Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 16, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    atlu cmcutxi.
Ia a few days a mcetinj of wool growers
will be hed in Salem to protest against ihe
passage of Ihe free wool feature of the U il-
on bill. Now in whose interest are these
elected few to speak? In their own. bo
they consider or ever recognize the interest
of the great masses of the people? Not at
all. They know there is the same antago
nism between their interests and the Inter
ests of the great masses of the people as
there is between the interest of the man
who buys and the interest of the man who
ells horse. The buyer wants the horse
at the lowest price possible! and the stile,
wants the highest price pojsible But no
one urges the passage of a law to compel
the buyer to pay a large price in order to
benefit the seller. But the wool grower
insists on just that kind of a law. What
motive wiil Inspire these wool growers in
whatever action they take? Pu -ely a solfi -h
one. They are self interested and super
latively selfish. They would not spend
much time and large sums of money hold
ing meeting all over the country and
sending paid lobb) ists to congress to se
cure legislation in the interests of the
masses. It is to promote their own inter
ests that they thus meet, and the fact that
they have money to spend in 'his under
taking shows that protection to them has
been remunerative. When have the mass
es of the people under the blessed influence
of protectionism made money to spend in
goinpr long distnf3s to hold public meet
ings? The tiuth is this is the most prepos
terous end cold blooded attempt that lias
yet been made to prevent the execution of
the pooples edict to untax their eveiy-day
It is to bfi made at a peculiarly fitting
time These wool growers, with an aver
ago protection of nearly 50 per cent on
their products, as show a by Ihe imports,
and far more than that through prohibit
ory rites, meet in midwinter, amid a peo
ple shivering for lack of comfortable cloth
ing, to protest against the passage of a
bill that will enable these same shivering
people to purchase necessary dolling
cheaper than now.
The Knglish landlords who tried to put
up the price of corn during the Irish fam
, ine were their hlstjric prototypes.
Instead of meeting in a hotel parlor over
their canvasbacks and wino to discuss
ways and means of diverting congress from
its duty, let these wool growers call a
public meeting at the opera house in Salem
or Tortland of tho men who have but one
coat, or half a coat, and the women v ith
one poor shawl. There are enough of
them to fill several halls. LH their or
ators present to this audience the enormous
offense of the democratic committee in pro
posing to mako woul froe, and to reJuro in
cousdpienco tlo duty on imported woolens
from IOJ to 40 or 45 per cent!
If their "protest" does not envo've n
boomerang of cyclonic forre it will be lio
causo the victims of McKinlt'yism in tln-d
towns have been numbed Into a stupor by
their want of "protection."
(Jrosvenor of OM",n"l)lim1 foil 9 we r ol the
cause of protection ,mu rmite a ridiculous
spectacle of himself in the .louu; S-ituptuy
when debating the WHsin bill lie culled
attention t a suit of clothe which ho wore
and far which he sU be puM $io.Sa lie
then exhibited a suit which he sai l he pur
c'tased in England and fur wtiiih he paid
$16.50, This suit he declared wan inre:lor
in quality to the Amc-cat mil nc wore.
This argument wan nuvJc (or the ear of the
Conutmer. It ai ntenJeJ to prove that
he McKinle taiifl of 73 per cent on thU
suit bought in KnUtd lit I no tff.'Ct on
tie price of the American utt. but like all
tiri(I arumi.t this proves ton much, l et
Ul look into this matter of ln lo 0 suit in
Knglantl for $16.5 and importing It into
thiscountrv( Wtien Mr (JroivonoiJ trr.ved
at New York witlt tha' U of c1uMie, the
first thing he hud to do wa to present him
lf to the collector o! c'M'on.. Th.j utlicrr
took the suit of clot'urft und welched them,
"Weigh. ix pcuitR Collector in'ornn y.r
G that on the weight of lhvte goods Mumc
a duty of 4v'i cent per pound. Mr G
reluctantly handed out $J.'7 for .lt priv
ilege of bringing this suit into his own count r; ,
The collector smiled blandly and at the same
time told Mr G that in addition to this tax
duty of $i. 97 on the weight of the goods
there was an ad valorem duty of 60 per cent
on the cost. Now 60 per cent of $16 50
fallimorc r.lnck. Albany, Ore.
coinpl',tt !iin v
- in all it 1 r.ttit
iuint'iuo con-.T :Vd an 1 1' .. 1 t
ai any schoolteacher wilt tell, you is $9.9o
This ailed to the fl 97 makes $11.87
the tax Mr U had to pay for the privilege
f bringing this suit into his own country.
