8 is I 'iT VOL, VI ALMY 011001, SATURDAY JAKUABY , ,894. m 21 ig was i ft "Only the Sea Remain." Says Henhy IIi'DSOX, of Hip James .Miiuii w unieii Machinery Co., l'ljilii'leljihia, Pa., who certi fies as follows; 'Ai;ioii' tho many testimoni als which I see in regard t cer tain medicines 1 e r f o r in i n ft unit's, cleiuisiug tho blood, etc., none impress mo more lima my own case, Twenty yoars ago, nt the ajo of IS years, Iliad swellings coma on my legs, whirl, broke- and iieuamu run n lug sores , Our family phy- U;..U ....111.. ln me no good, and it was feared that tho bones would bo affected. At last, my pood old Mother Urged SVSe to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the soars remain, mid the memory of tho past, to remind me of tho good Ayor's Sarsnparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in tho best of health. I have been on the road for tho past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar eaparilla advertised in nil parts of tho United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." Ayer's SarsapariHa Prtparcd by Dr. J. 0. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Maea. Cures others, will cure you MM ml PHI O.Vicirlaitd, -I- DK M.Kit IK -:- Harness-and - Saddlery Display f in the Door "As old as the hills" and never excell ed. ' Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Livor Hegu j lator is the Better inedicino to which you can put your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid neys. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Tow-dor to bo taken dry ormado intoa tea. The Klue of Liver Medicine,. "I harouwdyniirHlmmonB Liver Regu lator and run conscientiously suy It Is the Kineorallliver medicine, I consider it a iiiedlpino chest In itself. GKO. W. Jack son, Xucoma, Wushiugtou. i-EVERY PACKAGE'S. M tho Z Stamp in re 3 on grappa. Than Pills Eruption oflbeekln Cured. Ed Vennev, Drockvllle, Ontario, Canada, n.'.'rif V "8ed Kranur"l' I'lll. for the past fifteen years, and think them the belt cathartic and antl-bUiou. ror some five years I suffered win, an eruption of the skin that gave me ' a" nam and announce. I tried dVn "', ,cJhinS wa unrelieved, f finally concluded to take a thoiough course of Brandeth's l'ills. 1 took six each nlnht for n.uht. then five, four, three. two? it. month took one every night, with the happy result that now my skin I. perfect! lv cl.ar and has been so ever since," At Meal Ximk,, vou ever conside ..... .,u.,ny OI me food vou are cling? It may be good. It m,sflt be btt" purer wnr,h 111,1 '.norc r u. I It no! -nfr.. ... " sure mac your tea, .ouee, ,ugar, baked goods and lnnumera b.eother groceries ate of the best quality? Ihereis and. .rim.,., .nrr i . - ----- -...... K uuiLrcnce in the prices of the best and the worst thai u not pay to buy the worst.even on the false prnnnn tt B.nFn,A best is n ways the cheapest, because the i , . "."rtuic.iiiiu me very vl ' vryiM"t in the grocery line is "i- arKcr UrOR. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ' J P. FORD, Midi, Of Deal Moines, low., vrtaa unler data of ;arcn bi, iS,j. 3. B. Med. Mfc. Co . CDufar, Oregor. Gentlemen On arriving li rno last wrek. I found oil well and snxiouily aTaitint'. Our, little .Km una one-nolt jenrs old, who had wa ted away to 38 Dimrilj. ia i,.iiv ivll ar.,ong tad vtg.:r(iu-, and well Hesbed un. -. u. ougn t uro has d-;no m work weli. nf null 1 l:i ! tr n - ... m.iuicu uKt. ,t, ioar a b. ( ouiili Curo has cured and kept away all li(iArar-r.ra l.n... e i L."u."i.'i.,JiiLniiie it ia-.ya We, witH gro-tinsB for all. Wishing you Yours, Al HtMxiJF Ford. "ih's "f'h,to a""1 "JliMrtuI, and rosily Hiaclache and Livoi Curo, by uking Mi or three 60 cents par bottln by all druggists.) 