m :! C ; 1: ' i; ttoiltj democrat. Aoems WiNTEDon;alanran'iCommi"iion or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bionraply of JAMES &.BLAHE, By G ail Hamilton, bU iitermry executor, with the co-opratKo of fcia family, and for Mr. iJUtna'a Compiato Woiki, 'Twrni Yum of Cosomss," mod hi. later boo, "POLITICAL DliUCMJUNl" One proapoctDi for theae 3 itn sillixo tooka in lha mar ket. A K P Jordan of He., look 112 ord.ra from lirat UOealla; agect'a pro6t$19'50 Mrs Ballard of 0. took IS order. 13 -eai . hiiu.1, in 1 day: profit $28.25. E N F.ic of 3k!aaa. took 27 order, in 2 dava; profit Sil '2'. J Patmlpe of Me. took 43 crdera frorr. i'i calle; vrotlt $73.25. K A Pa'raer of N. Dak. loov 53 order in Sdayr; profit 0b.2. ExtLViTVB TtfiiirroRY siren. If you w:ah b mik LAHijE ilO'V write immediately for terma to lit Henrr Bill Pub. Co. ornirh.Conn EXEC J MRS NOTICE ! N'CIICKIS HKKEBY U1VKN that the uadctiioed txecutor of the but will lcJ testament of Krauk Sht'ld, deccaucd, hu Med with ti e clerk cf the Tonnty Cocr; for Lien . rooty, Ort-or, hu hail account, and the t'jitit I j fixed the 5:h day cf aurch. t ti,c- hoop cf 1 oc!oc.i p m, for hear ing oi jtciiuua o a:d accrual, ;f aov, id to a-ttls kid e-t-. Afo-nv i-.f K your Byt-m, and fciakf your l:in P cl anandrRiomli. Those PiniplVsaiid R JilArhes which mar vntir tWutv are r canw.i by IMPURE BLOOD, ft jiu y ran do rinioveu in a snort time, If you are vise and u the crcat blood purifier. Sulphur Hitters, msmm TRY A BOTTLE TO-DAY. TVhy suffer with Boils? Why rave i wit U "that terrible Headache? Whv lay and toss on that bed of pain I wirh RHEUMATISM? Use S-.l- Ihur lliiters. I!iy uill rum you vhero all others fall. Ti d"e is small only a tuaspoonful. TR YIT and Touwiil he satisfied. Thevomic" I tb aged and totterintr arc soon r .aIj wen tiy 114 u. j:-mt-mlrr wliat you read it ma v mva vour life, it has SAVED HUNDREDS. ,It you are suuVrini: from Kidney I j.ji.eas, ami wiu to live lo cii ae, use.Nttlphur Hitti'H. They n"nriail to n;re. ict ft of your UhiuMj. DON'T WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. ' Sulphur Hitter v !;1 n;ro Liver J Co;:i;;kii:it. Don't be diocourjjcdj g tT WILL CVRZ YOU. 4 Sril 3 2-rrnt plnn,".; to A. 1. O-dwuv ! i"o.t lk:ou, Mai;., lor Uit ii.t. J-.i; nor i.iL.a.!i.ii' FOR BU bmi 191 SiWti r livi rltieo m:;it;u:in tn tiibinutf TtTti r.icninl Dtntiu, Hfiuu) i: la intl ! t h t YH1..U- hn i iils coiarntu! in you tin WHAK MBN arevH itmstnX.. ou, llrbl.Ky or J:luiul1in, l'niliitr Wriik c, liiToln-lary Iic HQ V.triy Cur in TniiuKnrKl Mlft.llo t-U. I:it Kof vtt.r iinu fri'-aih, wnb a'ti:il c:::iii l!n,.urid and V''' utt iiri'TCalurel'- in tipprxuirhin t oid Bk". MllilX V. K HAY CI ICC o ,K?nk fr.m kn(.Htre o( rmlia In ninnf tliouand caaus HOLalf I1L.K MKHK AT. II