i gr.tlu gemorriti CITY OFFICIAL PAPER ZZ01VXZ3 iiu abroad: ab!'nlul o.-jry ay in tha week except Sunday. rr'HSiMTTIM. Edito.-saud frop'r Kniered at Ihn Poi.t (WW at Albany uregoD, as .econa oiaia man mailer. JIXIlPV 5 1894 A.K.I1KO ItfA. LBTTBK (i Wiio Was Ciiazv. Sunday evemnpr a (.'3iitltm i"i fronOtho S.intiiuu ntipt-ared a tliWeriiX's otlieo and swore out a warrant t Uiirtfin a man named Harper, t if that ( Oiintry with insanity, says tlie Salem Independent- On Monday Morn in a oSp uty sheriff left for the location armed with a warrant fur Hari-er'n arrest. Lite this afternoon lcputy sheriff Cooper returned from the Santiam with Harper and he proved to be ft very sine man. He said that he conld not understand why he should be charged with insanity and Ijolievod it to be tho work of an enemy. Harper was brought before Judge Hubbard, examined and immediately disuhanrcd. Ho was without a cent to pay his faro back home, and for the great injustice done the man Judge Hubbard allowed him 5 out of the county fund to pay his expenses back to his home on theHantiain. The entire costs should be "taxed up" to to the complaining witness, who should be made to serve it out in jail if necessary. t lo. ot h j ij i ! I fji-.iU r enquire at the Ladies Bazaar. One of Joe Mjers teams ran awny thU afternoon far the, firtt ilrnt In ;venl days. The KIwocd wai at Albanv to-djy. Beu I'ost, a former Albany ouni man. is ateward of this boat. Hard lime prices. Columbia smelt cents per pound and salmon 8 ,cenu per pounu ci xiyaes .artiei. j Lebanon pays the Electric Light A Water Co 9120 a montn. Her receipts last year were $1684, expenditures. $:iuJ, Thin or gray hair and bald Vaas, so displeasing to 'many people as matkgof age, mny be averted lor a long time by u-ing Hall's Mr.ir Renewer. The populist meeting eppott.ted for Saturday evening at the Court House ha been postponed on account of the speaker expected for the occasion being sick. A debating societyhas been organized at Tallman with the following officers; President, Robt (jil on; vice president, I) Troutman; secretary, Miss Ida Smith. Meetings are held enc Saturday evening and are largely attend?;!. The question, "Resolved, that man Is a creiture of circumstance' will he discussed at the next meeting. C T Wardlow has been reinstated in the 0 loflico at Corvaliis. This is proper. His liBchanro was as silly a piece- of business as one oiteii witnesses. Tlie whole affair dis placed the milksop character of tlie man Aiulcaney. Com.i:ie Y M C A. Tlie Colie Y M 0 A convention for Oregon, begun at 3 o'clock this afternoon at tli3 college chapel with a good attendance of delegates, about fifty from outside colleges, there being about ten each from Corvaliis, Eugene, Salem and Portland, with others from dif ferent places. More are" expected from other schools tomorrow. Tonight Kov ilriver will deliver the address, which promises to be a treat. On account of not as many arriving this noon as were expected entertainment was not called for from all who promised; but may be tomorrow. Piieiwhkd for Jloi.BEKs. The 'Salem Independent says: A N Hush has given an order for a piece of ordnance with which to "do up" any set of meg who may take a notion to come the James act on the bank of Ladd & Bush. The. new weapon is a magazine, Winchester shotgun. It will hold six shells loaded with buck shot and tlie six loads can be emptied as quickly as out of a self cochin? six shooter. The inin is to l)e cut off so that the barrel will be but about IS inches long Such a weapon m the hands of a determined man would prove a very effective affair, worth a dozen or two revolvers. The State Hoard of canalization has ad- jonrned. It has caused confusion by rais ing some counties a tew dollars ami lower ing others, and there is no more equaliza tion than there was liefore. Linn county is raised from $9,277,117 to 408,679, mostly on town lots; Marion count v is lowered a million; Multnomah a million. Two millions is ubout what the entire state is lowered. It is to bo hojied tho next leg islature curtails this equalization board. CQL'MTY COI'BT. (J.N. Duncan, county Jmltrc; Win. Rumbaugh and J. W. l'ujita, CotomUwioiitsra.) H E Caden. roads, 822.70, ordered paid. Report of O Hutlcr, dist 37 37. bill $80. Continued. BVCrow, acct