iu- . a iX'iM ' " " fifths, i -..J...; . . ............. '' Jv... ,...,..... I i rn? 9 y& y'-" NO '.242 JIWKY, OBIGCK, SATURDAY 111 EUARY i, li4. 31. Yl "Al 1i M thehUla-'and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" 13 the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A CtBulKclUlt'e Moxtkvidko. Feb 10 Advices from Over 150 views, many of them beuutilully i Hlo oo Janeiro, under duto of February l'i. colored, will be shown with the aid oi a ! uivo the tollowim: additional particulars of ects, and a calcium light on a canvas ; diarite upon Niclitrroy Friday, F-.bruury acreen containing 4.u square teet. l tie scenes are presented to the spectator World' Fair Vnwa. An entertain ment that appeals irresistably to men, women and children is the World's Fair Exhibition which will be uivm at the oiiera tiouse luesuay evening, fceb 20:h. A Racking Cough jnreil by Ayer'a Cherry Pec'.orsl. m. V. D. I1ai.i, 217 Guncsiee ot., Ickport, V., says : ' Over tlii::.v y:-nrs nijo, I renipmbrr fcfnrinic my fa.lier ileatTilie tin woiub-r-fcl cnralii'H rtfufta ot Ayer's Cherry Vrrtnr.il. l'i'.riiis ft recent Mti.i V. of l.n SlilM"'- liii h nsiiiniil the J'.rm o( A asUari-li, soreness oi uic iiiiiks. iif-um- i Mii.it liy an aaj.nvatiiiK cohrIi, I 5id varii'in remedies anil prescriptions. While si'uie of those medicines partially jjlcviatnl the roiiRliiliK during Hie day, jjemo of them Kfforded ine any relief from at spasmodic action of tho lunjjs uliUh AouM soiie mo the moment I attempted fclleilnwn at night. After tou or twol-o atacli ni;;hi, I was j Nearly In Despair, iud had about rfecldoil to sit up ail nim , my easy chair, ajd prornre what tlwp I could In that way. It then oc tarred to mo that I had a bottle ot Oyer's Cherry Pectoral. I took z. apwiitul of Uiis preparation in a little ,wtr, and was able to lie down without nulling. In a few moments, l leu Jeer, and awoke In the morning soatly refreshed and feeling much srter. I took a teaspooniui oi ui i cc- ,nl every nilht for a week, then grad- ually decreased tho dose, and in two fweaks my cougn was curco. T( S fctouired by Dr. J.C. Ayer Jt Co.,I.owelI,MaM. Prompt to act, sure to euro i. , . lator 18 tn9 Tha n Pills Kidney medicine t a which you can pin your faith l'or a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- ney3. Try it Sold by aU Druggists in Liquid, or in Towder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. "1 linvn iiHed voiirKlmmnnsLlverReBrU" lator unci can cotiHCk'iilloufly say It Is the khiKoriil! iivcr nuMlU-iiicH, I consider it a bit.-dW'mef'licst !n tlKelf.Guo. W. JACK 60M. Tucoma, AVushlugton. fTEVEBS PACKAOE-H. the E Stamp In Ted am wrap? ith such vivid clean.ies and fidelity that the looker on seems to be in the very exposition itdclf. Tho majestic buildings the beautiful (.'rounds, the quiet wa'.ers of the Lagoon, the intereg'- uig and picturesque leauires 01 the Mid way lMaisance and tiie Court of Honor come Itefore the eye in all the splendor of realis ic powr, whilo the details n the decorations, the lumuus paintings 9. was notab e for act of buiver.v. Ad in Ira I da (lauia, liimnelf. led the storming iiartv. Every officer ot the iisurgeni force was iniured i'l 'he charge. The lo'al lois to;llie insiirgentM win 270. The noverinnciit Ifss was little short of 000. ATvrrlblr rlilnit. Kii:i., l'ejb 10 A terrible accident, oc curcl on bdard the llerm.ui ironclad Hran denburg i his morning .icir StolergrunJ, three uuieS;Iioni tne tiuoiii iiguiuouse. Highest of aU in Levctting