r.lHTIIJ.K trtatment la otto wliu-h comtuemtn itncK to all 4Wiult'e poravmtt fort 1,0 n'ftN:.! Ual witnupply It. uj- n tlu'irjuiltmiiMilof lu Tuluo. Notbinu iu tho y f: ? iinn iM-yoiid tMjetal cnij and a Iwa ct'ni ifiK ftnin litakru. The ptpuil rird r uotn pctulinitiia tholr full nfMriMB und the mhc oo vt inip lirtliu Idler tutnn utt .ho atnlenipnt if Itit'r rnt? for wtiii h wo iij'K. j- Ihm wiiri gm v ti'-n t' luk, ule flilfd ...., a a.'lfallnui tiivf Ioj for uw tn rfiiiniii -r it wben UJliiL TJ1 v A ttt,rn we rwceire tlio aunemTit J on t'l.ink wo prnpnra ciiiLt d iy. l TBI A I Lrt''l""''it!iii f'TWftnl IL rim it TRIAL ttf rf'-;it itc-roitd fuildirLHito:v fir UMntr. Tim tf'!tn!-nt cnii-i n no imiiu of lupKiiTealtluue and 4is u 'I prevent Ji(tt.tl(n U biitaoM. We leac tin? n:i!UTof a-nli:: cnKrsenttw'r wHh."i,.wiiiii ilio friMtrml lre.:tnnnt. llnr ln i.iu.,'f",d ll ro .'!niiff fir ir ill p:tfkrf ct O'tr nNiitr len.-tH lUfj wo ! tlial ttfj ri a, iro l nii ty tTitt'nwi'at thin corfl?i in rontsn ititpT tin u-er.i lim r.tsti.:. . We nnk.) ihf p:-. -fi n I-n ' iM-i!;c, iuw tbc iar.ie t.i all. Thi-r are mn r .n.) : auu for no maUi; Iv-rtw nidfillni r.(0f..r'tiiTO mimilin. Wi-n-ik 1l 4 t..im iK-oduut trv.iUjii-nt fr) fpni thr:r ,i l.lr-fin x-i.ilor by letter. Allcnnintf Ti'i K '! 'i 'H lfn:tt tnnihoul,l aMrcnMil to Till HARRIS REMCWCO.,Mf(!.Chflai at ": l. !i..it..i - ,v:t lv 1 v.I. .1 Ml it.: :.v :(,;: 1 1 . , - .'r,, .'.1, ;'.'.;,! :ut i :i t tiio livor aril m: :.' i'tl tl:. I'll '- n v.v,l move 1 f 1 l:c 1 iw, It h r.o mr-'.-.:, .'(! tr',.::,u M.-l'Ut ; o-vir-t,!.!'. ::-.y ,.,.1 1 i :v. t t ,ii .iiuiaoiw I . n 't; i'.; .;.!.. f.ir t c i 1 1 1 1 . ii- r nu-'l un ; v : 1 1 : - t .if fim. 1 . 1 r 1 1 . 1 ' 1 , ii I.- vt r fail. 1 1 r... I . . . . : i.n-.!f. . 1 i!i wl.i.t, ... ... . - !. I. I r.l i . - . :.v::r.v l-.n k .r 4 out 7 Mimp In r t nr ti ranter. mil. a iu, thict., 1.. SUMMONS. Circuit Court of tkt St alt for Linn county. M 8temirg Plaintiff, ra A U Seat and J L Seal hit wife, Geo Chamberlain and S W Cfmterlain ht wife J VT Tuaick.E D Cu- ick nd U Cuiick pat tner doing busineu un der the firm name and itvle ! of J W CuaiV x Co., and Charles Smith uz he ad minUtrator of JobC omlth. deceit d. Defendant To A B Seal and J L Seal, the wifeof vald A B Seal, two of the a bo re name defendant: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Ogoo, you and each of you are hereby rtqwrcdto appear and anwer the com plaint vt the above piaintU in the above entitled court, now on file wtth the elerk cf aaid court, on or before the fun day of the next regular term cf aid court, -hich Mid term begin on the istndayrt .March, iv4, at tr.e coun house in the city of Albany, Ltnn County Oretjon: and vc'u are hereby further noli ficU that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as