WiiHINOTOS UTTTZB. Trjm i v nrlar Crv?Obata. Wu-Liglos, Feb. 13, iM Far gooi abd sr;figr.t ruei tie WIS bill ni not reported to tie Senate inioee eoaimittoe last week, xl-jozzh it ecmld tr tm reported. Tie deUj ki in tee uT-erW of democra-ie hansonr, it brief tbocgit best to allw otjcuog deraoeratt ta bare their say to lie s;b crmaiite coaposed er.tir!w of democrat rtx vr before the fa'l cotami'!e. Tbe regr Beetisz f 'he Finance oos:h'-e will t be4 totcorrow and tbe piwnt init,a U to report tie reris.i bill. It is postib'e that it u; be de'aje.1 i daj or tiro later. Vat I la assured Lj erery toraber of tie coaunittee iLt it will certain! be report! taia wttk. So tine will be Jort bj the d30ru on tte Finsnoe cozzznittee ai'er it is reported in g.'ing it reported to the Senate, at iLat have been ogtizact of ererr change mile by tie sub eomcLi'-tee. If fact tb rcbomsittee wh:: Dom:iui; nu.de op of ob'j three ssnators La reality been tie entire democratic rcember- saip of the Finance eoxtsitte. except Sena'Jir Vance, who is away lick. Tte meroberi of tbe sob-committee fl so cer tain that tbejr haie made the lait chang in the bill that the revised copy his been aent to the Government Printing otEce to be pot in type. The best ported democrat lagb. at the idea of the l- democra'ic senators who Toted to reject the ncmination of Peclibam being classed ai opponent of the adminis tration. One of President Cleveland's most lojal irjpporten as well i hi warm personal friends put it this way: 'I am not a bit sorry that Peckham was rejected, and I know the reasons which governed most of the democratic rotes cast against him. First he bolted tbe regular demo cratic ticket at the last state election and apenly aided in defeating it, and, as tboogb that were not enough to bar bim from any favors at the disposal of the party, he neglected to vote at the recent special congressional election in New York city when be knew that extraordin ary efforts were being made to get oat the full party rote, and when inked about it replied carelessly that he forgot all about tbe election. Now, t don't think a man who forgets when an important election is to be held should have any office, Urge or small." That this opinion is echoed by many of tbe staunchest friends of the ad mlniitration in congress is certain, and it is generally believed that it President Cleveland will nominate a good democrat for tbe vacancy those 15 democratic senat ors will shew that they bear the adminis tration no ill will by voting solidly for bis confirmation. The shrewdest democrats in congress think that tbe mugwumps have been sufficiently rewarded aoa that all the appointments hereafter made should be good democrats, men who can be depended upon to help the party win future battles. Senator .Morgan, chairman of the senate committee on Foreign delations, has, at the request nf the sub-committee, written the report of tbe Hawaiian investigation. At a special meeting of the committee the report was read and it was decided to de fer action upon It to a meeting to be held this week. The report bas not been made public and members of tbe committee de cline to discuss it. Kepresentalive llland of Mj, has been having a tussle with tbe "no quorum' friend, and bis bill for tbe coinage of the seigniorage is still unacted upon. There bas been s quorum on the floor of the hou-e every day. but those oppised to the bill have refused to vote and tbe friends of the measure have been a few short of a quorum. Notice bas been sent to all absentees to return at once and Mr Dland is confident that a quorum in favor of the bill will be on h.ir.d Ihii week and Hut tbe bill will be pJwed without further delay. It ii t!:ouglit that the filihii'terlng aguinst the bill was