. . t VOL. Yi ALBANY, OKEGON, TUESDAY MARCH , 1894. NO 256 "When I was a Boy," AVrile Postmaster ,1. O. Woodson, Forest Hill, W. Va., "1 had a bron chial trouble of sitc-li a persistent and stubborn character, that tho doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer'o Cherry Pectoral. I did so, ami one. bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of nmnlu-rs of ppoplo who Keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to bo with out it." "I have been mn Aycr's Cherry Pectoral In my family for 'M years, with the most satisfactory result., and can cheerfully recommend it ns being espe cially adapted to nil pulmonary com plaints. I have, for many yearn, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, ami I have come to the conclusion tiiat Aycr's Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi cines of Uie class l' has. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral .Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Ma.-i. Prompt to act, 3ure to cure a n i a V O kLBAKV AS. i-f KIKK i!M.' VI'?1 Red CrownMills JOKN ISGf,', PH.PRIETOS. AUD BAXSR8 C8X, IJES mKMOll-Oil W9 for Infants THIRTY yn' olnonraUon of CaitnriB nHh tli. patranmg. ot million, of pennn., permit on to .peak of it without gneMlsg. It 1. "iqin.Tloiibly tho bct remedy fir Infant, an Children th. orlil ha. 9TW hnn n. Tt 1. hmrmlcn.. Children lilt. It. It ' cl hum health. It 111 their Uvea. In I Moth, har. ' i tithing which h.nl-tely f and practloally perfect a. a ' child, medicine. Ca.toria deatroyy Wornn. Oartorla allay, rororlnhne.i. Cartorla prercnt. ynmitlng Stmr Card. Catrla eure. Dlarrhoaa and Wind Collo. Cwtorh reliere. Teething Trophic Cartorla onra. Con.tlpatlon and natnlancy. gMtarla nentrall . thj effect, of earhcnlo acid ga. or peUonnn. air. CarTterla doe, not contain morphine, oplnm, or other nareotlo property. Catoria a..lmllate. the food, regulate, the .tomach nd tew.l., : ClrfaiH healthy and natnral .leep. C.Ttorla I. unt np In one-nlre tottle. only. It 1. not .old In hnlfc. Pont allow any one to .ell yon anything ela on the pi .a or proml.a Siatlt l."Ja.la. eond" and"wlll w rer Tory pnrpo.e. Be. that yen get C - A - S - TO Th fac-ml-lUa .Ijrnatnra of - Children Cry for "As old a thehills"aud nfvcr excell ed. "TrioJ ninl proven" is tho verdict o f millions. 1 ? Simmons Liver llegu- - . Litor ia the l-r p Tit 0 11 ' y Liver JJCtlC lm, Kiducy mcilioiiie to whieh you can piit youx lYitli for a cure. A in i 1 ..1 kxa tive, and pmvly vog otalilo, act ing ui'.vuliy on tlio Live,? a n d Kid Than Pi 77s neys. Trv it Sold l.y all su iii Lifjiiid, or in Towde .ken dry or.'iuidoii.Ioa tea. .lei Tim Evil ; t I l.lvr Me-lie'li;. "1 iuiVf (i,-tl yi.iii'Kiiijir.i.i'sl.lwrltrjru. I'l'.u" mi'.l i'Hii I'lMiM-h nlIiHly hiiy it isllio of nil liv r tiit'ili. itit's, 1 cunvUlt-r It u .'leiill'lTK'i-ll.-l 111 11. . (JEU. W. JAUS rtON . Tlti'itlllU, WuMlillUiU, f5-i:EItX PACEACii' i tl o & Ctraip in res ti ivrupii. J F TCED, Evangelist, Cl DoMo;np-, low.i, writm umler'da .March 23, 180:): B Meu. Mfo Co.. Dnfor, Oreaon. Gentlemen : Op arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little L girt, e.gni auu ona-heit yeara old, who had wa ted away to 38 pounds, is rnw well. ttirnng and vigorou-, and well lt;nhed op. A. U. Cough i'uro had-ne i- W"-i, wrli. Both of the chlMien like it. Your S li. Cough Cnre hn tuied and kepc away a-l hoarseaebS fit m wo. So give it to oyery 01. e, with gre-tni;s for all. Wishing you priS.eii y, H kin Yours, Mr & Mk J F Fokd. If yon wlh to Miifin and cheerful, and ready for thcSitrin-f's work, cleanio ymir system with ths iloaiitwlitiaud Iavji Cure, by takiuji to or' llires loaoarach eek. SO ccntt per bottlo by