Power Latest J. S. Gov't Report owaer THE rCXTI WW t.D T MC IIOL. Our reatkra io not neeil to be told what the Century Magazine is. It ipajrrmt porlraea in marvelous uMiel, quite a lev'eu tor tvtoroetl xir -u mm. iot;et iiiei"1 ,uu"i tnrtio collection of view showing the I ironchuUn'firrit-clas uuidition for a lest, greater than ever, 2000 pa etm of choice lit building and exhibits of the midwinter 40 aniticers wore sent ukkihI from ihejrutun with UXW) iUustraions. There wil fair at San Francisco willalfo be exhioit-1 imperial tlockyurtl. While 11 of tho arU- j be a new novel by Mar Twain, important eI. A eurcinct but brilliant exp'anation i ticers wero in the enfjine-rooin, a tremen- I exueditions, hunting of fierce frame, nrtits of the different scenes presented will be j clous explosion tHk place. Tus main Kiven bv Mra H.eter A Harland, well known throughout the state through her connection with the world's fair com mission, andaa secretary of the board of lady managers, and through her excel lent wnik in arranging the exhibi'.s of California for the world's fair. General atlmiesion, 2" cents; reserved scat a, 3." cents. Kruitliou ol IliuifMu Curct Ot IW 1 rMnle of Ed Venney, Brockvllfe, Ontario. Canada 1 have used Brandreth's Pills fir the past fifteen years and think them the bet-t cat name and antibi;liou& remedy known For some five years I suffered with ai eruption of the skin that gave me great pain and annoyance. 1 tried UtlTcrent blood remedies, but, although gaining strength thr itching wag unrslieved, I finally concluded to take a thorough course of Brandeth's Pills. 1 took six each niuht for rights, then five, four, three, two, ies noning each time by one, and then (or onr month took one every nfpbt, with the happy result that now my km Is petfect iv clt-ar and has been so evi blnctj.' Oeutlt-mcn , C t arrivii.v' hom- I itt Httk. I ti U'dnll rteil and fcuxitu.ly tinr. O.ir little uirl. e.- h: him! ne-h. lr v-t 'lid, v. ho hid mu ted away u SSi-utde, " r.-w well, 'tcnj; BV.d v'turou", rd wt:i dashed up. tl. Conh 'nrr hafirt'Pt- ; work wv. ;i:'th of 'titj -y'-'idrcn like if. Yoar S H. Cvv.h t.'un- curt d kc;f nwiy aM .ie, wiiti guf-tiuka fr V isshiiiy yn ui!m, ail- L' I OKI. 1 titixn anrl clioortul, ami ready .it. yi'i'-in with tho grow u'.d gracefully, one must live .einperatelv, crlmly, melhcdtcsllv ; be interested in all that U (oing on In the world; be cheerful, happy and contented, j ar.d above all, keep the blond pure and vigirous by the ue of Ayei's Savsaparilla. Be sure you get Ayer's. Whatever may be the cause of blanrh Iny, the hair miy be restored to its origi nal color by the uw of that potet t remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair U-newer, Thin ftrgravZ-twir- and- bld Sraos.o dltipU-Kt.ig io niH'iv ptyjplc as maiksof age, may be ave:tcu lor a long time hy Ubing 1 iall i rlair Kenewer. t-ioava pipe of tle t.irboard en;ico b"d bi'r-t It iniis found tuat of the 1 1 urUfic- eri a l butbne had b?eo Killed. His com panions wire all on the lloor of the room. cnly-inne other wero kiucj au nine injure j. VI the dead, .17 died Ins'ant y. llrady Arre"ieil. Portland, Feb lfi Fran- C Brmly, who left this cilv earlv in July, with $15,KM), mainly funds of the tfunnyskle Kind A: Imnroveuient Cjinnanv, was ar rested yerterdiiy at Leavenworth, Ke.ii. He was appreheniud ihroiiffh the tnstruineut- j ir r m ;. . - i! Ull'J UI tl'Iliy . "HUB CI Uim luia Conklin, the respective superintendents ot the Portland and Kansas Cily branches ol