ill JUL VOL Yl ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY, . JANUARY J 334. NO 211 V J A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Fec'.oral. Mrs. r. 1). Halt., 217 OisesEee it. iockport, X. Y., s;'.vn : "Over thirty yrars no, I remember ltcarin'r mv fntliiT describi the wonder ful cunitivo i-liccts vt Ayer's Clii-rry Pectoral. Dtirius a rt-ccnl attack of La Grippe, whirh asMum-d t'.ie form of a catarrh, soreness of the lungs, arcom panicil by nil a?K;nva1iii cough. I used various rt-'lneilk'S ami prescriptions. While sraio of those mi'ilicincs partially alleviated the coughing durim tho day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at. night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had aboutdecided to sit up all night in my easy chair, r:id procuro what sleep I couM in tliat way. It then oc curred to mo that I had a bottlo of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep nd awoko. in tho morning jrently refreshed and feeling much better. I took a tcaspoonful of tin rec toral every night for a week, then grad ually decreased the dose, and in two woks my couh was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Maes. Prompt to act, sure to cure -:- DEAI.liK in Harness - and - Saddlery Display $9? in ihe Dnoi fOSHAV & SV3ASON VHOLILAtB ADD it MAIL l?ru&istsa,J hwsellfrs Aroi Oi for John B. Aldor'a publ!" Moris aleh we sell at pufcllnhar'R jirleM tcitj MAxoadilat for Infants THIRTY yenrs obserTationtfJwjoj-ia3 trtej) atronftgo of millions of pcrMi,jcTOl gnesslng. It U wTntpnnyhefmcdr fr Infants and Children tho world haa ever known. It is harmless. Children llfce It. It givoe them health. It will savo their Itoen, Tn it Mothers have jri I, fthaolntelv aft nd practically perfect e chUd's medicine. Catoria istroTw Worms. Castoria allays revcrlsrinesi. Castoria prevents Tomitlng Sonr Curd. CantoHa mrn Dlarrhceis and Wind Colin. Castoria relievee Teething Tronhlas. Castoria onre Constipation and TlatnTencr. Cator?a nentralizcs tho effects of carhonio acid gas or poisonone lr. Castoria does not contain morphine, oplom. or otherjiarcotic property, Castoria assimileshjodgnlates the stomach and towels, giving healthy and natoral sloep. Ct-toHa is pnt np In one-alte hotUei only. It Is ndtsold in hnlk. Don't aUow any one to sell yon anything ele on the plea or proml-e hat it lBlnt as good" and "will answer every pnrpose' S that yon gt OA - S - T Children Cry for "As old as the hills" and never excell ed. " Tried and proven" is tho verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is tho . lator is hf ? TtP V o n 1 y Liver JUtlVSI alui Ki, Kidney medicino t o which, you can pin your faith fur a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely ' veg etable, act ing directly on tho Liver and Kid n Pills neys. Try it Sold hy all Druggists in Liquid, or in Towder to be taken dry ormadointoa tea. The King of Liver Medicine. " I huvo used your Simmons Liver Regu lator and can conscientiously Buy It Is t lis kliiffof all liver inedielnes, I consider It a jnedlctno chest In llselr. (jiso. W. Jack HON, 1'ucoma, Wushiugtuu. WEVEKY PACKAOE-E U tlio Z Stamp In red on ivruppwt J F. FORD, EtameiRl. If Pes' Maine, tow', 'v't'is ui ler d: le of IMarch S3. 1693: 3. B. Mku. Mn: Co , Dufur, Oregor. GrtiUrmm On arriving h:mo lust wceV, I (nurd all ell and anxiously n'citing. Oar little girl, e fcht and on-h.