gii'tln gciwocrnt CITY OTICIAL PAPER "aV.U'i'HJ.v I ay in tht week escesJSuBty. Er.temb. (ho Prat OfH-e at Albany uregonf aaacGnd claia mail matter.;r;;tD. In estate of F Vetervelt ftLuiuiimo'i w;n onli'reil is sneil lo taW v testimony o V 11 .iftilli tit umKniiJiiL'i, as one ol tne wit nesses to tiifyl. dhinef Le!tqiresh.'.iii, bond S2300. Belle S vUi)voii.ted guanlian of state of Cba Vij inr.a. l,0nd S1.'00. In th: eitail,f A W ilson, n L'.inor, guitnliiin rpvited io sell real estate. In estate oq A rllins,'. petition to s!i ivrsonul propy fjnlnteil. In eslute efs liixon ixventorj fileti. Real prowtvil!50; personal property, :e.'!.U."i. l'elijn to sell personal property, granted, j In est.ttFofiorA Ilncliis, Hint m-cocci apiirovea. Cla s ordered paid. In tht esiate Mary liallowiiv. hmr. tory tied, l'ctnal property, 87ti.6o. v r deTed told. 1 lnctlato nl'mll Mairlrroirerv. "v'ttl iii'ur.iticd to l'tiite. anr-raisera depnoinlz-d. In ei.tate uf nuel firfcetts, J li li irts tiitliveu as cnjtor. iia:t. ANON. i! . 11 lions, editor cf trw Orc- (jnn Poi i in the itv ltvat Paradnv XVhflfi here' rs.i:.d & itroiwvdtion vo A T.itk Aduwf ioiu a twjnili3t i-uner in Ku- icr.e. but ic ro riot informed 3 yet v.,;K?Lher Mr Aims ao?eptu the proposi tion or not. I Jos 8uhFh-?noLvoi a fimvoil paidinfr. a eodechon ct ne, by au.1 Ai Itvny lady. ''It aiM in hisToom. Last Moriu.-'y fr- infant fiireghtcr of F B Frv. of AHuicv.'l; hroutrht to Ll anon an buried ii ti Masonic -cemetery. It v ite Viom Saxdajnaraing and oniy lived iijont a-i noora. Less snow fuj here ilran out In the nii.tdlfl of tkr vuk-. TfceM wus Itss than half an invh Snow 1iot last t&turduy nxrninfr. while Albany Here W about four inelii-s.enil sfc-alenineout lour-iucues, ard at balec. uH si inchos.-rlu-press yjiii Auvmif.?. Advam?. MAmrt Kxi Aia n hired a riyc unon luroila riL'O.comfi to Atuiisy ana jmnt ft siator oi.fcrie overmnu,.acd was chorf?ed.810. Hiinlf8 tlw prico v as ne oid?dly stoop lor lri time! anu .ia givinj -tlK. liwrvu'an soia free arivertiidcc-- At bar.y DkuuckatI The l)Esiocii.T has Wn nusiHfcrmcdfcout thss matter. The fn:nk(n iured-f. team ai-d ear riu;e of owr . ibir&J (lor vAmhhs was turfml odIv c rea.Lble pricet. then hired two young uicn to rive ths team tc Albany and back, ac l for & wsv iro tie young mm charjiwi hii oh. The Konileman ims oomnliirt tinifct the iverya:en, but thinks that the twi unff men valve their tiuic pr'.'ttr uigulyi-Lbwnn Auv&zce. S;;vi:x .ToviasTLast ciiuht M?r.shal L-e .Iiouscd ficron tst and this ui' rninff ji:u! them itr. the T-txi at for an hour f i ir their 1 nak f it. Tfccy we rc l1 I dead broke, 'ne li spent 'his lac t cent the niht befcee, nniiMrtwcrughtsbfore. ajiotlicr had fcn itrid osrutc, one ras an opinua fiend, cnothaa sailor who hal left Iuh bopt, etciiiid thil i the dd xiory con ctantly repeat 1. Tic men vore orv rcd to Dioe on o&ipf tltfiity, iii:h the;- ilid. Tii v. v.KA.4l)ivei is to be ihe grei't p.taicea I farmer. Judge v. 1 lenny versified fanning , for the Orcron mhrov' K lenny a .good example in this rcstet. lie -owns a,70) acre fane adjoinzfrtfetownof Layfayett". IIehaj ii) a r -set iside for iiops, JJO acres in tiiuotliy ut'.d cbver, 125 atres rctuly for prune lilantinr fort whL'h he receive'. last week J l.o-'it) trKx.ftnd will al:o nu6 wheat, oats and fruits ff all kinds beside gmg mte tho hftT uiest on a large ging iute tho hf; n:ale. I That 'i.;t.