Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 27, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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    Ik nil
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LiliiQ Daughter
Climvli of Eiicl:i!iU IJiiiitstiT
1 ui a distressing rath, liy
it's SaiMipurillu. JU-. tn iiaiii)
s,tlio wcll-Uimwii Druggist, 3)7
(ill st., Montreal, P. (J s.iys.
Iiavo sol I AyiM-'s Family Mi'iliciimH
,suiu ol tlit'ui. I know ol ninny
Wonderful Cures
Kormc'l i ijurs narsapuriuii, miu
u'lilur heing iiiiit oi a nine
jr of ii Church of Kuglund minis.
J CIIIMI Mil iiciiiii.v iu ;ni
flID 1101 " 11 11 11,1 iihi a
Jiii'dy troublesome rash, from winch
tad suffered Utr two or three veins,
pito ot the best medirrd treatnirn
llal'lc. Ji'r miner was in i;rf..t
stress ttlmut tho case, mid, at my
.miiicinlaMon, at last began to mi
ster Ayer's Sarsaparllla, civn V-
;o( whu h effected a complete euro.
1j to her relief and Jut fathers
iilit. I oi sure, were he l"'1"' to-day,
sotild testify iu the strongest terms
XoUi merits o.
libyllr. J.C. Avi-r Co., ;.mvell,M;..-'B.
iresol" . ;; cure vou
"As oM as
the hills" ami
never excell
o.l. "Tried
and proven"
is tuo vermes
o f millions.
Liver llcgu-y-x
lator is the
JLlAt wul Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
liutli lor a
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to bo taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Mctllclnex.
" 1 Iiavo uxi't! yourHlinmnnsI.lverlleffU
lntor and can coiiKWentlouHly say il in the
klne of all liver tiu-illcltu-H, 1 consider it a
medicine etU-Ht In ilNelt'. (jKO. W. JACK
ttoN, Xucoiaa, Washington.
the Z Stamp In rod on wranpoi
Land Ii not to dirt cheap In America now
n it was when Lord Baltimore' couinanv
bousht thousand! of .crea of fine ground
for Ices than that numter of class
cludwg the tuVaf iho city of Christiana,
"lor which was paid one iton ket'le ct the
bigness rf five quarts or thereabouts." Rog
er Williams bought Ruo.le I.Und for "forty
fathoms of white beads, strum;," und it Is
onlv nliout 255 years Un;e the si'e of New
Haven, C", was bouijht for "twelve coats of
EnglUh L-lolh.twelvj sp?ons of mixed metal
twelve hois, twelve hatchets, twelve por-ringers.iwcruy-four
knives and some French
knives and spoins." Trjbably the only bus
iness transaction on record that beat thsse'
and is not Ameaiean, wjs the purchase of
tsau's birthright for a mess of purr idee'
And somebody has takl that if Jacob had
been an American he would have done bet
ter Uan he did. Instead of lavishly pay
intf Ksau ''p.orriilge dovn," hj would liav
oweJ it t3 him.
IMS liituraiire Fiji III
San Fiiancisco. Dec. 22. The fight be
tween some 30 insurance companies doing
business in tint city and certain leading
merchants took a new form yesterday.
Hiitty insurance companies, who alleged
at first incendiatism and then fraud, re
fused to pay a los of over 8120,000 claimed
by huyerv Keicli. wholesale wooens nnu
luditB furnishings, whee establislmient
recently turned. Many other nierchantR
In sympatliy with Huyer & lUUht beun
canceling their policies with the compan
ies whicd retired 'o pay. and in one nay,
i' is said, over ?l09.0lK) was withdrawn.
The I'iicifii' Insurance Union coines to the
relief oi ; these companies by passing a
strinjr'nt resolution prohihitinff any com
pany in the union from rewriting insur
ance that hns been canceled, to effect a
boycott of companies wno are fighting buy
er & Reich .
HlgheaC of aU in Leavening Power. Latest 0. S. Gov't Report.
THE 'tTI H 4.t ST NH'lllltAS.