- If oir old, who had wa ted away to S3 poueiln, is i:w well, strong aud vignroii, and well tleshcd up. ."s, U. Cough .ure hasd"iiB it woiit well, 80th of ihe cliildien like it. Your S li Cough Cure has cured and kept tway all hoarseness from me. .So givo it tn eyery oi;e, with gre-lingo for Wishing you prostien y, w are lours, Mb & Mks J.F ronn. II you nishtn Ic-lintia sin) cheerful. Slid msdy for the .S.rinir's work, eltian-o yiiur.steio wIh til. Headache and I.ivdr Cure, ly tukiu U'o or thro, tobeseaeh week. ' CO cent. Jier boltlo tiy al) driiffi.'s. s So. 1 umlcif 1 pchitivelj fuaraalce l.r J ACu'MMING. w. . ::xo nvitav:oxs. AVooden, Tin, Kilver, Golden Common every day. and Children. - Q - R - I - A, on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. Whlje It I. over thirty ear,aso lr.ce Alicock a Pnroui Plasters were first Intro duced to tne medical profession and pub lic, the marked success and unprecedented popularity which they met with not only continues, but steadily Increases. So other plasters have been produced which gain so many testimonials ol high value as those continuously accorded :o Alcock's Porous Plaitcrs, and the only motive for these exceptional tribute, lies la fact of their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti cal preparation of superior value. Addi tional proof of the true value of Alcock's Porous piasters lies In the fact that they are being largely Imitated by ursciupu lous persons, who leek to deceive the pub lic by offering plasters which they claim to be the Same,' 'equal,' 'as good,' '"better,1 bjst porous plasl.-v etc, while it Is In gcneial appearance only thai they resem ble Allcock's. Evei v one of the so-called porous plasters are Imitations of Alcock.s Porous Plasters. Avoid dealers who attempt tn p ilm off inferior and worthless plasters that are purchased by them at low rates for the purpose ot subailution. tlniiiltun orilie Httii t'urril. Ed Ve.iney, Hrockyllle, Ontario, Canada, says: "l nave used Jlrandreth's Pills for the past fifteen years, and thinl.- them ihe h..t cathartic and antl-bl.llous remedy known. i in ouinc nvc years i suitered vltli an eruption of the skin that gave me great pain ami annoyance. I tried different blood remedies, but, although gaining strength the Itching was unrelieved. 1 finally conclude! to lake a thorough course of Urandeth's Pills. I took six each nlirht for nights, then five, four, three, two. ics foiling each time by one, and then for one monin iook one every night, with the happy result that now my skin Is perfect ly clvar and has been so ever since." Bclf Trnlse. Self praUe Is no recommendation, hut there are not times when one must permit a person to tell the truth about hlmsolf . When what he sayc i supported by the testimony of ethers no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcock's Porous Plasters are the only genuine nd reliable porous Masters made is not self praise In the sllg'htest degree. They have stood the test for over thirty years, and In proof oi their merits it Is only necessary to call attention to the ernes they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials cf those who have used them. Bewaie of linl'atlons, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation ak f-,r Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nitlon Induce you to ac:cpt a substitulo. OMves In Hulk, auer kraut, ml?d "lkle, cl ow chow, cranberries, lemons, flaked l.omlny, and new raisins at C E Brownel's bhiloh's Vitai'3'.-r :a what you nrcd for dyspepsia, tcrpid Hver, yollow skin or kid uov trouble. It is guaranteed tojgive ynu snu'action. Price 75j. Siid'hy F.whav & Mason. The ten ul no Anil The Nhnm. Every good has its host of Im itators; every g-nuine article !u counUr- aiic jnutaiors always chooge the most valuable and n !... counterfeit, so that when they claim t'leir .v mc vMuji, or as good, or the same asoand-SoV'thepul.lic may tiep-nd upon It that "So-and So's" article Is the ucmui me Kino, ihe sham proves the genuine merit of the thing It copies and never hai this been bMter Illustrated than by the Imitations of Allcock's Porous Plasters. Allcock's Torous Plaster is the standard of evcehencc the world over, and Its Im itators In their