Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 26, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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A Racking Cough.
Cured by Ayor's Cherry Poc'.oral.
Mra. P. I. Hall, 17 Genesseo St.,
Lockport, N. Y., savs :
'Over thirty years n;To, I remember
lirarins my father deaeriiie tin. nmi.t,..-
(ul curative effects of Ajpi-'s Cherry
reciorai. During a rueem iittai k of La
Grippe, which nssmiii.,1 tlie form of a
Kitnrrli, soreness of t li c 1 tt iij-s, ncioni-
panieu ny on np(?ravnting cough, I
oseil various remedies ami prescriptions.
While some of these medicines partially
lllcviateil tlio coiiRhinR during the dny,
no of them afforded me any rrlicf from
Jut spasmodic action of the lunas which
tould seize me the uiomcnt 1 attempted
toliedown at night. After ten or twelve
men nights, I was
Nearly in Despair,
and ImJ about derided to sit up all nj$A
in niy easy chair. Mid procure what
sleep I could in that way. It then oc
rarred to mo that I had a bottle of
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I took a
tpoonful of t4iis preparation in a littlo
tir. mid was flliln fn tin ilnvn .vltl.n...
I wishing. In n few nioincnts, I fill
deep, and awoko in tho morning
sntly refreshed and feeling much
ftter. I took a teaspoonful of tho rec
ital every night for a week, then grad
ully decreased tho dose, nnd in two
rgeks my cough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
rnparcd by Dr. J.C.Ayer X; Co., Lowell, Maui.
Prom pt to act, su re to c u ro
,0, M. McFaiiasMl,
tos-and - Saddlery
nrwnzss e nrs hu:ekior for ramus
for Infants and Children.
rHIUTT yoara oDarvatton of CnstorU Trlth tbe pata-onag. ef
mllllona of porsonspermltpatopea1c of It without gne.slag.
It 1. onqne.tlonably tho neat remedy forTnfanta and Children
th world haa ew hnown. It la hannlm.. Children llho It. It
Clre. them health. It will aT their lrVoa. In It Mothtra hav
semethlmr whleh la ahwlwtely aafe and praotleally p.rfeot. wa a
ehlld'a medicine.
Ca.terla destroy Wanna.
Cnatorta allays FeTerl.hjtosl.
Castorla proventa romltlng Snnr Curd. .
Caatorla enrea Dlarrhcea and Wind Cnlla.
Caatorla rellerea T mi thing Tronhles.
Caatorla enrea Crniatlpatlon and riatnlenef.
gssterta nentraUae. the effect, of
Castorla not ntaln morDhlne,
Pstarla a.rfmilate. and hewel
, . . .
Rlrlnir hralthy and natnral sleep.
gMtoria 1. pnt np In one-afae pottle,
D!lll.w any on. to 11 r anyjhlng?dMtenthpl.n T promts.
ttatlt l."jn.t aa good" and "wlU answer ererr pnrpe.e.
Sea that Ton art C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fac-almlle
algnatnre cf "
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
"As olil aa
never excell
ed. " Trieil
nail proven"
is tho verdict
o f millions.
Liver llegu
y . . lator is tho
riPffPVy Livcr
JLJlsMOt nna 'Kidney
medicine t o
which you
can pm your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on tho Liver
a n d Kid
neys. Try it
Sold by nil
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to bo taken dry or made intoa tea.
The Ring of Liver Medicines.
"1 hnvo used Simmons I.Ivor Ilciru
lator and can conscientiously say It is the
Klnfrornll liver medicines, I consider It a
medicine chest In itself. oko. V. Jack
bon, Xucoma, Washington.
"as the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
Of Des Moinji. Inw, writes uniler ilr.le of
J.Marjh 23. 189:1:
S. B. Mki,. Sim Co..
Dufur, O'egcn,
Gentlemen :
Of o'-i'f I'-me hist w.ek
well and h..xi. u-y a'VAitine.
I fourdall littlo
till, e:cllt nnd on'-h..lf j. sre .:.l, who hid
a led away to 38 (, is well,
strung and vii'i, roii", nnl w. ll lle.hecl np.
U. Cullj!l ;'ure hxsd .ne r.-v.,,rk wiii.
ft th of tl.e chihtien like it. Ywr S B.
Coiih Cute tas cured anil l:epi sway aM
hornenm ftom n.e. So Kin it to eye-y
oi.e, with grn-iiiitoor all. WithiDgyou
prnsoeii y, we uii
Voiirs, Mr & Mas J F Ford.
