1 l itlol. . U 10 U AlstS rot" its of tit ent :tr.i ron), 1 the Mat toe t N . I itbtt" ) I, led It e.) I" indlnt. line l0OJ 1EU. s dc. lril ' Isrisri leMi nyolK' nnd Tm nd wflV rr- o do 111 rt smr'rt hsrm CO-; I OFFICIAL PAPER "'ublishtd every tiny in Hie week except Bunuuy. Siiri'ri.li, EilitonauJ PropT l! tlhn Pokt Ofll" At A!hnv 1- !., ii bias man inaiier. ..1E Ktlltl B :w II93 lOOOD BVBSJIIfO !ki Lk'iai. FkivS.- K;iy & Cle.t, tlie 0 P rtvw nave !. .iuha liiiiif etui for ,0.i nnmint-nmuii for Icipil nerviios l June ISilJ loilay. This is ,i Kimt.Uj of k not often witiiLwcd. AlUmv is full lore eompntont luwtvni who would do wcrk for a tontu of th- sum. Sjiiij of are huuuirtu-: fo nrrvkiM uf Pay & d-st. oU;iinin;r ival of 1 K llojrir as rucimvr. $10011,' l'iises ot joiin r fay m ,ew Wk Una in removal or lloail'l ohhiiiiui" options to SIU.I'UU worth ol evrtllieules, " l'ur oWailiil'ir a ei-liliimancn of n oftlieroa.l from .March 1 to Mari.li 7 amount claimed is SJMO. Another .00 is tlt'iiiaiul"il for Konirinr a woud twin mieut of the sale to Mureli 14, and tliiru eoiiuiniaiu-0 till Juno 2S a dim .mi is eliar'-ecl. John 1' l'av's kerviei- resist in the altemiitof rcrtiiirati-hold to remove C II liest, r k 1'einlleton ami u r 1- ay its attorneys for receiver are ni'dat 82000, with $180 extra for ex- i.'3. anil the price of his work in re- iiff i-laiins of tallis Isash and William oair for larj-'o saianea and takin' of muiiy before lteferee Iliiflord in regard iae is ciiioteil at fMioo. 1 lie servue: A; (lest in attemlinir to alteration of letenns of sale in iikin.loiiinjr the "uwei rice" ami olTerinir the nrooertv In t "no ijHiest bidder for insli are listed at flOOll, mi nn ailMr.ional item ot $ JS. Mr Caleb Cray, of llulsey, U in Ui3 city, Mr and Mr Arch Allen went to S:,l,.,n this noon on it visit. so Miinsli. ld. one of the old time and popular drummers, U in the city. Mr Pred l'eebler, of I.ebannii, now fireman on the Lebanon braneli. Miss Holtorts, of Kiiyene. is in the city the (tuest of Airs Sarah Haltiniore. Iairnse has been issued for the uiarriaire of W M Malone and Mary p. Lake. Prof and Mrs J M liloss. of (VviiHia. have been in the city the guests of Mr Win UUISIOU. Mr I-ake loriis and Miss Kthel Bellin ger lire to be married in Indejieudence ou i eun ay ui next we ;k. K K Mn'.cibey, ex-Minerintenili-nt of fhe i- raiiroan. was u jriiM at the Motel " ll- lamette jxster.lay. Salem Statesman. mxoh, one or me most nrosnerons farmers of this viclniiv, went d iwn to Al bany Wednesday to transact business. llarnsliur-r Courier, Mr Kd r ronk left this noon for Portlnnd where he will attend the Portland Busing L.'ol!ecre. lie will slop at Independence for rew nays on a visit with u sister. Mr llobcrt Andiews.one of the inspectors under Collector IShu-k, passed throu'di the ,-ity this noon on his way to Portland from il visit with llalsey relatives and friends. Koscoe Price, of Tolo. has been doin Ashland this week, the hoiidavs beintr a xeuse for Ins extondi'd visit to this eitv. .Asniauil Keconl. I ormei-ly of Alljanv. Mrlleollarl. of (Irants Pass, who has heen in the city, tlia truest of his brother ft nan, relumed nonie todav. lieorse. was shiuinir Ik'ht in tlie Irish booth at the C irnival. Mr Kelsey. of I'banon, is in the city to day with the model of a revolving harrow which for nmeiiuity surpasses any thin: t peetuin the Jiairow hue. It looks as i AllOl'TA PlKIT liAI.I, I IAMB. Several s apo t 10 lir.MoritAT (rave its opinion t in the trreat foot ball jraiuo to tae cc in Portland on next Monday the Mult ilist will not score. lodav the lKMn- at received the followinir dispatch from tland: .lbauy Pemociiat: How much money i you to bet wo don't score. Wll.I. Lll'MAS. ,lie