tlirtillt -71111 rtrVrtt 'c'uil the McKinler Tariff law, root and WVOIWJllli bnnch, it the peopl hve lntruct d con I'ALSETIIEOItirS. Aluauy, Or. Jan 5, WJi. Editors Democrat Owing to the nunitjer of false thenrici and assertions tliat are being put forward as the cause or causes of the great money depression. Industrial and financial, that baa spread over the entire country, I will give you wha in the judgment of a com mon clod hopper, are the primary causes and the remedy for the same. The cause is the direct and logical result of repub lican financial and tariff legislation. The former has been partially corrected by the present administration, the latter it now under consideration by congress, and be cause congress is now considering that question, under explicit instructions from tliu American people, for every Amortcan voter knows that tbo chiof issue, in the presidential campaign of 1 S'j2 was the re duction of our tariff. Kvery American vo ter understood whtn the pcoplo turned over all the law-making branches of this government to the democratic party, that they, tho people, did that with deliberate instructions to repeal tho McKinley tariff act, and to reverse the principles on which , all the tariff laws of the Inst lit) years had baen formnd. So well were the p'incij'les of tho tariff understood, that the logical so ijuenco and outcome of that law was point ed out immediately after its passage by an eminent authority on tho tariff. And tho winter of 18W-4 fixed as tho timo for the hardest timos ytt known by tin American pcoplo. Why oven the Orfgonian foresaw as early as lust November and pointed out the kind of times tho people might expect. It is true the editor tried to use it for a partisan advantage, by averting it to bo on account ol tho "change," illogically as ¬ suming, and trying to make the people be lieve, that the shadow is greater than the substance tiiat produced, tho shadow. In what olhcr country than tho United Stales could men be found with a reputation for statesmanship, who would assert and teach and find some people to believe, that the taxes which a country imposes are paid by the foif;nr nrd not by the pcon'e who consume litem. Or. if an imports cannot recouie himself in the sale of his imports by including tho customs, (luxes,) in their price, it is cert tin that there will be no material advance in the ptices of imported commodities, and tho whole theory of pro tection to American industry through in crease in the price of Imports by tariff tax ation falls to the ground. Why, then, is It that c find a portion of the American people putting furwaid such illogical, ir rational reasons as these to bolster up a law the logical results of which were pointed out at tho timo of i't enactment, and the practiclc results of which we liavo seen coming for two years, nnd of which we n?w feel the full force, by the greatest do pression both in commerce and finance that hat over visited tho pcoplo of the United States, which is the logical outcome and result of tho doctrine of protection put into practice, which is c'ais legislation r-in to seed, and which protectionists fa vor ralher than tho good of the wholo people. The pcoplo as a mats, who have given this matter any thought, without nlloning their selfish interests to intervene are unflinching believers in the simple truth, laid down In the oft-quoted decision of tho supreme court, that, "to lay with ono hand the poffcr of the government on tha property of tho citizens, and with the olhcr to bestow it upon favored individ uals to aid privalo enterprises, and to build up private furtuns.U none flic less a robbery lecause It it done under t!it fount' of law, and is called taxation." Then seeing the r-sulls of this class legislation is to circum tcrilic are market for our agricultural pro duett, (of which we pro luce about 6o,oo. ooo more than one tan consume,) to the home mirke', be-uusi