J . if SuUy democrat 4 )lii i) I o.-),v It; iu tin ,vit except Sunday. .HtU WriM, Cditon iari P'r. rt riimo iiinii font Offi'w Rt Albany - . uinii mailer. MTtKtUl JtXIsBY SJ lilt $140 Stolen-. -Yesterday two men giv ing the rmnips of Lw H;iv nn.l Wild Bill were arrested ly Constable Mct'laina of Harrisburi;. at that place, on the charge of having broken into t'.ie residence of M liarrison, near the Linn county line and liaving stolen 8140 from the same.last Wed nesday. Ihe warrant was i,led frm the! jiistue court of ilnrrmburfr. At the ti,ne! of its boinjr lsW tt Will tbousrlit' tli r J-iimwn - 10use Will Uated in Uim county, but after investigating the location thor oughly, it wa. proven that the trim, had been committed in Lane county. The deputy pKMecutinsr iitlnrner u-.w and ho issued a new warm nt before Justice ivmsev. ueputy MitnS (ieorgo Smith brought the men here on this ulternoon's train, tand they will probably bo given an examination on the charge this evening or tomorrow lnorninn OtiA hnn.lra.l ! thirty-live) dollars iu gold which the men had buried was recovered. Theevideme against tlietu is inmost certain to convict. (iuard Baptism Xi:cks:aky. An uncommon incident took place yesterday afternoon at the Christian church, savs the Corvallis liazazelto. Mr John Win, the father of our well known J Wm Will, and Christina Will, las mother, now rcsiiectiveiv aired 7G and 74 years, after having earnestly striven to live what is usuallyconsidcred an honor able christian life for forty odd years, rea lized in a full sense that baptism by im mersion was cisential. Therefore, in nle'l ience to instructions of our Savior, they were baptised into the Unusehol.1 of Chiist by Kliler W W Sharp, of Eugene, of the Seventh Pay Adventist church, with whih they united in this city. As iMi-onTANT Suit. 1) 'Arcy & Bing' ham. of Salem, representing HG Oregon l'aciric employes, have tiled a pla in inter vention in the case of the Farmers Lean & Trim Company of Xew York, io foreclose a big mortgage against tho company. The employes pray for an order of the court, requiring and compelling this big creditor trust company to pay into the court the vevernl amounts chunked by the claimants bringing this suit, togethpr with interest ' at 8 per cent thereon, until the same shall have been paid, and allege derelection of duty on the part of the trust company. Ykrx Healthy. The Ashland Record boasts as follows: Not a child was buried in the Ashland emeteries during This is a clincher of a testimony to our climate, and we doubt if there is a single town on the Pacific that can show a similar record. The only undertaker in the city, J L I towniug, is compelled to be engaged in other enterprises in order to keep busy. There were only twenty burials during tho . past year and they were invaiiably old per sons. Ashland is the healthiest town on the coast of its size. XEOX,ixi 4 Ml ABROAD , It in 'igh time for Charluh Mitchell to go ome. The I'orvallis Gazette calls the Salem Journal an unarchUt sheet. Twenty-seven 0 1' men have recently lost their positions by tho system of economy inaugurated. Among the exhibits nt the Midwinter fair will be Red Crown Hour and Albany woolen mill goods T)'9 ta,'ic Auuiliarr will give a social in the M C A rooms Friday evening Feb Jtu 1 ou may expect a good time. Arrangements are being made for a change of management of the Huss Hou.-e by which Mr Kowell will transfer his in terests to .Mr tieo P Warner, owner cf the wuluing, who will run the hotel. 1'llOsft winhlnf f,i soctirp the Pjillinnn Opera Co for Albany, should leave their names at the storeof f lodges A; McKarland. It takes money to bring 41 pnotlc to a ctiy una a good support will be necessary. Coll Van C'leve, editor of the Yafpiina l'ost asks J t Stewart, the populist eiutor of the Leader to p.Lirt'l up, ami then ever- litMtiiUi.v -oi wus mm. tun is u llgut- ning striker when he gets started. On the ocean!. of the installation of tho new ofliceis of the A O I" W at Scio H free ublic dinner waa served. Ihe Press says: Many nersons on this occasion seemingly had not taken a square meal for some time, judging from the way they caused