poor. $19.20. ordered paid. Settlements were had with the road pervisors and appointments made as fol lows: Xew Bill Allowed F M Kiger 8 20.00 M Shakleford 20.00 reappointed A Dakota Tltkkv. The Lebanon Ex press tells the followinir: Mrs G W War- net and daughter returned last Saturday from tho east, I hiring their absence they visited the world's fair, remained a short tunc in Minneapolis. Minn, and Ipswich, S D. They also visited Conway. N V. where Mr Warner is buying wheat. They brought with them a turkey frozen under tne average climate 01 isortn i'akotu, to wit, 33 degrees below zero. And when it got here, it was still frozen. The Warner and oiowe family ato it and say Oregon turkeys aro preferable. Ax Important Tiui Chas Clark, the new receiver of the Oregon Pacific, and W K Crosby, will leave tonight for fcan Fran cisco, to make arrangements to settle the affairs of tho road at that city, and if pos sible get the release of the Willamette Val ley, so it can begin making regular trips. The result will be watched with interest in connection with the road. Mr Clark has a big task on his hands to get the road into a resectable financial condition. It is to be hoped lie succeeds. Dist Old Sup 3fi Thos Turner E N Mcuvw C Carey Ubbo Peters' J H Scott W J Steele Jas Curtis WcIIargue reappointed J A Burkhart J (i Weimar Thomas Fram reappointed 8.00 3(1.00 30.00 20.00 34 .90 19.50 150.00 24.00 Jns Ware T F Miller Frank Smith W A Thrift J H Kebham 26.00 J Shea reappointed L M Archambean3fi.00 Richard Warner 42.06 M Achesin 40.00 Frank Kirk 30.00 Cai!! ov Thanks. lire A Cohen and family wish to return their heartfelt thanks to ninny for kindness nntl sympathy during tho recent illness mid utter the deatli of their husband and father: particularly to the members of the A O U W , who were constant in their attentions. VAR Em Out! The wav to do It Is t"talts yo-jr wash ing 10 lhe Chinamen. Ifyouwant vour work well done at living prices take "it lo Richard & "hllltpS. Steam Laundry. Thy know how without banging them around a pole. ' Of AT. AND iNSTntMENrAL MlsIC. Miss Ilatlie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gales Col lege, Neb, is prepared to give lessons in vocal and instrumental music to single pupils or clases, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has. had a thorough educa. ijon and is an experienced teacher Kcr Rfeienccs are. l'rof H A Shorey, William 4 Prow and Mrs lenr.ie Lee. A W Standard reappointed 44.00 mmm SIonky Retciined, While walking down First street this forenoon an honest man found a bank book containing consid erable money. It was taken into the bank for which the deposit was intended, and the owner, Jlr lodge, was notified before he had discovered his loss. He rushed to tlie bank as a man would rush for a train and found his money all right- It is very gratifying during these hard times to know there is one man who will restor mor.ev. Tub Things Wis Eat very largely make us what we are. No thought can pass through the mind without leaving some effect, however slight. Many Blight Im pressions, in time, make mighty changes, it's the same with the b?dy. Abuse It with poor food and take tlie consequences. For purity ai.d certainly In groceries and baked goods, go to Parker Bros. The nnde-ricned, pro prieter rf the rionerr House desires to inform the puhiie thst he has reduced the priuo of botrd without lodging to $3 pur week, with lodyiftc S jerwcek. .Single inssli 20 otnts. The public is aviti-d to cail sh I keep good l-ris and et a pitod table. Have tirwonrl for sale. C:iiTer of !3roadalhtn and Wattr fltrests. J H A KHAN PA. Phoenix Arizona. New Years Pay 1804. Etl'tors Denioatit: As 1 sit hero in tho open air, this bright sunny d.'.y. I visit, in mind, many places and many people. Tho holiday season is nlways suggestive rt home, nml for me theie is but one place worthy that name. From thinking I fell to writing, and. be hold, a letter to the 1'kmikicat is the result. 