hereby required, the plaint in" wiil take a decree and judgment again; you fot the relief demanded in hit laid complaint to it: 1. A judgment and decree agahit A B Scalfcr the tum of $400 in United Statet ijald com together with interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate of S per cent per am.um from the tOth day of Novem icr( iS'.U until paid and for the fjither um cf 50 attorney fee for instituting; ;his su:t, and for the cost and dbure n.ent of thU ult. 2. A dec tee foreclosing the mortgage made, executed and delivered by jou to G W amiih on the iO:h day cf November, KSg, and directing the piemUes described therein, to wit: Ihe ojihwrt quarter of block number out hundred and twelve (112) in lUcMetr.an't addition to the chv of Albany, Linn County, Oregon; and aho described in said complaint, 10 be sold i! pen execution as required by law and directing the proceed- of tuch eax to bf ar plied as follow: First to the payment of the cofts and expenses of making Kuch fale and the sum of $50 as attorney s fees for instituting this suit, Second, to the payment to the plaintiff of the turn of $oo in gold coin of the United States of America and interest thereon in like gold coin from the iGtUday of November. iSyi until ps.id, at the re of b per cent per annum. Third, That the surplus, if any, he pa Id out In such sums as the court may direct. 3. That you, all the defendants above named and each cf them, and any and all person claiming by. tl.rougn or under you or them or any cf them, be forev-i barred and forclo&ed of any and all right title or Interest, right of dower, or equity cf redemption in or to m'd premises or any part thereof; that if tie proceeds of the u'e of said premises be not sufficient to pay the claim of plaintiff together with all cos's md diihurseents and ex penses and a reasonable attorney's fee for instituting this sui'., that plain'iff have a personal judgment and decree against I taid defendant A B Seal for the deficiency. 4. Thai the mortgage executed by G 1 W Smiih end Viola B Smith his wife in favor of .lob C Smith as memtoned in said romplaint, be dec rued to have created no Hen upon said premisea or anv pan there of. I 5. Tint the deed, nirntloned In aid complaint, from A B Seal to the sai.i d;. 1 fcnil.nl, Geo 11 Chamberlain, be decreed to he subsequent in lime to said plaintiff's talJ mortgage, and all rights acquired thereunder ry aid Chamberlain to be subject Ut ihe iien of 'Uir-tiff's said mort Sg 'Inift sutntiions $ published by order of the Hon (iro II Burnet', the judge of the ab.c entitled court made at Chambers in the City of Sale;n, M&rhm County, Ore- on on ihe 2ij'.h day o Januarv, i!y4. W K'BlLYZL'. Attorney for Plaintiff .MUST MATIOXA It IUKK, or AI.HA.NY, ON BOON rid lent Vti rroamoiit ... .'uhitr L FUNS S, E,")UN0 Lv. W. rHANs.rT9 A nnNKKALbankinattuatneat SIGHT Ei'HASt( hi ix.l ui rLc trPt r, so!d York, n t'(avncit, Chtcic and Fi.Lnd .ur.i'TIONf tlADEun tor.'