Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 30, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 200
i r
( ! rWfcjw I """oroiiiiiiieiiigiortatarrn tbat
I i TOf5rrok "As old tciiiuia Mercury.
Lr.isa daughter ;
, a Church of I.n;and m'mislor
ireil of u distro&jing- rash, hv
kyor3 Sm-siipiirilhi. JU. l.u hai;i
nitKU the wcll-kiKiwii Dnigprist, 207
SlcUiU st., Montreal, 1 Q., uays;
lliavo woltl Ayer's Funuly Mmlieiniis
;I40yiars,itml k lnurd nnthiii; bus
:oodsaid of tlii'iii. I know of uiiiiiy
WonderfuJ Cures
'pa form i'd by Ay or a Sarsaparilln, ono
o partu'iilar in-iw that or a Jit Mo
laughter of a Cliuivli uf lCuliinit minis,
er, Th child was literally covered
rom head to foot with u red and ex-
uliugly trmiblusuiii- rash, from which
;he had suffered for two or threu yniiH,
spifo of the lit-st. medical treatim-nt
ailable. Her father was in great
ttistress about the raso, and, at my
commendation, nt hist began to ail
.snistiT Ayors Sarsaparilla, two bot-
aot which effected a completo euro.
ycli to her relief and Iter father's
light. I nm sure, were he hero to-day,
would testify in the strongest terms
to the merits ci
yer sssarsapamia
I pared bylr..l C. Ayir a Co., '.owell, Mn.
ires ot h . , ; ; i ! c u re vo u
i, M. UcFarland.
-:- OSALKlt IN
"As old M
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Regu
lator is the
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, a it d
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggidts in Liquid, or in Towder
to bo taken dry orniado into a tea.
The King of Liver Mcdlclnos.
I huvo used ynursimmons Livor Itecu
lntor unci run conscientiously say ll Ik the
kriiKot all liver medicines, 1 consider It a
medicine chest In ItKelr. Geo. V. Jack
bon, Tiicoma, Wushlugton.
tho Z Stamp In rod on wrappon
J l F08D, Siau,l,
Ot Dos M', low , writ midar d-le of
;vHrul 3. ISM:
3. R. Mki-. Mi'rt Co.,
. iJufur, Uw,on.
On arriving h tn rm n-k( I ftut'dnll
well ond iuixtu.-ly v va-tiji. Oat little
uiil, e tint nod oiie-hr.h ymr old, wh'i hd
w;i ted r.way to 38 pounds, ts i.:w wj11,
Htrfin nud vitf:Tou-, -ud uvll nt-h"d op.
S. U. (.'(-ugh u'h b.dni lti iv. .lit well.
tjVtl. of the children like it. Yar S H.
CoiiKh luirt curtd and kept away aU
ho'traembH I jo in me. So iv it to very
' e, with gr'.tin-fc f,,r all. Wishing you
l,i-otteii j . wo aro
av.? in the liaof
led CrownMills
rno "ore I0K fAMIUI
in mtrcurv will m:rrly d?troy the sense ot
moll aad complck lg ,t.!-!;o the whole .ystem
when cnteiiu. it throu;:t tbs mucous surtocca.
Eu.larlicleI!holJl.,. hcv.t bs used except on
prcscriptionc f: :iai rcpuuhlo physicians, as tho
dnmasolheywilldoist.-n foldiothc Rooilyoa
can iHMiibly derive from thw.i. llal.-a Catarrh
Cure, maaulactured by 1'. J. Cheney & Co..
ioledo. O., centulns no mercury, and Ij taken
Internally. acliiiKdlrcctiy upon tho blood and
liiiicous8urlaeesotthe.vtem. In huvlnrllall'a
hUT-'' Fure fl" "";' Hi'' 0'" Kenulne. It I.
taken internally and ii nnila In Toledo, Ohio.
.yJi J,' '."'"' y ," T"t!nionia!s free. . '
W bold by Umti'lsts. pricn J5c, per buttle,
Evpcrlrucr of an Ev-thaniplun
Athlete, and man who take ordinary
itdoor exercise u.-h n ,IH . : '
bicycle riding, jumping, 8wimmioK, iennis!
etc, are often the subjects of acute troub-
:. me experience ol an cx-champlon
walker wil be of ir,trr.. i ., n 1
afflicted, liarry Uroaks wrileo:
'No. 3!4East ig'h St., New York,
April 2, iS36. Numerous statements
relative to the merits of different planers
having been brought lo my attention. I
take this opportunity to state that 1 have
used Allcock's Porous Plasters for over 20
years and prelerihen, to any other kind.