9,.Bo.J unrici-i ,.otitlT0 guarautee by 'I REVERE HOUSE i'BAKK - 5 Hi yKtL.. r J A Ct'MMING. ACAD OF Y -OF- tafly of Perpnf,nal Help " 'uS'v, coloring a uniform; hrowu wash off "wtub, ThoURflnrlc nf . n, . "i"vcn annua y by the use of A vpr'c P.tn..l r-.L. 'J "J of .,n ".lne 'reatmcnt amir.n.i; ; ) - ."cuusirucieaa Ir passage and contro's th i i. 1 ' ... w wwugiit Dr. Price's Cream BaUirigPowder Mot Perfect Made. When Baby vria slot, vro gave hor Castorio. -hen she was a Child, sho cried, for Castorla. When she became Miss, rJie dung to Castorla. Wben she had Children, she gaTC, ti, q,, Wheat, cn ... wood. S i ,TJ,3vt m exenantre for sewing machines or oran on hanfi .. a- ."1 . ?u'c store. . Also. 0E aU .hook iXuIl 1 T1 r riT . i. . machine. f ,I I !,?- Sewi"C nal guarantee fo7S yf m Per Wkuoixo Ikvitavions. AVooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. C"Suii.kv. WhatfVtfr mau l.a .. ... Inir the h,tr ' u "use OI hlanch-n.?'-. i be res'ored to Its oriel nal co or hv thi. ,.CM f .i.-. . Ha,r.Vege.abeS.c.iia;iSXrnewer! 4 inn ,,, nti- Veek Atuuse Toi ivj j ii evwv niirlit forn il' 111"! ilPWI IP PI I i I II i I I III i I m i I II i -(-,-, NiK (MV. Ar;r Vk .-1 F w S3 a s. for Snfants and Ghildrzn. THIRTT yrar oTjcrvaion ofCastmrm tc-tth fho pn-tronftga of millions of persona, permit n a tf npoa of it TJ-ithoTit Gneaint. It 1 r.nqntlnna!?1 y tlm best remedy f'-r Enfant: and CM3dra tho world haa ctot Xtnnwn. It )a harmless. CltiMrftn Jt. It Clvoa thorn health. It will nnvo t liafj liven, In it Mothers havo Bomothlns which in wholwtoy unfa and prarttoally pprfrof ro f, ohild'a mod.olnp. Catorlo',cstroy TTonntt Cattqrla ollayaororishness. Caatorlft prcvonf TmnlUng S'rr Cord, CantoHa fwrw Dlarrhma and Wind Cnllo, Cartoria relleTea Toothing Tronhlaa. ' Caatoria enroa Conatlpation and Tlata'sTicy Qaatorla Bontntlhtoa tho effocta of carhonie acid gaa or polaonona air. Caatoria dooi not contain morphine, op.nm. or other narcotic property. Catorla aaalmllatea th e food, regnlate the atomach and howla, giving healthyand natural aleep. CiMnrla ia pnt np in one-aize hot ties oly. It la not old in hnlh. Don't allow any ono to well yon anything el we on the plea, or nroinle hat it iBwjnt aa good and"wlll answer every pnrpowe. Set thrt yon gt C-A-ST-Q-R-I-A. The focaiinUe ST -jLtfJ 0C ?79T Bgnntnro of (sty)(7CCC& trrappfr. am nh . " ... 7 . -nr. .,. 1 1 KruHs coun unci croup iT.rrf0808'0" 252. Children Uve it A"e ore hi".'. ' . . Ca esnnH J ' .Boo and for cash. JWe ;.r T "a""1',ri8 R.-1, Peacock & Co goods and pHc"... ev?r!'n''r1,"Cpar-'iion ,c:r,he ""f '' VI or1".", '",'.1 'h:'. A3's Hair r. - "riKinai co or to faded and crav hair nn,i i .. natural Lrlci.nnrti. J : "lilt ,...u.i' . everyone so ...... ii ouniires. its rraulai nnl. u Me ,w,,u Fruu, llunolulu. San Kr.Axcisro Jan 5. -Tho revenue cutter Corwin, winch was due last Salur day, arrived at the entrance of thu harbor this morning about 11 o'clock. She did not enter, but laid to off Fort point Ions enough to send a boat ashore with d'a ratches, and then sailed in and anchored off hatisalito, whenco she afterward pro ceeded to Mare island. A roportcr in a boatme he cutter olTf he fort and en deavared to board her, but was repulsed, fits inquiries as to how tilings wero goini; at Honolulu wero unanswered. Tho only hint of news was given by one of the crew who auul, over the side, t'o the ipporter: , , ' uitf row on down in Hono lulu. It ia also rumored that U-u queen ie on board. M.ire Cnlil Weather. London-, an S.