PsUn flcmocrc.p boad i , a'jili nl ,-rir Uy in thi ,- except Sunday. .ITTIM, Edilo.-nnJff.Vf' ' Fnlrred utiba Po,t OfD-wi at Albany wreym, aa second elae mail matter. Ruuu.. JaSl'aBT llll .; Qooo BirzurxBro Btolb Bacox. K T Lewis was tried be- t?f l'"8''"5 turl for uun?lury " forenoon, j 'AJ'"" "PPin(f for the prosecution, fr. ,M Xewl'0rt for the defense, and held under $400 IkmiiIs to await tlio action of the lrrunU jury. The case is a peculiar one. Lewis proposed to a man named Moltnn to rob the smoke house of Daniel . ,Jdy, on his farm on the Santiam. Mol ton informed the prosecuting attorney, ami armtitftMnfmtj ,...,1.. ... . . f , t.iiure iewis. Bait was thouiflit other thefu had been mail, l M-l . . . had N llndjfes and C A Winkler on l,.i to make tha nrmt .....! . i." 1 11 honse ha M e,Zi V ii 1 -h7wehre SSI1 K .. lie iiiiii u uarit lantern made by the leg of a rubber boot oeinff placed around a lantern. Mrs Lewis and two children were in court. As the prisoner cannot furnish bail thev will be obliged to looc out for themselves" for some fame. i Tnu KiKKUES. No. l'a and Xo. 2's held lively meetings last night to give the present trying situation u thorough dis cussion. No. 2's voted to advertise their heater and coke for sale, and invited No. I B and the H A: L Co to meet with them. No. l's accepted the invitation to meet with No. 2's, i.fter first voting it down. Wm Rchiards, Clios Metzgar Hand Albert Stellmaker were appointed a committee to confer with the H Si L Co in referenco to the sale of the furniture and also to confer with the city council in reference to the ap pointment of an engineer for No. 2's. A like commutes, consisting of W W llowell and V C Anderson, was appointed by No. 2's The Democrat has heretofore given its opinion that the proper way is to appoint an engineer of No. 2's who shall also do penal work at the depot and other placas where required, in case of fire getting his engine there if needed as soon as possible. f A Fkee Bui doe. A small vote was cast yesterday on the bridge question; but enough to show the sentiment of the pub lic. A fuller vote would have been more hi the same direction. The majority was 49 in favor of a free bridge, as follows; For Free Bhidre. First Ward 54 Second Ward 75 Third Ward 77 200 For Toli.'S Bridoe. First Ward 47 S,.,m,,l W-p.l p.-, Third JWard... 2' 157 A Will Case. A very interesting will " , , ... , , - , mat are ine lountnin ot po Meal in Dutan!8 "ffi' 'S't 1 tdet' "0? this bjt.-Salem. dependent. . . l"., -, w UUVIUCI wliftt mm wll r.,.la 1.,. .. hera will made bv an unmarried w. ....... ..... j uilllltllliru WO" man is revokpd bv Imp n.W.n..i - riage. Mr (ieo W Wright npeani for the J L L Say, the administrator, and Mr H H newm tor parties claiming under the will. Ax Immense Hog. Jlr Jeff Inm. ,,f Brownsville pre:inct, recently killed a hog wimu mis teen rarely it ever equalled in uze in Oregon. A S00 jiound hog is con sidered large; but one killed by Mr Isom iui):i,cu 1 17 puunns iiressed, being worth at i', cents :I9.05. Instead of selling it it was put up far home use. The entire tote of Oregon is invited tj ljeat this record . - 1!i:R(ilai;v at Scio. Burglars entered ine siore ot A J Huston, now in chnrge of W H hamsey and D Meyers, nt Scio, last night, and captured quite a stock of shoes anil olher