!.I u,tUr"'',:raor'! "ate that 1 was very
sick with caiarrh of the kidnev., and attri
bute my recovery entirely "to Allcock's
I orous Plasters,"
en Baby was sick, wo gavo her Caaorlo.
"hcn sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria.
When sho had Children, oho savo them Castoria
I'enny Wise and Pound I'
The man or woman who does not sup.
port their own home paper can be proper
ly c'asted as "penny wise and pound fool
ish.' It brings, for Instance, to vour door
opportunities for securing iile best bar
gains In everything. K you want em
ployment, then we afsistvou. That re.
minds as that the ndvert'iement of B F
ohnson & to, Richmond, Va, in another
(lumnmay prove of real interest and
alue toyou.
If you wish u feet iifnii am! c'weiful. .nd rcst'y
f')r tlieSiriiiK work, elemne '-u.-.'ein wth the
iiuuuuLiie ami i,ivt cure, l, t
lone, eaeh week.
iao or threo
CO cents piir br.ttl,, hy r.ll driipta.J
1,80 lui.ilcijaporilivo yuir:wlce t.l
A Good Plan. It is a good plan to
subscribe for and read carefully vour own
home roper, as it is the aim of" this paper
to make it an educational factor in the
community. Besides that, If vou are out
01 a job, or wish to increase vour Income
v.. i.oiv. is me urttc -o nna 1(7 rn
ri.lPr Column VOU will find an a,!...,!..
men. of 11 F JoHn-on & Co, of Richmond
Va, for workers, Ilia may interest voui
At Mkal Times do vou ever conside
the quality of the food you are eating? It
may be good. It might be better, purer,
fresher and more wholesome. Is it not
worthwhile to make sure that you-lea,
"""1 '"S,"". uancu gooaj ana tnnumer.-.
Al Liberty Ye I.
KitKs.NO, Cal, Deo 29. The excitement
which prevailed here last evening on ac
count of the escape of Chris Kvans from
jaH has now subsided, nod the quiet is as
noticeable as the stir of lint evening.
Nothing haa been heard from Sheriff Scott
nnd posse since 10 A M, and it i thought
they have followed the bandit and con
federate to Sampson's Flat. There is little
doubt that Evans made for that section
and is now probably wivh friends. Evani'
condition is regarded as against his rough
ing it. Few people, however, think the
officers will take him.
t'oulila'l Score.
Seattle, Dec 29 That the Stanford
tiam will have hard wor to kei p the
Multnomahs from scoring at l'ort'and next
Monday was tho unanimous onininn of the
college men who saw the Californians play
the Varsity of Washington at West Seattle
today. The score was 40 to 0. and (no
Stanford ran the ends with impunity, but
they were weak on defensive play, and the
locul men repeatedly drove them back by
persistent line buckling, until bv fumbling
or some misplay they lost the ball.
; Mill Unng.
Chicago. Dec 29. Prnndoro-nst. fh
murderer of Carter H Harrison, will bo
hanged for his crime. The verdict of fho
jury said it and the people of Chicago an-
prove 11. as nuiy ueienueu as the assassin
was, and a, strong as tho evidence dduced
to save his heck had been, the jury found
him to be an
blo fo the act and demanded that lie pay
"tv- "Kueo. suuiv iur uis ouense against
the law. 1
I'lued for t'onlempt
Jacksonville, Or, Dec 29 'n the
circuit court, Judge Hanna, who took the
urew contempt cao under advisment,
rendered a decision yesterday. Tho de
fendant, T D Drew, who was arrested for
refusing to surrender the Hammersly mine
on Jump-Off Joo mio the hands of T J
Chapman, the receiver appointed by the
court, was found guilty of con'empt and
fined iSOJ, and is to remain committed un
til he pays into the court 0700 said to have
been taken) from the mill after he refus?d
to give the receiver possession.