grub to disunw.ir in their immediate vicinity. One party is reorteu to nave urac-i nve cups ji coffee and cat accordingly. tleo W Skinner, of the doming mill of Indeiiendencc, has invented a new kind of a boat with which to navigate the Wil'ani ette river during low water, and will have a model for exhibition in a few weeks. His boat is a new departure, having no boiler, as it will be r"n by gasoline, thus saving the weiirht of a boiler. It will be flat bot tomed, needing only a light draught of wutor. Salem Independent. The following from the Oregonian if about a former Scio trirl: Lena Houston, 17 years old, w,is taken from the Dclevnn house, in the North Knd, by OHicer loin Coleman yesterday and iriven an opportun ity to tell her troubles to Chief Hunt. The latter oltieial is assured that Miss Lena is not living an upright life, and as she is not yet old enough to choose for herself, he committed her to tho charge of Matron Pitku until her case can be thoroughly in vestigated. The best patent fult roller flaur at Mc- Itainat65 cents per sack and every sack wairan'eJ. A li McIVain will sell you Scotch gray underwear for men at 75 cenu per suit, and every Suit warranted new goods Cell at A B Mcliraln'a and examine his shoe stock. The best shoes In Albany for (1. 25 and every pair watranted as rep resented. A U Mcllwaln will hive cn sale for thli week only So dozen ladles all wool hose at 15, cenis per pair. Keguiar price 50 cts, All styles. Mrs Bilveu desbes ut to announce to the public that she lias secured nrst class help and ts prepared to do all kinds 01 dress making at her residence on Third street Uncle Billy Wrigh will visit you with pail of as fine horse radish as can can be made in the U S. lie leadv to order, Hrrse radish fs scarce ; but Uncle Billy gives good measure at low prices. CITY HtSESSnilVT. The totals for tho assessments of the eleven cities, and school districts of the county have just been completed and re ports sent to the city officials and school clerks 111 order that they may report to the county clerk their levies before the 1st of February. According to the roll the net assessment of the several cities is as follows: Albany , Brownsville Halsey Uarrisburg Lebanon North Brownsville Scio Sodavillo Sweet Home Tangent Waterloo 81.W9.928 7D.3.r.9 139,5o9 1.19,246 295,7S3 17-,W 127,602 38.754 19.794 23,849 30.170 The taxable property in School District Xo. 5 is (1,1197,1)75. 1" most cases the as sessment of the 8c)iol district is slightly more than that of the city. j Heliiiiol's Simvirns. "Seeking the .ost" will lie tho subieet of Mr Claim's sermon at the Congregational church to morrow night. Morninj service at I0:3J as usual. Sabbath school after nurninir service and 1 P S C K at G:45, Kev C K Clapp will address the Y M O A omorrownH o'clock n 111. Mr ri.mn is holding evangelistic services in the Congre gational church and Is an earnest, forcible jteaKcr. United Prcsbvteria'i: Services conduct ed by liev P,ilev Little. 11 a 111 celebra- ion ot tne Lord s supper. 7:30 p 111 "t he 'mm in II.,- " C ,1 O.'IO. V I G n L' ..... .,. iicuii, u u ni it.irjf a i u j j-. :30. fctraiigers welcome. MlSriTS The ohlest chesuut in existence has been dug up again. It is that quarter of twelve joke. A Salem society delmted the question: Unsolved. That United, States congress, to relieve tlie prevail inp business tie -region, h&ll at once iu $'.MKK),0O,0ti) 0f tre ury notw which alnlllwa f'llllejr il ten Jer," It was deiiUnl iu the negative, it iiiiff nroven fonfliisivulv that & 0(0 ftf0 . 