articles, departing; without leav ing their card. Xo clue to the thieves. A. 0. I'. V,'. Muetino. There will ten public meeting next Friday evening at li e opera house in tiie interest of the A I ) U W d. , 1 '"rrranK -wcy ot r orest drove. c,ii imunT ami i.rnnii Master Dr I r Mackev nf il,;u -;m .1..!: 11.. vt, , nlll ru,r .iiiuresses. inere will be music to enliven the occasion. Tuiuission tree, ihe public arc invited. ArcKi'Tiiii. Tlio Albany foot ball team lereby accepts the challenge of the Albnnv Ollcge team to piny n game tomorrow nf ernoon at 4 o'cloik on the college cimpus Jhey also challenge.the team of the Albany f "eg Jnior. to play a game on Saturday tH:.J0ocloi.k p m. m w m Knights or Pyiiiias, ATTtXTiox. All memhert nf Laurel Lodge Mo 7 0liPur,e rclu'ed to meet ai their past.a Hall, tomorrow, WeJnesdav, at I v Clock D m. Imm uk..,. .1 in J , . . uiKir me mnerci tervlcea of our de rawd PvtMan brother, GeoC Henderson. ated this Feb6-.h, 1S94. C C. Cbak 5m Ut! The war to do It It t . take yo-ar wash Ig to the Chinamen. If you want our ork well done at llvlna prlcca take It to dchard lc Phllllo'. steam Laundry ittr know how without banging them round a pc!e. A cotton carit soon looks faded and Wed. vim -a good linen warp matting ill remain bright, and sweep easier, you in buy the best of the Albany Furniture o. 1 ,iey have a new lot. Hv using Hall's Hair Renewer, Cra, iced or di-coiored hair assumes the natii 1! calor of vouih, and glows lururiant d strong, pleasing everybody. C E Biownel's grocery store i tncreas in popularity. He carries a fine itcck 1 a Meht room, easily accertlble anal ivea bargains. Next door to the P O. . Price's paK.njr Powder Forty Yeere tl)9 SUaOani. The steamer Del None will sail for San rruncuco irom laqulna next Saiurdav morning, ' There wl,l b literary entertainment .. .... ,.u,ii .tnooi nouse this evening Ine public it Incited, naiem It luil nf mm! , !.., r .1. . office in ihat city. The laiett It a woman. 1n Annate Til The Uallv Democrat, ol Stlem hat iutpended. It was a go id paper, but it started whe. the field wa. already more U;an nl led. Servicer: pvtrv afum j . j hxvihuuh imu ercnine lllf Urtaamlr at iU- f I . . 9 ..... ..a.. lllc wuinoenana rresDyterlan church conducted by Rev 1 t Lonuoottom asMnted bv Rev V P Ini- .-.n i ... -"fi'V, .alt me HI vited. Park McDonald LHTo.l . i t ; mail While COminir Hi tun ih rlu.. U i . o .i.ti in ma uuiii lust ev?nin?. It 11 a ua .i can be seen at Wheeier'i erocurv store It weighs 15 pound. Corva'Us News. Ail the ladies interest!. 1 in Vr,,arr.- work, are requested to treet at their rooms (The old United Presbyterian church) cor 4th and Washington St Wed aPerno?n at I 4l" " a J Jo oclock. I J""-'"' MRU W A OM1CK. Some davs acm a rnrricnnfrlant irltnn ' " ' r " lnat llie slilngle m III at from Peoria stated that the shingle mill at 8tl" remaln 01 Peorl. "here he will sup- L f"!1- The Dallet Chronlrlr mm. It ln talarlet about $7300 a year f run the pub lie tchoolt of Tne Dalles The teachers get pay for nine moniht In the year at follows, per month: Principal, $150; at slstant prlncinal. 