Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 26, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 23
"When i was a Boy,"
Write.; IVnliiiasliT J. C. Wooison
1'orest J I ill, W. Va., "I liad a bron
chial trouble of such a persistent
.iiid stulil)orn character, that tlio
doctor pronounced it incurable with
ordinary medicines, and advised
me to try Ayer' Cherry Pectoral.
I did so,' and one bottle cured me.
For the. last fifteen yearn, I have
icd this preparation with good
effect whenever 1 take
A Bad Cold,
and I know of numbers of people
who keep it in the house all the time,
not coniiideriiig it sa'tt to be with
out it."
'I have been mills Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral in my family fur 30 years, with
tho most satisfactory result., and can
vlicarfully rw-onimeml 'it us beinff espe
cially nilapted ti ull pulmonary com
raaiul. 1 Imvc, fur wany yi-ars, luaile
pulmonary nml other iiu-dlrlnes a special
study, ami I have come to the conclusion
tJiat Ayer's Clterry Pectoral occupies a
position pre-eminent over other iiieili
rtnea of the clas." Chas. Davonport,
Buyer, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared ly Dr. J. C Ayer i Co., Lowell, Ma;;.
Promptto act, sure to euro
a'- t. r
7;i. ; :
kLBANY . . jK.- t
AS. rhaFrF!:.;t-i;n'UMO
for Infants and Children.
HTRTT years' ooserratlon of
pillion, of persons, pormlt pa
It ii imqnestloTiaTjly thw test
.ha irorld haa fyer knewn. It la harmless. Chll'lren liha it. . It
Ires Iham health. It will inw their lives. In It Mothers tors
' something whloh la ahsolntelr safa and praotloally pnrfct aa a
' child's tjsadlcina.
Caatarla destroys Worms. .
Caatorla allays FoTerlshneaa,
Caatarla rrsTonfs yomltlna; Son? Cnrd,
Caatorla mw Plarrhoia and Wind Colic
Caaterlm reJlarea T thing Tronhlea.
Oaatarla eysi Constipation and Flatolency.
itorla B.atrallsas tho anVets of
CAaria doaa not contain morphine, cplnnt. or othar narcotic prop.rty.
- assimilates tho food, Tcgnlates tho stomach and howaji.
. KiTinc healthy and natural sleep.
.itoria la matt up In msnla oottloe
iH allow any on to sell yon anything also on tho ploa or promlso
'jhatit Is'jm.t aa good',and''srUlanswr a-rary porpose."
goo that yt-a t C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Tho fac-sl-tllo
alarnatnro of -'
Children Cry for Pitchs?'s Castoria.
"AB Old M
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Regu
tt- r lator is t!
lator is th
medicino to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
' tv 7 7 ing directly
JrlllS ontS"T
jl r v vj an(j Kid
neys. Try it
' Sold hy aU
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powcto
to bo taken dry ormadeintoa te
The King- of Lirer Medicines.
" I Imvo used yonrSimmons Liver Rrga
lator unit can conscientiously say It in he
kliurofull liver medli-lnes, I consider It a
liioillcine chest in Itself. Ceo. . JACX
eox, Ttieoma, Wushlngton. '
tho C Stamp In red on wrnnpn.
J l FORD. Erauelid.
Of PcJ, I.wi, rrit s un.lerj Ule cf
. It Mvii, Mrt; Co..
Dufur, (pfj;r.
Or a f 1 1 i f l;.ht ti-Cili. rf"ii'ilnll
rt til. and iidxk u.-lv n i lit ne. Our littlo
ill,.e li ri,( t,v-h lryr :.rr ,.!, Who had
wa Ud aw..y :o SS i:-u.'i, row well.
iiixtirf tint vi tti troti', well hashed up.
S. B, t'nii. ti ,'uro hn fl pi itf work weli,
OMh oi t, .j like ir. Your S H.
Cpuw'i C an- ima turt-d mi i rw-pt kwiv aU
o.irrcnt--- t.em n.e. So give it to -avery
ore, hi ii ;'io-i:i. to. .!. n you
If you Mi,!) to feel uttn ami eKciful, and fAy
for lhg;r'iiif'4 w.irk. vlrati-i ynur wjnU'io with lb
HwUt In-itn.1 I.ivjr t'ari. bv ukuiif t-vo mr llirw
t. i pnr all dnippist.)