if we attempt to ex -chicjeoar arl:u'ural p-olucs for whi -h we have n.i u-e,'hr nianuf-icttirft which we do not projuce but could n-e, we are lined from 60 to ijjj per ceitof the prlceof the manafaTturea bclwre we can land them hen-. Hence we are pr.i;tL-l',y confined to our hjme market in whi:ti sell oir vvluit for 45 eta an 1 buy such manuf.ict;;iet as we cai with a tictlcliiufl value ad. led of from 6 j to 123 per cent on woitcin, o cal'ed, In which probtbly er.Uraa lirjt percent of a' t le manufacture if which has has been so wonderfully iucreited unler the operation ol the Mckinley law. Sj I conclude I that the luglcal remedy for these evila and gnat Industrial depression since the repeal of the purcratiag clause ol the law " Is to ' great to do, and pass in its stead the V.'il. aon bill wnich la now pending befrre con gress, and Is framed an'a very diflercat line - rom tae 31c Kinjey law. ine'iattzr was forme strictly on lines of piote:tton regsi J. 'eia of revecue or making revenue a second' ary contideralion. while the tS llion bill has b:e formulated on ihe lines of revenue regardleii of protection. And while the bill does cot purge our tariff system as thoroughly of its protection taint at we CJuld desire yet it is a thorough change of he timet. Too while the MKirdey dill- wat dictated by the beuifieirles of the meat ure-vt the manufactures, without coniulilnc ths withes ot the people who pay thete tsx- et. The Wilson bill takes into considera tion the needs of the govcrnmeut (for)reven ue. Also the interests of the people as wen as the manufactures. No Mr Kdltnr I predict the passage of the Wilton bill which carrict with It the repeal of the McKinley law. fur I believe ihe parly in powe' under- stand their instruclicns from the people (the protcctionest howl to the conlrary not withstanding. And when tliis law shall no Into o, eiullon, you will see this cloud of de pression which hangs over the poople of the people of the bnitcd Sta os disperse as the minis bcfoio the un. We will resume our normal positions, peace and prosperi'y will prevalei the land, and then If further tariff reform should hjcirn j necesur it will be an easy matter to accomi lisli i: for ll.e will ot ttiepcoplo will havs prevailed no. And then it would he c-r'aln sa peirail veryrc tpeclfully. Clou IIoitek. FOBTMILLEB MING A sedentary occupation, plenty of sitting down and not much exercise, ought to have Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to go with it. They abso lutely and permanentlv cure constipation, une tinv. sucar- r.ntJ IJ..II.1 ' .. wmtu i tncr. is a corrective, a regulator, a gentle laxative. 1 hey re tne smallest, the easi est to take, and the most natural remedy no reaction afterward. Sick Headache, diiious Headache, Indigestion, rsinous Attacks, and all stom- acn ana bowel derangements are prevented, relieved and cured. Undertakers - and - - Knibnliners, TE KlEPccnstrntlvcn lard a full Ih.e of n m;fc, iluli and wccdcotletsai enftin. Also huiial rnhfa and milt, in 1 11 ! Cl Will, r.tlli , an n 1 1 r.t " which will be sold at The Lowetl Living rroflu. EMBALMING nd t,ie proper care of the dead a tieclalty. WE m EXTRA K.3RCfcFGRKEARSE0R SERVtSE-:. ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOI rhe Oregon Land Co iVltn H-. boir.e office aij .tWl 1 vsSsJHOs- A great many nicdicinos "relieve" Catarrh in tho Head. That means that its driven from tbo head into tho throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, ur. sage's Uatarrti Jfcm cdy perfectly and permanently cures. - OZRliSGt-O. 0" .ne Utay Bloc!., corner Lloeity and State street, branch cfilce In Pnrtlaiir s?