Speaker Crisp's charming bablt of i gnor- lng Boutelle It making him nianjr frlenls oyer thr country. According to the opponents of the in come tax, all m:o lth Incomes are Han anil perjurers. What's the matier ssiih Chris Evan, that he doesn't come to Oregon and get a federal appointment? Evening TVfraiM, II would be better fitlod for running the evening edition of the O.ejonian Rose burg Review. It will now be in order for Mr Cleveland to do bil cussin' in the Kanaka langcage. Evening Telegram. The Telegram In doing lt cussin' at Cleveland In Chinook. Congressman Tom L Johnson proved him. telf a broad-gauge reformer when he inform el the cloakmakers of hit district that when the roll It calloJ on the Wilson bill he is going to vote for the protection of the cloak- f the tide is at its flood, if in cnn.equer.ee of political Incorrpeicncy the McKlnley low is net repealed and tho Wilson bill It not enacted, it will be In all likelihood quite a number of years bsfore the Democrats will be offered nnoher opportunity to enact a measure of tariff reform. The Telegram pursues the President re lentlessly and hat BJiil many hard and unjust things ot him. We do not think such a cour.e will help the Democratic cause any. It inspires hope In the bosoms of the Re publicans and populists, for it shows apathy and lack of harmony in Democratic ranks that will prove fatal next June if not over come at once. Jacksonville Times. In one column, the Oregjnian tells its reader that Wilton fives the people of the South all the protection they want, and in the next it tells of scores uf democrats In the South who are kicking because the free trade Wilson bill will ruin t'..e new Ii.du5 tries just starting in that section. It would be a source of great satisfaction to us to be able to believe what that paper says about tneso matters but we can not do it. It Is that papers fault, loo. TheOregonian sayi: "The dcmociatlc bosses of the house re fuses to permit republican members to cfTer amendments to the Wilson bill. Is that any thing new? At the time the McKlnley bill was pending before the house the repudlican bosses led by the Mayor put the gg on the mouths of demo:ratic mem bers and they were not allowed to offer any members. The Ortgonlan raited no how! then, It liked goose sauce very well thru but it does not like gander sauce now. How absolute free trade for one class of producers (the wool-growera) and 40 tier cent protection for another class the man ufacturers Is to be explained and justified, is going to cost democratic candidates in Oregon some trouble before the first Mon day in June, which Is less than five months cff. Orfgonmi. And yet there Is no more discrimination In this than McKln ley provided foi when he gave from 70 to 325, per cent protection onv.-oolens and only 4 1 on wools. What an easy way pr Jtco tionists have of puttlnf their feet In it. The Htxalil complains that the Wilson bill protects rice because it Is a southern product, and Intimates that ttcmocnta will protect products of democratic localities and put on the free list northern pioducts. What a pity rewrpapcrs of the protection stamp d not confine themselves more (loscly to facts w hen treating of this ques tion. McKlnley could never bo Recused of being partial to the south, or unfriendly to the north. In hit bill lie put a duty of two cents a pound ull rico and WiHon re duces it to one and a half cents per pouiul. l'eop'e can draw their own conclusion. lire rr rol.ii. Peers and Oonrrfti io Will, Umall Hilt IPni'jS. Zliv. per buttle. 11. 11. nvni:. w. 11 . iiiNtitNiir.it. 11. 11. .1 mk ALBANY FDMITDRE C0,!"u" INCOPOBATBD Baltimore Murk, Albany, Ore, Furniture com pit' to line of UiHOERTAKIKG in all it. lr.itnhAn, EMBALMING acuity. Kt!ii.linif ctTinT ;r,l nnl(.'