for the purpose of delaying it in the houee until after the tariff bill gets before the senate, so as to prevent it b?mg promptly ne'ed upon in the senate, as its passage by the house Las been comedtd by all ftom tL first. The Womsns Suffragists aer prepsrtng to move on the Sculh. At t-ieir annual con vention, just closed la tM city, A'.lantt, Gs, wsi elected ss the mte ing place cl neat yrar's convention , The plate prin'ers' branch of the K of I. of this city, have adopted resolutions thank lag Representatives Sajtr of Tsxc chair man of the House committee on Ap propriations, fcr Ms friendship to the in- n. it. iitde. w. ii.rMsnre.KR. d. n. javrai ALBAST FDRNITDRE GO, INCOPORATBD Caltinwrt Mock. Albany, Orr. FURNITURE'S wimvmuiiu - in a.'I it- brand.. EMBALMING a r-. IC-s;,!tT. e c.-rcrr i'nl a:s I C ' ; i -. ia -erests oi labor, aid requesting aU labor or rtaliuioas in his district to join i the vice thu 'raised to snoreciatlc-a of bis sei-rite to the wor'sint P?'-e. Judge Say ers has a'.wtrs been popular ia Wsshington btcataw oi bis a;proacbs!ili'.y,snd lb tatse be is t-aaxing as ebairmaa of tb Appro; tions co-nmi'-tee, one of the most in-.pnrsst be Boave, has n! i;:ed bit bead even a little bit. T J T'ni.fdA vt Koi j axs l".t Omoaat to explaifl "br what arran-;eT.ent the fify mZliaci boods are to cost L'o:!e Sam tn' J per cent inrtesd of 5 ptreent." Under : law a-ithorizisg the Secretary of the reasxr to sell bonds, o-ly 5 per cent bosds can be isssed. The Secretary bc'.ieved be osuli K.l 3 percent bonds at far. So t"1 save tbe lot of se'licg 5 per een: bor.ds a: par whet) 3 pe cenu wcid st'.l a: par, be In sertod a rrorlso in bis clrcoJar ctlUn-- for bic Btat.1,2 'hat bid i-i.J be cocstdered tha ill leti tbaa 17 1-5 per cert premuc. T4t eatb parcha-r ra;st bid $1.17 1-5 fr every dollar the bond called for. Al bids were u- to this g-jre Tie bond issued draw 5 per cent interest but tbe pexium paid brings them down to a three perc. bo-id. Tr.e Secretary Issued 53 mill ion bonis but received f:y elgv.t million six hundred and fifteen tbousacd collars :a g:!d therefor, which mikes them prsctic :! a three per cent bond. There are fsur unique mocntains ia Lower California, two of s'-un, one of alam aad salphar mixed , ar.a one cf pure sulphur. It Is esimitad that la tbe focr peaks nsmed tbere are oee hundred million tons of pure alum and one million tons of ss'poar. Tbe cracking of a knot on the end of a whip is simply the conc-isson of t ie air produced by it rapid movement. The ef fect d'rT.-rs with the mitcrial used for the whip lash, because some texture present a much greater resistance to the air thsn others. We baurd the prediction that the repod llcan party in Oregon will not a.tsck tbe Income tax Salem Democrat. And we feel safe in Paying that the pop ulist will not dare to attack tbe policy of high protection. Tbe node'signed, pro prieter of tbe Pioneer House desires to inform tbe pnbiio that be ha redneed tbe f rice of board without lodging to a3 per wsr t, with IcdgiogS per week. Single msttls 25 cents. Tbe public is invited to call as I keep good bed and eet a guod table. Have fir wood for lale. Corner of Broadlbin and Water trees. J H AIibajtda. 