1 have receued a good manv letters of inquiry nbout this southwestern portion of our great country and the questions asked in tlie letters received suggest tlie outline ot this letter. As to the climate one Gin only string together a lift of complimentary ad jectives. This has been. 1 am told, nn tin usally wet season. Since 1 came hare, Nov :10th,' it lias rained two nights and a part of one day and there have been just two cloudy days. All other days have lieen sunny and bright from sun up to sun down. Imairine it! 1'ivmle talking of f. -wet sea son to an old webfooter when the sunshines every day a littix bit anil all the time for twenty-nme days in Hivenilier! In an averarre season. 1 am told, the sun shines all day during three hundred and sixty out of tlie three hundred and aixly-live days of the year. hero 1 am sitting just now I think a tberiuoneier would register 71 de grees and it is 10 o'clock a m. 1 have iiHi-pr lieen able to learn how hot it does get here in the summer. Hut 1 havo heard of tho man who, dying, and feeling sura that he was doomed to the region of the Fire I lend in tho world to come, nske,l tnat ne might go to that region by way of Arizona. For. s:iva he. ufrer the heat of Arizona 1 sluill b comfortable in tho nlace to which 1 na. The hnniiditv is very low, here. Tha air is nbsolutelv drv. This make tho in tense heat tolerable and even pleasant to some. Tho nights nre nearly always ccol. and, as in our own Willamette valley, the heat of a summer day gives way to u cool and pleasant air at night. Many of the new comers live in tents the year round and in summer time every body, nearly, sleeps out ot uoors. Phoenix is now the capital of the ierri- tory and is in tho Salt river valley. This valley is, as nearly ns I can learn, about one hundred and twenty-five miles long by forty mnes wiue. a largo pruioriiuu ui wis valley is arable. Tho principal feed for cuttle is alfalfa. Wheat barley, and other grains gr.iw well. Oranges grow and ma ture earlier than in any other portion of the I niteu states, cut my: wniu prices: Three pounds of apples for twenty-live cents! Think of it, ye of the land of red apples! That figures about Si per bus don't There still remains in this valley consid erable government land Hut it is going rapHlly. 1 nave seen on one sine oi me road as bright, train fields as Oregon boasts in May while just across the road every thing is as barren as a desert. t On inquiry I tind the difference duo to irriga tion. ' Land is useless without water rights and hence Rome of the largest interprises are in the line of canal projects. Land varies from t'-'5 to $300 per acre according to location and with tho land usually goes a perpetual water right. The valley is rapidly beinir covered with a net work of canals. On either Bide of the valley is a range of rough ragged mountains whence the water flows to tho valley, and whence comes the cool air of the night. Money is as easy here ns any place I have been. It does not grow on trees. Hut it seems to he tolerably free. ( If conrso in dustries on a large scale, and which depend on earstorn and northern capital more or les3, are feeling the depression tut the prospect seems to be bright for this region. There are numerous and neh mines through this Territory nnd new cnes are being un covered, lieady money commands good rat-s. Loans at 18 jwr cent are not infre quent. Taxes, including city rates, are as high as seventy mills, and prices arc gen erallv high for everything. The population may be divided into two daises. Those here for health and those hero for money, and trade proceeds upon the old principle that in every exchange soniehouy inii3t ue cheated and some one generally is. Hut af ter all one may travel a long way and not find a more whole hearted, genial and gen erous sec of neonle. Schools, churches, chantahie insuruiions and soetotv average well with older com munities, and there is an abundant field for all to work upon. As fine sneciuicn of the Indian as I ever saw aro in this valley, great big, broad chested, robust bucks with all the fantastic features of the pninted warrior nml squaws lattooeu nuu painieu in last ami luriuus colors. There aro manv relics of the pre historic occupants of this valley, and one can not hut wonder nt the evidences of nn earlv civilization little lielund that which now obtains. hence these pontile came and whither they have gone is the theme of many a learned end eloquent disqui.-tion but tho mystery of their being and civiliy.il" tion remains to bo fathomed. There is a sprinkling of Moxicans in this Territo.