Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 15, 1894, Page 1, Image 1

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    Minim fa lib- itiiiffM
NO 2
ox will ImvX.
SKljjjj SL LIFE j
S. 1'. Smith, of Towatiiln, Pa.,
whoso constitution was completely
broken down, is cured ly Ayer'3
Sarsapavilla. He writes:
" For eiflit years, I was, most of tlio
time, ft great sufferer from constipa
tion, kidney trouble, ami Indiges
tion, eo that uiy constitution seemed
to bo completely broken down. I was
induced to try Ay ex's Sarsapnrilla, and
took nearly seven bottles, with Mich
excellent results that my stomach,
bowels, and kidney nro in perfect con
dition, and, in nil their function', as
regular as clock-work. At tl.a t'.mo
J began taking Ayer's Sarsnparilte, my
weight was only l'JH pounds; I hot can
.Kag of pouids, anil was never in so
goo liealth. If you rotild see mo le
foro and after using, you would want
mo for a traveling advertisement.
believe this preparation of Sar-apurilla
to be the best in the market to-day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared t,; Ir.J. C. A jit & Co., Iowi-tl, Mum.
Cures others, cure you
0. jM. McFaEa!aRd
:- DEAI.KH !N -:-
Harness - and - Saddler j
Display k the Ccoi
!)ru gists and Boidx-
Ape-t.tircr John B. Alriwr'n . ir,
;i:vh v. !) a oi!i.ler''i . r k
l,!llt. IK((.I-
for Infants
HfRTY yflftrV otiBcrration of
millions of pemonw jprni i tti
It in unqorninnaS1y -tbo Tioat rftmndy fnrjsi fant and Children
the world h tvr hno-wTi. It in harmlet'. ChiMmn like it. It
glvei them health. It will n-ivo their Hwn. Tn it Mothon have
emethlnttwhlch in wholt1y naffj and pr.irticRlly perfrot tm
child! medicine,
Catoria etroy arn.
Castorla allays Fovoris.inM.
Castorla prorents TOTnlttTis Soor Card
Cawtorta nre Dlftrrhoa and Wind C rd? c
Casteria relieve Teething Tronhlon.
Camtoriajptues Constipation and Flntnloqcy.
Catteria nentralizes tho effect of oarhon.o acid gas or poUonons alr
Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm . erthenarootic property.
Castoria a wimilaTes th eJoodegn2tshojttomach and howels,
giving healthy and natnral sleep.
CMoria Is pnt np in one'sire hottle only. It is net sold In hoik.
Don't allow any one to sell yon ttTthingNeonJ h e plea or premise
that H is "Jnst as good " and M will answer vm pprpo'C.
8 that yen get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A .
The faesimile
ignatnre of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
"As old aa
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
ia tho verdict
o f millions.
Livor llegu--r
. lator is tho
rpffpjoY Liver
and Kidney
medicino to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, net
r '77 ig directly
f"f 11 C oa the Liver
- and Kid
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines.
' I hnvo used your Simmons I.lvrrncRU
latormul fan huy it is the
kin of nil livor im-dii-ltu-H, I coufider it a
jiiodicim' chest in itself. Geo. V. Jack
Aon. Tucoinu, Washington.
tlia C Stamp In red on wrapfteih
J F. FORD, lmi
'if M'j.n". 'MV. vrt-s uiidtirdile of
M.rcSi 23. IS03:
. tt Meu. .!k,i Co..
Dofur, 0-'L'ir.
Or arriliuc lr:r.u lm.t A , I h.umlall
cll and ftiix'n.nlv s'ai:iii'. Jittle
ill, e ihl mt i !l .',!, who had
wa ted nv.v. ?& p.ui-d... :H ?.nw well,
mnnn yl viy.T' nnd well Heshtd up.
S. li. (Jciiii Tit.. lr: .1 i: i".. vnrk weii.
liotli of the ci'iUiioi) like it. S H.
Couli Cum haa cured and k.'pr, away all
lioirv'njfhH lioin tne. So uive it to .ivcy
we. with ste tiuk for all. Wuhing yoL
liro.;tlt,ii y. vre ari
Your', Mi. t lljt J T 0.V.
If ytitt wUh to r. uliitNn mill uhocriul, anil 'ottiiy
f-T tliL'.Siirinu'i ..t.-k, rlcun.u yiur hihU'Iii wjth tiie
111'ailaiiicaini l.ivjr Curn, l-taking to or three
ii'iL-L-acli wt-ik.