8bllob' Care, the great ooogh and cronp are, is for sale by as. Pocket sixe contain went-r-tivs dosss,oa'.y 2 3d. Cbildrea lave it os'iar k Ms in. Hhilob' YiUlisr la what 70a need for dyepepsia, torpid Uver, yellow skin or kid ney trouble, ft iM ffnaranteed to'give yoa satisfaction. Prioe 75a. S sldby Foihay 6c Mssoc. Ssvixa MscuiMS neatly repaired and warranted hy a tbnroaithly eampetent work man, at K I French1 jewelrv ore, AlbaLy )go. See the New Improved Singer w irg m chine. The s-et is lw s the chca pest. W Sawden, aiccnt, Ofliceat F M French ewelry store Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Flr Hlghewt Medai and Dlptoma. Both the method and re-tilts whe: Syrup of Figs is taken; It is pleaaut and refreshing to Uie ta'te, cud acts ccn;ly yet promplly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, clettr'ses the svs tcm cflectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures haliitti.il tonstiriation. fvrnp of Fifjs 13 the only remedy of its kind ever pic duced, pleasing to the tasts and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt In iu action and truly beneficial in its eflcct., prepared only from the most healthy ami agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all end havn mad? it the) tuoet popular remedy known. fcynip of Figs is fcr tale in 50c and tl bottles hy all lead-sg drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly fur any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any lulctitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. hi rmacisco. est. lOmSH'jl. nr. ha ro .r. NOTICE Of ANNUAL SCHOOL MEET IN J. Notice I herebr gh-en to th? Ual toI trt of clioo' iliwtriot No. 5, oi Lirn coun tv, tJite ol OrKon, tint the annuil sckjoI riieclinn for the said Uittrict will be held at the court lio jr ia Alaanr, to bein a: the hour of 7 o'clock p m on he tirt rn t).ir, b:r(f tnf ?'. Oar of March, Ttit- n.eeMritj i :a'icd f.r the p-ire uf roceivini: iJ ac in uf;in the anr,ual re jvirta of tt,e JirtctoM ar.J cirk of t!:tr!ct, and tiie tr,inac;:on cf hj.!ne i'iia ti.rriir . Dfcd th: 2.:h of IVh, i.aj J K Vi K A l H I. K I i K 1. : fV'.i"Tr:.n II or J li-er til TE .VAkT, I'V. ClerV. -VO OVARTTR will do too u much gl sj tie one that buys Dr. Pierct's Pleasant PelJeta. TLis is what too. get with tkem : Aa absolute and tnnarient eure for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliou A'.Uc'ls, .Sick and Biliotu HeadacLts, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels. Xot last tenjrorarv n-hc-f, and then worse 1 edition afterward but helD .1... . . r Pleasant help, too. These snrrar. coated little Pellets are the smallest, the easiest to take, and the easiest in the way they act. Xo griping, no vioienre, uo uismroance to tne sys tem, diet or occupation. They come in sealed vials, which keeps them always fresh and relia ble ; a convenient and terfect vest- pocket remedv. They're the cheat en puis you can ouy. There's nothins left of Catarrh when you rise Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansincr and healing properties. DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Mu sica lnsrmmenvi, Eto, Hodges t McFarlaii, I The Cornel rygSltr,". Albaay,oi Wall Paper, lrtirJ, Paints. Oils GlBMk., ICtO J. A. ftiwming ALCANY, CPECO T. C. JIACHKT, Jf.D., rhytecian ivgMu, Offioe U'tuln nrcr tk ttnk of o.n. Ke.dsoit, oracr ICIb sai! OklHMU it. OENTH MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day -elllne the create., kitchen utes,- rfl av ver InTemed. Retail, fer lhirtyfivt eenta. To to ix can be told la every home. Million! told in thli countrj alone. Don't mlu the greatest opportunity ever tnown to make money, ca.l'.y and quickly. SatT. pie tent, pasta ge prepa'd for five cents. MtMAKm Si C. Cincinnati. Ohio. ANNUAL MEETING, ' NOTIC E It hereby tcd that the an nual mfettD(( of the .stockholder of the Al bany Rmtiuoit Ardociatton will be hell at tire if J Or4dtrohl, in Albany, oa Mon day. March 19 h, bV4, at 7:30 p m for the election of director, an-l tucn othr toei dcv in may come before the meeting. Dttd Feb O n, y r NUTTING W C TWF.FIALE ecrft.ry Irtwdett. STOCKHOLDERS MEET NC. No'iee Is hereby givn that there will be a n.eetlrjf rt tbe 'ockholders ol the Old Kelir-ww HU Bui din Aociation, held In their cASae. in Ali'ny, Linn