Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 17, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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-W a M
NO 2J:
l-1 f'3 If
1. J .
fiOool SLEEP I
ffll A viSf
energy uh. nerves j
8. I Smith, of Towanda, l'a.t
whoso constitution was completely
broken down, is cured hy Ayer'o
Sarsnpnrilla. IIo writes:
"For eight years, I was, mo-it of (lie
time, a great sufiVnT from constipa
tion, kidnoy trouble, and Indiges
tion, so that my constitution srcim-d
to be completely broken down. I was
induced to try Aycr'ft Sarsnpnrilla, and
took nearly seven bottles, with mu1i
excellent results that my stomach,
bowels, anil kidneys are In perfect con
dition, and, fu nil their function-, as
regular ns clock-ivorlc. At the t'mo
I began taking Ayer's Sarsapartlltf, my
weight was only 121 pounds; I no.v can
lag of lr0 poinds, and was never in so
goofl health. If you rould see ma he
fore and nfter using, yon would want
too for a travel ina advertisement,
f believe this preparation of Sarsaparllla
to be the best in the market to-day.'
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared t;- Tr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Musi.
Cures others,wi!l cure you
-:- DKAI.KK IN -:
Harness -and -Saddlerj
Disp'iif . in iu Lc0iV;""':ii"'':'v
Aft.t-lor.lohn 8. Aklr'h .-uoil tou
V8i V. OKC.4.0." I
tor Infants
HIRTT years' opaerralion
XffZl BW IS rose Ba w a 3 S-U
st mix.-)! an cjv b' -a n xa s, ai in
ra K m nz'jkw . i r -i n v. . j ra f.'-j ri i ,
tnUllom of pcraona. pannft mti pjfl)rof lJrtti!nJLgJ'j"jg;
It la unquestionably th tost reiaeJy for Infnnta and Children
tho world hat oyor kaawn. It is hnrmioaa. Children liho ft. It
' clvee them honlth. It sara thofr lives. Tn It Mother, have
aom.thlngghich la holnte1y fe and prnntfcally perfect aa a
' ohUd'e an.dlolne.
Ca.torla doatroya Worm.
Caatorla praTenta vomiUmi Snnr Ca-rl.
Caatorla onro. Plarrhcaa antl Wxnrl Cn-lq.
Caatria r.lleyea Teething Tranhlea.
Caatorla eicsi Conatfpatlon and Flatn'oncy,
Cnrtorla newtralbi.a tho offeota of earhonlo aeld gaa or polaononi air.
Caatorla doo. not oontaln morphine, oplnm. or other narcotic property.
Caatorla aialmllatea the food, yognlntea tho atamaeh and tnwola,
glrlnff lioatthy and natnral alecp.
Ctorla h pot np In ono-afaa pottlaa only. It la not aold In linlh.
Don't allow anr ant to acll yon anything ele on tho plea or proml.e
that It la"Jn.t a. cood" and" will anaw-r orery pnTpoao.-
8o that yon rt C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Tbe tme
nr. of -
Children Cry for
"As oil M
the lulls" and
never excell
ed. " Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Pecu
, lator is tl
only Liv
JLJUtHsf and Kidnt
lator is the
medicino to
which you
can piu your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act-j-
7 7 ing directly
C on tlio Liver
'trO and Kid
neys. Try it
. Sold ly all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Towder
to be taken dry ormadointoa ten.
Tlte King of Liver Medicine.
" I hiivo used yourSimmonB I.lver Reffu-latu-anil
run voutM-lfiitiouely Bay It I. the
klntrof ull liver nu-illi Inett. 1 consider It a
aieilleme chest 111 ItM-lf. UEO. V. JACJC
eus, Tucoma, Wasuiuiflon.
the S Stamp In red on wrnppwr.
J l FORD, Sraa-
Of tl. .1" M I.w. -rr t,.. uiidsrdjle of
M.u.h 23. 1SH.1:
S. H Mi::i. Vp; Co..
( -.'a, (.,...: .
Oerttlnnert ."
Op nrrivins h"r:ie l.'.fct v,..v, I iVundall
iviil anu mixituly ;.-v-nii. 0'ir little
'irl, echi am) tv.--h: Ir, who htd
wa ltd auay to SlouitK', in v.:.w well.