;8i 1 in .!! i,rUIv"' l.r
t'-t i ' i mih le'i- N perj.irx ou, and
yo i i m r u f-i'i. ;i! o:'ce rt-r.; onaUe and
up ifi c, . -m Inr free Jiheral lei'glons
reimif' i.o ; .Bi)tr.t.e misskin, 36 Yum
-. crret-f. I' rlm d. Or.-
Casiorta with tlie patrnc
to speak of it wltfaont gneeslg.
romcd7 for Infanta and Children
carbonic acid gas or polscneos air.
oaly. It 1. not sold in hnlh.
! on mvmrf
Teacher's Examlaatloat
Notice Ir hereby given that for the pur
poae of makiag an exainJuationofidl per
sons who uiav offer theinaelrea as cant) 1
oates for teachers of the sol ools of tb
. , -ujonni.uueuc ttiera
of will holdapubllo examination al Al
bany, beRlnnlng at 1 o'clock p m, on
Wednesday, Hob, 14. 1891, and continulnir
twodaya Afeeorfl will be charxed for
Mill AT,niln,llnn : . . .
. ---' if.Mieniii inr a:ate
papers should file their eppications with
tbe county tiperinieutlsnt at tint time
l)ated this 23th day ot Januarr.lSM.
County Schsol Si:pt
Tbe nre's Delight
Everv txpeileoced L-utse lieows the value
ola nhich, without being sn ano
dyne, will relieve soreness of tho liml s or
Siifliiess cf (he pint, and enable the patiant
to skip quietly and naturally.
Jitsttuvh a remtdyare AlcncUs Torous
Fltsttrs. Viticcd on the chest or op tbe
over tho mos.-lcs of the limbs, thev sroik
" y oi sootnua acrt qu.etta
rsttleesst 6'. Being reifectly. simple u
harmtesi in their cmpoiition, they can b
UStd frAfilv nnit n,-.... - i ..t.
ed them for a night oiqniet rest, cratefu
m ,w u.uj ,uu mose Hno caie tor hint.
ISrardretL'a Pill, do not woaken the
bavels. -
Miss Hall hi W.,... . I....: ..
....,vl a Kiuuuaie ui tne
conservatory connected with Gales 'Col-
j'. K p io give leasontln
iocs and Instrumental music to single
pupil, or classes, at reasonable terms.
Miss W arner has hod a thorough educa.
Uon and I, an experienced teacher. Her
Me.ence. are Prf H A shorey, Vi!iiam
a Trow and Mr, Jennie Lee.
1 TheBrstariteasons. : j
The reason whv Aliivn-L'a nn.,.: i-:
tera are popular is that they may be relied
on to cure. !
- i.-.mnrss Of
twitching ot the muscles.
i. v.ncst irouwes, such a pl-urlsy, pneu
monia, consumptioti.
i. maigestion. tly.rep,i:, biliousness,
kidney complaint.
The success. howive- w;n,i .i
the Ecnulnancss of the plaslrr used. The
oi iiicoca s t-or.ius Plcst'r lias
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
, s on every nznu. rue only
sure cure I, to get the genuine Allcock's
rorous Plasters,
Ilrandreth's Pill, improvelbadlgestlotl
Portlnnd-- - T ?
-StccKton and Salem have the game insur-
Vi , ' , ' ur' Uut,e ni1 Helena.
,lt Ciiy. Taco.ns, and
ft alia Walla. Wash, and Spokane, have
the same rales.
When Baby was slek, ws gave her Costorta,
When she was a Chill, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
Vflioi she had Children, she favo thom Castoria
i W!V"CVe.r m"y be lne cl,,e ' blanch
ing, the hair miy be restored to its origi
nal color by the use of that potent remedv
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Uatr Renewer.
aeir Praise.
Self nrabi. I. n- -. ... .
. ..v iciuiunienua ton. but
there are not i m., .k ' .
W hen what he says i, sjpporlcd by the
Aicoek". v "r "'"IS: t0 ".
i i,. i snamett uesree.
1 hey have stood tn.. t. i .. . .
years, and In proof ot their merits it Is only
necessarv n n -i. . w.
tney have effected and , Junur
lestimonia's of tho.o i,.- .. '
Bewa, ,. of hnitations, and do no, i" X
,. , - - -wiii-iiaiion or exp a-
n.tlon Induce you to a.:;ept a .ubititute.