-rr.T? - Albany tii-' arc ; remain fn also, if . tUfevenue ft) kee:. it up possibly U; rai ithont the t-y; n nut a toil will be a the situation. ersity. Jiiat is W E and Fred Vales iHK'Ie named S P Moss e a democratic horn Uovernor il county jutlfff i - nnnyer recently eppor t L.iKe countv. now u an put up with ueie oerat ic uncle when said their re- publicanism is of Ruchji dow in the south siua L4' that a win treir ttweliing w uld not te tolenited i vecd hard to un- l-:rsta:u Con-all ts tia: Fl KAst, Xotk K, ft'iv-nd of Mrs Myra Haashnw will ta kfl plaoe from the t.'nngri'gati na! church teshrrow afternoon at 'J oVioek" All friend f tlie tleceased and her faii.iJy ore reuc-Mo attend. Conallis has an indel ines of 17.000 nnd thinks her baek is I4ken. Albany's imlebteilness ia now aloiii (U5.000. How nbMit her back. '..izette- pier back is all rigid. Itl the first place indebteine?s h iess than glUO.OOO, and ttat is enough. C F. Ilrownell, the gruyri i) in his new an i commodious nuarters U the V t Mock. tion to I on him Moat Perfect rfectf ade. ition fci he heir ha d than Ayer's Hair the orif al co'or to No better pieparat ever teen in.rntt itfor. It r"?tore la. ed and gray hair. andSmparts that natural g:c-t and fiehneJeveryore much admire. Its rcpifliAn- woild Dr. Price's Cream B-i? Povder A f ure Grspe Crcara of Tatar Powder. HIDa j jikiihy VI l9 talking ah ut ; hvii ioll ontJie hridp" the WillaiiK'i Tim bridge at Sileiu is free wid shou-TiYin so. Salem Statesman. The l.ri .iF All any should wnre no is prepared to girl satisfai the first class trade of tlie ' 1 . call i for pure grccenes and gocfti fitment Ur. price's cream bting Powder City Eovmrr.ents evervwherr are ve- trenchlng- An Albanv man advertise!.! a Srjem paper 500 tor.s of hay for sale. In Marior. county the court -did not ap point a single populist a a ;dllgc or clerk of elect ioi. and hence they aie mad. and propose tc take the matter into tne courts. ThXtdie Congregational Missionary soctety will meet with wlrl: Mrs Woodin zt 2:30 c' clock Saturday. Subject. 'Woman a rletthen Lands, ' f lease come on time The last county court OS Crook county muinomea ine payment ct a oounty m wild animals, and there will no longer fee arty'T.cce&6iiy 01 eenainr tne scalps Albssy. Tkroueh the carelessness of hunrrs Jcs and John Yirba-fcs nave lost two lost two valuable he cs. It is ti be re greHed tlie careless rascals are not kuawn so they could be prosecuted. The Del Norte to run between San Manclsco nudVanutr.i U a 600 ton feam er. It has considsrale business (iead nong o:her Iftings a big cargo of wheit 1 aqu'.ua awiuinf thipinent. . D W CooKdae. secretary f Uie state I board of equiHatton is an enthusiastic lottlcttlturiet. Me hag cowing n 'r.ts fruit fartn near Eugene some 500 arletfes cf fruits and nuts. In this nujgfter ere included vo rarielicc of crapes. The MnMOt Gun Club held its monthly shoot yesterday afternoon. Tenty blje rockfi were di.ot at. u u iMontetin orotte IS; Geo Froman, 1; David Froman.t?; Grant Froman, 16; John Brown Str.ith oness 14;; Nv 'iu Brkar, b. T'he Portland Telegram fe .psbllshfr.e a short history ofZ-yonel Sitagge. the re ceiver of 'the Oregon Bank. According l it Magge -served a term m the -pen iter. t.ary for foreorv, and his past btfiore he came lottve i W is-net very wall -k-nown. Ihe matter k causing quite a sensation. Following are the officers of the Degree ai 5?onor A Oil' W intitlfd lnthi city. wliich Claris out wilt: a larpe meinbership and brigtit prospects: Miss