If we add this .ax of fia. 87 to the cost o'
'he suit In England, $16.50, wo find this suit
cast Mr G $19.37 in Ne York. Now If we
can buy an American suit ot clotles for
Ho that i. as good or superior in quality to
an English suit that coils in New Yoik
$9 37i what is .he need of protection upon
ready made clothing? Taking the case a5
made by this great apostle of protection, our
Ai.ercaa manufacturer can easily compete
and even outsell the English manufacturer.
Then how silly is the cry set up by the east
era manufacturers that the passage of the
Wilson bill woull ruin their bu-lness. The
duty on this suit under the present law Is
78 per cent and under the Wihen bill it is
45 per cent which Is entirely too much
But the Uemccrat would rather see the duty
placed at 45 per cent than permitted to reman
at 78 per cent, hence it urges the parssge of
Wilsons bill.
The Herald conies out in strong terms
against the proposition to enset an incomo
Ux luw. This is tho republican policy.
Under the rcheine of protectionism the
poor are mude to pay as much or more
taxes than the rich, while under the In
come tax luw men are taxed according to
their wealth and their ability to pay. The
policy of the republican party is to shield
protected monopolies from the burden of
taxation and those burdens are thrown on
the common herd. How long will the
mass remain blinded by partisan prej
udices? ThiB opposition to the income tax
is purely partisan and selfish. Republic
ans feel if they can defeat it, this, v ill en
able them to have more and higher tariff
duties. At the same time they know they
would thus place the protected barons and
millionaires under obligations to them and
that the party would thus secure their aid
in carrying elections.
Mr Geo Flnley has been appointed post-
rraster at Crawfordsville. MrFinlevi&a
capable, honest man, a good citizen, a sound
Democrat and willmakea good postmaster.
Put up in neat watch-an-apcrl bott lea, alias
uklfd. StiMli tl.le IkMUe. &iftj.erbottia-
Both: ihe method and results nlic:
Syrup of Figs n taken; It is plcosaut
aaJ efrcs!iiiij to the tasto, cml acta
fenily yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, c!ea?scs the sys
tem ofibcttta'.ly, dispcla colds, lic&d
ncliesi ncd fevers and circs lialiittia!
constipation. Bvrtip of Figs ia tbo
only remedy; of its kind ever psn
tluced, pleasing to the tnsto and nc
ceptulilo ta tho Btoranch, prompt la
its action and truly beneficial tu iu
clfects, prepared only fro:n the most
healthy and ngrceablo eubstaucos, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all laid ltavo madi it tho went
popular remetly known.
feyrup of Figs is for saja lu 60c
nml $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable) druggist Kho
may not bavo it on bandwiU pro
citro it promptly for any cne who
widics to try iu 1)0 not acctpt any
louisviius, nr. Kit tore r.
V..' Urn. .1,.- ni..hiS.i I I - .
..... ,
r t i;i)a:i1tsii cf A'C'iie C Wiltfri, II irii-o',
"ii" " win. it , ,sw ifiniiit'i. ity u)v
l'(iirity I'o'irt t l.'un County, I) co io
m It 4 tio u il cit.ito ivIou,iu ,o said
v. i ' mi
Sstil'iUy the Sr.l ilsy of tU, ISD4, ,t ti e
I'oi" ot 1 o'clock u ni, nt ttm lurl llo.'te
ttiMtr in Allisny, l.iun County, Oregon, ei
l'-0 for silv, at ftl'Clicu, to tlie lii'hr u bid
tar, 'or rvli, tl'B follows (lesv-rt:rvl iril hlonx!i'K io siil uunor, to-wit: An
uoilivitt..! i)tic-six:rfntri rff 1I19 f.tlUmi.if
il.scrilHil tiacs of lanil aia
point on 'he north line of the honallon latd
claim of Vinornt Wation ami Mary Watson
his r.ifr. 19.40 chaius eat ftom poitntrrl
r rner i f stitt claim, it btins not Kr
claim No t.2 in Ip 11 K 4 est ol Vill.,-
".e merit)ti.i aol runi'ing .hence Rast S'J lo
chs'nl to thence soatb ll).2. chas
tlun.'a ratt . Ill ch, thence toath lit t cht,
thence wett 40.W chains, tnence north iS.,S3
chains to the place if behiorini; conttinios:
lets W sides, mote or less, all in Lion boun
ty Ore on, eul'ject to the life eatatc of
Aaron Wilson iu said lanil,
Alioliie fol owins: An nnlieiilrd one
fojr'.n ol tl followins; tract of Itm', r.etiu
ningat the soatunest rornrrof the Dona
tion IihI claim of if clit bee smt wife,
clsim N.. 78 in tp II 8 H 4, sren cf tVlllam'
rt'e Mi 'Hlian and runums! theuce eatt l.t.4i
chain to a omt thst is SS luitt nortk of an
0. x post set on Ihe south 'ide of llierountv
lojul Itierce south II) fit chjiot to a slate.
