Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 15, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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"jbtis'iil ,Mrir I ay in the week
except Sunday.
mm i NUTTING, Editor, and Prop'r
Entered at Ihe Post Office at Albany
Oregon, as neooria oias mall waiter.
An Ixjuhiice. A specific trade tax
will not meet with favor among a major
ity ot the merchants of Albany. They
already pay their share of the taxes, and
there is no more reason why they should
pay extra than the capitalist, or lawyer
or doctor or any one else. Kuuene City
is run on a Ave mill tax. Albany cer.
tainly can he run on an eight mill tax
with the license revenue. This can be
done by reducing expenses alone. The
city cau be run on 84O00 or $3000 lese
than formerly. This will do the business.
A small revenue might be added by tax
ing all kinds of intiuerants.and perhaps a
a few other things that will not be an
additional burden, but the merchant
should not be compelled to pay his eight
mill tax and a speciUc tax in addition.
There is no justice in that, even if a few
cities in the U 8 do have trade taxes.
Sisi'esdeu. Portland Customs In
spectors W W Chambers and Robert An
drews have been suspendid by Collector
lilack, pending an investigation into a
charge of carelessness preferred against
them. Durinir the recent, visit of the
steamer Signal to the port, while the
above-named inspectors were on duty, a
contraband Chinese passenger managed
to elude their vigilance and got ashore.
TlieBO facts have been transmitted to the
treasury department at Washington.
Mr Chambers was formerly of Salem, and
Mr Andrews, of Halsey. The latter is a
man of reliable character, and when the
matter is investigated it will probably be
found that he was attending to bis busi
What Dou It Mean. The Lincoln
Coaoty Leader Bays : CC Hogue was in
the city last night. He brought a deed
from T Kogerton Hogg to W M Hoag
wherein the Col transfers all the Yaqui
na docks, wharf, right ol way and all
terminal property that remained in his
name or that he waB in any way inter
ested. The instrument was a volumi
nous document, covering about nine
pages of closely printed tppe-written
manuscript in me description alone.
The consideration l.amed in the deed is
$5.00. It is evident that Col Hogg
wiBhestoget the title of his Yaquina
property out of hiB hands, for reasons
best known to himself.
Regular meeting of the WCTU at the
hall tomorrow afternoon.
The Lincoln County Leader and Toledo
Post are embracing each other in an affec
tionate manner.
There will be a si,t-.lal meellnir of lieu-
lah Rebekah Lodge tomorrow evening at
half past 7 o'clock. Let all members attend.
The military ball occurs to-mcrrow
night. An excursion was expected to
morrow night from Salem, but, owing to
the high water It will be impossible.
It Is reported that Mr Smith, one cf
the keepers of the Cape Foulwearther
lighthouse, had killed a silver grav sea
otter one day this week . The fur of this
otter is the most valuable of all others.
Lincoln County Leader.
A tramp scared a young lady near
Denmark, Curry county, lately, so badly
that she ran off in the woodB, and was
lost for two days and a night. She was
alone in the iiouse when the tramp tried
to effect an entrance.
The S P are putllrg electric earch
lights on their engines, and the two Hogg
engines running Into Ashland, are to be
equipped soon. These search lights are
verv powerful and long distance peepers
Into darkness, being able to threw a tight
lor miles.
Come to the evangelistic meeting at the
Congregational church to-night. Meet
ings wi'l be held eaci. evening of this
week beginning at half past seven con
ducted by the Rev Cephas Clapp . You
are cordially invited.
The Willamette is 2'A feet above low
wbter mark this afternoon and is slowlv
rlslng. Ljst evening it was 17 fe-t
above low water. At llarrisburg it lack
ed 4 inches cf the November rise, and
was continuing to rise. At Eugene it is
falling. At Albany 27d feet was the
rsovember rise.
Senator Mitchell has presented to con-
press a "petition ox the board ot trade ot
Leeene. Oregon, praying that an appro-
nrlation of 8' be made for the im
provement of the Willamett river in the
state of Oregon, between llarrisburg and
Eueene in that stale; which was referred
to the committee on commerce."