Ji ci nil r-ir iMiit!.-, by ail drowiau.
.81 1 ui:i!t (irrdtiv 'j riiamatep l.v
!isr.- Vr he ermtHinin!r ftvrnl ar
A -i" V. nan e- rn. jf 'on nd please i nrker ir leave at Parker
lKr.i.i. 'il r.v a row hi-''.
and Children.
Cftntorin witlt lb f patron ago of
itn wpcalr of tt xrithont gnciwia g .
TUe Ileal of Itrnnoiu.
The reason why AMcock't Porou ?l.s
tera are ponular la that n... i.. ...n. i
on to cure.
i. Lame bsck, iciatica, atiflVai ir
twillhlng of the muscles. t
3. Chest troublei, such a pleurisy, price
moma, consumption.
3. Indigestion, djsrcjio, biliousness,
kidney complaint.
The nuccess, however, will depend upon
Ihe fjenulnjnes. of the iila,ter used. The
popu atity of Alcock's Porous'r has
been so grcot that multitudes of imitations
have sprung up on everv hand. The onlj
sure cure is to gel the genuine Allcoc's
Porous Plasters.
Hrandreth'8 Tills Improve the digestion.
Portland, Scramenlo, Los Angeles
SlccKton and Salem have the same Insur rales. Albany, Or, Butte and Helena.
Montana Mull I r:i.. T - i
... ...... ..unw ,i', Aai.u.ii, ttnu
W alia Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have
(.111, C'Viib ItllCO.
When Pally was sick, wo gave her Castoria.
When ulie was a Child, site cried for Castoria.
When eIu- bocanie Miss, b)io clung to Castoria.
"Then she had Children, she gave them Castoria
tteareuill iseliing Dress goods and
J-a esand Jackets .it greatlv reduced prices
for cash. We invite you to examine the
Keti, I'eacock &Co goods and prices.
Backii.fiham'n Dye Ir.r the Whiskers does
itt-Jwork thoroughly, coloring a uaiformjbrown
-'-v. ... neu u-y, win neither rut
wash off, nor soil linen.
People w ho have tiled it, say that there
is no letter mrdiinn f..r .1....
Ayer s Sarsaparilla. It may not give one
B.umuijii 1,1 an oKtricn, tnt it 00
strengthen the alimentary orgar s thut
dijiebtion of'ordinary food htcomta tiey and
Yut,V)JC it I? Sint Hie o
raw3K'9 forsuiUn;s in the state nt W R
Cir&hainV where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and most stylish
suits of him. A new feature will be the
making of ladles' clcaks to order, or the
altering of cioaks to the latest styles, and
w-,ii 01 c.oaK i-nces ars bot
tom ones. . J,
Thin orcrav hair and 1aM Sfw. in
displeasing to "many pccple os maibsof
Hye. may re averted for a long time bv
uHng Hall's lair Kenewer.
Shi.oh's Cure, tne -treat couuli and crmm
cure, is for sale by as. Pocket size cnutains
wenty-nve discs,only 2oo. Children Ijvo it
Oihav & Mason.
A Good Plan. ft is a good plan to
inscribe for and read carefully vnnr own
home paper, as It is the aim of this pa;;r
to make It an educational factor In the
community. (Jesuits that, if you nre out
of a job, or wish to ir.crease vour Income.
then here ia the place to find U. In an -ether
column you will find an advertise
merit of It F Johnson & Co, of Richmond,
h 1 iur wontem, inat may interest you.
Whatever may be tfje cause of blanch
ing, the hair my be restored to Its oriui-
nal color bv the use of that potent remedy
itn,. r.. ' i'im ,1 J
vm.-u.uic oicumn iiair nenewer
one Srttn;i Bife uean everv ntri:t r..r
Cvt-keiouaoTcrp"1 Libera, sm. per bottlu
The Vrenlne Ami The tthnni.
Every good thln has its host of Ini
tiators; every genuine article Its counter-
tetts. lhc imitators nlwavs choose Ihe
most valuable and popular article to
counterfeit, so that when lheycilm tSeir
sham to be equal, or as goo 1, or the same
as So and-So's,'' the pui.lic may dep-nd
upon ir i not -r.o-ana o's" artic.e tt ihe
heit of the kind. The sham proves ihe
genuine irerlt of the thing it copies and
never ha this been better lUiu'rated than
bv tV imitations of Allcock's I'orous
Allcock's Porous Plaster is the standard
of evcellence the world over, and Its Im
itators in their civ thai theirs is "as god
ps Allcock's"' are onlv ciiiniiaslrlni? this
fact and admitth.g 'AlIcorkV" to be the
acme of perfection, whic it Is their hhTh
e?it ambition to Imitate. The difference
bet ween the genuine and these Imitations,
which copy only general Is as
wide as that between n.pper and gold.
