Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 27, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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The claa. L'mJilaf A I nr. All.-inv lil
lege numbered twelve, ten young ladies im!
iwo young men. In tbo present Senior
clan the proportion i ueirly t"-e am.
five tj one. Why this deroinancy in num
uersi" Are the young huliei more ucxious
to have a college dlplunm than the young
menr nave luey more courage in under
taking and accomplishing the liarJ work
necessary to graduation ? Have they a high
er appreciation vi i"0 vmuo or n college
education? Or do their parents show
partiality by giving their daughters great
er educational advantages than their sens?
Jt is possible that young men sometimes are
deprived of a college education l.y having
to help secure the means for the gradua
tion of their sisters; but a case of this kind
has never come under mv nl;nriMtin.. 1
have known brothers to help in securing an
education fr their sisters, and vice versa:
bat neither were themselves thereby pre
vented from graduation, if they wished to
be the owners of a college diploma. I do
not, therefore, believe th:it tlt mrHailiv
of parents will nccount for tho discrepancy
in mo last gruiluaieJ cuss and t,io one to
be graduated next June.
It might possibly bo accounted izr iu an
other way. I have heard of families in
which there were ten daughters and two
sons. If all the families patronizing; the
college ill average five girls to one boy,
tin discrepancy may thus le accounted for
without much difficulty. Hut the question
is, will they do it? I am not sufticiently
familiar with the gender statistics of na
tive Oregonians to answer this question.
I ni very much inclined to tie opinion,
however, that tl-e stato is not sufficiently
ruelliferous to account for the discrepancy
under consideration, and that o will have
to look elsewhere for the solution, .Vhere,
then, shall we find it? I do not suppose
mat any one reason can bo given to ac
count for the discrepancy; but I am very
inucn inclined to .the belief that the prin
cieai reason is in the gender Itself. 1 nm
, sorry to take skies against my own sex,
but I do not see any other way of doing.
"When there is a will, there is a way," it
is said. Tho girls have tho will and find
the way to secure the desired college ed
ucation, even if they have to do it by their
cwn earnings.
And they, as a rule, on the Tacific Coast, J
. eom to have a higher appreciation of the
value of a college education ilim !.,.
They know that in all the great enterprises
of the age in which they live a well dis
ciplined mind is a power, which will make
mem icauers in me onward movement of
the race; and hence their eagerness and
efforts for the attainment of this power
giving mental discipline. And thty see
too, that educated oiuen are coming more
ou more 10 mo iront, and that without ed
ucation they will not be able to bo in the
"van in the march of ad vanepinent.
What, then, is likely to be the outcome
of this de6ire and doternii
young ladies to secure 11 rnlleA n,liif..,i;no
It looks very much as if somebody would be
".II. i oung men who havo no ambition
to qualify themselves for positions which
i...i ... . .
i.-uu m uonor, wealth, and influence, will
e very nuely to secure such positions
iuere are already many of thera filled
young ladies, who do their work well and
to the satisfaction of their employers. Not
many years ago, lajy book-keepers were
widom seen in the counting room. Now
they are numbered by hundreds. And
any Ot lliem hav nmniniil:ile,l ll, t.,1,
to their own advantage, I havo failed to
urur oi li. iiiey arc eminently trustworthy
uieir employers sny, and do not spenii
more man their salary. And so it is
eery spuero ot labor. They prove them
elves worthy of the Im-i ,.,. iu.i .
' W.t.tllll.C.I IV
them, and are not unficqucntly entering
" "cius oi labor. They are not confine
iu ine limits ot the school-room and petty
clerkships, but arc advancing into tho r...
gions beyond. They are becoming leaders
luuuiue moral and re igious movements
oi the day, and are making their influence
en in me eievition and advancement
me uuman race. Ami the timo may not
u. ir uisutnt, when their influence in the
Political world will bo felt as never before.