If you Willi Ui f'el li -..I sikI rhiwrtul. Slut reui!v
f'r tliu.s,riiifN w.trW, . l..u.o v.uir ) sieui rf jtlilhe
HfiKlntli'i slut I.ii- ! L'aro, lu iskuir 111 or thrue
luMiseacli wtvk.
il !.n i-r S..ttin tij all lmin;:tJ
s. tit .1 uinlcij:! I'usltlie eunrs-ttoc l.y
alBAtfV; . J
As. PKjilFFH'l'
carhenla aeld m ef pelaenona alf.
epltun. er other narcotic preperrg.
. . . . . t
only. It la notaoia in
4. an ererT
ifli Wia "
Experience .r an Ewiianiplaav
Athlete, and man who take ordlnrv
2? arVo "m Ping' "'.'""'inV.te,:
ies. Ihe experience of an e.chiMnin
w. ker wlll be of interest to aU wl.?P
afflicted, Harry Urook. write":
'No. 314 Ea,t ,9t, Sl N v
April 2, ,SS6. Numerous stateinen,'
relative to the merits f different r.tet
A- br"f!l,t 10 y attention.'
.. .3 t'! so'11'',or;u"y t "late that 1 har
used Alleock's Porous Plasters for over 2.
vears and prefer llieni to any other kind
i would ;h.r.l,ercre state that I was vcri
.ivs nun caiarm ol the kidnev
buteiny recovery entirely "t
t'orous Plasters,''
ni.i nltri-
Ihe (.'euuliie Ami The Kham.
Every good thing has lis l,..t (Jf
halrire ? i . .. .
fell, n-h i Kl"""'eanicle Us counter
Wis. The imitators alvavs choc8e thc
mot valuahe and mmulnr ....!.. .
sham to be equal, or as i.oo l nr u,.
-so and-si'S.-'tiin n,r;.ii ,
upon 1, ma, . .Su.d ko's" a t tele Is the
best of, he kind The sham proves lie
genuine e, i, of the thing It 'conic, and
never ha; this been beer illslrS
y tie i,i,aons of A1I
;;f excellence , world ove;, and ,f. Im-
!s am lhtr ' "'' ";ir " good
es Allcock arc only emphasizing this
fact and aiiinl,ilLr" UI,-nri, '.. .7. .,
acmeof peifec.ion. which It Is their high
est ambition to Imitate. The difference
hetwecn the genuine and these Imitations,
which copy only general appeirance. Is as
wuie as that between copper and gold.
The only safe wav fur nnrrl, ..., tl .
always Insist upon having Alleock's Por-
i.-ua i-iusiers. xncvarelhe
plaslcrs ever produced.
only perfect
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castcrla.
mien she was a CW1J, cto cried for Costorla.
When slio became JHm. rho clunj to Costorla.
V.Tien slio had ClIMrou, tin, EaT0 Ulem CEStorta
At Mem. Ti.mss do vou ecr conslde
the rjualitv of the food you are eating? II
, ....j B,JU. ,i mignt le better, purer.
" more wholesome. Is It not
worn, whi e ,o mske sure that you - tea
coffee, .ugar, baked good and innumera-oleothergroccrl.-saie
of the best quality?
I Here is such a trilling :lir.-iice in the
pmcs in cne i,-sl and Ihe worst thai It
d ies not p iv in buy the worsi.cven on the
false grourni of sup: oscd cconom y. 'J'ii
i best is always the cheapest, because the
I most satisfactory and durahlc.and the very
j best of everything i:i the er-iccry lire is
religions bclf-U perplex ou, nnd
vou clfsire a faith at once reasonable nnd
j uplifting, RenU for free liberal rcliuiuns
, reading to poslotTice mission, 3j- Ya-n-
hiil'6treet, rortlar.d, Or.
Thousands of lives arc unvtd annun'lv bv
j the use of Aver'n Peclnral. In tlie tr atinent
i of croup and hooping co'igh, the IVctnral
. 0REC1 I ha '"Bt mnrvel-useffec. It allays in-J-
J mmatloii, frees thcobstructcdairpassge
: and contro's the deire to cough
" " -'" U'Imiij; rowusr
Most Perfect Alado. I
eir 1'rnlsr.
I Self pral,c Is r.o recommendation, hut
j there are not times when one must permit i
a ferson to fell the truth about himself I
When what he says is supported by the I
testimony of ethers no rcaonaMe "111.111 '
will doubt his wcrd. Now, tosariha'.