.ki.iptxi n Str Notice of Dissolution Notice i lurcl v Riven that the linn p( Semlem to heretofoie tlo'wg tnilnc iimlcr the linn name rf Sentieta Co has this i'flv l'n ilUtotvei!. Mr Atio'ph itnd crs rettrim;. Tii new firm w:ll in? com pocit i Mr 1 Nchniecr and Jumcf Cal lahan who wilt continue the IniM.if V ani will col.tri-t all atrnuntjitJtie the firm aiui p.iv -I Its ilc!'';. A not rn Si mvr, ivf.MI I K, I'LOaTsMi IN THE SENATE Lt winter.ln order to secure the passage of his bills In violation of the Democratic doctrine of home rule for cities and lo put throujh other legislation agreed on by the bosses, Mr Sheehan got the Se.iate to adopt a ru'e of closure. The object was vicious but the method was effectual. The Republicans, having now a majority but less than two-thirds of the Senate,intend introducing the same rule to ptcvenf) filibust ering against '.he repeal of the St.eehun chart er amendment and other legls)atiowhich Ihey may decide on. There can be no objection to a reasonable rule which gives the majority power to ac complish legislation. The State Senate is a small body. There are but thirty two mem. bers But a minority can prevent a conclusion of discussion and a Tote in the absence of a rule enabling the majority to order a vote, This power may be used as well for work Ing mischief as for preventing the mischief. In t htse days of party machine rule there can be no effective appeal te courtesy or to the legislator's sense of public duty . He seives and obeys some Central Pjwer, not the people. t'hs evil and wrong of preventing the act'on of the majority is Increased in effect when it is ptaetised In the national Cvngress, If the New York Senate of thirty two mem bers finds a rule of closure necessary, much morels It necessity In the Senate of the United States with its eighty-eight members, Without it a minority can at any time and for an indefinite perIod,as was demonstrated at feaiful cc-st to the country in the struggle to repeal the Sherman law last summer, block the most useful ani necessary legist tion. It isthe right of the majority '.o rule Even the American Senate will some time assert and enforce this Democratic priuci plo. New tforn, World. Bon's TfUsI We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Haa'a Catarrh Cura. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. . Toledo, O, We tlia nnderajftued, have known F. J. C.io:iey for tlia last IS years, and belicvo hi a pt. JVctly honotabls in all bnsliicuttransa-.(iona &nd financially able to carry out any obligation mado by their firm. WryT&TRrAX. 'Wholesale Dnii7?f(.T..!ia,1n n. Valdino, Kimnan Makvix, Wholesale Drug-- fiats, Toledu, O. 'u Catarrh Cure fs taken Internally, aet directly upon the blood and mucous mr. Lie of the system. Price "Sc. per bottlo. &Qlat h-pM Drustgfsts. TfntimoniQ.B free. Rctl; Alio method nnrl rwnlfa 'n-ln Kyrup of Figs is taken j It is pleasant uuu KMrpsuing 10 1110 tatto, End nets frfntlv vet rtrnmr.Ma rn iIia KM,,.,..,. LJ J I - 1 J ....... lvcr anil Bowels, clea?oes tlio sys- . -nv ...n .1- , . . . J . sens eiiixtuaiiy, uiei3 colds, liead nclios nntl fevers and cures habitual u..u..1.u.,v,l. ,,1' VI io ia silt only remedy of its kind ever ptc ssusx-u, :ii-nsiiij; k mo msio ana oc cept&lilo to the Btnmncb, prompt la its action and truly beneficial in its (Toots, prepared only fram tie most, healthy and agreeable subjlar.ee?, its mativ nsrrellent minlirla enmmomd to all and liavo muds it the moat popular remedy Known. Ks-riin nf Vitra w f.w anln tr. P.n - j . j. ... . .u. muv tit f "V. and 81 bottles by r(1 leadicp dxnrj. Kisie. nny reuauio urugywt who UiaV lint h:Vn if. nn linml tinlt w.. euro it p-.omjitly fur any ono who wishes to try it. l)o not accept any feuiisuuiie. CALIFORNIA FI! SYRUP CO. S4H FilAftCMCO. C4L. ICUISVHL;, Kf. f.y nun. i.f. Wall Paper, CJ laram, tCtc J. A. riiniiiniifr ALBANY CRECO Stationery, Toilet Arti.