'! ! I? THE RKpl'ULIl'AX DKFiCIKMY DtUT All the republican organs follow tlie cue of the Tribune in treating the treasury de ficit and ths necessary Increase of the pub lic debt as due to "democratic incompe tency." The best anier to thin is aupp'ic-I by facts which cannot be denied and figures which cannot be Impeached. When the democrats turned the govern ment over to. the republicans in March, 18S9, there was an available caah balance In the treasury of over 8185,000,000. Nearly $100,000,000 of this sum was in free cold. The revenues were then ex penditures at the rate of f 105,000,000 a year. When the democrats received the gov-' ernmenl back in March last the surplus in the treasury had disappeared. The gold reserve was patched up by Mr Foster's de vice of boi rowing from New York banket s. The $S.ooo.ooo of free gold above the $100,000,000 reserve had dwindled to $ 982,000. The country gained in gold impoiti during President Cleveland's first term 954772,000. Its net logs during Presi dent Harrison's term Was $122,624,000. The annual surplus followed the accum ulated surplus under tl.e Ilarrison-Reed-Mc Kinley rule. Tne li It lion- Dollars Congrecjj cut off $60,000,000 of revenue, while raising the tarhT taxes in every schedule save two. It ad-Jed 960,000,000 to the pension list, in creasing it in four years more than the to talcoat of the list In 1880. fifteen jaan after the close of the war. It added $70,000,000 to the tegular annual appropriations. It looted the Treasury with one hand aud threw away revenue with the other, forthe express purpose of preventing such a reduction of the tariff as the psople ordered in lyjj anj again in 1802, Every dollar of that deficiency the exists or Is in sight is due to Republican legislat ion and Kepublicaa extravagance. The new bond issue will be known in history as the Republican Deficiency Debt. A KAMI LI A It Ul.KAT It is enough to mike an intelligent sheep laugh till she shakes her wool out of curl to bear the bleat of tne political s'tepherds over he V.'lUonbiil. j To listen to the in one would think, tnat 1 no sheep can grow without a tax on its fleece and that no mill can prosper unless its raw material is burdened with a tnrifl. The fool 11 . shepherds have been indulg ing In this fort of theorizing, and, what is worse, putting it in pracMce, for the past thirty years- And all the lime the price of domestic wool has dropped dropped dropped, the percentage of shoddy in the poor man's cloth ing has increased, the woaten mills have elated or failed in large numbers, and the people have paid from $25, oco.ooo to $-o,- coo,oco a jeai sin taxes on their linpntcd woolens. Pence of Colorado, on behalf of the pop ulists in congress, will offer ad amendment to the Income-tax bill when it comes up for consideration, providing for a graduated Income tax as iollowa: if 2 5,000 to $ 10,000 1 per cent; $10,000 to 83 j. 000 2 per cent; (30,000 to $64,0003 per cent; $6j,5oo to $100,000 4 per cent; over 100,003 5 per cent. This is in accoi dance with the plank In the populist platform. If the populist camot get the democrats to adopt their idea they will drop It and help pats the demo' cratic measure. The domocrals of the house have decided to remove the bounty from sugar and put ail grae on the free Met. This po'a's to the adoption uf the Income Ux. Botlj tlio mriliod and msam kca Syrup of Figs ii taken; ii i pleoiwal end refreshing to tlx taate, arjd arts conlly yet promptly on the Kjilafyg, Liter nud Bowels, clcirjara tbo tv ten cflbcttially, dispels coltli, hoed nehes and fevxs arid cure liaUiuul constipation. mip of Fig? is the only remedy of its kind ever pio c'ueed, i-le:uini( to tlio tatto and nr rcptablo t t atniunru, prompt it its notion nnd truly beneficial m its effect", prepared only from lb ant healthy and agreeable sulwtauceo, iU many excellent qualities commend it to all end liavo mada it tbo BjosI popular remedy known. eyrup of Kijrs U fur taja in 60 nnd $1 buttles by nil leadi dua gists. Any rlinblo dnigtriH wBu may not livo it on linnd will pro cure it pmuiptly fur nuy cue wL w idles to try li. I Jo cot ncctpt any ubntitute. CALIFORNIA FIR SYRUP ?. icvisiius. ft. Afr rc .r. s ciaiois