cMj Qemonat CITY OFFICIAL PAPER ublii'nl ovMr lay ia tha week except Sumlay. ;Tms i SITTISO, Bditori and Fror' Entered at the Post Office at Albany wregou, as second om-ta man uiatier Jill ARY: Itt IS94 Pennovek Kn do its eh. A meeting helil in Lebanon Saturday evening to con sider uovernor l'ennoyer mlifress to presi dent Cleveland. Dr j S Courtney presided. (J b Montague wiis the iiriiicipal speaker. uusouuiona were passed endorsing 1'en noyer'a Christmas letter, ns well as the Governor himself, as a gentleman of unim peachable veracity; demanding freo coin age aua denouncing all law looking to wards a concentration of tho currency, ask ing for a volume of Bound, circulating medium of gold, silver or paper, based up on the credit of the government, of not less than fW) ptr capita, repudiating the action of the Portland Chamber of Commerce and the taxpayers committee of 100, advising them to attend to their business us Governor l'ennoyer ia to Ids. A Lubanon man in sending the resolu tions, received too lato for publicationtoday, says: Allow us to suggest that tho citizens of each state should meet en mass and Html delegates to Washington and demand of congress such legislation as will give relief to the people, or request them to get down and out, and go as Judas did to their own place, and let the people by an election till their places with honest men that will rep resent the people and givo them what Al mighty God designed they should have, their daily bread. The Idea of a free poo tile and sovereign people in a hind of plen ty, starving to death for no other reason than that they have been robbed of their rights, and that by those to whom were en trusted the legislation which should have secured those rights. Arouse my country men and come to the rescue. t Yours for justice. Don't Kked Eithkk A paper was cir culated today on the streets, asking for signatures to the proposition, in substance, "which do you prefer, atoll for the bridge, or a specitic trade tux.M Under the repre- Ecntution that it was a ground hog case, and that we had to have one or the other, a good many signed. As a matter of fact the city government can bo run without either. The toll would probably be illegal, and tho trade tax is tho worst Kind of an injuatice. The proper kind of a retrench ment alone will be sufficient, as a little ficuring will convince any one. Go slow, Mr Council men. Tne Military ball occurs at Ihearmoiv tontgh. 1 The Sheriffs office wat full of CcllcttiaU to day, registering, about v'xty getting papers. Subscriptions for all leading newt paper and magazines received oy F L Kenton. A cordial in vat Ion is extended to attend the evangeiUttc serlce at the Congregation al church tonight. Arrangements are being made to intro duce the live gatre of basket ball In the Y M C A gymnasium. The Altona is expected from Salem about 6:31 10-ntght with forty couples bound for the Military dance. The adjourned meeting of the city council tonight promises to be a live one. It will have lis bands full of finance. The hour of meeting of Beulah Rebek ali Lodge this evening is at half past seven instead of 7 o'c'ock as published in a morning paper. At Washington yesterday" Senator Dolph's bill granting right-of-way to the Albany & Astoria railroad over the Grand Konue reterva'lon was favorably reporttd Yesteeday mornings overland is expec -ed to pass through Albany tonight. The trouble as usual is in the Cow Creek car bon, famous fur its land slides. Before the opening ;of the ball at the Armory tonight there wl 1 be a concert gfvrn by the orchest:i from o to 9 o'clock. McLvman's orchestra has a hne reputation and all should attend. By using Hall's. Hair Renewer, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of youth, and giows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. The Willamette this afternoon was 25.