Our readers do not need to be told what
the Century Magazine ia. H is a frreat
work in any sense. For 18U4 it will be
ore.iter than ever. 2009 pases of choice lit-
n..l..M will. Illllh niifr-.i'intia Thpntwill
J F. FORD, ETamelnl,
Of Dea' Moin?i, low, -itM under iUle of
;v:nh 23. 18D3:
3. B. Mku. Mvh Co..
Dufur, Oregon.
Op arriviui! l" nm lipt wteU. I fcurdnll
widl and u"i'.itinc. 0'ir littl
iirl, o'nt ?jiv'1 otip-ii .li j ef.ts old, whrhd
w a led a .i -iy SS iMtiii'dn, in fvt well,
titnnt! ':.'li,r , ud fl --hrn up
3. B. (V.i! ;it ; I-d nt: i:- (;rk wtli,
tintii it in.- el ililien ItKt ir. Yi)r S H.
CttuyiiC'uif htswenr.d pnd kept nWay aU
iioarat'Dffr, horn ine. Sn fiive it to eycy
e, wild ro'-iinns f.r all. fiKhiBj.; you
Ymire, M ft Mh J V KORD.
ExjitTif ncc if un Kv-Miuiiiplun
AtblcLv and man who take ordlnarv
outdoor exercise such as walking, running,
etc, are often the Bubjects of acute troub
les, ine experience ot an ex-champion
walker will be of interest to all who are
afflicted. Harry lirooks writep:
No. 314 East 19th Si New York,
Aprii a, iHSO, XumerruK statements
relative to the merits of different Flahters
having been brought to mv attention I
take this opportunity to state tha! 1 have
used AHcock's Porous Plasters for over 30
cars and prefer 1 hem to any other kind.
I would furthermore state that 1 was verv
bick with catarrh of the kidneys, and attri
bute my recovery entirely to AHcock's
I'orous Plasters, '
s-and -Mien
"H. if.
150 uro
J3;'l! 1:5:;, f'SOFRIETOS.
. ., 1, - IBIOH TOK rAMI'l
If m wili to feet lit Nil in
Mr theHiiriiiif'!! Wurk, clfmi-e
Itcftiimlifi nt ui C'tru. fi
Hfbl'ftlllLh Wttk.
1' fhifrf ui. an1 n
t'.ur -a em with tho
inttiir 10 or tlirse
WlrMitii "T hen I.. t) alltlniijiiitt.t
Ho '.ini'lt ipoi-itive "nr icrl-v
When Baby was Bick, wo gave hor Caslorla.
TSIien slie was a Child, sho erioi for Castoria.
When alio became Miss, bIio clan? to Castoria.
Vtlien &ho had Children, she newe i:ieni Castortft
At Mkal Times do vou everconside
the quality ot the food you are eating? It
may oe coua. it mignt ue obiter, purer,
freisherand more wholesome. Is It not
worthwhile to make sure that you-tea,
coffee, sugar, baked eood and Innumern-
bleother groceries aie of the best quality?
1 here is such a trifling difference in the
price of the besl and the worst that It
dues not nay to buy the worst, even on the
false groano-of nupt-oned conom v '1
best is always the cheapest, because the
most satisfactory and durable.and the very
best of everything tn the grocery line Is
kept at Parker Bros.
'if religious beliefs perplex you, and
vou desire a faith at once reasonable and
uplifting, send for free liberal religion
reading to postolhct mission, 346 Yarn
hill street, Portland, Or.
W At HiNorox, fVc 2G. Minhtpr Men.
ilonea beii ves :i ciisis i.i the Brazilian
revolutich is tit liaiH, and the decisive
itroko will bo made this week. He savs
the two great ironclads of the rebel com
mander Ilello and the flotilla of litt'e tor
pedo craft hastily improvised by Peixo'.o
are rapidly nearing each other. The min
ister sayi that the collision is almost cer
tain betore next Monday. Jie recognizes
that the jittle torpedo and dynamite boats
are tremendously overmatched by the
rebel s bibs, but counts much on the ability
of the small boats to maneuver quickly and
discharge tneir novel explosives.