- Notice of Dissolution Nolice is hcrebr eiven that the firm nf acnuers a; io neretoloie doing business ine urm name of I Senders & Co has unde: AKES a specialty of SunnysicieTruit tracts rear Salem; Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at S50 to SfiP) r untie, me urni name Ol senaera de Lo has I ,. x s . , , ' 1 ' tuts day bjen dissolved. Mr Ado!nh s,.nH- UJ " suiuu cami m.y ill til I lore IimO Ol t)!l nilCfl "f' anenewnrmw'ii Le com- Of DartlCUlaS. noSHO ll! Mr f-.d Si-li,rtAar nnll T I ! wiitis-a lanan wno will continue Ihe bni will collect all amounts due the nln'n. and pav all its debts. Adolpii Skxd.-rs cchmekr. Both the mrthod and results ilier byrtip of Figs is takeii: It is pleojanl and refreshing to tho taste, and acts frtntly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tha bvs tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most, healthy and agreeable subetaacce, its many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd havo mada it the moot pepuiar remedy known. Hyrun of Fiirs ia for eulo n Kfl and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any "reliable druggist x),o may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly lor any cne who wishes to try it. lo not accent auv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sin fSAHCISCO. CAI. WUISVIU1. Kr. totK. .t. in I MEAN BUSINESS. w Star Baker j 4'rtrl'roiKlals'ln nnsl FlrMI N. amv vim, rrcFFiETOR, uuid Kr.Hlis, (J'afsnare, Orled Frnlta, Tolmcco, Nugur, t wllee, ;ti 4 ssnneit Jit-1 , 'Ikui n Mieea, Tea, tec. fsc vvervtt.i.iK that la kfpl n a g? tariity at:U L'ststry tturo, llllicot market l-rlte aia fur fll.L KI?IDS OK PRODUCE M TIio N'ttcil C'loin-oyni.t rtl Life Iltt.iT, Is now tu-ra!, xii'i V1 d-uiiil tt lar rf1.1tiife, n xt dw-r J b CuviH'ti. bhe Ulln hhout nil m- jtctit. Si prcfont ami futun-; lvu irouidcH, aiurnt Iricmjg and butfiiKid. You am hiar froiu M-'iir diml lUi.Jh, Wall Paper, J. A. Ct milling FARMERS LISTEN. We have a fine lot of fresh grass seed, of almost everv kind, including cheat, and we want to sell it. Come and see us. STEWARTS SOM WANTED ill sell all crrckerv waro and holiday coods al "wiji. iioi o am Buino prices: iamps, worth 50c for 25 cents: lamns wnrtli S.0 nri ti nn a I ! dn L ivi IX.VV , w-jiu -1. ut..o 4.u iu iu cunts a sei; pia'es, iv cents pej set., iivervuiintr eise ill nronorlion - ' - i i Call on mo and you will not be deceived. J. Gradwohl. At the Btoie Allen LJtoi , formeily owned IITPK. W. l!.IlM.1SliKH. I. If. JAMB ALBANY FOENITBBB CO, INCOPOBATBD Palliniorf I'.lofk. . AHuiiy, Ore. FURNITURE roiupl.-te line if - - in all it l.r.iiules. EMBALMING aep.N'ia!ty. nee coru t ;!r,I ,i!i H' i!., ' -: , CUARDIAS'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice ia hfrobv eivn t;iat tIiA,in.!nr.;. eil Kitardiau of Arelno C Wilsen, a minrr, in suiK'niam-D wun a license (rantiMl liy th t'ounty t'ourt of laun County, Orrtou, to sill the real eitato boloinjin to said aii'ait will on oaiuniay tne iir.l tiny of Keh, ISM, ..t tho miiir ,,i , u ouica o m, at Ihe Court J,,s, door in Albany, l inn Ciiuntv, Oreitnn m i.a fur aaU, at auction, to tho hivliBst'hid ber, for cash, tha folluvtinii dra.-iihed r, estate holo:iKi3i to said Ininnr, to-it- ta undivided oue-auloiMith f i,a f .llnstin described traot i.f li, euinnirneing ,t, Miiiit on Mi. nnrth line of ll, p.mation I sud t'laiiuofVimssnt Wataim and Man Watf.m hi. wife, I'.l.atl chains east from noithtvea?. f-rii.rif ssid claim, ii m i,, not N 7n; claim,! in tp 11 S K 4 act of Willsin. Itc maritti ,n and running whence Kat to fhaini to a th-nca aouth 10 ", chaa lhu :e easLS I'l Pli, thouca south Ks"m ch thenoa wrat 4tl.2!l ohsins, tnenco north 'S fl:'i tlisii.. f. til. i,l. , I b.jjim.i.,.- cMitrini .... ni-rt's, more or less, a 1 in I.inn a it' '""J" , "tn life etts!( of 'ibikij it I'ssiu iu suiti lainl, Alan IS. f.l'...i... a- . ". su uitturtilfil or.c- it.. ,,i waclot, H,kj "'"l" . i. -ouiiine.t earner cf tha U..n t.on l-J..d -U.m f ti Ha ho, .,, (( No TS in t. iidiii ...... i et'e Meridian and runnini, thi.ii..1 ii i. chains to a that i. fti l,ok, Blb ofm oai -ttaetonthe south side ef the county road thence eon In 20 St) chains to a stake then.