The only safe ay for purchasers Is to
alwavs Insist upon h avion Allcock's Por-
rns riastera Thev are the vny perfect
pikkiers ever prnuueen.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Dr. Price's Crearn" baking Fovtlcr
Most Perfect Made.
Altiany flirltet.
Onn. fJ:.
I 'onr, 4.W.
utter. 'His.
!rrlt ll to ir".
I'ork hums I2ln I. : nhoulrter.ft t- ire.
ffT lisind T
s 4:
Kvr . 4'
it e I fa-iil' r'ir . (,'-, (r
(ii'k'fi. t '. ' P r ' "" 1
PfT on f --(. IV'.
Hoh, dre -1. ft
Au Itallaa I irltng.
New Vohk. Jan 14 Harold Krederie
cables the Times from London:
1 have good reasons in believe that dur
ing the coming fortnight or three weeks
there will be a more or less concerned at
tempt at revolution in various ;ort;ous of
Italy. My principal informant is a con
tinental publicist, at present living in
London, who has had much to do with
Italian politics, and is now in close com
munication with parties there, it was
due to him that 1 was able some time ago
lo foreshadow the Sicilian uprising and
o'her connected events woit h are jiow
matters of history,
X Triple Ljuelil2
RcssKU., Kim. Jan 14. This morning a
mob of nbout JD men entered the jail here
and tojk out J Ci Uurton. William liiv
and his ten, John Gay. and hung the trio
to a small raihoad Linlye, n short distance of ihe depot. All this otCurttd be
tween the hours of 1 and '2 o'clock. About
niidni-jt the r?siden's of the north prt of
me town heard a party of lo or ''J ho'se
men come in from tho north. Thr lft
r.heir hordes at the stock yards, where their
plans were arranged and then proceeded to
me jau.
The crime for which the men were
lynched was the kiliinir of Fred iMnnim? in
July la, on Hurton's place, about 20 miles
uorttieaist ot KusseJl.
Pkxvkh, Tan 11. A comtnittee of t-i
Santa Je railroad employes from La Junta.
Colo, have informed Governor Waite that
the engineers, conductors, bra Ve men,
switchmen and trackmen of all erodes on
the western division of the road have re
ceiveJ no salary since last October and
many ot the men ami their tanuues ifo on
the verge ot starvation.
.Mimt Do iSoitiplhlng
Wasiiinotox, Jan 14 Some decisive
action to replenish the gold reserve in the
treasury win ue taken within the next few
weeks, ff congress does not take kindly to
tne suggestions oirereu ny secretary tar-
lisle in his annual report and proviso at
oi:ce some mode of relief. Tho on'y course
leu to the oiiu'ta's or tiie tre istiry depart
ment will be for the secretary to exercise
tiie authority grunted him by the law of
liso, and to issue bonus tor th: purpose of
maintaining tne gold reserve.
Kul Evans Tel
Fiiesxo, Cal, Jan 14 It i repor'cd
here this morning that Kvans and Morel
Mioed up at llanford ln?t night, and were
met by the pos?e, una thut n he lit ensued.
o one was killed Later news states that
it was a man alone in a wagon who was
snot at uy three men, who wee apparently
in waiting for him. His team ran away,
and one of 'he horse.? was found this morn
ing dead with a bullet hole in him.
A t-l.lll Kujjjft
The pleasant flavor, gentle acti tt ant!
soothing etfect o ruj ot Fi-st when in
need cf a laxative, and if the fahcr or
mother he costive or bilious, the tiiont
gratifying results follow its use; so that it
Is the best family remedy known and
every familv should hive a bottle.