70, fewn lh e-p each , and seven teachert $50 Jeach. ' The taiaiy 01 me (cliool cleric amounts to $300 yearly, which brlngt the sum up to $7320. An Immense number of hop vines are being set out througn the valley, and there It liable lo he an overproduction. The NeA'ft of Corvnltis Kava I-T ....... of Monroe precinct, was In the city yet- 1ttu.1v ttuu iniorins us mat ne is making preparations to set out 35,000 hop plants. Besides his. a meat manu mrrH will planted this season In the upper end ot IMC lUUlllVa Porcv TI. Kollv in in rnMn. nrl. stenographer for the referee in the case of Perkins et ul agt J K Koland,, nr littler lias moved into his residence at the corner of 5th and Jackson sheets, where he will be found mornings and eveu inga. M Senders and J W gonft have formed a partnership in the insurance business and opened an olfice opposite the O F Hall on rerry st. Miss Emily Failing, daughter of Henry Failing, the Portland hanker and capiial ist, will be united in marriage to Lieuten ant Henry C Cabell, quartermaster 14th infantry, Vancouver, on Feb 14. Isaac Fox. of Albany, a brother of Mrs J Kniuht. of this citvciiiintnCnrvnllw o r.,u. days a&. lie was sick at the time, and Bince arriving here bis condition has be come such that he is not expected to survive long Mr Fox is an old soldier, we are told. News. Richard Fox is meant. TIlA rttltinr la onrmnl fwun n Hnn.l.. ltive source that 11 B Compson. president f tho board of railroad commissioners, will t t . 1 ni, i.uiu n iicuiiv pos itive source that 11 B Compson. president I.... ..... v, ,,.,,.,.,( wiiiiuinsiuiiur. will I cuiiuni.ue lor governor or me state ot Oregon on the democratic ticket. He seems ' ' rannirnoii. choice of all deino- en newspaiier men of the east pass- en inrongn Albany this 'mornincr on their ;i,v i.uinc irmu me miuwinter lair at San 'V.; 'ri.o,. r-11 c i .1 thicngo Ilernld: (leorgo Aile. Chicago ni-cuiu; jiiiiu 1 nicmciieon, cnicago Itec ord; John M Maxwell. Chicago Mail; Dan imiiu ijenis, 111- ca;ro limes: (ieorge Balling, Chicago In ter-Ocean; Kdwanl Ij Shuman, Chicago .Miure'ii r. 1 limes. I. eveiard l'lnlm en pr. V 11 Simpson. Pittsburir llisnateli! nn.l !' Ilatzfeld. Stnats-Xeitmiir. JIM ln.lUU or tne san t rancisco Chronicle was also with them. Laikik HorsKS. Suttnn'a I'iipIo T'. Cabill drew tllA hifrrmat t1 l.A.,oA. ni -Ming's Saturday, both nt the matinee and under the same management appeared in Helena, and it fmv an.., n llnl duction of that greatest of all southern piiivs as 10 insure the people going on Sat urday. The hn; is nil l(,. ,.-.,..Z, i: claimed it was the best Uncle Toms Cabin company on the road. Nothing is slighted, nothing; is cut, nnd nothing is iniected into tlm nhv in it- ,.?.. llie iiiiuiageincnt believe that Tncle Tom' well staged and played by first class people 1.1 good enough by ilself, and so it was. a' proof of the merit of tho company was fur nished by the fact that a large number of the neon e who nllpmlA,! Ilin ,.,ai;nM .ul:! .1 'nr.. i. ., :" ",'" 1""" iiit-u uunar iu see lue nignt jiertormance othinip is l.ll'kilirp in Kttnna I'....!- '' ' Cabin. Iireat falls Leader. NoTKwoiiTiiv. There will bo n unto irnrtlii- nlrrn.-linn nl tlin nnwi Up...,.a VT dar. Toll l.'I II trill I- iL l- .ll,,... ' .- . .. "UlUUII UUCIU company of 4.) ivonk nnd thpir nvn or. cellent orchestra. The opera selected is "aura must canrnung and very popular "llnheminn flirl " It -.ill I- . ' i ......... lv I..., w Muuiisuiiifiy mounteil nd gorgeously costumed. The grand orchestra of 2." well trained voices mm mr i-it)i.!ui orcuestra go ro make up a nerfwt nrmlnrlinn It ! np.t p.ft 111...