankful for, not
me imm ui uieir uiebsings net ng huct a
plensant and thoroughly tfft'etive spring
medicine as Ayer's f?arsaparilia. Ic is a
A.M.IIit rnjjh
I'liepVi-ant flavor, eentle jrttmi imi
soothing effect o Syru? ot Figs, when in
neel of a laxative, and If the father or
mother be costive or bilious the most
gratifying results follow it ue; so that it
Is the best family lemedv known anil
every family should hav a bottle.
S lib!, ViunTTJa wi. yun nd lor
lyspepsib, torpi.l liv r. yellow akin or kid
ney tronhl. Jt K vlMrnted to'give yno
tiIao-..o... price Too. Hild!by Koshay &
Wooden, Tin,
silver, Cfoldeii
CoMiinnu every day.
The llrst iiritraftonn.
tera are popular Is that they may be relied
on to cure.
1. Lame brck, sciatica, stlflnrss or
twitching of the muscles
a. Chest troubles; such a ph?u,:- . pneu
monia, consumption.
3. Indigestion, dyspepsio, .I'-nes.
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of the tdaster The
nnn nrltu nl A1irtr-1' Pnxiua Ptulor lint
I been so grent that multitudes of imitations
t have sprung upon every hand. I he oni
The nnde-Mnel, pro nure cure Is 10 get the genuine AUcocVs
;.ri,;tvr ( f the Pn-itHtr Itou-e deflirn lein'orm ! Porous Piasters.
tho pa hilt; tht h.- h.ts rrfhrred the r ns of U,an.ireths Pi'l i.n;)-,ve the dlgesllon.
b-trd without .lading M T per t. nhj purtlund, Scr.unento. I.o Angeles
h-nvwurS per wi . S:pjr!e t, . ft'-. s,CCKton nn( Saiem have the insur-
Ilm imlilia 1 f.vit.(1 to call Ai I r.-t, umitl : a,t . Alhanv Mr. HhMm nml flflma.
Montann, 'alt Lake Cilv, Tjco n, a. id
ht-df1 ao'l u -.) t.-.hle. Have lir I lor
silo. 0 M i;r of Rrodatitn nod W.itir
treoU J H Men. i'A.
Walla VVhI'm, Wash, arid Spikane, have
the same lates.
Ie"Jnaa gPednsmdwllliitwef erery purpose,"
See that yen get OA-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fa-si"U3a
When Batiy was sick, 9 gave her Caatorla.
When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Mtas, die dung to Castor!
When she had Children, ahe gave them Castoria
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
1'onr, f3.0.
intter. Wo.
Fvg. I
fird, 'Z to 15o-
Pnrn -ham l2to I6; u.Ktt
11 to 13c
ffay. hiel t7
o M(HS, 4
A pple, , 4
Hop I
tiried f.nii -p'ti-ir, , pf:i, ,;
f'hifkfn-i. a 1 p t r i.J
Bo.f. on f, nt, lMc
r!og drcs e l. 5;il
... ,n ..t II, ,t -U-...I -elilin I
lossnf appetite nml nervous pros'raihm '
are driven awiv bv II khI'h S irsapirttin,
like niif. bt f j.e th' morning sun. T
realize th hertetit of thU .v'.n tnedicitte,
give it a
Sure, efficient, e.nv Hooil's P!li.
uu 'Jlilsl
Wo offer One Hand ml lollnrs Kcwtrd for
any case ot Catarrh t'.ux, cnanot be cured By
Hall's Catarrh Cm.
V. .1. CHKNHV & CO., Projw., Toledo, O.
We t!.o ui.'liTsirfnvd. h:ive known F. J,
Cheney fT the J:nt 15 y:ars, and believe him
perfectly hononMe k ill liusincBstransactlona
and ff v. ar. c) illy nb to carry out any obligation
mau by tiit-ir firm. '
Wbit&Tiiiax. Vi!i-.lfmle TtruifpIj'tR.Totedo.O.