county, Or? pon, on Monday, the 5th day of March, iiV4, at the hour of 7 o'clock p tn, of aid day, fur the nurpce of e'ecJlrj -even i rector to frve for the en.u.ng year, aid to traract any otlu-r buine that mty eurit: Sefore ajd mrT(ni. Dated th! th day of ret ruary, 194. E A PARJC ET, JVLtfS JcRPH, Stere'arv. pRtiiDCur Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are exused by an iir.pure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease, Unless removed, Might impuritie will develop into .Scrofula, Ecze ma. Salt Rheum and other tchou results of I Mr for cr timeti 1 surf.-rer from a aerere loid trouble, for whkh I "-ik man? remi that lid m do fcJ. I hae Bad I Blood - w TiktfT, four bctttes ot - raf jrj withtVtwr:4enaiiTniltfl r rVJS Jl Am entov.rf the bet health I Tsr lmw. ha-.e cuned twenty : 3Qn3 aM v.y fneiv ui tV nerer w f Te a wed. 1 aa le!irqui:e li a ww ,UA(tOs. O. C Car Ttwtion Plord and lrn Diaeasesi maiied fre to any aodrcsa t S'fyrr SPEWHC CD., :'jiti. 6j. ! Dr. Price Cicam Ba';in PowJet K.osf. Perit .v.ade. FOBTMILLER IRVING I'ndertakers and - Einbalniers. c f TE KlEP rrrstsr.t.s tn lar a fll lir e cf sretslic, cloth ard weed t.sleuai W eefbr... Also tui:l rote ar.d suits, In trcsccioth, at.r.cs.l n r;e.e:r which will be o'.d at Tk Lowest Ltvlag Profits. EMBALMING ,ri ,ke P'opercare of the dead a specialty. HO EXTRA CKARCfc FCR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon Land Co rVltn its SALEM- .ne Gray BlocL, corner Libert; and State street, branch office In Portlanu - X MAKES a specialty of Sunnysideruit tracts near oalent; Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment or particulars. I MEAN Will sell all crci'kerv -warw and holiday goods af COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortt 50c for 25 cerjts: lamps, worth $2.00 for $1.00 cups and saucers '5 to 10 cents a set; plaes, 40 cents pei set. XiVeryiJuing eise in proporiiou. Call on me and you -will not be deceived, J. Gradwohl. NEW : FURNITURE, MY STORE i3 NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FL'RNITURE.ICONSISTINO f bed roomaeta. 'cbairr, loungee, etc., which I will lell at BOTTOM Thos. Brink. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, flir. I.KsOIJIG PUOTOCKAPHER4,e(0n- Dr H E B.r. DrOK Bee Physicians an? Surgeons Special attention tfven to dtseasts of women. Hou's 10 to 11 A M, to 4 aad 7 to 8PM OtBces sad residence Blura- bersr Building, First Street, betsceca Ltcto and Elswrrth. W TAYL0E. General JoM Carpet Layinf ari Cleaning, Chim Cleaninir, Whltewathlrj and Window cleaning a Specialty Call at Boot B'.ack "and at Ltkr.dreth' ahavlng par'ort. WE wAST YO: W) U : r ; thi.makia.T.00 i : I ) ) FF.K WEEK. P pret-rril r 1 . ;i faroih a horae and travel through the coud tr; team, though, it not ntceaaary. A fw Tacaociaa in tewnaand cine. 9pare bcora may 1 used to good a.lvinUge. 8 F J centos ft Co. ll:b acd Main SU, Rict.mooi, Va. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. yoTtrt 9 IT BRETT CITES THAT THE BW XI dsjifc-M"! E,j;r r(lh lui n4 tf mnt -4 A'l.lrt- Ft i. danV h 1114 b-f Sa wv-urt the er.He iA Atlr H -hb, itfd w.lh t :: rlerk of Lit:, unir. iTwt. nj tb&t h c .ante txntt ot ri 1 I-inn c nt, a ftsi i s i tli dsr of Ktrrh. tea l or of 1 -V in tVe I rr,--'n f 4 aj h It r- jM h (jae M ki t T r Ne ; 'A ' r. if rf i.t m;J flti a linlri t. ..( iai,t of lalii M'4ll, H I) H-:-: -vtl P-aa Ati f -r Eiteitrit. 