'.roi:a itnii v:rn;n ', and wull Hoahed up. of Iho chll.lien like it. Your S B.
fouul) Cure hne cured antl kep; nw&y aU
(Kisraen?'. trrm ir.e. S- yivo it to every
o;.e, Milii gru'tltis fy't ftll. Wishing you
I ruB(.rn , wh .iri
i uuri-, .V & Mn J P I ol.
m t.-. f,,'l ti ran and cliee.lul, and ready
i s iiitf v-iur njH'eio wfih in.
rC'To. bytatini; Iwo or throfl
j Ho. uifV . CtltivoTUftn u'te t-y
iS1. - Vr Ko r, ntu iiiinir fcvfihI ar
cpv wtt.. iarr v t ii, I r 'omul p'ense
11 i i H ;rkcrf r Uve at barker
i v. ' ' i t av a rewar
and Children.
cf Ca-itoria with tHa patronage of
Pitcher's Castoria.
Tbr Deal orUraaona.
The reason why AMcock'a Pornu.
icra are poimlar la
i that they ma; be relied
on to cure.
I. Lame bark, iclailra. tt!ite.t o.
twitrhlng of the muscles.
i. (..nest iroubles. such nleuriav. pnm.
monla, coneumpilon.
3. indigestion, tli'sfcpsio, biliousness,
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the cenulnaness of the Waaler used. The
popu airily of Alcock'a Poroua Pkster has
been so greot that multitudes of imitations
have sprung up on everv hand. The only
sure cure Is to get the genuine Allcock's
Porous Plasters.
Hiandreih'a Pllla Improve the digestion.
1 oriiunu, bcramento, Loa Angeles'
S'.ccKtoii ami Salem have the same Insur rales. Albany, Or, llutte and Helena.
.uuniaim. nan i.ake Ci'y. Taco.n, and
n ana v alia, Wash, and Spokane, have
inc same laics.
When Baby was sick, we gavo her Castorla.
Wlien ie was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
"When alio became Mliia, she cluag to Castorla.
VToen she had Children, she eavo them Caatorta
Ve are Hill selling Dress goods and
Ca eian J Jacketa at greatly reduced prices
for cash. We Invite you to examine the
Ked, 1 eacocl: & Co guods and prices.
Backitghini'a Dvo for Hie Whiskers doea
itsjwork thoroughly, eoloriog uaiforni'brown
orblauk. which, when d-jr, will neiiherrirli,
wash off, uor acil lioen.
People who hav. tiled it, aav that there
mi better tncdieine for dspia than
Ayer'8 Sartaparilla. It may not trim oik
the the atomach ot an ostrich, bnt it ao
strengthens the alimentary r.rgai a that
digestion of ordinary food beccniee eai.y and
Vsi, Y)J Cv :) ii Suit line o
rambles for suitings In the atate at WR
Graham's, where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and most stylish
suits of him. A new feature will be Ihe
making of ladleV cloaks to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest at vies, and
ii. repairing oi cioaKa. rncea are bot
tom ones.
Thin or rrav hair and hald . heads. i.n
displeasing to monv people as maths of
age, na v be averted for a long time by
uting Hail's f.ulr Kenewer.
8hioh'a Cure, the great courh and croup
enre, ia for aale by ua. l'ooki't aize cnntaiOM
wenty-Hve dosea.ouly 23o. Children lave it
oahay A Maano.
A Good Plan. It Is a good plan to
subscribe for and read carefully vour own
heme rnper, as it U the aim of this pa;cr
to make it an educational factor in the
community. Besides that, if you are out
of ?. job, or wish to Ir.crease your income,
then here i the place to find" ir. In an
other column you wilt find an advertise
ment of B F Johnson & Co, of Richmond,
Va, for workers, that may Interest you.
Whatever may be the cause of btanch
Ing, the hair m y be restored to its orini
color by the u- of that potent remr dy
Mall's Vegetable Sicilian llatr Renewer.
One S.r.iut nils ir.n everv nlirl-.t for
ixvit mouse Tcir(- f.iver. xoc. pur botu
Tue Venutne ?Anl The tbam.
Every good tj;in j has lis host of
iiators; every genuine article Ith count?r
f cits. The imita'ors ulwavs choose the
most valuable and popular anlcle to
counterfeit, so that when they claim t'lelr
sham to be equal, or as goo I, or t!ie fame
as "So and-So's,'' the puhllc mav depnd
upon it that "So-ai d JjoV a. tide i the
best uf the kind The sham proves the
genuine irerit cf the thing it copies and
never hn ibis been btlter illustrated than
bv tt, i.niti.tlons of Allcock's Parous
Allcock's Prrou Plaster is the Ucdard
of excellence the world over, and Its im
itators In their ui v thai theirs is "as good
es AUcockV are emphasizing thin
fact and admitting "A IcockV" to be the
acme ol perfection, a hic'i it Is their hich-
est ambition to lmltae. The difference
between the genuine and these Imitation,
which copy only general Is as
nide as that between copper and gold.