all ln:mritU. s.ao.t uni1ei n)itive"guaraatce by J ACUMMING. and Children. - R - I - A. er.ry PPr. Pitcher's Castorla. esteemed r Joseph r Moore minister of Congleton church. R Moore: A la generally known, was a friend of Livingstone. Or the return to London of the great travelei after an absence of nearly 30 yean in Afrl n, he was visited by Mr Moore. Having ound the address of his old friend, Mr Moot 1 knocked ft tht door and inquired of the! servant if Mr Livingstone was at home andWas much &u prised to here a voice call ouk from an upper landing: 'Halloa Moore) Is that you?" It was Indeed remarkable that a voice should be recognized In thatiroy after not leing heard for about 30 year ruoiiiniTio imietw ioi.vrr cosr- VKftUON. The County Convention of thjf Prohi bition party for Linn county will Convene at the Court House on SaturdajL April 14th, 1S94, at 1 o'clock p m, for ihe pur pose of nominating a county ticipei and transaction of such other buslnesf as may properly be brought before the convention. All prohibitionists of Ltnn county who voted the prohibition party ticket m 1S02 and who intend t support the 'fme in the ensuing election will be entitled to seatB as delegates in the convention. Every prohibitionist in Linn coftnty is earnestly and cordially invited to attend. T T Uacklemas, chairman pf Linn County Cer.tral Committee. $100 Reward $100 t Tho readers of this paper will be pleaded to leuro that there is ut least ou" dreaded dicao that science tins been uMe to cure in all Us ataKes and that is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is tho ouly ponHwo cure uow known to tliR ti.niiniil fruteruif. Cuturrh belli or a con stitutional dmeiiso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hill's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbc blood and mu cous surfaced of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the discate. aiut fTirtng tho patient strength by huildinnp the constitution and assisting naiiiro in dohii; i:j work. Tho proprietors have ho much fuith In its carat ivo iwers, that they oil or One Hundred Uollar3 -if any case that it fail to cure. Stud lot list f tcstiinoniais. AUiirctis, i J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0 fif"Hold by Drag'-. - Hi- , Shi! oli'a Cure, th "r" cough nd croup urp, is lor ne l-y fnoKet size contain wenty-!iv e diMHS.t'ul 5c. Children Jovo it oshay & .Mason, Wedoinq kvitavioss. Wooden, Tin, bilver, Golden Common every day Thousands of lives arc saved annually by thcu&eof Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and w hooping co'.igh, the Pectoral lifts a most u.arvelcus effect.' It allays in itnin.atioti, frees theobstructed airoasange lt'.u cotjitc s me aeire to cougn Kxpcnslvc Kfonomy. ome people begrudRe the little money that an AUcock's Porous Plaster coste at'd then when they pre racked with pain from the soreness arising from a cold, they will spend any amount of money to relieve the pain. If they only had one of these wr rid renowned nlastcra on hand they would be saved a vat amount of suffering and be considerably richer. At the lirsl sign of st i fines of the jointt applv one af these plasters wht.out any delay. The soreness will be greatly relieved at once and soon disappear entirely. It will be monev ' saved to have them on hand, to sa) noth- u.goi me comun tney bring. "Now is the winter of our discontent made g.orlom summer', bv A v re's iiar,a- parilla. This wonderful medicine so vigorates the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. ArcMc exprjrers would "do well lo nike a note of this The nnde-eiqnei, pro ri jut ri irte I'inttorr limine dt'sirre to inform tho puiitiu that he lia. reduced the r rife of