- theatregoers have a chance to witness such .p-iiii-.i-ivi(uiii.ui-hiuiih me uouse will no doubt be packed to the doors. Ha rd On Onions!. The board of rail road commissioners were in session in Sfllem Veatjantav. T 1. I tvvm nl '.li.i. Oregon, filed with the board a complaint t.i which it is auegea mat tne rales on Oniona. as Clinrved liv llm llroirnn cific, are excessive ; so much so as to prevent Inm from carrying on business with any profitatall. The board took the matter nn ler consideration. DISSOLUTION KPTICE. T. pirtnerihip bretofcr!rg and ilfiintr ft t.tatratrfnithinir 1 a . r, - .a...., uua...Va.j uuner f.f tiamr & Ko-kmao U diHMlvl hy matnl coitpn. thii (iv. ah the f rm or nwino h it fii .... i.a v. tht old tirm at the ahop on Second atrt -I-v-.eij rrny iio-i MniDTOTI. .Mr Cremer rutirea and r Bowhibq coo ticoe the tatinera. f-'ebraarr 1. ClAMEM W PoWMAY. rORSAl.E 2b fl i of Albany HI rlitotiil T-Jtin'' "too c in thU Entire nt tills oflle. The editor of the Astoria Bmljtt in cer- t 'inlvSni IJ., n-i . all over thft I nited istates Pre comuieiiciiic work HLiLiii uiui iHDrv :. . I MM will 1- . " " luiu :, . ." ' i'""iiwua year in the history of the country. Politicians have eloirir,! tlitt r-in-ltinnpt. ..I :...i.... , r- 7,, 'J uusiry na jong us tue counTT will stand it. Their contin ual harangues nbout protection and free unuu mob uuuill IOSI 1U I'lied. if (in Awrlll mill l..v I 1.... HI .1 . L i .... v.H..v ...... o iiiauiiiciem 10 run t . v . fc , w,ici me cuy charter bo amended by the next legislature providing for It) mills as the limit. This could be done before February 1st. But do not provide for a trade tax, making one class of men pay more than their share of taxes, a most unjust system of taxation, im- rmsitiip nn avlm L,,lan .. 11. 1 .... ....... ....... u.i iuuwuiruaay having their hands full, particularly under the present laws, wlii.-h do not permit the taking out of indebtedness. OAKVILLC. The resid.tnivi rt ll-,n;l V'l..-tn i. stroyl by tiro last Friday niglit. Air W us away irom nonie uut some of his neighbors arrived at the lire in time to save forty Kicks nf n-l,.p,t 11.. I....1 f i i- i i t i p , """"" n-naii luur nuuureu bushels of wheat in tho house, which with all of his household goods were destroyed. llie bousA uma l,;il 1... !.... 1..1 . : .. .w v.ll,l, (JUIlll Olllllll ill the year 18a on his Donation claim. The wuw ui uie nre is unKuown. TIlO Pnnnlijta am Ip.-Ip. t nll .v i.jiii k, v.i,tuii; mi the voters In this precinct but have not suc ceeded yet, we know of two or three .they Will UOl gt.l. J B White is able to be around again. H.-llhArf Kmitl, nn.l P 11 l?n..- ......i-.l 1 . . ....... ...... 44 i-,ti,,,i siaiu'ii to Jacksonville last week. They intend to prosnect for o-nliL Mr is m nl.l ,,n.l cessful miner. . vrUiIDW ,uC iiiiihj ino ouier n!fpl,aa tn .lian,.pu I. :,1. il I ... p-wt.., .v uiniug mi: ismtii;!, nun U?iu, UUI they nre like the street gambler, have all tl.a n.lvnp.1..... 1 -.1. 1- . , y.i. u"i "ie outer iiarues wanis to save their credit. See!!. W H Millnollen called on us this morn ing . Mr M is in the Nursery business. He says there is a large demand for apple trees, nnd although the times are dull, the sale of trees a.