the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. Aflor (be HlUdir l ink I Pauis, Feb 10 -Hefore the cramining iuduft today, the bomb-thrower, Henry, mil that Mnminv ti.L'bL ne nrsc went to u- leading theater, but was unable to obtain adniutance. the theater being full. He a:iid: ,4Aa I intnmltnl to ki l as many hour- geois3 as possible, 1 eat to the .St Lazare railroad station, where I saw the cafe fu'l of customers. I enured and threw tne bomb." a m a Arret London. Feb Hi. The police tonight raided the Autonomic Club and made sev Pi V . r r. , I'. M. k',-vw U u 'iiiv jonr yr.-.-. r I'll) '' M l . i-r tl- railroad tun m of Parker Hr-. i just niwived al Conrtl titer, Flian lihck. doe adventures, trumping with tnujips, unpub' hshed eitpayn ot laincs Uusseil Lowell. etc. The St Jut holas is the prince of children's mapizines, the best of all of them. A feat ure o: the lhV)4 number will oe lomrmwver Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history series, n series tn American uuthors, storits of India by Hudyard Kipling, recollection of wild life, papers on the government and some beautitul serial fclorie, aa well as the famous ltrownios. Th nvif. of tho Centurv is 35 cents a number, $4.00 a year; of St'Kichnlas, 83.0t) a vear. Anv sibscriber of the DkmocIiat in goou siunuinft mav aecure me 'mury for $3.50 or the &t Sihjlas for $2.50, by leaving the money at this office. e will uo tne reft. P J St :rt c'.as wi:k. Stni.ko --t-U iTated Havnua lillrd 6 oeot oiuar at Juiias .'oiirjph's. l)r M II Hi in, uhysietm aul surReon AllMinv, O. corn try. 'hlli mili I i city oc WkUWNO NV1TAVIONS. Wooden, Tin, Hilver, Golden Common every day. W WE TBI BITS. While it is over thirty jears at;0 Incc Allcock's Porous plasters were first Intro duced to tne medical profession and pub lic, tha marked succ-s and unprecedented popularity which thev met with not only continues, but steadily increases. No other p'aster& have been produced which g4in so many testimonials of hlh value a those continuously accorded o Alcock's Porous Planters, and the onlv motive for 1 these exceptional ttbues lies in fact of 1 their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal preparation of superior value. Addt- c'nil urresla. The cl"b is compoJ oi j H-'nal pnwl of Hie true value of Alcock's anarchists. The nioiu!t.'rs wi'reastor.uheil and iadignani, tiut onl one of Juem, a irencimun, reisteJ tin! poi:ce. ine uai numbur of prisoners is uuout J. mm. mi 83.1 ui..'eiiKilti.';i"Jar.iaiefc I . 1 ACL'JJMINC;. 9P.SCI i .-em. in ". rnptiiwtioa aati 3wa iiiiiiililllP'PII'ilillPlllnliiilWTT The Uest ofltea-snus. The reason why Allcock's Porous ?lan tera are popular Is that they may be relied on to cure. I. Lame bck, fclatlca, stirTn s or twitching of the muscles. 3. Chest troubles, such a pleu,:- ' pneu monia, consumption. 3. Indigestion, dygpePM", : i-ness. ktoney complaint. The success, however, will depend upon the genuineness cf the plaster utwd. The popu arlty of Alcock's Porous Plistr lias been so greot that multitudes of imitations have sprung upon everv hand. The onl sure cure is to get the genuine Allcock's Porous Plasters. Hram'reth's Pills improve the digestion. Portland, Scramento. Los Angeles siccaton and haiem have the tame insur ar.ee rates. Albanv, Qr, liut'e and Helena. Montana, Salt Lake Citv, Taco.ns, and Walla Walla, Wash, and bpukane, have the same rates. gratifying iosuI.k follow itit tine; to that it tiie best ia:niiv tetneov Known ana every fa nllv d t. .v n bottle. t". Fficft's Gleam BaK.ijq; Powder Forty Year tue Str.