- 3 feet above low water, ond was at a stand' still. At Eugene and llniriaburg it was fallinggiadually, and it was expecled thii would reach Albany to-.ugnt. The U P trains are having a hard time these days for 100 miles or so eost of Pen dleton. There are nine or ten landslides between there and La Grande, while snow in large drifts bothered the engi neers in a number of places. Provide yourself with a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and so have the means at hand for contending successfully with a sudden cold. As an emergency medi cine, It has no equal, and leading physi cians everywhere recommend It, The continual succession of boils, pim ples, and eruptions from which many suf fer, indicates an impure state of the blood. The most effective remedy Is Ayer'e Sar saparllla. It expels the poison hamlessly through the natural channels, and leaves the skin clean and clear. For pity's sake, don't growland grutrble hecause you ere troubled with indigestion. No good was ever effected by snarling and fretting. Ee a man (unless you happen to be a woman), and take AVer's SarspaHlla, which wtil relieve you, wnetner man or woman. OI STY C'OI UT. Petition of W K Savage and others for .li virion of road, district Xo 9. wo mauled and Jul in Jenkins was appointed super visor or uio new tusiricl. alter S II. vile wiih Lvunted a f've schol arship in tho Oregon Ayciculti'ral college. Petition of J G tiros and others for a county road was grante I un l viewerj un pointed. Hi 'Is allowed; X P Payne, fees i&22? H.Hi'iflhurg Lumber Co 11.E4 F H Meninda, aect ioor 2.75 .Fas Millbanks. aect roads 5.00 M A Miller, ucct roads 3.00 Slate agt IJamford (S.CD Mark Curtis, jusct roads. 5.CD John Moriison. aect nor 4.00 G S Mikado, witness 10.00 W A Thrift, a. ct roads 20.00 K I. Bryan, aect roads 4.00 Portland hospital, aect poor 31.00 R L Downey. acA reads 10.00 I H Wyatt, exam, insane 5.00 SU'to agt Spaight 36.00 Following ii the jrry list for the coming The Faki-eys Heumltkd. Mrs F A Farlry. who left Sulem in a n.ther melo dramatic manner last lhursduy, is now staving with hei cousin, Mrs Judge Kelsev, at Corvalis. Mrs Farley walked to tho re form school and from their went by train to Albany. Mr Farley caught the next train lit Turner and followed on to Albany. There both took the Oregon Pacific train for Cor vullis. Mrs Farley is now; staying there and Mr Farley is skirmishing for a job. Mrs Farley admits that she was half crazed when she left here and that her course wr.s unnecessary. Salem J 'emocrut. Lost. On First afreet between. Jack bou and Ferry, Monday evening, a dark tan jacket cuff. Finder leave at this office. Wbar Em Out! The way to do It isti take your wash !ng lo the Chinamen. Ifyou want vour work well done at living prices take It 10 Richard V Ph'llin't bteam Laundry They know ho.v without banging them around a poie. An Aldany Jewelry Siors Worth patronizing Is that nf Wilt Jr Stark. They cany .the finest lineof silverware. wa'Che, c ockn and jewelry generally in the valley, and si' isfac'oiy prices are always given for (he supeiior quality of goods they keep in soc!;. Nev.'r buy without calling cn them. Please Keiurk. Will th person who left his umbrella at tin Presbyterian church last evening and took another in place of it, please call at the drug store of Foshay fc Mason and make proper ex change. V. P. Mason. 'If religious beliefs perplex you, and you desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal relieions reading to postotfice mission, 346 Yam hill street, Portland, Or. C E Hrowne'.I, the grocer, is in his ew and commodious marters in the P O block. where he is prepared to give satisfaction to he first class trade of the city, call on him for pure groceries and good treatment. Mr Wnllaeo Nash is in San Francisco on 0 P Business. Mr ond Mrs H M Beall went to Port land this noon. Mr Louis Viereck and son Lesley have been in Portland, where thoy went to have one of the eyes of the latter ex amined. The infant dautrhtor of Mr Claud Mans- feld, who has been ill for several days with brain fever, was reported dying this after- noun. C A Laughoad, the