.a nca oiaarrcna. j. F. Torn K, W Lt5oa K Butt. L. KUKM tlDVAAff f. SOI. til.OF THE ,'J'J T4 a urn f Has conic ot a little .knowledge r.s to cook I cry what to do, as well what wot to do. Thus !we liavc lcarntd to use t!ii? mo?t pure and pcr jlVct ami popular cook :iiiemateri:J for all frvinjr and shorteningpurpopes. PROGRESSIVE COOKING i tlie natural outcome ' '(if the ac, and it teaches 1 us iw lo use lard , hut rath er the new shortening. Itr'iich U far cleaner, and. more digestible than any lanl can be. 1 The success of Cotto-' , lcne hascalled out worth-1 less imitations under similar names. Look out j for these! Ask your Grocer for COTTOLKNE,' and be sure that you get it. I H. K. FAIRBAMK A CO.. . ST. LOUIS and CMtCAQONCV TONK.SOSTOn.1 tt Oregon Pacific Railrodd. CH4 CIA BR, Beceler. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Cnrw-Mnir w th atvamtr llomer betwtia Ts. quits sad 33 ricico. ? son Si.i rtcico Hornet asi a Feb? !Cr, M S, IS, , and Slat, mom TaiF. Homtrtai: Tth SSth, March 7, 17, atd JTth. K -MSOWIIIUK UH- lU,f... uU..r, ( r u iioiktui iu jj -00 a,ui "-i r o may aea i. Charles J Hecdrra. 8-n k C. So S to 4 Va'kfet S: an KrancUco Calif. Chs Clark resciver, C0rral.it Or?tTn. SUIT LAKE. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, A SB ALL EASTERN CITIES. CHICAGO hours ar HOURS Skmsasc' PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE PECLINiMQ CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. S H II Clark, Oliver V Mi.ik, E EHer Andenon, Receiver.. For ravea and eerieral infoi mation call on or address Curran & Monteith.Albanv, Oregon, or W H IIL'RLBURT.Aast.Gen'l. Paul. Agt, 354 Washington St., ToRTLASn, Orkgox ALBANY COLLEGE. Send for Catalogue A Ure.j, RKV. E. :'. t'ONPIT, Allttny, Oregon Dr. Price's Cream Bailing Powder Moat Perfect Made. Pimply Girls Pimply Boys And Every Person Afflicted with Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating Humors Find Instant Relief And 5peedy Cure By Using Cuticura Remedies S-M tv tv r-!. rirrrn Par. I.i" ut. . .nr..F! -.in.Ci-krr. p.. -'-AlJ .'. v-: tat s.lB, t,-!p Mil Hu-," tm. Mf rimi.l. KrUj,. .k'l 1.1 f.llia hair f r,i,;::J u.a urrj b Catlcnr 9op. ?F. rhJ5FOBD CHAM. I D.Ul.&li'. w li'S? oml-6-l.th. Taa. block t-T B BItLTEC . . . .! 1 ,,.11 ,uni.aiiatl polou. Lou n,ou.d oa nl.t unci Alaasr, Onfoo pEO. W. WEIGHT, kiumr at law. ar.d S0U17 Trtite- W prartleatla .. . .l.. .uxi.l Mti.v, firm to rellKtioMn4 nultii pr.b.1. 