The only safe ay for purchasers is to
always Insist upon having Allcock's Por
ru plasters. They are the only perfect
plfthteis ever produced.
Wooden, Tin.
Kilrer, Golden
Common every day.
Dr. Price' Cream ba'ilnt Powder
Most Perfect A!ade.
Alhnnr Slarbel.
Oan 2"n
f our. 4 0i.
uitpr, 'Hi 3
Falt1 il'l.
!ri, r; to n
i Porit htrn t2:.i IS ; JiO'i 'IT1' Pf 1 1ft
Ily. Inif 7,
(r;e-I' rP . a;-" ''"
f'hifkan. ! i i " "
Itf.f r.nft . . r;
A Wonderful lrntic.
Sax I'haxcisco. .Inn 10. -Six persons
had a most niiniculou.i eeaie from instant
deu'h this morning about 0 o'clock. About
500 tons of rock, which had boon loosened
by tho ruin of yesterday, cauio down from
Telegraph hill with n nifli on a two-story
licue occupied by Peter Brown, his wife
and three children and n (ireek named C
r'asjutua. As soon as the timbers began to
crash, all made a break for ono room, and
as a mass of rock fell on the roof Ihn hitter
formed an nrch over the occupants of the
house, all of whom were rescued uninjured
excepting one of lhown's daugh ers, l'J
years cf age, whoso legs were cut and torn.
' Will luc BouiI.
vVasiiincitos, Jan 10. It is reporleJ
on fairly good nuttority that Cirli-le in
tends to issue February 1 euougli bonds to
restore the gold reserve. It is said he
w ill issue ." per cent bonds, ns they are
shorter term than Hie 4s or 4!s. The
issue probably will be about fflO.OCO.0'10.
Fifteen srparate offers aggregating 40,-
iiU'J.tJOU, to take the bonds should Hie sec
retary issue them, have been received at
the ireaf ury department.
. After the Nexroea
Litti.f. Rock, Ark, Jan 10. tiovcrnor
Fisher has received information of a reign
of terror which exists among the colored
population of the town of Iilack Hock.
Iilack Kock is the center of a larire man
ufacturing and lumber district, and owing
to the present tinaneinl strmgancy a large
number ot men are out of employment.
Among them are many lawless characters,
who have organized for the purpos? of
drivirg all the negroes out of town. Thry
have ucceeded in intimidating many of
me iaciory owners, woo so lar navo uis
charged all negroes in their employ.
Will Vol Give I'p
Sax Francisco, Jin 10. In regard to
the ucm published in n local paper Satur
day last that the ex-queen of Hawaii had
given up the contest for the throne and
would sue the United States for damages.
Samuel Parker, prime minister of the
queen, has wirtd Secretary tlresham deny
ing mere assertions in toto. Uoth rark-r
and W C Peterson, the ex queen's ntlor-ney-general,
stale that thev bjw Ciliuoka
iani half an hour before they sailed from
Honolulu on the Australia, and the was
very firm in her determination to maintain
her c'aim to tho throne.
Xn ni uniuicler
SroKANET Wardi. .Ian 0. An opium
smuggler doing business on a big scale was
caught heie today, and $15,000 wot ill of
opium was captured. . 1 he prisoner gave
the name of S D Davis, but admits ic is
not his tine name. I: is actions excited
the suspicion of two baggagemen nt the
Union dejiot. Ollteers were summoned,
Davis arrested and four trunks seized. He
admitted bis guilt.
A Utd Knjoyi.
Tin p'easinl flivor. gentle acti-in anu
soothing elf ecto i'yrup ot Kin, when in
nred ot a laxative, mt it the la'hrr or .
moiher be costive or bl'iuu?, the itio-t '
gratifying resulis follow iU ue; fo that it E,i venney, lirockvI.V, Oi.tario, Canada
is the best family leinedv known anrl'rt,ys:
every fimlly siiuld have a boutc. I "I have used IJrar.drelh' Pills f r the
. past fitteet jears. and think them tlte bt
J cathartic and antl-bi.llous remedv known.