Alleock's 1'orous l'la.tcrs are the only
genuine Hid reliable porous planters maJe
is not self praise in thc s!ljhlesf degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
years, and in proof of their merits it is only
necessary "ocall attention to the cmes
fhev have effected and to the voluntary
testimonials of thone whs have used them. ol imi'alions, nnd do not be i'e
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask fir
Alleock's, n-d let no solicitation rr expla
nation indiirr you to accept a substitute.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Higher Medal and Diploma.
letter Lut.
Fodowirg is the liar of bttsrs ren.ainin
in the pot oTi a. A I v. Linn e mntv
Oregon, Diq ISth, IS93. Peraooi callios f t
mrc iwiieni mm. ffiv Clio l oo which
they were advertise.!.
Allen, Batev Hame?, Lenora K
Cm?on. A II Cooper, L II
lnniek. II A Innn. f V
Hannah, J Howell. C II
John, MrsLueinda M (.moto. Y
Schiemann. August Smith A .Tordean.
Pres. Wagon Koad Co.
Tho-. MoMrstni. P. M.
Alhavijr Harkel
0-j, 25.
I our, 14.90.
n:ier. 103
' Lnnl, V2 to Hr
Porte - ham 12 !o 15;
; fthouhirv-M in;
II to
Hay. tw.;"l f
atoe. 4
Arples . 4
a tried frill" -phi'it. 4,., ap'M
Cliirken. 0 nr ,! ijt-n
Beef n ft
Hojt dre 41,4
In la I Arriilmt,
I'kkdi.kton. Or, Drc 25. James P
Iiusbeo, of this city, Masonic grand lec
turer, who han been engaged iu oilieitil du
ties in tho Willamette valley for several
months past, while relurninir Louie ill's
morning on the east bound Union Pacific
train to iu&t Christ tiuis with liia family, in
fiomo unaccouniab'e nirtnner was thrown
fiom the gtepi of a chair car, striking on
hit head, killing hi-r. ins'anily. whilo the
train was just entering the city limits. It
was some hours aftoMhe accident that the
body was found. His supposed ice and
fros on thc platform caused him to slip,
hU hoitd tit ri king the ties and rails,
H4nnTtird Woa
Tacoma, Wafch. Dec 25. lioforfi a hoU
lay crowd numberini thoutsunds the
Viviend.i Club's football team met the
iramous eleven of the hdan 1 hitanford, on
he Klevontli-street "rounds. Those who
ittentled the game were well repaid, for
he local phi) era did much ho'der than
heir most nankin no friends bad expected,
loliliiig the very strong Stanford team
oown to less than 50 poii.ts, which, every
thing consMc"ed, was doing remarkably
vll. The hcoro was 41 to 0 in favor of
r, 'TUe Rich! Way.
San Fkan'cisco. Dec 25. -The Salvation
Armv here attempted todav to carrv
Cl.rihtmas cheer into San Francisco- dark
ost hornet and to gladden the li carts of
thtusand? iu the city ho have no homes
or shelter. In a former dive on (irant
awnue, recently transformed into a S.tlva
tienht station, table are now arranged to
seat 450 people. In this place over 8500
hunary men and women were given their
L'hrtbtmas dinner.
. y The SnugiiUi
Pobtland, i"ec25. Nut lilum, having
been released from- custody on 817.000
bonds imposed bv Judire IJeilinier on Sat
urday, will after a brief stay with his
family at 1a Grande, hie him direct to the
national capital, with tho avowd purpose
of inUrceiiinir, for J.u.-klinLf. liardiorne.
Sweeny and Ueitj (ant, incidentally, for
Imnseif) at the democratic throi.v' of poir
ical and judicial exac-J. i' !u? wilt
succeed In interviewing the j iesident nnd
Secretary Carlisle is not douliud here for n
moment ami tue outcome ot his nervy veu
ture will be watched with profound inter
Mulkey, who was convicted of conspir
acy tofmuLrgle Chinese, was lso a'lowed
to go home to spend Cliristnnn, and left
for Tacoma last niuht. Dunbar and Ban
non, thO other two co.ivh-ted, are in town,
V"l utrni iHjea tirn;s;ed imw tue- trial;
and are 'heir original bonds, hotan
and St-id i!ack, ns to the tony.e'ion of
whom thy jury disagreed, ere une'er the
same bonds .is before.
