Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 25, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 222
"When I was a Boy,"
VTritcs lWlmaster J. C. 'Woodson-,
Forest Hill, V. Va., "I had abron
ohial trouble of such a jH'tsistiMit
and stubborn character, that tho
ilpctor pronounced it incurable with
Ordinary medicine, and advised
me to try Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral.
I did so, and one bottle cured me.
For tho last fifteen years, I have
wed this preparation with good
effect whenever I take
A Bad CoSd,
and I know of numbers of people
who keep it in the house all the time,
not considering it safe to be with
out it."
"I have been nsin Ayer's Cherry
Factoral in my family for 0 yuar. with
the most satisfactory result, and can
cheerfully recommend it os bchiR espe
cially atlupteil to nil pulmonary com
rJUints. I Iihvc, for ninny years, made
pulmonary anil otliermeillei lies a special
study, and I have conic to the conclusion
tjiat Ayer's Cherry pectoral occupies a
position preH-miueiit over other niedl
elnes of tho clivsa." (.'liaa. Davenport
Dover, X. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., I.owiil, Va.
Prompt to act, sure to sure
Red CrownMiils
"a l lines
AS. ! i FFKI!'ir'H i-!:: KTO
for Infants
THIRTY yeare' oToTTattonfttjori villi the pntrgnftge cf
Ulion of perennrraittjt'?eafc cf U withont tneL.g.
It la nnqnostignably 1ib bo-it remody for Infanta and Children
the world fcae rr hncsrn. It U hirmleas. Children lllta It. . It
' rtroe them health. It will ira hlr lives. In It Mother, have
' eomethlnn which Is ahsolilr safe and prafeHoally yerfct.e .
ojilld'a medicine.
Coetorle. iirfwn Worms.
Cft.torlq allay. Fovorlahneia.
Caatorla prevente vomUInc Sour CarA.
Cnstorlq rTes Dlarrhce and Wind CoHo.
Cn.terii rolloTe. Teething Troubles.
Castorla ccm Conetlpatlon and riatnlenf y.
Cejyteria netrUea the effects of ctrhonlc nold gaa or polaonone mlr.
CyfarU doe, not contain morphine, oplnm. or other narcotic prepwty.
CgytorU n.almllatoe tho food. Tcgnlato. tho etomach and howila,
arlrlng heolthy and natnral sleep.
Cyorli la nt np In ono-sljo hotCes only. It Is not sold In hnlh.
Tp-t allow any onetoellj-on anyiMng clso on tho pica or promise
Nhatltle'jnst ae tood" and "will answer every purpose."
gee that yen get C-A-S-T-O-K-I-A.
Tho fo-i lUe
eignatnra cf
Children Cry for
. HI. -11 - -
jm oni cut
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Kegu--r
, . lator is tha
f- P f r5 V o n 1 y Liver
JUtOU'Of au,i Kidney
medicino to
which, you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in PowtU?
to be taken dry or made iutoa ten.
Tho King of Liver aiedlelnes.
" I havo used yourSlmmons Liver netn
lator und can eoiiheleiitlouHly say tt is the
kin? of all liver medu Iiich, 1 consider it a
Jiiedieme cliest In itself. Oko. V. Jack
son, Tueoma, WusUliig-tou.
the C Stamp In red on Vr rappee.
, Dtfel M 0.110 low., i U'l'ler' !l0 cf
ft Ml
, Vt'i Co..
i Dufur, Oeiion.
(,'p .irrhinir h
t fiiunlall
,. Oar littlo
- old, w ho bad
i. w well,
if'.'t nVh?d up.
I's wurk well.
vt. il and anxir u-ly
irl, e L'h Mid :
. li
Itl fcur.j lo Sis (,t i;i .,-
13. (Yiijji I'nui ,. d .im
tfot.. of the lien liii i
Ynjr S H.
'.Vuijii Cure liHf iuil und ti-ur. nvay al
;inriL-nehii from mt.' . So nivd it to ayery
H.t , with gre-tiiiii!, fur nil. Wjt-hing you
,,rMcM y, we ir
Yotw, Mh & Jin! J f i our.
It vou wUh t ff
iir theSitriiu'-' w.r
Il-'-i'lache aitd l,ivi
1 f..ll
I itcK'i and cheerful, an4 ready
t, el ho your njnunn with la
Curv, by taking or tbroa
Ml it mi ft bottle by all dniyjpt.