-y but the population is prodomi nently American and Phoenix is American in ever leaturo. e are havincr todav hv wnvnf a New Years celebration a field dav of athletics in the opon air.. A game of baseball hetweea the lawyers and business mon, foot-racing, horse racing, bicycle-racing. eerytliink that is done elsewhere in mid-summer goes on here in mid-winter under most favorable circumstances. There aro other thinra worthv nf nof perhaps but these I win reserve 'to some future time. So wishing you, and other old friends tho compliments of the season 1 remain, Yours very trulv. JAUES J. ClIAllLTO.N.. $100 IbOTirJ, $ :Ci. Tlie 'laiUm of till. lisrer w:;i bo y'.easej tft learn tLal tliere i ut li:i-.t en tli-vuuYil ili-M.-.7- thai science lis bit-u auie to i--.irv ia all iui tt-K-'S a."l th-it 1 t'uni h. II ill's C.ll:irrn Cure is tno only r'--ilnc cu:o now hnuwn to the mtuR-ui fraternity. I'tuurrh bein,? a con stitutional tlHuuHt:, retinitis a ct-utiitiitionul tri-atQl'-ltt. llf.il's Cati'.iYii i::ro is uke n iat.-r-litjly. Cf'iriT ilin-ctly -.: ;on Ih'j Uoci ami mu cous iiirici-o-j nf iht s"st'."!i, tnvrcty uVMroylittt LlC fOUmt.lt tell cf tht' litHi.-aei1, .!tl(t iiviltl Itio b-ttii-itt. -tri-nj:lh I y bt!il,tir.:;ui--tltu constiluliuii anil ast.-;:;:!;' nutjr.i m cloiu its work. The pojir'tftoT-s have ro tettih faith i:t its curatno Ik 'A its, titnt ttitv c'.wc line KttnilrtU Dollars I'-r any case that it aits lo cure. Scud lor li.'t of testimonial.'. .-.Jdreas, V. J. CIIKSCY i CO., Tclcio, O. WEsld b7 lr2ist3. ..-u. Mr E W Hudley will take up his resi dence in Corvaliis. Mr J H Wallace has purchased the gro cery busines of W T Worley in the Third ward, and moved to this city from the country. Perry and Hoc Conn, John Coon and Charles Murphy went up the river this morning duck hunting. A big score is looked for. Sheriff Jackson and Pr J t Hill went to suiem this noon, taking .Mr Chas Svfers, committed to the asylum. Mr Svfers is in u bail condition physically as well as mentally. rnvid Fry. foreman of the Kxpress, is in San Francisco, taking in the Miil-winbr f-iir. His brother,' who lias been working on tho Oregon Populist for several months pas, has come up from Albany to take his place for a few weeks lhannn F.qpress. lr K J Thompson returned from Mr Minnvilte yesterday where he lwrformed tho niamago ceremony of M L Horris to Miss Ethel ilellinger. The wedding took litat-u vesterdav liinmiiiir nnd tlie li:mm couple will make Imkqtcndt'iice their future home, where they havo already gone to iiouse-uecpiiig. uorvallis jiewe. nuiini t.-iiii:int. I) UR STOCK LACKS noth ing but buyers. They will come. I hey will be satis fied. They will buy at GALLOWAY-liARKF.il. -On Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock, at the rosiilonco otthe brides parents in this city, by Hev. K. H. I'riclmni, Mr Nutlmniel L Galloway of Salom, anil Miss Cora Leo llarker. Tho wedding coromony was a very nappy event, performed in the presence of a good sized gathering of relatives und friends. Mr and Mrs tiallowtiy were remembered in a handsome manner by their friends. A de licious repast was served. Both are popu lar young people who deservo the many congratulations they har received. tloaking in anticipation of the event the Salem Independent says: "Nick," as he is known by his friends, has charge of the wires of the Western Union Telegraph company from Portland to Kugene,and is a jolly fellow; and a tayonto among au ms iruMius. Hit uniiB is n cituruiiii ) uuiig lady, who will he to him a true helpmate. The hannv couple will come to Salem to morrow, and will take up their residence in a handsome cottage on South Commercial street. New Advertisements. A'iH iV Stalk, (i iwelft- 7f oa want a Hne ttm kf call for Jom pI) s wnue inuor cigarr, The befcroast i(ii!e id tlie city at niad oy r b. Hodges it Mul'rini, Ihi leilini; dni tore, Albany, C. Will & Stark' laruc Hne nf i'.ver ware has created s great deal ot talk. ra.roniza home lndontrv bv amnLinc the reionratea wnite labor cignvfl, mana;actured oy lu'ius .foreph. The O K. Grubber Is cold on trial. To try one doea not mean you are compelled 10 ouy. turea oy J as. t innev & sons, li rooks. Genuine part for all sev Ins machines also the beat oils, needles, etc,, for all sew'ng mschlnes, bicvclcs. et;., at E U Will s music store. Sewing machine and organs repaired reasonable, and all work warranted. Needles prepaid by mall 40c a uozen THE FAIREST PRICES EVER MADE FOR SUCK QUALITIES. Visitors aro not asked to BELIEVE but are sLown goods to CONVINCE them that we aro leading the trade in 5 1 ArLh AiiSJ FANUY DRY GQ0DS,LAD!ES FINE SHOES etc. If you want VALUE FOR YOUR EfoOflEY call on us. Yours Truly Read, Peacock & Co, Last night a small nuw etorm visited Albany and thli .