-e about the same as they were in good times. Some of our young people are going to a school entertainment at Greenback school house, on Monday evening. Our merchant is stocking up tome. He nas received a largo lot of garden seeds. B. .. JwiFTf T? ?B ""V. ""i U,VU 16 Wilson bill, but it IS hard to suit nil the Wilson bill, but it is hard to suit all Amici'S Who Ahe Voteus. The Dkmockat is asked the law providing for the qualifica tions of voters at school meetings in Al Kntiw it rniip.n.. 1.1 n ..1 1 .1... ."j. x .0 m imiuni. Jil Ull tCUUOl U1S tncts in this state with a population of one thousand and upwards, any citizen of this state shall be entitled to vote at a school Hireling wno is twenty-one years ot age and has resided in the district 30 days im- u.uiaMjij jucivuiug mo meeting unu wno has property in the district upon which he Or Blie PaVS a tllX.". Of mnru in nd.litinn 10 me uuoye uie voter must nave resided in ine suiie six montlis. Just A Tokz. Mr nsnar Vnu.tpop, decidedly interested in Chinese Phens- nnta nlraon .,.:. An II .! , ' t,mJ .iui n uue UUIieC'.lOIl U live birds in a pen at the depot. Know- inir tna ,B iollt in tl.a t.l..l some of Ins friends at the depot put a uu..b..v ... .no unu vBBieruuv niiiiicu uiru in a iree, anil informed him pfthefa;t. Tliinking oneot the birds naa eecapea irom the pen lie made a rush for the bright pluniaged celestial, uu inuKiib 11 ; uut il onereu no rouist ance. Clean 'towels to every customer at Vierock iavu.g parir.rt. Bith. at Vierecka (having and hair cutting psrlort. See tin How Improved Singer tewing m china. The halt i alwsva tlio cheapest W Siwden, ascnt. Office' at F M Funch ewclry atora Letter 1,1st. Fn-.l.ip-,. ,. .1.. I:.. t I... . . a oits-ui la.itn ren.ainina in the post oliioe at Albany, Linn c .untv Oreiropi. Fn 3 1 Ifinj l n- ' ---r. --, mw-,. nwui vailing lOF these lettert mnst give the dite on which bucjr wbip auvertisoj. Wayne Adkins. C W Acheson, Mrs Lmily Burkhart, L D Carl Ksq, V. Ilntv p'j. K 11 Frimnl,!. .Mrs Carrie Fresh, Oscar Hodgkins, Mrs Ellen Miller, 0 W Ileese. Miss Carrie Cray, Miss L Kearney, Miss L E Morgan, L (! Staver, Mrs II M Stone. Johnny Willinms. Tuoa. Mou'Krm, P. M. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE man 4 cl-sick jur..,, ONE NIGUT ON L Y Tuesday, February 18th. The Famousas CALHOUN OPERA COMPANY. In flalfe's Bohemian Girl. Complete Chorus and Or chestra. Beauiiful Costumes. Prices $1 .00. Reserved ata cu sale at Hodycs t: McKarland's. liallery, 50 cents. Staticiery, Toilet Artiiles, Mjsics insirumen's, Lie. Eodifis 4 McFarlanfl, Tne Corret Bru;",S!re,".'A!banr,oi aw W I Theup,;,.!., ,ba1n".0re' Fl'V;5.- I . T " rewanilln last 1 , ' i "",'. '."luir OI 1'KMOCKAT. should have I wn prefa.'ed by stating as ,. . uuiii nuiie evan- irellst Of Ulrt Pu..n.l a.i......:.. . l ; . j-i i p luivuiiH vnristian thiin-h fonu-d this article and as I wanted ue U.-UUU. ,i,r imin, j thought I would ...,v ... , . un my oner annexed, but here is Sir Ketchum's own ttatementa in ."-oh, ouu r,ward. lam in agreement with four other men in Ventura jApuuiv, i iiiiiornia. wno, associated together have decided to offer the above rew-ard in order to hnd '-'he faith once delivered to the saints." Hint lv.o l.. .1 1 ... ; ',"r... ",Bt 1,1 me errors of tipntliuii tpd,l,tl.,n . XT 11,1.