-:r.zrf-. Thtt ondt; i-ii;ti(j 1, pro pn-t '.r 1 1 the I'HilietT iioiml' tlf hilt,-: u ni'orin l3 na i:ie tact h- h. tntlui'ed tu -ie:t nr Tii public t 'ivitid to c:-.h s I J tp t-ood bd an - fi i o I !).hii. tir t lor sale. Cti'ifr f l-roid.-l Wattr To preserve a vout'dul appearance as long a p -F-iblp. 1: U huMspt.nble that the hair rhould retain i's natural codr ainl h:30, 1 here fs no prrpa'a ion eo 0?jCtlve as Ay re' nair vi2r. it pi everts b.t dues, and k-cp oe ea p c!(-ant rool, and ne-lthv. for infants ami Children. souk of it wlflioiit tn.lMc- BgyaHTRTY r.... m wu. it wta.iMgai.WT T " fti sa j.thlnn wlAsJi -"1 nfe cgJ p"-""r T".a5A child's medlcln.. C.torltt iwyiT: Tforrns. Costoria pTQT.nt. Tomltlng Snnv Cnri. ...... TMarrhaa and -WlnColla. gMtori reJlevw Telilig TronKas. rHorl. Coi.tlpItlo d rUtJenss T,.,. nCTtrUi. ih gs of e-.rtnnlg..cldgJL- V "m'nm ' r-t-gJ.11iT nd Bitiarnl loT. V . Yes, You C.- see the ;i-ieat line a"ous 'or suiting in th.? st;i(e at W R Graham's. where he has a tail tr with f I equals on hand to mike them up on t nonce, ijet tne Dcst ana moi ni .t-h suits o him. A new feature will be the making of ladle' clraks to order, or the al'ering of co.ts to the lates' styles, and iij repiirn oi c'or. iJi-ici ar- ho: torn one-. Dr. Price's Cram B'kfng Powder World's Fair highest Award. iSiihth'i Car, tne a it auhnl o'", i is i d by n. loc-t ik o wt -i - 1 mi y 23 i. Jr-iii i ! nilitv St Mitiu. With pure, vigorous !'vk1 ojurini through the veins and urn ma' lug every n ore oi me ooov. coiw neither Is not emit endurable but pleasant and agreeib!e No uther blood medicine W so certain In U results Ayer's harsaparlila. What It aocs fur others It w ill do for yen .v.up i I A t'Llld iMjityi. n Aexmw flavor, gtillc' SOUllk need f a loxa'-ive. mother tie costive actl'Mi anu i when in nU if tin: father or biltuux, the most Porous Plasters ie In the tact that they are being largely imi ated by ursciupu lou8 peiwins, who seek to deceive the pub lic by offering plasters which they claim to e the 'same, 'equal asgood,' 'better, b?st porouB plasie, etc, while it is in general appearpnee on'y that they resem ble Allcock's. Kveiy one of the so-called porous plasters are Imitations of Alcock,s Porous Plasters, Avoid dealers who attempt to palm off Inferior and worthless plasters that n' purchased by them at low rate for the purpose of subftftution. Q.AR Em Out! The sav odo n K t take y-ir wistt rttf t i he Ciitn iiinfT. lfyoj want your o-k w'l d.iri-at llvl'ti; one Mk- it to Ri. n.nd & P iH n'-. Svam I. an tlry. . kno v hi)A( withoi't harming lhef.i i.nd a p'"'f. rriin Uaty was skk. tt j Kavo lor t'astorla. Wiea s!ie wii a CKU, riio cr..'J fir Caitorla. Vrten slip Uvar.ie sii? cung to Castor: VrTen tiie l.tvl OiU-fj, navothfm Custori- Evirii(lve.Crauiiiy. Some people begrudge the little money that an Allcock' Pornirs Plas'er costf , ard then when tliev pre racked with pain from theioreness arising from a cold, thev will o.iend any amount of iiony to relieve the pain. Jt they only had one of these wrri.l renowned nl aster on hand thev would be saved a vast amount of suffering and be considerably Hcher. At the rim sign of sti fines' of the julntt applv one af these plasters wht.nut any delay. The soreness will be greatly relieved it once and soon disappear entirety. It will be money saved to have them oi hand, to sat noth ing of the omf.rt they bring. B rand ret h's Pill contain, io irritating matter, U.iUhy flesh n;il i: rs burdens