hii-ird without lodging to $3 per we: t, with li-amrg?. iier.wfek. Sini!e m-inli 2j cent. Ths pahlio lit invited lo oili as I keep good bd and et a tod table. Have rir wood for Rale. Oirnor of Hroadalhtn ard VVattr tr6. J 11 Meraxpa When Daby rrM sljlt. we gave her Cactorla. When alio was a Child, sho cried for Castor's. When aho bocair.e Mln, ahe clung to Castor! . Wlioc aho had ChlMren,sho tlvcthem Caatort. Sliilnh a . itiltZT it what yon need fir dyapvii. tcrpiil li7er, yellow akin or kid nev lrono:e. It ta trnarintoefl to give yu I q-il aotian. Price 75j- N 'd'by Firthay & A, Lllll Enjoj.) 1 ot? p eivmt llavor. gentle action no soothing elfjct o Syrup ot Figs, when neeil of a laxative, and if the father mother be costive or blltuua, the niost ratifvin results follow its use;(so thai isthebai family remedy known a ever family should Save . bottle. Albany M.rkel. V. .. .10 . 2ft: I "our, tS.nj. ntier. 13. P'S. I.",-!. i !r I, lilo 15- P..r'-Iin IJto!5ihoolrtBr.ri.i;i0e)' Ml 11 t'l l.r? flay, hllo ! 7 o nfno. Aooli,, t 4 The following U told of the la ilol ill irfe l f.-'ili fhicltfln.. Bwr "i r, - TDMaBAPHia. reanoyer ine F. iiilit. Skattlk, March 5. Governor Sylvester Pennoyerof Oregon arrived in the city this evening, and addressed aliout I'M people at the Kutionul tluurd armory, the occasion being a rally of the people's party. Tomorrow is the city election in Seattle, and the populists, though, greatly in a minority, seek o win. The leaders of tue party wrote and a)o telegraphed to the governor, and Hnally induced nim to come and tell ihe people of Seattle why they should put the third party in power to administer municipal affairs. t'orvallla Schools. CouvALi.is, March 5. At the school election today for district No 1), Corvallis, 3 1) Johnson and W li Yates were chefen directors, one being elected to lid the un expired term of K W lladley, resigued, and J h Underwood v-as elected clerk . The question of paying off one bond of f 1000 was submitted and lost by a vote pf 2tol. The proposition to levy a 1 -mill tux to pay interest on the bonded indebted ness tun! an equal amount to repay fluids advauted by the First National bank, both carried by large majorities. Muneulur Bclleiou. I.En.tNos. O, March 5. The first of a score or more of suits was filed here today. hey grow out of a most disgraceful ull.iir at the Missionary Baptist church, about four miles south of Ibis city. There is a lvision over the Das'or. Last nitht the congregation met to discuss his retention. The church was rilled. Some one called the pastor a liar A friend ot the preacher knocked the belligerent down, and that started a general tight. The lights were extinguished, nnd in the battle that follow ed the pu'pit furnitu.e was wrecked, the pews ruined, the carpets spoiled ana more than SO persons were injured. .Many women fainted, and the scene was a sad one. A tutlonul Strike. Massillon, March 5. The national e.v eculive board of the United Miueworkers of Amer'ca will tomorrow issue a circular, through President John Mclirido and the secretary, in which nil miners now on strike are advised to return to work. The board calls upon all uiinewrrkurs to hold themse'ves in readinets for u general strike for higher wages at as early u date as the national convention, which meets in April, may determine. Tlie gentile Elecllou. Seattle. March 5. A great deal of In terest is taken in the biennial election lor city officers which occurs tomorrow. There are six tickets in the held, republican, democratic, populist, prohibition, citizens and single tux. Many causes contribute to make the ebction exciting. The present administration is democratic. a ts r ii . Washington. March 5. Maitin