Ih.o.e t Ji c'n:ns tn,tal.e. thence
npith l.".7l chslos to a s'tkf on the
lie o' ihe IMnatkm claim o' Vircnt
Wt.ou ao.t tc, tl euce vet 7.17 chMsto
an i-ile-iorci iner of t Wal.-on c:aim.
Ih.ncc n.nt'i ." lOfl.sins t.lice- f
nin(, fill iiniv ij acre-, more t.r lew, in
1. I'll t' Ho , llrron, tuhjri't to t!.e l;fc
""il '-ion V'.. ii in ,a.,l V J
,'!m-.i tVe ni., .'in 4 h, l:M,
tiasr.liuiof Artliie I' WiI.op
If you're a suffering
woman. Tho chron
ic weaknesses, pain
ful disorders, and
delicate derange
ments that come to
woman only havo a
positive remedy in
l)r. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription. If
you will faithfully
use it, every disturb
ance and irregular
ity can bo perma
nently cured.
It's a legitimate
medicine for woman,
carefully adapted to
her delicate organi
zation. It builds up
and invigorates the
entire system, regu
lates and promotes
all the proper func
tions, and restores health and
"Fiivurito Prescription" is tho
(mlij remedy for woman's ills that's
guaranteed. If it fails to benefit
or cure, you havo your money back.
Which is the best to try,
if you have Catarrh a medi
cine that claims to have cured
others, or a medicine that is
backed bv monevto cure vouP
The proprietors of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy agree to cure
your Catarrh, farfectlv and icr-
vmncnth. or thev'll oav vou
$500 in cash.
FARMERS LISTEN. e have & fine
lot of fresh grass seed, of .almost every
kind, including cheat, and we want to sell
it. Come and see us.
At the store formerly owned bv
Allen Bros,,
for which I will itny the best cash pner
B F RfllEP
Ir. l-a(lrou-1l hI.uc
Tho Noted Clainovaitt tA Lif Rrnlcr, It nnw
Iktc, ami ran V f unl nt her renuttrui?, next dir
J U C..Ui,'iiri. nil in.ut all ttuHx-l. i
twvfrent aii.l fiiiiin-. love tni:lilfn, aWnt fruinJe and
hiiBiii?M. Vuu isn hear from vour ilead i1ci.Jh.
Notice of Dissolution
Nolice is hereby given that the firm of
Senders & Co heretoloie doing business
tinder Ihe firm name of Senders & Co has
this day been dissolved, Mr Adolph Send
ers retiring. The new firm w'H be com
posed of Mr Ed Schmeer'and James Cal
lahan who will continue the business, nru'.
will collect all amounts due the old firm
and pay all Its debts, SKxnr.Rs
Assignee's Notice.
Notice i ht rev given to all whnm ... my
co it-em. that on ihe 4Mi dnv of November,
1S:3, Anthony Prci f ri d K C Hntlrr duly
mailt) an trii;rmenf tn'n.c cf all their proper
t fort he bent tic -f nil tbtir cirditor., in
cc-mlaa ec with li e eui;.l i- iLt t
awsof the r-tto i f OieLrnn: t!i-Hfre all
liiiin bavin! cUiin nttnbt toe co part
nership firm nf taxi Tropt sod U'.il'ier ait
lifrt-hv 11. . tided ncil r((uni tt to presentthc
! i:io to nip uridi r oiih at the rfiios .f W K
r.iKfuiu the City of iAlb'iiy, Orepon with
in tin re month lrOi.i the dt herfof.