Experlenr, .fan tx-'. Lampion I For me .fi.v! fr" 1 lvt':mf vl,l "
1 , eruption of the skin lha gave me nr.-at
A'hletes and man vho take ordinary pnin and antionnce. I trfed different
outdoor sxercise suth as walking, ru.iniiu', I blood, but, although gaining
bicycle riding, jumping, swlmminrr.tcnnij.jMrength thr l-ching was unrrllevrd. 1
etc, are of'en the sunjec's of acute troub- finally conclude I to lake a thorough course
le8. The expedence cf an cx-chamnion Df Brandeth PHI. I tot.k six each night
walker will be of interest to all who arc for nights, th-n ve, fi:r, thiee. twn. irs
aflitoed. Harry Uro ks writes: rining each t: nc b our, and then for one
"No. 324 Eit 19 !. .St., ?:.-.. To-k, J month took one every night, wii.i the
Apri 2, 1SS6. .NjmtTK'rt b'atemv'niK happy result lb r nnwmy .ki:i is perfect
relative to the meiha of d ff trrent f Incr J iv clear and been so ever fcicc."
having been brought 10 my attention. I
ake thUopiwtuntty to tate that 1 have j -
useJ AHcock rornutt I'Hbicr mr liver i' i
icars artd prrlr hem 'o any other kin.1. !
I would tur'her-T'ore t.n e 1 very
flck with ca arrh of the ki lney. and a 1 ri
hutemy rtC0'erv entirely 10 A'-'c-'
Porou Pia-ter.'' j
'ocor cii
riiler it t.Lt
, he im'iv
win ir fill
H furT it.
to pr--
a bottle ni AerV, kr 1
il 'ln.t
he will obiain tlnreh
preparation than ai.v o;lnr w liter the dn t
Btore can firulkh Atrs S.u p nl'ia is
the superior meditlne
r,- te.l.' rmM P-.L Inr Onwrlor
World's Fair Mich eft Medai and Diploma. '
At MraL Timsh do vou etr cm s .'
the qua'Uv of ihe food jon are at mi: ? It
may be giKd. It migbt be h.tter. pur r,
ircihtrr and more who eome. I I not
worth wld e torn ke sure hat y-ni tea,
vifTe. ti if a r. baked ohkU aim Innumeni-
bleother xutcvrU s nie of ihe hct q
Iherela auch a IHfling dllUri-Me In w
prices of Ihe best and ihe wnrst thai It
does not piy to buy ihe wiw-t,eve.i on ihe
false grnuna of auprosed economr The
best Is I'lrlm the cheapest , hcctuiwe the
most sati.laclorv and durable.and the very
best of rnrjlhlng In ihe grocery lire Is
kejt at Parker Broa.
Awarded Highest
Highest of ail in Levening
! Powder
T1IK Ct'Ml IE y eT Mt Hl,S,
Our readers do not need to b told wimt
the Centur Matraine is. It is a great
worl in any tsense. For 1S.H it will !
frreator than ever. 2000 pnires of choice lit
erature with KKM) il!ustraion.. There will
be a new novel hv Mark 1 wain, imtiortant
expeditions, hunting of fierce pune, nrtistd
adventures, tram pi up- with trump, unpub
lishinl essays of James Kussell Lowell .etc.
1 he rt Nicholas isthe inmieof clultiren s
magazines, the lostof all of them. A feat
ure of the 18i4 numlier will be Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
series, a series on American au thorn, stories
of India hy Hudyard K iplinpr, recollections
of wilu lite, papera on the government and
somo beautiful serial stories, as well as tho
famous lirowme.
The price of the Centurv is 35 cents a
number, $4.00 a year; of St Nicholas, $3.00
a year. Any subscriber of the Demockat
in ffoml etamlink mav secure the Centnrv
for $3.50 or the fet Nicholas for $2.50, hv
leaving mo money m this oihce. we will
do the rest.
While it Is over thirty earsac,o .Ince
Allcock's Porous Plasters were first Intro -duced
to tne medical profession and pub
lic, the marked success and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
coulinucH, but steadily Increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gsiinso many testimonial of high value as
those continuously accorded !o A sock's
Porous Platters, and the oniv motive lor
these exceptional tributes lies in fact of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of mpcrtor value. Addi
tional proof of the true value of Alcock's
Porous plasters ies In the fact that they
are bet ng largely I m tinted by ursciupu
lous per&nns, who seek to deceive the pub
He by offering plasters which they claim
to be the 'same,' 'equal,' 'nsgood,1 'better,'
b'.'tst porous plastc. etc, while it Is in
general appearance enly that they resem
ble AUcockV Eveiy one of the so-called
porous platters are imitations of A kock, s
Porous PlnKtern,
AvolJ dealers who ait em jit to p-iltn off
Inferior and worthies planters that artt
purchased by them at low rale fo. the
purpose of subrtilutlcii.