Already two states have granted them the
gm or simrage; and it is hard to tell how
soon other states m.n full ii i
female suffrage be extended over the whole
country. 1 Ins will, doubtless, depend
omemeanire, upon the results of the
I mivemrnt In Wyjming and Colorado. H
the Intelligent and influential women In
I these'states exercise the ilclit cranted
iu the purification el corruption in high
places, anJ in the breaking up of political
rings, the day may not be far distant, when
woman, influence at Ilia linl' u-;:i 1..
felt from Maine to Oregon, and bom Canada
to tue Hull of Mexico,
I am not advocating woman's rieht.
am onlv BDealiine of ihe cnutr of vnt in
the past and trcscnt.and like Patrick lUnrv
judging of the future from the past, From
the days of Adorn down to the present time
woman's Influence has been evervwhrr fli
in the world, but nowhere more than in the
United Sta'es of Am:ricain this last I
of the Nineteenth century uf tha Caiistlau
era. .Not mote than fifiy ears oco. it wa
:onfined chiefly to the family. Now It Is a
tremendous power in the church, in the
school room. Ihrouch I'm n:f.i In Ilia l. .
perance cause, aaJ In all the uuve.nents of
this progressive age. And the greattr the
mtntaj discipline and consequent cjuilili.-a-
uons o uomen lor anv si here if art inn
the greater her influence in all the onward
and upward movements of this j; ro 1 1 nation
aud the world. President Thwing, .il o has
made the tal j:ct a matter of special study
affirms that "a cullege-brcd man has two
..enured and fifty times 0j creat a nrob
ability of of attaining fame as the man who
has never attended Coliece." i hat is true
of men, in the mutter of education, is also
of woman, with this dillerence, that she has
fewer ciuipeUtO'-a. so far as. the cruduatra
ot Altany College mc co'r.ceined. If one
gradua'.o has as good a chance for the attain.
iiieai 011.-111: 03 anotlur, sho has the ad
vantage of hve to ons. What, then, are
the chances ol the vcun2 men ol Aibanv n-l.n
uiinK. tney do not need a colkge education
to enable tlnm toa'ta'n celebrity in the con
test for fame and high positions of honor
and influence la the commercial.! he'r
ional, the literary, the political, or n,.
religious world? According to PiesI lent
Timings estimate, they nre few and far-be
tween. Uut iu his estimate of probabilities,
he did not take the female eraduates inin
consideration. On the Aloany College basis
tne young men have but one chance in fif.
teen handrcd(2;o?:6 nool. Tliln Is -e-:nln
ly not a very encouraging outlcok for those
who have any nsplratious for nromntinn
and fame. Many disapmintnn, Ir. i
-vitable.unless the ncmber of male nurinai..
01 Aioiny college is grertly increased.
i-r. 1'ierce'a Uoldcn Medical Dis
covery. And when vnn 1,,n !,.
. J - V I ,uo,
It cures so. in:mv illurfiG.a ..nwt.n..a
you think " it's too good to'be true."
i uut us ouiv reasonauip. A n
blood - cleanser, llesb .
Btrensth-rc-storer, nothing liko tho
k, h.iuwn 10 medical
scieuer-. Tho diseases that it cures
conio ii-oiti a torpid liver, or from
ltnmiro blood. l'Yir Kvnr,.i.;., c
fi.;, :: . , . v
i ...uii.-, n, is mo only ruaran
teed raucilv. Tn 1W...J:. i:i
I lotisncss ; all Uroiichial, Throat and
i.uiijr nuecuons ; every form of
Scrofula, even Consumption (or
uuiir-:eroiuia; in its eariier Bta"es.
.Mm in uiu rnosi stiiDDorn, Skin and
Sealp Diseases if it ever fails to
benciit or cure, you havo your
The worst cases of ChmmV
Catarrh in the I lead, yield to
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
So certain is it that its mak
ers offer Sioo reward fnr an
incurable case.
a. it. iivde. w . it. niNniNoT.n. t. 11. .iames
CaKimore Klvrk, Allianv, Ore.
complete line .f
- in all it bran. !.e
EMBALMING a, K,i,!iv.
llet'.i', in io::ier :Vd and I-;,:.: peci.i Sirs
When . .Ietr ...M I.
u-.v. .un.iuds ii. iiuccssurv
tO DreS2rih. fiflr&nnnrllla k. .l.l.. I
a bottle of Ayer's, kroilnir full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
f.vj.a.auun man ar.v oiner wnicn the drug
store can furnish. Aycr's Sarsaparliia is
the superior medicine.
orlir- iH.Je.l0ln noil l'lrK Kt.