1 1: jrt. HEARSE OR SERVICtt, TEMPLE, - - OP. EGO I home oce at - - OHKGO T lopg tims on balance BUSINESS. PRICES. Csblnet photos Irom $1.510(4.00 per doien. Enlaifipg pictures a spectailr. losso cravons rraac for Sio'oo. V carrr'a large stock ot 5x3 and steresccc Tlewi 61 Or- NOTICE CF FIKAL SETTLFMENT VOTICE IS HEJvEBY CIVEf THAT THE Or. dtrlTit4 admin in rathx of ibe Ma1 of ) ha Grlrhun, tlvceaved, haa fUfd ia the e cf tbt clerk A the CotjcJt Ccurt of Lirfb eonrtr, or.ber tr.ti wc.uot ncJ that old court hn appvliud lb l' tb day of Hartri, li"4, at the hour kA 10r'e4ock a m of uij day, the trfcie for hearing all "bjectiut... if anv, l and floal acxwaat, aod Wr the Mttletcent of nid ee ale. IHtH ithd f TcbriirT. II at.IUwrrr, tLiXAaira Gktmum, Aiurti f -r Aims. AdmiBiairatrt DISSOLliriOH NOTICE. Ti e partnerabip haretofcre exiitiog and iltiog a blackimtthiDg buiinets onder tha name of Ctamer A Bowman la disaolvad by mutual ccmaent tbia day. AH claims doa the firm or owing by it will be settled by the oM tirm at the shop oo Seeood atreM between Ferry and Waahington. ilr Cramer retires and .Mr Bowman will coo tiDoe.the luiioe?. February 1, 1S94. CRaarcit U Bowman. FOR EXGHANCE.S We have 50 acres ff very choice aarbtir ban land, suitable for platiojf, adjoin in g the city limits of IVrtlasd hich we are ctr inii st the low price of one th on sand dollata rer acre, aohject to an ioccmriraQce of mol an ot which haa two years to ran. The equity of i.V.,.Vi0, we will "exchange frr improved farm laid in the Willamette val ley. Wt exchang equity in tome very central pfoapertira biins properfv, Pyin arod rental, for ooiaca-nbered fa-m land. If you we n the tra-le write fr full r-srtieulart tn L.no & Ci RRiK, 131 31strel P-irtlacd Oregon. A r ANTED Pushirc Canver of dre-s. Liberal salsrv and etie pi, week'v; F-rmaceDt f oiitioo. BtlOU'N" BfO. CO., Naraertnen, rjrt'aa 1 Ore goa GREATLY REDUCED PRICES MADE BY SOUTHM PACIFIC COM! FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR EOffiiD TRIP TICKETS GCOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Frsn.lsto TT1D EETTEN A $2G.D0 Including FIVE Ca'e Tickets ToJ THE FAIR . EXCPSIOS KIPS. from San Francisco to other points in California w!U be allowed purchasers of special Midwinter Fair ticket at the fol lowing round trip rates To stations under 150 miles from Ssn Francisco, one and one-third one wit fare. To s'a'ions 150 rr.i!e ormore from San Francisco, one and one-fifth one war fare. For exact dates and full particular, in quire of C K Fronk, aeent at Albaav. Or. or address the undei signed. Ricu'd Gray, T H Goodma. Gen Trarlc Man. Gen P.ssenger Ajt. San Frarciscot Cal. P Rogers, agent, rtrtlaad Or. Star JBakerj Crltrodttlali aasl Fins I ), COKRAO MVfP, F FCPF.EHB, isued rraita, Wssirsir, lrled f roltss. Tobnceo, f'oflrc. 'saassss If BBiwar. V.faklr. Cigar placa. Tea. tt.. lu. cvervtlM tbas Is k.pt i. rtti tsjlctr ad I 0 pmir not, ut.fSB u-Sst trice pais far icark 4I.L KINDS Or PSODUCE WANTED A. the .loic Allen Bros., formerly owned 7 BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BAUON, and CHOICE for which I will pay tie beat eath pn poaaib'e. 8 F RAMP M v. Dr. 1-atteracn-naiU Tbe Noted niworLt atl LU Kndtr, ia faare. aol eaa ieLutJ at fcer reaiSeiwe. J B Colinl!, Am falla ir. nl mA preeant ar.d fnnre; love tronUea. atsaeni Mli' DOMeta. ion aaa oear trow tut aa4 ttexM. 5 DOLLARS to ppp DAY 20 Easily Made W. wast msr nea. wcawn. sort, ssd srirlsrfa woia for., . f,w boon dalir, rl.rtt taaajarrsy their owa buss.. Tht butim. is rUf. t''wf Mjjctlf ao;orslle, and jv betlaslbas acfsy' o.-rJ aa..:,. r hare a clur t4 ss4 conjYtld.o. ElprleBt .ad.siIaw"TI neci-ssaiT. S cspital required. Tr.eslPV wiih eorrthins t!t ron need. Irsat re jj J'1 bela Ten to earn tea liases .rsUnarr W.men j0 wt:1 u mn 4Dj fc., as ft; r4. Anae.-eeJtof'llo'rrJtalrii'i"' lie direjaoo. Eirnest work will SBrlT MP "a a arjt dei a taorm. Ftaryjaoai 1 in ar-at d'tunL Writ. f-e aB ttYy fireuisr. and r-ir fun icrraiaUB. Ke aarr upe u r vacluJe tw l fi l ita '.'isine,,. C.EOICE STIN30Mii.Ce. Box 433, PORTLAND, MAINE