-lfS, M.isic Instruments, Etc. Hodges 4 McFarlanfl, The t'ornfl Druj Slure,". Albany, (v A.sr is Tir voi ?irl ir 1 ' - . t v . cil.'.t o .-t I t t t,i 1 lit;;,; DRUGS WRINKLES, and hollow cheeks, and dull, sunken eyes, don't always mean that a wo man's old. Half tho timo they only show that she's overworked or suf fering. To such women, to every woman who is tired or afflicted, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription safely and cclainly brings back health and strength. It's a legitimato medicine that corrects and cures ; a tonio that invigorates and builds up ; a nervine that soothes and strengthens. For all tho derangements, irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to women, it is tho only furtranteed remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you havo your money back. A great many medicines "relieve" Catarrh in the Head. That means that it's driven from tho head into tho throat and lungs. Cut, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy perfectly and permanently cures. Star Bakerj Coral nmtlnllaiu tasisl flrNt 4I.. CONR.D IVEYfR, PROPRIETOR, asusrtl rrnila, CJ'iiHsxfare, 'rletl Frnlia. Tobucco, "near, i'ottee. Eta,, Casnuesl .!. Qneenawara. Vegefablrn. C'lRnra Hpioea. Teas, Etc., rac evorytlm.r that la kept in a eenar variety and jfsocAry stole, Highest markvt price jtaitl for AM. KINDS Oy PRODUCE JL rhyokinn and C uroon, Ofticc UpeUJrs orer tl.e llceitljiice, enrner let li and Caupooia it. TORPE.Nr.Tlw opor lmuo storo, cploiulid k-ca(inn. Ca 1 on the swretury ut tho Democrat office tor pal icuinrH. PLOWS AND MRROWS Bargains for faru.ers In both tiding and walking plow, disc harrows.tron harrowt etc. i'rlcefr la proporllun to 50 cent wheat. It will pay you to call ami see us. TTK wANT YO O AVOKK VOIt US V thtts mUiitc ,00 u $35.00 VKK i Kr.K, Va preferred who call furnish a horse ami travel through the coun tr;a team, though, is not necessary. A f!W Tdcauciea in trwnsatiil ciliea. Spar hctirs miy le ns?l tn snoJ alvsntigo it K J;hnb(W & Co. llih at.a Main M?, l.iuhmooJ, Va, CUAROIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NotictMS lirrehy nivrnt'tat tha unlericn eJ guardian of Archie C Wilacn, a minor, in Kccortlaiu'0 witli a I'ocnio (fran it'll by the County Cow it of l-inn County. Oregon, to sell the rea! estate belonging to aaiil outer w ill on Saturtlay the .lr4 tUy of Feb, li'Jl, .t the how of 1 o'cUkI p m, at the Conrt House (tmtriti Albany, Linn County, OrctjOD, ex hw.6 for tale, at auction, to the highest bid ior, for cash, the following deaeiibed real estate belonging '0id minor, to-wit : An n il 1 video oue-m teenth of 1 ha fallowing deenled tract of Uod commencing at a point on he north line of the lonatlon Laud claim of Vincent Watson and Mary Watcoo his wife, li. 0 chains eat from northwest c rncrrf sid claim, it bting not No 171H5 claim No in tp 11 S It 4 et of Willan- to met id 1 n and mnnint( 'hence P.art 32 lo chaini t acon.er: thence aouth 10. 2 chas thn.e east 8.10 chs, thence south ch. thence west chain, tnence ncrth ?i.53 chains to the place cf beyinnin.j coqtiining Uti..'v acres, more or lei, ll in Linn .au ty Oremn, subject to the life esutt of A .iron Wilson in said lind. Alio tlie following: An undivided on f. ur'.n cf the following tract of lam.1. Pan ning at the truth west corner of the !on tion land ?laim of It ilu&bci and wife, claim No 78 in tp 1 1 S K 4, ttt of iViliam et' Meridian ant tuontnii theticeevt .'1.4i I cha:na to a point that is 'J liaas north of an oa post set on the south ide of the county toad thence sonth 1?0 x chains to a stake. theiK-e wt r.-J chain- t tartake. thence north I.Y70 cbatra to a itake on the north line of the donation Land rlaim of Vincent N ation and wiftf, thtnvv wet 7.i7 chains to an interior coiner of sai l Watton c'aim. thence noith 'iO rhaim t. place 'i Kvin-1 nine, coniamv acri,more -r lew, in I. Ml C-mih- , Itr.on, HKMtct to the l;;e estate rf .Ar- n i'soii in ia'l land. A'.l i:.y Cn'on, ,n 4 h. til WA.90N, I tu.