D-Ud ibio Ijth day f November,
FKAMii.iN I'ttor, AectKnet,
Iday selllnr the greatest kitchen uter.-
s'l ever Inverted. Retails for ihlrttf-tive
cenis. 1 wo iot can oe sold in every
iioujc. .11 ! nuns sou in una count- atone.
Don't miss the greatest opportuntiv ever
..iiown to make money, rasl.v and qui, klv.
San-, pie ent, postage prcna'd for five cen's.
Ml M akin & Co., Cincinnati, Qbio.
A A "ANTED Pashitf- Canvtstr of food
drev Liberal sal srv and erensrt
paid wreUv; r-rmsutut roitioo. BrtUWN
UhO?.CO., Nurserymen, Portland Ore
CCJ. M 4C KET, M.D.,
Phviolan siid Suicron, CtHet t;t.!ni ntcr tlit
urn i K'U Tn.
tUtisiiKc, corner 101b antt Ca'apia ft.
1.0RRESr.,-Th9 pier houw store.,
nplvmliil ligation, l"a 1 on the
-Hvreiary nt Ihe Pkmccpat oiTiop lor pat
IUrj;a.r f,r in brth fldirn arj
waiUi;-! plow. tiKc harrows. iron harro(
etv. I'rn o i.i prppor;iin M 5 cent
fthcii. I: p.iv irii 'o ci'l and retn.
Undertakers and - Kinlialmers.
WE KtEP ccnslrntly cn I rd full ilr.e cf rrc (n'lc, drill end wood csskets at
coffin.. Also burial rotes and suits, in lic.dcloth, m tin.ra.l ir. .,.
which will UjW at
The Lowest Living Profits).
EMBALMING nd ,h proper care ol the dead a srclalty.
The Oregon L,and Co
tVltn its home office at
S0.j3yC- - - - ORll&O. 3"
tr.e Gray BlocU, corner Liberty and Rtnte- street, branch efnee in Porllaiu
AKES a specialty of Sunnyside'ruit tracts near Salem
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $6 0 per
ere small cash payment
or particulars.
Will sell all cref kerv ware and holiday goods af
COST. Here are some prices: Lamps, worth
50c for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00
cups and saucers lo to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pel
set. Everything elso iu proportion.
Call on mo and you will not be deceived.
J. Gradwohl,
ae riorum
tTK cf alt
The foremost men ol the world write the (Iterator
of conUtnporancutts octlvity lor TUB FORUM.
Every great subject It taken up by Tho Forum wlien it naturally comet Into
public attention and Is treated by tho best authorities, without regard to parties
or creeds. It Hill keep any thoughtful reader informed on tho tasks and problems
ol the time, as no other periodical does.
To many thoughtful people, the price ol The Forum has hitherto been pro
ttlbitory; Indeed all the great Kevlewa hovo been too hlzh In price for the m ruses
of Intelligent readers. But now the number of readers ol thoughtful literature
men and women who wish really to know what it coins on in the world out
side the narrow limits of particular sects and parties-Is great enough In tho
United States to warrant so revolutionary a reduction In price. Tlie Forum
discusses Important subjects but it is not dull. The literature of contempo
raneous activity Is, In fact, the most Interesting of ell literature. American
citizenship Implies that a man shall know the opinions of the foremost men
and the latest great achievements In every tiircctioa of activity.
Tha Forum Is now as cheap as the magazines of mere entertainment.
The Forum Publishing Company, Union 5qture, New York.
25c a Copy. $3 a Year.
cf bed room. sets, chairr, lounges, etc., whicb I mil sell at
.1. .JOSEPH,
Vf il j'
c;( Cf c 'it t 'c rs t. ,t w
V, ""ssasrsMBsi
nir. '.'.xtusii i'itTot.K4Piii:nj,,:'n-
lonjr time on balance
g g6, S 8E
our ttrtoiicaU?
Titos. Brink.
Cabinet photos from $ !.o to $4.00
' rcr do,cn- Enlaiginu ; ictures
c .jlcx iIOCO vVe r.rrr a ii6. tt nck
- ol sr.d sttrt scenic. t!cr of Or
Star Bakerj
'orhrii!nllln and Flrtfi(l
stursl rruilsj, VstnnsMl Meatt
U'aBkwssrc, taessirtr,
rlcd Frnlls), Vgetableis
Tobiicco, t'lajara
Nnisar, Hplce.
oflee. Tea.