Maggie liar- er: rust cniet ct Honor; Mis lonn Jnes. Chief of Honor; Miss Clara "War ec, Lady of lienor; Miss Bertha liefer. tiet 01 Ceremonies; Miss Birdie Anslvn, Recorder: Mrs -A L L,amb. rinancler : Mrs K F pBrdom.rCLece'.ver; M Al ajlor. Lshen; Miss Lena Meyer, Inside Watch- nan: A iU rlaKer. Outside watcaman F iead. Advisor toCof H.; Mrs A D Barker and vWrs Meyers, Maids of Honor, 4'iPerIectlv Jovely" is what all the ladies say about the calendar for tfSJsi. pirbllshed ttv c s nooaft Co. proprietors 01 iiooa s Sareaparlllp. lit is a unique and -iteautlful calendar, which combines accuracy ot date ona other useful anavaiuaoie inror, rhatlon with the altractlonsof own am en1 Ilka very-desirable and serviceable gift Those of our readers who have not -already scoured one, can do so by Applying to the dnierists or scudinc six cents in -clamps for-one or-10-cents for two copied) to C l iiooci ft'fjo. Z-oweli, Mass. The matter 6 retrenchment in ti;e city exnRses is belnc considered oy the way and means committee, anc will ue - voiea oft indifferent forms bv tiie couni'.l next Tueoday. probable provision will be mai; tor a vote on a toll en the triage for e. trade tav. for the city payir-, ei:penes of the fire derwrtrjcient directly without allowances. Perlutns a nicrht watehman w ill be done away with ; but expediency of this is doubted. The street superintendent will undoubtedly be retain ed, ttsre is work for a riiin constantly if he will -da it. The two engine houses wt 11 be m:act as now, ana should ne. were win be other schemes mentioned wiihout iKHtt.ix. to them. AivtrvTiox Kr-zine C0X0 1. of tlie Al lrany t ire (ii paitment. Cou:rado J111 IVber i:k act needs atter.tion. ,.'Jo vwirltr. iFaiiiaiaVr.. A j kavi Ual:. A Grand Uniform ball will be given by F Co. Second Keg imeut -O N G, at their hall on 2nd -st Wednesday evening Jan ItS, WiH. fclr I.eyutans orchestra of Salem have been engaged to furnish music. The puhLc are corxliali-y invited to come and have. good time.. H pec tor 8 licket-e 5 ct;. Dance tickets $1.0.'. A gran4 concert will preoecte -dancing, Wear 'Em Out! The sav -to do 11 U t' take your wash ing to the Chinamen. If you want your work well done at living prices take ft to Richard & Pfcillip's voteam Launiry, Thy know how whilst baneinir tfcf ",1 around a pole. A. Ausavy Jeivklrt Stort Worth patrtnizinR i llin. i Will Stark. They carry ihe finest lift of silverware, watches, cocks and jewelry generally ui the valley, and sat isfctoiy prices are always g'. ven for the superior quality of goods -ilsy keep In stack, Nev.'i buy without calling cn them. . Aw Anouy Max. Whyi Jifcauo hii nncb were returned to him ail shrunk Then sentl yours to the City Laundry, y 7A.- them without shrinking or king them rough. Special cure with curtains. Keinember the pice 1st pp Hi Charles. , Don't you know to have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood Is to take flood's SarsaprilLa. the best blood purl tier and strength birilder. Hood's Pills may b had by trial for 15c of C I Hood & Co, Lowell. Mais. Mv fall lioe cf MACINTOSHES and 3U3iAMERS, including many nuvtdtie for lidini, mik0 "id children, it now ale. 8 E Young. Dr. Price'5 Cream Bcking Powder World's Fair Mighsst Award. $100 Eewaxd, ?100, T TTSprn of tTif3 psper will h p1seS t Warn tbat there is Ht le-it on- dreaded dtsetne Utt clence has been vlo to cure in all Its Stage 1 and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive ctire now known to the nodical fraternii;'. Cararrh r-?ina; B coft stitutioaal dieae. require a constitutional treatment. Hail'. Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, actina directly u:-on thp hiocd and mu cous urf Jet a of the ?T.'t . m. there')- di tmy ins; the foumiatir-n f the ditae. an-I srivinir" tle patient trtmrh ry bu'lJintr up lhcontitut'i"'n and 4iini- na;iire in di-m.t its wotit. Tho propr'eto h jvo o mtic i fiiu in if cariva pwtr. that tnr cff r Ore M incirJ Imrs I for anr ti tuat It tuii to cur., tend lor I ii-tof t-:M'-ni..:r. ..dtlre-, J. cHEVFT i 0 To'edc, 0. Mrs-cs i'v;r umt TonUn. of th? irtrmal rewtnrH- arrive! in Albany last niirlit and wi'l te in Albany until Monday ni'lit. prefani: w weiw applications trcin t- lit-n-e ft r Tt-istration. Their heatViuarh'rn witJ i it uh Sluriff Jurkiott, at Vhe Court liw? it U irollile a few wil reifister. ip isflid rases, when it is Kces.narv in erU'rt. hold their position. But the bodv jf thrn will not reinster. 1 hd rrasou ttfadvtfiven in Albany is that they are too poor k get tin picture. This in merely an vuse. i mi real reason is that inev daw not. A little CHestinl of this city srutrd a few weeks thsl he would regta hr. Itnt this tinifl hi snw: "' Me ni register; hiiiWiiiiders cnt my ted oil, whu-u kivcs the true sitnntvin. At Salera nine n giiitored at just tire hist tnoinent. Uv wrnt legvther and ecnrei tkeir nicturvs for 65 i-rnU avie(e. ur.d seemed to 1m? afraid the ritv Olotiuls vould see them at it. All were from lb' ountry Imt one. Fifwx'n were rogUtrred in The lalles ar.d twrnity-tive in Astr-ria. 1 The time expires on !M ay 3rd, hon drfor tiitiun will fnllcw in tiie rase ctfihosn iffH-t- edbvtbear. Linn county Celestials will be obliged to go to Portland titer o:iday if tliey reienl and d.jcide to wgister. fir 1'KMtb.TiAT js lufonned this after noon that wjveral-ee the city CelptU U. w- cordtner to Jim WestfalL will reiter. I hey are vittinc the miter iit- their head. Mr 311 duiiv of Seio. rViiti iirlie city to lav. Mr 2 rod (i-let, of SilvertOt., is in tif city. Mr John "Webber, o3 z'ortla-d, U in iiiit citv. Ill- Messrs Jacob, of Corvft5lis, yet the eity todt:f . J M IluUtMi and fimily rruttolorb'ii,'nf! Uiis noon. Hzax C 3 Shedd and wife,' cf Shedd, iwc in the city. C H Hart went te Halfev ibis noonbo-itir tens! the teachers institute. Hons J X WeatherforJ.arulAL A Milly psturned'this noon from a trip to Portland. Mrs Hesrv Williams 'left last nirtit ior ijaoramenw, Calu. on a visit witn raatiVM, Mrs J U Unliair came m this non frotn Portland, -where ske had-b-en toutitfed Mrs M5ra Jiiuisuaw. Yesterday Mr'Fjim Gonr had a bictpisee ctt aesu iwtten' trmn one 01 his cuer-fee oy one of his dray horse. .-ausing a fcad wwnd. W ChiindJer, fonnerij of this city., 3ia- rwt Wim-elect! prestlc it of the j It K of the Courr;aatiou4? church of Cor- Sain 'Case: of Corvallic. imitates a ykor ograph-so weinttiat he 'tried it during JVAstliotthJt revivnl tliere, getting iuimei into trOLble. ITjicle Hilly '.N'riizht lifter a wiefi iwre relish selling trip p the valley as fur us Corvallis p turned tolas home aLsetu jvwterdyy on the river. en ConipKon, of tbr.'it R Commie-ion was incite eity yeslerday and today. i.a;t eveuing lie in-fwcteil tue U 1 bridge ttiid prcnoujed it all right. The .l-4iildiug of S 1", Yjung. oiix?ite the I'EworiiAT ollice is b-ing move J to the tiHet. It will 3e ruinedeleil and ocennied by i' L Xentoii-as a gro:sry store. TJw