The Halsey Building Association held
their regular election of officers last week.
The following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: President, MV Koomz,
treasurer, Caleb Gray: Secretary, HG
Plymate ; vice president, D J Isoru; direc
tors, n J Isom, W O Uond and W H
MrsC O Lee went toCorvallis this noon
to visit relatives.
Mr Geo C Stunard went to liron nsville
today on buiiiiess.
License was issued todAv for the mar
riage of Mr Harvey England Mrs Sarah
A Crowder.
W C Breckenridire left this noon for
Roseburg, where he will work on the
Soldier's Home.
Mr Lonner Ralston, of Olex. E. O.. re
turned home this noon after a couole
days visit in Albany.
Mrs Richard Conn and daughter re
turned to their home at Portland this
noon after a visit with Albany relatives.
Rev Mckee, of South Dakota, arrived
in Albany last evening and will occupy
the pulpit of the Baptist church for
E L Power returned this noon from
Salem, where he left his mother, who had
tieen dangerously ill, slight)' better, with
prospects of recovery.
C A Laughead left today for San Fran
cisco and the east, going from Albany via
the Oregon Pacitic line. He will be gone
several mouths.
Y'esterday was tho SStli birthday of
Kev J Li rarnsh of Salem and he cele
brated the day by preaching at the First
11 , church in the morning, lie is I ie
eldest pioneer in the state.
F H Pfeiffers new confectionary store,
near the Democrat olli'-e is a neat place
well located, llr Pfeiuer has mst re
turned from Portland, where he made
some choice purchases for hia trade.
Drs Mr and Mrs Beers arrived in Al
bany from Wasco. Saturday evening,
and will locate here permanently. They
are successful practitioners and built up
a splendid reputation in their recent
home. Dr Mrs Beers is an old resident
of Albany and has many frienda here
who will be glad to see her mace this
tier permanent home.
A store run without advertising is like
a church without a minister. A minister
is needed and so is advertising. The
more lively and regular the pastor the
more prosperous the church even in dull
times, and the satuo is true of business.
An eastern exchange says : "For the
first time in the experience of fruit deal
ers, c ranges are cheaper than apples."
At least no time during the last fifteen
years have oranges sold as cheap as ap
ples. A barrel of apples in the eastern
states is now worth more than a barrel
of oranges and three times as many
apples can be sold with this discrepancy
The Astoria Railroad. The sub
soriptiona to tho railroad subsidy are
coming in steadily, though slowly, xes-
terday about a dozen of tiie contributors
to the former subsidy brought in their
new deeds. The property owners in Bonie
instances are showing a disposition to be
more liberal, and it is likely that the
bonua will be a big one when it is com
pleted. James W Welch, who owne 2S0
acres in all, has subscribed GO acres,
and Ihe Van Dusen Investment Co. will
hand in their deed today. The Tongue
Point syndicate lias given 54 acres and
about a mile and a quarter of waterfront,
which is 20 per cent of their entire prop
erly. Astorian.
An Assignment. F C Avers & Co., of
Lebanon, have made a general assign
ment to J W Menzies for the benefit of
creditors. The assignment roll shows
their assests to be gWilili and liabilities
$1237.77. The principal creditors are
Foster & Robertson, $584.50; A A Kees,
$423 53; Cirbben, Sexton & Co., $115.00;
Corbett, Failing & Robertson, 8211.58;
Zan Bros, Fieldman & Co., $32.07; S A
Nickerson. 810.17.
Committed Suicide. Eugene Camp
bell, aged 3.1 years, brother of the pro
prietors of the Guard and for years a
compositor in this office has been miss
ing since weunesuay morning last, xie
had recentiy been making preparations
for a much needed rest and arrangements
lias been completed whereby he was to
leave for San Francisco one week from
next Sunday, on a two months' visit.
His habit had been to commence work
at his case about 0 o'clock each forenoon.