-. ,.t O -J chains toa.t.k.. thene. north M.,0 chains to a stake ns it,- n. of tho Ponation l.n.l i.;M t - ... - - ,. i uiceni Uatton and wife, thence trest 7 9? au interior coin.r of W.tton cla m thence noith Ml) chain, to place of loinl .....n, .......... U...K , acre, mora t.r leas. i. mi v xunis-. s.irecon. ennn-nt i eatate of Aaron Wilson in said la-d. moanr s.-recon, .Ian 4th. ln. II C WaratiN. (iuardiaoof Archie C Wiisou. BUTTEK, EGGK, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE tUK I.Kvll)9(G I'HOTOGKAPHERSi, eon- Cabinet photos from $1.50 to .14.00 pur cozen, cniaiging pictures a 'Weclalty. iIxjo crayon; framed lor $10.00. we earrv a large stock ot exs anu sieresconic views of Or- Assignee's Notice. Notice ic herchi given to all whom is ray coieein, thatpiithe 4th dav of rsovembpr. 1S!)3, Anthony Prrist' oi.d V C Butler duly made au arsienment lo'me of all their proper ty fortho lenttit 1 f all their creditor., in ccudar ce with the ceceral assienmeLt awsof the staterf Oreeon; therefore all OerionS havini clsiina soflinsfc fhn eo. ,..rt i nership lirm of said Froost sod Hutier ara hereby notilicd and required to prcsentthe snmo to me under 01th at the office if W 1! Bilyeu in the City of Albany, Orepon lith in three months from the date hereof. DiUd this I7th day of November, 1S93. Fiiakklix r'HOrsT, Assignee. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTS TtTOTICE IS IIKRHHY GIVEN THAT THE UN X derrtikned has filed hi fluaJ drcnitit it. ttio estato of Emcliiia E Kubrouck, deocued With the COUIltV clerk nl l.inn nmt.t.- .tsiw, nd iht the county court of said Linn county, has fixed .'.'unley, tlm 13lhdny of January, 1MM, t tho hour of 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of mhl 'lav. ami the county court honii a that ni.. the huarintr of objections If any u nid flnii count and th aettltiment of said estate. Dated December 14th, 1804, v u mi.TKr Q W WRIGHT, AdoiindeSoiiiiimticum AMyUrt Lttate. testatuentoaiinexo. APPLES, for which I will -ay the bvtt carl pni posihe. G F RAE3P rp ( .JIA( KKV, .11. R., Cttiec l'ju'ra nu r tlit Phyfiflan and Su;.-ei! Rai;k of Or in. lictitljntf, Klh and Calaponla n. 1 Uf.Nf 1 oieffi hnuxA htnrn. R'aiu1i1 Inratitm. Ca I on Mm M-orptHry i.i iht Dkmi ckat utlleo lor nai tuuiarx. iifSAHDHiRROWS. I..r.iiii WUIK'.IK'. ploH., whCJ.. It uM mv you U. in I ami nrp us o I L A li t - OX i. r r.un.rrf. Li tv.,,1 liJir.u and c tiarrin.s.uon h irrowt. 5 cent COPYRIGHTS. V- TAJ f OIITAIJI A PATENT Foe. te'h' ""eenumr l.lrm. ma hotJ.'iS: '.;.'tnl",c h,ok" tree. - talents Ukin tbrnunh Munn A Av sswmh life N3Ti CE 0 F FiNAL SETTLEMENT. voTirt: t iiirtKitv ijivkx tiut tup i v .4 t..,.'a n, n,lt, . ' si tto .h, l..,. , ..(,.!.),M,... u ,, , u '' '- - is,. mis :n ill i t'-I.SJl splea..vjienl. kTcr nuiKrAT:r..';i' msmmm -si t n um l'ati.1 IKx y.h, 'ill"! A lli.kt.niiti, .vt. n.,.. I. r ji.lmr. Ans iv unit ,.( t ar.l n,k !,, 'i ll :i.l N s haling ani hetx RIMIUI, Assignee's Notice. In the metier .if the iMirnnivntof Henry rrrrman I' in;iilvint debtor. Notice is hereby given ti nt Hearv J- reeman lVur.l has assign, d to me ail bis proper y for li e benefit t nil his rredi'ora in arrnn!rtrss aith ti.e Inns ol sta e of Drei;. n lel.itn to weneral asicnn-enn l v iii-o'vcnt iiib;.'r. ll ciediij.ra ,.f t! e said ):,.,,. Kr.-em'an I onndare ni.ti!i,-il In Tiri'i. iii ..l. - iimbr o.t;,. t... at , ,K(V f ,.'Isi.'k. IMII.- IV i ;'..S11, ;lt bany. Crr.-.n. i;l the date et rio' 11. I'. I'u.iM-; Assi.r.ce They Reduced ic- s- Z5 to $3 Year. The "Forum sssltSa. ss uT'.c CvtaUit ef att ear rgrtedicah" 'a' The (orcmi-st men of the world write the 111 :raiuro ' of contemporaneous activity lor THU FOHU.M. ...n1,C7..,r.'Sl '""i'' !' u? b' Tl" t" "to" 11 "alurallv comet Mo public attontion and I. t, b, t! best aathorltles, without regard to Tartlet or c-scot. It kp thoughtful reads, intormcd oa th. ta-k," and J,J Z, 01 ths time, at no othr periodical Cues. ' ' liibil" i? ! ' VCr"' t: rrlce 01 Th rorun' h" """rto b-en e.