T.von has been appointed postmaster for Axtell, Lincoln county, Oregon. TUE .U'-DUtN WAY Commends Uwlf t.i the well formed, to do p'easantly and effectually what wa-. form erly done in the crudest man'ter and dU recabty as well, loceanse tne system and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful Hquiu laxa'ive remedy, tyrup of f lgs. Or. Price's Cream baking Powder . Most. Perfect Made. To preserve a voutnful nprearanc as lon a p.jf-dble. It is indispensable that the hair should retain P natursl eo'or and t'li'Se', There ?s r.o ' ; r- pa-ati n 10 .7-tive a i rc I lair Vlor. t pievr-itt biidnesf, and keep the sca'p clean, cikjI, and healthy. Su:nmjr e.i'n'.!. thit tired f-rclin loss of appetite and nervous prostratUm re driven awav bv Hood's frarap:.iiii;-. like mint before the inomlni; sun. To realiz3 the heneftl of this g.eat medicine, give it a tiial. Sure, efficient, ct.v Iloo.rs Pili. offer Cue K;.rd:-fl Hollara Itcvard for any caseof Cnt.:r.h that cannot bo cured by Kail's Catarrh C j re. P. J. :i.:N.:Y CO., Prop-., Toledo, O. Wo tli a ui Jt.T-'iKii:;!, Imvo known p. J, Chcurj fort'usiu't : y-?r.!r., end belisro hlra pcrj c.. uot: m: c:ul j!taiK;:.ly tr.-.'h .1 tin:: VT.Vfn--." VLD''i .. ;.: ci-ts.T'.'.::'. JTn i'd (V.tprrh fntrdiw-r'h . fuee f th - i' i. by u tjtii-vj i .-i;;bit-tii.'.satrnnactions ; cr.rry o it any obligation - t:;lo InnT-itt-.Trlrdo.O. , it. ir k hirt-;n liil'-mally, act 'c- ..-, -1 i;ii riuruus sur . Price "c. pr )utUw tiold, Weak Em Out! The v.av o do it is t take your wah ine to the Chinamen. Ifyo.i want tour work well done a. Ilvlni prices lake It to Richard A; PatlPoV Steam laumlrv. Thy know how without bsnIng then, round a Awarded Highest IImor3 at World's Fair m .aic in a -vat. is y fs a a. i 1 iomm Highest of all in Leavening Fewer. .Latest U. S. Gov't Report TR1BITE. While It is over thirty years ago since II cock's Porous Plasters were first Intro duced to tne medical profession and pub lic, ths marked success and unprecedented popularity which they met with not only continues, but steadily Increases. "So other-plasters have been produced which gain so many testimonials of high value as those continuously accorded to Alcock s Porous Platters, and the only motive for these exceptional tributes Ilea In fact of their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal preparation of superior value. Addi tional proot ot the true value ot Alcock s Porous piasters lies In the fact that they are beine larirelv Imitated bv unscrupu lous persons, who seek to deceive the pub lic by offering plasters which they claim to be the 'same,' 'equal,' 'as good 'better 'best porous plaste-, etc. while it is in genet al appearance only that they resem ble Allcock'i.. Eveiy one of the so-called porous plasters are imitations of Alrock,s Porous Plasters. Avoid dealers whs attem.v. ti pilm o inferior ami w-rthle plaster that a; puichased by ths-n at low rate fjr th purpose of substitution. Tue llcst oriteasnun. The reason why Al'cock's Porous 11 tera are popular is that they may be relied on to cure. 1. Lame back, (ciaiica, stiffness or twitching of ahe muscles. 2. Chest troubles, such a pleur:- . pneu monia, consumption. 