Kierlrnre -fan K-t'liaiiiilMn
Athletes and man who take ordinary
outdoor exercise tuch us walking, running,
bicycle riding, jumping, swimniMiir, tenni.
etct are often the subjects of acute troub
les. The expeiience of an ex-champion
walker will be of I'ltt-rest to all wlio are
afflicted. Harry II rooks wtites:
'No. 3ij Kat 19'h rii,, New York,
April j, 1886. S'unierrnis statements
relative to the meiiis of d!fferent flahieri
having been brought 10 my ut'e:ttinn. I
ake thi oporiM!by to tae thai 1 have
used AUcftck's Porous Phsters for over 20
y ears and prefer, hem 10 any other kit..!,
I would furthermore stare that 1 was very
lck with ca-arrh cd t"e kidneyo, nnd attii
huteiny recovery entirely to .fllcock'
Porous pla-tern."
When a Joc;or CtmsiJers it neceRr
lo pre si ihe satsapa'il a, he simply onlers
a bottle A 1 ert kruivint? full well that
he wid obtain th.rebv a urr and purer than ai.v other which the drug
store can fnrnKh Ayer's Hai p.irina is
the superior ine-'itlne
For nil 's sake.clsn'c growl nnd u run b e
hpcause you ere troubled with Indigestion.
No good was ever effected by Mini lint; and
fiettlng. He a mm (im!i sou hnppt-n to
be s woman), and take Ayf' Sarhpari!a,
n'nlch wi.l te.levp you, whether ma-, or
At Mkai, Timks di ou e i r t s i!e
IhequaMty -d ihe food ou are fating? It
may be good. It iniht lie btier. purer,
ireber nnd mwe shi'cfome, I 1 not
:.rthwhic o mke sureih;i. you lea,
coffee. ugir, baked good and InnumeT.
ble other yrocvri ate of ihe best qnnltry?
There Is uch a trilling :Hfb.rtuee In ttie
prices of the bet and the worn thai It
does not psv lo buy ti'.e wort,tven on the
false grouno of snpr osed ccoroinr. The
best I a' ways the cheapest, because tte
most satiffactnrv and durahU-.and the very
rnrst of v.Tvihtntf !n ihe grocery line is
kc,t at Parker Bros.
Awarded Highest
r n
b a
Tt:- l'nrf Crc-ii i lVw.k-r. No Ammonia; No Alu.
cd i:i Millions of Homes 40 Yt ' tliL- Siaiid:i;-4
Highest of all in Leavening
THE t r.Mt lt l.MI feT M4 lllL.
Our readers do nof need to Ik? told what
the Century Magazine is. It is a great
work in any sense. For 18!4 it will be
gn'ater than ever, 000 pages of choice lit
erature with HXK) ilhistni'ions, Tlien will
be 11 new novel by Murk Twain, important
expeditions, hunting of Hen-e gume, urtists
advenidlVf, trumping willi tramps, unuiV
lislu'd essavs of James Uussell Lowell.ctc.
The St licholiis is the prince of children's
magiizines, the best of all of them. A feat
ure of tiie 1S04 nunder will lie Tom Sawyer
Abroad by .Murk Twain, a natural history
aeries, a series on American author, stories
of India by Rudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, patter on the govemment and
some beautiful serial stories, as well ns the
famous lirownies.
Tho price of tho Century is 35 cents n
number, 4.00 n year; of St 'Nicholas, $3.00
a year. Any subscriber of the Democrat
in good standing innv secure the Century
for:J.50 or the .St N ich jhw for 2.50. bv
leaving the money ill this olhVe. Wo will
do the rest.
Whiie It Is over thirty years ago
Allcock's Porous Plasters were first intro
duced to toe medical profession and pub
lic, tho marked tuccss and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
continues, but steadily increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gain so many testimonials of high value as
those continuously accorded '.o Alcock's
Porous Piasters, and the onlv motive for
these exceptional Mhu'.es lies in fact of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof of the true value of Alcock's
Porous Plasters .lea In the fact that they
are befog largely imitated by ursciupu
lous pet sons, who seek to deceive the pub
lic by offering plasters which they claim
to be the 'same,' 'equal,' 4asgood,' 'better,'
b at porous plaster. etc, while it is in
general appearance enly thai they resem
ble Allcock'b. Kveiy one of the so-called
porous platters are imitations of A truck, s
Porous Plasters.
Avoid dealers who attempt to p tlm off
inferior and worthies plasters that ore
purchased by them at low rate for tiie
purpose of siibrtitutioii.
.million rif I lie skin Cured.
Ed Venney, Brock vlile, Ontario, Canada
"I have ucd Hrar.dreth's Pills fur ihe
past fifteen years, and think them the betl
cathartic and anil-hi.lious remedy known.
