THE TAX OM 1XCOMKS. Sinct the passage of the income tsx law by congress seem reasonably eertiio, It far reaohlng effect upon the millionaires of New York and Brooklyn have been inquir ed Into. There are, according to' a care ful compilation, 1319 Individual and es tates in New York city and Brooklyn that could each be taxed on a bt-i of $1,000, 000. Many of them, of course, are worth much more. The computation of the amount of taxes they would pay on the basis of 2 per cent on every dollar cf year, ly revenue in excess of $4,000, shows that New Yoik atone would furnibh a large per cent age of the revenue derived by the gov ernment from the proposed tax. The earn ing capacities of the five most conspicuous fortunes coxing under this head are as follows: I John D Rockefeller's, 6 per cet t; Wm Waldorf Astor'r, 7 per cent; Juy Gould's estate, which being wrappeJ up In corpor- ations Is still practically undivideJ, 4 pel cent; Cornelius Vanderbilt, 5 per cent, and Wm K Vanderbilt, 5 per cent. Calculating at the foregoing rates, and compounding the interest semiannually to allow for investment, the yearly and daily internes of the four individuals and of the estates named are as follows: Yearly D.ii!y Name. Income. John D Rockefeller. . . . $7,Gi 1,250 $.10,853 Wm Waldcrf Ator..,. 8,900,000 23,277 Jay Gould's estate 4,040,003 11,068 Cornelius Var.derbllt... 4,648,000 ir,o$o Wm K Vanderbilt 3,795.oco 10,397 The average rate of Interest is per cent. The incomes of the millionaires in the list here have been calculated at the rate of 5 per cent. The amount of Income tax has teen calculated without deducting $4,000 from the incomes. This la the way aome of the millionaires would be tMCd. 'I'iiose named are worth over $10,006,000. John D Rockefeller, worth 8125,000,000, Invested in "gilt edged" securities, and in furthering various enterprises. Income, $7,611,250; income tax, at 2 per cent, 8152,225. William Waldorf Astor, worth $120,000, 000. inherited through intermediate gener ations. Kuasel Sage. worth 890,000,000. Mr Sage can, it is slid, lay bis hand on more ready money than any other man In America, Income 4,5000,000; Income tax 490,000. Jay Gould estate, $ 100,000, 00 , now pate tically under the management of his sons, the oldest of whom U George J Gould. Income, $4,040,000; income tax, 180,800, Cornelius Vanderbilt, $80,000,000. In herited his wealth fiom Wm II Vanderbilt his fattier. Income, $4,084,009, Income tax 8So,9Go. Wm K. Vanderbilt has a fortune of 875. 000,000. Income, 8379:oco; income tax, $79 9. Henry M Flagler, worth $5 j, 000,000, made In the production of petroleum and in refining Mie oil and transporting It. annual income, 83,000,000; daily incom?, $3,219; income tax, $60,000. Frederick W Vanderbilt. worth $35,000- 000. Annual income, 8', 75o, 00c: baily in com;, $f,79; income tax, $35,000. John Jacob Astr, worth $5o,ojo.ojo. Nearly all his fortune is invested and is being constantly reinvested in icul estate. Annual income, $2,500,000; ihiily Income, $6,S-t9; income tax $50,000. Louis fJT.fT.iny, worth j?5,djo,u6., midc by the manufacturer and sale of jewelry. Annual income, 81,750,000; daily income,$4 749; income tax, 835,000. Colli P Huntington, wor!,!. $M,ooo,ooo made in building and managing the Central Pacific and Southern Paul lie railroa It. An nual income, $1,000,000; dally income, $i 739; income tax, $20,000. Wm Rockefeller, woith $6 ,ooo,ooo, made In pclroU-um. Annual lncviu, 000,000; daily income, $S.Jiy: Income tax $60,000. Mrs Klliott V Sh ennui, worth 8-JHOO,ooij inherited $10,000,000 fron ucr f ith.