confectioner of Sa lem, was in the city today on bis way to fan Francisco and the east. This is not tho well known engineer, us some thought, hut Ins orotlier. Mr F S Winslow arrived in Albany from f'hicniro vsterdav anil left 0,1 the overland for San Franciseo. Mr Winslow is the su:ce-wor of Mr Ed Kedeker as representa tive of ilibbard. Spencer, liartlett & Co, of Chicago, the leading hardware firm west of Now York. His route is somewhat changed from the old one. Jle will travel from tho Oreiron line to San rrancisco, with head quarters at that city, while tho northern representative with headquarters nt Port land will iro south to the Lamornia line Mr Vv insluw and Mr Hedcker were at one time in the head office together. MISFITS There are 34 federal ofhVo holders ia Ore gon, while the state is entitled to 75. The appointing power should do some rustl ing. The O P men take thinErs good naturedly One of them remarked to-day that to-morrow the road would pay up all past in debtedness and three months in advance. Ciood news. Ppofcanc has a social sensation. The Chimes of Normandy" is to le snnjr bv local talent. Miss Alice M Hurrah, a well known vonng society lady is to bike a male part. The Iteview in a lengthy editorial called in question tho delicacy of her inten tion and warned hpr not to make an exhi bition of herself . The Chronicle denounces the editorial as a venomous and vulgar at tack. The tight is still on. Don't you know to have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the best 'way to have pure blood Is to takr Hood's SarsaprlMa. the best blood purl tier and strength builder. Hood's Pills may bt had bv mal for 2 of C I Hood & Co. Lowell, Mass. Lebanon. WTDavennoit. K E Keebler. M A Miller. A T McCu lv. Joint Cnu. J W Wilson. W L Moore. Z T Truelove. C S Leaver, J W Bnrkhe-t, H K Savage, 1 An drews. A J Adams, J C IWyeu, J W Eland. J G Boyle. J K Charleton. Cniwfordsville. J II Edwards, Ci W Glass, Win Ireland, T A Morris. Rowland. 1 II Pierce. M Philpot, 0 Butler. Albunv. John Fox. Wm Frv, Win S Foster. A J Hunt, M Hyde, C E Hawkins, Ci V Hochstedler. II A Heeker. W T Jor dan, L C Marshall, J A McFeron. H Marsh, Mart Miller, Frank McKnight. H It Hyde, Pete Kiley, Ed Chambers. M H Willds, II t Merrill. Henrv Settlemier. A Wolverton J M liulston. 1 F Conn. W H Millhollen, A B Matthews, li W Clino. I) D Hackle man. Sam Mullen. Frank Tries. T J But ler, Ubbo Peters, Morg Henshaw. II Shel- ton. Mat Scott, H 1 Lwlle. Thos Hop kins, W W Crawford. A B Morris. C W ates. J A Fuirh. John Proust. M V Daw son, Jessie Archibald, D II Bodine, N Bridges. J H Caldwell, M B Case, W S Churchill. John Clclun, Smith Cox. Shedd. Henrv.Freerksen, H R Litrcett, T A Mcriridn. V L Pnrfur. J H Cnrnntt. .1 It ivis, W B McCormick, J C Davis, B W uounett, J ai liiirton. Halsev. Fmnk Frisbv. D T Haves. Alex Kirk, M V Koontz. S S Luper, I M Miller, H Mi Mahun, J A McCulloch, Marvin Smith. H S Owen, G W Palmer, John Pearl, H C Davis, John Miller, John Cum- mine. A A Crisn. Wm M Allen, N H Bate- man, Jas Bond, C Allingham, Chas Bran don, 3 Brock. Center D F Hardman. Lawwood A Coins. Fox Vallev E A Hester. W E Potter. W j? Hammer, w 1 lurnrmge. Jordon C W Richardson. Calivan Mad ison, A M hheiton, rl H I'hilups. Scio 0 E Holdridire, ClAorire Harris, F Miller, G McDonald, Henry Ray, Job Compton, John Cvrus, HT Stanley, B roimiexter, Lr M iSelson, ti w hunps, m V Uilveu, Jaa A Kiehanlson. .1 vv uiunea, John Curl. G W Morrow, H D Calavun rrank Crabtree. Lacomb J M Hosier. M Downing, Wm Lootboro. Brownsville J B Irvins, L H (I rover, II Cable, Henry Blakely, John Montgom ery, h A Evuns, I) ii Ambrose, V Cooh'y. Peori.i J yd'on! Ie. Syracuse A FiHow, L C Statton. Wm Hale, ST Crooks. Holly-G W Puyh. Waterloo O C rerguson. w A dleason. .T M Limllev, O P Cards, MiWin Ryland H Whitney, Hnrrisburg T E Grimes, E E rpmeyer, W 6Uoftn. bamueLNixon, .1 L willoughijy II Bishop. J B Huyworlir V'm M Davidson Fmnk Dempsey, J E Bossman. D S Busey Sweet Hume J K Green, A V