On the morning in question he came to
the office shortly niter that hour began
work but in a few minutes he resumed
his hat and coat and walked out without
remarking his intentions. Iothing pe
culiar was anticipated until shortly be
fore 10 o'clock when, as he did not re
turn, this strange turn in the face of his
closely rezular habits, surprised his
brothers and inquiry as to his where
abouts began. Guard. His body was
found thirtv-five miles from Eugene. A
pen knife with blood on it and a wound
in his body showed that he committed
noutB roxaiDEBiKu
Will & Stark, ft. iewe!er
If voa want a tine tmukc call for Joiunh
white labor cigar, '
The beat!roat ooffea in the oitv at CIi mad
iff tfyer a.
Hodges & MoKinaod. the lent in ir drill
tore, Albany, Ol.
Will & Stark's laree line of silver ware
has created t great deal of talk.
Pa.romse home induatrv hv amnLinothn
celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured
by lu'ius Joreph.
The O K Grubber Is sold on trial. To
try one does not mean vou are compelled
to buy. Mfg'd by Jas. Finney & Sons.
Ax UCTOdENAREAK Dead. Mr Charles
Phillip GrafT.father of Mrs John Althouse
and Mr Fred Graff, of this county, died
in Portland last evening at the advanced
age of 80 years. Mr Graff has been u
resident of Albany for several years part
of the time, coming here first about
twenty years ago. Jle was boin in Ger
many, and was a man of sterling worth.
Violating an Ordinance, There is an
ordinance making it nn offense punisha
ble by a fine of at least i.j.00, for boys to
jump on and off trains while in motion
inside the city limits. Conductor llmton,
of the Lebanon train, complains that
boys are in the habit of jumping on his
train while moving on the switch, often
nearly losing their lives. If not stopped
they will be prosecuted.
The wav to do It 1st" take your wash
ing to ihe Chinamen. If you want your
work well done at living prices take it to
Richard & Phillip'" Steam Laundry.
Th?y know how without banging them
around a pole.
An Albany
Jewelry Stork
Worth patronizing Is that
of Will 4 Stark. They carry the finest
llneof silverware, watches," cocks and
jewelry generally In the valley, and sat
isfactoiy prices are always given for the
superior quality of goods they keep in
stock. Nevjr buy without calling cn
AnAncryMan. Why? Because his
nnels were returned to him all shrunk
Then send yours to the City Laundry,
y waili them without shrinking or
king them rough. Special care with
curtains. Heincmhcr the place 1st
ppSt Charles.
Beino TAKEN.-Today43Chiuamen had
had their pictures taken by Crawford
Paxton and six or seven moe were ex
pected, preparatory to registration. $1 25
for the necessary pictures is Daid. TherB
are about 120 Celestials tributary to Al
bany , but only about ha'f ol the number
will register, which is a larger percent
age thai in most places.
Pleisi Reivbn. Will the person who
left his umbrella at thi Presbyterian
church last (vening and took another in
place of it, please call at the drug store
of Foshay & Mason and make proper ex
change. 1). P. Mason.
'If religious beliefs perplex vou, and
vou desire a faith at once reasonable and
uplifting, send for free liberal religions
reading to postoffice mission, 34O Yam-
nin street, Portland, Or.
Sewing (Machines neatly repaired and
warranted hy a thoroughly competent work
man, at K.M French's jewelry sore, Albany
Don't you know to have perfect health
you must have pure blood, and the best
way to have pure blood Is to take Hood's
Sarsaprilla. the best blood purifier and
strength builder.
Hood's Pills may be had bv tnal for 25c
of C I Hood & Co, Lowell, Mais.
Mv fall line of MACINTOSHES and
3USSAMF.R8, including many noveltie
for ladies, miases d children, now
ale. 8 E Young.
See the Kew Improved Singer sewing di
ehine. The hit isjalwsvi the cheapest.
W Sawden, agent. Office at F M French
jewelry store
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
contain Mercury,
as mercery will snrcly destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange tio whole system
when enterinK it through tha Liucons surfaces.