OTiimins of Mrs Myra Ifausjiaw will ha brought to Albany to-morrow noon for burial. Mr John Veblor is in the city making arruiif ejnents tor the burial. In response to a d.spntch that his mother was dying Mr L L I'over went to Salem yesterday. TLU moniirg Mrs Power had rallied aud showed a slight improvement but in In a cr;ticu.l condition. Mr ileai-y hfco, of Jiaranza, was in tb city today on his way to urvaliis, btdng (-.died thure by the reient death of his sis ter. Miss Lizzie. He had Ifeen nearly fwur days on the jray.aud heme was too late to lie present at tie funcrul. Mr Kesce i 1 M nt Hoaawa. Wash I'hilij)s vas in tiw city tntlay for me nrst time Kine jus futirii ironi tne world's fair. He is iuofc of an Oregonian than ever, anl does not consider that there is any couipiaxison Iwtween 'Jregon and the sust. Mr Frank Fo4erand ilise Maud .Str.iiglit 'wo proinineut young peonle of Walla Walla, were married in Hint city last Wed- sday. The latter spent eiveral days in Ibanv Mveral uiontli ago, tiw guest of Mr M rrench. , Are Voa rrvnut Are you all tired out tdo you have tha t;:J frelingor f!ck headache? Vou can he relieved of all these symptc ns bv tak ing Hood's Snrsaparllla which g:ves'ncne Anc codily ttrength. Haod's Tills arc eay In actiu::. PtWV jMacuines nestly repaired and wurra-ited ty a thon mhly ermelnt rk man, at K M French's jewelry cre, Aibicy regno. U rgiou) beliefs perp!ex . and you desire a faith at once reasonable anK uplifting, send for free liberal fic.ftflcns reading to postotlice minion, 36 Yam hill street, ifortlar.d. Or. See the Mesr Improved Sim tr chin. Tho rtt UIsIwms tte cherueat. W Siwden. acont. Oflica at F M Km jewelry itora WE wANT VOU TO WORK FOi:U Xhnn makioar .00 $35.0 O I' Kit WKEK. Parttea preferred who can furnish a hone and travel thrcnah tho couo tr;a team, thonph, is not necessary. A few vacaccies in tewnsand ciues. Spare hours may 1 o nred to good advantage. 8 F jGHr.SO.1 ft Co. 11th and Main Sti, HichmooJ, Va Stationery, Toilet Artij'es, Musisa Inttrumen's, Elo. Ho4as 4 McFarlai. Ti e Ccrnei Druy Store,". Albanr.o" xxasrirr TlieVnildint'of the branrh irrar asv- luin in Kasterr'iiri'gon will proVably 1 restrained. Some day Salem will get a blow below tue lelt. The pon;ile alon ihe line are expecting u grr-at uef. 01 the new receiver M the Ura?on Vtu itir, Cluirles t'lark. They think he will not onw be a irood receiver, but iilsoe crootl remittor, lioth (luaUiii-utious are import ant at this stage of (he proceedings. Salem, h'tuirsmau. Vlie neit leap yir will l IK9f.. and then :t will le eight jv.urs Wfure an Uier. The jvar I!W0 will not Iks a leap yeur. The year is :tCo days a-nd. sin hovrs long, less eleven minutes. Th eleven minutes mount to one ay in 40) year., when leap year is di$ixed Vith. Thenar liX)0 will, therefore, ! ije a leap year. So far -as tho books ere consemed it doesn tcAtt lunca to send a child to nhool Minnesota. Here is the difference be tween M.nnpsofe". andOrrgon. First reader". st i cents n .Minr. and Z'i e. m econd waders i-'O c. iu Minn, and 40 c. is tregvB, third reader -M c. and 3 c. 4th reu'wrs. 40 e. ami w r, ceomiphws, c andi!l.25. V S hirtores. (JO c. and $1.10. A tvrtal of 2 .10 f r Minnesota and $4.:fe for t.rvij.;n. Kery w? ek the F rmochat receives from Cipnn A: (Vunmny cf New York a rcarket lener. the comments are naxzles. Here asampt?: and laier work Uted urs and reasons. Mortiraiws now con- s-jlt clor4:s or weather. lro.lncing much