, lio. 1 uniKi "a itnetniarMU'ce Ly
f rr'v'.HU belirls pL'rn'fx ou, and
imi m--in? h fjtih M once reasonable and
-ij iii (ny, for dee liberal reiMcns
rt-a.iii 'a to posfotiice mission. Yai
, 1 -.'si reel, T. riifli d. Ur.
and Children.
Is on every
Pitcher's Castorla.
Teacher'. Examlaallent
Notice It hereby clven that for lbs dut
pone of inakblz an e.iamiiiationofiill tier
Bona who may ofl'tir ihetnaelvee as candl
nates for totohers of the act nola of ih
county, the county superintendent there
of will bold a public, examination at Al
banv, beninnlng at 1 o'clock p ra, on
Wednesday , Feb, 14. I3!1, and continuing
two days A fee of Jl will be charged for
id examination, nrpliesnts lor stato
panern alioukl file their nnnioalions with
the county suimrlniemlent at Hut time.
Jiiuecl tins ZilU day ot Januarr,lS!l4.
County Seujol Supt
The Nurse's llrliht
Kvcrv exrorlenced huise Lnonrs the mine
of a rtmnly which, without bcirg an ano
dyne, will relieve soreuess of the limbs or
silliness of the joints, anil enabio the paticut
lo sltsp quietly and naturally.
last sucli a rem(ly ara A!c.?caa Torons
Fl uteri. l'laccd on the chest or on ti e
Lack, ,f nccosary cot icto tt'insand "lacei
over the nioiclcs rf the lnn'js, thev eork
marvels in 'be way of sonthi..g and qu'.eilu
rallersr.s. lieinj; pcifectly simple an
harmlfs in thSr cmrniitinn, they can b
utd fiee'y, and n:u a sufferer has think
ed them fitr a niyhf oi iniet rest, crstefu
both to him and thoeo who caie for him.
I'raniiretL'j Pills do not -i!:fn the
OCALAXn iKSTRfMRHril. Mi-tic
MUs Ilattie Warner a eraduate of the
conservatory connected with dates Col-
icrc, ren, is prepared to give Icisont In
vocal and Instrumental music to single
pupils or classes, at reasonable terms.
ansa Warner has had a thorough e.lnen.
Uon and Is an experienced teacher. Her
'efeiences are; Prof il A Shorev. William
I Trow and Mrs Jennie Lee. "
The Drsf erRrasrus.
Tlie reason whv Allcocii's Pormts zu.
tera are popular is that thev may be relied
on to cure.
. Lame b.-ck. fclatlca. stiffnrsi or
twitching of the muscles.
2. i.hvtt trou'o'es. mc'l a pleurisy, nneu.
monla, consumpt'ori.
3. Indigestion, d.i spepsio, biliousness,
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the ecnuinjness of the plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's Porous Plaster has
been so greot that multitudes oi imitations
nave sprung up on everv band. The onlv
sure cure Is to get the genuine Allcock's
i ui uui ir tasters.
Hrandreth'8 Pills Improve the digestion.
t'ortland. hcramenlo. 1.ns Jn..,.ln.
o. . ' .i . ..
oibKiun auo naiem nave the same Insur
ance rates. Albany, Or, Hutle and Helena.
.tioniann. an l.ake Ciiy, Taco.ns, and
ana Walla. Wash, and Spokane, have
tne same rates, ....
WTien Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
Wliea she was a CU11J, sho cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, sho cluag to Castorla.
'.Then she had Children, sho b'avo them Caatorla
Whatever may be the cause ot blanch
ing, the hair m;y be restored to its origi
nal color by tlie use of that potent remedy
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Uenewer
stir I'ralne.
Self praise Is no recommendation l.f
there are not times when one must permit
a icisuii io reu ine triiln alout himself
n nen what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to sav that
jviicock'S rorous Matters a lh nnl.
genuine and reliable porous plasters made
. cui icu prsne in tne slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
years, and in proof oi their merits it is onlv
necessary ocall attention to tlie cuies
tney nave effected and lo the voluntary
lestimonials of those who h-iveused them.