Dkmocuat never bets; but the Man it 1 own lias watched pretty closely the year or two the foot ball history of the and often forms an opinion on a eoiu iraine. Ho believes Multnomah will score because of u lack of training to t so well a trained team as Stanford, f is not enough. Foot ball is a science, .iford lias some of it: but Stanford could score airainst Princeton, Vale, Harvard 'ennsvlvaniu. Second, athletic teams inferior to college teams; third, the k athletic team of San Francisco, lietter u Multnomah s, coached bv Heffelhnfrer, .) also played, could not score against dori-totanroru does team worK, niuit cnouLjh of it. Foot ball is some ?jncertuin and there are sometimes :ttaie Mnn about 'lown will vac.wior mo iaci unu nfiain iru ' ''tiromah does not score. nut - V"l 111 it would ilo the work in an c-llective manner. Mrs W K Chandler nee Miss Kead, who has had chartre of the store of liead, 1 cock V Co, at this place, left Monday for Corvallis, where she will mako her future home. Mrs Chandler has made many friends -hile here who regret to see her leave. Lebanon Express. MissCiblin, daughter of Mr Jno Ciblin, proprietor of the St Charles hotel of Albany, is in the city. The younjr lady has been very ill for a loiitf time and was brought down Py her Inenils some six weeks uo for treatment by lr L J lienneux. Cnder the doctor's treatment Misstiiblin is rapid ly improving und her friends will be pleased to learn that she will soon ho herself again. Salem Independent. Yesterday n family gathering was held at the residence of S p Young, of general interest from tho fact that there were four generations present. Had n child in the east been here it would have been five gen erations. Those present were: Mrs Alt house, agecl 114, Mr nnd Mrs J VV Althousc, Miss Sarah Althouse.Mrs Samuel Althousc, Mr and Mrs L K lilain. Mr and Mrs K P Sox nnd two children, Mr and Mn H F Merrill and four children. Misses Annie and Kate Altliotise, Mrs W S Miller. Mr rhi! tioodwin, Mrs Rebecca loung, M Hettio Miller, Mr and Mrs Young, Percy Young, and Mr and Mrs Kutting and two children. MISFITS One effect of the present times is t.i brimr trade closer to u cah basis than ever before. The records of college foot ball show that one nioro man is needed to complete the equipment of a team. It needs a chanlain. All men in danger of death are entitled to the benefit of clergy. Kx. The nanera nn. rrlvit.ir i.lon s,r nMrw,n Pacific advice. The Salem Journal savs; the only wav to rim th llr..., I'a. ili.- r.iilroa.l is for the government of Oregon to Uke hold of it, with a receiver who will treat it in a public thoroughfare conducted m the irt. -rests of the people. Attorneys (lest nnd Fv l,iv. 1,m Implied from thn II P 1-.JI flnnd The comnan--' will mn llw'tlmunn fl... Willamette, and everything will he dono at bed r.s k rates. Mr lln.ll.,,- I. .. t ,l-u 11.., animal by the boms, and if he keens tin what he proposes lo.ik iut for good results. it v.iu uuve ruaiin Saturday was the livest dav wo lm-n t.s.,1 for six months. To cut if short we -will iv that over difficulties, Messrs Samuel An- lerson and l-.lias Peiiland had a good old Fashioned fight and it came ni-ir l.eiiir ,m all-around one. but it ended with blood. Mr Anderson is an o'd nian, Tl yjars old, but if you think he aint bloodd, do not tell him so. llairisburg Courier. I ne city council of Ashland lias passed another tramp law bv which certain neonle known as trampsjshall 1 worked in the ......ii, .iiiK, .urn in i.ti.su no iciiise lo won,, to bo "kept iii close confinement in the city jail on a diet of bread and water until he shall be willing to work." Ashland liecord. Kven tramps now a davs are en title.'