- , ,, , .. " 1,118 "iioiiiu hae been prehxe.1 to the article in question in order to do mstice in Mr i! iv u'.. .1 and nnslf Il. 1... . ' .,'.'",,"u'" ... .. ... KH.lwou-n,,.ruu me at tention of the public through ycur cohimiu u. uie uet inimis are looking into the subject of conditional immortality an-1 knidru.1 al,l,i.i..ld n.i p p .J . 1, ...,v. .p .., ,,01 11 icw rew in Albany as well as elsewhere. For thi bene ht ot the public, let me n-ivn in, ,. ...i. ilresses where tlipv ia .p..b.. t i .p "wm, imui ie.11 lets to volumes, on conditional immortalit , aim Riiuireti sunjocis. iwisli the people would read "l'he Unspeakablo liift" bv Prof Peltii,o,.ll l (.1 L " . r. ' . p i 1 :w una lie views for the same price, by the same man. i.; n v- "e'como, lariuoutn, Me, . P X0!"1 Central Hank lluilding, Oa'c anil. Lnl. or ll,a W,,..!.! r-: .: . . ..n"! , . -1 .V 1, . usis iuii-e, oox ol40. llosten. Mass, either office will fur nish yeu a catalogue free of their books or tract. Now if the public wants to hear the great question of Conditional lmmor- luiuy uiscusseu, 1 nave strong reasons to believe that I can find a christian gentle man that W t,.lr., Il,n ..1 : 1. . ...w ..... wi nimilt,!, Slue ui the question from the Bible standpoint, that wi meet Dr Driver or any other man of Ktmiiluifp l,,,l 41.;..!. n. 1 . sleep between death nud tho rcsiuroction, yu mo mjii geiung at the tnitli.) for inmi is mucn oetter than error for nnv un' p 11.:... . . , "' t. 11 nil llllllifB anil hold fast that which is good." jllu. 1 ours r or irutll. Al.VIX J CAnOTHERS. SEw.Na Machines neatly repaired and aurranla.4 hv thpp...l.l.. , 1. man, at F M Frenoh'a jewelry aore, Albany DIED. ,..u.i,iTOa.-ua .iionaay evening, Feb 5' lm- nl hi 1,ome !n Albany, of con- lor.,n:p. f : urvnpncn.T p. r , George O Henderson, at tha a nf or. uu.p-iivu, uner a lingering illness, M years, 'i he deceased was born In Linn county, residing here all his life, with the exception of a residence in Eastern Oregon .oiuk. uc wus me son OI mre I Li Hugger, of Scio, and has one brother, Mr Wm Henderson, of Oakland, Calif. A wife and young son are left to mourn the loss of a good husband and father. Funeral services occur tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock at the late residence of the deceased. Mr Henderson was a member of Albany Engine Co. No. 1, nnd arrangements are being made for the company to attend the funeral in a body. New Advertisements. "WirAKTBD. T T work. Oil' to tin renoral honse viii at t e nutting's For Sale or Trade, a bnnss and lot in 1 nnrul p.p,Bllp.p l All iirn, .... - " amaiij- . I T sell cheap for cash or will trade for land part Iv nr v,l,p.llo I ... r, 1 . p! f Vr i i K'u"'i iiui. verjr lur irom u. .ii or wrne to mis onios. ALBANY OPERA Wm. WINS A cl'sICK,. Jlaiitfert. 0NK NIGUT ONLY The Barnuin of Them All SUTTON'S MONSTER- DOUBLE llriGLE TOM'S CABIN ona-RiajiKu ARTISTS Famous Topues Marks, the Lawyers Edueated Donkeys Cuban Bliohoundd Slietland Ponies 32 2 .12 2 2 4 4 MAUDE SUTTON Tbe Youngest Topsy on the Stage. BHBVI-.WTlf, Aged 5 year., aa the Angel Cbild. SPEUIAL SCENERY! 