(tetnoon a .lorm of big haiU. ! A. Morris & 0. Flour and Feel Store, Have removed their (tore to opposite the Ru House, and have on hand a full . ntock of CHOPPED FEED: Cutom chopping done. CO RV ALL'S FLOU T. BRAN, SHORTS1 CERM MEAL. CfUHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND WANTED Pmhicg (J.nv.ier of good dresH. Liberal ..Ury and eTrensfla paid weoklv; Prman.at positioa. BHOWN BKOS. CO., NuraorymeB, Portlanil' Oregon. flfANTED.-A Klrl to do (seneral Iuqulront this olllce. Ax Axi.nv Max. Wliy? Kwaiuc his flannels were ret'irnpd to him nil fthrmik up. Then semi youni to the City Laundry, thry wash them withr,ut rthrinkin or making them ronjrh. Sjiecial care with nre curtains. KcnicmW the place 1st t opp St Charles. 'If religious belief perplex you, nnd rou de.lre a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal reiielcns reading to pottoHice mlit.lon, 34O Yam hill (trett, Portland, Or. Ax Alraxy Jewelry Store Worth patrmlzlng I. that of Will Stark. 'Ihey catrr (he finest ineof sliver ware, watches," c ocka and ewclry generally In the valley, and aat stactory prices are always given for lhe iipcrior quality of good, ther keep in tock. Nev.-r buy without callln2 cn hem. C E Browne!!, the grocer, is in his new im.t commodious quarters in the 1' O hlock where he is prepare.1 to give satisfaction to the hrst class trade of the citv, call on him for pure grcceries and good treatment. C lean towels tojev.rr customer at Viereck shiving parlor.. -..XLV,l,,.,i,'" rt 'ACIST03HE and ..OSsA.MI.K. me'udirig many nuvelti. , for lai'ioa, mies d ehildrer, ii now '. SKY kouog. Sev-tso JVJacnisE.i neitly repaired tod j warranted hy a th'.r. oihly eonipeteDt work f man, at K M rr.nch'j jewelry sure, Albany tfg to. Bi'.h. at 'An o,rlj.'. Yiereoka .hiving and hair ?!0D Etwara S100. Tlie render of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded diieas. that science has been eble to cure in all it. staires, and that is ('ntarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i. the only positive cure known to the med ical fraternilv. Catarrh belnic a constitntional disease, require, a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act itiar directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and'jririnirthe patient streiurth by building-up tho constitution and assi'tina? nature in doinir Its work. The proprietors have ro much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case tiat it fails to cure, rjend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. W 8ol Drujri.-' '5c- Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder World'. Fair W:het Award. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. VOTKT. 19 HEFtEFtY OIVK? TltT THE ("V- OerB.n'nlh.ehn ip wanted aw!i,inltnr of the em l L i.ethanl. e f Linn w.tititT, t., drrestwl. All Wfl hvinv crim anint nid estate are herft-v rvjTiirrtl to ffrpnt thm Au',f reriflfH M by liw ieinirr1 to the ar.leriirnfMl Citrrmlllw, Oregon, withio lix month from the de heie bated this 2h rUy at NovrmW, l.K't r;FRHARD. liKMIY -M:!lAHr WrtthTf"n. A ' hiTnhtT.eln, A'imi' i?rt if'. Atty for Adtiiia. T I j:cea with n a noes on. IT found please return tn 11 Parker or Ibavo at Faiker Broa. VII pay a reward 1TAMTED. A famlU In town f t country wh will rake a toy twelve years oi Bfte vmo wains 10 gj 10 bcqooi and ilo chorloK tokine care cf cow or hortse to vnv part of hi keeninp. A reasonable amount In addition wilt be paid bv hi father for bin care an i keep ing. Parties will eah at thh olUaa. BUY km cn BBMBa m mm. m an. iltM I IEy rOUN lY W ARHANVS-Bought and Kj som by 11 f Merrill. T TV. WANT YOU TC) WORK FOIt CM VV thus FEU WKEK.. Partieit prt-fccrvd wlio cvu furDish a horae tud travel throuuli the coun tr;a team, trinuuh, ia not necessary. A fw vacADc.M in tcwnnaod ciliea. Spara hours may le urM lo pooa alvnte. ti K Joiikso.