AGooDPi.A;.ltl a good plan to
'Ubscrllli inr nml r.--.l . .1
home raper. X'Xxl'
ot a job, or wish to Increase ybur Inborn",
...j... ..o.w uic piace v tind It. In an
otuer column you will Hid an advertise
ment of B F Johnson A Co, of Richmond.
Va, for workers, that may Interett you.
Shiloh's Vitalis,r what you need for
1 V.Tl.H.I . r.-r',J . -. M , ...
" ' -inr, yeuow BKinorkld-
nr troahl.. It i. e,ir.nt-d toleivs To
Mai... ,"V7ro,M
Wisumo Iktitatioms.
WoIen, Tin,
Silrer. Golden
Common every day,
Altaa-f nrkM
Th-i 43:.
Oil-" 25 ...
I ntir. 4. to.
filtsr, dOt.
Ksfti 25?.
Ir.l, V2 to lSc.
P..rk lmtn 12ti 1.1 ; .hon: :r Vt.t 10,
. 11 to n-
ato, 4.1 ..
AnpUr. , 4 '
iTopi I'd.
I r-ni! -jiti ti '), ;p
Rf "n f.
Indian Agearlcs.
Washington, .'an 2j. The house com
mittce on Indian affairs was addressed to
day by Thomas Donahl'nn, special agent
of the census bureau, who has invc?iig:tti-d
the conditions of life among tho lndiau
trtbfs, and who recommends the abolition
ot 12 agencies. Those which be would
abolish are: Six Nations, of New York;
Kastetn Cherokee, of North Carolina;
Lopwai, ol Idaho; l'ueblo, of New Mexico;
llcund Valley, of California; lloopa Val
ley, of California; Siletz and Umatilla, of
Oregon ; all agencies in Washington, viz.
ColviHe, Neaii Bay, PuKi'lnp, Tulallp and
Yakima; Uu Apaw, : of Indian t"rritory:
Osage, of Uklahonia: Sax and Kox. of
loa; all agencies in Minnesota and all in
. ' Arrhlralal UronnlnrV
GlIANT'a P.MX. Or .bin -. rn,l, !,-
corner's jury returned a vrrdict of acci
deriul drowning as the cau-e of the death
oi rtuur jitLaiinnvt ie, wlio im drowned
m i-.v.ins crccit nuour. la mnca above
W ondvilln Mnnilnv l,v ll,a n.i..0; r.r -
boat in wtiicu be and another man were
nuiag. i&eucccascd was a ranchman,
about "0 years old, and a veteran of the
law niir. no was wen Known among
tirand Army men, liaving been with com
pany 13, Thirtj-se:oud Iowa,
A strike at Oregon City -
OnFirtur fllTV lan O-. I'l,. 1
mill, in this city arc not running any of
the maeliinpi-v oviinf tn iIia ITnL.I.In..
room, and it is the intention to shut that
uown tomorrow, to remain closed for an
indefinite period. The troub'e is priaiari-
IV a disnn-rpemnnt ll.ittvnAn ll, nun-n in.l
employes relative to wages,' a 10 p?r cent
vul ueiug oruereu nnu not agreeu to oy toe
. Foarundtrliinate 4.irl
Ilillr. TdiiliA Jtm o-. Vm., t,.,s lUAn
rceivert heie of a fatal snowslide iu W hite
s.iru gulcn. Iilsuo county, l our girls be
longing to a named 1 homson were
killed. Their parents, an infant child and
some freigb'ers escaped from tho wrecked
C'orlfctl niitl Jackson
Los.Axiiei.ks, Oil, Jan 2i A number
of Uw wealthiest num in this cllv today
formed the Santa Cabilina Atblet ic l-iuli
and agreed to offer a purse of i"i,00O for
a Dgut oatween Corbe't ard Jackson, the
nant to Mite place on Catulina island,
which is situated 20 miles fioia tlie roain
""'I'.ai.i.,, ,, i ,, t.i
t . . I!un.un Anitirst
Samara, Ilusaia. .fan 25. Uy a col-
ision or pis!enger an-i ircttrnc iraids on
tho railr.nd connecting Orenburg and
Sam an, lb people were killed. Sum? of
tho cars were loaiie.1 with netroleuin.
They caught fire, burtiinp the wrecked
ears. Many who lost their lives were
uuniei to (lea'n.
A Eiijttt.