wnnot ta a cm it distritrntnon muxes it salvation, Kcononiy and woilueiice of all ht sacrifice (ho nrofits f each. Hust. rust, decay and lry rot are npnoksihat waU a iient rActorv. atnmi jaw never iirouiited gain to idle minds, ir.uscies or dollars. CapP.iil may olscrb profit by legal contract, but lalwr w it riirlmul heir. 1 ublivr oniniori renews deaiand ot 1MW tor pariau prujfmce una xeonui 5 uirioiuiu Y F lSi the Taber Citry i oliticii while iKiFsini; throoirli Pendlebm was in tetviewwl a.ul Bknuted 9 iollows: Kvery one is ral-b t. Can't Snd a .cold-biiir all the corintrv. Maue vigilant eomiuittees looking; all the time for any one wit) uoesn t t;ika hia hat on to the tree silver eoiiift'e bnnuer. No candidate need airilvwho followt tltecoldcn calf. Why. uiry conr:s.sional ixuuinee who does not ituml on a free silver platform might at will take to the wosde. tftin him alive overtliere. Hang him. Dram and quarter him and feed hiiu to Ibe lions. And then there's Pennoyer. Tell you -what, that old dm-k is. properly in it &mon us. Ijet ine whiser something to you. and through you to the;iioiple of Kastern Oregon: Any can didate who is known to oppose Sylvester Itennover, Christmas letter imtl all, will be aiowed under in lune so that the beautiful -snow will cover him for many moons there .after. Sylvester's the man. l'retty good old Ijoy, isn't he? Xow, isnH he? (lot the rocks, too. And his head! (.rent head his. Tell vou, he's the ujiuu, Tnere, my vtmiii's. coming. New Advertisements. rj'OR S4I.E share of Albany elee. K' tricltfrtu Htric'c tue bt dlvtdenri .psvintr stoj' tbis rtliee. In tliU vltt. Enquire at rA:TED. a. fmiU In town f f ootintry who will tane a Loy twelve year, ot se wno wants to g'j to scuotl ant tlo ehoring tftklurx earo cf cow or 'torso to jay fait of lila keeplnir. re&i;oHHbte amount In ailditioa will 1 paid bv his father for hi. Mre an I koert uig. 1-Artiea will call at thh otWus. fOUNlY WAR"ANVS-Boujjht and told by II F Merrill. Hop pole. odU', points I, In biin'llft, for sale I'conl a po.e. C'dll at Perry Coun'a, Chattel Mortgage Sale By virtue cf a ehtttel mirtKtige ecued by MafTord ickioa to II isneil & Cn, by Allen Soidel. attorooy In fct, dated July 1 r, iSP3, and tiled in 'tht lli:of th county recorder and c..m ty clerk, on July 11. ibV'i, and upon which default hat been made, I shall soil the foiisrty therm mentioned and described, nanis'-: Oee ix lmrsa llunnnll traction euKinf, lio. t!'J2'i. nns No. 7 Distoo ft Son w mnndicl, 11110 30 inch solid saw and 140 feet of 7 inch ruoltei belting, at pub lic auction, forcuh in hand, at Stewart ft Sox's former placo of busings at tlio norner ef hirst ami heriv ntrttttr, Alhauv, Ur. on Fiifi.i, Jti i I), xh'Ai at 1 o'clook p m Date 1st Albany, Jin 10, I.SU4. .Rl'SnRLL At Co. by AUcn Sthlel attorney in fact. Mortgaged. W TAYLOR Hoiiss Cleaner Gartleneranfl General Jollier. Carpet Laying ard Cleaning, Chinury Cleaning, Whitewashing and Window cleaning a Specialty. Call at Boot Black S'and al Landreth's shaving parlors. CEXTIUL Ponltiy and Est Market. Hroa alliin, lwtrreen S'tonJ ui d Th;pl AI.DAXV, OR. Poultry, Fish, Oysters, CIii.ns, Game in Season. Everything nic ami fr?