Y 8 1 f i I IAS VOL Yi ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY U, 184. NO 217 4 ' '' air- .-af. I XJtf0THERS'V QXArI fj LONO j 8Kl A. LIFE I flJENTALW 1$ R STRONG $ fOARSAPARSLLA S.r'l Smith, of Towamlu, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Ho writes: For cipdit years, I was, most of the time, n groat sufferer from eon sti pa tio u, kidney trouble, and indiges tion, so tlmt my constitution seemed V bo completely broken down. I was Quluced to try Ayer't Barsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, witb such Ofccellcnt results that my stomucb, Jlpwcls, and kidneys nre in perfect co'i ditior, and, in all their function, as regulur as clock-work. At the t'.nie I began tubing AyerB Sarsaparillit, my weight was ouly lint pounds; I now can fcug of 159 pomds, nnd was never in bo goertJ health. If you could see mo bo far and after using, you would want n for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of araparilla to bo the bekt in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla PWpircd Pr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Loire!), Mom. Cures others, wi!Icu re you o. .M. .llcFai'la:!!d, -;- DKA1.KK in -: Harness -and -Saddler j Display in Its Door FOSHAY A MASON TVObBLAW AMD MTAU Attn ! r'r J-.'N' r. A' f i '.'era -ir'. ;-rlv v. it.r tl.it tv. tttf:(jaa.K for Infants THIRTY 7r otsaifotlon cf Castnria -vrifh ia patroB; of anlllion. cf perwins, pormit in tt spuah of It irithont s;neaic. It li Mqnestlnntt'bly th tast remnily for Ir.fants and Children the world has ever hnowm. It I. hnrmlen. Children lilta it. It cWe them health. It will says tholr llvos. Tn It Mothers have ' nthiii whJoh U hailrtoly nf nnd practically perfect.aa a nhlia'a nt.dtolne. Osstcrrlsi iwtT TTornis. OaatorIaaUBy.TiiTeri.liii ess. Oaetorla prawnta Tomlting Snnr Cn-rl. Caurtorla omraa Plarrhosa and "Wind Colio. Caurtaria r.ll.ra. T ..thing Tronhl... Caurterla enjaa rpn.tipatlon and Tlatnlaney. y.l neatrallaaa the aBecta of aarhonlo acid gas ar polsononi elf. qtoria tToai net contain morphlna, oplnzn. or nthar narcotle preparty. C4toHi assianilat.s tha food. Taartathejrtgniaeh and sswsli, glvinC h lthy and natnral alaop. CtoHa It p.t np In rnyalae hottl.. only. It i. not sold In Vnlh. Pant aUo-a- anr one to aall yon anythlna; ol.e on tha plaa or prool.o thatlt I."jn.t ai god" and "will an.rr every porpoaa." Sa that yen gat C - A - S - T - O ThafaoiitTUo aiarnatnre of Children Cry for "A aid m tlie bills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is tli verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu- lator in the fZ? ff?fon y Liver jLJls fills ana Kidney medicine to which you can pin your Cm7mJ faith for a ban -idia tivo, and purely veg etable, act T '77 iQS directly P-'f C on tlie Liver neys. Try it Sold by aU Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tee. Tlie King of Liver Medicines. "I Iravo used yourslmmonBl.lvorReftTi lator and cun consrtcmlously say It Is the klncof ull liver mcdli lires, 1 conilder It a 2rielimie chest In Itself. Uko. V. JAOS eox, Tacouia, WashiU;toa. J-KTEET PACKACK-M the C Stamp In red on irruppn. J F. FORD, invM if Djs' M i.niM, low, ntn undur dv.e of Mrh 'J3. 1893: B Vf.h. Mfc Co.. D.ifar, (,)rec.i; . Op ei ri vini; heme hint wielt, f'urdall wr-U and uiiouly s-VAt:nr. 0;-.r little 1'irl, e u lit sod (;-. If tj,r ijl.;, wbohad wa ted auuy to 38 pound, i dcw well. irmti( and vignrcu, and whll flebhed up. B. L'rugh i'atv li-TBdno it" worit well. fnth of tint chlldien like it. Your 3 B. roogti Cutd h uk cured nt:d Lt-pt away aU l.o;.rrnf from n1-. Si yivn it to every jt.f. uiLt; -;re-iii'c f"r tl. Wbingyou -yitl V, Mb r;; Votrn, Mi- h Mac J F I orn. !f ou w-Nt) to fft- mrt and cheerful, and ntmly for theNprintf'i work, objure ymr njntero wth tht HA(lttcln aid I,iv.T Ciny, bv ukin? uo or tare ) ht Ktr boll.