CiuitlluM of I lie C'ureil-
r!f Praise.
S :'f mm! t m rei.nimind
t.A-re are vt 'itues when on,e .t.;
a rerton to u the ruii nbou
hi'i, hut
vVheii what u mvs ih tippnrte!
by the
lthi;or( ol
wl)l tuxiht t
Altcoc ;V P
thri r.ia.i
4 wortl. No,
mis Platters are the otlv
genuine md t
iabte pornut nlaHtfrm m.i
it t ot self nrnlse in the .lijh'e! degree.
Thry have etiiod tne test fur over ihir'y
ears, and In pnnf ot their inert - it U on'.v
r.ecearv r-i'l a'.ten'lon in 'ite cutes
( they huva eff rtid and l th-f voluntary
. tefctl'iKun-i i f slio-e hIi.i hav. ued them,
i Jl': a ii t ol iirtt' v lona, and do not b.i de-
cetveil rv tuUrepreselaiiitn, Ask f'ir
A'lcock', and 'et no wjli.l,atlun t-r expU
n it'OTi inJii.e iii to a :ept a suhbTituU).
Sii!..h' Vn' i
iy'PHpML, t Ty
nev irouli'.e. I
n.l.ii,fr.'i.H,ii, I'.
r !s wrac 'itl ne4 for
IWir, jellow akin nr aid
ii enarjnte'id tu'ti'vn joo
ie 75 J. H Md by V
Thousands ol "vca are saved annually by
Ihe ueeol Aver' t'ectoral. In the treatment
nf croup and w 1 -opinir cough, Ihe Ptcioral
has a rnoat marv -1- ua effect. Kallaya in
amn.alloii, frei a ihe obstruct td air passage
and contra', the desire tn cough.
Honors WorlJ's Fair.
Ti"ionij; .
Power. Latest IT. S. Gov't Report.
Paiker Hrof, j'.toctrs,
1?, M. French keeps railroad timtf
Hay your groceries of Parker Bros
I'i ja gro3rn8S at Conn's.
Kew cream cheese just received at ( 'onr&d
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, duel
Srst class work.
Smuke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
oigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II E'M physician and surgeon
Alhaay, Oro mi. OJU mal3 la e'!. or
ooantry ,
Olives In Bulk, saner kraut, mixed
dckles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons,
flaked l.omlny, and nw raisins at C
It is very
t o convince
children that
a medicine is
tVlU trni.Mr. !! 1 '
is nor expen-
fnrpd in nA.
Scoffs MM
of CcJ LIvtT
tiliHGSl (iS ').:
No prepavaLior.
Ih!;?us . .pp..
c;i. it is
s as milk,
co rapidly
.J 1
-Tve iorce
?.Icthcr3 tho world over rely
; ':n it i:: all '.v u tlnrr diseases chlltlrcn fire; heir tt.
:'--r-rrt Yy r,..U I TJ,,v ,.. ". V. Alldriiffrla
Ouo ocut a. dune.
Ttns One at Couau Club promptly cum
where all others fail, Couglis, Croup, Gars
Throat, Homrceness, Whoopinff Couth ent
Aathma. ttr Conaumptloa It bas no rival:
has cured thouaanda, and will CT'ltB TOO If
tnkfn.u time. tM by jiruK3lfti on a guar
anten. f'ftr n llm-k or ('Ii'-ft- u
llivej.ti( Hia.'iii 'Ih!srrrcc!yl3p-jr.rr.n-teedtocuroju-a. Juta. Iiii-'ctrTn.-o.
Vtjf. I armaiitnlh Rc.Kr 1.
Tl'WJ?- '' ' '' sil'''t-'ii" "
! 'i, .l. r. .tin tr .
n. l-.ii..-lr;, .. .i.'
rvnlni.' tliiti ti i' t .vi
mull(Hi('--a.fitji" :ed::ai c:
urrAto. k. .
aw raousM ruma sere i ih ..
at aAtts tt tnr,
ifST siOlMCP Vt !'. n.,.s
1.1 I
'.S. iTKiM-T!'' -I-H'.:
V,-" i
V 1-1 W amn n M - wm
. : :v r. r- c
zci in
(I n't