my that theirs is "as cod bs Allcock's'' are only emphasizing this fact and udmlttlog "Allcock's" to be the acme of peiffc'ior. which It Is their hich- c ambition to Imitate. The difference .iciwwn me genuine and these Imitation winch copy only general, Is i ide ns that between copper and gold. uj. i-Mit prig way i.r purchasers U to a.ways insist upon having Allcock's Por r us riasters. iheyarethe only perfect Penny wise nnl Piiumi I ooilnli. The man or woman who does not sup port (heir own home paper can be proper iy c avH as "penny wise and pound fool-. Uh.' It brings, f r !nHt&.1Ce, to vour door opportnn'ties lor securing Uic bed bar isaiiialnevcrythlns. J yon want cm- P uiiicni, men we asistyoi. That re minds js that te nd-rtUen'ent of H F ohnson & Co. Richino -.d, Vn, in another olumn may prove ol n-il lmcret and alue toyou. R.ickit-shsm's Dve for the iiik. - iXwo.kthnro.iKhly.coIorii.ff.nniformrbrowo ok black, which, when d-v. trill nA;t,!.r...k K. vn, uur mvu iinen. 1 noilsandS Of lives r mvrrf annnolU hv the use of Aver's Pee ton I Imii. t..t ,.. of croupand whooping co-ig'n, the Pectoral rr.arvei-us ei.'ecf. It a av in amrr.atloii, frees the obstructed air pange mu .wiii.u a iiic ucftire 10 co:ign. Alttanr ttarkel. (t4. 2". I our, 4 ' utter. Kttgs 2." !.rd, 12 to I5. Pork - hsni !2to 15 II to :ie. Hay. ba'fd. 7 l,o htnn 4( App, , 4' Hops irid f.-ult t':i'P-, rhirliPn. ' 0 l rvT . IWf on f, -,(, m- Uox lire 1. U . ; shnilldern Htj Ko; bt.-O. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Srw t'hnlriuan. W.tsiii.sciTON, Jan 11. Although the members of the national republican com mittee, gathered here for the annual meet ing, affected to anticipate no unusual in terest in their proceeding, they succeeded in creating one or two decided sensations. Not the least marked of these was the re tirement of the chairman, Thomas 11 Car ter, from the chairmanship of the executive committee, although still retaining his chairmanship of the national committee, and the appointment of Mr Maine's old friend, "Joe" Mauley, of Maine, to succeed him. Will Not ra. New Yokk, Jun 11. The Mail and Im press ashington special says: A canvass of tho house has been made to ascertain the strength of the income tax scheme. It is reported 1G0 democrats. 9 populists and 0 republicans favor it. This is less than it rtnjority of the house, and if the scheme is submitted as n separate measure, it will devolve upon the friends of the project to uiuiiiiiiiu a quorum, l ne logic would ap pear to be au u annate failure even in tne house. civil drrvlrc l:auiliialluns. Wasiiixotox, Jun II. Tho civil Rcr vice commission has completed tho sched ule of examinations that will be held dur ing the first nix months of the present year to till posit'ons in the railway mail and Indian .services. Kxaiuiuatlons will 1m held as follows: ltosebtirg, Or, April 20; Portland. 0', April 2!1; tiotittle, Wash, April 27; Walla Walla, Wash, May 1, and Spokane, Wasj, May u, A Tight Montevideo, Jan 11. A correspondent nt Hio sends word a lively rille and machine gun duel has been fought between the rebel launches and the government troops on shore. The fighting continued two hours nnd many were wounded in the fiisilade. The shot and shell fell In sev eral parts of tho city. In Deep gnuw Ciievenxe. Jan 11. The heavy snow which has fallen in tho vicinity of lltiker City, Or, has delayed all the Oregon Short Line trains so that connections with the Union Pacific have for 24 hours past been missed. The report that a train is block aded in the snow somewhere west of Kaw- lins, however, is wrong. A Frruch HI il Paiub. Jan II. A hill will be intro duced in the chamber of deputies to abol ish pubMc exections. An amendment will he offered abolisuing capital punish- A Ul.l Etijoyk Tnep'easant flavor, gentle action