-.rdi.not Arcl-ic C Wtlion FORTMILLER A MING Undertakers - and - Eaibalmcrs. WE KtEP repstaritly cn l ard a full Hi.e r( rrH.)!c, litil wd c. d cakets ai coflina. Also buiial robfs and suits, m I irf:!cloih, t;r ,i k.l r i it ,. 'i which will U old at The Lowest Llting l'rotil. EMBALMING r"1 ll,e proper care ol the dead a specialty. NO EXTRA CHARCt FOR ALBASM Y, - - MASONIC ill sell all crc'ikerv ware and liolidaj' goods al COST. Here are some prices: Lamps, worth 50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers '5 to iO cents a set; pl'a'es, 40 cents pei set. Everything fdse ia proportion. Call on mo and you will not be deceived. J. The Oregon Land Co sVltn its S-a.o.:e::m:- uieGray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch rffice In Portlanu X A.KES a specialty of Sunnysidefruit tracts rear Salem) Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash paym ent r particulars. Reduced i The fH)Fum TiW GrcaU-tt cf all cur ftrfoJtcals. r-';-i. . The foremost men of the world write the lltoratnra ' oi contcmporncJS a.Uvity for THB FOKUM. Eer)i great subject Is teken up by The Forum nhen H naturally comes Into public attention and Is treated by tii best authorities, without regard to parties or creeds. It Mill keep ary thoughtful reader Informed on tho tasks and problsms ol tho time, as no other periodical does. To many thoughtful pecpfe, the price of The Forum has hitherto been pro hlbitory; Indeed all the great Reviews ha o been too hih in price for the masaes of Intelligent readers, but now the number of readers of thoughtful literature men and women who wish really to know what is coinz on In the world out side the narrow llmita ol particular sects and partles-la great enough In tho United States to warrant so revolutionary a reduction In price. The Forum discusses important subjects, but it is not dull. The literature of contempo raneous activity Is. in fact, the most interesting of all literature. American citizenship Implies that a man shall know the opinions of the foremost men and the latest great achievements in every direction of activity. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. The Forum 1$ now as cheap as the magazines of mere entertainment. THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST, THE BEST, Of THE GREAT REVIEWS. The Forum Publishing Company, Union Square, New York. 35c. a Copy. $3 a Year. NEW : PUFNITITKE; JV SrORE iSXOff FULL OF tlRST-CLASS FIT.MTURE. CONSISTING ill n ucu room. sew. .cnairr, icnngrs, nc.wliicn 1 will sell av BOTTOM PRICES. Titos. EhinK. aRMaaaiBssafaHCaKsVHSCsaKa MP I al" SI IMIIIIIl (ALBANY CBGAr? FACTORY VfVXs -T "Ver ozen. Eniaiir.a pictures a W AfrfIrtlSlmJ2 lf'x2 cravon: framed U4(f7l'l Ve carry a larg- took HEARSE OR SERVICE, TEMPLE, - - OREGOI Gradwohl, home. o!5ce al - OEilOO. T long time on balance f H f ; i'rops'ictor. WANTED A I uv oioie forinr-ny owned by Allen Bios., BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE! APPLES, for which I will yat tht beat catl price possible. 6 r umv FARMERS LISTEN. Ve have a fine tot of iiesh rass scid. nf olmor.: everv kinJ, including c!:ca. and W'v want to sell it. Come ai.d ac u. STEWART & SOX Assignee's Notice. Notl.