000 of tiat money would be a tletritment to me vnntry. Hie Mntiment i ireneml that thfl new receiver Charles Clark is doing all that it j is possible to make the Oregon Pacific nav exiwise. ihe apiomtiaet.t was a good ). i lie iilem naner that w throwine cold water on him is in small business. It I it lakiti; a verv sidy course in the matUr, j on the face of it simply for notoriety. ttOBVD rVRtSlDEBINO Will & 8urk, tl icwelfer If you wtnt a tine moItf call for Jovpb( white labor cigrtt The bettjrntMt oo3e in the city t (.Yniad .'frt. Hdoi k Mtl''AruaJ( tbe liiiu drtfc kor, Albany, Oi Will Sc Stark's larce line of bilvar ware has created a great deal of talk. r,vroniza borne Industry by stnoLingthi Celebrated Whlta Ubor eirar. mnrt'.liiM-l by Iuius Joseph. The O K Grubber lt solJ on trial. To try one dort not mean von are compelled A H kmc. Yesterday mormnjr we were shown a tobacco pipe by Mr I) Carlile, of this city, that to us was quite an interest ing curio. It was made on the battleticld of Hull linn bytieiieral Koub Williams, ed itor of the Warsaw, (lnd) Indiana Repub lican, and by him given to inos Hubler, a dm miner boy who wax tne vouniret enlist ed soldier in tho Union ranks during the war of the rebellion. After the war was over Mr Huhler sold tho pipe to Mr Car lile. now of this city, but ut that time a resident of Warsaw. tiazette. Tiik S(io (Inn.- A lirownsville man pets off the following in the Time: The younff pitl from Scio. the was ?o hiph, O! Says Johnny H did you seo me? With the voting girl from Scic! Oh, deiirme, high ho, but the ycunv yirl from JScio, has gone away, ever 10 siay, nij:ii-no. wio, you fee nays Johnny It. I could easiiy cry. Oh! for tho younjr frirl Irom Scio. Oh, come back to me, a treat it shall be. fays Johnny 1J, to ths young" girl from Scio. Foot Hai.l, A dispatch received to day in Albany announced that thu urcit foot ball pit me between the ?dultn"inahs ami Corvallin would lo played at this city on Feb .i for a guarantee oi $1"i0. This wi'l probably be furnished and our citizens be fiirn an opportunity to see the Hvest une of the season. iFYovAnKln nfed of a carpet and want ihe i.et for the least money you should call at A B .Vcllwain's as he will make piiccsin accordance wiih the times. Our extra Brussellit regular price 7s cents, we will ell at 55 cents, and one yaid wide f arpeis 2u cent per yard up. W have aio a splendid line of linoleums and oil cIo'Iib which we aill sell cheap. For Hi-anketh, be mre and see A B Mc! 1 1 wain's rlne line just from eastern man ufactories and every pair warranted as represented. Lrrce double b ankets from 90 cents up. 10-4 large white blankets from $1 up. Cal and examine them. A IlARitisitrito Fuse. Uarrisburg came nearhavinc a fire Wednesday eveninir. and had a few more minutes e'apsed before no- ticeing the blaze, the residence of J If btn ders would now be in allies. Karlv in tho evening while Mr Senders was at the store. the youngest son, hdgar, took a lighted candle ami went into Mrs cemler s room af ter some article. A few moments later a couple of gentlemen who happened to be passing uy noticeii the lire, and rushed in to subdue it which thev were successful in badly burned and the damage will amount to siug or more, besides considerable wear ing apparel which was runiea. Courier. liictuiNESK IIust Uo. more ex cuse for sending your washings to Celestials niuiiiirus x rumps win now uo piam iam ily washings for the astonishingly low price of 20 cents per doen. This breaki the record, and should hrincr avarv riti7n of Albany into line. Stand by white labor and patronize home industry. Under this arrangement there must be a full dozen to count. It is to be hoped there is not a single resident of the city who sends out warnings, win) win not patronize ine Al bany to team Laundry. I Mum hns lecn in the city in the inter est of the Midwinter Tair. Miss Davenport, of Silverton. rrtnrned homp tlay alter visiting with the family of J (.! Crawford for several days. Mr Yandrnn. of the depot hotel, will give a social ball at the hotel on Feb 2. Muie will be furnished by the Elite or chestra of Salem, and no pains will be spared to make it a pleas-.mt event. Mr B M 1 'ay ne has returned from an ex tensire trip to his Santiaia farm and is at his dek at the clerks oHice after .a days absence. K E Hammock and the other Linn coun ly men ieeontly serving as jurors in tho U S county at Portland returned home yester day, afior a long siege before Judge Uei linger. Cramlpa Ilurmeister, of Bilyeu Den, the death of whose wife was noted last week, is reirted to le tbinserously sick, and his nfcovery douhtfid. The shock of losing his life long companion together with his great axe it is feared will prove more than he can bear up under. Scio