IJiidea'l.iItcrs ami BCniltaliBiiers.
which will be nuld at
TE K r I T i -nr pi'j i 1 1. ril a full 1 t I .1 la'ii. It ih ri d vied iai.kits ai
V V crwiih. ieiii.1 iii ii ii 11 h.ii, in
'U. I let Ii ri il weed catAttf.
I Kill f I'r , ff n , 't
I he l.owent lilvlns I roll In.
EMBALMING " l,ie proper care o( ihe ilt-ail a Ppetlaliy.
ill poll nil orrckerv waro and holiday goodsTu
C4)S'j JTereare prioos: Lamps, worti;
r0r r PiUfii's lni.ittu fu t i fi
cups and saucers to 10 con ts a set ; iila'e?, 10 cents t,ci
set. hvorvMiing else 1.1 uronortion.
V 1
Call on me and you will not bo deiMved.
J. Gradwohl.
At ihu store fnrintilv 1
Allen Uros.. ' I
for w h'fli I u in . . .
po.slhle. ' ' "'"'"I
In the avatler nf the
I! ma .B
.5. JONE'fi8S, fi'Htif!lov.
1 TTT1 -1 T , ,
jiuy wuice l.aoor employee
Km n ! i """imtoll
" au "icoivtnte
Nutice is her. I...
Freeman l'.mml I,,' T. " 1 ' 1
his property lor the Unt u,'0,1
erei I'urs in ne,....l 01 s
tllf DtllU. of()reiri', ...I..';' .1" ,et
assienineiii!. ,V ' liiwuveiit dti,
cud torn of II... V1 Uf
round are notilied ii. ,retci,to
tlMMhiic of thin nm ' ":"-''i
Patut lbanv, Dr., ii,.c S()
. jsl Cabinet photos from $i.totof4oo
y-A.71'" ,d,02t"- Knlaielnt pictures a
VsA&iS.Y?':caSxy f crayon; framed
BIIHH mill H c earrv a laree irtock
ci 53 and stercscop'e views of Or-
Assignee's Notice.
Notice i: hi rd i ( vi , la ,i .
coieviii. tialenlhe 41,
ISM.,.,.y ',.. .r-'Vf lX
ma le.,, a iti,ni.r.t i,,;.P lf ,. . "
tv tori ho Leiwllr ,, ' ''"'."It. co wilh 1 1:. " p"'1"'.
nwsof Ihn elate if rS.
Iitrsi.ns hsvin-. !., '.' ".''ri,
, .. ' "iuiupt it s, .
,, o. ; ",... ''"I'?""1 ' ll
IhlvtUlu the I' f., ..f a ii. . ''"--iiv
in tle nion.h.f. 'u;r'-.u"fpi
lat.d.l,..17i, ,:VZ vi
'i".ii.i.riii,i-.sT, islm
Botli ilie method and resnlla tvlicn
CVrun nf Flira Sa 4f,lrAn. l t 1 .
and refreshiiig to the tasto, end acts
K"UJ 3V jiromptiy on mo liidneys.
Liver and Rnwiln .,,. .i .. '
tera effectually-, dispel colds, head-
neliAe flnrl 1 I . .. .
ii;lt,ia uml cures Habitual
constipation. Symp of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
tluced, pleasing to tha tasto and ac
cepttiblo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action ami truly beneficial in its
cflects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable subftauccs, its
ninnv excellent, mmliin. 1
. V i l " wiiiuieuu ii
to al! end havo mads it tho moot
Ik puiar remedy Known.
iSvrtin of FI ..t- i rn.
i".li . b i- 1J1 UVA.
and 81 bott o hv nil
Cists. An; l-elintda A... -1.
may not have it on Land will pro-
I iiuuiiiijjr lor any cue who
Wishes to trv iY Ti.-
lllliclifntn 1 J
touisiiu,-. nr. ai iv roe. .r.
nirtl Irms, Cauueit .Mex
."Jwsnare, Qneeuwor,
Orled FrDitN, Vegetable.