-Severo cold continues " B'""" "rc;" uritain. Tlie temuera u re 1,, ,ay picos ls the (owe6t kn-own ImuKh the thermometer registers 5 to 10 ileg above zn?, the suiferinp is as great as r :wl,ure'y ""propured for it, niul .. ....KuuiuuK luo poor is intense i tiere liiive iWn munv ,i..k t urc. Outdoor u-orlf is anf;i., i.j . ,uiuvy ovlJUHUfU, To Hlxllrlde. iioro tntt-.tv .t-rtiii v, - 1. .. . a M iV v a uru uunounces mat iiofs blocks 1 in Spokane, tbo income from which Ik All) ftrti. , rnciflc t'uast Pdiiiir R.4V I'lllvmn T rz mi -r. IWanii . a.rj '""i--.1.08, street .. --e-" 'euurts 01 rai urea in t ie t icihe coast states and territories for i 1 , euul"K 'ouay. as compared with 1 J .Or t IP nrnrinn. .1.1 .. -.r i' . , iw,u Ior tne No More Tunn i'.ual ..a.i w 1 luomn uu, 01 l-ortinnu, arrived here todav. In an nterview he said that the statement . - r.-.Uvu iciliw LO 1110 11U u ut unemployed in 1'ortland is not founded upon facts. He saia iheto were ...u.e men out 01 employment thau was usual at tin. Boaunn ft( it.n Beclilrdly Cold llOISR. .Inn r. W:i .i.. . ,.u..i .1 , . ; "earner lias .v..ueu ins pun 01 luano. The tempera turn raafhnA : u: i. ... r1-" . j l .7 uulwlflBl nignt. At ldho jUva-Ul uereoa below and .at jonignc promise, to duplicate records. Highest of aU in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 Powder' ABSOUTOiSf PWRE ' I rr.n "r.vt, 1 Shi' ih's '.'it,hz-r lv-.v.jv (crpiil llv lev tronble. Ii. 14 'Hi -Indian. Pri.-e 7". ' ' you need for r. yi-iiow skin or Icid- .r.nt.-ert to.iiim yn ' Sild.liy I'Dihay A; C.-JiJcSren Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. The (ii-.iiiinc Aim The Huiiin. Even- ijood tl,n has lis hou f It, atur,:cv.;rv i.ntiin i. relts. fheini a'nr. ,.!.... . most valuai.lH : ." ' 'e counterfeit .,!,: " ' -'.J"r. ""c'e . 10 as "no and-aS..' ....u- . . upon 1. ,h.t ...So-nd S Z hP ;"he best of the kind The sham "pVo've. the' genuine merit of the thing ?oplc, and never ha, this been bM,erSiu.tri;ed tSan fV the Imllistlnn. a 11 i... ' AllCOfk'k P..rni.. tT-.. ,, " 1 ' ; me stand rd of ercellence the world over, and It, ,1m. f..nd.dn,.,M,COcrVr ' P""c-'on. which It 1, their high- Chi ambition in irnti... t, ... - ... ... . .Hiim.c, ine altlerenrc wide a, 7.', r"i ,'T?'rf"-" -i-u 1. . - .'per ana go d . The oftlv .nf j. a .. L .'.' . , -j I'urcnasers is lo I .TT I1 T" havin Allcock'. Tor ous t'laster.. They are the only perfect plasters ever produced. I"ieci Albany tlnrfcel. I i.ur, 4 ". uiior. 'i0 Fva 2"v !.nl, 13 lo 15 1'nrrf h.i-n. litr, 15 . lil ill.- A ( l.l'J Eniaya Too pleasant fl ,vn, nnti. i t- .i I s-'.-c ai.iii.ii nnu soothing effect o SjtupotKisi, when in nttVl OI a 11X11 VK an.l If . I. f ., , ,u ii Kie limicr or mother )e costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow it use; so that it Is the best f.imiiv i.J : , ,, vuv Known and every family sluuld have a botils. foe rile who hivi. ,1.A ,i.. ., . t. - OI.v uiBt mere .,- . u.jw ivu one the tho alomaeh nt an n.trioh, hut it n .....MB.i.oi,, i0 .ln,,n,ary ,.ri;ai that diue.ll..-, f. rlin.ry food becom?. r,y and ualu.al. ' lunrr,nT-el to cure niiious Attaciaan Proveil If. he llr nrsI Tested and nrnv.-d u ik use in all parts of the world, Allcock's Por ous nlastera have lh.lr.rln....n. .