Hamilton h J Philpot, Jack McClure, J yo, Hen1 Nye. Shelbum-0 T Coin, H I Follis, W Wn hbu-n, B V Titue. M M Anderson, C Eiowti, A C Clirisman. Sodaville. M Jackson, It W Fisher, Wm Ingram, A K. Waters. Tcngent J E Jenks, Goo Cochran, L Lujwr, Jos Simpson, A J Blevins. Plainview Scott Ward, A P Blackburn Franklin Butto A T Powell. Orleans J V McCune. No better pi eparst ion for the hair hat ever teen In en ted than Ayer's Hair Vigor. It restores the original color to faded and eray hair, and imparts that natural gloss and freshness, everyone so much admires. Its reputation is woild wide. See the Hew Improved Singer sowing ma china. The b.tiis alwyt tlm cheapest. W Swdent asent. Office at K M French jewelry store Eeirare of Oiniwent for Catarrh thuX contain Mercery, ts mercury vilt Hetroy tin Lti.Fo of smell and ccrap. of rr.iic:c the who.o systens whtn enteriox 4iirrJ5n tfa'; nucous suifrice?. Euch artirls r-'imi";; r-?vor hi career,; prescriptions fr-.i.i rr r.tus bV? tib. sic. '.cf , as i..c ran fc'Iv rit . m v i;c,r. iL-.t'. if. ..'s Cnfrrh T'udo. O.. c- 'r r .-i fl"'l int Ttialiy, - .-nr. '; Mlv r. t'n? ! i " Mvfn lino of MVCINTOSHEH sod 30S 5AMERS, iuolodtng many novaltie for IadiR misiei "-d children, h now ale, h K lobog. Jl 'r Chattel Mortgage Sale By virtue ef chattel mirtaB eitocnred by MstTord DickMin to CqsmII & Co. hy Alien Seidel, attorujy In fct, rJted Jaly 11, 1893, and filed in th rffiwof th conntv recorder and eonrty clerk, cn July it, iS93. snd npon which deficit has bten made, I shall sell the property thrrin mentiop'-d o4 described, nameiv! iinix horsj Pnnll traction engine, No. (i-220. we No. 7 Distnn & Sons sw mardrel, one 30 inch schd fsw Ld HO feet nf 7 irch bcliinp, ,t r.uh nc sncltoo, forcnh in hand, at S.ewtrt A gnx's former place of haxinsa fct tr e orper rf Fi'St ac.d Ferrv streets, Alr-anv, Or, on Fridav, Jsn 10. iS04 at 1 o'clock p m Date 1 at Albioy, Jun 10, iS94. IltM-F.LL Ai f'O. by Ailrn Stidel ttorner in Uc. M rt tirade?. Sewtno Machines neatly repaired l wurruntpd hy thinuthly crmj t-tcr.t drk airto, atr1 M I HiK't's jewch y torr, Al!n SPECIAL SCHOOL WEETIN N'iii5 her'jhy fiven Co the legal vote of Sthtf I District No. 5, of Linn County. SUte of tieon, thnt a upecial ichool n-oet ipg ot tho .Alii ili.trtct be hold m thi 'Joint Hou.r, All'in', Ofcon, outhe 30 day of Jnnnarv, 1891' t 7 o'olook ia thi f:rrooli, for tiie followinif obj-fct,: To levy tai for t).a.anioitof tneichooli of difl'riut for the eoru:n yoa-( und to pty the interest on the dial( io- dett. Da'erl this lo'th day of Jd, 1801 . A H Stiwart D.-Mrict Clerk. J K Weatiiebfobd Cba rtnin Board of Pirectorr, EW lOKli LETTSH, Xew York, January 5. 1894. The now legislature having oriraiiizt'll at Albany, the txlitical tontfues are wagging in a uiost active manaer. The republican elected John A Malty speaker of the As sembly, acil have a substantial working majority in the srnate also. Already many dark horses" are looming up to view, for the gubumatorhl election this fall. The problem which the democrats are trying to probe lies in the advisability of again nom- nating Governor Flower. The friends of the governor, of couise, believe that his faithful services, will be rewarded by an other term; Flower by the way has presi dential aspirations. Other democrats gen erally that so called"Cleveland Democrats,1' argue that if Flower is again the candidate. he will meet wuu the same internal uuneu Isaac H Mnynard last year, lher also claim the Flower is Hill's figurehead, and of course anvthing that Hill advocates the friends of the President. tak it for granted, theyinustantagonize. The "anti-snappers" or independent democrats, who revolted unstt io Hi machine nave started an r.inization of their own, and some of the best democrats in New York havei itecomo identified with the movement. l'A-Mayor Wi R (irace and hx-fcecretarv Charles Kniivhi d nm the nrime movers ot the new democracy. It is a good thing for the leniocrats of Now oris; it is a bad thing