Bewait of Imitations, and do not be del
ceneu ty mlsrcpresentaiion. Ask f-ir
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla-
""cr vou io acrept a sulii:l',utH
aiimoini, it Is a gond plan to
subscribe for and read careful'v
home ruper, as it is the aim of this pa wr
to make It an educational f.ictor in the
community. Besides that, if vou are out
ol a job, or wish to Increase your Income,
neiv is ine piace o nnoi It. la an
other column vou will find an anVnl
ment ol B F Johnson A Co, of Richmond,
Va, for workers, that may Interest vou.
Shtlnh s TltaltZ'ir :s what nn n.J
dyppi, torpid lifer, yellow skin or ki-
ney trouble. It Is rnaranterl to.rive vol
sstisiaetion. Price 75'. tsild'ke Koshav ti
91 save.
Wisomo lnvrraviojis.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Alkaar Market.
fntis. 25a.
I 'onr, f t M.
nttar, i0a.
!,srd, 12 to 15t
P:irk hnms 12 to J i t tiou1ir, h't.i ft,
. II to 1.1?
flay. hs;ed s?
Vw, A;
Anplts, , V
iIos t
tntd f.'uli p'ti-n-. !t. pim, 9' .
Ciiiokens, y, a-t nr d-xri.
fWf. onfi-jt,
Uegs. dry 0:.
A Mat vrluus row er.
. Tacoua, Wash. Jan it. The sensation
created among the Norwegians and Scan
dinavians here by Kdwurd llrekhus, an
ignorant .Swede, who preaches eloquent
set mons while in a (nince, continues un
abated. Whether lhekhus is being guided
directly by God, and his body inhabited by
the spirit o! the Holy llhost, as claimed,
will be doubted by people generally, but it
is believed by hundreds und hundreds of
Norwegian and Swedish Lutheran, and
nmny who aro not members of that church
in this city. Certainly the young man is
not practicing deception. 'Ie cannot ac
count for his condition and his spells of
catalepsy or whdever it may be.
I ii uai uooa n in it nv
Kkw Yoiik. 21. Mrs Minnie Fitch-
patrick, aged 55 and tlie widow of a naval
ollicttr, is n cancer ratieut in a private
ward in St Catherine's hospital, lirooklyn.
U ID H..L..J.,1 .1.. ...:n
u ui'diuiiu uj fjer irienus ui.ti me win
nberit between S.000.OUO and S10.000.-
CjO if she lives until June 19. She is said
io oe a sister ot tne late Archbishop li.uley
of Baltimore, at one time liishno of New
ark, and the founder of Sctou llull college.
) A Brave Man
CssWF.OO. N Y. .T:in "I IMunr.l Cilh-
cart aged '20, and .Miss Kva l'ass, nged 18,
broke through tlie ioc while skating on the
Oswego canal at l'lioenix yesterday. Cath
car? by a great effort succeed in gettint
tne young woman upon solid ice, but was
so exhausted that he could not help him
self out and was drowned. Miss Pass was
found unconscious on the ice soon after
ward. Cathcurt was the son of a widow
and bir only support.
Exorbitant I'flees
Jacksoxvii.i.k. .Tan 24. At the club nt
S o clock tonight, it was nnnounced that
310,000 wonh of ticKets had been sold to-
lav. The club has taken advantaee of tlie
lighting craze to ndvttnca the price of
choice seats from $25 to SJ5, and the club
thrift has further develoM?d into a resolu
tion to clianre all ot the newspaper men
full price of admission. I'p to a Lite
hour tonieht lice's were beiinr sold
' Will WlllKlraiv
London. Jan 24. Tlie Truth today says
the Princess of Wales tuts decided to iwidi-
Iraw from socieiy. It uuds that tlie Prince
of Va!es- recently, in declining for the
princess an invitation to visit tlie resilience
of the Duke of Kutland at tiranthrm,
slated that the princess would hereafter
take n.3 part in social events.
(iouiI lliislue.
Mostiieai., (Jiiebec. Jan 21. The an
nual report of Hie Montreal board of trade.
among other things, states that business
ui;ojypQiiuiiaua.iaJOasr win iiim ji.
fectetT by the seveie depression that existed
ir. the United States.