FACTS Egyptians had the loom 2joo B C The golden eagle is reputed to to able to ijr at the icte of 140 miles an hour. Alaska, with i'l iilands, ii sail to have a coast lime of :wen.y-five thousand miles. No Japanese it very guilty of swearing, for the vc-y good reason, that oaths are un known 1o the Jafaoehe language. The list of the world's battle comprises 1527 tegular engagement, whose names are given ai worthy ol record. The Itibiiotlieque National of Paris, con taining 1 ,470,000 volumes, is reported to be the, largest library in the world. The Revolution cost the people of this country $135,195,703. The War of 1812 with Great Biitian cost us $107,159,000. 'When I was young we prepared students for life; now we prepare them for examinat ions," ig a bit of truth from Jules Simon. t France has had si ity-seven queen, of whom thirteen an odd number of luct are suid to have !ed comparatively happy lives. It Is time to pet ar. end to this combined folly and rcbbeiy. The people have twice 9"itd fur free wool and lower t'xes oa their clotliir.g. The division in t'.ia Committee of the World indicates that their Repre ssntatlves are neither fooled nor freightened by the political shepherds. By using Hall's Hair Kenewer, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of youth, and gtows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. Wall Paper, GJ lnuh, ICtc J. A. fiinimiiig ALBANY, -:- GRECO SUMMONS. Intht, Circuit Cowt of the Stale of Oregon, tor Linn tounty. I Sternberg Plaintiff, A li Seal and J L Seal hi wife, Geo E Chamberlain and S W Chamberlain hW wife, J W Cusick.E D Cu stck and C'ias 11 Cuticle pai tnet s doing business un der the firm name and style as J W Cuslck & Co., and Charles Smith at the ad ministrator of Job C Smith, deceased. Defenda nts. To A B Seal and J L Seal, the wlf eof raid A B Seal, two of the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yeu and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the above plaintiff in the above ensiled court, now on file with the clerk of said court, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, which slid term begins 0.1 the uthdayaf March, 1S94. at the court house in the cl.y of Albany, Linn County, Oiegon; and you are hereby further noti tic, that if you fait Jo appear aud answer thu said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will taLe a decree and judgment ugalnst you for the relief demanded in his said complaint to a it: 1. A judgment and decree nganist A B Sea I for the sum of $oo In Untied S'ates gohl coin together with Interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate uf 8 per cent per annum from the 16U1 day of Novem ber, until paid and for the further sum of $50 attorney's fees for instituting this gu'i, and for the costs and disburse ments of this suit, 2. A decree fuiecioslng the mortgage mai't), executed and delivered by you to U W 6uiIl1i on the ifi.h day cf November, kSS, and directing the piemifs described thereir, to wit : Tlie sojthwest quarter of block number one humhed and twelve l2 in lUcklf man's addition to the citv of Albany, I, Inn County, Oregon; and so described in raid cemplaint, to be sold upon execution as requited b law ami directing the proceed of such sale to be ar plied as follows: rust to the puvment ot ilie costs and exfiensos of making kik'Ii sale ami the sum of $50 as altaniev ices for mutitutlng this iuii. Second, to the paviutnt to the plaintiff ot the sum of fli-o In gold coin of the I'nited Slates of America and interest ther(on in like go!d coin from the itithdav of November, iSn until paid, t the rte of S per cent per annum. J Mini, 1 hat the surplus, ifanr. b pa lit out In such sums as the couit may I'irect. .1. ThnMou, all the defend.ints above named and e-nh of them, and any an.) all person claiming by, turouga or under ou or them or any ol them, be forever barred and forcloed of any and alt right, title or interest, riuht of dower, or eouilv of redemption In or to said premUeii or any part thereof; that If t ie proceed of the alc of said premises be not suuVitnt to pay the claim of plaintiff together with all costs knd disbursements and t ncmes and a reasonable attorney's fee fr rnsi'tutlng this sul'., that plaintiff have a pe sonal iiidnment and decree aalnt said defendant A It Seal for the dcilctencv. 