A Ilia Fire
an FitANcisco, Dlc25. At ll-.'AO thin)
morning a hro broke out in the block
j uuumieu uy iayt v.uiu.iMTCiai, OtU-touirj
I and IjcidcrdorIT streets and in a few min
utes one ot tlie bigtiesi hri's ot the jeax
w-i raging. Thc block was conuwsed of
sonic of the o'dev- brick bm'diniri in the
ci'y. It is now tstimattd that the damage
will reach half a million. Te principal
losses are: Valentine A: Co, printers, les
one hundred thounind; iiis-red for $J5,C00.
A (Mill l.nJ'Us
j T'le p'eapant tl iv;r. C'-'n''e acii'in an. I
j soj'hieg etfect o s.'i uo ot I''i-s, when in
i need of s laK-i'.ivc, snd if the f.i'ii?r or
! mother lie costive or blHrns, the most
gratlfin4 rc:,ulis follow it use ; so ,1a. it
lis thc best fanil'v known and
vet v 1 itnljv sin j LI I. ivc a "' 'l.
Wkduinq Invitations.
AVooden. Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day,
Yi-; t, V i J vs . ! i :i 1 iii?
fa"-?!tf for Mil'i:ij' in t!u t.itsj nt IVR
Orahain's.wlierr? be has a tailor w!;li few
equal on ban;! to nvike th? m up on s'mrt
nottee, Ge ,he bc and mu tyti-h
r-uits of hi 111. A new feitu- e '.iil t.i; Uie
n-.kinij of ladle' cloak to ordt?r, or the
al'erin of cni to the laeV s'vli', ar.d
Iu rjpiiriT or cloik. Fncr:-. .ir m.i.
torn ones.
Troved tt he thr ItrM.
Tested and proved bv over Ihirly yea"R
use In 11 parts of the world, Adrock's Prr
our platfrs have the Indorsement of tiic
blgttett niedlral an., clit-mical authorities
and millions of grateful pattVms who have
been cured of dltrcsinii aiimenis volun
tari y testify to their rrerits,
A I k-ock's Porous Planters are purely
vegetab'e. Thrv are mild but eflective,
stirc and quick In their actkM. and abso harm r.
Beware of Imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor
Allcf-cW. and let no sollcitailon or expla
nation Induce you to accent a substitute.
Awarded Highest
iii2 only l'urc Cream of Tartar
used m Millions of Homes
IIighe3S: of all ia Leavening
Our readers ilo iif,t need to be told what
llio Century Magazine, is. It is a great
work in any sense. Kor 18IU it will lie
greater than ever. 2000 pages of choice lit
erature with HKIO illnstru'ioiis. There will
lie n new novel by Mark Twain, important
exditioii3, liuiitiiig of fierce giiuie, nrtists
nilvcntures, tramping witli tramps, unpub
lished essays of lames ltusscll Lowell. etc.
Tlie St Nichoias is I he princoof ellihtren's
magazines, the best of all of them. A feat
ure of tlm 1SII4 nuinlier will be Tom Sawyer
Abroad by Murk Twain, a natural history
series, a serii-8 on American authors, stories
of India by liudyard Kipling, recollections
of wild life. paiers on the government and
some beautiful serial stories, as well us the
famous llrownies. ,
The price of the Century is 35 cents a
number, $4.00 a jear: of St Nicholas, S.J.0U
iiyenr. Any si bscrilier of tlie Demociiat
in good ttundinK mav secure the Century
for $3.50 or tlie St Nieh jlns for $2.50, bv
leaving the money at this office. W o will
do the rest.
"When your heart fs bad, and vour
head Is bad. and you are bad clean
through, what is needed?" asked a Sunday-school
teacher cf her class. know
Avur'i ISasaparilia,', spoke up a little
g!rl, whose moiher haii recently been re
stored to health bv that medicine. 1
No belter pieparation for the hair ha
ever Leen indented than Avcr's Hair
Vigor. It restores the original co'.or
faded and gray hair, and imparts that
natural g'cs and f j eshr.etfc, everyone s
muuh admires. Its rsputniion Is woild
Uhi.sii g the ((teat cr-ui;li i;d croup
cm-e, t3 Mr fw"e iy n. i rnrKr-t nze con'iainj
wonty-livtt doia,ouJy 25e. Children lovo it
obliav X Alarum.
Susi'-tNPED. Quong Sing & Cp Wy
nave pe-jn rtoiii uuMness for a long time in
this city have msjendeii, owinR, as they
say to the liara litre, and "biks no pav.
1 op CJit.p.iriy iney fay Hall broken up.
They hive been lidng buric in Albany
Vheat,5-3cts; oaf, ja; hav, $S baled ;
wood, $3 to $3.50, taken In exchange for
srwinf? machines or organs on hand at E
U W Ill's mulc store. Also on all book
accounts of 6 months standing. Sowing
machines from $25 to f 35, with my per
sonal guarantee for 5 i.