A I'Mlti i:J3H
T!ip'c4snnt flivor. eent'e action anu
soothing etjjct o SyrupotKis. when in
nreu, oi a famiive, ami tt the la'her or
mother be costive or biliuus, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that it
is the best family temcdv known and
every family should have a botile.
The continual succcfoion of boils, pim
ples, and eruptioi s from which many euf -
indicates an Impure state ot the b nod.
The most effective remedy is Aver's Sar-
pariiiE. it exnc li the poison hamlesslv
th rou eh the na'.ural channels, and leaves
the t-kin clean and clear.
F.nipltuit ol" J lie I. Ml 4'umt.
Ed Venney, Brockviile, Or.tarjo, Canada
I have used Brandreth's Pills for the
paRt fifteen years, snd think them the bet
cathardc and nnti hi Hons rcmcdv known.
or some five veat J mflercd v. it it an
eruption of the skin t? gave me tr?.ii j
pain and annoyance, i tried different
blood btif, I'hnuh ynitiintr
strength llu I'ching unrrlieved. 1 '
finally conclude to ta!tc a thornu)h course !
of Brandeths Pills. 1 to-.k nix each niijht 1
for nights thfn ive, four, Ihrce iu-n. ies
toning each time by one. and tin o for one
month took one everv nlul:t, with the
happy result that now my skin is perfect
ly clear and has b.-en so ever since.'
Dr. Price' Cream UaUIng Powder
Most Perfect Aladc.
AT Mral Timk di vou eer n 'e
the quality of the food you are tat n- It
may be Rood. It mint ue o.iut,
tresher and more ho'esome. Is It not
worth whi e o make surg that you tea,
coffee, hi ear. baked good, and Inuutnern
bleother grocer!. ate of the hesi qunltty?
There Is such a inning anurrixp mine
nriccs ol the best and the worst tha It
does not psv lo buy the wornt.even on the
tp!e qround or suprosto economy, ine
bst U always the cheapest, because the
most satisfactory and durable.and the very
best ol r-.-eruhln In the grocery line Is
kert at Parker Broa.
T'.ie only l'urc Crmm ff T:ir' 1'owJcr. i'e A-m ioniu; No Amm
;ccd in Millions of Homes. 40 Ye t'u St mdavd ,
Highest of ail in Leivcning Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
UIK ( i:TI K 4MI ST M 1101, As.
Oiu waders do not need to be told wiu.t
tlw Century Mninuiiit? is. It is u crreiit
work in any rmiso. For 18D4 it will lw
(rro.dor than f wr, 2000 pa ires of choice 1 1 1
eniturg with HXtO illustra:on!. There will
1 a new novel !.y Mark 1 wain. imiortant
expeditions, hunting of fiene pr.mie, artists
adventuriM, tr,nnpii.r with trauipn, uitpub-
iimuhi eays or james itusscil i-owell.ete.
J lie M .Nicholas is the prince of children
uiajjaziiHw, the lost of all of them. A feat
ure of tho 1814 mnnWr will he Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
series, a series nn American autliors, stories
of India by Kudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on tho government and
some beautiful serial stories, as well as tho
famous lirowniea.
Tho price of tho Century is 35 cents a
number, 14.00 a year: of St'Nicholas. S3.00
a year. Any sUwcrU-er of the 1 Ikmocuat
in good standinji mav secure the Century
for $:J.r0 or the St Nicholas for $2.60, bv
leaving tho money at this otKcc. We will
do the rest.
While It fs over thirty years ago
Allcock's Porous plasters were first intro
duced to tne medical profession and pub
lic, the marked success &nd unprecedented
popularity which Ihey met with not only
continues, but steadily increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gain so many testimonials of high value as
those continuously accorded to Alcock's
Porous Plasters, and the onlv motive for
thce exceptional tributes lies la fact of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof of tlie true value of Alcock's
Porous planters lies In the fact that they
are being largely Imitated by ursctupu
Ions personH, who seek to deceive the pub
lic by offering plasters which they claim
to be the 'same, 'equal,' 'as good,' 'better,'
b'jst porous plnsiev etc, while it Is In
general appearance only that they resem
ble Allcock's. veiy one of the so-called
porous plasters are imitations of Atrock.s
Porous Plasters,
Avoid dppfrra wlm filtmpl tn pilnr. ff
nterior ana worthless ulasters that
purchased by thern at low rate for
purpose of subrtitution.