-r, Wm II Vanderbilt and owns much slock in the Vanrterbilt system of railroad-. An nual income, 81,000,000; daily incoine,$2, 730; income trfx, $20,000. Mm Hetty Green, mth $45,000,00;! one of the 1 icliet women of the To' e. S.ivcs her mono) caiofully. fShe is a bh.tiy, cloe business woman 111U has greatly increased her fortune by shrevrd invcitments, She owr.a several millions of real estate in Chi cago. Annual income, $.1,000,000; daily Income, 85,47s; Income tax $40,000. M jscs Taylor estate, $53.o.,oo:, made in Importing sugar from Cuba. The an il, it. mm:, vr. n.MMiMni. to. 11. jamiw ALBANY mUDEB CO, IHTCOPOnATDD Callimorc Blotk, Albany, Ore. Furniture comi'lt to lino of in nil iti l-r.uu'h.i. EMBALMING acuity. Ro-'idtwe corner ;lr-l .ttt 1 0 .!.;; u; S:r ' nual income from the estate U, it iseilimat ed,$2,5oo,ooo; dally income,'$6,849; income tax, $50,000. Robert Goelet worth $25,000,000, in heiltrd from the Goelet family. Invested in retl estate. Annual income, $1,250 000; dally ir.come, 83,425; income tax, 125,000, Ogden Goelet, worth $20,090,000 property inherited from the Goc'et family and con stantly increasing in value. Annual In come, $1,000,000; daily income, 82,719; in come tax, $20,000. I M Singer esia'e. estimated to be lortb $30,000,000 maJe in the tewing machine business. Annual income, $1,500,000; daily income, $4,109, income tax, J I'lerpont Morgan of Drexel, Morgan & Co, worth 825.000,000. Annual income, $1,250,000; daily 'income, 83.425; inccme tax, $25,000. David Dow's efate, worth $-0,000,000, made in tail road b, banking and grain. An nual income $i,ooc,ooo; daily income. cJ,- 739; Income tax, $20,000. Continued to-morrow. lion's 1 ills I Ti'oolfer Ono liuiiJrcd Dollars Howard for cry case of Cat an h t'jl cannot be cured by Hill's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY tc CO., Wops. , Toledo, O. Wo tha ui.Ot. rfci:i.t , havo known F. J, Cheney for Uiol::-t 15 yrar, and bcllcro him perfectly honuruLI in .ill huei'tiess transaction! and financially ah'.- carry out any obligation oiudu by tiicir ll.r.:. , Wkht ATnrAT, Whnl-.n!e Dr:ifrirint.Toledo,0. W-LUixt), K: i.vMA'iv:;;, W holts,-1 Driiir. fiMtM. 'J'oii-.t.i, O. " Hull's Catar.-h Cure h tten internally, act iniruirfctly ujM-n t.y Inond an.l ntBrnus suf tom of t!ics stern. Price Tie. vvr bottle, baltl by ail Tiat.mooiu.; free, Expcnulvc Economy. Some people beerudee the little monev that an AUcocVi Porous Plaster costr, and then when they Pre racked with pain from tho sorenesa arising from a cold, they will spend any amount of money to relieve the patn. 11 mey only nao one or these wrrit. renowned nl aster on hand they would be saved a vast amount of suffering and be considerably richer. At the iir&t altm nf btlfnee of the jointt applv one af these piasters witr.out any delay, Vlie soreness will be ereatltf reltevtd at once and nson disappear entirely. It will be money saved to have them on hand, to saj noth ing of the comfort they bring. Brandrcth'g P1H contain r.o Irritating matter. Self I'raUe. Self praise Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the testimony of others no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that AUcock'a Porous Platters are the only genuine nd reliable porous plasters made Is not self praise In the slightest degree. They have stood tne test fur over thirty years, and In proof of their merits it Is only necessary to call attention to the cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Beware of Imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. Wear 'Em Out! The v;ny to do it Is t take your wash ing to the Chinamen. If you want your work well done at living prices take it to Richard & Phillip' Steam Laundry. They know how, without banking them around a pcle. 33S?JOY5i Rotli tlio ttWliod ami ra-mlla nlion Syrup of Figs U lahcn; li is iWnut mul rcfrps'ain tn llio lato, r,u,l nc!a rnily yet promptly on tlio Kidney.