-i &Co. 11th and Mam Sta, UichmoDl, Va, A OENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selline the nrtateat kitchen uten sil ever Invented. Retails for thirty-five cents, two to six can oe soiu in every house; Millions tot J in this country alone. Uon t miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, east' v 2nd quickly. Satr.ple sent, postage orepa'd for five cents. McMAKi .V co,( cincimuitl. tjnio. CUARDIAVS SALE OF REAL ESTATE, JCotijf is lieieh? BtCfD i' ihaundflmign- ed uca:diao of Archi9 C W i urn, a minor, in acanrdanco with a )!c?ne crnrd bv the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, tn tell the real oat Ato IxtloDijiug io ail on. will on Siturdav the 3rd dty of FeK 18!U, t the hoQ' of 1 o'clock o m, at tha C'-nrt floum door in Albany, I.iun County. Orejrn, er poe for sale, atanction, to the hiyhenl bill ber, for cash, the foltcwrng deaontwd r tl estte rMlrgici tosaid minor, to-it: Ao Ofidivided oai-sixteenth of (he f illowing described tract of Icd cummencina at a point on the north line of the Donation Laud claim of Vinont Watson and Mary Watson hia wife, 19.40 chains east from northwest; corner of attd claim, it btina; not No 17 claim No 62 in tp 11 S R 4 west of Willam ette meridiin and rnunina; ".hence Rift 32 lo chaini to a corner; thence sooth 10,2 chas thsnje eaat 8.19 ohat thence tooth IS 23 ch, thence west 40.21.) ohain. tneoce north 28.53 chain to the pUoerf biooing containing 106.55 acres, more or lesa. all in L.inn i;onn ty Ore on, snbjtot to the life estate of Aaron Wi son in said land, Alto toe fol'owioK: Ao undivided one fourtn of the following tract f Itnc, Ha in ning at the soulbwent corner of the l)jn ticc Land Maim of li H Hughe and wif-t cliim No TS in tp ii S R 4, west of iVillam et'e Meridian and running thenctcat 13.4t chains to a point that is 23 links north of an ox poet set on the tonth tide of the eonntv mad thence annth 20 80 chain to a stake. thence we-it 't.22 cha ns to a take. thence north 13.70 chains to a stake o th? north bne of the UooatioT Land claim of Vircent Watson and wd? thence wet 7.79 cnains to an iuteri.iT cotnr of aaid atKn o!nm, thence north 5.i0 riiains to placa '.f tegin ntorr, containing i5 acre, more vt Iw, if L on (Jnnfv, Urrcon, iobi-ct to the life estate of Aroo Wi'aon in id U-d Albmr CVepor. Jan 4th, IVU. H C iV.vni.irff, (I iarJiinof Archie C Wd or W TAYLOK. Honse Cleaner Garflener anj sr -' Laying and CleoninK. Cliimr.ry ,.eanlns, whltfwas'itng and Window clearing a Specialty. Call at Root Black S'and near Ltndrcth's shaving parlors. CENTRAL Poultry ana Fist Martet BrofldiUbin, betTrccn Second and Third Sts., ALBANY, OR. Ponltry, Fisli, Oysters, Clams, Game in Season. Everything nice and fresh. Give us a call SCHHEER & CALLAHAN Matthews r&Washburn. The Bt Shoes urn JFB5 lor l he laxm xoaej, fmf zr. r. r ..-. i n era St i ' A St LSa Stationery, Toilet Artij'es, Musics Initrumeni3, Eto. Hodps & McFarlanfl, The Cornet Drug Store,". AlbanrtQt W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. S5, 34 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. 83.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. $2.50, 82 for Workingmen. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, $2.50 $2, $1.76 CATJTTOX.-If any rlntlif mfCvrm you W. 1. IoucIm S B rnured prlr, says he hmn tbctn wlih uS tha nima ilum twd nnthe bottom, put him dowa naavxtauOf W. Lm DOUGLAS Shrrs are Btylish, catty fill In ft, nnd give better satisfaction at tlie prices advertibcd than an other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of V. L. JJoula name and price on the bottom, which Sua ran tecs their value saves thousands of dollnrs annually to those vho vwar them, 'caters who puah the aale of W. L. lotin!.-i shoca gain ctistorr.eni, liich help to Increase the snlcs on their full line of pood. Th-y enn rrr-1 to f-m nt it M prft, and we bailor yon ran are roonry hy hayintt oil your fMntwriir of tli dcalrr aflvfci Used Irelow Catalogue free ipoa appllcctlou W. 1 1ML'!LAU lrtclicu Mtu. For tale by the L E BLAIN CLOTH I NO CO. Is the Best Good Enough? Then call cn llio uiulertipncd forjyour GROCERIES and produce, lor they oie tho lest in the market Also a fine line of crockery Perry Conn