j A Big Ooaril Itlll
Mockt Holly, Dec 29. The estaln of
Mrs Emili Morgan (against Albert Heul
lngs and dfhen, administrators of Josiah
Wallace, ojf Palmyra, for nearly $20,000.
the amourit claimed on a twenty years'
board bill! was concluded to lay. The de
fense sought to show that Josiah Wnllace
am not "Mfmpii old man that the
plaintiff had represented. Th9 jury
brought in a verdict in f ivor of Mrs Mor
gan for 954 werks board at 815 a week,
amounlina to $14,310. Wallace loft npnrlv
A l.ll.l Enjoy
Tie p'easant fl.ivor. gentle action and
soothing effect o Syruo ot Fijs, when in
need ot a laxative, snd If the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
J . ORECf.
is 1 1 ' 1 1 1 , 1 V R
There is sucn N tr ifiin, H ff. "IL 1 PW"? r"u'!f ,o low . "i lh'
nrle... r,i,i... . ? .C . tuc oest iamuy 1 emeu v known and
ff"' lhc, b"' and,he or.t that it every family slnuld have a bottle,
docs not pav to buy the worfl.ev.n nn '
iaise ground of 6upf osed econom v. The
best is always the cheapest, because the
most R!lt kfflrtnrv nnA rl,,-nKI .1
, u.,uu,aulLU,,ul(l(;very i
best of evoryihlng In the grocery line Is ,
kept at Parker Bros.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World', Fair Highest Medol and Diploma.
for Snfants and Children.
'gfUgaj H1RTY yer2-oVrv"ir"lgL?g'lt?'rl't iha PBTgnng ot
'1 I mUllon. oleron,Jrm.Jp'-oiilgLth''nt ewlat;
U It la nnnnestlnnnDlT h- nest r-raody for Infanta and Children
the world ha ever tnown. It 1 hirmlei.. Children lite It. H
Elve. thorn linnm T Tn " "tliw W
.ometMne Mn . arTr i -ty r.nd T.rncloUy rerf-ot tt. a
chllfl'a modlolne.
Caitorla dTQT Worm.
Castorla proTenta Toroltlng Sort? Cri-d.
Castoria rnrea Dlnrrlirea and WfaM Colic.
Castorla reUevea Toothing Trontloa.
Cartorla earn ConatlpaUon and flatnlencr
Cytorla nontrallee. the effects of carnonlo aold g. of polaonow !
r. a . ,mlilne. OTjInm. or narcotic property.
Caatorla naalmUatea tha fnodjjreftnlatea tlie
.tamaeh and powela,
nlving healthy and natnral sleep.
Caatori. la pnt np In oi..-- U n.twMgjjL-
. ggn-t allow any ono to tSSS
thatlt l."in.t a. good" an-1 "wl" rV"TT V2222
Bee that yon wt C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A,
ignatcf of
Whin a doctor considers H necessarv
Back if oh am r Dve Fur ihe Whit!, to nrecith? KflrKni.nHi n k. imniv ,.pHu
itajnoik thoroughly, cnlorinn a iin.form'lirown a bottle of AvcrV, krowlnt? full well that
win Denher rul, ooinin inereov a sur;r anri purer
: preparation than at.v other which the drug
I more enn furnish Aut's Sjis parliia h
' th surerior medicine
Highest of aU ia Levcning Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Our readers ilo not need to be told what
the Century Magazine is. It is a great
work in any sense. Eor 1894 it will lie
greater than ever, 2000 pages of clinic lit
erature with 10110 illustrations. There will
bo a new novel by Mark Twain, important
expeditions, limiting of fierco game, artists
adventures, trumping with tramps, nnpub-
usneu essays oi James, itussell Lowell, etc.
Tlie St Nicholas istlie lirillPOnf eliildrwn'a
magazines, tho best of all of them. A feat
ure of the 1804 number will be TomSawyer
Abroad by Mark Twain, a natural history
series, a series on American authors, sroriiu
of India by Kudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on the government and
some beautiful serial stories, as well as the
iamous jirownies.
Tho nrice of the Ontnrv i SK rani.
number, $4.00 a year; of St "Nicholas, S3.00
a year. Any stbscriber of the Democrat
in good standing may secure the Century
for $3.50 or the St Nicholas for $2.60, by
leaving tho money at this office. We will
do tho rest.