! to something better than" bread and water. THHOARBTIVAI. ox 2V-A-TXxo:rxrt3. ; WOKVD (OMIDl'IIXU he v i iiElt oidk. At a meetincr ot bohig rkinirmen in S;ilnm (Jovoniorrennover's ttr to C'lovcliiiid was emlon-eil nnd tli nt resolutions nriiuist it conJemned : following live rosolutions were ulso soil : i'hat it is the tklilicr.ite judgment of th .tintr that uixes, nationul, state, county 11 city, are nnjnstitiuuly and exorbitantly Lli nncl tliat a total yearly tax ot 4 per it in Salem is especially extravaennt. nn- I titiahle nnd destructive of the industries 1 1 commercial interests of tlie city. 1 hat city council should at once lieirii) the rwss of retrenchment und reform, not by .lilv on 40 to 850 per month, but by Ircilessly nuttinir the pruning1 hook to ex- ivuaut and exorbitant attorney fees, and Lit the marshal s salary of ?I.5J0 should t reduced to 01000, and that tho monthly iryof H)lieemen of to $"0 without iiry to the tone, ami ail tee- aim colli sions k1 ion hi bo turned into the city 1-VCi.kas Kkcohij. Oregon tan justly 4 of as clean a financial record nnd as 1 a ritundini? as anv state in the Lnion. th a debt doscribable by the use of ci- I rs alone, she ha $K,77;.y'2 moutstand- ; warrant issued the pre?ent year, pay- -'of which is provided by state levy. i redeemable nr nnv ximu. iurniK i.u rereivpd S7tl'.57H.47 nnd exiendel t:J4Jnchidintf $7,lnlj.Ifidetiiiency. "Twlucationel funds are in a moit y mndition, and in all other re4iects doinj? vorv well indeed I'acihc IlKLiuious Seuvices. It will bo Mis sionary Pay at the Con'TewUional church tomorrow. .Services at 10-.:!0 and 7 i-iO. In tho morniiiL' there will he an address on -Missions ami in the cveuintr on Hawaii Past and Present. At the fcabbath school the lesson being- Hevi.-w paiers will be read uy memuers ot the scr.ool. Llinst'an J: deavor st 0:45. You are welcomo. IieLiilarsen'ices at tho United Presbvter- lan church tomorrow mormnprand evennij conducted by liev Hiley Little. C'hristii r.mieuvoiers meet at ;i:;;u and 0:0 and habbath school at 2:'.Q. 14 f religious beliefs pern'ex vou, and you desire a faith at once reasonable uplifting, send for free liberal religion reading to postomce mission, 346 Yam hill street, Portland, Or. A packed house W'iM tho result of tho fourth niirht of the Carnival of Nation. It h:u taken the citv by storm and scored a success not antici pated. Last night over asO tickets were sold for the galleries. Kvery reserved seat was taken. Thore must have been (l)0 eo ple in the building. The program furnish ed by the Americans was of an entertaining nature. Columbia resounded through the hall. The colored trio were encored unon prnsenting gomo live Southern melodies. Hugh Kislier declaimed humorously alxjut a courtship scene, liert Chamberlain and Hemi Swart did tlie War act in great style. The guitar quintet. Mis.-e Hattie Hall, Amolia Senders, Frank Powers, lv K Ooff ami O C McKarland, were heard in a choice selection. The most wonderful thing of tho week was the whistling solo by Mr Walter Kllis.donc in the throat. It was n marvel of skill as well as a great natural faculty. A double encore resulted. Mrs Langdon was heard in n patriotic solo. Of course it was good. Justice Newport road an original ili cr.initi n of niacin dence that contained some tharn ioints Krom Feudalism to Freedom, a series of illustrated tableaux was one of tho prettiest things of the week. Miss Nina tlalbraith as a school girl m studying her history went to sleep assisted by the soothing wand of tho tioddess of Sleep. Mrs licd-jker, who incited with nno eiocutionarv ellect the m- eidonts which brought out some beautiful tableaux scenes of tho dar ages, America Hscovcred, John Aldcnand Priscilla.Kinir- ing for Litn'rty, and !eorge