T'lep'.caRint fljivar. eent'e action and
soothing effect o .yrupnt Fiyt when in
need of a laxitlve, and If the father or
mo'her be ccwtlve or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow it ue; n that it
is the best, family remedv known' and
every family Bhould have a bottle.
: The continual aucceRoa of boils, rim
pies, and eruptions from which m.ny e"f
fer. Indicates an Impure slate of the b'ood.
The moit effective remedy i Acer's Sr
iiapar)l!jt. It expels the poison hanileetly
through the na'.ural cliaunel.. anJ leave
be kin clean and c'.ear,
Eraptlan of I he Ibiu urctl.
Ed Venney, BrocUvll, Oi.tario, ( ana dt
fti vs:
: "I have used Brardrcth's Piiis for the
pat fiftrHin rears, and think them the bct
cathartic ard ahtl-bi llous known.
For some five years I suffered v.iiti a.i
eruption of tne skin tha' gave me gr-ii
pain and annoyance, I tried different
blood remedies, but, although purine
fctreng:h tlu i'cfiing w-s imifH-v. '. I
finally concludel to take a thorough course
of Urandeth's PilU. 1 lor.k six each nlht
.'or idghts. then five, four, three tvi, iv
rowing each time by one, nnd Ihrn 'or one
month took one every night, with i tie
happy result lha'. now mv kin in perfect
ly clear and has been so ever since."
At Mr ax Times do vou conside
thequaMty of the food yon are rating? It
may be jood It ntllit be b.tter purer,
fresher and more who'esome. Is it not
worth white to mtke sure tha you tea,
coffee, lujrar, baked goods and innumera
ble other grocerlm ate of the be quality?
There U such a trlllln diffirence In the
prices of the best and the worst that It
dors not piy t buy the wori.even on the
false grot: nil of auprosrd economr. The
best Is alwit the cheapest, because the
most satlfictrT and durable,and the Tery
best of e--ryih1ng in the grocery line Is
kept at Parker Broa.
Awarded Highest
.. I
Highest of aU in Leavening
rut: iTiity kyi kt hholaa.
Out reader do not need to U told wlmt
the Century Matjazine is. It isajrreat
worJc in any benw. For 1814 it will be
frre.iter than ever. 2000 raeon of eboirn lit
erature with lOt.'O ilhiitraioiw. There will
le a new novcl by Marfc Twain, important
exieditions, hunting of fiwe Kamo. urtists
ativenturesi. tnimping with tramps, iinpub
lislicd essavs of liunen Hussell Lowell, etc.
J he St .Nicholas isthe innce of children's
nui.t.iiH, the best of all of them. A feat
ure of the 1804 numlrer will be Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
Hcries. a series on American authors, stories
of India by Hudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on the government and
nomo beautiful serial stories, as well as the
famous lirownies.
Tho nriee of th Cpntnrv w as onta
numljer, $4.00 a year; of St'Niuliolae, 63.00
a year. Any aibwrilicr of the Democtjit
in good standing mav secure the Century
for $3.50 or the H Kicbalas for $2.60, bv
leaving tho money at this olfice. We will
do the rest.
1 11) HI I K.
While it is over thirty years ago lfice
Allcock's Porous Plasters were first intro
duced to tne mediesl profession and pub
lic, the marked success and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
Continues but steadliy Increases. No
other piasters l:ave been produced which
gain so many tes'lmonUls of high value as
those continuously a'corded ( A (cock's
Porous Placers, and the onlv motive for
these exceptional lies in fact of
their being n medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value.- Addi
tional proof of the true value of Alcock's
l'orous Plasters !ie In the fact that they
are being largely Imitated by ursctupu
lous persons, who seek to deceive the pub
lic by offering plasters which thev clnlm
b?f porous- plastev etc, while it is In
general apnearpnre only that they resem
b:e AllcockV veiy one of the so-called
porous planters are imitations of Alrock.s
Porous Plasters.
Avoid dealers who aitcinpl to pilm off
inferior and worthies! plasters that are
purchased by them at low rate- for the
purpose of sub.'Ututton,
Dr. Prke'5 Cream Bcking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award. ;
The v.av to do it is t take your wash
ing to the Chinamen. - If yoj "want vour
work well done at living prices take U to
Richard & PhillipV Steam Laundry.
Th?y know bow without banging thrr.i
around a pr'e.