-', .iver mid Bowels clenvses ihe fvs tero cflcctually, dispell colJ., Iiernl Relics ami fevers nvij chits hnliitnnl cmstipalion. Pvrnp of J.'ij;9 ia tlio only remedy of" its kind ever pto ('need, pleasing to tlio tusla mid nc crptubjo to tho stomach, prompt in iu action and truly bencfirJid m ila cd'eets, prepared only from the most. iieanny ami aprecniilc subitaacc?, :!s ninny cx.elleat-iiialilics commend it to u!i r:tid liavo madj it tlio moat popular remedy known. Hymn of I'ics is for tnlo hi 50c and $1 bottle by nil lra.liipf drug gists. Any reliable druggist !) may not have it on bumf wiU pro euro it promptly for any cno who n isues 10 iry iu ia not accept auy substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sti tm:icisco, cu, icuisviLtr. ft. ro. .r. ANNUAL MELTING. NOTU'K Is hereby R;ven that the an nual mtrtirc of the stockholders of tiii At bny HuiMuig Ar;.K'iaton will be held a st'Wt J lirmlwohl. in AlMnv, o.i Mon day, Mareh lH.h, l'.H. at T:.10 p m for the ei ret ton ot turret, in, an.l rnich other bui ne fr.jy cotne N fore the mtiDf;. latid Keb '.' n, LvU. y PM TTiNt: W C TY KK !AI.K Sccr.-tvry Trepidant. r. lr, l nllrron-l allure Tin? arte; ;tr.iit a-il l.'.t Ii.Ur. i fc-w lin-, mu br f -iti'il ill hit ri:.!i-.T. t i-it Jtif pr rtii a... I ttituf , ).! rri (.... nl i t Mvu-'i at: buf;ti"-jj. Y'U r t.ow (runt . iir 0 .i-t iklV J? LET JT RUN and your cough may end in some thing serious. It's pretty fiure to, if your blood is poor. That is just tho time ami condition that invites Consumption. Tho seeds are sown and it lias fastened its hold upon you, before you know that it is near. It won't do to triflo and delay, when the remedy is at hand. Ev ery di ord-r that can be reached through tlio blood yields to Dr. I'icree's Golden Medical Discovery. I'or Severe Coughs, Bronchial, Throat r...d Lung Diseases, Asthma, Scrofula in every form, and even the scrofulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, in all its earlier stages,' it is a positivo and complete cure. It is tho only blood - cleanser, strength -restorer, and flesh-builder so effective that it can be guaran teed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. All medieino dealers have it. For every ease of Catarrh which they cannot cure, tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh IJemedy agree to pay 1500 in cash. You'ro cured by its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties, or you'ro paid. Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musica instruments, Etc. Hodps & McFarlaii, The Cornei Drugstore,". Albnjt,oi Wanjaper, J r n r3, Eaint, Oils .1. A. Cl!ll!lliIHg ALBKY, GREGG T.tM Physician mntl Suru con. Office-Vr. i tAin over thfe IfeiAt of On gun. Htiiiihoce, ourovr lOfh and CsIapooU it. AGENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selling the greatest kitchen uten sil ever invented. Retails for thirty-flve cents. Two to six can be sold In every house. Millions ioU in this country alone. Uon't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, eatdlv and quickly. SatT.ple sent, postage prcpa'd for five cents. MlMakin & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. iSkin Eruptions and similar annoyances arc CLused j by an impure blood, which will j result in a more dreaded disease. 3 V Unless removed, slight impurities i will develop into Scrofula, Ecze- J J ma, Salt Rlicurn and other serious results ot Bad I hvpforvne tinwbrpa i sutttrer fr'm a fovere M-d troubk1. tor which 1 i)lc rtiiiny tvnv.'dk'S Jitl mo no frxxJ. 1 have Blood mtw tiKn lour iwures or Jit -a witn t w most wancicrtui resitits nfrjl Alu enivin? the best health 1 ever know, herainetl twenty r iviunds antl mv friends av tliev never saw Erne as well. I am ff 'int? quite like a new man. JOHN S. KhKUN, ootenunni rnnnnj ' in.f. ttametoo, u. u. Oar Treat ie on Wood and Skin Diseases i maiiea iree to any aaaress. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Gi. A blUCKHULUthi, MktllftG. Nrtit-e in hereby given that tho anual niretmp vf tticstofkboMernoftlo Albany UtttWlhip mi I.oan A r iston will be hnld on Kri.lrty, Fob H, at the hour of 7::W p m of'vaiil dar, in fb l:nk of Or-u builtlliitf Li Albny, l inn County Orpfion, for tli purpose of eleetlns nine directors snd three auditors to aervn lor lite lerni of one y ar n-xt rnuintc from aid niee'inK.aud un'.h ttuir tttiixTsiMirs at olcietl mul quaiit'iel and to ttsnot such other hiiMii e as amy cume btfi-re the assixMatio-i. Iono by ordir of nld nocU'i lrtlh day of Janu rv.tSLU. t'HWji. C H TKwarr, ijoroury. I'resident. DRUGS S1CCKII01DEF.S MEET KG. Notice I hereby given that there will be a meeting ot the stockholder ol the Odd Fellow Hall llul'ding Aocutior., he'd In their ctVn-e. In Allany, I. inn county, Ore gon, on Monday, the y.h d.iy u! March, iSo, at the hour ol t o'clock p in, o( said day, for the purpose of eliciinjj seven di rectors to wrre for the c::uir.( year, and to transact any otiur t'u:ncs that n.ay come ifoie aid meeting. Pated this 51b J.v o Pe ruarv, lSi4, K A hRKR. .Ut-tBeJoskrM. KCrfl'v. l'ttBSIURNr FOBTMILLER Undertakers - and - Eiubalmers. f I TE KtEl' (rntlrnlh on h.rd full Hi.e cl it lallc. clrlh (lid v.ctd c.ket. (l W coffin. Alo tuiidrol" .nd lull., in Hc.dcloih, n .., which will b old at The Loweit Llvlnz I'roUIB. EMBALMING ntS lhe rr0Prcare ' lhe d8lJ l,ec,,lty- M5 !B HO EXTRA CHRCfc FOR ALB AM Y, - - MASONIC The Oregon JLand uo A'ltn iti home ofScc (S . SALEM- - - - OE.iiO-0. I" me Grny Block, corner Liberty and State .treet, branch rffice In Porllanu MAKES a specialty of BunnysideTruit tracts near Salem. Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment lopg tim3 on balance or particulas. NEW : FURNITURE, MY STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING f bed roomet. .chair?, loaogea, Ma., which I will aell at BOTTOM PRICES. Dnnnrnn uTit Crtaltxt ef all jne forum The foremost men ot the world write the literature- ,;t .. of contemporaneous activity for THB FORUM. Ever qreal subject It taken up by The Forum when It naturally cornea Into public attention and It treated by the best authorities, without regard to parties or creeds. It will keep any thougMWl reader Informed on tho tasks and problems ol the time, as no other periodical dot. To many thoughtful people, the price of The Forum has hitherto been pro hibitory; Indeed all the great Reviews have been too high in price for the muses ol intelligent readers, tut now the number ol readers of thoughtful literature men and women w ho wish really to know w hat is going on in the world out side the narrow limits of pedicular sects and parties-is great enough In the United States to warrant so revolutionary a reduction In price. The Forum discusses Important subjects, but it Is not dull. The literature of contempo raneous activity Is, In fact, the most In teres tin.T of all literature. American citizenship implies that a man shall know the opinions of the foremost men ad the latest great achievements In every direction of activity. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. The Forum is now as cheap as the magazines of mere entertainment. THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST, THE BLST, OF ThE GREAT REV.EWS. The Forum Publishing Company, Union Square, New York. 25c. a Copy. $j a Year. I MEAN Will sell all crc kerv wars and holiday goods af COST. Here are some prices: Lamps, wortb fiOf- fnr V rnnta- Inn-ins wnrtli 9 flrt fclfin cups and saucers 'Ao to iO cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everyiliing else in proportion. Call on roe and you will not be deceived. J. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOStiPlI, y Cabinet photo, from St. o to (4.0c CV''S ilJs' " ' "pcr doitn Enlaig'i.j! ficture. a V 5 ll IIBI l'"'" tfe wry a large ock of $i and s!.reicctl. Tie f Or 4I1H t.4.liXU PIIOTOGItPHERS,,Ron- IRVING TEip - ;tf SS KEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OR.EGOI TIios. Brink. soc, to 25c. a Copy, to $3 a Year. cur Ptriedicalt, BUSINESS. Gradwohl. iropialcto3'f Star Baker 1 CorHritHilnlbln uuil rirm si, CCKRAO MYIP, rrCFPIETOH, """d 'rail, (.nuMi nM tiUi.irar, atnnar, Tubucco, CtRatu NuRar, Nplee. Kli Els., Ic everjrtltuir that U kcil In i Bw vuicty mm! loctry More, Ilii'ttMt mukct price .id fur AJ.L KINDS OV PRODUCE WANTED At the Here formerly owned b Allen Bros., BUTTED, EGGS, iiARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLETS, for which I nil! pay trie best casli pnet posiible. 8 F RAMP W TAYLOR General Jote Carpet Laying and Cleaning. Chimoft Ui caning, v nitewnsning ana Window clearing Specialty Call at Boot Black Stand Lkndreth' shaving parlors. Dr H E Beers. Or O K Bee Physicians and Surgeons Sneciat attention ctven to diseases of women, flours 10 to i J A M, 2 to a aad 7 to S P M. Offices and rebtdence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon and blswcrth. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLFMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN. dernlfned admlnlctrfttrix of tlioestntnol John uripnani, utcea-ftij nait nica in the offli-e ot the clerk of the County Court of Linn count V, Or.liir final account ami that turn court hat apMiititil the 10th day of Marth, 1S1M, at the hour of lOu'clfK-k a m r.f tniil day, an the tide for hearing nil ohjectinna, if any, to said rlnaj account, and (or tho settlement of said afet. Dntwl thiattthilay I teliruarv, tu4. II II II K WITT, ELIIABKTI! GWMI.W, Attorney r.r uinx. Auuuiwmn DISSOLUnCH KPTICE. Tl:e partnership lurrtofore existing and iloirji a bltckunilhititr bupinoxa umkr lbs nania of Cramer & Bo a man is ilisfolved by mutual consent this any. All claims das the firm or owing ly it will be settled by tho old Urm at the shop oo Second street between Terry end V&bhin(ton. Mr Cramer retires and Mr 1'owmsu will con tinue, the bucrDt-i. February 1, 1S1U. " C'kamkrA: towMAS. WK wAXT YOO V )lt v K ) I V thus maliirie .0 0 " 3) J 5 . 3 3 I'tK IV i;K., I p r efVert-il w i i.i frrnish a burst aud travel through tho covm tr;a team, though, is not necessary. A fw Titauciea iu trnnsand citita. Spars houis may I e used to cOtl advantage. 8 K Jcnuso.f ft Co. Hlh ai d Main fets, Richmon l, ;Va. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEfi'EliT. -VMTirE IS m:iti:::Y r.lVEX THAT the s dtrsiijiirtl Eicutor (f the lal will and tccts merit of Andrew liuMi, dcwafi'd. ha filed her fia avfiiunt Im the estate of Andrew Kol.h, deceased with the county clerk of Linn cmnty, Dre and that the cuuntr court of vaiil Linn county, m (Wed the 1'Hh d.iv of March, 1J4,.I hnur of lOo'cWk in the rn-noon f aaid d4V, and the C'Uiitv court house a tt.s plaoe, fc the hearing of t.hjections If any nid final af tount and the settlement of said estate. Dated Ft hruiay Srth, 13. II II IIkwitt jxe R Rorn. Atty fr Executrix. taejutrix. 5 DOLLARS to per DAY 0 Easily Made. M want many ran. vcrotn, boj-B, and irIM work foruf a few hours dllv, rijht In.tid.rir' thrown h im The biuineu li ety, BluuA striclly hornrable. and pdy. better thaw my" oSirea ngenti. You hT a clear ttli and eompetitlon. fcirlence yecl,l aliliij r necarT. Xo capitjil required. V.' eqaip w with eTerrthiTH that j-ou need, treat y too help yen to earn ten time, ordinary wife women do u wtll as men, and bp;, aod t" mak f.xl pay. Any one, anrwhrre, can do t work. All iQc;er.l who fellow our plain and iiJ rle directs n. Kirnejt rork will ttlrely Srir?. roil a prat d, al ot m .nee. Kverj tt::n ! and In groat ilrmand. Writ, fcr our pamrhW (irealar. and rsc-lre f;iil ii.rormatioe. fo harw dMie it j-.,. ,nclje b.jj ip 0 a wuh tf h'Mine.. CS0CE STINSOKtfiCO. Est 4E8, PORTLAND, MAIMS;