0:-M dr to P)tto!fl:a, Alb.D7.Oft1. I. t .ll.n 11 oLir&ur firm. U ma;wr win rvi ("( atwaU-n. - 1. Oii FiUo-f-i Twjlt Aluauy, O .1 . ' Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. Attorneys at La-, Albany, Oregon. H'swpMfciit. i--T3ec4ift InJilMKaoltht Evi. at . A . urer'-o. JJK. J. I.. HILL, Phvd'rlin .ni S-ir.-eon. OFFICE Cornar F7 ttrtctl, A.bviy, Oreioa.; hi. wvsrov A UVVh, Phflclani art S'lr.-om. OFFICG-Cornor . x-ind and Bi-r'llljin re.it. Alhinv, Or, CalU projiit.y Attuuded 1 citv and cuntry; OF ALBANY. OtlKOO.N. TIlAS'SCTa cenen.1 Bm'iin? qiIqcm. iKAW SIGHT DIU1TS oa New York, Sn Fr n vond Por.Iand, Orejn. LOAS MoNKV on approved ecurity. RECEIVK lei-isiu sabjoct toch.k. COLLECTION'S nude oo farorable tcnu. INTCKEjToaM en Urns deiviw AXU ' aiCIW, aexo, oBKQOi. . J Mi nk . A J Jou EAST AMD-SOUTH; THE S HAST A ROUTE or THE Southern Pacific Co. Epra Traini t pLrtUud Ditly Soatbl " 7oaJrLTl. 1S, I Nrth C:1W. . I Lt ' Portland Ar I 8:iit a M 10:23 T M Lr Alh-.iiy L 1 t n a 10;5a m ! Ar Siu Fr:iciico Lv 7,00 r M Tjovi trUo stp R. all statima from nd ti tbn v iiiij.nlve, ulsjTan h .l i,UAlty,H-rrisbnrg, Junction Irving, rC ti gen a ml nil atttion oieburzto ".salaol inclusive aossBrna mail, dailt 8:Vja m i Lv i::ibr a l :5Ju (Ar A i 9.10 a i IU T A!hny L9bann Ar I 10r?l AM Lr 30 a Ar I :25 r Lv :O0 am) Ar PULLMAr BJJFT SLEEPERS. -AVD- Di-.iine Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CLASS SlEtPING CARS Allatlifit t,all TlirnosU Tritlna ereit itf IVIvt.tnn. Dt'Tn f.f.9 i-oiiriivu ai nviim Mail .niap.tu lEx:ep: Sunai.r, 7 ' 'i I tv Pon'jr l I.:.! m I Ar Corr.liia Ar I f 5 F vraaai mta ain-v 'xc;pt Sotid.;. I''r I tr T.a r I Ar Pr::.I M.-)liii:ivi;.a At I : . til 50 v a!l ivMnt In tb F.tt?rn 9tt. ean.1 a-nl Rirpnin bf ob-.inl at owefft rate. Irotn C V FroKfc, Amt Aibtnr. i. KOKHtltB T. t. K0irB If.n.f.r v.'tO F. nJ 1LPAHI COLLEGIATE INuii'TUTB ALBANY, OREGON 1S91, 1892 Irat Term pfaedl frptemb?r 9lt A ti 1 corpt of iDatnzcora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAL COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. iO'imtn oi rtndy crnnrJ i rr - all gni 1m oV student Sfscij. i uTncrmt: cfrrti to ude- IT. ri.Kr.KT tSDIT THl FARMERS k MERCHANTS ISSUHAHCETf ilEAtl, Prealde.u i L COWAN. Treasurer. 1 Cowan, tieo FSi.ap--.a, iV F Rdad, D B Montaltli.M Mteraonrn u J K WaulmrtorJ. O J Htuiit I O WrlUfnn. ' w several Solid Eastern and Foreign Compai COMPLAINTS, DY8P Oop 203 pnr lnr". Ti. T. 1 iciddle-eLO rr.K o'-C "nir. - i 09 we hs7e res"-rl t Ko::..i,.u : i fht.wn by b'jndrrtt -f r trh-ai weluvu trvu; i.. Vf? tv v CEWE3AL Sl"Jlir."f v r; .:j . ... lif. A. T. L-.ir :r !; ". . Tine trouril d with 1c' i ', ! almost c eoratil-ra locn :1 ;.j'.-r. . a Tcrj tiled Italia?, n. . ii n, ?. loir bolt I h r he.i u t-it ;.;... , t .t hf tei-.tr th n l ;.