( .l.. highest medical an.; chemical authorities and millions of grateful pall.,.,.. ..i l,.iVe oet-n curen of i..ir,sing ai.menls volun tary testify 10 their ireilu. Allcnck's I'orous 1'lasters nrc purely . -h. .urv are miia nul elteclive sure and quick in ihvlr aciu.i, and al:o' utelv harm esi. Ileware of l.nltnilf,nk nn.i .1 1... . celveJ b misrenrescnlnlion. Ai, A kick's, and Ifl .r,iloi,n.l... ... nation Induce vou lo accent a substitute TUB ITT!I!T lyn ST MllKII.AK, Our readers do not need to be told wi.at t.ie (.eiitury Mngazino is. It. Uai -orlt in any g,.,,, j,-or ,004 if ...,-v," groller than ever, 2000 pages of choice lit er.ititri with ItHiO illustni'iom. There will be a new- novel by Mark Twain, important exiieditions, hunting at lime game, artists adventures, tramping with tnimm, unpub " 0Sfll's of lames Kussell Lowell.otc Hie St Nicholas ia the princeof children's magazines, the best of all of them. A feat ure of tho 18114 number will be Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history series. a series nn American authors, storios of 1 till 1,1 hv Ifn.l,-.. ...1 l.r:..l:.. 11- ... .r.niK, ,ucuiieciions of wild life, papers 011 tho government nnd some luviittiin unri.il unl,... 11 ii . v..,u nL.i aa ulc famous lirownies. The price of the Century is 35 cents a number, $4.00 a year: of St "Nicholas M flu a year. Any subscriber of the Dkmockt in good standing may secure the Century for 3.50 or the &t Nicluhw for 2.60 bv Ic-lViniP tlin lllllnnv nl a:. .... r. do the rest. I'aiKer l.ri, itic'.s. I P. M. I'r.n,! i..psraiirat time Huy your ;r.K-vii.ia of TarUer (Iron r,ia.,r'3..rifji :isc,n:i',, ii.iw Jrm :i,.. jBt inouird t Ocnrai Meyers P .1 Smiley job printer, Klinn !J!oc!. d ie, first cliws work. Smoke th celebrated Havana fillod Z otnt cigar at Julius .loseph's, l)r VI ir Kill. ..l,.,.i..,. aii iV..,. ' ,r ; , '." "'"oon oountry. .11, '.ill-, I., ottv'or For nlivts snk 1 1 . . , r v 1"". . k,","ihi grurr.Dia because you are troubled with Indigestion No good was ever effected by snarling and (telling. Be a m,n (unless ,0u happen to be a woman), and take Ayer'. Sarsparllla, which will reliev, you, whether man or woman. " Seir Praise. Self nraUf. I. tin vA.n.Mn.i..i . . , .o.mHtnumm,, Dm mere are not times when one must permit Vif. . ' trum aoout himself. When what he nn ; .,.i u.. .1-- t'stimony of other, no reasonable man a ,, U hI wo"'- Now. 'osavthat Allcock's Pnmn. Pln,lu.a .... .u" n.c me only genuine nd reliable porous plasters made is not self praise In the slightest degree ihevhave atonil in. ,... .l?i..... years, and In proof oi their merits it Is only "--""j' i.i caii Htieniion to tne cutes thCV have effected nnH in il. ...i... testimonials of those wha have used them Hewau: o( Imliatlons, and do not be de ceived by mlsrenresentatlon A.b in. Allcock'i), aad let no aolkitatlon or expla nation Inducr you to accept a substitute. Experience "fan Ex-rnaumlim Athletes and outdoor, v.,-,1 1. X ."",'" ""mrj ki. 1 ; ,V . "iiaing, running, bicycle riding, Umplng, slmmn ,e,lnl, fit ftro nft.in K.. l; ' r- Tk jecis 01 acute troub les. The pni.Un t ... walker will be n, i .., r. ".l"?mP10" . j . ""M- mi wno are aillicled. Hnrrv Uroolts rit,D. No. IIJ. East lotli . xr . Anril a. ,KSft v. -.' m . .1 . .. ...... v.. .ii aiatements rcl, Ive to the merits of different plasters having been brought 10 my attention I a ke this opportunity to stale that 1 have USed AIICOL'k'i Porn... Il.... . . "......u,lur over 20 years and prefer