-.ly nJltlmivtt. f A Cl'MMING. Si sr. Vs ii-e cnntslnirts: rrT'ral J ti1!.". witli rv.n-e mi. Jfntind p!- ral ar leaso urn K t':;rl;fr cr l.nve a; j-arker Vii ( ay a li-wnr I. and Children. - H - l - A. Pltcher'c Castorla. TbeBe.1 orKruea., j . i urou. in ter arc popular is that thev m.i h nll1 on to cure. i. Lame back, Kiatlca, tl(InV6 or twitching of the muscles. 3. Chet irouble., uch a pkurlsv, pneu inonia, consumption. ' . 3. Indigestion, djapeptio, biliousness, kidney complaint. v The success, however, will depend upon the genuineness of the nlasler used. The , u. o i uru. i insirr lias hpen .n itwnt tlia. tmltlt...lA- -i i "iMtitnnici. ui iMiiiauunb have sprung up on every hnd. The onl - nre bcuuiuc VUCOCtt'S Porous Plasters. Itiandreth's Piils Improve the digestion Inrklnn .ml G,.l..n t....A .1 t.T u.i.iu .unit; iii.ur ar.ee rales. Albany, Or, Bulle and Helna. ,-.ii i...c ny, ideona, anu Walla Walla. Wash, and Sixikanp. hnvi. the sains tales. Buckibclnni'a Dve for the Whiskar. i'n; itslwoi k thnrou -hly. colorinc a uaif.irm Itrnwn orhlatik. hich, when il-y, will neither rub. ..m vi.f i.r son iinen. People who have t- ll it. sv that there ii no toiler medicine for dyspepsia than Ayer's Sarwparilla. It may not iiivo one the the stomach ot an ostrich, bnt it so strencthens the alimentary crgsra that il'textiun of ordinary food btccim a etiy and natural. Ym, Y yj Cvi ssi t:i; Suit Ini o sai7les for suitings In the state at WR Graham's, where he has a tailor with few equals on hand to make them up on short iiuuce. uecme oesc ana most stylish suils of him, A new feature will be the making ofladles' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and he repairing of cloaks Prices ars bot tom ones. Thin or gray hair and bald "leads, so displeasing to many people as marks of age. may be averted foi a long time by using Hall's Hair Rencwer. Hhiloh's Cure, the ureat conch and croup cure, is for sale by cs. Pock.t size contain, wenty-live doscs,oaly Zoo. Children lave it cshav & Mason. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to CustoriA. VThen sh. had Children, she cavothem Castoria A Good Pi.Ay. Tt Is a good plan to subscribe for and read carefully your own Dome raper, as it is the aim oi this paper to make it an educational factor in the community. Besides that, if you are out of a job, or wish to Increase your income, then here ts the place io find U. In an other column you wilt find an advertise ment ot a r Johnson & Co, of Richmond, va, for worker, tlmt may Interest you. Whatever may be ihe cause of blanch ing, the hair miy be restored to Its origi nal color by the um? of that potent remedy nan v egetaDie Sicilian iiair lienewer. OrAL AMD Instkcmhnial Mlsic. Miss llattie Warner a vraduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, iei, is prepared to give lessont. In vocal and instrumental music to single pupils or classes, at retsomble terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa Uon and is an experienced teacher. Her fcf-iences are. Prof it A Shorev. William 4. Trow and Mrs Icnide Lee. The i.eailnrlAnd The fttaaiu. Everv good thing has its host of m- i;alors; every genuine article lis counter feits. The imitators always choose the most valuable and popular article to counterfeit, so that when they c:alm t'eir sham to be equal, or as goo.!, or the same as So and-So's,' the puhlic may depend upon it that "fio-aid !o' artlc.e is the best rf ihe VInd The sham proves the genuine ti crit rf ihe thing it copies and never has thi been be tter Illustrated than by th! Imlttttictis of Allcock's Porous Planters Allcock's Porous P'ater s the standard of excellence the world over, and lt im