4. That the mortgage ev?cuted bv li V Smhh and Viola li Smith his wif in favor of Job C Smith as mniioned In said complaint, be decreed to have created n Hen ujntn ard premises or anv part there of. , Tint the deed, mentioned in said complaint, fiom A H Seal tu the sii.i d. fttuUnt. ttvo K I'hamlvt lain, le decreed to te subsequent tn lime to said pluiniifl's aid mcrtYi ai1,t aI rights arquireJ thereunder hv said i'ham jerlaln to Uc 1 suViect to the den of pUirtifl's aid nior: gai-'e. llns Siimmrn ts pu i;tl ed Tv nlcrcf the Hon io 11 Hornet, the ju.leof the aNie entlMivi court matie at Chamber in the City of Sa'.tni, Mai ton t'oun'v. Dre gon on the $tn dav of .lanmrv, iS.4, , W K B:t v "I . I Aitoinev f." piaintifl. ' Tite Most Stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, the worst forms of Scrofula, all blood -taints and poisons of every name and nature, are utterly rooted out by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. For every disease caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, it is the only remedy so certain and effec tive that it can be guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Eczcir-., Tetter, Salt-rheum, Erysipeku, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and Swellings, and every kindred ailment, arc completely and permanently cured by it. To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad tbo case or of bow long Btandiii";, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy say this : " If vro can't cure it, perfectly and permanently, we'll pay you $300 in cash." Sold by A STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Xotiea is hereby given tb.t (be anual meeting of ttie'.u;kt.oldersof tlio Altany Building end Load Aatnciation will be beld on Friday, Feb 16, lHill at the hour of 7:30 p ill of said dav, in tbo Bank of Oregon building lu Albmy, I-inn County Oregon, for the purpose of electing nine directors and three auditors to serve lor the term of one y ar next ensuing from said meeting, aud until their successors ars elected and qualified and to transact such other burduo as may come before the association. Don by ord:r of s'hi amoci n this lSlh day of Jatni-rv, 18'JI. CBWiks, OHETKwarr, Secretary. president. Assignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment of Henry Freeman l'ound.an insolvent debtor. Notice is liereby given tlmf Henry Freeman Pound lias assigned to me all his property lor the benefit of nil hie creditors in accordance with the laws I the state of Oregon relating to general alignments by insolvent debtors. AH creditors of the said Henry Freeman Pound are notified to present their claims, under oath, to me at the office of 13lack bure & Watson, nttys , in the city of Al -bauy, Oregon, w ithin three months from tlio date of this notice. Dated Mbanv, Or., Dec 8th, I8;)3. U. 11. Iuvinu, Assignee. A GENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a Idnv el!in; the greatest kitchen uter. kil ever invented. Retails for thirty-five cents. Two lo six can be sold in every house. Millions oiJ in tills country alone. Don't miss tl'e greatest opportunity ever known to make money, casi'v and qulcklv. Sarr pie sent, postage prepa'd for five cents. McMakin & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. rp M ACKEV. M.I., X riiyicinn and Surgeon, Offlec I'riU1 orcr th Uiik of Ort-Kon. Iteiiiljiuv, vomer tCth an,l (.'alapoola It. "I30K FKN r.-The opora house store, fi spltiudid Incstiou, Ca.l on the hue rotary ttt the Pkmichat oitlce lor pat ticulara. M r Ir. l-ntterMiti lVallare Iho Note I n.iiroyant rt Life Itm1rr, if no lliio, ftiul ran Ix? I-Uitl it tur rt-MtlUKf, lcl l'ihjt J U V -lUiHV Mif 1.11 dUml all nut.jectii. W pnrrttt mi.) tulurr: it- iri-uliKu, KltM-nt frit iui MiO bun;iK'M. Y-n tn lirr liim tt ur iltAil tWi.J. CUARDIAN'S SALE OF HEAL ESTATE, Notice in heitW nive-nthtt th. unJersin M LMianlian (( Arc.uo C Wilrn, a minor, in coonUiH'O itS a IKnt jjrmtitJ by th I'oni.tv t'onrt tf l.inn t'ounty. O:o, to r 11 t iie real rs'.nttf Ivloi'u. tu t .id nutr will on tiittu.ii? tlie 3rd day of Frb. ISO, t the hoiiof 1 r'clo 'k o m, t tho Orurt Home door in AlUany, 1 inn County, Oregon, ex- oii8 for at miction, to tlie Inchest but her, 'or i;ih, the M.c.w 'm; described nil estate helor.giny 10 sid minor, to-it: An nndi 'ided puc-iixteenth of the following d -enht'd tract uf land rummucciaie at a point on ' he north line if the V itMtinn .aud lann nf Vmobt Waiaon and Mary Watson hu wife, 0 chain eat from northwest c rnercf said claim, it btinit nol No claim No r..' in tp 11 S R 4 west of WilUm- te mer idi id ami nuiDin ,henco Rapt t Mo chaint toacorner: thence south 10.2 chts theu.