J'aiker Bros, Kroctrs,
F M. French keeps railroad time
Buy your groocriis of Parker Broa
Fiaogrocarie at Conn'a.
New cream cheese just reoeived at Conral
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does
Hrst class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 6 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Dr M II Ellis, phyaioian and aurgoon
Albany, Oralis. Cilia mill in oit:or
Self Prulse.
Self praise Is no recommendation, but
there are not times when one must permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say that
Allcock's Porous Tlaiters are the only
genuine nd reliable porous blasters made
Is i,ot self praise in the slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
years, and In proof of their merits it is only
necessary to call attention to tne cuies
they have effected and !o the voluntary
testimonials of those whi have used them.
Bewaie of Imitations, aSS do not be de-
celved hy misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla-
"llu" uiuucr you io accept a substitute.
-Yet trYrw
sanies for suitings In the state at WR
Graham's. where he has a tailor wlih rw
equals on hand to make them up on abort
notice. Get the best and most stylish
cults of him. A new feature will be the
making of ladiev cloaks to order nr ih
altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and
be repairing of cloiks. Pricei an bot
tom ones.
urniscK. wnicn, wtitnit-y
wasn o:t, nor sou linen.
Thousands of lives arc saved annually bv
the useof Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
ofcroupand whooping eo'tgii, the Pectoral
has a most marvel us effect". I! allays in
amn.atioti, frees theous'.ruclcil airpassagc
and controls the desire lo couh.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
The a;cniilue Ami The Sliniu.
Every good thin has In hojt of Im
ltalors;evrv r-nuine article its counter
feits. Tne lmlia'ors ulvvavs choose the
most valuable and popular article to
counterfeit, so that when they c'alm t'iclr
sham to be equal, or as good, or Ihe same
as "So and-So's,'' the public may depend
upon it that "So-and So's" article Is ihe
best of the kind. The sham proves the
genuine merit of Ih; thing ll copies and
never haj this been be tier Illustrated than
hv the imitations of Alkock'e Porous
Allcock'a Porous Plaster ia the standard
of excellence the world over, and its Im-
ltatora In their ciy thai thelra is "as good
as Allcock V are only emphasizing thla
fact and admitting "Allcock'a" to be the
acme of peifec'ion. which it ia their high
est ambition lo imitate. The difference
between the genuine and these Imitation",
which copy only general appeirance, is as
wide as that between copper and gold.
The only safe ray for purchaiers Is to
always Insist upon havina Allcock'a Por
ous l'lastera. Thev'are the only perfect
plastera ever produced.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Albany ttarkct.
PVH 25f.
four, I4.0H.
ntifr, it)o,
Kirci 3').-.
Ird, 12 to 15.
Vorx ham 12 to to-, ah-iiH. is.-w L) 10t,
. II to 13c
(Tr.y hied 7.
o 4
ni , 4'
i.I-pJ Ida.
i rit I f n I' p!urn. apt
rh.xken4. 1 0 n-r ;'.
H-ef on ft t. l"i
Hog dre el. Ot.
I'cnple who hv tIerl it, way that there
i no l-e'tor mrdiciii" fr dyBppiia thao
Ayei's SarHarfi!'a. It mw uot sriv mir
tho lhj atomich ol a cwtrich, hut it no
strntfthent t.ho a'irn oiiry nrtr r tlil
dtje'tioi of Vdiu ifv f.ud hrcorn'a My and
n,it u rat.
.I.';; Fit H jmi)y,,-5 button
ii il a i ; Jd, inm.-f -.ii't'alrr! and
i" .-f it f.-ir Foster haok ind
eititn srU. S E Young.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure Qraoe Cream of Tartar Powder.
Pro veil t he th Itc-ftf.
Tested and proved bv over thirty year'
use In all parta of the world, AllcocVa Pot
otis pi astern have the Indorsement nf tne
highest medical anj chemical authoiitles
and milHonsof grateful patlen's who have
been cured of distressing aliments volun
tarl y testify to their rrerlts,
Allcock's Porous flatters are purely
vegeta'e. Tbv are mild but efTfctive.
sure and quick In their acdo.i, and abso
utelv harm 'est.