When a doctcr considers It necessary
t prescribe sarsapa-la, he simply orders
a bottle of AyerV, k rowing f iil well that
he will obtain tVivbt-' a surer anJ purer
preparation than ai:y other which the drut;
(tore can furnlvii, "Ayer's Sirs iparliia Is
the superior medicine
Buckii.chimV. ve for (he Vhi?kra doai
its work thoinaKIv, coloring a uniform I rown
i.. ...mi. viin d-yt w:ll neither rul
wih off, nor soii Hrea.
lVtpia wriit,,,s t-d.r., my that lhrt
Is a t , e.t, m- lieitH-"f it dsiipi. thin
Aver s irMpn . Ir tuiy not g va our
tlia thi fitoniiot it a j oritrich, hi t it an
Ktri-ii-llieli the allrn'-oUrv .-rg-41 a t'l!
di;i-iii-i f r.lifiiry food liecrn- ay and
V ci, Y t C ! M-"li-jt Hie o
"a" -a lea (or uhligt In th.? atat! atV R'. where hj his a tall r with few
rtpiiiU o't Itand to inke th?m up on short
nonce. s Jt the best nd most stvlih
suits of Mm. A new feature will be Ihe
n. iking of ladle ctnaki to oider, or the
al eiii of c ot. let the late1 siyles, and
nj reiiiirin o! n' iks, priceij ar-j bot
tom ones, (V 'X
Thin or gray I- tfr -d bald i carls. o
displeasing to tm y people as mait of
age. may be av. (id fot a long lime by
ulng Hall's flab Kenewer.
Hhiloh'a Cure, i-'aiMreat oouifhsnrl oroap
car, is fur mle by 'is. Pocket $ $ coataioa
WMit-hr4 d ', '-" wC. ChiUlrea Ura il
tttihav A MaJtnn.
Honors World's Fair.
Powpr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
1 Pffw
Paikcr Bros, grocers,
P. M.French koops railroad time.
Bay your groceries of Parker Bros
Fia9 gro3fnoi at Coaa'a.
Krw cream cheese just leoeived at Conrad
Meyer s.
P J Smiley job printor. Fb'an Block, doct
Srst clais work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joaeph's.
: Dr M H K'dii, physiottn and surgeon
Alhany, Oria. Cfli mU ia cit:or
Olives in Bulk, saner kraut, mixed
pickles, chow chow, cranberries, lemon,
flaked l.ominy, and nsw ralRlns at C E
I Ai!hy flesh
i liuri'ens tha
- nature never
body with too
I ;nrh sound flesh. Lcsn of
Acsh usually indicates poor r.r,
? Kmi:.uion, which causes, Hie
? i'.im of l!c best that's in iood,
'h? fat forming element.
4 . :r-rcd liver oil with hypo-
: 'spliiles contains the vory
- . . iifeof nllfortds. In no Oth
? 'tin tan so much nutrition
ft if i st fulness hastij limits-
:i a hut tvtckniss exists.
It !. Mc-ill. Jt ;',.iwro. rtiomiiUi. jt
P. .11 l.y stldriatttt e".
Tms3 Orb at CororT Cuiai promptly aorta
wbcro all others full, Coufeha, Croup. Sora
Throat, Hoarseness, whoopliw Cough an4
Asthma, i'or Consumptio It lias no rival:
baa cured thousands, and will ct nn vou if
tn!;enin tfrac. tsi4 by Dmnrgla's on a guar
a:itco. Inr a Ijirr.n fiwk or CUiraU use
jlnvoyou mirrli V This rrnvdr ia runrnn
toed to curt you. l'rlce.C'Jcta, injivtur freo.
m of iei
for.naniali) ReittrcJ.
. I.
u- Fun-ire. i-i, l l i. i..
r-tvi n ii
jsimrlr1. fninn ! rip'ti"-'".
I-Hf.t ti.;,T -i;- 'M.
prt r'MI'irlmin" t !!.
a.mi ri-riT"i:i- fc
(ItrinMnn ft (1 pru-A
tuttlitd uii Irn.
r r
fninn !
if. )L McF jit Jantlj
-:- ncAi.itR w -:-
Harness - and - Saddlery.
Display in (he
J--IF..- ii i
f '
T'ic only I'ure Crrr.m nfT.-rtnr Pov V-'r. :v, --v:m!i; ; N"i Mint.
Used in Millions of Home 40 Y .:' :'nv