IU,, Clc,
fee .verytbtuic thht is kept In t;
i.riety and iriwHrLry store, lligheet
mftrkttt -rlce paid for
Assignee's Kotice.
In tlie matter ot tlie asmiennientof Flenrjr
rreemau PounJ.nn insolvent debtor.
Notice is hereby piven that Henry
Krecnian l'ound bus assicrned tomeai'.
hi? property for the benelit of all his
credi'ors in ao rehtneo r.-ith the laws of
the slate of Oregon relatisK to general
aKsiiinnienis liy insolvent debtors. AH
creditors of the euid Henry Freeman
Pound are notified to present t beir elaims,
under oath, to me at the office of lilsck
bur, & Wutson, attys . in the city of Al
tiany. Oregon, within three months from
the date of this iiotice.
Dated Mbauv, Cr., Dec 8'.h, 18tt3.
B. H. Ikvinii,
Xl demikiied lint tiled hi fluid account 1h
tho entitle of Kmeliitu K fUrbrouck, tlcec&srd,
with ' the county clerk ol Linn county, Oretfrtn.
and that the county court of Buid Linn umt.ty, hu
rttd b:iturday, tlie 13th day .! Junuary, t the
hour of 1(J u'cltRk ui lh forenoon nt tuid Jav, and
the counlv court house M the I'lae, for
the hear! n pf of objection! If any to naid liual ac
count and I tie settlement of laid estate.
Dated December 14th, 1S94,
O Y WRIRHT, Admin deSoni non cuna
AUyfor lUute. tenUuieatoaunexo.
Wall Paper,
Jrvirs, 1'n.intn. .:l-
(jilUKSs, 1-CtC
J. A. ftili'.liiiig
Hamper's V7eekly.
II AKrnr.'i, U ei:alv i beyond all tcwion tne leadin
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coqii of tiistiniuisltod cintill utor, and in its
amiy of readcra. In splendid Hues, it draws .n th.t
liit'hest older of ta'unt.lhu nieiibet Slttddy potitfer.
and traiiiing to treat tlie kadlrx topics cf the day. In
Acllwn, the most popular btiry miters ctntribute te
its columns. Superb drawing by the foremost artikts
illtihtnitc ltssteci.alartit.leftitt(.lories,ai.d every rot
Mo event of public interest ; it cctitaids portraits o
the distinguished men ai.d wgram who are maklnijtts
liistorj- of the timc,whil special attjntirn is given to
tho Army and Navy, Amateur Sjwrt, and Music and
tho Drama, by d;stini,til'hcd experts. In a word.
Harper's Weekly cuml lines the news features . the
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HAKPF.K'H WKEKLY .... . 4 00
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r.-rtare frfets all Fabscr'.bers hi the United States
Canada and Mexico,
The V.ihiniest'f the Weekly teii'in with tha first
NiiDter f.r January of each year, Wh?n no
time Is mentioned, suVrrlptions wit. W-in with th
dunihiir current at the time of receipt of order.
Hound volumes of Harper's Wctk.y for three years neat cl th bint Inn, will be sent by mail, post
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without the express order of lUarit k BitSTar.Ra )
Address: HARPER; BROTHERS, New Ymk
20 Easily Made.
We wsnt many men, wtmn, fart, mni girls to
work form ct lew boors dally, Mjbt in sid armris
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offered ap-ms. Voo liate a clear teld and no
competition. Eaperience aid special ability in.
necesMry. Xo capital required. Wo et)jip jm
with eeerrthitis; that yon need, treat yon well,
and help rou to earn trn tliea ordinary watjrs.
Women do as well as men, and boyt and airls
mike g.t ptr. Any on, anywhere, oan du lh-s
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pie direai.n,. Esrnett rork will snrely Irim;
yia a ares: d.'i! of monrr. KrerytUng is nee:
and in areat d, min I. Write tcT our pamplil.1
circular, and nceive f ill information, ho ham
d ne if j-o-j cTi'-inle not to go on with c!..
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Cox A3?,
wTStcmoai ace i :L" Urs-r Lii'.v IkMdss