Beware of imitations, and do not be de
cctveJ bt misrepresentation. Ask for
A!lcf-c!ta, f-H 1ft no so.icita'lwn or expla
nation indi ce ion to acrrot a snbstitute.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Wheat, 50 ct; oa' 25c; ha v,$S baled
wood, $3 to $3.50, taken" in exchange for
sewlnn machines or organs on hand at E
U Ill's music 6lore. Also on all book
accounts of 6 months stnnding. Sewing
machines from imo ilc nlil,
sonal guarantee for 5 1 rs.
Wmimtfa Invitaviunb.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Pa rnnir.1 lion
."el'lr;,tl w!:it
by u iu J..n
win a.'! nils
ireok nvuiisoTurt
tihiluh's Ci: o.
wtl'e, u for tn'o ij
wentv-titf!- il tios,
.shay ft Vinson.
industry by smol.irTU the
hr O'giri., niaiinra'-luro:l
For pliy's sale, don't growl and grumbles
hecouse you are troubled with indigestion.
No good was ever effected by snarling and
fietling. Be a man (unless you happen to
be a woman), and take Ayer's Sarsparilla,
which will relieve you, whether man or
Old Time
Colds and
Coughs were
t.iscd on the
ixca of sup-
vession. We
:v know
- "feedin? a
c . ".' .V is good doctrine.
3SBif 8 ElllUlSlQII
ood-livcr oil with hypo
'' j-hites, a rich fat-food,
v: the most stubborn
'hen Tirdirtary medi-
i-.avc failed. Pleasant
easy to digest.
Tta Jms m ma i v m. jr hi r v .aB
rVM mi IS Ma
Sl.OOner IJottJeT
One coataduso
Tnis Great Counti Cun promptly cures
xrharo all others fail, Couffhu, Croup. 8ore
throat. Koarieneag, Whooping Couj.h and
Asthma. X'or Consumption (t baa no livuf;
bus cured thousands, nnd will cunifl too if
tnkenln timo. by I)ri!Kl9a cn a gunr-
".1JV?,.,,,"r R IRIR3 ,Jll''k fT ( brut, lino
TlnvoniiCr.tHrr!1? This rrmerlvlsfninran
teudtocureyou. 1'ricc.Wcta. injector tree.
..!,! evorv ntiriit Twn
ivei-fc. sac. per bottit
rt"t coitli snd rrmip
t". I'ojVut size owa-D'
ily 2.").t, t'hildruD I - v ii
'When your t Is bad, and vour
h?ad Is bad. an t you are had clean
through, what U needed?" asked a Sun-diy-school
teacher i.-f her cl-rn. ! know
Avfrt'b fSarHiparll-H,'1 spoke up 11 tie
g'rl, whote morh.r had recenttv been 'e
stored to health b that merilcine.
Nobjiir pitfpjr tion for the hair ha
ever Leen inven d thai Ayer's Pair
Vigor. It rstort-- 'he original color to
(tried and gray t !r, and Imparts that
natural g'CM and f chneK, everyone o
mu h admires. I reputation ts wodd
.S'lihih'a ViUiirt : what on need fnr
dyspepsia, tcrpid IWr, yiuw akin nr kid
iibv tronWu. It i- nrnt,ed to'give joo
(ti!aettnn, Prtcr "5j. Mi!d bv Fohy &
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
wee of iei
Eaall,. Jalcklf.
Permanenllj flebtercd, .
X iii.TVOtiE.'lsr..
If mi ally i 1. r
Mi'tiBe, the ri . .(. . ot
i vrrwitik, j.u i -ft
ttfirrt.i'ic. FuliMtv..p i,,
r T'l(iiitient vn-.t i' r
ptven tw every rvmv n:.l
rittn ft If t
in-i'l", mtn tini t.. V
Imniri1lnt"I'np'-"Vtri'f) t
r-' n. F.'tliir' liny :.)
f-l'ltimlhin ni'il pni
tiiulItHl (oealtdj frc.
f or tnv xlnd c( j Karm TinnVment or V .
j nbl-, ra!! on or address.
b. f. tim?
icslle J'ost )-I.any.O
; i
5 1
f i
The only Pure Cream of T.".rtar PowJcr. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions cf Ho:n?s 40 Ye hv Siiiidn;,'t