Washinpton, when the sleeiuntr cirl awoko ami Jl Hattie lialbraitli as the t tcthless ot Liberty in a modern scene tock tho wand. The grand march of the carnival cf nations losed tlie program, ami a hvo market ceno followed in which tha different booths vied with each other for supremacy. I he total receipts were swelled to nrprox- mately fifOO. A ballot was taken d. r the evening 1 the best renrescnte'l booth, ami while it was somewlnt of nn electioning ,iffair, the result is satisfactory, for patriot- cally we all like to see America 0:1 top. Vote, America, 15S; Japanese, fil ; Ger many, oJ; Jnuian, 00; J ret and, 4b; i.ypsy, f trhita ).vVutr Pln.N Thk Things Wis Eat Tho bekt'rnut ootlca in tha eitv n.t ttloyer il alt On Will & S.ark fur h.ircfnln In Holiday jewel. y. Will & Stark's laree line of il VAr ware ha, crtatcd a grt deal ol talk. Get your holiday poods at llodgea A HcFarland. The best atock to aelcct from. Motor niakea five lrin dailv in ViivL'a addition. Lotr there 03 inttallmeota of SI per week. The O K Grubber Is cold nn trial. Tn tiy one does not mean ou are rcmpclltrd lo buy. Mfil'd by Jas. Fixnky & i-;oxs. 13 rooks. In sclecilne vour holidav rnni' iln nnt fall to call on Hodccs McFarland. Tney havi- a fine line of roods, emhr.irln,. a larye slock of plush goods,lncluding an elcf;unt line of perfumeries, etc. Oet tour ho Ida V I'Oods ol Wlll.t Slnrlr Their stock. Lecausv it is lnrire and vill ed, and their prices because they are low- will make it an object. Besides ihcy will Rive away 10 Ihcir customers $75 worth of .i ci w aie . Uenulne pait for all eevlnp machines, also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all sew'ng machines, bicycles, ct:., at E U Will's music store. Sewing machines and orjjtns repaired leasonable, nnd all work warranted,, Needles prepaid by mail 40c a dozen. UR STOCK LACKS noth ing but buyers. They will come, lhey will be satis fied. They will buy at not asked to are s&own Unonrofiuest of manv the Carnival will be continued one night, ami n program has been prepared, selected irom the turee niffhts. for to nitrhts Carnival, to which 15 cents will admit one: reserved so.its. at Mc- r arland x Hodges, t ollowmg it. the sub stance ot t..e program : Duet bv Mr and Miss Swart. Bowerry Grenadier, by Uert Van Clevo ami AwKartl bqiirXl. .lapanese boIo, by Slella Porter. Umbrellad drill by Japs. Carnival tableaux, .Carnival of Nations, Comic declamation by Hugh Fisher, fiuitar (Quintet. The Italian bear. ijaths at Vic.ecka shtvinR t iit)(f parlors. id ha THE FA! 2. EST PRICES EVER MADL FOR SUCK QUALITIES. Visitors are BELIEVE but goods to CONVINCE them that wo are leading tho trade in STAPLE AMD FANCY DRY GQGDS,IADIFS FINE SHOES etc. If you want VALUE FOR YGUBfflQNEY call onus. Yours Truty Keap, Peacock A Co and Investor. 'nnoyer. How does this sound Imi'iiovemivNT. The faro to the mter Fair has been redneed to f Sf j.SW. inir live tickets of admbion. I'pon station of tho ticket a return ticket be KH'timd to nnv i!aee in California )la rates. These tickets are good for instead ot 1U as heretotore. '!' line nf MACINTOSHES na '5AMEUSt ino oding mtny noveltta 'dint miMei d childrpn, i now h E Vobog. HOlIE AND 3L333E&OwA.X To-morrow dotes the record of iSy3. A lot ot household "urniture for sale enquire at the Ladies Uazaar. Feed for Bale. Uran and chaf. at low prices. Call on A II Mcllwain. Call nt A B Mcllwalns for bargains in b Kts antl shoes. The best men's shoe in Albany for $1.25, rlso In ladler, for the same price. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, to lispleoshig to many people as maiksof age, may be averted for a long time by vising 1 1 allS Hair Renewer. Jefferson mills (lour Is the best fancy patent roller process,- Every sack guar tnteed For sale bv A B Mcliwain at 7o cents a sack. The state board of equalization hpre Increased the assessment on town lots la Linn county 10 pci cent; that on horses and mu es is decreased 10 per cent and on cattle increased 5 per cent. We are get- j ing tired . The Albanv Democrat says the Oregon Pacific Is the all adsorbing topic. So no , doubt the bondholders, whose money, to ; the aggregate of sow fifteen millions, It absorbed, thlnn. S'lem Statesman B bid revival has been be (run at the M E Church in Eugene. Ijist year It lasted several molhs, resulting tn 262 con versions. In a cat d the paster says "No one can tell how long they will continue till 4 year. One tsfesment in the A O U V order for the month of January, Whole num ber tn Orepon 776, 'increase during month of November 172. Whole number ot members in good standing In the order October 1, 1893, was 32J5 A B Mcliwain sells four one pound papers ot fresh roast coffee for 81.00, a .id iS pounds of granulated sugar for St.oo, and 20 pounds of exlr C sugar fur $1,00; 5 gallons Fear) coal olt for 75 cents; sack of best paent Hour 70 cents. All goods guaranteed first class. very largely make us what we are. No thought can pa:s through the mind without leaving some effect, however slight. Many slight im pressions, in lime, make mighty changes. It's the same with the body. Abuse H with poor food and take the consequences. For purity and certainty In groceries and bjked goods, go to Parker Bros. Zccal and Instrumental Music. MU& Hattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, is prepared to give lessons in vocal and instrumental music to single pupils or classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa Hon and is an experienced teacher Her rcf?ences are; Prof il A Shnrey, William A, Trow and Mrs Jennie Lee. Hoctees & McVunan t, tore, Albary, Oi. the leading dm New Advertisements. Y1TANTED.-A kW to do peneral IT ho us work. Iuqu.ro at this oilioo. TOST. valise containing several ar iiicies with names on. If found please return to H Parker or leave at 1'arker Bros, wilt pay a reward. 'I-:day Crockkry. I am closing stock of fancy crockery. I do 'ntend to carry such goods longer " Put a price on my stock to sell - - 1 oung. rciiDAv Handkerchiefs. Largest l:ofiiikand linen handkerchiefs In Ml;,! S E Youngs. eisq (Machines nestly repaired and 'orefi i a thnrnotfhly competent work "' St F M French'. S.nlfU AlSmnv r. ' 1 1. V: Q7 ne uf of that potent remedy "tS In n..!L . i J Ie v. "WR, uer araui, miwu . Chow chow, rranhrrloi Irmnn. WfAR Em Out! The wav to do it is n laae your wasn- ing to the Chinamen. If you want your work well done at living prices take It to Richard & PHIlipV Steam Laundry. They know how without banging them around poie. No Shrinking. firing on your fine winter underwear. We guarantee not to injure them, as we take grt care to wasn them In soft water. Gentlemens starched work a specialty. The white laundries of Alhanv are getting the Chinese cornered. Give us your work an they will soon Mrs C Simpson, pioprietor. Wdl&8Urk iiwelr H 1, I ntiv mlny, and new raisins at C E I Price's Cream Baking Powder anderained pro pri iter of the Pioneer House desires to inform the public that he has reduced the price ot Ixwd without lodging to $3 per we?k, with lodtriop $4 per weok. Sinule mli25 cents. The public is invited to call t I keep good pads anl et a good table, nave or woof ior sale. Corner of Broadalbin and Water streots. J H Meranda. We ore sl!lt selling Dress goods and Ca eand Jackets at greatlv reduced prices for cash. We Invlle you to examine the Red, Peacock & Co guods and prices. Eruption of Ihe kln Cnrrtt. Ed Yenney, BrockviHe, Oi'.tario, Canada, ravs: I have used Brandreth's Pills for the past fifteen years, and think them the bett catliantc and anu-niiiiuus rcmcoy anqwn For some five years I suffered with ai eruption of the skin that gave me great pain and annoyance, I tried different blood remedies, but, although gaining strength the Itchinir was unrslteved. 