Such articles should r.e--jr ba uMt except on
prescriptions from'! pnysie'r-ns, as the
damaae the? Wll t".n is -n fr', .o Ka ,;oo,l Ton
enn po-'-ihlr :!-.-ui-e Iron
Albany, Jan 15, 1894
Editors Democrat :
Will you please publish this article for
me as there is quite an agitation over
the steel bridge crossing the river at ou
citv. The nuestion is shall we toll th
bridge. A few thoughts on this question
mav oe of benefit to the readers of your
valuable paper. This city has the bridge
and can any man now living inside of the
corporate limits say that mis ib
Iree to mm, as ins property is laxeu 10
keep up what should be kept up equally
bv all.
Proposition 1st is. has not the city of
Albany paid about 1-5 ot all the costs of
over 40bridges now in Linn county. Does
not this citv Day vet on all new ana re
pairs on the bridges at tills time. I hope
any one can now see lio-y this is tree,
yes tree to 7,ouo citizens mat ought to ue
taxed equally to pay with those that are
now paying, ineiactia now plain uiai
there is only 7UU paying me entire ex
penses of this structure which 7,000
ought to be equal in. Now is there any
other wav to equalize t.lus only to toll
isow Mr (jounties come to me lront ar
eoualize this bridge bv taking it where
should he. Is this Bridge 01 no vaiue to
the two counties that join on each side?
Now is the time for tfiia city to nsk for
equal rights and there is no other wav
only to toll the structure, or the counties
come to our aid and then make it free.
This will be justice to all, and tha. is all
we can ask.
But if Linn and Benton will not come
to our aid, go for toll, a small toll to keep
it up. This ia just, and due us. Now
there is some that wants to license nil
trades. This does not work, for we are
charging ourselves to pay ourselveB, or
in other words, Albany is in debt $5000
per annum for this bridge. Now you
tax our traders and the trader ndils a
small per cent to pay his license thus we
Eay nil the enure nmt by the city ot ai-anv.
While the toll will not help some, it
will be equal to all. If A Uvea 5 miles
from this bridge, and crosses the river
as often as B, should B pay or have hiB
property taxed to pay for it. Ana No.
Now A is a county man. B is a city
man, you see the city man is paying the
county man's toll as it now etands. Free
bridge! talk about free bridge while
there is $5,000 to be paid each year.
Who pays this? Think w hat this means,
$5000 to be paid by COO tax payerB, while
It should be 7000 Those propositions
cannot be argued by jusiici only by a
To further illustrate, pay my county
tax, iucludingall the .nidge ccstB of the
county. Here the county ceases and I
have to pay on the Albany bridge. Is
ibis justice end equal to all.
com:e aoain.
V L Arrington Is in the alntn npnilen-
tiary for three years, because his ac
counts were short as treasurer of Doug
las county. He doesn't know how thev
came abort. ltwaalla mystery. To
settle the matter he gave up every cent
of property; but lie simply used other
peoples money w hen he had no right to,
and the law said it was embezzlement.
At the same time he undoubtedly nvver
intended to cotnin't a crime.
The total assessment for money, notes,
accounts and shares of stock for Multno
mah county, for the venr 1803, in round
numbers, is $3,4C0,i'CO, in Linn county
$1,136,000, in Lane county it is $891,980,
11 "nilUU CUIIIllV lb IS l.i-H.UOll. Ill
Umatilla county it is $S38,000, in Union
county it is $000,000. in Yamhill $1,000.-
000. As a matter of fact the total amount
of money, notes and accounts in Multno
mah county 13 probably more than ten
times that of Linn co'inty.
Pendleton instituted an early closing
movement. The result has a familiar
ring. The F. O savs: Dry goods
and clothing stores will remain open to
night as late as the proprietors please-
The agreement has been kept until
Thursday evening, when R R Dixon
withdrew on account of the fact that O
M aughan refuesd to join in the plan.
The other merchants say they will now
disregard the contract, inasmuch as it
has Peen broken by one of those who
signed it. The result will be that all will
be open and the clerkB will not have their
The Tiiinos W Eat
very largely make us what we are.
No thought can pass through the
mind without leaving some effect,
however slight. Many slight im
pressions, in time, make mighty
changes. It's Ihe same with the
body. Abuse it with poor food
and take the consequences.