-e ic herein given to al! v. horn tiu-y co frn. tliatrnilie 4tli dny t-i Knvtmber, lS.lIi, Anthi'iiy l'rcH'" ai rt K (' Butter duly wadv an rsiLfimnit lo'me cf nli tl;?:r proper ty lorttso lenttitfii.il ll.tir creditor, iu ccinlar ctj vmIi ti e -uiernl fitH.rtitierit awsof the flalt-if Oftuox; thertforo all peisrns having cl&iino aiflinst the coy ait' ueroliip tiim of said Prt-.p t aid Huiler sro herehy ntihel and rtquircd to preseottbe wnw to me under ouh at tho allies f W 1 Bilyeu in the Citv of bny, Ortgcu Tri th in three months from the date hen of. IXilcd tins I7th day of Nov m)er, 1S9.. FitaMKLix i'KorsT, An;nee M r-. Dr. i-iitter:n 11 ala? The Kotcd Claln-ojsiit wd Life RnJcr, It now here, soil can be found M her nuiilt'iice, i.fxi door J B Coufdll's. She Itllo stout alt iUJiln. pas rrewnt and future; love tniublea, abwtit (t lends and business. You can hear fnrni vour dt-stl tUtv.in. Assignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment of tlenry freeman lounu.an insolvent aeuior. Notice is hereby given that Henry Freeman Pound lias assigned to me all liie property for the benefit nf nil hid creditors in accordance with the lawB of the stale of Oreuon relatimr to eeneral assignments by insolvent debtors. All creditors of the said Henry Freeman Pound are notified to present their claims, under oath, to me at the. office of Block burn & Watson, nttvs . in the citv of Al - bany, Ureiton, within three months from he dale ol tins notice. Dated ilbany, Or., Dec. Sth, 18'J3. U. U. lllVINK, Assignee. 1894 Havper'a Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Uari kr'8 V efklt is beyond nil qutntlcii tut; Jeauin Jouma. in AmeiUa, in its Bp'einl.iiillu.trationn.in oont of ilisttnKuiehcd con tri tut or, and Id its tis army of readers. In mlendid iiutu, it diaws on ths highest order of ta'ont.tho nieti bwt SttrdbvpojitioL and traininif to tni the leading u-i-ics of the !ay. hi Action, the most popular atcry vrlters rotitritiute to iU columns. Hurb drawing by Ihefonicoit artitta illustrate itsijeiial articles.iisatorief.tuid every rot able event of public inlereat ; It nUitu portraits o the distinUhed teen ai d women whoars utakiutr Iks msiory 01 1 lie time, title f I eual atUnti 11 In -iven (a tha Army and Xavy, Amateur Sjwt. and Muic ami the Drama, by dislinsuihid exfertti. In a word, Hanwr's Weekly cumbiiics the news features. .1 ih daily paprr and ths atti..tc and literary qualities of inemaKazi::e wuntiie solid criilval charaoteritf Mi: review. HiEPER'3 PSBIiiPiaiLg, Per Tear HAKI'KU'H MAOAZINK HAKPEK'S WKEK1.Y .14 M . 00 HARPtRS PAZAK HAIil'Ki: S VUl'Nl; PEMP1.E . ! 00 Tostaire freet: allsiil,irr:lir!tni.i-!. Canada ami Mexico, Tlic Vulamcs of tlio Wt.kly tosi,, llh 11.. ... Xunber l..r January ,.( c,h ytTt iviitn nn time is mcntionr.l, sulm ri.ti,.ns nil. Ijhi ith lh number current attltolltiio of rei'eiit(tfiinir Bound Tolnmsa ot Hurl er's tVukly f..r Hire, ,(. Sack.in neatckth binsli.a.wiH ,ent ,. ago .l.l. or !. eXT..i. free U cxr.,e (,,ij',j tbo freight dees not e.ce.l one di.Uur r.r ..lun.. i it T 00 per Tolume, ClotbJ cases for each solum., suitable foi l.lniliur, ill be sentbjr a all, .palj, n riccl.t nisi trh Remittances should he nuule tvT. sl.ffic. un. Order or Draft, to avoid thance of loss. Newspapers are nol to cepr this ad... arithuut the express order of Ilsaraa t ltsorar.as l AJdress:5 HARPER- ri'.OlllHIHNiw Yi.s 5 DOLLARS TO PER DAY Easily Made. wa-t maoT nn. wtrsn, or. and iris to srork f'.ros a few hours dailjr, rlj hi In and arrir theirown hones. The business is easy, pleasant, striolr hosnrahle. and pars teller than ant ollm offer.,1 atents. Tou hare a clear Held and n. fompetitlon. rpertene a.,d spedal sraliir an. "watT. S capllal requlnd. We et:ip ym with ...rrthlnr I Int you neexl, treat you itsJL and help rou to earn leu firm nrrijaar, somen dn w.n . . . . . oa fins mnKff.K psr. Anyone, anj-wftrre. ctw do Ifc -. .... -nrrii wnn i..jiot our plain and sllr lie direjti-.n.. !'....( ...v :u rnu a irrvat d. ll of mow-r. F.rerrtUnf is ner and hi ,rat d-minl. Write lrr our pmrbltl rirealar. and n r. ire full li..-.,nnmlon. It harm ''ne if rou eouclit.te iiol to go oa with tie. htisilM si. CEOSCESTINSONtiCP- Box 483, PORTLAND, fflAINS. Taviciiinida.-,n t.'.olirer' i.cbetrdf.9