3. Indigestion. djBpepsio, .uness, kidney complaint. The success, however, will depend upon the eenuinaness of Ihe plaster used. The popu arity of A 1 cock's Porous P luster has been so greot that multitudes of Jwiitatione have spruntT up on everv hand. I he only sure cure Is to get the genuine Allcock's Porous Plasters. lirandreth's Pills Improve the digestion. Portland, Scramento. Los Angeles StccKtoa ami ha cm have the same Insur ar.ee rates. Albany, Or, Butte and Helena. Montana, Salt 'Lake Ci'y, Taco n, and Walla Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have the same rates. Or. Price's Cream Harf.ng Powder Forty Years the Ste-Cartl, Self Praise. Self piaUe fs no recommendation, but there are not limes when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the ifsurr.ony oi chut no reusonanie man will douhl his word. Now. to say that Allcock's Porous Planters are the only genuine ind re!i;ib'r prmu. plasters made is not self piu'oe in the fcllgh'ent degree. They have vtood trie test fur over thirty ears, and in proof oi their meri.sit is only necessary 'o call attention to the cures they have effected and to the vr'nntary testimont b c-f thoe who have uet! them. Bewail, t t ImPatlons, and t'o not he de nived bv misrepresentation. A-k for Ai'rort.N, and let no sollciraiinn r expla niiiuii induce vou to acept a r-iiJ-r.iit n tj. Tl.ln ot -4 ray hair actl b-! I diftplcBsii to many people n age. uay ' e averted for a Un uin- Ilali'-i Tlaif Kenewcr. 'SU. so m s i ke of time by Djii'I w te thne, money, and health Irvine ev-.-rv new medicine vm ni.v se ndvert'srd the paper. P ths ca-j of your trouble U in the binod, liver, 't rrach, or kidne, lake Aver's Maru pauila at nt:cr, and ie sure n a cure. Take n o'ler. there t no claim made lor tier's Sarsaparf.l i which cannot lie endmmrit by scores of ti proves t Hh JisorJeri the bet of month. ttmorialv 1 his fact plainly he blood U the source of most dthat Ayer' Sar.npai i!la Is t ood puntier. Try. h this With p through i1 fibre of the endurable " other blooi' results a ' or for fj r" vigorous blo'fl Oviiirxfng velrs aiid animaiHjg every xiv. coiu swtner i not ontj it p.casani ana irrni:e. . nediclne Is so certain In It ver Sarsiparlha. What It in It wilt do for i r ii. i u K5 8 tl B Baking Powder BEE OS.BE Paiker Bros, grocers. P. M. French keups railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Piae roenes at Conn's. Jew cream ehoese just received M (Vur.l Meyors, P J Smiley job printer, Fliao Bhrjh, doea first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent oigarat Julius Joseph's, Dr M II EHi-, physisi-sn an. I sargeon Albany, Orori'i. '.NUs mils li etty'or country. f. s one of the first t, i elt by users ofScou of cod liver oil with Ili r- pliites. Good :ippet:u . ;ood health. '8 EiOlt' i a fat food tliat ,rcvii own tonic, liisloao of .? . .si, appetite and d:RC3tior. Wiin Jtirful help to Loth. Scot's Em :d si on i . rests l!u progress j Consumption, JOir. chitis. Scrofula, cr other wasting diseas. hy raising a bo.rri-.-r o healthy 'ticsh, strcni. and verve. Sucla Wets., Cl.OOnc-r BottaV One cent a dose Tms Orbat Coron urumut v curat whore all others fulL C Couffns, Croup, Bora Throat, Hoartcncos, Throat. Hoartcncaa. whoojinir noopins iougn ana Aithma. i-'or Comuoiption It bas no rival: has cured thousand!. end will CLUB YOU If takrn in t'.rnc. by Inijrgig9 on a guar antee, l'or n Lamo Iirk or Chst. use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTERJuO. W.ILOH'SvCATAnRH vSaSREIVIEDr, I fir o vim (iliri ii v Vh- Trmclrtu rnmnsn- tood to cure you, i'rlceJS'Jeta. Iniecturfree. tilcHf, I-crxsncrt: weak:-." flitt ens.; it f. ,vf(f : vi pint rli it i- ti-ncw: lly esc y'f, ti. rv r I.V( rv.oilc, tv If t. : t h 1 1: v.u ::. I . 9 .n luenyi- f r.t. tUi i f t'l i. . ?'. tif Hi': liri.i" l.'lrt:,lT''i.np'.iH":ii'i t i. V- Uttrf In;y lM. ' r-.-tiiatutriMit n-d f-rinl t?M KEPiCA!. CI -I- DEALER IK -;- Harness - and - SadtHeryA Display f in the Cooi rOSHAY & MASON : rjl I'.. ,-... .. ,! 4 IOJ H TtfllL Ytt. Mm H 1H 1 CUItB i t i i- l MM I Vv' p'J n', Hrj, app sm- 1 1- ; . IX-. i 1. o: '.. T!;e ouly Pure Ciea:n TT:; ow.lcr. ? o.-.inion:a; Used in Millions of Home io tV.-- Sv.-iort