itators In their ;i y thai their H "as go'nl vs Allcock's'1 are only emphasizing this fact and admitting "A llcnck V to be the acme of perfection, which ft Is their high est ambition to Imitate. The difference netweenthe genuine and lhee Imitations, which copy only general apptirance, It as wide as that between copper and gold. The onlv safe vay fur purchasers Is to always Insist upon having Allcock's Por ous plasters. They are the only perfect plasters ever produced. WD0I50 IrtTTTAVIOHS. Wooden, Tin. tilrer, Golden Common every day. CSmilky. Alhteir JsUrhel. Tn' 4S. oi;r. 1 'HI. : ji 2.-. ! . i, 1 lo 15? .".rK Mhm I J t n lb-, . li t n? A. .. .t 41. A , 4 t' II Jnri "t- TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. a l ire Iln.i.M:oi:o, Or, J" 18. Abcu o'clock this morning t wus disiovo tl e ier.r of the Odd F hull it place. So quickly di.. ilnnics lint very little could rdrnc -o (lieik their progress or save ny of the conieiit-of the bui din. 1'he liiijj.. "us the property of Montezutiu lodge No 00, 1 O O h . The lower story has Un occupied by S M Ueidol as a bakery and confectionery store. Doth building, and contents wero totally dest'oved. The los'd on the building and the property belong ing to the different lodges, iu the wav of paiaphernalia, etc. will rch 'itio ' in surance Sl-.'OO. Ileidel also losses Ilia' en tire stock, which is estimated at SSUO- in surance, f lot). The origin of the tire is doubtless due to tlio eupio-iou of a lamp. labor Calms Attached. CoitVAu.is, Jan 18. -Labor claims iu the baids of ti w Hadley. ua trurte-, ag groga'itig ClO OOo. were attached ;odav to satfy a claim of John P Fay nnd "C II 1. ext for le.4iil services alleged to have been peilonnedforJaniesAandJolm I Iiiair, "ri T 1 "'exauuer urown. i, miacucu nad been assigned to Mr Jlauley in Irust for these mrtiiM In.t spring to secure them for money udvanced on i certain issue of receivei'a ccrtilicates made to pay cn labor claims accrued under the ifoajr receivership. Tho.e Bands. Wasiiinotos. Jan IS. ow ll. it S-- retary Carlisle lias taken action oc the bond question, there is a feeling of relief among treasury ollicials. Tho printing will b pushed rapidly, but the bonds can scarcely be ready for delivery before Feb ruary 1, to bear interest from that time. Among the large crowd of Cillers on Car lile today was a Xew Yorker who had come to announce personally that fco was wining io lane mo whole JjO.OOO.OOU bonds. Kalian II liters. Rome. Jan 18 A eorresnondent re turned lodny from Carrara nnd Mnssa !i Carrara, where the stato of siege lias been proclaimed, owing lo attempts of ihe au nrcbists to start a revolution in the district .Cavalrymen ride inces-antly tbr.,ugh the towns and infantry with fixed bayonets pa- nvi luciureis. .'in soiujers on uuty in the towns have orders to prevent groups i ring In the streets. win riaut Jackrowiixe, Fla, Jnn 18. Corbett nnd Mitchell wit meet and Mit it out will. in 3 miles of .Jacksonville n week from lody. That is a certainty. The Duval Athletic Club claims thit while Gov ernor Mitchell's fi'iu tand Ofrninst the Kqht is iilppil nnd arbitr.iry. it effectually disposer: of utl chances of pulling off the T.ill whore the thinjr could be made a fi nancial Buccals in this city. Undor the most advantageous circumstances the re ceipts will not pay the liabilities incurred. A LII Cujejh Ttiip'esunt flavor, gentle acti"ti anu soothing effect o trun ot Ki, when in need of a laxstive, snd if the father or mother he costive or bilious, the most jjratlfving results follow iU ue; fo that it is the best famijy temedv known and every family fehouhi have a bottle. KAferlenrc ufan Ci-iliamplun Athletes and man who take ordtnsry outdotir sxcrcie suh at. walking, runnims bicycle