Press. The nnde'iicne, pro printer of the Pioter llouw desires to inform tbe pabiic that be haa reduced the price of 1 per week, with 'em?W2.VcDtB. Wda at4 ct a anod table. Ilava tir wnort fnr le. Croer of EroadalMn and VaUr treats. J H Mcrda. Bnow nkviu.k. C ti Dalrymple. ono of Albany's able attorneys, was in this vicin ity last week. If there is a man on this mundane sphere who we Minplr detested it is the dirty seoundrtl who has been taking our pajter for the past two or three years, and who has never paid a red cent for the same, and then bad the ost-inaster send it buck, "refused." We thought seriously at first of publishing his name, and will if the money is rot forthcoming. Owing to the resignation of Trof W S Mayberrv. Mis Belie Chance is acting as principal of the school and Miss Anna Yarmouth as primary teacher for the present Applications nave been made for the principaMiip.but as'yet it is not.known who is the successful candidate. Pugilism seems to have invaded the air around Brownsville. Sunday afternoon Ons ennon and Lee tuggs retired to a seqnes tered spot, shed their linen and proceeded to use each other as a battering ram. Yen nom was too much for his opponent. limes. Absotace Merit, No other plaster has bees prodaotd which pains sc many testimonials of high vuc as those ronticuouely aceordod to Alcock'i rrous Plaster, and the only motiro foi these exceptional commenilati'ms it the fact that it is a medicinal and pharrnacenHoil preparation nf fuperk-r valun. Beware of imitationn. Ask for aad insist upon All- cick r, B.nid-'eth's Pills mo a good corrective. Tickets fur the midwinter fair will be aalc t -morrow at ibo 8 P dt-po;, ouly $20. 9U, with nvo atumateioDs an I good f r day a. Provide yourself with a bottle of Aver Cherry rectoral, and 10 have the mean! at hand for contending successfully wit a sudden cold. As an emergency med rine, It has no equal, and leading phys! cian every wnere recommend it. Thousands of lives arc saved annually by the use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping co-igh, the Pectoral has a most marvelous effect, it allays in animation, frees the ebstructtd air passage anu comro s me aeiire 10 cougn. Baths at Vierecks shaving and hair cutting parlors. Tim Tmxaa Wje Eat Schiller B llerman. A son of thecon'Tss-, man has gone to Boston for a wife, and an hlnd paper kics because the son ot a man who made his money in Oregon and is sent to congress from this state goa away for a wife. Probably fortunate for the Oregon girl, cud then love has no bounds. A mnn who was in Portland savs: That town is ridden with commissions, and the nters would a most (rive thoir heads to cot .1 of them. A commission n buMdmg the itv ball. Another watches the no' ice. A fourth haa suervi?ion of the streets. A fifth keeps an eye on the sewers. A sixth, perhap3, issues licenses. And so Portland is run. There is no central Lean, and prac tically no respomdViiiity. Tho commUsions are perpetual. A secret political organization lis stirring up matters in Portland and the prospects are mere win ue many asiomsueu puuuc.un in the'metropolis when the votes are counted next June, this secret society is known as the "American Protective Association, and its object seems to be to break up the power of the ttoman lathouc cuurcu in America. A n extract from a circular dis tributed bv the society reads as follows. "r or tne protection 01 our conniry aim us free institutions from the secret, intolerant and flfoTPsaive efforts that are bein? per sistently set forth by the religo-political or iramzation known as the Roman Catholic church." Who the members of the society are no one knows outside or the organiza tion. See tbe flew Improved Singer ftwirg ma ohirte.. The b:tH alwiva tt w cberpt-tt. W Siwden, aiicnt. Official F M r retch ewelry flora very largely make us what wc are. Xo thought can pass through the mind without leaving tome effect, however slight. Many slight im pressions, In lime, make mighty changes. It's the same with the body. Abuse It with poor food and take the consequences. For purity and certainty In groceries and baked goods, go to Parker Bros. UR STOCK