ihem 10 any other kind I Would furtherir.r (ick will, ca.arrh of the kidneys, and a'lri hule my recovery entirely to AMcocf, Porous Plasters," .u1 -Time .'ielhods i r c at i n sr '.olds Cj'Llghs '-"SU Oil 1 of .'cssion. " o w k n o vv ' fecdin? a is good doctrine, and were the SUD- We itfs Emulsion cod-liver oil with hypo ::.pl:ivcs, a rich - fat-food," ilie most stubborn 1'. when ordinary medi- -h:ive failed. Pleasant '; easy lo digest. A k..n.,... v. Aliam.ffl.f. ! I'enny Wle and I'.innd I'lkill.l,. The man or woman who dots not u p port thtirnwn home paper cm be prop,',. I.r e avml a. "peony ise and pnumi f ,cl . tn.- II briiiKvfur Instu ice. 10 your ib.or UliDortuniliH fi.r 1... 1. ... . iualnever.nhlns. II y , Wnnt em. l.i ivmet.i, th.n wo afflstyou. 'I hut re. minds JS that ts nrf..UP.l. . .1 .. n - --....-.UK-Mi oiir o h nson & 1 n. Richmond, Va, In h,-r el 11 in 11 my prove of real Ini.-r,.,, ...,.1 lie to vou RWBotUoTSjflJ 0(8 lf 5?f Onocoutadoaa. Buav JS 9 W fr. Kt.) 0j -y I. 'o Up. Price's Cream Raking Powder Party Year, the Star.ird. When . doctor l-.,n.M.r. II n to pre.Slib? sarsati.l!.. I. .l.nnl.. 1 . . I -, ..l,M UIllCI. a bottle uf Ayer's. krovt Imr foil ,..n .1.... he lil nhtaln l!i.n.K. B ... 1 - a.iK curer preparat.on thai, ai.y oilier which ibe druc ... ,.,, .yer-a aars iparlna is tne sup, rlor meillclne rcr.L-.a 0.' CiniiiirnuiKir Catarrh ,'ir.l A Goon Ii.m, It Ii a BfjoJ f.l.tti 10 nbc tbe for itid ren.1 carei"ul'v vour own home 1 nper, .is It is the aim u( na-ter tomake Itan p.lucnri.inal Item In (he Cnmmnnifv. 0lrkIc ih.tr (..,.- of a j h, or wir,h to ...creaic tour Income. men here H the pce 'o rind ii. In an -cti.er column you will find an ndvertjse rn.rn of i( K .'ohnon A Co, of Ulclimond V , fur wotk-i'A, ih.t in.iv InVreU vou. ;iei: e'i( Tin;.-i; B.i-h aitn l.j i-Ii- ii, y ur,';,,;.;:i , ;Mt;:i Ci.'.Tl ' '..11 , .ir-, ni 'nun,, u Tm'-I.i, O., irn. iron f'-l-.i irrfi. 11 wholo wvstem '"'! the r.iucnus surfacea. ' '': be tm d cxce;,t on -::able pfysioir.rs, uh tho t- n f.ll It i fjooij yon n ?!"Di. ll-ji.'a t aiarrb y t. .1, l-en-vr ,i ( ,.. , i' 1 i -if nry. ar.fi lake-n 111 f' viijr lio Mw1 nnd Hi ..-v-ir ,.! Jn hi'yj-ip Hall's It! ''! aTf-l. t.il .'nr.r-.;.... It lv a- 1! ;s -.i 1. lc in 'l'..rlo. Oiiiu. y " . T 'liJfnriiilH froi. "L'' 'v r-rlKittie. it:-, 1 Vdi, Yi r Z scj t. s.. 1:,,- n a-.I.? 'tir Biiiitnj In the dtnte t VV R tr:ih.imV wht ri hi h.i a inll..P u.i.u c 1 tiiihU on han-t to muki ihm nn .1 noikc. (ft h- bent nd tnont Mvljh Rlllt r-.f htm .-1 .,, . , ,,cw icniure wiu uc rr.tikinir of ln,H . ciat ",,c""K"t c o .n 10 the latest at v Irs, he renajrlni; o ttitn oren. the the and Th?.aUMOU,CT" taa CouEhV, Criur, Sore h,. J.!."' Co;"P"in it na no rlvuh Jjfia cured thousands, ,.n.l lylll n no vrm If BHILOH--S BB L L A DON N A 1 'HILOH'SCATAnkl. VI80B ii cloak. Price 4r bot- Olivea In t Irklen, chow naKed l.nmin Browne!1. i'kt saner araut, inhed "iw, cranberries. lem nt. and nw ralnlns at C E Awarded Highest PUS " " M . H 14 n Honors World's Fair ':?f wr ii R r f A Li y Vj-j Ea-I!,. .::'.: . Poraiaiaal!; fiociv.- v!r;i DEu.l ITV. ir-i i.vr rhoik. I, . lvi.MV.1.,. K.U,,, li.ci.-rji. fi x r, i V(vi"i toe-uryi ij.r Ir-.tti.-n If t .1' Pintfi". nn'nr; r imniclt,..,l)-l,Tl k,.. n v ti. . rrtrri't- I: ERt: KEDICAL CZ BUFFALO- N. v. PARMKKS, ATTENTION If I Vol? , ANT WACON HACK. BUGGY CART P10W HiiRROW.DRIll SEFH ER FEED CUTTER, IV.t f -'.-Af S'O All!!)'. in Millions of Homes - -40 "e oMly 1'nre Cre-:::i i r T.-i-t i