1 finally concluded to take a thorough course 01 uranuetn'i nn. 1 iook six eacn mgm for niuhts. then five, four, three, two, les toning each time by one, and then for one month took one every niaW. with the happy result that now my kin is perfect ly clear and has been so ever since." Carnival! carnival!! CARNIVAL!!! I lein towels to everv customer t Viereck h virg parlors. See the Kew Improved S'.ncef S"wirg tt tj hire. The rt is alws the chpwt -w .n. Office a: P M rreoeh s jewelry store P11 urinn''ais'chtiarlbrttT!P".,""?i W TAYLOE. House Cleaner Gardener iu General Jollier. Carpet Laying and Cleaning, Chimsfj UieaninK. wnu?wainwg ana Window clearing a Sptclalty. Call at Boot Black Stand near Lfcndreth', .having parlors. DRUGS "imt ANTED. A famil in town country who will take a boy twelve yeaiaoiaga wno wants 10 gn to bcuooi and do chorine taking care cf cow or norte 10 ray part 01 mn Keeping, a reasonable amount lu addition will le paid by his father for his rare and keep ing. Parties will call at ihholflja. COUNTY "WARR AN VS Bought sold by U F Merrill. and AGENTS make f" a day. Greatps itftcheu iitennil ever Invented- Ko tails 35ets. 3io6 sold at every hottA San.p e, poetagi paid, live conLi, Mc MA kin df Co, Cinclunati, Oh'i. TOR REN T The opera bouse More, 1; splendid 1 oration. Cal on the secretary at tho Democrat office lor nat iicuiara. W TR WANT YOU TO AVORK FOR US V V thus in kin .00 $35.00 PER WEEK.. Patties preferred Mho can furnish a horsi and travel thrcugh the coun try ; a team, though, is not necessary. A ftw vacancies in tewnsind cines. 8 pare nours may I e nseri to good advntige. B K JoHkSo-) & Co. 11th mod Main Stt, Hichmoni, Vj AGENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selling the greatest kitchen utcr. sl ever Invented. Retails for thlrty-flve cents. 1 wo to six can be sold tn every nouse. iUHiionRiGiu m mis country atone, Won t miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, raid v and quickly Sarr pie sent, postage prepa'd for five cents, iwcuAKiN X. Co., Cincinnati, Unto, CENTRAL Poultry ail nut MarM, Dronila'.Uin, letween Second and Third SU ALBANY, OR. Ponltry, Fish, Oysters, Clams Game in Season. Everything oiot and fresh. Giv ui a call SCHMEER & CALLAHAN Stationery, Toilet Artie'es, Musics lnstnimen's, Etc. Houies i IttiM, The Cornet Drugstore,". AlhanT.oJ I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their itore to opposite the Ktus Mouse, and nave on nana a full stock of CHOPPED FEED: Vustom chopping done. CCRVALL'3 FLCUI?, BHAN, SHORTS htm meal, mrm, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND Matthews & Washburn. Is the Best Good Enough? Then call on tho undersigned forjj'our GROCERIES and produce, for they aro the best in tho market Also a fine line of crockery and toys for the holidays. Perry Conn Good Times. The way to have them is by getting your HOLIDAY GOODS H. EWERT. lit Im. A fine (lock of cold and' lilver men'i an.l kulim !,.!,. headed cunr. an elegant line r.f tilverwarf. nml inJr f nn 11 . . i-. 1 . . r. . v. n.iinB iv 1-ict.i, iron tall on hit or reliable goccU at tiricei I auit the time. rintn, god ' $75 Worth Of Silverware Will be jire-ented the customers of WILL & STARK. genuine HOLIDAV gifts, and it wont cost you a cent. They have tho finest stock of goods in the valley in their line.as an inspection will convince any one. Call and eeo for yourselves. rears tlie Standard.