-e et 8 lit ch, thence south 1 .2.H ch. thence writ 40. l1) chainn( tnence north chain to the plce if beginning contjintn,t lc6 a. res, mre or lesa, all in Linn . ouu ty Dre'nn. subject tr the life estati ol Aaron Wilson in said land, Alsot'-ie folwin: An undivided one fourtn cf ti e following tr-ctof lam1, Bepin mop at the soul hn cut corner cf the loni tioc land ?a'h of li II Hughes ami wife, claim No ? in tf II S R 4, wont cf (Villain et't Mr rulian ard tunnins thence eat 1.1. 4i ' chains to a poii t that is 'JS links north cf an , oak pout set on the south i le cf the connty rad thence truth CO $) chair.s to a rt&Le. thence wt j 1J c'isins t-a ttake. t'nence north i.'vTl' chair to a stake on the north line of the donation I .and claim of Vincent Watson and wtf:., thence wet T.i'7 chains to an interior coiner of aul aton ciaim, thence north 5. lO chains topUt'e'f bein rxinf, contsininti t,i acre, more r less, in I. nil t,ninty, O't-cyo, eutject to the life estate of Aaron Wi'so-i in sad land. AKny C'rcon, ,T.n 4 h. 1'.I. ij f Wm,i, i tiaidtn (f Archie C Wilson F0RTBLLE8 A IRVING Undertakers - and - - Emfoalmers. WE KtEP rririrr.tl n 1 td a full Hr.e of rritoilr, rlc ih end vced casket, at coffin.. Aim tm'ialK.bta nd (bin. ' l uarcloih, Mir,rl n e.i which will be olj ut The Lowest I.ltlua Troflm. EMBALIViiNG n "ie proper care of the dead a .peelalty. X NO EXTRA CKARCL FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC The Oregon iand C VItn its home office tv sn-.ja-i- - - - OEiiiG-o. 3" .tie Gray Blcck, corner Liberty anj ly.ttc street, branch cfTicc tn Portlanu t;44 A.KES a specially of Sur.nyside fruit tracts rear Salem; Will sell 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to SCO per ere small cashrpaymnt er particulars. I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crec.kerv waro and holiday goods al COST. Here are socie prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents ; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers V.o to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everything else in proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. NEW : P M Y 8rOKE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, CONSISTING of bed reomet. chairp, lounges, etc.jjivhich I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tlies. Wiiwli. Reduced from ri IL TTL GreaUs! ef a.'f tur FcriidicaU" TSc lorcmnst rn.-n of the vorlj t rite the lii-ratnrs l ccnK-tnrrj.iKou.) activity lor TltG FORUM. Evcrr cre.it ttbject ll lr.ksn uj bj Ths Forum hcn 11 naturally corn's Into public attention and it treated b the belt authorltiii, nilliout regard to parties or creeds. It .ill keen r thouohtlul reader Informed on ths tasks tr.d problems of tas time, si no ether perisi'ical does. To rruny thoii Tlitlul pceptc.the prlca ol The Forum has hitherto been pre history; tnJctJ the Kreat Kcriev. s have been loo h!:h In price for the masses ol Ir.tclheent rcaJers. Hut now the number ol readers ol thoujhttul literature -men and women who wish really to know what Ii golno; on In the world out side the narrow llmiu ol particular aecta and partlea-la Kreot enough In tho United States to warrant so revolutionary reduction In price. The Forum discusses Important sublects, but II la not dull. Tlie literature ol contempo raneous activity Is, In lact, the most Interesting ol all literature. American citizenship Implies that a man shall know tho opinions ol the foremost men nil the latest great achievements In every il...-;.:un si activity. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. The Forum is now as cheap as the m.