-li. (live u a call. SCHMEER & CALLAHAN II Wall iW-ilDIKIMU 1 Will 61 y'hfk, telrs If vou want a Icq molt call for Jowphj white labor CiRSTt, The bMf.rnatVeotfes in the eity at tj id oyer . Hoitsns Jfe SicKarund, the leilia drufc Will &Sturk's laree line of silver ware as crtatei a great deal of talk. Patronise home industry bv smnLine the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured oy iu'ids Joseph lTe K Grubber U told on tritl. To try one does not mean ou are ccnnnclled buy. Mfe'd by Ja. Fixnev Sons. roois. Tr Tinsc.a Wis Eat v-ry largely niake us ivhat we are. No thought can pas, tlirough the mind without leaving wme effect, however slight. Manv gllpht Im pressions, in time, make inlRhtv changes. It's the sirtne with the body. Abuse It with poor tood and ulie the consequences. ("or purity and certainty In groceries DJKeo. noaa; go to Tarker Brot, tOCM. AX T-rri;iiRS-rii Mi-:.- Miss ilattie Warner a graduate ol the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, .-en, is prepared to give lessons In voc anu instrumental music to .ingle piif;s,r classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa. yon ana ts an experienced teacher. Her eieienoes are. Trof rl A Khnrrv 1 r .. . i . " .iww wiu lennie uot. Clean tOWflU tO .V.rv MUnn Vi.L ivior parlors. The naaenvlimo.t. nro Trieter ct theT'ionerr Uonsedesina to inlorm voe ptuiic l.i.l tie has retltioed the price of mini without lodging t 4 per week, with lending $ ver!week. 8inulemMl. ?. nt. The public is invited 1 call as i keep good ..... Kvu murr. nave nrwoon tor sale. Coroer'of Brosdalhin and W.t.r t Viereckashavicg and hair tl.t Jewel Stoves and Ranges The B st On Earth Matthews s Washburn. The Bct Shots! for the .Least Aiooey. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are Vol- , ' flOPn, satisfaction at the prices advertised thnn any other make. Try one pair fcnd be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. )oulas- name and price on the Wtom, which Buarantees their value, saves Ihounnds of dollars annually to thnc who wear them, icaiers who push the sale of W. JL. louK!a Shoes gain customers, wliich helps to increase the sales on their full line of coods. i-,-- mn..rA .. 1 and we hrllrT yon ctn nrm tnonry tc bnrln; nil your fof wrnr r f t!i ilrnlr-r t'lvui liaa ikiow. vauuoiuf uyoa piiicutioa V. L, JiOLlT.'.:;. rrcC.ta, Mux For tale by the L E BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Is the Best Good Enough Then call on Hip undcrei'inotl for'youi GROCERIES and produeo, fur tlicv are tl;e hefi in tlie inarkel Also a fine Perry- UR STOCK LACKS noth ing lv.t buyers. They will come, lliey will ue satis fied. They will buy at' THE FAIREST PRICES EVER MADE. FOR SUCK QUALITIES, Visitors are not asked t BELIEVE but are shown goods to CONVINCE them that we aro leading the trade STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, LADIES FINE SHOES etc. If you want VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY call on us. Yours Truly Kf.AH, l'KACOt'K it Co, I. A. Morris & Co, Flour ana Feed Store, Have removed their itore to opposite the Run House, and have on hand a full stock of CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. GORVALL'S FLOUA. BRAN, SHORTS1 CERM MEAL. CR4HAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND SOLE AGENTS W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. S5, S4 and S3.60 Dross Shoe. S3.50 Police Shoo, 3 Sotes. 32.50, Szfor Workingmcn. $2 and SI. 75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, S2.50 $2, $l.7e CACTION.-if nny ria.i ofTcrs you W. ,. Jioiteiu inori hi m rriniren prii-Mt ur nay no nan i ueni wn n oui iiia nnmn slamptMj IJ10 iMitlom, ptil him sown as a fraud Stvlkh. ra;v fitting nn line of crockery Conn