I A ftlniu Ou Oregon
Washington. Dec 2G. The Oretron
republicans expressed regret that Pennoyer
jas broTn out neain. especially an his
screed wiis printed under headings, 'Pov
erty Stricken Oregon.' 'A Pauper State,
and similar disagreeable captions in the
stern rjaoers. senator witcneu saut
' While I auree with the governor on ihe
question of free coinasre. I know that Ore
gon people are in no worse condition than
other seouons of the country.'
, TrcnMurer Arrcbtrtl
Bake City. Or. Dec 2G. S F Murpbv
ex-city treasurer, was arre3ted in this ci
yesterday afternoon on a warrant sworn
out by Mavor Palmer. chartrin!f him with
embezzlement 01 city funds. Ihe she'ilt
found Murphy at homo and when the
olneer rqade Known uis mission 'he pns
oner asked for an hour to break the news
to his wife. 1 his done, Mr Murphy was
conveyed to tho city jau.
1 A tinod snowing
SaV Francisco, Dec 26 Judging from
the utaternent of the carninr3 ot the south
ern Pacific railroad, the wave of depression
tnat swojiLovcr the country appears
than to anv other section of the United
State. The gross earnings of the road
up to the em! of October amounted to $4,
137,000. This t 26i,O0O less than for
the same time last year. Although there
will be adeeroaee in the earrings of the
road this year, it will be less than that ex
perienced by railroads in other sections of
the country.
Thousands of lives arc saved annual I v by
the use of Aver's Pectoral, In the treatment
of croup and whooping co-igh, the Pectoral
has a most marvekus effect. U allays in-
flmn.atioii, frees the obstructed air passage
anu cuiuro s uie oesire 10 cou;n.
, 0
Dr. Price's cream Uakhig Powder
Most Perfect Made.
There will
be a new novel by Mark Twain, important
ex (editions, hunting of heme game, artists
auveiiiures, irumjuii wiui iniiups, niuu
lished essays of lames Kussell Lowell.etc.
The St Isieholas is the prince of children s
magazines, the best of all of them. A feat
ure of the 18i4 number will be Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Mark Iwam, a natural History
series, a series on American authors, stories
of India by Hudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life, papers on the government and
soino bcnutitul serial stories, as wen as uie
famous Brownies.
The price of the Century is 35 cents a
number, lf4.00 a year; of St IWholas, $3.00
a year. Any subscriber of the Democrat
m good standing mav secure xne memory
e nn M c. X'lM. f.r 4 RO 1w
leavincrtho money at this olhee. We will'
do the rest.
l'aiker I'ros, grocers.
F. M. French keeps railroad time
Buy your Rroeeritia of Parker Bros
Ftao gro3rne at C3an'i.
ti,iv croam oheeBe juat received at. Conrad
V J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doea
first .claita work.
Smoke tho celebrated Havana filled 5 eent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
IJr M ti Ems, phyaioliiu and auroon
Albany, Ordi. Clla ma U i. cit or
oountry .
For plly's sake, don't growl and grurr.b'e
because you ere troubled with indigestion.
No good was ever effected by snarling and
fietting. Be a man (unless you happen to
bea woman), and take Ayer's Sartparllla,
which wiil relieve you, whether man or
''When your heart Is bad, and vour
head is bad. and you are bad clean
throueh, what Is needed?" asked a Sun
day-school teacher of her class. "I know
Aver's tsarsacarllla," spoke up a little
g'.rl, whose mother had recently been re
stored to health by that medicine.
Ko belter pieparation for the hair ha
ever Leen inenttd than Ayer's Uair
YUor. It restores the original co.or to
faded and gray hair, and imparts that
naturat gloss and fieshness, everyone n
much admires. Its reputation 1b woild
Xhiloh Cure. tn nrt coni) and croup
cure, is for aide by im. Pocket sizi contain
weuty-fiv dovja.only C5o. (Children love it
cfhay ft Masoo.
Sl'spenhed. Quong Sing & Co who
have been dolnp business for a long time in
tins ciiy have suspended, owing, as they
say to the hara tlrros and "banks no pay.