Price's Cream Baking Powder
Werld's Fair Hlahcst Award.
The wav to do It is t take your wash
ing lo the Chinamen. If you "want vour
work well done at llvinc prices ake It to
Richard Ac PhMlipV Steam laundry.
Th-y know how without banging them
around a pc!e.
When a Jocir considers It necessary j
to prescribe sarsaparfha, he simply orders !
a bottle of Ayer's. kroA' full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than at.y other which .he druq
store can furnUh "Ayer's Hm iparliia is
the superior medicine.
Buckii.uhini's ve for the Whiskers does
itBwif k thoHiiibthlv, colnrioa s uniform hrown
:j I. .mm , ii'uh, when d-v, will neither rub,
w.tu ir. l r oil linen.
I'. ijjiii wnn liiv t'lnfit, tay llmt ili-re
is ii't l.ctM ufdieinf fir d -: pot thsn
Ayci S Smelts! .rills. 1'. mty noi juva on
tli th'i tMiuc'i ft nn ostrich, hut it so
trfimthen iho allm-atstry i.rtini tit
liifntiffi ,f rJinsrv food beenm ay and
" 5 : i J 1 i 't U 13 o
nl'inirs in tn stit- at?V R
als fir
(rahim's.w'tere he has a fall ir with few
equHta n h.nd to mik th-in lip on short
notice. 'he bst anJ most stylish
mi's rf hin, A ney feature will be the
rr.-ik'nir of Is ties' cloaks to order, or Ihe
nl erini of c its ta the late' styles, and
h--r.!;iirl-i ! ctotks. price-"" ars bot
tom ones. .
Thin or er
aye, may be
uolnaT Hall's
'v hair and bald Seaus. so
many people as mat's of
i verted for a kw;i time 'by
air Renewer,
Hhdoh's Ci . tne great conuh sod emvp
care, is Inr p-by as. Pocket t'ae ooataina
wentyliv d s.only 25e, Children lave it
os hay k Ms .
Honors World's Fair.
Paikcr tiros, grooers,
F. M. French keeps railroad time
Buy yoar groceries of Parker Bros
Fiaa groceries at Conn's.
Kaw cream cheese just leeeivcd at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flino Block, does
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
Or M II EI Hi, physician and surgeon
Albany, Ora. Cells mala la oitv'or
Olives In Bulk, sauer kraut, mixed
sickles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons,
flaked hominy, and njw raisins at C E
healihy flesh nature never
burdens tlie bot'y with too
much sound flesh. Loss of
tlesli usually indicates poor as-
j SMiniiUion, which causes the
( loss of the best that's in food,
the fat-forming element.
i ssetf s Emolsioo
r ,-vrcod l.veroil with hypo-
'icijpliites contains the very
: '-.t iii eof all foods. In nooth-
form can so much nutrition
t.ikcn Hnd assimilated. Its
-tnjtf of usefulness tins no lirr.ila
' ti.-.i vi-. n weakness exists.
fl.Wnor Bottlu.
One cent a doso.
Ttrts ORrAr CotTon Club pronipUy cures
wlioro all others fud. Coughs, Croup, Bora
inioH, iioarsenesa, wnoojiina; suougn ami
Asthma. For Consumption It Cfia tiu rival:
has cured thouaanda, and will conn too rf
token In time. tbtUY by J initio's on a gunr
anteo. For n Lamn P,m k or Chest, use
turn vim t nt i.rrh V 'I liU rrmol vUiritnran.
food to cure jou. J'ric.'.DJcta. ijiJcLorlree.
H Mfl yV.
n. r r-
Caillr. p. Ickir.
1 erxantnll Kc-red.
IirtiiMlliii.'Imii-"! i t.t
miii. Fi1Mir ImjHi-iMf.
2,111 rrTfiir. H"('k,
tsn'mintit-n ni-I nia
DiutlvU (scalvtli trot.
si. i!!. lcFai lam1,
-:- DKALER ut -:-
Harness - and - Saddlerv
Display in IIib Oooi
t! t-v Xcntt 1 Pnns. OilflialStS,
W'',V- 01 W !
P-2k:'jZr-t' ri..i siiit:r'r-ita