ruling, jumping, swimming, teunt, etc, are of'en the subjecs of acute troub- Ie8. The experience of an ex-champlon walker will be of interest to all who are afflicted. Harry Brooks wi:e: o. tt Kai 10 h Si., New York, April i, iSS6. Nuinernus statements relMive to the meiits of different flakier havinsi been brought to my attention, I ike thhcpp'Htunnv to utate thai 1 lue uted AMc'H!k' Poroiiu PUfcters for over 20 y ears and prrfr heiu o any other Win.l. would turthrr-rore ftae.liut 1 was very Ick with ca irli of fie kidney", and attri bute my rt C'verv entlrelv to Allcock's Porous pia-.tt.TH. Wh.-n s docror c.msiders It neceiarv te nrefciibe sananaril:a. h- sirnnlv i-drrs a bottle of AverV. krowlntrfuH wen.t;it he wf;l obtain thereby a turer anl purer preparar.on tlian ai.y 01 her widen the drug store can furnish Aver's S.ripaHiia is the superior medicine Dr. Price's Cream Bckiaz Powder World's Pair Highest Award. At Mkal Timss d ou erer cnr:J thequa itv of ihe food you are iat!n. It may be fsood. It mlht be b.tter purer, ireiher and more who'esom.'. I It not worth hic lom.ke sure'hat you iea, coffee, lugar, baked cood and Innumerji bleother KrocerLs me of the best quality? There is nirh a trifling dlfft.reiice In the prices of the best and ihe wem that It dues not psy to buy ihe worl,even on the false grouno of u"p:osed economr. The best Is always the cheapest, because the moot satl-fjietorv and durable.and the very best of evfrihln In the grocery line is kept at Parker Broa. Awarded Highest lESjPowdes: Tl'c ' :i'y I'urc Cream ofT.irlar Tow l.r. N : "ivimoni.'; K AU.::- Used in Millions , of IIouiei4o Vv 'V--- " "''lav. Highest of all in Le&vcning Power. Latest IT. S. Gov't Report. Dq&u I Baking Powder vmawmy pore THE I.MI EV 4I 1ST M'llUL!. Our readers do not need to be told what i the Century Magazine is. It is a Treat work in any bene. For 181U it will le cro.iter than vY. 2000 nacres of choice lit-' omtuM with 10(H) illustr.ioni. There will I 1 a new novel byWark lwain, important exeilitions, hunting of fierce game, artists advontuns, tramping with trauma, unpub- hiHi Or,!ay! of lames Kurisell i-owell.ete. The St Nicholas isthe primeof cliiliiron's magazines, tho best of all of them. A feat ure of the lS.U numlcr will be lomSaw er AIro;ul by Mark Twain, a natural history series, a series nn American authois, stories of India ly Kutlyanl Kipling, recollections of wild life, papers on the government and some beautiful serial stories, as well as the famous Brownies. Tho pri.-i of the Centurv is 33 cents a number, $4.00 a year; of St Nicholas, $3.00 a year. Any subscriber of the Democrat iu goott 8tanUn may secure the Century for $3.50 or the St iS'ichjhw for $'2.bQ, hy leaving the money at tins othce. will do the rest. TK1HITE. While It is over thirty years ago ivir.ee Allcock's Porous Plasters were first intro duced to tne medical profession and pub lic, the marked succss and unprecedented popularity which they met with not only continues, but steadllv increases. No other plasters have been produced which giin so many testimonials of high value as i dose continuously accorded .o Alcock's Porous Planers, and the onlv motive for these exceptional t'ibu'.es lies in fact of thetr being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal preparation of superior value. Addi tional proof of the true value of Alcock's Porous plasters lies In the fact that they are being largely imitated by ursciupu lous persons, who tcuk to deceive the pub He by offering plasters- which they claim to be the 'same,' 'equal,' 'as good,' better b?st porous plasieV etc. while it is In general apnearpnee only that they resem ble AllcockY. Evciy one of th so-called porous plaster arc imitations of Alrock.s Porous Plasters. Avoid dealers who