The company tney say 13 nil broken up.
eiynteen years. t
for Infants and Children.
. . . i
ttvtTV year.' c1ierTtion of utori - f
- .... j...r.k.i. ..J niilldren
, It I. nnqnertion ta dk remedy .... .....
1Tin v on- h"m'"- ChUd"n 1U" !t-
P7-W1ft. U,m.avrllvo.. In tt MolW.Jnta
childa medicloa.
Caorla HmwtTnym Varmn.
Caatorift prcventt vomiting; Srmr Cr.'d.
Caitoria nam Tlbaa and Wind Coje.
Helf TraHe.
Self praise Is no recommendation, but
there are not times when one mutt permit
a person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man j
will doubt his word. Now, to say that,
Allcoc:i's Porous Planters are the only 1
genuine ind reliable porous ;i!ater made
is not self praise in the blluh'er-t degree.
They have stood ttie test for over thirty
years, and In proof of their merit it is onlv
necessary fo call attention to the cutes
they have effected and to the voluntary
testimonial of thoee who hav used them.
Be watt: of Imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
AHcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to accept a substitute.
A 41. 1 til r.uj s
The p'easmt flavor, gent'e action and
soothing elfect o Snt ot Fis, when in
n?ed of a laxitive, and if the father or
mother he costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow it use; so ihat it
is the best family le-.nedv known and
every fimtly shiuld have a bottle.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, (iolden
t'omiaon every day.
Y 1, Y i J 'if :i m Ii n o
I 'or suiting- in the at at- at W R
, 1 . oVwher? he has a tailor with few
q 1 on hand to nvika th-;in up on thorr
Get the best and most stylinh
' 1 of 'dm, A new feature i!l be the
11 , of ladle' clo.tks to order, or the
ex of co.tKS to the hues' style. nd
h r ,..::ring of cloik-. Price rj n -torn
1 -mk
Old "Time
of t r e at i n g
Colds and
Coughs were
based on the
idea of sup
pression. We
n o v k n o w
that "feeding a
cc!d" is good doctrine.
of cod-liver oil with hypo
phosphites, a rich fat-food,
cures the most stubborn
co.igh when' ordinary medi
cines have failed. Pleasant
-WUke ; easylo, -digest.-.-
Price's Cream Baking Powder
World'. Fair Hlzhe.t Award.
C.tori rUY Tthing TroiiTl;
aona ajf.
1 '. - . i u M. a. haIioiio
f'-'-g ...1l.y and ntnral aUap.
i..t it i. i.t eoa" " " " 'TMT .Kjgi
41.. .. a-.t C-A-S-TR.
Thm fo-almU
Ignatnr of f
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Medal arid Diploma.
Fnilowirg is the list-- of letters remaining
in the pmt orriot a Albany. Una omintv.
Oregoo, Deo 18tb, 1803. Persons calling for
tneae letters muse irtve tno dita tun which
J they ware tdvertised.
I Allen, Batev Barnes, Lenora K
1 Cruson. A H Cooper, L H
Daniels, 11 A Dunn. I W
Hannah, J Howell. C H
John, MrsLucindaM Okamoto. Y
Schiemann. August Smith & Jordean,
l res. Wagon itoau Co.
TilOS. NfoMTKlTrl, P. M.
Albany llnrket
Vh(. 45".
I 'nor. I4.0U.
minr. 'Wla.
KrfU 3' :.
!prd, 12 to 15?.
port hnm4 12 to 15 : iftti -ir 0 l.t 10
. II to 13c
Hit- ,"'f1 ?7
o aton. 4-.
A npie A'
(tried f.'nlt pliiifii . pp .
Chirketn. . 1 0 n"1 H r 1
Bfief on ft K, Hft
HoCS dre t, S ..
rrorrd 4 tic thr liekl.
Tested and proved by over thirty vea-V
use in all pans of the world, AHcock's Pnr
ous piaster have the Indorsement ri tnu
Id nh est medical anu chemical authottties
and millions of grateful patient who have
been cured of distressing ahmenis volun
tari y testify to their merits.