-o. ! In Ml- n." hBVO bMn tM "'I r 'Le "oases oMnnlliRcnt rcau,r, But no the number of reader. f tl.onehtlul lit.r" -men anj women who sUi really to know what la i-,,in . i .1 Id, the -arrow ..rnita , pcrticnlar -.i?- I nltei Slate, to warrant Co r.-vclut.onary . reduction l price. Th, Forun, d!KU.c. Imporunt 5ub)ccts. but It la not dull. The literature ol contemn rancou., activity Is. In fact. th. most lir..,tinz f J t,l Arnt itln,.,:p lrarli ,hat man .hall know tha eplnlon" cf Tret and U. 1.1X51 great Khlcvemcnta in every direcln Z LT, ISS4 Hamper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. Tli a I. .... .. ,u " " crap as io mjeazines of mn entertainment. "EsPEST, THE LARGEST, THE EEST. OF THE GREAT REVIEWS. The Forum PubIihinS Company, Union Square, New York. 35c. a Copy. $ j a Vcar. 111 :lie citv ef Al Tie months from WiW : FURNITURE, BOTTOM PRICES. Tlios. Brink. IIirpkr'i. W rkklv U 1eyond all questinii.tnc leading jounia. In Amoriu, In Ut up ctMlii illuit rations,. n cono! (lisllniruielicil contiilutorn, tnd in its tab army of readurs. In iplctnlld llr.m, it dtavvi on tha hifihctt order of talent.tho meii beat Sited by poiitioi. Mid training to treat the leading topics of the day. In fiction, the most popular stry writers contribute to its columns. Superb drawing by the foremost artists illustrate its special artictes.ils Btories,ad every cot. able event of public interest ; it a n tains portraits of the distlnipiishcd men and womt n who are maklntr tbs history of the time,wh:is special att.ntkn is civen lo tho Army and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and tho Drama, by distinguished experts. In a wort. Harper's Weekly combines the news features -f Die daily paper and the artip.ic and literary qualities of the maytzlne with the solid critical character ef th) review. BAEPER'S P5RICPIGALS. IIARKR'S MAOAZINK 4j d HAHl'EK! WKEKLY .... . CO lIAKPclt'a BAZAR HAUI'EUS YdtNOPKOPLE o Pottatie free t; all rubier be r in the luiled Statts Canada and Mexico, The Vslumtsof the Weekly lcain with the first Nuo ler for January of each year , lVhi-n no time is mentioned, subrM-riptiniis wil. bcj;in with th numlrtr current at tho time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's We, k.j f ir three years hsck,in neat ch th biiuinfj.wili be sent by mail, post age paid, or by espreist, frc o!enpne (provided the freight dees not excetd one dollar per volume,) tor 7 00 per volume, Ctuthj cases for each volume, tnitabte foi binding. will be sentby ail, roat rId, on receipt f I each K-mlttarces should be made by rnetofflce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chacce of lots. Newt papers are not to copy this adve. .etint without the express order of Uaarsa h tlaoruKRsf i Addrca. UAIII tR et. I TXTHt R8, New Tjta, 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. tfiiSUrtrtti 'ntlt re Ii r I i-'-i v - lil.eliMti, " tllll :pv, r-l, .Ufa ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .5. aWslaPH, 1'roprletoa, We want rnatiT men, wenasn. tor., anil i. work for ut a lew boars daily, rijht In and armmi Ihelrown bom.i Tin bosineM 1. eatr. pleaan. strictly boaoratile. and pars btttcrtban anrclliri ori.reJ ajoat.. Von bare a clear Held and no eompetltton. Eipfrjeoce toA srlal abiLtTno. npeeisary. Xo capital required. We equip roe with ritrrtliim t,.lt ym you welV and h-lp you to rsrn ten timet ordlaary ware.. imen do a. wi II al men, and bojt and elrls m tko g.ioi p;ir. Any on. enysrhere. can do th "rk All succet .1 stlio f..:iow eur nlaio and sire 7 "c dirfSkns. r.,rni-.t trorS wiU soniy brim: Tn a rrrat d. al of money. r.vrrthli.t it ner aiKl in pr-at il.m-in.l. Write f.:r our rswnpliM circular, and rrcclre fall information. Ho barm d me if j-esi conclnjc tut to 10 en with tlie riistnesi. GeorceStinsom&Co.. Ear. OS, PORTI.?j, MAINE.