Whatever may be Uiij c.iue ot blanch
ing, the luir m-.v be restored to its oriil
nal color by the ue ot that potei t reim-dy
Halt':. Vegetable Sicilian Hair It-newer.
Slii'idi's Vit.i i nluit. vol need for
d''pt'itifc, urpid Hvf-r, vel'ow ilitn or kid
uov troub e. If, is vnxiiiVid 10 utv von
Pfhw Tri.i
'.by I'Vid.iv ft
tvniiy v. ike.ihii :uiitt r.;iit.
The man or woman who d is not i-up-part
thtiroun home paper can btr proper
ly c'ns-pd A "penny wide and pfurn! fool
isli.' It briti, f.r instance. 10 vour door
'ppoit"ntii for securing the bct bar
'jiiMio in evryth1ni. K yo 1 win', cm
ployniei.t, fien we nist vou. 'i "hat ie
mindt js th it t'- ari-ertUpin:.nt o? K F
obnson S; t. Kichtnond, Vn, in nun her
1j mil mav prove of real lireret and
value to von.
A Ciikjd ri-AN. ft U a Rood plan to
mbfCfibe f r and re.ij careful'y your own
home rnpef. as it is the aim ot ibis pajer
10 make ita;i dncait f ic or In the
commnnif. Bcnidc iha. if ou are out
of job, or w Uh to lr.crea.- jour Income,
then here i ihe o find if. In in
otiir colmrn you will ird an advertise
men of B K Jobnon A Co, of Klcbnior d,
V.i, for worrrs, tht may Interest cu.
Olives li
tickles, cho
flaked l.otiii'
Hti!k, saner kraut, mixed
rhow, cranberries, lemons,
v. and n.'w raisin at C E
Pa roniit
.-elf rrted w
by la'ius do
"tme trdoary by nnl.ft tie
m lhir oira, mm.nftctarsd
On 5ma.. dlte iuai rerr niyl.t fora
tOKksnrtiae1.i: .lvert. jc. jut hottk-
Honors World's Fair.
a Kin
Vowiler. Xo Anitnoti-a; lo Aiuu,
40 Yc- 'V.- 9
Power. Latest V. S. Gov't Report
Filler Bros, grocers.
F. M. French keeps railroad time
Buy your groceries of Parker Bros
Fiaegro3.ric! at Conn's.
New cream cheese just received at Conrad
P J Smiley jcb printer, Flinn Block, does
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled I! oent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Or M II Eilis, nhysicnn and surgeon
Albany, Orsj.ia. CMIs ma It la cit or
For pliy's sake, don't growland grurtb'e
because you are troubled with indigestion.
No good was ever effected by snarling and
fietling. Be a man (unless you happen to
be a woman), and take Ayer's Sarsparilla,
which will relieve you, whether man or
i.ild Timo
of treating
Colds and
Coughs were
based on the
idea of sup-
iresslcn. We
n o w know
tiir.t "feeding a
zo)d" is good doctrine,
J '
c f cod-liver oil with hypo
phosphites, a rich fat-food. . -
cough when ordinary medi
cines have failed. Pleasant
to lake; easy to digest.
l.COper DottleC'
One ceut u dosa,
Tmfl t.nBAr Cornrt cuicb pioraptly cures
whcio all o'.liers fail. Coughs, Croup, Sora
Throat, Hoarseness, v.'hooyinc Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival:
has cured thousands, p.ii'l will CL'nn Too If
ta.!euln t'mc. tioM by Dnnrgls's on a guar
nnteo. n Lsmo Jmck or clirst, use
ji.itciui 111 ,-rn j in r.-mi ilr iseuiimn.
teed to cuie mu. l'ricc.CJe. Ju.'cctui-lree,
Caslf.. vniu'.'i.
Pcraantai:f Ktcrzd.
DEuii 17 V.
wi rrj .t iv run f r
f'.CVvt pil-Cl.t kit .
i;ivi n iwtfitrjri fi-ji
fftl!"!l f t . 1
f-'rip'-. n-ittin h ?
lt-i-'. :-rTiir'r
' ti. V time h; h
i'.'fl rrffTructn. 1
rxi.lati;'f..-i n j. ;sul-'; it-,
ir : Yor i.ant
or siiv lpd ! j r.Tr.1, li,,-,'.
..r V.
' hlcle. ca! on or air.
0. F. EKP
'O. - AOL B Ml "IB
1801 o?IEi