AHcock's Porous Plasters are pure'y
vegetable. They ere mild but effective,
sure and quick in their actio., and abso-
utelv harm esi.
Beware of Imitation., and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation . Ask lor
AllccV, and let no solicitation or exp'a
nallon induce ou to accent a substitute.
Wheat, 50 cts; oaM, t$t; hay, $3 baled;
wood, SX to, taken in exchange tor
sewln machines or organs on hand at E
U Will's music store. Also on a'l book
accounts of 6 months standing Sewing
machines from $25 to 435. with my per
sonal guarantee tor 5 m.
Whatever mav be the cause ol blanch
lng, the hair m-.y be restored to its origi
nal color bv the"uM' of that potert remedy
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian II .tr Rmewer.
Sni'oh's YiUiiwr ".a what yoi need fnr
dy-pepsii, Urpid Hver, yellow skin tr kid
ueV trouble. If- u e"rnted to gtv yoo
Httacr-ion. I'riee 75'. Siidb,? K.hiiv &
Fenny Win uwil lnuml Foolljib.
The man or wmnm who dons not sup
port their own' ho ne paper can be propwr
tv c'avpd as "peioy wise and pound fool -lib.''
It bring, f .r instanc, to vour door
iopport.irti'i's fr seeming the ben har
ifaiiio in evertM i. V vou wnt tin-
plounei.r. then v e arf-ist vou. That re-1
mtnas J t'nt ti; toveriisrineni ot i
ohnon & 10, Kt'hmond, Va, in ano'her
ilumnmav prove oi real interest and
value toyou,
A CiooD Plan. It Is a good plan to
Mibsc-ibe for and rpad carefully your own
home Taper, as It s the aim ot this paper
to ma kf U an eduea imal he t' in the
community, ttevde that. If ou are out
of a job, or wih ?o increase your income,
then hot.- U the pl.n:e o tind Ii. In fin
ether column you ill find an advertbe
men of R F John on & Co, (f Rlchnio'id,
V, fT workers, iht may Interest ;ou.
Olives In lluU, sauer Kraut, mixed
Mckles, chow cho v. cranberries, lemons,
flaked l.ominy, an l njw raisins at C E
Rf fc-T jam Ifm
Sl.OOpor IkvtUeT
Ouo cent a Uoso
Tmfl OnrA Citron icim promptly cio-es
wlif.rj all othera tail, CouRha, Croup, Sore
Throat, Ilonrscpcst, Vhoopinff Cough and
Asthma, i'or Consumption it Tins no rival;
1ms cured thousands, r od will cunm you If
takeuiutimo. t'o1'1 by Druiss on a cunr-ont.-'o.
I'or n Lamo Harts or ('hosf, uso
llnvc you C'lilurrli i '1'hln rrnifly Is iriiurnn-
vv.'GU v) euro you. i lkc. jjvu im-wji . .
Pa roni. hnmn- du.trj l,y r okirg
,-alrlw.tarl whito W t eig.r., mai.uf.ttarad
by Ta'iaft Jor.ih.
One S.ia3 Pile
wk ftriHiaeTorn
1., .111 every ntaht forsi
1 ' ivers. Xc. per bottlo
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Easllr. pulcldy,
Permanentlr Rectcrcd.
OuCti :ty.
f m t all IN iTr.h-1 : r-'-H
llhl irtimtuily 1 '-t
flit' i-sci -hVh, tUt r".!.H cf
t J ivfrv. .ik, t li'f-,
f . 1.. V1.l1.ln.. a :.
ili;vei'piiient oml t'-nn
-hf n loeery icanu: l
pxttinn it r c b-ity.
ft'rn. Kitfliirr ff ijMif-' '!!
;?,'! rt-ri renct
rxiitirttit'i pi
initllctl (suali-tl)frv'.
BUFFALO- t. v.
jt at.
Ml l
ird of farm Imn'einent or Vf 1
i a I on or addrM
Tlie only l'ure Cream of T.irtur Powder. An
Used in Millions of Homes 40 X-.
; No Aluv
c.ho post ()fte
Hi I
ir; i
(!' !
U i