for Tammany Hall, and thus it becomes a prood thinif for tho citizica o New York. liwausfl the niilenemlent. ciranization, is pledged to light Tammany. Persona ly Mr Plait is a man ot aiuiity aim consiuerauie wealth, being president ot the United States Kx.iress Comnauv. and receiver for tho New England railroad Considering those fads it seems hardly like'v, that Mr Piatt will attempt to ."ollow in the footsteps of the high handed and fearless gang of politicians, caning themselves democrats, who run the legislative mill at Albany lad winter. Since the election of republican '.atn officers, (the first in eieven years. muiy candidates for the governorship have appeared. V ice-prcsiucnt l-evi r morion is advanced uy some ns a prouauinty, as well as Kdward H Haiper, J Bloat Fassett and Cornelius M Bliss. The result of the irreat six day bicycle race decided at Madison Square Garden last Saturday night, was a great surprise to the many wheelmen who attended tho race during the week. The world's record for 142 hours go-ns-yon-please was 1464 nines, up to last Saturday nigni. m. ien minutes before midnight, where Schock completed his long ride with just 1(100 miles to his credit, me second, waner, was credited with 1781 miles and the ex rhamiiion Martin had travelled 1430 miles. The wildest enthusiasm prevailed in the ! massive amphitheatre whtn Schock rode his Inst lap, carrying n. huge American flag. Fully 7000 people were in attendance at tho close. Financially the affair was fairly suc cessful and the men who finished among the first six received the following divisions ot the purse of $3-150. Schock. 81200; Waller, $800; Martin, $500; Albert, SfoO; Van F.mburg, $550; Golden. $150. The winner, Albert Shock, has established a new record, which bids fair to remain for many years. Schock's endurance and speed has gained for him the well deserved reputation, ot be ing the Jong distance champion of the world. During tho last, few days we havo lost several prominent citizens. Adolph L Sanger, president of the Board of Educa tion, died at his home. Mr Sanger was very prominent in Hewbrew circles.and the public schools were closed today, as it is the day of his funeral. A lit o apoplexy carried off Orlando B Potter yesterday af ternoon at the Union club. Mr Potter was a prominent business men. Wm. F. 1 1. KoKi.Kt'it. the ladtu drnji wobiii (uktiDFUinu Will & ClKik, leneltr. If you want a ttae .mok call fcr Josib white labor cigar, The beatoaat noBee in the city at tYniftd !oyer a. Hodgei 4 MoKtrUQ-l, tore, Albany, Ou Will & Stark' large line of .ilver ware haa created a great deal of talk. Pa.roniaa home indu.try by molin( the celebrated white labor oicart, manufactured by Tuius Joseph. The O K Grubber Is told on trial. To try one does not mean ou are compelled to buy. Mfg'd by Jas. Fi.,-ey& Vohs, Brooks, Tub Things We very largely make us what we ate. N'o thought can pass through the mind without leaving some effect, however slight. Manr Blight Im pressions, In time, make mighty changes. It's the same with the body. Abuse It with poor food and take the consequences. For purity and certainty In groceries nnu naked goods, go to Parker Bros. iVll STOCK LACKS noth ing but buyers. They will Iconic. 1 hey will be satis- fried. They will buy at THE FALSEST PRICES EVER MAQc FGR SUCK QUALITIES. Visitors are not asked to BELIEVE but are shown goods to CONVINCE them that wo aro leading the trade in STAPLE AKD FANCY DRYCGODSalADIES FINE SK0ES etc. Ifyou want VALUE FOR YOUR HONEY call on us. v'CCAL AND iNSTnlMKHrAL Ml'SIC Miss llattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected witn Gates Col lege, Neb, Is prepared to give lessons In vocal and Instrumental music to single pupils or classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough cduca. Jon and is an experienced teacher Her fcfeiences are; Prot H A Shorey, William 4 Trow and Mrs Jennie Lee. Clean towels to every cuscuiner at Viereck tniviog parlors. The nnde-tigne.l, pro priiter of