attempt to pilm off Inferior and worthless plasters that ar purchased by then ot low rate for the purpone of oubftitutlon. F. million oflbe kln Ed Venney, BrockyllJe, Or.tariit, Canada says: "I have used Brar.drelh's Piila fr tlie past lilteen jears, and think them the beet cathartic nnd atul-bi-Uous remedy known. Kor some five years I suffered with an eruption of the skin that gave me grnt pain and annoyance. I tried different blood remed.es, hut, although gaining strength thr. Pchirg was unrelieved. I finally Conclude I to take a thorough course f.'f Hrandcth Pilln. I tiif.k nix each niuht for n(j,hts, then five, four, three, two, .es I -or.inL' each time bv one. and men for one month took one every nieht, with the htipi'.v reiiiilt thi now my skin is ififect ly ckar and lias b. cn so ever since." M'lf PrHlM. SiIf pr.ii.e Ik no recommend!! ', but t'..f.re uie t.tt i.es when one .noi' ierinl a rerson tj tei he irutin about hi 'ielf. When wliat n- s;vb i supported ht- ihe tfcliironv of ' ' ir no rt-asonan'e 111 -111 will tlouhl hi- woid. N.iw, t) ihit Allcoc'-t's Pom.ts I'laUers sre ih; onlv genuine ii.d re.i il'e tHiroiM ntaiter maJ- if f.ot self o raise in the t!ikjlitel d?i;rc.e. They have htnod tne tent for over thirty e.irs and In pr njf 01 their merits t Uonlt nccecsarv o C:i I atten'l.:! to tne cures thev have eff-c!ed and to tlie vnluiitari- tentimoriia s f fhose wh.i have iis..i ttiem. iti'wsit, of itiii'sfbins, and d not be di celveJ hv mlrfprescntattin. Ak for AiIcock', and k-' no solid a; ion it expla n .Mo', ludit -p yo'i :o accept a substiut. Miu'.ib' Vital;?, - ts what yon nti for dyptrM tcrput .r, elliw skin nr ktd unv troub e. I'. viiarnted togt- yra 4tis!aetiiin, Pri 73o- Mild by F-"tiay tt Mrutun. Thousands of 1 ves are saved anmay hy the usenf Aver's '-rtoril. In the tr"ament of croup and win- inn tf co'igh, Ihe IVc'oral has a mom marv- ueffc, Italians in ammatloii, free heobs'ructtdalr pansaje and contro'g the d-.ire to cough. Honors World's Fair. Parker Crus, rccera. I. M. French keops railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Ikoi Piao gro4trtes at Conn's. N aw cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smilev job printer. Flian Block, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, l)r M II Eli, Dhysiciaa and surgeon Jslbiny. 0re4q. Calls mal-j it cit'or oouutry. Olives In Bulk, Bauer Kraut, mixed nlckles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons, flaked hominy, and nrw raisins at C E BrownePt It is very cit, h t n rnnvinro ..V children that H'ti a medicine is VL Mf "nice to take ; yLJJ '7s this trouble !. is not experi enced ia ad ministering r. 9 of Cod Live f!;;u'si as p.i'w ?Jo prcparstio i ' i) 5 vp strsncftli snd c;i. it is as milk. ii eo rapidly rped llesh, nerve force. Kclicrs the world ever rely :K ir. til wr.r.tinpf diseases . cr.ildrcn are heir lo. - .,- !&-, i ii.v.-,i.-. ::. v. t bocta..i l.COwr Cottlo. Uce vent a dose. Tim One at Cotto ticl' it b Drountlv cure where all others fad. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cougn on Asthma. For Comumption It dhs no rival: tiss cured thousands, r.nd will cunu Ton lr lakenln tlmo. Uoi't by Drurrgls'i on a guar antee. For p. Liin.9 liaek or Cfft, ne SUILOH'S BELLADONNA FLABIfcRJ HILOH'SJCATARRH lam -.mi t ii:in h ' TMm f mi-ilv In frwnrorw tctsl to cure you. PrkthfiJcta. lnjut-u- free. iiil sf iii Le.-H,. 0' crnann'.i ntshirel t2ii ITY, pi 0 nil U t- .: 1-' ci it. p .ni.- r..i --.-. i mom sr. I .t t ' l.-tv. ,f11rt-lmi't i rrl T- v. r-iift.' i; !( i! Mil Tf ri'. !, T f.lM'k, r l'tr;.ilm f-'t IT U. it iei'4lM tttv. ERIE KECira C3. BUffAlO- h. . fledCrownMills JOHN i TV, FRGFP.IETCH. v -v- - p ," f , Hi S b- .... LCAf-Y Utl'! T! tVlfm Earn iu er m if am it i: V I t- f