For purity and certainty In groceries
nnu ojicea goods, go to Parker
ing but buyers. They will
come. Ihey will be satis
fied. Thev will buv at
'ocal and Instrumental Mtsic.
miss jialtie Warner a graduate of the
conservatory connected with Gates Col
lege, ret, Is prepared to give lej6ons In
vocal and instrumental music to single
pupils or classes, at reasonable terms.
Miss Warner has had a thorough educa.
uon and is an experienced teacher. Her
feiences are; Prof il A Shnrey, William
l iiuw uiiu itirs lenme
Visitors are not asked to
BELIEVE but are shown
goods to CONVINCE them
that we are leading the trade
SHOES etc.
If you want VALUE FOR
YOUR RS0NEY call on us.
Yours Truly
Read, Peacock A. Co,
Clean towels to"everv customer at Viereck
sluving parlors.
The nnde'sigued, pro
prictcr of the Tioneer House desires to inform
the public that he has reduced the prioe of
boird without lodging to $3 per week, with
lodging $ perjweek. Single msali 25 cents.
The public is invited to call as I koep good
beds anil let a good table. Havo fir wood for
sale. Corner I of Brnadalhin and Water
"'"eta. J H alERANnA
An Excursion. Arrangements have
been made for the elegant steamer Altona
to take a special party of Salemites to
Albany on Tuesday evening to attend
the military ball to bo given at that citv
on that evening. Capt Graham of the
Altona. informs ins agents. J L Mitchell
& Co , that owing to the high water he
will make arrangementa to leave baiem
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, bo as to
arrive nt Albany befoieO. statesman.
Baths at
tl 1 : ,.,
Price's Cream Bcklng Powder
World's Pair Hlgheat Award.
New Advertisements.
T OST. A Jersey caif,b'aek with white
j now, from Horace Jroman's larni,
r t t, ,1 .1 ....
1. i,rune.i. me grocer, is in his new
and commodious nunrter in tl, I ri i.i.u
where he is prepared to give satisfaction to
he first class trade of the city, call on him
for pure groceries and g-ood treatment. mmm
o better pi eparation for the hslr hai
ever Leen tn.ented than Avers Hal
ig(r. 11 resiores me original co;or to
ra.ica and gray hair, and imparts that
naiurai gicss ana tiesnness, everyone
much admires. Its reputation Is woi!d
(me, nmn-j
Toicil, r:., ,
infernally, lit
riiTicru-. 'irf.-c
r-irn-rh l-i-r-. i
hk- n i --.t-.-i-t."
r . .1. I t
:;iis r.c r:
s t'itnrrh
r. 1;t ncv ft Co..
- ry. a; ! ! IfiW
fl. t
1 !:u-
. I' li
P"nlan1. (trsin. A, P. ArmtTrona'. I'rtn.
Bnir-ti Mi'-il : Cavit tt. IK s. i tuf -r. f.-ilrn, u'fiB
fnniecomm of ftuttr. rjtiue rctM of tunina.
Business, Short hand,
tf-ln ---in ibro-jiTrion' tli.- iu. . iri.-l.'iir
at si- UIM2. t'.'M'.- la ti'i.u ti'.'jir iluojI ff
A Grand Hall. A Grand Uniform
ball will be given by F Co, Second Reg
iment ON G. at their hall on "nd st
Tuesday evening Jan III, 1 8'.4. Mr
Leymans orchestra ol alein have been
engaged to furnish music. The public
are cordially invited to come and have a
good time. Spectators tickets 5 cts.
Danco tickets fl.UO- A grand concert
will precede dancing.
are l'oa Nervoas,
Are you all tired out ,do you have tha
tired feeling or sick headache? Voucan
be relieved of all these symptoms by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparllla which gives nei t
and bodily strength.
Hood's Pills are eas In action.
near Albany.
TANTED.-A eood family who wll
t V take a ulrl 12 years of aea and rear
as one 01 the lamtiy. lau at mis omce.