and soothing effect o Syi up ot Fisjs, when in need of a laxitlve, find if the father or mother be costive or billuus, the mot gratifying results follow its use; so that it lathe best family remedy known and every family shiuld .Save a bottle. Experience of an Ex-rhnmlin Athletes and man who take ordinr.ry outdoor exercise such as wajkipg, running, bicycle r'dinc, jumping, swimming, tennir, etc, are often the subjec of acute troub les. The experience of an cx-champlon walker will be of interest to all who are afflicted. liarry Brooks writes: "No. 314 Ka.t 19 h St., New York, April 2, 1SS6. Numerous statements relative to the merits of different f. I aster having been brought to my attention. I ake thUonrnrtunity to si.v Hi 1 have used Alicock' Porous p is'era tor oer 20 vears and prefer .hem 'o any other kin.l. I would furthermore stnethat 1 was very sick with ca'atrh of the kj'iney, and attri bute my recovery entirely to Allcock's Porous Plaitcrs, ,f dirt for f'nid", re Trs aim net.rrij iJo !11U,Striail liik Uir-n. :.'bu. pv tuiiie. VrS t, Y ' i i t r !i 1 ut Hoe o oa-jlijs for suiting; in the state at W R Cirahim's. where he has a tailor with fe'.v equals on hand to m ike them up bort notice; Get the best and tnot !? y!ih suits of blm, A new feature will be the making of ladies cloaks to order, or the al'erlog of c ohxs to the lates styles, urd Ui repairing of cloak L-rict'. r bot tom ones Thin or erav hair aid b.dd Si-aus. -o displeasing to manv people rs maiUp of ape. mav be averted foi a Uu-2 ';oi.- by vi-lng flail's Mair Kenewer. When Baby v. as alck, wo iravo her Castoria. When s!io was a Child, sh'? criwl for Castoria, When nlie Iiecame ?liss, site clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she garo them Castorts. Awarrled Highest The only Pure Crcnni IT-itIt Highest of ail in Leavening Power .Latest IT, S. Gov't Report Ik ABiSOJUUTElY PURE THE C'EXTI KI IM) ST M IHL. Our roadcra do not nesd to be told wliat tho Century Magazine is. It is a great work in any sense. For 18(J4 it will be greater than evdf, 2000 pages of choice lit erature with 1000 illustrations. There will be iv new novel by Mark Twain, important expeditions, hunting of Herce game, artists adventures, tramping with tramps, unpub lished essays of James Kussell Lowell. etc. The St Nicholas is the prince of children's magazines, the host of all of them. A feat ure of tho 18.14 number will be Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history series, a series nn American authors, stories of India by Kudyurd Kipling, recollections of wild life, paiwrs on the government and some beautiful serial stories, as well as the famous llrownies. Tho price of the Century is 35 cents a number, $4.00 a year: of St'Nicholas. $3.00 a year. Any Ribscriber of the in good standing may Beeure the Century tor 3J.oit or too ;?t iMeiulns tor ?loU, in leaving the money at tins office. We will do the rest. Peoplo who have tiled it, Bay that there U no bettor medicine for dyspepsia than Ayer's Sarsaparilta. It miy not givo one the the stomach ot an ostrich, bnt it so stmisthen the alim?oUry organs that diceatio-j offorJinary food becnmi'S easy and tttural. tlimi-hnrt-i to cure ttliious AtUVwan Proved V tie tlie Iterl. Tested and proved by over thirty years use In all parts of tlie world, Allcock's Por ous plasters have the indorsement of the highest medical ant! chemical authorities and millions of grateful patients who have oeen cured ot distressing ailments volun tarily testify to their merits. Allcock's Porous Plasters are purely vegetable. They are mild but effective, sure and quick n their ac-io.i. .and ato utely harmiesi.' T ' " Beware of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor AMcock's, and let np so.tcitailun or expla nation mauce you 10 acct-nt a substitute. A tioOD Plan. It Is a good plan to ubsc.