Waldinu, KinaA Mabvi.v, WhoJese'-v Urug
iriBt, Toledo, O.
Kill' a Catarrh rnrc I taken Internally, act
fnif ilrertiy upo?i the blond untt mur'iua aur
faccs of the m. Price 7.c. yr bottle, fiotd
by all Uriij,i-;.--;i!. 'J tininniul freo.
The v.av todo it I t taks yo'ir wash
ing to the Chinamen. If you want your
work we'l done at living prices take It to
Richard & PhMMp't. Steam Lau r .
Th-y know how without hanging IhCITI
round a pole.
Increased fiV'
one of the lirsi l,1"'' "
It by users of Scoti i.;.s.;
if cod liver oil wiili liyr.
p!iitis. Gootl ;?pct;Li. .
'ood health.
fjt food that fjrovi
own tonic. Instorc: ot r.
in ;i:pilite and diestiD:
.vonderful hi;!p to t.oth.
StvSs Liinithimi
rrss ifu progr?s;
Consumption, JJr.v
chilis. Scrofula, c :
olkcr wasting JisccJ,.
by raising a barru r ,
healthy Hcsh, sir eng.
ami verve.
VI60R "f
Easlir. Quloklr.
Fermansntly Rcgtorsd,
and all the train of evil
ft m curly errurHur lwt-r
(xci-mps. Ui r-hi;hi of
ovrrwui k, r i k ti e n s,
vorrv.t to. PulltriiRili,
(toTt-Iopiiient ami ttms
Riven tuaveryurKin atid
iMlon nf tho IhhIv.
Iinmrtlluiitlniprovfii nut
rfn. Failure htioitT I' Ic.
Him nm irxiB
;?V,iiVl-i" 1 xidanntlun ami v
L-i ZpwA m"lk''1 lwlfd) rre.-.
Price's Cream Pi.ii; (owdcr
r orty Year the Stt . - sfi-
Thin 01 effv hair aid bM i'us. so
displeasing to many pfijle niailiof
at;. t!ay ie averteu tor a km? nine oy
utiii fiiill'i rtair Renewer.
Djo't w i-ite time, moritfy, ii.ul health
irvlnss ev"-v new medicine vo-i m::v see
ii(ivert's,4d 1.1 the papers. If ?h cause of
tour trouble U In the hi tin J. liver,
'f reach, r kidney, 'ake Aycr's arsa
li...illa at (nxf, and he ure of a cure.
Fake uo oilier.
'I here I no claim made for Ayer's
S iiKapari hi which cannot be endorsed by
tenrea of u thnonUI. This fact plainly
provfft thai rie hl'xxl U the source of most
-iUordera ... I that Ayer's Sarapai ilia Is
the best of it nod purifiers, JTry It this
.no nth
vigorous bifKKl ojutking
veins and animailug every
xlv. cjld weather 1 not only
it pleasant and agreeable. No
r hiooil nedtcine I so certain In Its
rcUlta ? Ar'a Sj'sipa rllla. What It
, (-i; It will Ho for on.
With p.
hrouKh ih
lbreof the i
UiKMJ WIViH . 7.1: fH OTV
1 1.00 per DotOf
Ono coat u Uoso
Tnia nneAT Coirrn cuuia uronii.tly rum
where all othvra fatL Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat, Iloamttness, Whooinc bougn nnu
Asthma, l-'or Consumption it has no rival;
has cured thousands, and will CURS T0 11 if
takenln time BoM by Innrglsa on a guar
antee. For n Lnnw Hark or Chr-sr, use
3S B&jJfil&P
A wanted Hijrliost Honors at World's Fair
y g muz.
TMToyiiiJCirmrrli Th! rrmclTlsru.rmo
tootl tocurayuu. PrloikCOcU. JuJocUrln.
it. . MeFarSad.
-:- in
Harness - and - Saddlery.
Display in the Dooi
The mly 1'ure Creaia of Tartar l o .
. , j ...
Used iu Millions of Homes