-.ga2ints of mere entertainment. THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST, THE BCST. OF THE GREAT REVIEWS. The Forum Publishing Company, Union Square, New York, asc. a Copy. Sj a Year. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSSsl'E!, nr. m; riiorointAriiM? HEARSE OS SERVIOEv, TEMPLE, - - OR.EGOI lopp time on balance QBN1TURE, --E i'ropricto!', Cabinet phoio from $1.5010(4.00 -en. &niats:ne pictures 1 i6xjo cravont flames' risl VVt far TV A Nra a 1. ol 5S and stercsccr'-: Tiews of Or- V'on Star Bakerj 4'oi-liroMitRlblii sml '"rul Ht. mm WsYEP.nuFinoR. llllMlt-1'llltS, .'IIU " WnMsnnrv, . rjuecnuwnrei. i ,'Kl I's irliM, VR4MliIeie, 1 lllll ecu, flRom Ni;cnr, iicc. liner, Tea. Kl It': t, ever-ii.... that is kept In a fe:.er iml.lv stitl tilery etwie, lli'liekt u:uket iriec paid lor il,t, KINDS OV PRODUCE WANTED At tlie Uric. I"r-iivil,v .owned bj Allen Bros., BUTTE 3, nam, ilAUD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay Int brt cas) rnce possible. 8 F BAK1P W TAYLOR, Honssr Cleane Garaeneranfl General Jollier. CmiiCt Laying arJ Cleaning. Chimney Cleaning, Whllewathlnp and Window cleaning a Specialty. Call at Boot Black Stand at Lhndreth' shaving parlors. We want yo 0 w :r-v f 'i JJ VEU WEEK.. Pa p-Vwrjl""" furoish a how aud travel thrcugh tho cood tr;a team, though, is not necessary. A fw vacancies in tewnsand ciiica. Spare hours may lo niwdto tzood a1 vantage. ft P J0HS.TO5 4Co. lltlir.d Main 8tf, liichmon.., Va. 1894 Hamper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. If arfbr'k ekilt U beyond all qiwsttlon.tns UadJn journii in Amotiw, In Ut Bit'enlidUluitratlons.in corpiof diBtinuilihed contiHiUtcra, ktid In its ?aa army o( readem. In tplendtd Hkcb, It dmwi on th biiihMt older of talvnt.the roei.fcMt Uttvd ly pilk nd training to tretl ifce leadirjt topic ol tb day. In fiction, lb moat pojiular Ury writer contribute to iU columna. Superb dsawinfci by tbe lorenectt artifta illuatratt itf Biccia articlcf (iiaatoriettitl erery tot ablecvtut of public tolerant; U ccntaioa portraiu tha dlstinvuUbed men aid women wboare making the binary of tha time.wbile apecial att.nti n is jiven to ths Army and 5vjr, Amateur Siort. and Ituiic and tba Drama, by diatiniruibhad exparta. In a ward, llariwr'a Weekly combinsa tl:e ntwa fealoreaof Ibe daily paper and tl:t 'artialic and liltrary ualitieacf tha niaiEazir.a llh the aclid critical character ( tn; review. jt HiEPEB;:S PSEIJPIStLS. Per Tear : .D K HARl'KR'S MAOAZINK ! W HAHPEIl'S VF.CKLY w . 00 HASPZK'S BAZAR HAHPEH'8 YOt'NU PEUPI.E 5 00 Poataca freet: all rabitriliia tn :beUr.lied Statca Canada and Mexico, Tlie Volume uHlro Weak'y te;in with l he 6m Nutrber Icr Januarr of each year. When no liu:e La mentioned, aiibwriptlona wit. bcin wi'.b th number current at lliotimo of tocelpt of order. Ilonnd Tili;mea of lUiptr'a Wt.k.y for three yeun aauk.in neat chth bin'aPB.wnt be nt hy ma'l, foet. aifepa'.d, or by exprcs", free tl exj er.se (proiided tbe freight doet not 0Tced 01 e dolHr pr vu.ume.) for tr Ot per fe'ume, Clotht case fT eicb vclume, tuitable foi bindinr, will be aentl y rail, Kt- aid, n rr ceipt of tl each 1 K-mlttat.cea abouM bo tuatJe by PoaUfEiO Mone Order or Uralt, to avoid tbanre of liwf Xowapapera arc not tocopT thixadve. ..Karnt without tb exprcaa.ordar of lUirtaa Lhotikkii Addrea: HARPm; A. 1 RdlMFLK, N'l.v nh 5 DOLLARS to PCD LTtAV "I Bam Easily Made. M". wact aisair ata. w.maa, km, aa alrli a Wv.i firm a litknti dallr, rikt l.asal ml tlitirem honm. 'fh. barintas is war. flaasral, strlstlrk.:.raU..u4 pats bMWrtbaa nrohr rl amats. Tn km a (law tmU aat a. roaiMHtloD. tip.ri.nM a.d pmU1 aktilit as. naraafary. K. rapttal M)uir4. We n, j, with ...rrthlns tliat roa naed. aat r Jv and b.ln yn t. rara l.o Uavs .raturr wasa.. Wora.n a. wel u Mi lnd Ujl ffU mska wi p,r. Anr on, anywhar.. u to iln or All ue:Md cnroaa.Mil sitr- p lirrko. F.irn.jt rork iU aarr trib ron a rraat dll r f mnmr r. .... w an In (ro.t drnml. Writ, fcr .ar aarnnlilit rlreuhr. and r-r, iv. f.,l lr..t.rmati... . harr. ..n. u j.n minus not to r. 91 Willi th. CEOCC T:NSONtCO. Cox JC3, PORT.'.AND, MAIMS. ?brt ItatjsJc sr,!lt-. mimr r- . s sTiUm an it n t be ii vw. if. 4