LACKS noth ing but buyers. They will come. I hey will be satis fied. They will buv at TKE FASTEST PRICES EVER MADi FOR SUCK QUALITIES, not asked to are shewn An Aluamy Jewelry Stork Worth natrqnizinc Is that of Will Stark. They cairy the finest lineof silverware, watches. cocks and jewelry generally In the valley, and sat Isfactoiy prices are always given for the superior quality of good they keep in stock. Never buy without calling cn them. Visitors are BELIEVE but good3 to CONVINCE them that we aro leading tho trade in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COQDWmiFS FINE SHOES If you want VAIUE FOR Y0UR&.0EIY call on us. Yours Truly Reap, Pkacock & Co. Tkll Everybody I have turnips at twenty-five cents per buihcl and potatoes at torty cents perbubhel at my old stand or delivered to any part ot the city for five cents additional per bushel. For further particular see me at the cross railroads east end of the city on sixth street. Aiaih J Carotiicrs. My fa!i lineof MACINTOSHES and OSiAMERS, including miny noveltie or Indies, tniases "ud children, i now e. ffi E Young. Clean tcwels to even uttcn.tr nt Viorcck iluvi f parlors. I. A. Horns & .. Flour anil Feed Store, Have removed their ttoro to opposite the Ruis House, and hare on bind a full stock oi CHOPPED FEEC: Cuttom chopping don, GCRVALL'S FLQUi BHAN, SHORTS' GERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, P.VE FLOUR, HAT, QA1S. STRAW AND TIIOMFSON. In Waterloo, 0res. O" January 20, 1894, Mrs Mary A Thompson, aged 78 years, 8 months anil 20 duys. I She was born in Princetown, Va.. in the year 1S!5, and was married in Chicago, Peiitember, a), 1NJ3, to fcnocn inonipson, who proceeded her to the other world some ten years ago. fcne was tne mouier or nine children, four of whom are now living and are an honor to her reverenced name They are K N and Ci O Thompson, ot lirowns ville, Mrs Mary Weltcrmood, of San Fran cisco and Mrs Martha Uoone, of lloise City, Idaho.; FENXELL. Oa Friday evening. Jan 2(, 1K84, nt the residenco of Mrs Marga ret Fennell in Albany, of consumption, Thos Kannell, aged '29 years. The deceased lias lias been an engineer on a Sound steamer, until obliged to stop work on ac count of poor health, when he came to Al bany to sjiend liis last days with his mother and brothers and piston. The funeral will lake p!a-o tomorrow at 2 o clock p m, at 'he Catholic cuurcn. ana wmjn wmwt New Advertisements. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth WANTED Poshing Canvaser of t.od dreis, I,bertl aalsrv and rtnn paid weekly; Prmaneat poit.too. BKOWN LKULIU., Aurserymeo, I'ft'and Ore gon . id pabtic tbat he haa red are !bord without lodgir g to f 3 p lodging $ per'trceli. Single; The public is itivitrd to call i C E BioftnelU grocery store i Increas inij in popularity, lie carries a fine stock in a ittfht room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. Or. Price' Cream 'ffrfag Powder rorty Years tj fltaoiard. Los.. n hirst s.reet betaeen. Jnck on and Ferry, Monday evening, a dar tan jacket cuff, finder leave at thin Srrrxn Maciiisci neatly repaired $oi iiiT3titd hy a thornh!y CMnpeTent noik i n.an, at:r M rrrnch i jewe.rl otr, Albnv i S n. For Gkolkiks A B Mcllwiln's is the place. Just think oi it. 20 pounds extra O suaxr for fti.oo. 10 pounds drv cranu tated sugar $. 00. 5 gallons bet Sla dard nearl oil cants. Bejt freh roasted coffee, every paper guarantsed, 4 papers tor 91.00. siow'sTrafe: Xf offer Cue Hundred Dollars Reward fet any caaaof Ca.a.-ii that ennnct be eurvd bf Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIir.SEV CO., Props., Toledo. O. V.'a ths nt..'.r:::cd, hxt known F. J, Chsncy fort:.3 '.ant 15 y?n, acl beUtvf feiq pcrfcotiy ho3Jr.