(.? (i to,, r n-.aoHi c nti'ir-.ca in jonr tt Jnh 'hi fatiaei.;Lit: o t -v ir -i t. ; t. i id- l -.r lrtiiijuun. Ii. A. LvJ RHEUMATISM ANO,U.MSS5i S CURED. TVr. A T. Sna limp V -n- K !L E'jjiT- . .. bil. Cfi.lLLi. -1 l1..'j 1 l.i'j r:.i I - t :n c.jr r.irvp .n. tWj Wa-ekfl .tjTJ fur Xh '-CJ Itli' H, ItC' r lii Ia 1 ..;-( ' forterpjrgi rLrs. J-'onh v .x xo1 ih I Li:d m ' fceeaabl-tow rk. ur tv;t ht!A"'-l:so t cairns: perf-ct hcal h 'n tfc t-"j u-i d . 1 cur I aii c aaLtir;''.:, .. jij ft-e: r -vr c.in;.l'. I M. K. HLwiF4. ; ri u.r :..trulioi!.l l. J NERVOUS DEIILi-V-l.OSS Of-' VlCOff. I . a . -nr. v.n-a . ; tobtr l, 12. ltrir telt for cti'.r ! fel bet'.cr th 1 1 ht fr i&TiiOr djjj,t 1 .:T1 t. ur.a. i !inT5, u -j-: .c. i u tu i.?o ,t,ur; efu ir, crn.i.rfrrKA.1 we -.irr.-int it li cure t-n.ui14w;;icurtuiwic3lntwoortbromot;l,'i. AddrWj jur": Jll .1 Jurcnati-.a Tf: fy fi-t jr-i.Ifftl SANDEN ELCTRlO CO. I?2 firstSt.. PS..7if.H3 OSES' - CURES PROMPTLY LAMENESS, FromTerminal or Intarior Puir.ts th Is lh line to litlip Railroaa To all Points EAST ani SOUTH; :i In Ihe rIMXO C All Bltl TE lt ruiiK Throuch Yt.NTIKI I. EIITKil.W KVKKI U1V lu Ibt. Var lo ST. PAUL and CHICAGO NO CHANCEIOF CARS.'" f onipnscl of Pininj Cars I'nsnrtuss'd Pulliunn iriminzlicoiii SIocpxs (if Latest Eqiiinmonr TOURIST SLEEPiMB CARS. RM'.tU. onb on:rc-:L6 I And in n il ;i n-no 1 11 iii ra bv li fr9 i j I f iraish -l f ir h)l Iprs of Firt or i-oa I Oi tlrkets ftitl ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Csijiiim L ai solatia ith al lines, affordinz Direct?! d Uninterrupted S3rviC3. Pu'.lun-i per rmrrRtiona can b aecureii lu adrtinc throusb ny . ttrent of tb. road. rrjROroii ricKErs to anil frctna'.: pointa in AmeriCH. KDfrlaail nnn Kurop can 1 1 purchaa.! at rr y ticketotnee of ibis cotrptoj; Fullinfrmatl n concsrnlnij r: tltni Afirains. rot.ua aa-l ot'ipr iettti. turn ish.i ou application to any ajieat. or A T CHARLTON, Aar'.tant Gr?rl Fttnir Aaont. So 121 first St, cor. Washington, Port-anil. t'ie:ou. CO Rl Vnr:. li.ni aj.nt. k tv-vf-fci ?fi M IV TUT. V. T; i "ft anrjrraav . r. . C i LT III E tt I. .-. liM; PA'RONIZE H0.VI INSTITUTIONS.- Albaar, OreBf Om F SIMPSON, Vio. PrMiiiS1' -niKOTOa- -AUO DISTRICT Aaurn rex- HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAllj t TO FIND A CfnE FOB j RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA KIDNEY, L!VCH and BLADDER PS! A, LAME-BACXi vr.. ANnrs-.s rt.Et.TnicBr mill I.Uiro 'n2nciicsj l....K,Hf ;p...:..i...i. IniciJiasif . ju day ha-e cn hit 4-4, I X iT-I.1; -ir,.irpir....Jfi 2 r--lin:T b::tatriil ' . c;tt:.i-a y--rrvt.vkr.ai iick(i. ' :' - T' J rr?r.(o iMo y.'ur(Ti:e; rjcr a :tn d:i..r.?d. whits r. c .,. . i,.- t.corftUistreizilvT, .-( t: .v.i;.''f fi.i-fut u(-..h..tvt r.;.i , jt-t wi i i.i.on at iui I." . i;iT. trfi'.3Jnt, t; it" il -rifa-- r a-iir .r -ctnr ' "!'N,r .' '-). i l-or-Kd by erery tm r - .,. I . , l iail'y :cii:i"r, tuidlAj: . ... . ...i-'i-: . .at r tru ii Mi-wan j - r o. -. "iv ir 3 a a-rf?re i-ft wot . i.iiimiM -i. - r.