For some five years I suffered v.dih an
eruption of ihe skin that gave me grat
pain ard anhnyence. I tried different
blood remcd,et hut, although gaining
strength ih I chjng was unrrlievcd. I
finally conclude t to take a thorough course
of lirandeth's Pill. I took ix each night
for nights, then fiv, fcur, ihree. two, its
nrdng each time hv one, and ttien for one
month look one every night, with the
happy result ttia' now my skm is perfect
ly clear and has been so ever"
eir Praise.
Stril pr:ii Is no!. hi, hut
l.iere are n-t times when one ,11 tut p-rini,
a person to Ml ihe truth abou hmirlf.
When what he savs is suppiined hy the
t'-vtimonv i.f cthTi "no reanona-vte inan
will doubt hid word. Now, loR.ivthat
Allcoc'i's I'-'roim Planters sre ihe only
genuine s.nd reliab'e porous phi-ters made
ih i.o self pirtise In tiie !Iihet d;jjree.
They have Mood tne test for over ihlrv
yeaif, and hi proof ot their meri s it Is only
necessary call attention it lie cities
they Save tff-cied and to th voluntary
'etimoni.i . f thne win have used them.
BtMvau f Iml'aiions, and 1 to mt be de
ceived by tnrepreeitation. Ask f ir
AtlcnckV, a it let no solliiiatlon r expla
n'luiu indur von lo a .'ept a suhs'ltuttf.
8itih,h Vf t- r -a ht y.n med for
iyppis,. t d Hvt, ve"osr s!:n nr ktd
nov troub e. ! is rrnWd fo'g-ve yoo
ttifsetiiii, i'fiee 75l. ild'li Kmlmy &
Thousnd - f lives ar' aved annually bv
the useof Av ' s Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and ItrKiptna co igh, the Pectoral
has a most nrvd-u effec. It allays in
smrr.atir t, fiees theobstiucttd sir passage
and contro s the desire to cough .
Honors World's Fair.
1 tCn
Power. Latest IT. S. Gov't Report
TftiUvr liros, gruuer.
F. M. French kevpt r.ilro. tim
Buy y,)ur xoccrim ot l'arker Bros
Fiaerooriai t Uaaa's.
Mw oroam clieeso juat iceuivej at Conrad
F J Sniiloy job printer, Flinn Block, do.,
iirat claas work.
iimoka tho clobrati-d llarana filled 5 oent
oiRar at Julia. Joseph's,
Or M EMi, nhyaloiin and aur.on
Albany, Oroj ii. Cll mU In oit'or
country .
Olivea In Bulk, saner kraut, mixed
lcklea, chow chow, cranberries, lemon,
flaked l.otnlny, nnd n;w raialnt at C E
It is very t'ii t
t o convince ' V
children that V''.'
a medicine is f ' if
"nice to take" ,vvJ
tlile t
it? nnh pvnpri. v-I-'i!. 'iiV
enccd in ad- H
Sselfs ImMm
of Cod Liver Oil. It is
rhics! as pM'i.:'..l'j as milk.
I7o orepariiio:i do rapidly
1 ;:iiJs up cod ilesh,
sivonpth r.r.d r.ervc force.
Jilotl'.ors t!;o world over rely
i'.;;rn it i i r',1 v.vrtinp; diseases
:!i:,t cliiulrcn arG lu ir lo.
lvcpar..rtliyF,M ,t IWnc rr V. All Hmairl.ta.
tl.oonor Uottlu,
One cent u duc
Tnto Great CoTJOii I.'l'Iib pronitl cures
where all othnrs ftill. Couens, Croup. 8or.
Throat, Hoarseneaa, whooli: Cough and
Acthma. J.'nr Conaumption it hns no rivui:
has cured thouaanda, and will cunn YOU if
taken in time. Bnl'1 by Prmrgis's nil n Buar
anteo. rir n Iimo ILirk or t'linf, uho
Tlavoynu t '.iturrh "f This rrmedy funwran
tccdtocuioyuu. i'rlcc.itJfU. ii-j rjU.rlree.
OF fe:
Eatiti. Jul-l-ermanentl)
a DEEil STV.
ffTy ourrAto u.
Red CrovnMills
r PMn-.tH- rUlUR SrrKlllin 'Vt ft
msT vTfinif.t V'm: ri
LbANY; ; or.rcn
as. rii;ir;ri' :i:-hi if.-, v.
1 1 0 111