Tobiirco, ClKarsi
aRr, Npleea,
.sonec. Tea,
Kt etc.!
r evcrlW thit Is kept In genu
.briety ana irflucery store, Ukliest
raarkel price paid for
FARMERS LISTEN. We have a fine
Jot of (resh grass seed, of almost every
Kind. Inctutlfncr rlient an1 .. . . . .'.
- n ,..u nvnaiiiLDBCll
It. Come and see us.
.iih ,iZ ,.r. '"""'Uen. deceised,
. ".. ".'"'n.Ciiuiily, Oregon
h..ur ot loo-iloik ih- 7' ."""f.'."'''--"1"
ih. . T V...." iiaav,ii
th. heartnir ol ol.Jcclion. 11 .y t 5 j,,
1'atea Uejcmber lltli, 1S31,
n iv n.n . . ,Y HII.YEr.
...v... i , Auntll, i e "will- ......
Altvfiir I'.l... . . vi..
. leeiaraento annexo.
PIOWS AND H4RR0IS. fnr fnr ur lH 1 si. .i i- . .
Walktl!i plow. tlifiC h.-irrftu-.
etc. 1 rices l.i nmnnnl,,., t. :
wheat. It will pay von to cat, and Kceu.
The Oregon Land Co
Wltn us home office alj
&-&.l-.31UL- - - - OUIiiCa-O.. T
ine Gray Blocl., corner Liberty anJ State street, branch office In Portlanu . :
AKES a specialty of Sur.njsitleruittraeti near Salem',
Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to S60 rr
ere small cash pavniciit lone timo -n
or particuiavs.
Notice to Stockholder;
w.rt,.....-:. v. " . y.' ""Ron.
i,., a ,' . '. tt
nn . . "S,U "av 'It t
iraiiMct ..i..-b other bnslneu
Dated December lind; 1093
Phl.Hpl..n ..,.1 tl .....
Hcrtilenie, corner loth and CalapocUn.
Harper's Weekly
Mtiy am Hut Met.
Hron.lalbin, lWvrcen Second and Third Sts.,
'onllry, Fisli, Oysters, Clams,
Game in Srasnn.
KveryUiing nii and fresh, tiive , a c.,n .
Dr. Intferkon-llaHnre
Tlie .,.tl fhlno.ant rd Lit, neider. Is now
j'S'J.Sht.' bV"u".'l,?, h" ""d
t.-U-I.I.. blie IHI aN.ut all anl'treta
prwm and lutare; loir. trouHe., .h, lilen j.d
bualnesa. Ton can hear Ironi your dead ,1,1 7. .
A Medical Firm Ores Away Cash.
J. F. Smith Co. of Ko. 258 Green.
ich St., New York, the manufactur
ers of that favorite cathart' ; known as
Smith's BUo Beans, have, adopted
novel plan. They ask the individual
buyers of Bile Beam to send it, r,.ti
nams and addrosi, Tfith an outside
irranner from a bnttln nf mio n..n.
(cither fiie) to their office, and they
five, f 5 for the first if rapper received
in each mornimr'a mail, anil fti iKa
2d, 8d, 4th, Sth and 6tli. Every day
tlO in rash Is tlnm an.t tn tl,l.
Ttsj-ondenti. Ask fcr SMALL size.
Absol utely
. Pure
Notico of Dissolution
."iiit i Hereby given that t!,e firm Pf
"l ?, k" htT""1"" ''o'ni! b.i.lnes,
i inder the firm name of Sender. Jt Co ha,
this dav bfen i!lnl.-..l ir. ..i.... . .
... ,. .-cmnecr ar.djame. Cal
lahan ho will conlinoe the bu.ine., ,,
will co !t a am.. .1..- . .'
fall Paper,
Os-wirm, IMiiitM, OiIm
i J 1 ICtC
J. A. fuiiiimi!;:
, The United States Official Investigation of baking powders
made under authority of Congress (see Bulletin i3( Chemical
Division, V. S. Ag. Dept.), shows the Royal to be a cream of '
tartar baking powder of the highest quality, and superior to all
others in strength, leavening power, and general usefulness.