-ibe for and read carefully your own home rnper, fl8 ft js the aim nf'thU pa;er to make it an educational f;tc:or in' the community. Besides ihat, if you ore out of a job, or wih to increase your'incotn'S then here Is the pljce o find Ir. In an other column you will find an advertise men? of B F Johnson & Co, of Richmond, Va, for workers, that may Interest vou, Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair miy be restored to Its origi nal color by the use of that potert remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair K 'newer. .v.Tv nifVt Torn r.iver. ipc-r U".tiu Sui'ha (.'11 eti't, i fT rh'i wentv-tivf d MinrHit conuh ii'l rroiip by nn. Pim ki t "a ccmt-iiiii ftonly 2.1c. Children 1 v it vVe ntest'ii selling liresh, gooils and Ca e-in-.t 'e'u at greatlv reduced prices U.r c-ish, UV Invite you to eximit the Red, Ii acu h & Co guods and prices. At Mbal the quaMtv of 1 i.mks uit vou cer corRide hrt food vou are (atlng? It may be Rood. It miht be better, puier, fresher and more w bo'esome. Is It not worth whi.e o mike sure that yon lea, coffee, mgir, hiked goods and Innumcr.-i-blefither groc -ris aie of the best quality? There U suc't a tritlhig ;lltt. renci In the prices of ttie b.'st. and Ihe w ;rst that It les not pty to buy the yorl,even on the false gruunu tif nuptosttl economy. The bft In aiwtys the cheapent, because the mo; f-nrj-f jcl " and durable, and the very t)it f i'v"rndng In the grocery line Is kept at Parker Uros. When a do" or considers It nrcefsarv to prescribe sn - ipri'll'a, he airrjp'y orders a bo. tie of Av krowlngfull well that he whl obtain preparation tb -store can furnt the superior rr. H-rebv a surer and purer ai.v othpr which il:e drug Aver's Sars ipailiia Is dcine To aid Tfitrvsli 'ii rs'itc one Small II! k" Ueoa Honors World's Fair. I'-jwilcr. Nc .Vnnion:: X(i A'.uir. 1 iI5i? SEE HERE t'aiker tiros, grocers. P. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of l'arker Bros Fi.13 fro3trid3 at Coon's, lidw ore am cheese just leceived at Conrti Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Fliou Block, doei first clans work. Smoke the celebrated Havina filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M l Kllh, physician aud suroon Albany. Ora.i. Clls mtl.i bi cicy'or country. For ptly's sake, don't growl and grur.ble because you are troubled with Indigestion. No good was ever effected by snarling and fietting. Be a mm (unless you happen to be a woman), and take Ayer's Sarsparilla, which will re'.ieve you, whether man or woman. A Natural Food. Conditions o f the system arise when ordinary iooas cease to A k,i;ii flci, il! there is urgent f'Hp need of arrest- Hi-JyJ N ing waste assistance must come quickly, from natural food source. oil s Emulsion is a condensation of the life cf all foods it is cod-liver oil reinforced, made easy of '"digestion, arid almost palatable as milk. PrfpuwJ hf Scott A Bmrne. N. Y. All rirarrlrta. t0cta.,ond f 1.00 por Bottle? Uuo cunt a duao Tntfl Oreap Couon 7Thb prompUy cunt wliure all otiicTS fail. Coughs, Croup. Sore Throat, Hoarseness, whopping Cough and Auhma. For Consumption ft nns no rival: has cured thousands, uinl nil) CURB TOIT it tnl:enln frao. HM by JJniifKls's on a guar aiitcn. ) .ir a jima Ituek or Chst, use BillLOH'S UELLADONNA PLASTER-SiO. HILOH'S CATARRH Tli'.royou (.'itiiirili V '1 lilfl rrrooiivf. jrunran toodtucurttjxu. I'l'lLu.liJctd. iujvulwrlrce. EasElr. 9ulrk'., Vliliv, ''':' ri-"T-! ' Full. In. i-rjrt T':in m i f t. b 'i'. tin Ii ipiIk ' . fhnl".ri rxcltnnMoii Li. t t r ..m T- - - rmf I'riiif. it t I 0UFFA1O V. v. Red CrownMills JOIiH ISOM, PROPRIETOR. t f smirw t.((i-n nr.TfOnr. r. sa k t 'I S-' ri REVERE HOUSE -.zr.i ! Fhil KK!;, CM r; 'tf-nk ma mr mm mta V BOB m mm i Used in' Millions 'of Homes io it