-r- i.irn'-.ajMu, I ( - .tO it. Vi-ivtii cmr.f j- r Ws. I: :n i ibu.1 Gi ..' ri I ctrtfUT tn W 1 1 itfj;' J."'v, i .'6 ;r: t it -. u i r,iiffl a o.iiTi-!! laic ii-.' . lu Ji-r ai 1 ( t r wi -.tarl. r.w )j u't ii, ..J 1 ii lo'-.-; ivrpji u -i t ; .i lie; wcuij ;.r.j it ihfun'i " - L--- r"! .''Ill t)t' vi lr! I -t." r.-t ,i .-tr r.tit!r.4iiT-i i i.sl.wu i uilkT.tlia.txjif i :t i;r i;-.v.L. Ei?!3erEct5lrVt J LZ VITALITY AKO PTRrj-jj, D . A.T. Pir.V . V" p-tJ'tr:--ii'c''-i'.'-nBx' .1 1 Law b-n .ti1. 7 I ffmiied. J (tv1 aj j. rtf.' i cra'.i; Pn af t-r s not tt.'- I lii i . ,-lt t--- .c rt t sort as a be, f v i.:w i!i-.r 7 ; ?rf"ct. nal :.. ("aj lup ln-'.i. I f I cdjU at?rrr ' Ifcry?v RE ''.iTI-e rit,v:rin ;riT ' r'aiia:.i:-airMaaj,A THE DS, SaKDEKC GLEe?P?5 GELT t toacccpletccaJ'arlc bru-ry, csa-Je ir.o a blt o a t'tl'i -m?:!7 tot. f.sKii; ': r c'tr't i laeaotvo wiiaBn. .es. : t.iii;ii- I'TKikci l";;.or ir .r M rntttn tn nn-et nil ft. ikes ( ir.ikn..- SWELLINGS, BACK-ACHE, SORENESS. SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES, MANHOOD RESTORED! ?ZK,Si"Eff enarutif -t-U un-un,- riervnu di faw.sucn u v e;.k Mi-tnorT.Lnssot : l'.iwer Headache. akfiilnt-. Luel Manb-tt. Niehtly lul'M-ms. Nen ne.all drains and !. i f Dntr ' n i.Li'raiiTiirvii.i (.f t..u...r (.(-.. . u!ants. whlcli .ad t. InttrmltT. t'"fisu:ai'i.n or lnnitv. Can I carrr.1 . Xt DiirkPt. Rl imt h'.T. n tir H.l. t.r- mm I nr.... 4 Win. - -i nnH..J ,7 rnim Biinrimicr in euro orrviunii i!ir rtinnry. iiruivi-:. Ak If it. tau 'n-:,n r. Vnt !.r i n-- Ma..'ii-.i! Itimt "A'nTOrp .tJ.a. ri'vy.'1'- . . i .. ti(1W;P- t. i..v-.tt ; ii-tH. LESTBSS BE? . .i4rlBl lr-l rr4 C. trl ii lrTar-' !: , H..1 a-itl rn.r ;.: t ... .TtWtfttyJ- i.Huipii vtit::. :r?.- t "!..).. .-i , , ( ...,. p,.n H'F " WI1H 41! . i i i urt.-.i.l ill t.M H UlutalwV !"' I fo- '!',a.(.- t- i "iu t : ti. m-i!l rmti S Cavwj,and T ridt-MaTln r V:a.ted. ;Y 5 ent bus. nes conducted Kcc.-aA ftr f Hub Ctrrvr-r ,m r... a.tr tl e P TE1" " . ' 5 and we can secure ra:cni, u. . ti"1 rcaiotefrcfi Vah r-rton. jtlort. ivaatJc. if pstentaofa of o A Pv.M.,tT. to Obtain Mrt Jcost &( tv rxa. n ti a U.S. and fa)rc-" 0 aeiii u.e. Address C.A.SRIOVV&CO Orf. paTtfrr Orrce. wt"'fiTO"J., I I S Acvn. wrir. hare bad nrtti- J lAirnrnn- mil. Went on!:rr-. JTLyf tlor.n mrtctlj- mngdratial. A H"'JV- T-'rmatina MTc?miD Pntrri" rd ytf tain ihcm aem fnr. Al-o a catiiosw-! rp-.al n.TficVinthf !rrntifir AmrrJV I w(kly.'licantlTi!(ii-rrtt3'a; Baildtni F JUion. tn.-r.tMr. f- 1 1-ttil p!a;rs. in color. d P hrsfjSr rt-'a.. with p.arj, ena.linff Pu-Mt'fin Jat-'-t lif.ifzrtd and w-ar c-ntry-t. B.'. B37 W'SF VACIPtl AM tcaVEATS.TRADE MARksfl I COPYRIGHTS. I r. t nnTiK p aTF5T. I