-i ' ir ail bsz.r.eatfnctactloai and llrsncisl'T a to tiriTCit auy oblig-atioa jt'le by their flrm. 1 Wajjii-tt. Kt" Maevli, Vijoies acrnf cit. Tn'- to. . IT'l's ( .r.t-ri ; -ne I aV?a InJrTiall, act ire 4tw t.'' n !I M-jod ar.'l nii:"ns sar ftf- of 7:tzt. J; i r hottls. Cgl4 y ail LruTi:kiS. i l-'-th n:a f lree. Dr. Price's Cream Ba!clng Powcr Most Perfect Atada. FOR EXCHANGE. VTe have 50 acrn of very choice snrfctir ban Innd, sciUl !e for plititir, adjuir.ing the city limits of Portland nbich wo are clTer ing at the low price of ona thouvand dollars per acre, subject lo an iocum'trance of $lfc', 00(1, mosi all of which h.istwoyoats to run. The equity o( $:i3,.VK, e will exchanfjs fnr tmpioTl farm land io tbe Willamette val ley. Wc niil al9 fxclnngn equity in arme very central prospective buincjs property. navii'U imod rental, for iir.incuxbered firm lsnrt. If yc.u sre on tbe trade writo for full particulars to Lo & Cfin;:i:, 131 31 trtt t ortlanij Oregon. Or H E Beer. Dr U K Beers Physicians anr? Surgeons Special attention Iven to diseases of women. Hon' 10 to 12 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 10 8 P M Offices and reildence Blum berp Building, First Street, between Lyon ind Klswcrth. Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS tore or of more than ordinar buinras rbltUv. ftrictly sober and ludusftiona. Good ief:encei. W R Avy. Alhary, T. u!ar Albany. WrANTI-I). -A troivd fan Uy vho will 1? tkauiil 12 yanrti of aun and roar ai one of tho faml y. (all at thin rtlice. $20.00 REWARD- Comnanv P. will nav the above rwarrf for Ihe anesi and conviction ci the per son or persons, who so maliciously des troyed wearing apparal at (he armory on the evening ol January 16, 1894. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby siren to the lecal votars of Sehool District No. 5. cf Linn Count. State of Oregon, that a special school n eet- ing ol the said district will be he!4 at the Court House, All.snv, Orrgon, on the 30th day o: Januarv, 1894' at 7 o clock io the afWHjn. Ift the following objects: 10 ie?y a isi tor ll.e support oi tne schools of said rt'sTlct frr the cduidk yea-, and to pay me interest on the distnctdebt. Dated this 10th day of Jan, ife'JI. C H Stewart District Clerk. J K Wr wiui.roRi. CJ -airman hoird of Directm AC MINISTRA1RIXS NOTICE tainTICE IS IIEREr.T GIVES THAT TflE I il ilrniirnl tlin hy tit Cintr ijort t4 I. Tin ctiunlv. Urxn, du'T nTinrN cnU fHh Itrt illrii urtametil at N ti H TV.naI.1 lit of Linn our ty.Of f n,W-wl, Ail w-.nn htnintr simf aeirt nil ctlt ire heredr not1 fit-1 to tr jni them rrr.fcrljr TeHfiel to tti amltniiif Sl hii rr:ltn- n-r trit iry r.f R'-io, Linn r-mn'), 1Jif fattxl th.i ;he Uhtlar vt Jknunrv, )!. A R AI:lJU.NALT, W R Rr.Trr- Kcu! 4lw?Ti(? tor Eicutr- UrAIED. . PMltiori in TT olHor. by a yoiiiijf mail m OST. A Jnrwv fltvr.b'ank w th whitft I J no.to, frotn Hoi-ijj Froman ti fanj .lORSALK -I Hbnrev nf Albany olec trioJiht atof't iho bt tlivldeud tin7tL'iiii In tius uiii, Kna'jira ai f. ill co tlOUNlY WARHAN TH-Iloubt and aold by 11 F Menill. n'P pr!e, odi, piinti'l.ln bun llai fnraalo I cant a po.e. Call at Perry CENTRAL Poultry aii Fisl Market. Bronuallin, l-ween Second anJ Third Hit., ALBANY, OR. Piultry, Fish, Oysters, Clains, Came in Ssn. Everything nice and frasb. Give as a call SCHtlEERri CALLAHAN Stiticiery, Toilet ArtiJes, Mjsirit. Instrument, Etc ' Eodgs i McFaiM The Cornet Drug Store,". Albany rhe Bt Xvfca W. L. DOUGLA $3 SHOE 85, 34 and $3.60 Dress Shoe. S3. 50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. S2.D0, S2for Worklngmen. S2 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, $2.50 82, SI.7Q CAOTION-If any drrI of7ra you XV. 1 InuRWa or astys he liaa I hem with out In nnnifl atAtnpiNl uiDniium,ptii una aown mm m itsim .sm TBOiaa HET1STEE Br:CT?5ac5l&v- 15 PHnc 1V" fc im:'. ..iftv w fittlne. itr.d clve better Try one pair and be con- L. DOUCLAS Shnea are ttvllch. easT aattsfactlon at the pricca advertised than any other make. Tinced. The stamping of V. L. Doughs' name and prlco on the bottom, which guarantees their Talue. savM thousands of dnllnrs anmtnllw tn thnRf. u-hn wrnr Ihitm. Dealer, who push the aal. of W. L. Douglaa Shoes gain customers, which helps tn Increase the sales on their ful line of goods, th-, en ;t..m to srTi at to. tflt, and sr. blleT. yon Co amn money by bavins; .It ronr foHwrsr ff t!io itralrr Bihi For sal. by tb. L E BLAINXLOTHINQ CO. t. U UlWa Is the Best Good Enough 1 Then tall cn Ihr v.nclerf ipned forjyour GROCERIES andjt : produce, for mhi-y ere tie best in tlie market Also a fine line of crockery Perry Conn.