the Pioneer House desires to inform ine public that he has reduced the price of boird without lodging to $3 per week, wiih The public is invited to call as I keep cond u. rub a piowu laoie. nave tir wood tor sale. Corner i of Broadalhin and Wattr tret- J H AIeranda. Yours Truly Kkad, Peacock Co. Cab. at tli: i.'li-i Vierecks shaving and hair I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Feed Store. Have removed their itore to opposite the Kues House, and have on hand a full ttock of CHOPPED FEED: Cmtom chopping done. GQRVALUS FLCUrt, BHAN, SHORTS1 GERM MEAL, GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND New Advertisements. ICST. A. .TorRPv ctfvhac,k with whit ucar A I biti y. WANTED,-A cood Un Uy who will take a irlrl 12 years rf nn und rear as one of the feint y. Call at thU ofllce. triclit'lit s'oc1? ih bi dlvldood pnvinsr stoj'ft la Ihin ulti , Enquire at WAMTEt). A family in town or country who will taxoa hoy twelve years offtn who wants to R' to school and docboring tnkinur caro cf cow or horso to jtay pa t if him V eit ' p. A rpBSORnble iin'-tiint In adfiitton will lw pai:l bv his frtther for hi f irr an I kep iiiK Pariioa will m!i at thi i otHij. Jewel Stoves and Ranges Best On The Matthews a Earth Washburn. SOLE AGENTS DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CIOUNIY WARMANT.S J sold by H F Msrrlll. Bought una I P p Hum, CMl-ir. pim I, Hi tu rtt te fi tfor Hale I 'uont a po.e. Cill at Perry Conu'd. WTh".' DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musics Instruments, Etc. lodgs k McFarlanfl, The Cornet Drugstore,". Albany ,01 J EXECjTQRS notice. NCI ICE IS HEREBY GIVKNlhit the imdcrif oed txecntor of tho lant will and tf ttatnent of Frank Shtd'1, drcpafM, has rltd wnh the e'erk of the Cynoty Court far Lino Cv-onti, Orrnn, ht rial accnunt, and th court h iix-d the 5th rtay t,f March. IS'Ji t the hour cf 1 o'clocli p m, for hear ing oljpa'icnt to laid account, if any, and to "til- in etit:. This Jauatry 15, 1S04. C J Sm:DT JK W FATiiEitrorn Eierutor. Attouey foiI. WANT YO ( WOKK Foil V mkiiifi .On t, jfi.lRnn I 'Ell WEEK. F. pifcferTfd nu cu furuith a horsn sua trhvel through the coun try; a team, though, is not necesaarv. A fw TacaDO! in tewnnand ciuwi. Hnara houri may I e card to Rood advmtage. H r Johnjios ft Co. 11th and Main Sti, KichmmH, Va, W TAYLOR House Cleaner Garfleneranrl General Jolilier. Carpet Laying ard Cleaning, Chim:iey vicanin, w rmrwasmng ana Window cleaning a Specialty. Call at Boot Rlarlt K'anH .1 I..n,lrr.tK'. anavmg pariora. CEXTRAL Ponltry aiii m Market. BmatiAlbin, Ijetween Second anJ Tliird Sts., ALDANY, OR. Poultry, Fis!i, Oysters, (Ia.ns, dame in Season. Eventhing nk anil fre,li. Oivt ns a cull SCHHEER & CALLAHAN W--Tji.ji',"'!&i "CB WW B Ball m i J' ' m mmr . . . Mttu.J, In,!-, - . Wt FOR GENTLEMEN. , S4 and 83.CO Dress Shoe. S3. CO Police Shoe, 3 Soles. S2.60, 82 for Worklngmen. 82 and SI.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, S2.50 82, $1.78 CAUTION. tf any !! fn-rs yoa W. I.. llouKlae Blioea ut a rcflurol prhti, or nnyo lie lit. them with on. in. iintnA stiiniifa on an oiiiim, iiui rum clowu aa u fraud lAf. L. DflUCLAfi fhnea are stvlkh. fl. iltflnr. nnH rtw hotter atlsfactlon at the prices ailvcrtlsrd than any other make, Trjr or.s pnlr and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. UouKlas name and price on the bottom, which Euaranteca their value, aavea thousands of dollars annually lo those who wear them, lealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoe, gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of!. Th,, , rrrt B Bt ,. VTr.n anil we ,w1Ibt yoa run snv money by hrjTtnff nil vner at tlm riralrr nrl iUoat awlow. GauUocna Iroa apes spplieatton. w. X. IMI'JC..:;, Unvktiu, mkm. For .ale by the L E BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Is the Best Good Enough? Then eall cn tho undersigned forjyour GROCERIES and produce, for they are the hest in the marliet Also a fino line of crockery Perry Conn