The Royal Baking Towderis thus distinguished
by the highest expert official authority the
leading Baking Powder of the world
Tlios. Brink.
IlARHtK'HUrvni.v la li..-n,.l nil ..(.. -1-.t;.
Jounia, in America, in it i vmlM iIuatraUoni,iii
COnH Of llMlilJiruir-llL-a llls.n. in it. .
amiy of rcadttrtt. In nl....ll.i n... . t. .i......v
bU'licat ordirof ta!iit(llio meii beat flttcUb.v potitioL
ir-nuntf io trtaf the lcadlp(,'lpici ofthediy. Ir.
flcliun, the tnoitt popular ittrj wrltcn amtribirtt k.
itflculumni. Suucrlj drawli,!. hi tlfnt.rtirt.
illustrate itlilttclal nrlila lt..tnr. ., .!...
able event or public Iiitenitt ; it ocnUtn. pcrtriiUtf
Uietlistiiiuishea men ainiwomtn bfarenukin.tbe
history of the tim,liile B-cim! attjnticnUghcitc
tho Arniv atnl Vjw An,..,-- o. un..i
the Drama, by dtlnjruir-hc.l experts IniwwJ,
IUrcri Weekly combiiiM the ntwi feature Jib
daily paper and tho and llierary qmli!iioI
the mouazlne with tho uillil . t-iid-nl rhanti-tKrAftrw
umm pebiopioam.
IVr lnr :
HAHl'KlfM W TEriLY . 4
UAIll'KK'd VOl Xti I-KDIM-K - f
Postnire fffc t: all J,, r lr. it. tl, t nitft'Stif
Canada and Jlcjiliu.
The Volunipa f tha UVeklv he. hi ulth Ih Int
XllttltPP f..t .In....... .. W Ilk,. M
lime If tnciltiolicd. mlihn.-rhitf.,i, ull tu irln cithlN
number current at Um time of receipt of order.
ivmmi volwncsuf llar-oi'i Weekly for thrrt reif
, ,M uiiibiiiK.wii uv neiii f ui
ajfc lid, or by exprci free of osrwiwe (pwided th
freight decs not exceed one dollar per volume,)
47 00 .fr volume,
Cluth cases for each rolumr, suiUble fol Wndiii
vill be sentry it all, oat-paid. on receipt of II tack
llemittancef. tu.til.1 hn n..a hi- P.tnfflee MrUf
OrJcr or Draft, to aoid chance of low.
new papers arc not tocop7 this adveUiWB,
WitllOUt th nnpw nr.l.r nf II.Knr RtDTIIItS.
Aldresi: II A It IE II KKOTHEIiS, Nrw Vol
ppp nAY
20 Easily Made.
. t want manjr mr n, wnroaa, boy., trta t1"1"
work torn, a ft w hour, dallr. rlrbt 1dmi4m'"
tliejroirn hnm. Ti.a u Miv-nlru..
tricllyhoiioroblr.lind putt bfltertbM Biyrt"1
oflcrcd agvnll. You have a clear ttld M "
comptlliion. Eirrpnc and .peci.l iWIW'
necpMarr. Vn . I Tra Malr V
with rverTllilui, that r"0 nrrd, trtat I "
"r ii. in von in Kiirn ion iimmi nmmui -r
V.iroon do as wrtl a mrn, .at boy. 4
rinlf.i . MfldoU
" ' wni . mm, aim ""J V(h-
maki-font par. Arir ono, anprlwr. ""
ork. All .uccmhI wlio follow oarrJU"lld'i'
I'' dirfntV-ni. Kirnmt rorfc Hill nrtlj
Ton irrat doil of mon.r. Fttrrthin. b "J
rt:i.l I.. 1 .1 . i.-i.A ... ... nmmrhKl
rirealar, and rwlrf fall Information.
d rn If too conclude nut to CO ott ,w
snd r,.r all its .le!-!,. " P'd "
Aivi rii Sri,: ,
l riMI l :r.
George Stinson&Co-
BOX 4G3,