50 75-and $1.00 SEE M.ICJIIFICE.M STREET PARADE AT 11:4) A. fl. DULY STOCKHOLDERS MEETtNC. police Is herr-hr olvn II. 11 ,., . ., , : "iincic win M .' """ stockholder, ol tbe Odd tellows Hill tul!,lln A. u.. . , thit eflice In Albany, I.lnn couni'r, Ore- u"y. " 5h day ui March, I5QJ. at the hour p.! p.ipiL . . .' -. i - j, in, oi ma day, lor the purpose ol electing seven dl rectort to serve for the ensuing rear and to transact any other business that mar come hefore aaid meeting Dated thlt jth dar of I-e..Vury iS-u t A fARKE,;-... Secre'ary. Prksiofn't T .;ST-rA '""S lf." '-l with whits I i Don. from Heir i. . . n.;r Albany. ' " " ,m,,D- aon.oftl,.f.mly t . i'tlbT. omi?' tlOU.Nl Y W A t! . A NTS-llolifht and aold by HJ F Jf..rrir. na norm rvaaiDKaiau Will A surk. iv ieei.r Tha bett;maat noSre io the eity at LV mad Muyar a. Hodaea Ir. Mp,.H .u. : , tor.. Albany, 6," WllliSl.rk'. I i. hatcraated ut'" by luhn. Joaeph. B m""'f"'r1 The O K Grubs., 1. .i.. . . . Tim Things W Eat very largely make ut what we are o thought can past through the mind without leaving tome effect however alight. Many slight lm-' presslont, In time, make inlghiv change. I-'. ,he tame with the body. Abuse it with poor food and take the conseauenc-. For purity and certainty In grocerlea - guuut, go lo 1'arker oros. An Ai basy Jewelry Store IVamL . . . of Will 4 Stnrk '1-p, ' n,2'"8 ' th!" ii J ,. " k- lhey carry the Unest Ineof silverware, watches." r -.i. TJ jewelry generally In the va lev, ,nu , Isfactorv nrlrrt up. .1 . - ' . u ,at- .uperior quality "oT - ' lock.. Never ;buy without Tallin? ca mL'-k.,.10 "' MACINTOSHES and US .AMEHS. including many noy.lti. or ladies, nutlet nud ehildrrn, ii now K Young. Jewel Stoves and The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. . SOLE AGENTS At Perry Conn's. Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds. Always keep on hand a choice as well as a superior stock of G.C-MOON. Su.-cesnor lo I A Morr'a. Flour and Feed Store. Opposite Run House. Hat on hand a full nook of Faa.1. Graharr, Buck. heat, Kje Hour. H.j.Oat.,H , Ttw Bnt Sh?rti 88, .KI,iacii,T. Z??.r..rr,r-., I ",c f ihe Lput Uuocy, UBS) As VEk. tit.- : :.-Trt.VleV -J 'VS.' at; 53 asas. VtSJ. i'. ini3 13 inf. rrcc-r, i y. Vt. hi---1 -v.- . TU. An. ---'aV vinccd. Thi .Urn; 7ne ot :wT Z'V.?"'"; .17 ""I"!' " '? an,! wa brllrr. ronraa .... r..y ? hnilnv UR STOCK LACKS noth. intr but bnveis. Thou will " - " - .7 " iMime.- Thev will l.e satis. fied. They will buy at THE FAIttEST PRICES EVER MADt FOR SUCK QUALITIES. Visitors are not asked to BELIEVE but are shewn goods to CONVINCE them that we are leading the trade i" STAPLE AND FANCY DRY C00DS.LADIFS FINE SHOES If you want VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY call on u. Yours Truly Heap, Peacock A Co. Dr H E Beert. Dr O K Bee Physicians and Surgeons Special attention given to disease, of women, Hou-s 10 to 12 A M, 2 to a and 7 to 8 P M. Officet and residence Blum berg Building, First Street, between Lyon. andElswcrth. ' Ranges line of allstanlo r, ,-,. 1 - jiui-ciiira crockery. r:n, tu ti ...... raw, I'matoea. Apo.'., c II XI. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 6ENTLDIErt 84 and 83.60 Dress Shoe. 83.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soter, 82 ror Worklngmeit na n.i.73 Tor Boys. LADIES AND MISSE3 83, 82.S0 S2,$l.7l CACTIOfCIf aajr rtp.l. otTrra jou W. i 1hki ino.a at ai rrrturrpl irlr.. MjingitHiarmwim, vu im iiimi a.MniM,l ui. am torn. .Mil mm tin awajrautl v'n, easy iminjj. and cive tyjt'cr pZTAZ Vt ? r-' r" tor erne by the (. E BLAINICLOTHINQ CC-