OR SALE .21) shares of Albany elec
ti-lclizht atoo'c lbs b3t dividend
in this uiti. Enquire at
paying stojk
this olllce.
-TA7TF.r 1 family In town
V country who will take a boy twelve
years or age who wants 10 g-j .0 scuoa
and do chorlug taking care cf cow or
hnrsn tn Tiav nnft of hi keeping. A
reasonable amount in addition will be
paid bv his father for hi care and keep
lug. l'anios win can at tail uiiua.
flOUN'lY WARR ANV.S Boujrht and
J sold by H F Merrill.
II (IP niles, od'. nolnle 1. In bundles
II for sale I'ceiit a poio. Call at Perry
Vierecks shaving and hair
I. A. Morris, k Co.
Flour ami Feed Store,
Have removed their ftore to opposite
the Rus House, and have on hand a full
ntock of
Cuttom chopping done,
Jewel Stoves
and Ranges
The Best On
Matthews & Washburn.
Chattel Mortgage Sale
By virtue cf achittel mirtgane executed
by J-Ufford Dinkmn to Kiwaei. t Cn. hy
Allen Heidcl, a'.tomjv in fact, dated July
11. 1803, and filed m the tfliceof the county
recorder and couity clerk, on July H, i8!.t
and upon which default hat been made, I
shall nail the property therin mentioned aod
described, nainelv: One tix hnrsa I'.usao.l
traction enitine, No. f22. nue No. 7 Iton
tt Sons hew mandrel, one 30 inch olid w
nd 140 feet nt 7 inch runher belting, a! pub"
no auction, for cish in hand, at Htewart A
Sox'a former place of businefa at the oorner
of First aod Frrv atreetv, Ihanv, Or, on
Friday, Jan ij( 1804 at I o'clock p in
Dated at Albany, Jan lO, iS'J4.
KrELL Ac Co.
by Allen Seldel tlturney in fact.
Tiie Tlect fihoca
for the iusttit iViuncy,
VV tht
thai makins . .OO tc ft3S.OO
FEK WEEK. Pa' preferred who cn
furmftb a none and travel through the coon
tr;a team, though, is Dot necessary, A
few vacancies in tcmand ciuee. Spare
noun may ue nsea in ffooa advantage.
fl F J0HN.SO5 &Co.
11th and Main SU, HichmonJ, Ya.
Stationery, Toilet Artii'es, Musici
Instruments, Etc
Hodrres k McFarlanfl,
The Correi Drug Store,". A:bnr,oi
House Cleaner Garfleneraml
General Jobber.
Carpet Laying and Cleaning, Chimney
UieamnK, n nuewasning ana
Window clearing a
Call at Boot Black Stand at Lundreth't
having parlors.
Poultry and Fisl Uriel.
ErotMialbin, between Second nnd Thinl Sts
rouiiry, nsii, oysters, iiains,
Game in Season.
Everything nice nd fresh. Give ns a call
$6, S4 and S3.60 Dress Shoe.
S3.E0 Police Shoo, 3 Soles.
S2.50, $2 for Worklngmen.
$2 and 81.75 for Boys.
$3, 32.60 82, $f.7G
riON.-ir nny dmler
you W. I., nouelaa
or nay lie baa t hem with
out uia nnme aumipeu
on uta mniom, put nim
uon urn uirmuu
W. L. DOUGLAS Shoe are stvlMi. ens fit tin?, and ptve better
Satisfaction nt the pike advertised than any o'ther make. Try one pair and be con
vinced. Tho atamplng of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which,
puaranteea their value, enves thousands of dollars annually to thone who wear them..
lealera who push the anle of W. L. JouKlaa Shoes gain cuntomcra. which helps l
increase the sales on their full line of goods. Ti.ry enn nnT to alt at n If-n profit,
and we bellevo yon run hht mony hj bnylnyr nil your fnnfwrar of th ilt-slrr advor-
Vor tale by the U E BLAIN CLOTHING CO.
Is the Best
Good Enough
mr . aip.i-Ct. ,.JX
Then call on the undersigned forjyour
and produce, for they are the lest in the market
Also a fine line of crockery
Perry Conn