l!ie bofy v much sound fies?i. flesh usually indicates similalion, which rat. loss of the best that "s i the fai-fonning elenu'i. 1 ol imre rod l.ircroil :; ji pliospliiles contains tl.r i essenceof all foods. !! n.i i vr iurra can somncli ru'.i I tie tnken un-.l assimil:tiji'. ) Hon where z.'tar.r.iss (xh.'i . J lrnflr.rt bi Mott A I'.fiwno. Hhcioii'-f Vurk. Kud Io- l.:i iliif.c;ialb- 1. icts -EKn Ti2W. I OCA I. AND lNiTRLMH?f TAt. Mt'SIC, MihS Ihillie Warner a graduate ot t. it Conservatory connected vlth Uales Col lege, Neb, Ik prepared to give lesont In vtjc;d aid rj trtttnjnt:il music to 'nplt pup! s-r 1 isi-v, ;,t reasonable I'-nns. Mist Varn"r ha had a thorough c-inca li n and i an ex .ttenced teacher ller ref -tences are. pff ii A Shorey. Wl'.d.mi, k. I'row and Mrs tu:u:ie l.ee. fx.ta.,and 81.00 nor !!ottk i)uo ceut a dose This Orbat Couon t'uai promiitiy curtm where all otnera tun, tougni, t,roup,i.i Throat, Hcsrsencss, Whooiinf Couch nnd Asthma. For Consumption it oas no rival: haa cured thousands, end wilt cuna TOO if taken In tlma t-'"1 uy rni(;ulsi on ft guar antee l'or a Lame Hack or Ohrst, us BHILOH'S BELLADONNA fLAbTERAjO. Hli.O'H'S.CATARRH Invo vpu jLtirrlr ThlsiTTOflymmiaran- tecdtocurv7u. rriocfrJuta. iiijeetrfre. "Now is the wlnrer of our dts:on'.ent made g.orious iunmer , br Avre't fjarsa partlla. This wonderful medicine so in v1tora es the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes po-diively enj lya'ile. A'Cic etpijcrs wa.t'd' da well to naketa note of this Aihaar sjirkft. 100 Iiei7nr:l, $10 Tlic .tadc ri of ihU puj- r will e y'. c 1 to lfnm tftnt there ii ftt l-t rn tlrtncltri .wj- U.-tt f.Uw a hi k-.iu nolo to c ure iu al ita tisgv a. ill that ij Chtarrh. ItaH's Car.rrh Cure i We onl t.ti..; ruro uc v kiiowu U tr-5 o hcsi Ha'.rn::. . ' ntsfrh beine a con- liti:lonal rfiiin-s a cconlitutiontti i-t PtiUfut. lliiUVii Vrra Clin; i Uiten tntor a.,.;, uetlnc rti. -;-;tl.i ttj-f.t: tic btoyft aad n f" mrfurf s vl '.'v.- pjm. is. i ii"! ?! cftroylnt tjj :.-.uuoi.tion i.'f ti tl--. 'y.caa gi1n' njliefll llmi:- t.vbuH.Bffptiucoa.t.lutJf-.ri rndiisff.Yt.injr natnre la df t.a U work. Tho i T.inr.tf r bavc so nr,.;sh Ir'tV i.i its curative U erm, tha. ti v lAtut Ois- Huniiros Iiollai i't any caje t..t iw tiis t curt. Stiodfof AminM, V. 4,:HE'KYiCO., Toledo, 0. ' i-tr I'ruUe- Self prui e ts n- recommendation, but t!.re hre not tht.i s when one mutt permit a ferfon to'ellihe troth about hiruelf. VI' lien what he is s-.ipprtrd hy the tlitr.onv )f (.th rn no rejfcona-i1- ir.an wilt i-nuli' his uord. Now, ay tt;it Alict.i PoriMi Plater are the onlv genuine? ind re!!..' porous nlaters made , i- ni sell oraise i'i the Slightest c1ritr.e. I'l h. ylMve stoot! inc Ust for over thirty cjr, aio in pro" or intir rreniaii imin necessary 'oca-' attcniion io the rules tnd to the voluntary - sh.i have used them. a, and do not b de rsentailon. A k f'tr - solicitation Tfxpla arept a substitute. they have e fleet i.' trstlmoiiia's of tin Be wait of imhats cetved by misre; Ailcock't, and le rotten iiiduce tou Rackii.whsm's t Wthe Whiskers rlog its vidtk tiorotikhlv mlef.ng a n; f. rm.l rnwn blset.. which. vi i'l v, will IJ tli t'At, wah off. nor toil I "n. natf"lT-,'l It. fi.-'.T I- K'Hurr-liMpi BtuU'-il tivlcv!; ;rve. CR1E KEDICAt 0UFFA1O. . ' :- DIM r II IK V.." "kk : i""l " ' .'i.il ur. i l.i wirdad rl.nest Honors World's Fair. 3 J- Harness-and-SaMleii Display ir; h Cqoi Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. '. i " 3 ' a FOSHftV . hv i H i.r j